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Discrete Analyzers In The Environmental Laboratory - Pipet Tips With Filter

_____________________________________________________________________________________ By John -

Think of your old manual Spectronic 20, or your direct reading spectrophotometer that you use in your lab. You line up your samples in a row. In front of them, you place some small sample cups or maybe even a series of cuvettes, and you pipette a known amount of sample into each cup. You then add a reagent and somehow mix the reagent and sample. You do this for each sample. You may have more reagents to add so you repeat the whole process until all reagents are added. Then you start a timer. When the timer beeps you know you have a certain "time window" to read the absorbance (or concentration) of your samples. To Learn About Pipet Tips With Filter The analyzer has automated almost all the simple colorimetric methods for you. Sample volume is measured and dispensed exactly the same way, every time. Reagents are added and mixed exactly the same way every time. The timer is set and absorbance is measured exactly the same way every time.

Is there color or turbidity in the samples? Should you zero your instrument with each sample, or only with reagent water blanks.The process described is what you are automating by using a discrete analyzer. Instead of lining up samples, you are pouring aliquots into sample cups that are placed on an auto sampler tray. Instead of transferring a known amount of sample to a cuvette, the discrete analyzer does. Instead of adding reagents and mixing, the discrete analyzer does. Instead of starting a timer, the discrete analyzer does. Instead of reading the absorbance, recording the reading, and calculating a result the discrete analyzer does.

The discrete analyzer pipettes, dilutes, adds reagents, mixes, calibrates, measures, calculates, and reports all for you. You select a method by keyboard. There is no hardware to manually change, no cartridge to rinse out, no baselines to monitor. go. It cannot make sure you've entered the proper sample ID for each sample position, however, it can guarantee that the result obtained for that sample position is traceable to the ID you entered. It cannot know the sample lot ID for each standard or reagent, but if you enter those ID's into the software, it can guarantee traceability of those reagents with your sample sets.

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