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Ethical issues of M-Commerce Jagteshwar Singh Bedi Department of Computer Science & Engineering Guru Nanak Dev University

Amritsar, India ABSTRACT There has been a great and tremendous advancement in wireless technology in last few years. Apart from E-Commerce a new technology M-Commerce is emerging and advanced technology changing the whole phenomena of business. Ethics is used in broad context in this paper to discuss some of the major ethical influences hinder the growth of M-Commerce. Secure technological and communication advancement, Globalization, Decline of government control, Security issues regarding data encryption, Active Customer Demand. Technology and communication promotes the growth of m-commerce with the increasing variety of new devices, while globalization increases the volatility of stock markets on telecommunication corporations worldwide. Ethically, m-commerce helps increase the harmony between different countries for present and future generations but it also leads to the information disclosure of customers information as much work has to be done on this side for securing the privacy of customers details from others as the main mode of payment is possibly with Internet credit card which is currently used in e-commerce, or will another method of payment be created especially for mobile commerce. Increasing business and private telecommunication companies the enforcement of protocols have been a cumbersome task for the government as data encryption, protection of the wireless connection from unauthorized access, hackers, viruses, etc. concern customers as well as businesses. With so much information on the user available to the network operator, companies can purchase information about ones whereabouts, and track their comings and goings, which leased to breach privacy. Questions arise as to whether privacy laws will be revised to include the newest creations in field of wireless communication domestically and internationally with potential hackers; users of mobile browsers are at risk for identity theft, fraud, stalkers, etc. KEYWORDS Mobile Commerce, Ethics, Globalization, Secure Communication Aseem Khanna Department of Computer Science P.T.M Arya College Nurmahal, India

INTRODUCTION Mobile commerce also known by the name M-Commerce can be understood as a business technique that allows a consumer to complete all commercial transaction using a mobile phone or personal digital assistant (PDA) rather than by going on accessing there laptops and PCs in eshopping or making long voice calls to a store . Still transactions involving the purchase of physical goods, such as books, that are delivered off line are still considered as mobile commerce. Technology experts expect that by 2020 mobile wireless communications 4 are expected to be available to anyone anywhere on the globe at low cost. However, it is critical to create and maintain consumer satisfaction and trust and reduce risks for consumers. Developments are growing fast in mobile handset technology and use of mobile devices by consumers have made the mobile commerce market more consumeroriented, globalize and device-dependent. As a result, consumers can gather the benefits of their handsets or other mobile devices at any time, anywhere. However, mobile commerce also raises some serious consumer security issues such as information disclosure of customers information as much work has to be done on this side for securing the privacy of customers details. Other policy issues like secure payment gateway and the limited information available on screens, decline of government control on m-commerce service providers. Furthermore, the high use of mobile devices among minors may create serious risks of over-consumption and access to inappropriate content. Its highly recommended that to develop a healthy mobile commerce market, consumer policy makers and businesses need to sponsor its advantages while reducing the risk of probable disadvantages. As the new policies made by government for advancement of there countries private sector companies are making good on world m-commerce market. The government is under a high pressure to transfer the control of resources and social assets to private sectors. According to website

chart shows statistics that US m-commerce business will increase in a

tremendous manner by which sales will increase 6 times more from the sales figures of 2010 to 2015. Now for the increase in business of m-commerce more work has to be done on the payment mode and a clear environment must be made so that the consumers can freely work with there handsets

Social, Ethical, Legal Perspective of Mobile Commerce The social perspective at the back of m-commerce indicates that social media marketing and how consumers communicate affect commerce. Ethically, mobile commerce has many issues like customer service is the largest ethical issue mcommerce is facing. The service provider companies provide services but have no filters on the promotional messages, new offers voice calls etc. This leads to less use of m-commerce. Mobile commerce also gives rise to some legal challenges. One legal issue arises when a person uses his/her mobile or PDA to submit or confirm a purchase order or when a seller sells good and services through gateways allocated to receive requests from wireless device via specific network providers, the resulting interrelationship between the various parties. 1 Regarding this aspect, legal concerns include the nature of the relationship and how they should be regulated, and by whom. Another legal concern are the various forms of m-commerce contracts, and the ability to identify the contracting persons, their legal capacity to contract, when the contract will be formed and how it can be proved. Crime is one of the largest legal issues because hackers can hack mobiles through Bluetooth and much private information could be filch from consumers handsets or disrupt wireless network traffic by overloading the network with information and phone messages. The disturbance of the wireless network leads to mobile devices infected with viruses and the lose of useful information stored on them. The concern is how existing criminal laws will judge these type new crimes and how the penalties will be enforced. The next legal challenge is how payments will be conducted for purchases made via mobile web. As

the best solution was the credit cards numbers which are used in e-commerce. To trace these transactions it would be very tough to check from where and by which device transaction has been made. One more issue is related with the security issues regarding data encryption, protection of the wireless connection from unauthorized access, hackers, viruses, etc. are concerned with customers as well as businesses. Today so much information on the user available to the network operator, companies can purchase information about ones location, and track their comings and goings, which leased to violation of privacy. Customers demand also effect the m-commerce implementation because wireless technology consumers remain unconvinced about the wireless Web and user have lack of concern towards wireless data services is believed to be one of the main factors delaying m-commerce implementation. Conclusion Despite of tremendous advancement in the handsets and telecommunication sector mcommerce needed to be developed more as different perspective show us the difficulties which will effect in the wide implementation of m-commerce so we cannot simply transform the e-commerce to m-commerce its limitation must also be kept in mind and some rectifications and advancement must be done to increase the safe use of our handsets in commerce which make commerce to m-commerce. References Driving force for M-commerce success by Jason J. Zhang, Yufei Yuan, and Norm Archer ,Michael G. DeGroote School of Business,McMaster University,Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Mobile Money Transfer in Kenya:An Ethical Perspective Donatus Mathenge Githui (corresponding author) School of Business, Kimathi University College of Technology Kenya Mobile Payments in the United States Mapping Out the Road Ahead Darin Contini and Marianne Crowe, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, Directorate For Science, Technology And Industry Committee On Consumer Policy Mobile Commerce Jt03220432 Mobile Banking As Business Strategy: Impact Of Mobile Technologies On Customer

Behaviour And Its Implications For Banks Rajnish Tiwari Stephan Buse Cornelius Herstatt January 2006, Working Paper No. 37

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