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: 1/7, Ram Kishore Road, Civil Lines, Delhi - 110 054 Corporate Off. : QRG Towers, 2D, Sector - 126, Expressway, Noida - 201 304 Tel. # 0120-4771000; Fax # 0120-4772000, Email: AUDITED FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2010 ( crores) S.N. Particulars Year Ended 31-Mar-10 (Audited) 1 2 a) Net Sales/Income from Operations b) Other Operating Income Total Income Expenditure a. (Increase)/Decrease in Stock in trade & WIP b. Consumption of raw materials c. Purchase of Traded Goods d. Employees Cost e. Depreciation f. Other expenditure g. Total Profit from Operations before other Income, Interest & Exceptional Items (1- 2) Other Income Profit before Interest & Exceptional Items (3+4) Interest Profit after Interest but before Exceptional Items (5-6) Exceptional Items Profit (+)/ Loss(-) from Ordinary Activities before tax (7-8) Tax Expenses -Income Tax/ Fringe Benefit Tax -Deferred Tax -Wealth Tax Total tax expenses Net Profit (+)/ Loss(-) from Ordinary Activities after tax (9-10) Share of Minority interest Extraordinary Items (net of tax expenses) Net Profit (+)/ Loss(-) for the Year (11-12-13) Paid up Equity Share Capital (Face value of Rs.5/- each) Reserves excluding revaluation reserves as per balance sheet of previous year Earning Per Share (EPS) in Rupees a) Basic and Diluted EPS before Extraordinary items for the period, for the year to date and for the previous year ( not to be annualized) b) Basic and Diluted EPS after Extraordinary items for the period, 2473.52 13.64 2487.16 (75.99) 1307.74 189.23 75.58 23.27 671.48 2191.31 295.85 0.89 296.74 6.43 290.31 290.31 49.75 12.35 0.05 62.15 228.16 228.16 31.19 1,104.00 36.57 36.57 (Standalone) 31-Mar-09 (Audited) 2198.36 6.40 2204.76 173.76 1074.07 123.21 85.96 17.86 544.45 2019.31 185.45 1.16 186.61 19.34 167.27 167.27 20.90 1.07 0.07 22.04 145.23 145.23 30.08 901.83 24.93 24.93 Year Ended 31-Mar-10 (Audited) 5431.53 20.61 5452.14 (1.80) 1859.77 1000.70 760.20 83.69 1501.25 5203.81 248.33 1.56 249.89 87.11 162.78 162.78 60.02 33.11 0.05 93.18 69.60 0.04 69.56 31.19 369.02 11.15 11.15 (Consolidated) 31-Mar-09 (Audited) 5477.49 6.59 5484.08 193.69 1868.78 906.86 845.23 90.50 1391.18 5296.24 187.84 2.02 189.86 108.38 81.48 198.69 (117.21) 43.44 (0.60) 0.07 42.91 (160.12) 0.04 (160.16) 30.08 582.07 (27.49) (27.49) Balance Sheet Particulars S.N.Particulars

HAVELLS INDIA LIMITED Regd. Off. : 1/7, Ram Kishore Road, Civil Lines, Delhi - 110 054 Corporate Off. : QRG Towers, 2D, Sector - 126, Expressway, Noida - 201 304 Tel. # 0120-4771000; Fax # 0120-4772000, Email: SEGMENTWISE REVENUE, RESULTS AND CAPITAL EMPLOYED ( crores) Year Ended 31-Mar-10 (Audited) 1 Net Segment Revenue a) Switchgears b) Cable and Wires c) Lighting & Fixtures d) Electrical Consumer Durables e) Others Total Less : Inter Segment Revenue Sales/ Income from Operations 2 Segment Results (Profit(+)/ Loss(-) before Tax and Interest from each Segment) a) Switchgears b) Cable and Wires c) Lighting & Fixtures d) Electrical Consumer Durables e) Others Total Less : (i) Interest (ii) Other un-allocable expenses net of un-allocable income Total Profit before Tax 3 Capital Employed (Segment Assets - Segment Liabilities) a) Switchgears b) Cable and Wires c) Lighting & Fixtures d) Electrical Consumer Durables e) Others Total 703.53 1010.53 366.73 359.45 33.28 2473.52 2473.52 (Standalone) 31-Mar-09 (Audited) 607.74 991.12 276.80 277.02 45.68 2198.36 2198.36 Year Ended 31-Mar-10 (Audited) 781.34 1010.53 3246.99 359.45 33.22 5431.53 5431.53 (Consolidated) 31-Mar-09 (Audited) 607.74 991.12 3555.93 277.02 45.68 5477.49 5477.49

261.13 88.76 70.54 101.94 6.75 529.12 6.43 232.38

203.07 62.95 51.89 59.29 8.52 385.72 19.34 199.11

296.75 89.78 668.75 101.98 6.75 1164.01 87.11 914.12

203.07 62.95 764.81 59.29 8.52 1098.64 108.38 1107.47

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10





11 12 13 14 15 16 17

261.67 223.57 151.04 73.78 567.96 1278.02

232.62 86.53 96.01 41.38 562.71 1019.25

302.32 223.63 857.37 73.78 36.29 1493.39

232.62 86.53 1297.42 41.38 174.84 1832.79

for the year to date and for the previous year ( not to be 18 annualized) Public Shareholding - Number of Shares - Percentage of shareholding 19 Promoters and Promoter Group Shareholding a) Pledged/Encumbered - Number of shares - Percentage of shares (as a % of the total shareholding of promoter and promoter group) - Percentage of shares (as a % of the total share capital of the company) b) Non - encumbered - Number of shares - Percentage of shares (as a % of the total shareholding of the promoter and promoter group) - Percentage of shares (as a % of the total share capital of the company)

23980980 39.86

23980980 39.86

23980980 39.86

23980980 39.86

Year Ended 31-Mar-10 (Audited) 31.19 1104.00 1135.19 115.81 27.04 1278.04 601.23 531.71 330.65 79.47 68.31 9.76 73.06 561.25 396.03 20.14 145.08 0.02 1278.04

(Standalone) 31-Mar-09 (Audited) 30.08 901.83 931.91 2.42 70.28 14.69 1019.30 465.48 387.87 207.53 86.74 157.37 7.94 73.64 533.22 347.37 19.95 165.90 0.05 1019.30

Year Ended 31-Mar-10 (Audited) 31.19 369.02 0.20 400.41 1066.36 26.64 1493.41 920.97 321.20 824.59 698.22 148.14 10.15 157.75 1838.85 1555.52 32.11 251.22 0.02 1493.41

(Consolidated) 31-Mar-09 (Audited) 30.08 582.07 0.16 612.31 2.42 1227.83 (9.72) 1832.84 884.18 357.90 794.74 757.34 247.33 7.94 214.12 2021.47 1393.43 37.33 590.71 0.05 1832.84





Shareholder's Funds (a) Share Capital (b) Reserve and Surplus (c) Minority Interest Equity warrants issued and subscribed Loan Funds Deferred Income Tax (net) Total Fixed Assets Investments Current Assets, Loans and Advances (a) Inventories (b) Sundry Debtors (c) Cash and Bank balance (d) Other current assets (e) Loans and Advances Less: Current Liabilities and Provisions (a) Liabilities (b) Provisions Net Current Assets Miscellaneous Expenditure Total









100.00 60.14

100.00 60.14

100.00 60.14

100.00 60.14

Notes: 1 The Auditors, in their audit report have mentioned regarding diminution in the value of Company's long term investments of Rs.531.40 crores in foreign subsidiary companies (Sylvania). These subsidiary companies had registered losses during the year and previous financial year due to economic slow-down and restructuring costs. The Auditors have relied upon the management representation that diminution in value of the said investments is temporary in nature and thus does not require any provision. 2 Hon'ble High Court of Delhi vide its order dated August 19, 2010 approved a Scheme of Aarrangement involving (i) acquisition of the electrical business of Standard Electricals Limited, a company under the same management through a 100% subsidiary of the Company. (ii) creating a Business Reconstruction Reserve from the balance available in the Securities Premium Account to be utilized for adjusting exceptional costs such as impairement, severance, restructuring and integration cost incurred/to be incurred by company and its foreign subsdiaries(Sylvania). Necessary effect has been given in the accounts in respect of the said scheme. 3 The Board of Directors recommended final dividend @ Rs. 2.50 per equity share of Rs. 5/- each for the financial year 2009-10. This would result in appropriation of Rs. 18.25 crores (including Corporate Dividend Tax of Rs.2.65 crores) out of the profits. 4 The figures of previous year/ period have been regrouped and adjusted wherever required. 5 The above results including the consolidated results of the subsidiary companies were reviewed by the Audit Committee and taken on record in the meeting of the Board of Directors held on August 27, 2010

For & on behalf of the Board Havells India Limited

NOIDA, August 27, 2010

Qimat Rai Gupta Chairman & Managing Director

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