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3rd Lecture

7th October 2013

American Revolution for Independence:


Thomas Paine the little atheist started this movement Thomas Jefferson chosen to write the draft of Declaration of Independence Benjamin Franklin suggestions to Declaration of Independence (e.g. freedom to
slaves, his suggestions were rejected)

Thomas Jefferson (*1743)


agrarian aristocrat he inherited large Virginian fortune (huge plantation) and owned
slaves; he farmed 1000s of acres, built the most beautiful plantation in America. After death he left his slaves to his children

Studied law Versatile personality Third U.S. president elected for 2 times (the first president was George Washington, second John Adams) First president to be inaugurated in Washington D.C. First secretary of state, minister to France (succeeded B. Franklin) Together with B. Franklin signed the Treaty of Paris which ended revolutionary war Purchased Louisiana from France Congressman for Virginia He was also an architect designed the capital of Virginia, his seat Monticello (in Virginia) and the first original university in Virginia 3 achievements he wanted to be remembered for: 1. drafting the Declaration of Independence 2. drafting the statue of Virginia for religious freedom 3. founding the University of Virginia Introduced rotating the crops (trojpon systm) Built a sawmill Published observations on the whale fishery Envisioned ideal society Yeomanry Preferred individual freedom to government interference He was against slavery but he himself had slaves

Letter writer ideas on the democracy and society He wanted to free the human mind from the tyranny Art collector, statue collector one of the greatest patrons of art from his time Book collection he donated his book collection to the Congress and it is the basis of the library of Congress Inventor invented classification table (suggested that books can be organized), five sided rotating walnut bookstand First daring pamphlet A summary of the Rights of British America base to the Declaration of Independence; grievances/accusations against the King (WHAT GRIEVANCES? prepare for the seminar); denies the parliamentary authority of Great Britain over the colonies

Wrote also Notes on the state of Virginia in the form of questions and answers

Declaration of Independence Copied by other colonies, became the basis of the Bill of Rights The moral code of the American society 4th July 1776 13 colonies proclaimed independence; the term United States of

America was used for the first time

2nd part of Declaration of Independence rights of USA as any other country Signed in Philadelphia

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