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Comm|ss|on|ng Independent Menta|

nea|th Advocacy (IMnA) serv|ces:

What does good |ook ||ke?

ln 2010 Lhe ueparLmenL of PealLh commlssloned uCLan Lo underLake a revlew
of Lhe quallLy of lMPA servlces ln Lngland. 1he revlew found LhaL whllsL
lMPAs are valued by servlce users Lhere are gaps ln provlslon. LasL year
commlsslonlng responslblllLy moved from C1s Lo local auLhorlues presenung
new opporLunlues Lo lmprove Lhe way lMPA servlces are commlssloned,
dellvered and monlLored.

1he lMPA lmplemenLauon pro[ecL funded by uP ls worklng wlLh
commlssloners and oLher sLakeholders Lo enhance besL pracuce and develop
Lools wlLh SClL Lo help. ?ou are now lnvlLed Lo a cumng edge semlnar,
sponsored by Lhe uP, wlLh Lhe prlmary alm of lmprovlng Lhe commlsslonlng of
lMPA servlces, and Lherefore Lhe quallLy of menLal healLh advocacy Lo people
under Lhe MenLal PealLh AcL.

Ieb 19
10.00 - 4.00
NCVC, Soc|ety 8u||d|ng, 8 A|| Sa|nts Street, London N1 9kL

?ou should auend Lhls lf you wanL Lo:
- undersLand key ndlngs from Lhe 8lghL 1o 8e Peard (818P) research
- uevelop quallLy Lhrough a process of co-producuon
- Learn abouL Lhe beneLs of oerlng opL ouL lMPA provlslon
- ulscover how Lo lncrease referrals whllsL savlng money
- lnuence whaL Lools and producLs Lhls pro[ecL wlll creaLe

We are parncu|ar|y |nterested |n hear|ng from IMnA comm|ss|oners but
wou|d ||ke to |nv|te serv|ce users and serv|ce user groups and profess|ona|s
from menta| hea|th serv|ces who work a|ongs|de IMnAs.
Speakers and presentanons
Anne McDona|d, Deputy D|rector, Armed Iorces and Cender nea|th and
Menta| nea|th Leg|s|anon, Department of nea|th
About the IMnA |mp|ementanon pro[ect. ur !ulle 8ldley, 8eader, School of
Soclal Work, uclan

Comm|ss|on|ng eecnve IMnA serv|ces: turn|ng research |nto pracnce.
ur karen newblgglng, Senlor LecLurer, unlverslLy of 8lrmlngham
Invo|v|ng Serv|ce Users w|th|n Comm|ss|on|ng rocesses: now to make |t
work co-producnve|y
Laura Able (ex servlce user) and eLe llelschmann (Pead of Co-producuon,
Second presenLauon: Susan Mlller Commlssloner, newham
Comm|ss|on|ng who|e system advocacy: how to |ncrease referra|s wh||st
sav|ng money and |mprov|ng va|ue
Angela Lssllnger, SLraLeglc CusLomer CuallLy Manager, Lancashlre CounLy

Croup roundLable dlscusslons wlll follow each maln Lalk glvlng paruclpanLs
opporLunlLy Lo fully explore Lhe lssues ralsed,

Chalred by Lord Mlchael 8lchard, SClL Chalr and !une Sadd, eer 8esearcher

lree Lo auend, lunch lncluded.

lor more lnformauon abouL Lhe day, or Lo book onllne, please see or conLacL
kaLe.Mercer[ on 07876 138 276

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