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You are on page 1of 3 updates 1) Added support for TWS and TDWC (and TIP) 8.

6 2) Changed directory structure of datagather: Under the main directory named TWS_<YYYYmmdd_HHMM>: autopdzip: Directory containing files with PMR stamp information datagather_summary.log: File with summary of script execution dynamic_agent: Directory containing information specific to a dynamic agent (teb , cit, ITA and JobManager logs.) event_info: Directory containing event management config files and trace files install_logs: Directory containing all installation logs found. system_info: Directory with hosts, nslookup, nsswitch, services, libs, memory.ou t, ulimit, env etc. TWA_instances_list: File with TWS and TDWC instance information for the machine in question. TWA_ports_list: File with all TWS and TDWC ports for instances for the machine i n question. TWS_Engine: Directory with conman output, composer output, msg files, plan files , schedlog files, file lists etc. tws_logs: Directory with TWS logs from 2 days. Includes traces, logs, and joblog s for the target date from stdlist tws_registry_info: Directory with /etc/TWA, /etc/TWS/TWSRegistry.dat and, if exe cuted by root, wdlssp output. was_info: Directory with TWS and/or TDWC WebSphere config files, lists, logs and TIP datagather if TDWC 8.6 4) Added -twsdir flag that allows the TWS or TDWC directory to be specified in t he event registry files are missing or cannot be read. 2/8/2013 - Resolved 3 issues: r3batch PL hang; host IP parse; tar symbolic link length issue. 2/12/2013 - Resolved ORIG_SYNTAX missing issue. Replaced "set_default_vars" with "set_default_vars $*" tws_inst_pull_info_v3_6 Updates: 1) New options: UNIX Required Flags: -twsuser <tws_user> Specify the userid for which TWS or TDWC was installed. Run as root to gather wastools/show* output and certain system information. If exe cuted by a user that is not in the TWS Security file then some information will not be gathered. -twsver <8.x.x>

Specify one of the following 3 digit versions: 8.2.0, 8.2.1, 8.3.0, 8.4. 0, 8.5.0, 8.5.1. Tests are performed to discover the version associated with th e -twsuser. UNIX Optional flags: -date <yyyymmdd> To capture TWS files and logs from yyyymmdd and the day prior. If not s pecified, files from today and yesterday will be gathered. -outdir <path> Output writes to /tmp/tws_info by default. Specify the full path of an existing directory to use a different base. The executing user must have write access to the directory specified. This removes the necessity to hard code an a lternate log_dir_base value. -nodbdefs To prevent composer create actions. Use this if TWS object definitions are not needed. This flag removes the need to hard code a change to the extract_ db_defs setting in the script. -nowas To prevent WebSphere files and logs from being gathered. -db2support To gather db2 trace information. If the TWS instance is an MDM or BKM a nd the RDBMS vendor is DB2 then the db2support command is executed and the db2su file is written to the db2_oracle_info directory. -debug To give verbose output. Redirect the output using: > file.out 2>&1 2) Directories have been created for gathered data (see below). db2_oracle_info ssm_info system_info tws_info tws_install_logs tws_logs tws_methods tws_msg_files was_info 3) Additional WAS files are pulled /<PROFILE>/config/cells/DefaultNode pt will determine if TWS version is c files and logs for the respective including all files under <WASHome>/profiles and <WASHome>/profiles/<PROFILE>/logs. Scri 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, or 8.5.1 and pull WAS specifi version.

4) A standalone TDWC instance detected and WAS files for TDWC instances are gat hered. 5) All installation files and directories found in /tmp and /tmp/TWA will be ga thered. 6) Space check is performed prior to copying files 7) Space check is performed to confirm that sufficient space exists to ceate a tar file from the data gathered. 8) Gather more system information including OS levels and installed packages

9) Event rule definitions will be gathered 10) <TWS_HOME>/ssm files are gathered to troubleshoot event monitor issues 11) /etc/TWA files are gathered. 12) Recursive list of /usr/Tivoli/TWS

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