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Palm Oil Tropical rainforests are these type of ecosystem that is unique in each place that exists, the

tropical rainforests are the best and most interesting ecosystem for me. The rainforests in a real definition are forests of tall trees that has a whole year of hotness. They also have an average of 50 to 260 inches of rain falls every year! The temperatures of these marvellous ecosystems are rarely getting higher than 34 C or they are also unusually dropping below the 20 C, the average humidity is between 77 and 88%. These climate has sometimes a brief season of less rain, the most part of the rainforest in the world lie near our country, the Equator. Rainforest now are covering just about 6 percent of our whole land surface. The scientist assume that the tropical rainforest keep more than half of all the world's plants and animal species. These ecosystems produce 40% of Earth's oxygen, without them our planet will surely would not be the same. In this areas there are about 100 to 300 species of trees in one hectare ( 70 percent of this plants are trees that gives us oxygen). More than 1,400 varieties of tropical plants can be for curing the cancer, as well in this areas of the world there are the Quinine products and lots more curative products that come from here. Fifty seven percent of all tropical rainforests are found in Latin America, the other third are found in Brazil, another 25 percent are found in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands, at last the 13 percent are found in West Africa. Here is a map, in green the Tropical Rainforests:

The rainforests are being destroyed at a very very fast rate, scientist predict that if we continue like this, half of the presents rainforests will disappear by 2025! And even worst the entire rainforest will disappear. People calculated that every second people destroy twice the size of a football field!Every minute it is destroyed an area 29 times the size of the Pentagon! Every hour it is destroyed an area 684 times larger than the New Orleans Superdome! Every day it is destroyed an area larger than all five boroughs of New York City! Every week it is destroyed an area twice the size of Rhode Island! Every month it is destroyed an area the size of Belize! Every year it is destroyed an area more than twice the size of Florida! As you can see we are destroying a beautiful environment but not just these, we are also creating a disaster for the animals that live in there, most

important we are destroying the lungs of the world. "with the destruction of the tropical rainforests, over half the plant and animal species on earth, as well as numerous indigenous cultures will disappear forever". 1 With all of these facts we know now, we need to know that we need to take care of our animals and lungs we could say. Well, now we are talking about what is the importance for us about these ecosystems, for many people they think just about a jungle, for other people is a place where there are lots of animals and trees but for another part of the people the rainforests are a source of money, why? In the rainforest first they are thousands of trees and the companies that make paper, furniture are deforestating the forest but now we are talking about another kind of job: Palm Oil. Palm Oil is an eatable vegetable oil that is extracted from the mesocarp ( a fruit that is better called reddish pulp). This vegetable oil is extracted primarily the African oil palm Elais guineensis and a less extent from the American oil palm Elaeis oleifera and the maripa palm Attalea maripa. Palm Oil is the 50 percent of package products in your supermarket, it is used in lots of products like : Kit Kat, Dove soap, Rits, Gillette shaving products, Apple Granola Bars, Starburst, Skittles, Nestle Chocolate products, Mars Chocolate products,Chips Ahoy,Oreo cookies,Nivea Original,Vaseline,Thin Crust Pizza,Johnson's bedtime lotion, biodiesel and like this I can list you hundreds more products, so the demand is growing up by lots of figures every day. It is produced in parts like Indonesia or Malaysia, these types of trees grow in the Tropical Rainforest but in a very little way, so people like farmers collect the fruit from the trees that have it but because the demand of this product is so high, producers and companies that use palm oil in their products do not have the right amount of the product with just the fruits collected in the trees and because of these, the deforestation starts. The companies start to burn or cut the trees for getting and planting palm oil trees. But apart from destroying the the trees we destroy the ecosystem for an amazing animal that 10 years ago was free and without dangers, the orangutan. This has been caused primarily by human activity. The Orangutan is now in danger because of how is the forest burned and how trees are cutted down because of palm oil, how they are hunted by some tribes but also because of deforestation. Palm Oil is now increasing in an extremely way. Once planted, the tropical tree can produce fruit for more than 30 years, by making thousands of poor rural people getting a job. Indonesia is now leading on global market demands because of the palm oil for cooking, cosmetics, and biofuel. Indonesia palm oil benefited strongly from the 2008 food crisis, as the price of this palm oil rose above $1,000 a ton last spring. It then dropped 56 percent in value by year's end, the price has since settled at around $555 a ton as of last month. People from Indonesia saidbefore palm oil, I did not had even money to buy food for myself nor my childrens had to work but after it, I can live a good

and normal life, I am very happy for this. Companies of cosmetics and food are growing up and with them the demand of the palm oil product. The demands of this palm oil product are always getting higher and the figures are very dramatically high. Indonesia is the world's largest producer of Palm Oil but also Indonesia emits more greenhouse gases than any country besides China and the United States! We could say that companies are killing the lungs of the planet for money or power. In Indonesia, people were poor, they did not had conditions to live but also they did not like the way the rich people treated them but now with the production of the Palm Oil product these is almost getting eradicated. But is human work compared with something that can not be reversible such as the amazing tropical rainforest? People that live in Indonesia and also people that are owners of industries that give the palm oil product to other industries think that this is a good change not for animals but for us yes it is, but there is the other people that think in a better way and can say that Palm Oil production even though they do produce work and make money they are very bad for the environment and they are really hurting the only home we have, people can maybe get another jobs or work in another thing but orangutans can not live in another ecosystems or survive without their population. The Orangutans are in danger of extinction because of human hands and if we continue like this not just Orangutans are getting extinct but also other species are. The situation now in 2014 is lots of people with jobs and very happy but hundreds of the only Orangutans dying. The Palm Oil producent has two faces, the first one: what effect is having destruction on people? In reality the people in Indonesia are having a better life than before even though they have to work more they win money and they can feed their children and stop children abuse by not making them work and putting them in schools, with these making their children and the people happy. But in the other face, what effect is these having to the environment? The environment is suffering so much that nobody will or would repair these, the carbon dioxide emissions are contributing with global warming and apart that they are killing animals and plants the fires are also contributing to global warming. The deforestation is another problem, without the rainforests that produce 40 percent of the whole oxygen in the planet, what we will do? We will need to use masks for breathing better and the children of our children will enter to a catastrophic world, so now that we have the chance to not to support deforestation and not to kill hundreds of trees every day we can take that chance. Orangutans will get extinct if we do not take care of them and not kill the forest or even the planet. These species have been in our planet for hundreds of years and they had never been in danger of extinction but the codice and the wanted power of people are killing them. If we continue like this, scientist predicted that Orangutans will just be around for just 10 or 12 more years. Conservation, that word can summarize the change, the solution, the things that

everybody the companies, the people and everyone can do to save the ecosystem and the planet itself could be. Conservation means that means to preserve the resources (biotic or abiotic or living or non-living factors of environment)as they are . Conservation is the growth and the development of natural resources too. Conservation is the capacity to preserve natural resources without exploding them but at the same time with human benefits.The idea of preservation or develop is not longer correct, now we have to accomplish the goal of mixing each other; conservation and development is the new way of economical growth. The idea of changing the world can be just in not to just make your contribution but maybe most of making a change for the planet. Well with these conservation idea we can now know what is the price if we do not fight for this idea, the Tropical Rainforests and the forests are a very important part for our world because they are the ones that convert oxygen into breathable oxygen and without trees the planet we live on will not be habitable. Also trees are the ones that make the landscape of our world but also they take care of the thousands of animals and plants that live in our planet and without these forests we could not have animals and without animals we could not eat meat! Sustainability means that you will have enough of something for the future. Environmental sustainability is development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Without sustainability we could not live in a good way because we would not know how the future will be and how it will be for our kids or the kids of our kids. If we want to have sustainability we need to find ways to take care of the forest by taking out the palm oil product like we could take out all the palm oil product that already exists and trying to see some land that is not with another trees and planting palm oil trees, with these we do not destroy the forest and we can contribute with conservation and future sustainability. We could also take the deforestated places and make them suitable for planting more palm oil trees and also contributing with conservation and future sustainability. In conclusion for me is that the future will bring sadness for the orangutans and the rainforest and also in a further future the planet if we do not start to make conservation and also start to think in where does this product comes from, for buying it or not. But in the other hand the future will be the same as right now if we take care of our planet. The things that are happening right now and happened can be reversible by planting more trees and taking care of our home and the living things that are in it. My final thoughts are that palm oil is a good thing for the Indonesian and Malaysian workers that did not had money or a home and even for us because we really enjoy it but I think that all of this is not a change for killing the world and the animals that live in it.

Jhosue Yepez


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