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Oracle Forms 6i and Reports 6i

Pre-requisites (Mandatory) Good knowledge of Oracle SQL and PL/SQL Participants will have to carry their own laptop for practice Total duration 8 10 days (Sundays only) Course Start date Sun, 8th Jan, 2012 Course Ti mings 10 am to 6 p m (Sundays only) Trai ning Venue Chatur Co mputer Services Pvt. Ltd. 3rd floor, A mbika Bhawan, 206, J.S. Road, Mumbai 400004. Land mark:- Above Vodafone Store, Girgaon Main Road. Nearest Railway Station:- Charni Road (E) Course Fees Rs. 25,000/ - per part icipant (inclusive of Service Tax) Please draw A/c Payee cheque in the name of Chatur Co mputer Serv ices Pvt. Ltd. If installment facility is required, p lease submit Post-Dated Cheques of Rs. 15,000/ - and Rs. 10,000/respectively. Please mention your name and contact number at the back of the cheque Cheque can be couriered to either of the fo llowing addresses:Mumbai office:Chatur Co mputer Services Pvt. Ltd. 3rd floor, A mbika Bhawan, 206, J.S. Road, Mumbai 400004. Land mark:- Above Vodafone Store, Girgaon Main Road. Pune office:Chatur Co mputer Services Pvt. Ltd. 201, The Fourth Dimension, Mehendale Garage Road, Erandawana, Pune 411004. Appointment/ Enquiry By prior appoint ment only Contact Person Sameer Dehadrai ( Faculty Name Sameer Dehadrai

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Oracle Forms 6i and Reports 6i FORMS 6i

(5 days) Running a Forms 6i Application Describe the runtime environment Navigate a Forms 6i application Describe the two modes of operation Retrieve both restricted and unrestricted data from the database into a Forms 6i applicat ion Insert, update, and delete records Display database errors Working with the Forms 6i Environment Identify the main Forms 6i executables Identify the main co mponents of Forms 6i Identify the main objects in a form module Creating a Basic Form Module Create a form module Create a data block Modify a data block using the Data Block Wizard Modify a layout using the layout wizard Save, co mpile, and run a form module Identify file formats and their characteristics Create data blocks with relationships Run a master-detail form module Working with Data Blocks and Frames Identify the components of the Property Palette Manipulate properties through the Property Palette Control the behavior and appearance of data blocks Control frame properties Create b locks that do not directly correspond to the database Delete data blocks and their co mponents Working with Text Items Describe text items Create a text item Modify the appearance of a text ite m Control the data in a text item Modify the navigational behavior of a text item Enhance the relationship between the text item and the database Modify the functionality of a text item Include Help messages Creating LOVs and Editors Describe LOVs and editors Design, create, and associate LOVs with text items in a form module Create editors and associate them with text items in a form module Creating Additi onal Input Items Identify the item types that allow input Create a check bo x Create a list item Create a radio group

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Creating Non-Input Items Identify item types that do not allow input Create a d isplay item Create an image item Create a sound item Create a button Create a calculated field Creating Windows and Content Canvases Describe windows and content canvases Describe the relat ionship between windows and content canvases Identify window and content canvases properties Display a form module in mu lt iple windows Display a form module on mult iple layouts Working with Other Canvases Describe the different types of canvases and their relationships to each other Identi fy the appropriate canvas type for di fferent scenari os Create an overlay effect using the stacked canvases Create a toolbar Create a tabbed interface Introduction to Triggers Define triggers Identify the different trigger categories Plan the type and scope of triggers in a form Describe the properties that affect the behavior of a trigger Producing Triggers Write trigger code Exp lain the use of built-in subprograms in Oracle Forms 6i applicat ions Describe the When-Button-Pressed trigger Describe the When-Window-Closed trigger Addi ng Functionality to Items Supplement the functionality of input items by using triggers and built -ins Supplement the functionality of non-input items by using triggers and built-ins Runform Messages and Alerts Describe the default messaging Handle errors using built-in subprograms Identify the different types of Forms 6i messages Control system messages Create and control Alerts Query Triggers Exp lain the process involved in querying a data block Describe query triggers and their scope Write triggers to supplement query results and screen query conditions Control trigger action based on the form query status Vali dati on Exp lain the effects of the validation unit upon a form List Forms 6i validation properties Control validation using triggers

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Navigati on Distinguish between internal and external navigation Describe and use the navigation triggers Identify built-ins that cause navigation Transacti on Processing Describe the details of co mmit processing and commit triggers Supplement transaction processing using triggers Allocate sequence numbers to records as they are applied to tables Writing Flexi ble Code Describe flexib le code State the advantages of using system variables Identify built-in subprograms that assist flexib le coding Write code to reference objects by internal ID Write code to reference objects indirectly Sharing Objects and Code Describe the various methods for reusing objects and code Inherit properties fro m property classes Group related objects for reuse Reuse objects from an object library Reuse PL/SQL code Introduci ng Multi ple Form Applications Call one form fro m another form module Define mult iple form functionality Creating a Menu Module Identify the components of a menu Create, save, and attach menu modules Set menu properties using the Property Palette Create menu toolbars Create pop-up menus Managing Menu Modules Control the menu programmat ically using menu built-ins Implement menu security using both database roles and the appropriate built-ins Programming Function Keys Define key triggers and their uses Program function keys Describe the characteristics of key triggers Classify key triggers Associate function keys with interface controls Respondi ng to Mouse Events Describe mouse events Cause a form module to respond to mouse movement Cause a form module to respond to mouse button actions Controlling Windows and Canvases Programmatically Display a form docu ment in mu ltip le windows Write code to interact with windows Manipulate windows programmatically Manipulate canvas-views programmatically Use large data blocks

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Defining Data Sources Describe the various data source types Base a data block on a stored procedure Working with Oracle8 Objects in Forms 6i Recognize wh ich object types are supported Describe how object types are represented within Oracle Forms 6i Create a b lock based on an object table Controlling Data Block Relati onshi ps Define block coordination Describe the characteristics and principles of relation-handling code Implement a coordination-type toggle Building Multi ple Form Applications Describe the different ways of invoking additional forms Open, call, and close forms Navigate between forms Control opened forms and called forms Manage transaction processing for opened forms and called forms Choose the most appropriate method for invoking forms Pass form parameters Working with Record Groups Describe the record group object Use record groups Define record groups at des ign time Control record groups by using built-in functions Define query record groups programmatically Define nonquery record groups programmatically Manipulate record group rows Define lists of values (LOVs) programmatically Manipulate list items programmat ically Implement dynamic list items Add values to combo boxes Including Charts and Reports Include charts in an application Include reports in an application Appl ying Ti mers Describe timers Create a t imer Modify a timer Delete a t imer Handle timer expiration Using Server Features in Forms 6i Use Oracle server functionalities in Forms 6i Deal with server-side PL/SQL Recognize wh ich PL/SQL8 features are supported in Forms 6i Handle Oracle server erro rs Perform DDL co mmands by using the FORM S_DDL built-in subprograms

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(2 days) Designing and Runni ng Reports Describe the common report styles required in a business report Describe the structure of each style Run prebuilt reports using the Runtime executable Identify the various report destinations View report output in the Previewer Reports 6i Concepts Describe the main Reports 6i executables Invoke Report and describe its main co mponents Describe the main objects in a report Creating Reports Using the Report Wizard Create a simp le tabular report using Report Wizard Describe the different methods of building the report query Summarize report values Modify the style and content of a report Create other report styles available in the wizard Modi fyi ng a Report in the Li ve Previewer Describe the Live Previewer Modify the display of report data in the Live Previewer Modify the positioning of report data Add page numbering and current date to a report Enhancing Reports Using the Data Model -- Creating Queries and Groups Describe the Data Model objects and their relationship Create groups to modify the report h ierarchy Change the order of data in a group Use a group filter to eliminate data fro m the report Create supplemental rows of data, using queries Create a data lin k to lin k data fro m different queries Enhancing Reports Using the Data Model -- Creating Columns Describe the different types of Data Model colu mns Recognize the characteristics of the three types of user-defined columns Create report summaries and subtotals using summary colu mns Create and populate a placeholder colu mn Enhancing Reports Using the Layout Model View and modify objects in the four different reg ions of a report Design multi-panel reports Describe the layout objects and their relationship Modify an existing report layout using the Layout Model tools Create variable length lines to separate tabular colu mns of data Create a button to display mult imedia objects at runtime Create an exp licit anchor to alter object positions at runtime Modi fyi ng Properties Create a link file to display the contents of a file in layout field Modify layout properties common to all types of object Modify layout properties specific to one type of object

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Using Report Parameters and Customizing a Parameter Form Create and reference a parameter to control report output Create a list of values for parameter input Use and modify a system parameter Build a parameter form layout to allow user entry of parameter values Customize a parameter form layout Embedding a Chart in a Report Create and display a simp le Graphics chart in a report using the chart wizard Display an existing Graphics chart in a report Modify the chart data dynamically, using parameters Enhancing Matrix Reports Design a matrix Data Model Design a matrix Layout Model Display Zeros in cells with no value Codi ng PL/SQL Triggers in Reports Describe the different types of triggers Describe samp le uses of the different types of triggers Write and reference co mmon code Create and reference a PL/ SQL library Using the Report B uilt-In Package Describe the contents of the Report built-in package Describe samp le uses of procedures and functions from the package Output messages at runtime Create and populate temporary tables within a report Modify visual attributes dynamically at runtime Building Reports for Different Environments Build and run reports in different environ ments, using the MODE parameter Describe the considerations when building reports for different graphical user interfaces Recognize the settings necessary to build character mode reports Describe the facilities available for building reports to run in other languages

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