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How successful were Stalins economic policies?

In this essay I will be talking about 'how successful were Stalin's economic policies? Industrialization was a very important thing in Russia; it is the social and economic change from a society depending on agriculture to an industrial one. It is part of a growing society which provides technical modernization; it also means the change of attitude in individuals, they have a different perspective about the awareness of nature and diverse explanations. Collectivization was where all the land, tools, livestock and buildings were taken over by the state. Peasants lived off from the wage they would receive depending on how well they have produced the whole year. They had to buy machinery like tractors, during time the machinery was transferred to farms, so it would facilitate their work and have better products; they also provided schools and educational services. Collectivization was a big success in Stalins policies, Stalin had three aims for this success which were, to create a rural working class, peasants were paid wages less than urban workers and land plus machinery were under the hands of the collective. It was also done to improve the farming industry; therefore they could create an extra sell overseas for an exchange. Another reason of why it was designed is due to the fact to break up the peasants as a political force, in the Soviet Union they were deeply religious and conservative, and thus they were seen as threat to the government. The terrorist part Socialist Revolutionariesthey were majorly strained from the peasantry. However the five year plans were achieved and the policy was fulfilled.The USSR had becomes the worlds second industrial power. As aforementioned the five years policy was also achieved since they built a huge amount of factories in places such as Stalingrad, Leningrad and other cities through the Soviet Union. They also had constructed hydroelectric dams, canals, railways and many other uses for the nation to succeed with. Nevertheless another aim was to bridge the gap between the Western Democracies, back in the years the Soviet Union was a medieval country meaning that roads werent made, people still lived in villages with a wooden house as shelter there was no electricity, when Stalin approached with his five year planned it all changed, it was a new urban working class, they provided the economic, political and social conditions that permitted the nation to engage the Nazi assault beginning in 1941 in addition of sending them back to Berlin, as said before the five year plans were a success. Industrialization was very harsh, if individuals presented themselves to work late, it was considered a big offence, and many were arrested for simple things. If a machine was broke or there had been a mistake at work, plus also when political prisoners were used as slaves on many of the big organization projects. The Ukrainian famine was caused

by collectivization which killed 2.5 million, peasants wanted to claim for their land and rights, but that could also cause them to go to prison and suffer the consequences.There were expelled peasants to be moved into cities to work in new factories. Many people died from famine, Stalin was under control and handled all agriculture. People believed that larger farms were more productive and efficient; peasants were to become a rural working class. Yet they were paid very low wages to survive and make it through the week, within the farming and harvesting there wasnt any rewards for making an effort on producing a good work, it was all an excess of labor, they were very independent people, they would gain their money from the small private plots which were allowed to keep along with 2 cows. In conclusion the five year plans was a successful policy but the collectivization and industrialization were both successful and unsuccessful, since many people starved to death, they werent provided with their actual and complete needs, especially peasants. They had to work extra hours and they werent paid enough to survive and maintai n their families. Plus collectivization was really harsh, consequences for nonsense reasons. However there were also some success such as a huge amount of factories built, machinery also helped improve productivity, hydroelectric dams and many more things that actually helped the economy and political issues. In my opinion I believe that Stalins policies had in some ways success and in other ways no success, since some of its benefits didnt help all individuals in the nation.

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