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Lehigh RUF

Historical Card Games

Mentioned in Jane Austen's Canon

Tim Brauning 3/24/2010

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Contents (1n)
Contents (1n)............................................................................................................................. 2 Speculation (n 3)......................................................................................................................... 3 Pontoon (!ingt"un) (n 1)............................................................................................................. 4 #emps (2n 2).............................................................................................................................. $ Casino (2n4).......................................................................................................................... 12 %ua&rille (n'4)........................................................................................................................... 1( T)ree"car& *oo (n 2)................................................................................................................. 21 +i,e"car& *oo (-n10).............................................................................................................. 23 .)ist (n'4)................................................................................................................................ 24 Straig)t Bri&ge (n'4).................................................................................................................. 2/ Pi0uet (n'2)............................................................................................................................... 21 +i,e"car& Cri22age (n'2)........................................................................................................... 34 Commerce (3n12).................................................................................................................. 31

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Speculation (n+3)
What shall I do, Sir Thomas? [asked his wife]: Whist and speculation; which will amuse me most?' Sir Thomas, after a moment's thought, recommended speculation !e was a whist pla"er himself, and perhaps might feel that it would not much amuse him to ha#e her for a partner Preliminaries 3,er4one starts 5it) t)e same num2er o6 c)ips an& at t)e start o6 eac) &eal antes one to a pot. 7eal t)ree car&s 6ace &o5n on t)e ta2le in 6ront o6 eac) pla4er in a stac89 t)en turn t)e ne:t car& o6 t)e pac8 to esta2lis) a trump suit. (;ot t)at t)ere is an4 tric8"pla4. Trump9 in t)is game9 means t)e onl4 suit t)at counts 6or 5inning.) Object To 2e in possession o6 t)e )ig)est trump 5)en all car&s in pla4 )a,e 2een e:pose&. +or t)is purpose car&s ran8 6rom T5o lo5 to <ce )ig). Play T)e trump turn"up 2elongs 24 rig)t to t)e &ealer9 so i6 it is an <ce t)e &ealer 5ins 5it)out 6urt)er pla4. =6 it is not an <ce9 2ut is )ig) enoug) to interest an4one else9 t)e4 ma4 o66er to 2u4 it 6rom t)e &ealer9 an& t)e &ealer ma4 )aggle a2out it9 or auction it9 or 8eep it9 as pre6erre&. 3ac) in turn9 starting 5it) t)e pla4er to t)e &ealer>s le6t " or9 i6 t)e turn"up 5as sol&9 to t)e purc)aser>s le6t " turns up t)e top car& o6 )is o5n stac8. T)is continues in rotation9 2ut omitting t)e pla4er 5)o currentl4 possesses t)e )ig)est trump. =6 an& 5)en a trump is turne& t)at is )ig)er t)an t)e one pre,iousl4 s)o5ing9 t)e pla4er 5)o turne& it ma4 o66er it 6or sale at an4 mutuall4 agreea2le price9 or re6use to sell it. 3it)er 5a49 pla4 continues 6rom t)e le6t o69 an& su2se0uentl4 omitting9 t)e possessor o6 t)e )ig)est trump. +urt)ermore9 an4one at an4 time ma4 o66er to 2u4 not necessaril4 t)e 2est ,isi2le trump9 2ut an4 6ace"&o5n car& or car&s 2elonging to anot)er pla4er. T)e purc)aser ma4 not loo8 at t)eir 6aces9 2ut must place t)em 6ace &o5n at t)e 2ottom o6 )is stac8 an& turn t)em up in t)e normal course o6 pla4. (T)e time to in&ulge in t)is piece o6 speculation is 5)en 4ou currentl4 o5n t)e )ig)est trump an& 5ant to pre,ent someone else 6rom turning a )ig)er.) End T)e game en&s 5)en all car&s )a,e 2een re,eale&9 or 5)en some2o&4 turns t)e <ce9 an& 5)oe,er )as t)e )ig)est trump 5ins t)e pot.

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Pontoon (Vingt-un) (n+1)

'$ingt%un is the game at &s'orne (astle I ha#e pla"ed nothing 'ut #ingt%un of late )ord &s'orne en*o"s it famousl", and he makes the 'est dealer without e+ception that I e#er 'eheld ,such -uickness and spirit, he lets no'od" dream o#er their cards I wish "ou could see him o#er draw himself on 'oth his own cards It is worth an"thing in the world.' '/ear me.' cried 0argaret, 'wh" should not we pla" #ingt%un? I think it is a much 'etter game than speculation I cannot sa" I am #er" fond of speculation 0rs 1o'ert offered not another word in support of the game She was -uite #an-uished and the fashions of &s'orne (astle carried it o#er the fashions of (ro"don Introduction Pontoon is t)e Britis) ,ersion o6 t)e internationall4 popular 2an8ing game Twenty-one9 per)aps no5 2est 8no5n in t)e 6orm o6 t)e <merican Casino ,ersion Blac8?ac8. T)e game Pontoon an& its name are &eri,e& 6rom t)e +renc) $ingt%et%un (21). T)e ,ariation S)oot Pontoon ma8es t)e 2etting more interesting9 24 incorporating t)e 2etting mec)anism o6 S)oot. Players, Cards and Objective Pontoon can 2e pla4e& 24 an4 num2er o6 pla4ers 6rom t5o up5ar&s " it 5or8s 5ell 5it) - to 1 pla4ers " using a stan&ar& -2 car& pac8. +or a large num2er o6 pla4ers9 sa4 1 or more9 t5o -2 pac8s can 2e mi:e& toget)er. T)e pla4ers also nee& a suppl4 o6 mone4 or c)ips 6or 2etting. T)e car&s )a,e ,alues@ ace is 5ort) 1 or 11 at t)e )ol&er>s c)oice9 8ings9 0ueens9 ?ac8s an& tens are 5ort) ten9 an& t)e remaining car&s are 5ort) t)eir pip ,alue. 3ac) pla4er>s 2asic aim is to 6orm a )an& 5)ose total ,alue is as near as possi2le to 219 5it)out going a2o,e 21. Ane pla4er is &esignate& as t)e 2an8er. T)e 2an8er )as an a&,antage9 so t)e 6irst 2an8er is c)osen at ran&om (5)oe,er cuts t)e )ig)est car&). =n eac) )an&9 eac) o6 t)e ot)er pla4ers 2ets on )a,ing a 2etter )an& t)an t)e 2an8er.

T)e 2est )an& o6 all is a Pontoon9 5)ic) is 21 points in t5o car&s " t)is can onl4 consist o6 ace plus a picture car& or ten. ;e:t 2est a6ter a Pontoon is a Five Card Trick9 5)ic) is a )an& o6 6i,e car&s totaling 21 or less. < )an& o6 t)ree or 6our car&s 5ort) 21 points 2eats e,er4t)ing else e:cept a Pontoon or +i,e Car& Tric8. Ban&s 5it) 20 or 6e5er points an& 6e5er t)an 6i,e car&s ran8 in or&er o6 t)eir point ,alue " t)e nearer to 21 t)e 2etter. Ban&s 5it) more t)an 21 points are bust an& are 5ort)less.

Contents (1n) =6 t)e 2an8er an& a pla4er )a,e e0ual ,alue& )an&s9 t)en t)e 2an8er 5ins.

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Example: A-J (Pontoon) 2eats 7- -!-"-" (+i,e Car& Tric8) 5)ic) 2eats #-$-! (21) 5)ic) 2eats #-A(20) 5)ic) 2eats #-%-A (1() The Deal and Initial Stakes T)e 2an8er &eals one car& 6ace &o5n to eac) pla4er9 starting 5it) t)e pla4er to &ealer>s le6t9 going roun& t)e ta2le an& en&ing 5it) t)e &ealer. <ll t)e pla4ers e:cept t)e 2an8er ma4 loo8 at t)eir car&. ;o5 starting again 5it) t)e pla4er to &ealer>s le6t an& going aroun& cloc85ise9 t)e pla4ers ot)er t)an t)e 2an8er place t)eir initial 2ets in 6ront o6 t)em. < minimum an& ma:imum 6or initial 2ets must 2e agree& 2e6ore t)e start o6 t)e game9 an& eac) pla4er ma4 2et an4 amount 5it)in t)ese limits9 2ut must 2et at least t)e minimum. T)e &ealer no5 &eals a secon& car& 6ace &o5n to eac) pla4er9 an& all t)e pla4ers loo8 at t)eir t5o car&s. =6 t)e 2an8er )as a Pontoon t)is is imme&iatel4 e:pose&9 an& t)e 2an8er collects &ou2le t)e amount sta8e& 6rom eac) o6 t)e pla4ers. The Players' Turns =6 t)e 2an8er &oes not )a,e a pontoon t)en9 2eginning 5it) t)e pla4er to &ealer>s le6t an& continuing cloc85ise9 t)e pla4ers eac) )a,e a turn to tr4 to impro,e t)eir )an& i6 t)e4 5is) 24 ac0uiring e:tra car&s. .)en it is 4our turn9 4ou )a,e t)e 6ollo5ing possi2ilities@ Declare a Pontoon =6 4our t5o car&s are an ace an& a ten point car&9 4ou &eclare it 24 putting t)em on t)e ta2le 5it) t)e ten point car& 6ace &o5n an& t)e ace 6ace up on top o6 it. Split our cards =6 4our t5o car&s are e0ual in ran89 4ou ma4 split t)em into t5o )an&s 24 putting t)em 6ace up on t)e ta2le an& placing anot)er 2et e0ual to 4our initial 2et. T)e 2an8er imme&iatel4 &eals anot)er car& 6ace &o5n to eac) o6 4our )an&s9 an& 4ou t)en pla4 t)e )an&s one at a time9 as separate )an&s 5it) separate sta8es. =6 eit)er o6 t)e ne5 car&s &ealt is e0ual to t)e 6irst t5o 4ou ma4 c)oose to split again9 creating t)ree or e,en (t)eoreticall4) 6our separate )an&s9 eac) 5it) its o5n sta8e. ;ote t)at 4ou cannot split t5o ten point car&s unless t)e4 are actuall4 e0ual " t5o 0ueens can 2e split 2ut a 0ueen an& a ?ac8 cannot. !u a card =6 t)e total ,alue o6 4our car&s is less t)an 219 4ou ma4 sa4 C=>ll 2u4 oneC. Dou must increase 4our sta8e 24 a&&ing an amount at least e0ual to an& not more t)an t5ice 4our initial sta8e (so 6or e:ample i6 4ou )a& 2et / initiall4 4ou coul& a&& to it an4 amount 6rom / to 129 ma8ing a ma:imum o6 11 in total). T)e &ealer t)en &eals 4ou anot)er car& 6ace &o5n. =6 4our total is still less t)an 21 4ou ma4 2u4 a 6ourt) car&E t)is time 4ou ma4 a&& to 4our sta8e an4 amount 2et5een 4our initial sta8e an& t)e amount 4ou a&&e& pre,iousl4. So i6 4our initial 2et 5as / an& 4ou 2oug)t a t)ir& car& 6or 109 4ou ma4 2u4 a 6ourt) 6or an4 amount 6rom / to 10. =6 4our 6our car&s still total less t)an 21 4ou ma4 2u4 a 6i6t) car& in t)e same 5a4.

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"#ist =6 t)e total ,alue o6 4our car&s is less t)an 21 4ou ma4 sa4 CT5ist me oneC. Dour sta8e is una66ecte&9 an& t)e &ealer &eals 4ou one car& 6ace up to a&& to 4our )an&. =6 4our total remains 2elo5 21 4ou ma4 as8 6or a 6ourt) car& to 2e t5iste& an& t)en a 6i6t)9 in t)e same 5a4. Stic$ =6 t)e total ,alue o6 4our car&s is at least 1- 4ou ma4 sa4 Cstic8C. Dou sta4 5it) t)e car&s 4ou )a,e9 4our sta8e sta4s as it is an& it is t)e ne:t )an&>s turn to pla4. =6 at an4 time 2u4ing or t5isting a car& causes t)e total ,alue o6 4our )an& to 2e more t)an 21 4ou are bustE 4ou must imme&iatel4 t)ro5 in 4our )an& 6ace up9 an& t)e 2an8er ta8es 4our sta8e an& a&&s 4our car&s to t)e 2ottom o6 t)e pac8. Dou can 2egin 24 2u4ing one or more car&s an& continue 24 t5isting9 2ut once 4ou )a,e as8e& 6or a car& to 2e t5iste& 4ou can no longer 2u4 car&s " an4 6urt)er car&s 4ou 5ant can onl4 2e t5iste&. .)en 4our )an& reac)es 6i,e car&s 5it)out going o,er 21 4ou )a,e a +i,e Car& Tric89 an& 4ou are not allo5e& an4 more car&s. <t an4 time 5)en 4our total )an& ,alue is at least 1- an& not more t)an 21 4ou can c)oose to stic89 8eeping 4our car&s an& sta8e as t)e4 are9 an& t)e turn passes to t)e ne:t )an&. .)en 4ou )a,e split 4our )an&9 4ou pla4 t)e t5o )an&s one a6ter t)e ot)er " once 4ou )a,e stuc8 or gone 2ust on t)e 6irst )an& 4ou pla4 t)e secon& one. The Banker's Turn .)en all t)e pla4ers e:cept t)e 2an8er )a,e )a& t)eir turns t)e 2an8er>s t5o car&s are turne& 6ace up. T)e ot)er pla4ers> car&s 5ill not 2e ,isi2le at t)is point9 e:cept 5)ere t)e4 )a,e split9 t5iste&9 &eclare& pontoons or gone 2ust. T)e 2an8er ma4 a&& more car&s to t)e initial t5o 24 &ealing t)em 6ace up one at a time. <t an4 point9 5)en satis6ie& 5it) t)e )an& t)e 2an8er can stay " i.e. stop &ealing an& pla4 5it) t)e car&s as &ealt. T)e possi2le outcomes are@ "he dealer goes %ust =6 a car& is &ealt t)at ta8es t)e &ealer>s )an& o,er 219 t)e &ealer loses an& pa4s out an amount e0ual to t)eir sta8e to all t)e pla4ers 5)o )a,e not gone 2ust9 pa4ing a &ou2le sta8e to an4 )an& t)at 5as a Pontoon or +i,e Car& Tric8. "he dealer sta s on &' or less( #ith )our or )e#er cards T)e &ealer pa4s an amount e0ual to t)eir sta8e to an4 pla4er 5)o )as a )ig)er ,alue )an& t)an t)e &ealer9 an& collects 6rom t)ose 5)o )a,e e0ual or less. Pontoons an& +i,e Car& Tric8s are pai& &ou2le. +or e:ample a &ealer 5)o sta4s on 11 5ill sa4 Cpa4ing 1$C. 3,er4one t)en e:poses t)eir car&s an& t)ose 5)o )a,e 1$ or more 5in9 t)ose 5it) Pontoons an& +i,e Car& Tric8s 5in &ou2le an& t)e rest lose. < &ealer 5)o ma8es 21 5ill 2e pa4ing +i,e Car& Tric8s an& Pontoons onl4.

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"he dealer ma$es a Fi*e Card "ric$ T)e &ealer pa4s Pontoons onl4. <n4 pla4er 5it) a Pontoon recei,es &ou2le t)eir sta8e 6rom t)e &ealer. 3,er4one else (inclu&ing an4one 5)o )a& a +i,e Car& Tric8) loses &ou2le t)eir sta8e to t)e &ealer. The e! Deal =6 no one )a& a Pontoon9 t)e &ealer a&&s all t)e use& car&s to t)e 2ottom o6 t)e pac8 an& wit&out s&u''lin( &eals a ne5 )an&. T)is ma8es it possi2le to impro,e one>s c)ances 24 remem2ering 5)ic) car&s are out o6 pla4. =6 t)ere 5as a Pontoon9 t)e car&s are s)u66le& an& cut 2e6ore t)e ne:t &eal. =6 a pla4er ot)er t)an t)e 2an8er ac)ie,es a Pontoon 5it)out splitting t)eir )an&9 an& t)e 2an8er &i& not )a,e a Pontoon9 t)en t)at pla4er 2ecomes t)e ne5 2an8er 6rom t)e ne:t &eal. =6 t)ere are t5o or more suc) pla4ers9 t)e one nearest to t)e &ealer>s le6t ta8es o,er t)e 2an8. T)e 2an8 can also c)ange )an&s a6ter an4 )an& i6 t)e e:isting 2an8er 5is)es to sell t)e 2an8 to anot)er pla4er at a mutuall4 agree& price. "ariations +or a relati,el4 simple game9 Pontoon )as surprisingl4 man4 ,ariations. Bere is a selection@

=6 4ou )a,e 4 car&s totaling 11 or less9 4ou are certain to ma8e a 6i,e car& tric8. =n t)is case some pla4 t)at 4ou cannot 2u4 a 6i6t) car&9 onl4 t5ist one. Some pla4 t)at a )an& o6 t)ree se,ens )el& 24 a pla4er (not t)e 2an8er) is a )oyal Pontoon9 5)ic) 2eats e,er4t)ing an& is pai& tre2le sta8es. Some pla4 t)at a Pontoon consisting o6 an ace an& a picture 2eats a Pontoon 5)ic) is an ace an& a ten. Some pla4 t)at <"10 is not a pontoon at all9 2ut ?ust an or&inar4 21.

Shoot Pontoon S)oot Pontoon is Pontoon mo&i6ie& 24 incorporating t)e 2etting mec)anism o6 S)oot in a&&ition to t)e normal 2etting. Bot) S)oot an& S)oot Pontoon 5ere popular in Britain in t)e mi& 1$-0>s. <t t)e start o6 t)e game9 t)e &ealer 6orms a 8itt4 24 putting in an4 amount o6 mone49 2et5een agree& minimum an& ma:imum limits. <6ter all t)e pla4ers )a,e 2et on t)eir 6irst car&9 t)en starting again 5it) t)e pla4er to &ealer>s le6t9 t)e4 eac) )a,e a turn to ma8e a s&oot 2et. S)oot 2ets are 8ept separate 6rom t)e pla4ers> normal 2ets9 an& are place& 2et5een t)e pla4er an& t)e 8itt4. Dou are ne,er 6orce& to ma8e a s)oot 2et 2ut i6 4ou &o9 it can 2e an4 amount 4ou c)oose9 pro,i&e& t)at t)e total o6 all t)e s)oot 2ets is not more t)an 5)at is in t)e 8itt4. T)us i6 t)e 6irst pla4er s)oots )al6 t)e 8itt49 t)e secon& pla4er can s)oot an4 amount up to )al6 t)e 8itt4E i6 t)e 6irst pla4er &eci&es to s)oot t)e 5)ole 8itt49 t)e remaining pla4ers cannot 6or t)e time 2eing place an4 s)oot 2ets at all. <6ter t)e s)oot 2ets )a,e 2een place&9 t)e &ealer &eals e,er4one a secon& car& 6ace &o5n. =6 t)e &ealer )as a Pontoon9 all t)e s)oot 2ets are a&&e& to t)e pot an& t)e pla4ers eac) pa4

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&ou2le t)eir sta8e to t)e &ealer. At)er5ise eac) pla4er )as t)e same options as in normal pontoon9 2ut 5it) some e:tra 2etting opportunities@ "he )ourth card Bu4ing or t5isting a t&ird car& is t)e same as in normal pontoon " no e:tra 2ets are allo5e&. =6 a pla4er )as a t)ree car& )an& totalling less t)an 21 an& 5is)es to as8 6or a 'ourt& car&9 eit)er 24 t5isting it or (i6 t)e t)ir& car& 5as 2oug)t) 24 2u4ing it9 t)en 2e6ore recei,ing t)e car&9 t)e pla4er is allo5e& to place a s)oot 2et. <s 2e6ore9 t)is 2et can 2e an4 amount 5)ic) &oes not ma8e t)e total o6 s)oot 2ets greater t)an 5)at is currentl4 in t)e 8itt4. Dou can place a s)oot 2et 2e6ore recei,ing 4our 6ourt) car& e,en i6 4ou &i& not s)oot at 4our pre,ious opportunit4E con,ersel49 s)ooting 2e6ore 4our secon& car& &oes not compel 4ou to s)oot 2e6ore 4our 6ourt) car&. T)ere is no 6urt)er oppotunit4 to s)oot a6ter 4ou see 4our 6ourt) car&9 e,en i6 4ou &eci&e to ta8e a 6i6t). Splitting .)en a pla4er splits )a,ing ma&e a s)oot 2et9 t)e s)oot 2et remains on t)e )an& containing t)e 6irst car&9 an& t)e pla4er )as t)e option to place a ne5 s)oot 2et (not necessaril4 o6 t)e same amount) on t)e ot)er )an&9 su2?ect to t)e usual limitation t)at t)e total o6 all s)oot 2ets must not 2e more t)an t)e 8itt4. Going %ust =6 a )an& goes 2ust9 t)at )an&>s s)oot 2et9 i6 an49 is imme&iatel4 a&&e& to t)e 8itt4 " t)us increasing t)e amount t)at su2se0uent )an&s can s)oot. <t t)e en& o6 t)e )an&9 a6ter t)e &ealer )as pla4e&9 all outstan&ing s)oot 2ets are settle& at t)e same time as t)e normal pontoon 2ets. Pla4ers 5)o )a,e a 2etter )an& t)an t)e &ealer are pai& an amount e0ual to t)eir s)oot 2ets out o6 t)e 8itt49 an& pla4ers 5)ose )an&s are e0ual to or 5orse t)an t)e &ealer>s )a,e t)eir s)oot 2ets a&&e& to t)e 8itt4. Be6ore eac) ne5 &eal t)e &ealer )as t)e option to a&& more mone4 to t)e 8itt49 2ut must not ta8e an4t)ing out o6 it. =6 t)ere is not)ing in t)e 8itt4 at t)e en& o6 a )an& t)e &ealer must eit)er put up a ne5 8itt4 or o66er t)e 2an8 6or sale to t)e )ig)est 2i&&er. .)en t)e &eal passes to a ne5 pla4er9 eit)er 2ecause t)e4 )a& a Pontoon or 2ecause it 5as sol&9 t)e ol& &ealer retrie,es an4t)ing t)at 5as le6t in t)e 8itt49 an& t)e ne5 &ealer puts up a ne5 8itt4.

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Kemps (2n+2)
Players and Cards T)ere are usuall4 6our pla4ers9 2ut it is possi2le 6or a larger e,en num2er o6 people to pla4. T)e pla4ers are &i,i&e& into teams 5it) t5o pla4ers in eac) teamE t)e partners sit across 6rom eac) ot)er. Ane stan&ar& &ec8 o6 -2 car&s is use& (i6 t)ere are more t)an eig)t pla4ers9 t5o &ec8s ma4 2e use&). Object o# the $ame Hand Goal+ To o2tain 6our o6 a 8in& (i.e. 6our car&s o6 t)e same ran8) an& 6or 4our partner to sa4 C#3FPSC9 or to sa4 C#3FPSC 4oursel6 5)en 4our partner )as 6our o6 a 8in&. <lternati,el4 4ou can 5in t)e )an& 24 sa4ing CSTAP #3FPSC 5)en a pla4er 6rom anot)er team )as 6our o6 a 8in&9 2e6ore t)eir partner sa4s C#3FPSC. Game Goal+ =n eac) )an& t)e losing team gets a letter o6 t)e 5or& #3FPS as a penalt4. T)e 6irst team to spell t)e 5)ole 5or& *-E-+-P-, loses t)e game. Pre%aration & a'reein' si'nals +irst &eci&e 5)o is pla4ing 5it) 5)om. T)en eac) t5o pla4er team goes a5a4 an& pri,atel4 agrees a signal t)at t)e4 can secretl4 use to tell eac) ot)er 5)en t)e4 )a,e 6our o6 a 8in&. T)e signal can 2e a 2o&4 mo,ement9 a gesture or a )an& signal9 2ut 5or&s are not allo5e& (6or e:ample sa4ing Celep)antsC cannot 2e use& as a signal). Dou can )a,e se,eral signals an& can use more t)an one in a game. Dou can also use meaningless signals to con6use t)e opponents9 2ut 4ou are not allo5e& to )a,e an4 signals 5it) a meaning ot)er t)an C= )a,e 6our o6 a 8in&C. C)eating 24 using signals 5it) ot)er meanings is 8no5n as Cta2le tal8C an& is penalise& 24 loss o6 t)e game i6 &isco,ere&. <6ter an4 )an& an4 team is allo5e& to agree ne5 signalsE t)e4 ma4 5ant to &o t)is i6 t)e4 suspect t)at t)e opponents mig)t )a,e guesse& some o6 t)eir e:isting signals. T)e more su2tle t)e signal t)e 2etter. The Deal C)oose a &ealer. T)is can 2e &one at ran&om or someone ma4 ,olunteer. T)e &ealer &eals 6our car&s to e,er4 pla4er. <6ter e,er4one )as loo8e& at t)eir car&s9 t)e &ealer &eals 6our more car&s9 one at a time9 in a ro5 6ace up in t)e mi&&le. The Play .)en t)e last car& )as 2een turne& up9 an4 pla4er can pic8 up one (or more) o6 t)e 6ace up car&s 6rom t)e mi&&le9 a&& it (t)em) to t)eir )an&9 an& imme&iatel4 &iscar& a &i66erent car&(s)

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6ace up in its place. Pla4ers &o not ta8e turns. < pla4er 5)o pic8s up more t)an one car& must &iscar& an e0ual num2er o6 &i66erent car&s9 to re&uce t)eir )an& 2ac8 to 6our car&s. =6 t5o pla4ers 5ant t)e same 6ace up car&9 t)e 6irst pla4er to touc) it gets it. Pla4ers continue replacing car&s9 as o6ten as t)e4 5ant to9 until no one 5ants an4 o6 t)e 6our 6ace up car&s. T)e &ealer t)en s5eeps t)ese 6our car&s a5a49 an& &eals out 6our ne5 car&s on t)e ta2le. Pla4 t)en continues as 2e6ore. T)is is repeate& until t)e &ec8 is gone or someone 4ells C#3FPSC or CSTAP #3FPSC. (E)PS <s soon as t)is is sai& t)e )an& is o,er. T)e partner o6 t)e person 5)o sai& C#3FPSC must re,eal t)eir car&s. =6 t)e4 )a,e 6our o6 a 8in& t)e opposing team recei,es a letter starting out 5it) C#C. .it) more t)an 4 pla4ers9 all o6 t)e opposing teams get a letter. =6 t)e partner &oes not )a,e 6our o6 a 8in&9 t)en t)e team t)at incorrectl4 calle& C#3FPSC recei,es a letter. T)e &ealer t)en &eals 6or t)e ne:t )an&. STOP (E)PS <s soon as t)is is sai& t)e )an& is o,er. CSTAP #3FPSC is sai& 5)en a pla4er suspects t)e opposing team o6 )a,ing C#3FPSC. =6 one o6 t)e opposing pla4ers &oes in 6act )a,e 6our o6 a 8in&9 t)en t)e team 5)o 5as >stoppe&> recei,es a letter. Bo5e,er9 i6 CSTAP #3FPSC is sai& an& t)e opposing team &oes not )a,e C#3FPSC t)en t)e team 5)o sai& it recei,es t)e letter. T)e &ealer t)en &eals 6or t)e ne:t )an&. Example: Team < t)in8s Team B )as 6our o6 a 8in&. Team < sa4s CSTAP #3FPSC. .)en t)e )an&s are c)ec8e& neit)er pla4er o6 Team B )as C#3FPSC9 so Team < gets a ne5 letter. *eal Deal =6 a point is reac)e& 5)en no one 5ants an4 o6 t)e 6ace up car&s9 an& t)e &ealer )as no more 6res) car&s to &eal9 t)e )an& en&s an& no one gets a letter. T)is is calle& a real deal. T)e &ealer t)en &eals 6or t)e ne:t )an&. End o# the $ame T)e 6irst team to lose 6i,e )an&s9 t)us getting 6i,e letters spelling t)e 5)ol5 5or& *-E-+-P, loses t)e game. +ints Gse simple signals. Fa8e an agreement 5it) 4our partner to loo8 6or t)e signal a6ter eac) time t)at t)e car&s are s5ept a5a4. 7on>t 2e o2,ious as to 5)ic) car&s 4ou are going 6or. A2ser,e t)e ot)er team care6ull4. Con6use t)e ot)er team 24 occasionall4 pic8ing up car&s 4ou &on>t nee&.

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=6 4ou 6igure out 5)at car&s 4our partner is going 6or9 &iscar& car&s t)at 5ill )elp 4our partner. Gse 6a8e signals to ma8e t)e ot)er team 4ell CSTAP #3FPSC9 5it)out con6using 4our partner.

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Casino (2n4)
Introduction Casino is t)e onl4 6is)ing game to )a,e 2ecome popular in 3nglis) spea8ing countries. <lt)oug) it is tra&itionall4 suppose& to )a,e originate& in =tal49 t)ere is no &irect e,i&ence o6 it )a,ing 2een pla4e& t)ere9 at least un&er t)at name9 t)oug) man4 ot)er =talian 6is)ing games are 8no5n. Casino 6irst appears in t)e car& game literature at t)e en& o6 t)e eig)teent) centur4 in *on&on9 an& s)ortl4 a6ter5ar&s in Herman4. =n t)e late nineteent) centur4 it 2ecame 6asiona2le in <merica an& a num2er o6 ne5 ,ariations 5ere &e,elope&. T)ere is a &ispute a2out t)e correct spelling o6 t)e name " t)e earliest sources use t)e spelling Casino9 2ut a tra&ition )as gro5n up among later 5riters to spell it 5it) a &ou2le >s>@ Cassino. The Players, the Cards and the Objective T)e game 5or8s 2est 5it) 6rom 2 to 4 pla4ers9 t)oug) in t)eor4 more coul& ta8e part. =t )as t)e &istinction o6 2eing one o6 t)e 6e5 games 5)ic) 5ill &eal out e,enl4 to t5o9 t)ree9 or 6our pla4ers. +our pla4ers can pla4 in partners)ips9 t5o against t5o9 5it) partners sitting opposite eac) ot)er. < regular -2 car& &ec8 is use&. 3ac) numeral car& (ace"ten) is counte& as its numerical ,alue (ace ' 19 t5o ' 29 etc). T)e aim is to capture car&s 6rom a la4out on t)e ta2le9 24 pla4ing a car& 6rom )an& 5)ic) matc)es in num2er a ta2le car& or t)e sum o6 se,eral ta2le car&s. Pic8e& up car&s are accumulate& in a pile to 2e counte& at t)e en& o6 t)e roun&. The Deal T)e &ealer &eals 6our car&s to eac) pla4er an& 6our car&s 6ace up in t)e centre (t)ese centre car&s are lai& out separatel4 so t)at all are ,isi2le). Tra&itionall49 t)e &eal is in t5os@ t5o car&s to eac) ot)er pla4er9 t5o to t)e ta2le9 t)en t5o to t)e &ealer9 t)en repeat. Bo5e,er9 some pla4ers pre6er to &eal t)e car&s singl4. T)e remain&er o6 t)e &ec8 is temporaril4 put asi&e. <6ter e,er4one )as pla4e& t)eir 6our car&s9 anot)er )an& o6 6our car&s is &ealt to eac) pla4er 6rom t)e remaining car&s9 2ut no more car&s are &ealt to t)e ta2le a6ter t)e 6irst &eal. <6ter t)ese car&s )a,e 2een pla4e& t)ere is anot)er &eal9 an& t)is continues until all -2 car&s )a,e 2een &ealt (t)is ta8es / &eals 6or 2 pla4ers9 4 &eals 6or t)ree pla4ers9 3 &eals 6or 4 pla4ers). T)e &ealer must announce ClastC 5)en &ealing t)e last car&s. <6ter t)e last car&s )a,e 2een pla4e& an& t)e )an& score&9 t)e &eal passes to t)e le6t 6or t)e ne:t roun&. The Play Starting 5it) t)e pla4er to t)e le6t o6 t)e &ealer an& continuing cloc85ise9 eac) pla4er in turn must pla4 one car& out 6rom )an& 6ace up on t)e ta2le. T)is car& ma4 or ma4 not capture one or more car&s 6rom t)e ta2le. =n case o6 a capture9 5)en t)e ot)er pla4ers )a,e )a& an opportunit4 to see t)e capturing car&9 t)e pla4er pic8s up t)is car& an& t)e capture& car&s an& stores t)em all 6ace &o5n in a pile.

Contents (1n) =6 t)ere is no capture t)e pla4e& car& remains 6ace up on t)e ta2le.

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=rrespecti,e o6 5)et)er a capture 5as ma&e or not9 t)e turn passes to t)e ne:t pla4er. =n &etail9 t)e possi2le t4pes o6 pla4 are as 6ollo5s@ ', Capturing #ith a )ace card =6 t)e car& pla4e& is a 6ace car& (8ing9 0ueen or ?ac8) 5)ic) matc)es t)e ran8 o6 a 6ace car& on t)e ta2le9 t)e 6ace car& on t)e ta2le ma4 2e capture&. T)is is t)e onl4 possi2le capture 5it) a 6ace car&. =6 t)e ta2le contains more t)an one matc)ing car& onl4 one ma4 2e capture&. Example:T)e - an& - are on t)e ta2le9 an& t)e - is pla4e&. T)e pla4er ma4 capture one o6 t)e 0ueens 6rom t)e ta2le 2ut not 2ot). &, Capturing #ith a numeral card < numeral car& (<ce9 29 ...9 10) can capture an4 numeral car&s on t)e ta2le 5)ic) are o6 t)e same ran8 as t)e car& pla4e&9 an& an4 sets o6 numeral car&s 5)ic) a&& up to t)e ran8 o6 t)e car& pla4e&9 5it) t)e 6ollo5ing restrictions@ car&s 5)ic) are part o6 a 2uil& (see 2elo5) can onl4 2e capture& 24 a car& o6 t)e ran8 announce& 6or t)at 2uil&E 5)en sets are capture&9 eac) capture& car& can onl4 counte& as 2elonging to one suc) set.

Example =6 an eig)t is pla4e& it coul& capture one9 t5o or t)ree eig)ts 6rom t)e ta2le. =t coul& also capture a 6i,e an& a t)ree9 or a 6our an& t5o t5os. =6 t)e 6ollo5ing car&s are on t)e ta2le@ A " . % $9 t)en an eig)t coul& capture $ % " . or $ . " A9 2ut not all si: car&s. -, !uilding < numeral car& ma4 2e pla4e& an& com2ine& 5it) ot)er car&s on t)e ta2le9 placing t)em toget)er to 6orm a build. < 2uil& can 2e ma&e out o6 an4 collection o6 numeral car&s 5)ic) can 2e capture& 24 a single numeral car& accor&ing to rule 2 a2o,e. T)e pla4er ma8ing t)e 2uil& must announce t)e capturing num2er (sa4ing9 6or e:ample9 C2uil&ing -C)9 an& must )ol& a numeral car& 5)ic) can later ma8e t)e capture. T)ere are t5o t4pes o6 2uil&@ sin(le buildsan& multiple builds.

< sin(le build consists o6 t5o or more car&s 5)ose capture ,alues a&& up to t)e capture ,alue o6 t)e 2uil& " 6or e:ample a -"2uil& ma&e o6 a 2 an& a 39 or a 10"2uil& ma&e o6 <"4"-. < multiple build consists o6 t5o or more car&s or sets o6 car&s9 eac) o6 5)ic) e0uates to t)e capture ,alue o6 t)e 2uil& " 6or e:ample a -"2uil& ma&e o6 a 2 an& a 3 plus a 4 an& an ace9 or a -"2uil& ma&e o6 <"4 an& -9 or a $"2uil& ma&e o6 t5o nines9 or a $"2uil& ma&e o6 /"3 plus -"4 plus $.

.)en 4ou ma8e a 2uil&9 it must inclu&e t)e car& 4ou ?ust pla4e& " 4ou cannot create a 2uil& consisting entirel4 o6 car&s t)at 5ere alrea&4 on t)e ta2le. Car&s 5)ic) )a,e 2een ma&e into a 2uil& can su2se0uentl4 onl4 2e capture& as a unit9 ne,er separatel4.

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Examples =6 t)ere is a - on t)e ta2le9 a pla4er )ol&ing a 3 an& an 1 ma4 put t)e 3 on t)e - an& announce C2uil&ing 1CE t)is single 2uil& can no5 onl4 2e capture& 24 an 1.

=6 t)ere is an ace an& a t5o on t)e ta2le9 a pla4er )ol&ing t5o t)rees an& a si: coul& pla4 one o6 t)e t)rees an& eit)er@ 1. capture t)e t5o an& t)e aceE 2. com2ine t)e pla4e& t)ree 5it) t)e ace an& t)e t5o an& ma8e a single 2uil&9 announcing C2uil&ing /CE 3. com2ine t)e pla4e& t)ree 5it) t)e ace an& t)e t5o an& ma8e a multiple 2uil&9 announcing C2uil&ing 3CE

=t 5oul& not 2e legal to pla4 t)e t)ree on t)e ace9 2uil&ing 6our9 or on t)e t5o9 2uil&ing 6i,e9 as t)e pla4er &oes not )ol& a 6our or a 6i,e. ., Capturing a %uild < 2uil& can 2e capture& 24 pla4ing a numeral car& o6 t)e ran8 5)ic) 5as announce& 5)en t)e 2uil& 5as ma&e. =t is t)us possi2le to CstealC a 2uil& create& 24 anot)er pla4er9 i6 4ou )a,e t)e rig)t numeral car&. =6 on 4our turn9 t)e ta2le contains a 2uil& 5)ic) 4ou create& or a&&e& to 4oursel69 an& no ot)er pla4er )as a&&e& to it since 4our last turn9 4ou are not allo5e& simpl4 to trail a car& (as in rule /) on 4our ne:t turn. Dou must eit)er ma8e a capture o6 some 8in&9 create anot)er 2uil&9 or a&& to a 2uil& (i.e. 6ollo5 rule 39 4 or -). =t is al5a4s possi2le to capture in t)is situation " i6 not)ing else9 4ou must )ol& t)e capturing car& 6or t)e 2uil& 4ou ?ust ma&e9 ot)er5ise 4our 2uil& 5as illegal. =6 t)ere is a 2uil& on t)e ta2le9 an& 4ou 5ere t)e last pla4er to a&& a car& to t)is 2uil&9 4ou are not allo5e& to pla4 so as to lea,e 4oursel6 5it) no car& e0ual to t)e ,alue o6 t)is 2uil&. .)ile capturing a 2uil&9 4ou can also capture an4 loose car&s on t)e ta2le t)at a&& up to t)e same num2er. +or e:ample 4ou )a,e ma&e a 2uil& o6 $ an& t)ere is a - on t)e ta2le. =6 t)e pla4er 2e6ore 4ou pla4s a 49 4ou can capture t)e 4 an& t)e - at t)e same time t)at 4ou ta8e in 4our 2uil&. =t is not possi2le to capture a 2uil& 5it) a car& o6 an4 ot)er ran8 t)an t)at announce& 6or t)e 2uil&. +or e:ample t)e ta2le contains a 4 an& a 3 com2ine& into a 2uil& o6 (9 plus a separate 2. Dou cannot pla4 a $ to ta8e t)e 2uil& o6 ( plus t)e 2 " t)e 2uil& can onl4 2e capture& 5it) a (. /, Adding to a %uild T)ere are t5o 5a4s o6 a&&ing to a 2uil&@ 1. Dou ma4 a&& a car& 6rom 4our )an& to a sin(le 2uil&9 increasing t)e capturing num2er9 pro,i&e& t)at 4ou also )ol& a car& 5)ic) 5ill capture t)e ne5 2uil&. <t t)e same time 4ou ma4 incorporate a&&itional car&s 6rom t)e ta2le into t)e 2uil&9 i6 t)e4 are e0ual to t)e

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ne5 capturing num2er. =n t)is case t)e 2uil& 5ill 2ecome multiple. Dou can ne,er use a car& 6rom t)e ta2le to c)ange t)e ,alue o6 a single 2uil&. Example A T)e ta2le contains a 2uil& consisting o6 t5o t)rees9 announce& as a 2uil& o6six. =6 4ou )ol& a t5o an& an eig)t9 4ou can a&& t)e t5o to t)e 2uil& announcing C2uil&ing 1C. T)e ne:t pla4er9 )ol&ing an ace an& a nine9 coul& t)en a&& t)e ace an& sa4 C2uil&ing $C. T)e capturing num2er o6 a multiple 2uil& can ne,er 2e c)ange&. =6 t)e original 2uil& o6 t5o t)rees in t)e a2o,e e:ample )a& 2een announce& as buildin( t&ree (rat)er t)an 2uil&ing si:)9 it 5oul& not 2e possi2le 6or a pla4er )ol&ing a t5o an& a 6i,e to a&& t)e t5o to t)e 2uil&9 ma8ing 6i,e. Example / T)e ta2le contains an ace9 a t5o an& a 6ourE t)e ace an& t)e 6our )a,e 2een com2ine& 24 a pre,ious pla4er into a 2uil& o6 'ive. Dou )ol& a t)ree9 an eig)t an& a ten. Dou can pla4 4our t)ree onto t)e single 6i,e"2uil& an& announce C2uil&ing eig)tC9 2ut 4ou are not allo5e& to incorporate t)e t5o 6rom t)e ta2le into t)is 2uil& to ma8e it a 2uil& o6 ten. Example C T)e ta2le contains a t)ree an& a 6our9 2uilt into a se,en9 an& a separate nine. Dou )ol& a t5o an& a nine. Dou can pla4 4our t5o9 com2ining it 5it) t)e se,en"2uil& to ma8e nine9 an& at t)e same time incorporate t)e nine on t)e ta2le into t)e 2uil&9 con,erting it to a multiple 2uil& an& sa4ing C2uil&ing nineC. 2. Dou ma4 a&& to an4 2uil&9 single or multiple9 24 pla4ing a car& 6rom 4our )an& 5)ic)9 eit)er alone or com2ine& 5it) ot)er car&s on t)e ta2le 5)ic) are not 4et in 2uil&s9 matc)es t)e e:isting capture num2er o6 t)e 2uil&9 pro,i&e& t)at 4ou )ol& a car& 5)ic) can capture t)e com2ine& 2uil&. Example T)e ta2le contains a $"2uil& consisting o6 a - an& a 49 an& t)ere is also a 3 on t)e ta2le. Dou )ol& a si: an& t5o nines. Dou can pla4 4our /9 com2ining it 5it) t)e 3 an& t)e e:isting 2uil& to ma8e a ne5 multiple 2uil& o6 $. T)en on 4our ne:t turn (pro,i&e& t)at no one else capture&) 4ou coul& a&& one o6 t)e nines 6rom 4our )an& to t)e 2uil&. +inall49 on t)e 6ollo5ing turn9 4ou coul& capture t)e 5)ole 2uil& 5it) 4our secon& nine. ;ote t)at 5)en ma8ing or a&&ing to a 2uil&9 4ou must contri2ute a car& to it 6rom 4our )an&. Dou cannot ?ust com2ine ,arious car&s 5)ic) are alrea&4 on t)e ta2le to 6orm a 2uil&. ;ote also t)at once a 2uil& contains more t)an one car& or sets o6 car&s 5)ic) a&& to t)e capturing num2er9 it is a multiple 2uil& an& t)e capturing num2er can no longer 2e c)ange&. Example0 T)ere is a multiple 1"2uil& o6 3"-"1 on t)e ta2le9 an& t)ere is also a loose / on t)e ta2le. =n 4our )an& 4ou )a,e 29 19 19 10. Dou ma4 a&& one o6 4our 1s to t)e 2uil&9 ma8ing 3"-"1" 19 or to a&& 4our 2 toget)er 5it) t)e / on t)e ta2le9 ma8ing 3"-"1"2"/9 still 5it) capture ,alue 1. Dou cannot use 4our 2 to c)ange t)e capture ,alue to 10. 0, "railing =6 4ou simpl4 pla4 a car& 5it)out 2uil&ing or capturing9 t)e car& is place& 6ace up on t)e ta2le alongsi&e an4 ot)er la4out car&s an& remains t)ere to 2e capture& or 2uilt on in 6uture. =t is t)en

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t)e ne:t pla4er>s turn. Pla4ing a car& 5it)out 2uil&ing or capturing is sometimes calle& trailin(. Dou are allo5e& to trail a car& e,en i6 t)at car& coul& )a,e ma&e a capture. Example Suppose t)at in a 6our pla4er partners)ip game 4our partner )as t5o tens an& 4ou )a,e one. Dour partner pla4s a 10 an& t)e ne:t pla4er &oes not ta8e it. An 4our turn9 i6 4ou suspect t)at 4our partner )as a secon& 109 4ou can pla4 4our 10 an& not capture9 lea,ing 2ot) tens on t)e ta2le 6or 4our partner. T)e onl4 case in 5)ic) trailing is not allo5e& is 5)en t)ere is a 2uil& on t)e ta2le 5)ic) 4ou 5ere t)e last pla4er to a&& to. .)en all t)e car&s )a,e 2een pla4e& in t)e 6inal &eal9 t)e last pla4er 5)o ma&e a capture also 5ins an4 car&s 5)ic) are le6t on t)e ta2le. T)at is 5)4 it is important t)at t)e &ealer s)oul& announce ClastC 5)en &ealing t)e last car&s. 1int on tactics@ it is o6ten goo& 6or t)e &ealer to )ol& 2ac8 a 6ace car& to pla4 last i6 possi2leE t)is 5ill capture a matc)ing 6ace car& on t)e ta2le an& t)ere24 also 5in an4 ot)er ta2le car&s t)at remain. Scorin' 3ac) pla4er (or team) counts t)eir score 2ase& on t)e pile o6 car&s t)e4 )a,e 5on. T)ere are ele,en possi2le points in eac) )an&@ 5)oe,er )as t)e +ost Cards gets t)ree pointsE 5)oe,er )as +ost ,pades is one pointE eac) Ace is 5ort) one point (capturing an ace 5it) anot)er ace is calle& Ccas)C 24 some pla4ers) t)e ten o6 &iamon&s9 calle& /i( Casino or t)e 2ood Ten9 is 5ort) t5o pointsE t)e t5o o6 spa&es9 calle& 3ittle Casino or t)e 2ood Two9 is 5ort) one point.

=6 t)ere is a tie 6or most car&s or most spa&es9 no one gets t)ose points.

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Quadrille (n 4)
0rs 2ates, the widow of a former #icar of !igh'ur", was a #er" old lad", almost past e#er"thing 'ut tea and -uadrille Players, +our. 3ac) pla4s 6or )imsel6 in t)e long run9 2ut temporar4 alliances ma4 2e 6orme& 6rom &eal to &eal. T)e turn to &eal9 t)e &ealing itsel69 an& all t)e pla4 o6 tric8s9 rotate 6rom le6t to rig)t. 7ealer>s rig)t")an& neig)2our is t)e Cel&estC )an& an& &ealer C4oungestC. Cards, 409 consisting o6 <#%I(/-432 in eac) suit. (Amit ran8s 109 $9 1.) +ard score, 3ac) pla4er starts 5it) a num2er o6 c)ips or counters o6 )im o5n &istincti,e colour. 3ac) pla4er>s 6ull complement consisting o6 10 *ettons (counters9 small an& roun&)9 1$ fiches (6is)9 so calle& 6rom t)eir s)ape)9 an& -mils or contrats (large an& o2long). <s eac) &enomination is 10 times )ig)er t)an t)e one 2elo59 t)is 2roug)t t)e total to t)e e0ui,alent o6 (00 unitar4 counters. Structure, < game is 6ort4 &eals9 or an4 ot)er multiple o6 6our as agree& in a&,ance. Deal, Be6ore eac) &eal9 eac) pla4er sta8es one c)ip to t)e pool. (Ar t)e &ealer sta8es 6our9 i6 pre6erre&.) 7eal 10 car&s eac)9 6ace &o5n9 in 2atc)es o6 4"3"39 3"4"39 or 3"3"4. *ank o# cards, T)e ran8ing or&er o6 car&s ,aries as 2et5een re& an& 2lac8 suits9 an& as 2et5een trumps an& plain suits. T)e top t)ree trumps are calle& +atadors an& al5a4s consist o6@ 40 <ce9 calle& ,padille "0 T)e nominall4 lo5est trump (2lac8 29 re& ()9 calle& +anille 0 <ce9 calle& /asto. =n a re& trump suit t)e 6ourt) )ig)est is its <ce9 calle& Punto9 2ut it is not a mata&or. Fata&ors )a,e special pri,ileges in t)e pla4 o6 tric8s9 as 5ill 2e e:plaine& later. T)e tric8"ta8ing po5er o6 car&s9 6rom )ig)est to lo5est in eac) suit9 is as 6ollo5s@ in black trumps: spa&ille9 manille (2)9 2asto9 # % I ( / - 4 3 in non-trump black suits: # % I ( / - 4 3 2 in red trumps: spa&ille9 manille (()9 2asto9 punto (<)9 # % I 2 3 4 - / in non-trump red suits: # % I 2 3 4 - / (

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-uction, .)oe,er 2i&s )ig)est 2ecomes t)e soloist9 an& is &esignate& !om're. 3ac) in turn9 2eginning 5it) 3l&est )an&9 ma4 2i& or pass. Passing pro)i2its 4ou 6rom 2i&&ing again. T)e simplest 6orm o6 t)e game )as onl4 t)ree 2i&s9 6rom lo5est to )ig)est@ 40 Alliance (announce& as CBegC or CProposeC or C<s8 lea,eC). < 2i& to 5in at least si: tric8s a6ter naming trumps an& calling as an all4 t)e )ol&er o6 a speci6ic #ing. "0 ,olo (or sans prendre). < 2i& to 5in at least si: tric8s a6ter naming trumps an& pla4ing alone against t)e ot)er t)ree. 0 T&e vole (or slam). <s solo9 2ut also un&erta8ing to 5in all 10 tric8s. < solo o,ercalls an alliance9 2ut an el&er pla4er (one closer to t)e &ealer>s rig)t) 5)o 2i&s an alliance ma49 i6 o,ercalle&9 raise )im 2i& to a solo an& so 2ecome Bom2re 24 ,irtue o6 positional priorit4. =t is 5ort) noting t)at9 i6 4ou pla4 a solo9 4ou can raise 4our 2i& to a ,ole a6ter 5inning t)e 6irst si: tric8s. T)ere6ore9 4ou nee&n>t 2i& it in a&,ance unless (a) 4ou nee& to o,ercall an earlier pla4er>s 2i& o6 solo9 or (2) 4our ,ole is a2solutel4 un2eata2le9 in 5)ic) case it is 5ort) 2i&&ing no5 2ecause it earns more t)an i6 un&erta8en later. =6 an4one &oes 2i& t)e ,ole9 e,er4 pla4er9 inclu&ing t)e 2i&&er9 must imme&iatel4 pa4 t)ree c)ips into a ne5 pool9 consisting o6 12 in all9 5)ic) is to 2e 8ept separate 6rom t)e main sta8e or pool. =6 pla4ing solo9 Bom2re announces t)e trump suit an& pla4 2egins. =6 pla4ing alliance9 )e names trumps an& nominates t)e #ing o6 an4 non"trump suit lac8ing 6rom )is o5n )an&. =6 (an& onl4 i6) )e )ol&s all t)ree #ings )e calls a %ueen instea&. T)e )ol&er o6 t)e calle& car& automaticall4 2ecomes t)e ot)er partner9 2ut sa4s not)ing. T)e partners)ip ma4 onl4 2e re,eale& 5)en t)e calle& car& is pla4e& to a tric89 or 5)en its )ol&er ma8es some ot)er pla4 t)at o2,iousl4 6a,ours t)e caller. Bom2re ma4 call a #ing )e )ol&s )ersel69 5)et)er 24 mista8e or as a 2lu66. =n t)is case )e 5ill9 in e66ect9 2e pla4ing a solo (secretl4)9 an& 5ins or loses accor&ingl4. =6 e,er4one passes9 t)e game is Forced ,padille. .)oe,er )ol&s < must pla4 an alliance 24 calling a #ing9 or a %ueen i6 )e )ol&s 6our #ings. =n t)is case9 )o5e,er9 )e ma4 (2ut nee& not) in,ite )is partner to nominate trumps. Play, 3l&est lea&s 6irst. Pla4ers must 6ollo5 suit i6 possi2le (e:cept 5)en reneging " see 2elo5)9 ot)er5ise ma4 pla4 an4 car&. T)e tric8 is ta8en 24 t)e )ig)est car& o6 t)e suit le&9 or 24 t)e )ig)est trump i6 an4 are pla4e&9 an& t)e 5inner o6 eac) tric8 lea&s to t)e ne:t. *ene'in', < pla4er )ol&ing a mata&or nee& not pla4 it to a trump lea&9 2ut ma49 i6 lac8ing lo5er trumps9 instea& renege 24 pla4ing 6rom anot)er suit. Bo5e,er9 t)e lea& o6 a )ig)er mata&or 6orces t)e pla4 o6 a lo5er one i6 its )ol&er )as no alternati,e. +or e:ample9 i6 Spa&ille is le&9 t)e )ol&er o6 Fanille or Basto must pla4 it i6 )e )as no ot)er trump. Similarl49 Fanille 6orces t)e pla4 o6 Basto

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i6 t)ere is no alternati,e. Spa&ille itsel69 2eing t)e )ig)est cannot 2e 6orce&. ;ote t)at 6orcing applies onl4 i6 t)e )ig)er mata&or is led to t)e tric89 not i6 pla4e& secon& or t)ir&. Premiers and the vole, =6 Bom2re in a Solo 2i& 5ins t)e 6irst si: tric8s straig)t o669 )e gains a 2onus 6or CpremiersC9 an& ma4 claim )is 5innings 5it)out 6urt)er pla4. =69 )o5e,er9 )e lea&s to t)e se,ent) tric89 t)is automaticall4 raises )is 2i& to t)e ,ole. =n t)is e,ent9 e,er4one inclu&ing Bom2re must imme&iatel4 pa4 t)ree c)ips into a ne5 pool9 consisting o6 12 in all9 5)ic) is to 2e 8ept separate 6rom t)e main sta8e or pool. =6 )e t)en su2se0uentl4 loses a tric8 t)is sta8e 5ill go to t)e opponents9 2ut )e 5ill still 2e pai& 6or 5inning t)e game an& t)e premiers. =n an alliance9 t)e same rule applies to t)e partners)ip i6 t)e4 ta8e t)e 6irst si: 2et5een t)em. A2,iousl49 t)e4 must agree 5)et)er or not to &o so9 2ut t)e4 are not allo5e& to gi,e eac) ot)er an4 in6ormation as to t)eir car&s or li8eli)oo& o6 success. .)oe,er is on lea& s)oul& merel4 sa4 CFa4 =JC9 an& )is all4 repl4 merel4 CDesC or C;oC. =6 a6ter si: tric8s Bom2re &oes not 4et 8no5 5)o )is all4 is9 t)e latter 5ill naturall4 re,eal )ersel6 24 eit)er as8ing or ans5ering t)at 0uestion. =n a +orce& Spa&ille9 t)e ,ole ma4 not 2e speci6icall4 un&erta8en an& t)ere is no e:tra pa4ment 6or 5inning it. (T)is presuma2l4 also preclu&es pa4ment 6or premiers9 2ut none o6 m4 sources a&&resses t)is point.) Pay&o## #or !on solo, Bom2re s5eeps t)e pool9 plus t)at 6or t)e ,ole i6 )e 5on e,er4 tric89 an& recei,es 6rom eac) opponent 5)ic)e,er o6 t)e 6ollo5ing a&&itional pa4ments ma4 appl4. (< unit means one 0uarter o6 t)e sta8e. T)e sta8e ma4 2e greater t)an 6our c)ips9 as it is carrie& 6or5ar& 5)en a game is lost.) +or t)e solo @ 4 units +atadors (3 in Bom2re>s )an&) @ 1 unit 5ouble matadors (3 plus Punto) @ 2 units Premiers (6irst / tric8s) @ 1 unit 6ole (all 10 tric8s) @ 2 units (;ote@ CFata&orsC are pai& 5)en Bom2re originall4 )el& Spa&ille9 Fanille9 an& Basto. 7ou2le mata&ors9 6or t)e a&&itional )ol&ing o6 Punto9 is o6 course possi2le onl4 5)en a re& suit 5as trump.) Pay&o## #or !on alliance or #orced S%adille, T)e sta8e is &i,i&e& e0uall4 2et5een t)e allies9 5)o also recei,e 6rom t)e opponents9 one to one9 an4 o6 t)e rele,ant 2onuses liste& a2o,e. =n t)is case pa4ment 6or mata&ors ma4 2e 6or t)ree or 6our )el& 2et5een t)e allies9 not necessaril4 in one )an&. Penalties #or a lost 'ame, =n a solo9 Bom2re pa4s eac) o6 t)e t)ree opponents. =n an alliance or +orce& Spa&ille9 Bom2re pa4s t)e appropriate amount to one opponent9 an& )is all4 to t)e ot)er. But t)ere is an e:ception t)at applies to an <lliance (t)oug) not to a +orce& Spa&ille)9 namel49 t)at Bom2re is

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o2lige& to 5in at least t)ree tric8s9 an& i6 )e 6ails to &o so must alone pa4 t)e t5o opponents on 2e)al6 o6 )ersel6 an& )is all4. T)is is 2ecause t)e latter 5as an in,oluntar4 partner an& coul& not reasona2l4 )a,e 2een e:pecte& to contri2ute more t)an t5o. T)ere are t5o &egrees o6 loss. =6 Bom2re 5ins onl4 6i,e tric8s9 it is a remiseE i6 6our or 6e5er9 it is a codille. +or loss 24 remise9 Bom2re &ou2les t)e sta8e " 5)ic) is carrie& 6or5ar& to t)e ne:t &eal " an& pa4s to eac) opponent t)e premium 6or a solo (i6 applica2le) an& 6or an4 mata&ors )e ma4 )a,e )el& (eit)er alone or 5it) an all4.) +or loss 24 codille9 Bom2re>s t5o or t)ree opponents t)emsel,es s5eep t)e pool an& &i,i&e it 2et5een t)em " unless t)ere are t)ree opponents an& t)e sta8e is not e:actl4 &i,isi2le 24 t)ree9 5)en it is le6t in place an& carrie& 6or5ar&. Bom2re t)en contri2utes to t)e pool 6or t)e ne:t &eal t5ice t)e amount t)at 5as ?ust ta8en9 an& pa4s to eac) opponent t)e amount )e 5oul& ot)er5ise )a,e recei,e& 6rom t)em (i6 applica2le) 6or t)e premium9 mata&ors an& t)e ,ole un&erta8en. Penalties #or a lost vole, < ,ole un&erta8en a6ter si: tric8s9 i6 lost9 &oes not 2ar Bom2re 6rom 5inning t)e game sta8e9 t)e pa4ment 6or premiers9 an& an4 pa4ment 6or mata&ors. T)e sta8e 6or t)e ,ole itsel6 is ta8en in e0ual proportions 24 )is opponents.

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!"ree-card #oo (n+2)

&n entering the drawing%room she found the whole part" at loo, and was immediatel" in#ited to *oin them; 'ut suspecting them to 'e pla"ing high she declined it, and making her sister the e+cuse, said she would amuse herself for the short time she could sta" 'elow with a 'ook 0r !urst looked at her with astonishment 3/o "ou prefer reading to cards?3 said he; 3that is rather singular 3 30iss 4li5a 2ennet,3 said 0iss 2ingle", 3despises cards She is a great reader and has no pleasure in an" thing else 3 Players Gp to 1( can pla49 2ut Cra5le4 recommen&s 6i,e9 si: or se,en. E.ui%ment T)e car&s are -29 ran8ing <#%I10$1(/-432 in eac) suit. 3,er4one starts 5it) an e0ual num2er o6 c)ips or counters. Deal .)oe,er cuts t)e lo5est car& (<ce lo5) &eals 6irst. T)e turn to &eal an& pla4 passes al5a4s to t)e le6t. T)e &ealer sta8es t)ree to t)e pool. < t)ree"c)ip pool is a >single>. .)en it contains more9 le6t o,er 6rom t)e pre,ious &eal9 it is a >&ou2le>. 7eal to eac) pla4er9 an& to a spare )an& calle& >Fiss>9 t)ree car&s one at a time. Stac8 t)e rest 6ace &o5n an& turn t)e ne:t 6or trump. Object To 5in at least one tric8. < pla4er 5)o ta8es part an& 5ins none is >looe&>9 an& )as to increase t)e pool. -nnouncements 3ac) in turn announces 5)et)er t)e4 5ill pla4 or t)ro5 t)eir )an& in. <n4one o66ering to pla4 ma" e:c)ange t)eir )an& 6or Fiss9 sig)t unseen9 2ut ma4 not t)en &rop out or c)ange it 2ac8. Anl4 t)e 6irst pla4er to claim t)is pri,ilege9 starting 6rom t)e &ealer>s le6t")an& neig)2our9 ma4 e:ercise it. =6 all pass9 t)e &ealer 5ins t)e pool. =6 one e:c)anges an& t)e ot)ers all pass9 t)e e:c)anger 5ins t)e pool. =6 ?ust one pla4er 2e6ore t)e &ealer pla4s9 an& &oes so 5it)out e:c)anging9 t)e &ealer ma4 not pass 2ut )as a c)oice o6 pla4. Be ma4 eit)er pla4 6or )imsel6 (5it) or 5it)out e:c)anging)9 or elect to >&e6en& Fiss>. =n t)is case )e still pla4s9 2ut neit)er 5ins nor loses an4t)ing. Anl4 t)e ot)er pla4er 5ins 6rom or loses to t)e pool9 accor&ing to t)e result.

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Play 3l&est )an& lea&s to t)e 6irst tric89 an& must lea& t)e trump <ce i6 )el&9 or t)e trump #ing i6 t)e turn"up is an <ce. =6 not9 )e must still lea& a trump i6 )e )as more t)an one9 an& it must 2e )is )ig)est i6 )e is pla4ing against onl4 one opponent. Dou must 6ollo5 suit an& )ea& t)e tric8 i6 4ou canE i6 una2le to 6ollo5 4ou must trump an& o,ertrump i6 4ou canE an& onl4 ot)er5ise ma4 4ou &iscar& as 4ou please. T)e tric8 is ta8en 24 t)e )ig)est car& o6 t)e suit le&9 or 24 t)e )ig)est trump i6 an4 are pla4e&. T)e 5inner o6 eac) tric8 lea&s to t)e ne:t9 an& must lea& a trump i6 )el&. Pay&o## 3ac) tric8 ta8en earns its 5inner one t)ir& o6 t)e pool. < pla4er 5)o is looe& pa4s t)ree to t)e pool9 5)ic) is t)en carrie& 6or5ar& as a >&ou2le>.

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$i%e-card #oo (&n1')

Players +rom 6i,e to ten. 3ac) s)oul& 2e e0uippe& 5it) an e0ual num2er o6 c)ips or counters. Cards -29 ran8ing <#%I10$1(/-432 in eac) suit. T)e I9 8no5n as Pam9 al5a4s 2elongs to t)e trump suit an& 2eats e,er4 car& in t)e pac89 inclu&ing t)e <ce o6 trumps. Deal .)oe,er cuts t)e lo5est car& (<ce lo5) &eals 6irst. T)e turn to &eal an& pla4 passes al5a4s to t)e le6t. T)e &ealer sta8es 6i,e to t)e pool. 7eal 6i,e car&s to eac) pla4er9 in 2atc)es o6 t)ree t)en t5o (or t5o t)en t)ree)9 stac8 t)e rest 6ace &o5n9 an& turn t)e ne:t 6or trump. Object To 5in at least one tric8. < pla4er 5)o ta8es part an& 5ins none is >looe&>9 an& )as to increase t)e pool. /lush < 6lus) is 6i,e car&s o6 t)e same suit9 or 6our o6 a suit plus Pam. T)e 2est 6lus) is 6our o6 a suit plus Pam9 6ollo5e& 24 a 6lus) in trumps9 t)en 24 t)e plain"suit 6lus) containing t)e )ig)est top car& or car&s. .)oe,er )ol&s t)e 2est 6lus) (i6 an4)9 5)et)er 2e6ore or a6ter e:c)anging car&s9 >looes t)e 2oar&> imme&iatel4 " t)at is9 )e is &eeme& to 5in all 6i,e tric8s 5it)out pla49 an& is appropriatel4 pai& 24 an4one 5)o &oes not )imsel6 )ol& eit)er Pam or a 6lus). Biddin' 3ac) in turn announces 5)et)er )e 5ill pass or pla4. To pla4 implies an un&erta8ing to 5in at least one tric8. (Aptional rule@ ;o one ma4 pass i6 clu2s are trump.) 3ac) acti,e pla4er ma4 ma8e an4 num2er o6 &iscar&s an& is t)en &ealt t)e same num2er o6 replacements 6rom t)e top o6 t)e stoc8 (e:clu&ing t)e turn"up). Play 3l&est lea&s to t)e 6irst tric8. =6 t)e trump <ce is le& (no5 or su2se0uentl4) its lea&er ma4 sa4 CPam 2e ci,il9C 5)ereupon t)e )ol&er o6 I ma4 not pla4 it unless )ol&ing no ot)er trump. Dou must 6ollo5 suit an& )ea& t)e tric8 i6 4ou canE i6 una2le to 6ollo5 4ou must trump an& o,ertrump i6 4ou canE an& onl4 ot)er5ise ma4 4ou &iscar& as 4ou please. T)e tric8 is ta8en 24 t)e )ig)est car& o6 t)e suit le&9 or 24 t)e )ig)est trump i6 an4 are pla4e&. T)e 5inner o6 eac) tric8 lea&s to t)e ne:t9 an& must lea& a trump i6 possi2le. =6 Pam is le& 4ou must pla4 a trump i6 4ou can. Pay&o## 3ac) tric8 5on earns one 6i6t) o6 t)e pool. <n4one 5)o 6ails to 5in a tric8 must pa4 an agree& sta8e to t)e pool.

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("ist (n 4)
When the card ta'les were placed, he [0r (ollins] had an opportunit" of o'liging her in return, '" sitting down to whist 3I know little of the game at present,3 said he, 3'ut I shall 'e glad to impro#e m"self 3 T)e classic game o6 5)ist is a plain"tric8 game 5it)out 2i&&ing 6or 4 pla4ers in 6i:e& partners)ips. <lt)oug) t)e rules are e:tremel4 simple t)ere is enormous scope 6or scienti6ic pla49 an& in its )e4&a4 a large amount o6 literature a2out )o5 to pla4 5)ist 5as 5ritten. Players T)ere are 6our pla4ers in t5o 6i:e& partners)ips. Partners sit 6acing eac) ot)er. T)e game is pla4e& cloc85ise. Cards < stan&ar& -2 car& pac8 is use&. T)e car&s in eac) suit ran8 6rom )ig)est to lo5est@ < # % I 10 $ 1 ( / - 4 3 2. Deal T)e car&s are s)u66le& 24 t)e pla4er to &ealer>s le6t an& cut 24 t)e pla4er to &ealer>s rig)t. T)e &ealer &eals out all t)e car&s one at a time so t)at eac) pla4er )as 13. T)e 6inal car&9 5)ic) 5ill 2elong to t)e &ealer9 is turne& 6ace up to in&icate 5)ic) suit is trumps. T)e turne& trump remains 6ace up on t)e ta2le until it is &ealer>s turn to pla4 to t)e 6irst tric8. =t is tra&itional to use t5o pac8s o6 car&s. 7uring eac) &eal9 t)e &ealer>s partner s)u66les t)e ot)er pac8 an& places it to t)e rig)t. T)e &ealer 6or t)e ne:t )an& t)en simpl4 nee&s to pic8 up t)e car&s 6rom t)e le6t an& pass t)em across to t)e rig)t to 2e cut. Pro,i&e& all t)e pla4ers un&erstan& an& operate it9 t)is proce&ure sa,es time an& )elps to remem2er 5)ose turn it is to &eal9 as t)e spare pac8 o6 car&s is al5a4s to t)e le6t o6 t)e ne:t &ealer. Play T)e pla4er to t)e &ealer>s le6t lea&s to t)e 6irst tric8. <n4 car& ma4 2e le&. T)e ot)er pla4ers9 in cloc85ise or&er9 eac) pla4 a car& to t)e tric8. Pla4ers must 6ollo5 suit 24 pla4ing a car& o6 t)e same suit as t)e car& le& i6 t)e4 canE a pla4er 5it) no car& o6 t)e suit le& ma4 pla4 an4 car&. T)e tric8 is 5on 24 t)e )ig)est trump in it " or i6 it contains no trump9 24 t)e )ig)est car& o6 t)e suit le&. T)e 5inner o6 a tric8 lea&s to t)e ne:t. Scorin' .)en all 13 tric8s )a,e 2een pla4e&9 t)e si&e 5)ic) 5on more tric8s scores 1 point 6or eac) tric8 t)e4 5on in e:cess o6 /. T)e partners)ip 5)ic) 6irst reac)es - points 5ins t)e game. T)is 5ill normall4 ta8e se,eral &eals.

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Honours Bonours are t)e top 6our trumps " < # % I. < partners)ip 5)ic) 2et5een t)em )el& all 6our )onours in t)eir )an&s score an e:tra 4 points9 5)ic) t)e4 claim at t)e en& o6 t)e pla4. < si&e 5)ic) )el& t)ree o6 t)e 6our )onours can claim 2 points 6or t)em. < team 5)ic) at t)e start o6 t)e alrea&4 )as 4 points to5ar&s t)e - re0uire& 6or game cannot score )onours on t)at &eal. =6 on t)e same &eal one si&e scores 6or tric8s an& t)e ot)er si&e scores )onours9 t)e tric8s are score& 6irst. T)at means t)at i6 2ot) si&es 5oul& )a,e reac)e& - or more points9 it is t)e si&e scoring 6or tric8s t)at 5ins t)e game. <lt)oug) scoring )onours 5as part o6 t)e tra&itional game9 no5a&a4s man4 pla4ers &o not count t)em. Scoring 6or )onours intro&uces a larger luc8 element into t)e game. Determination o) "rumps =nstea& o6 &etermining trumps 24 6acing t)e last car& in t)e &eal9 an alternati,e is to 6i: t)e trump suit in a&,ance. =n t)is case it is normal to go t)roug) t)e trump suits in a 6i:e& se0uence " 6or t)e 6irst &eal )earts are trumps9 6or t)e secon& &eal &iamon&s9 t)en spa&es9 t)en clu2s9 t)en )earts again9 an& so on. T)is met)o& is commonl4 use& in tournaments9 suc) as 5)ist &ri,es. =t is also possi2le to intro&uce no trumps into t)e se0uence " so t)at e,er4 6i6t) )an& is pla4e& 5it)out trumps. Scorin' T)e num2er o6 points re0uire& 6or game ,aries. =n <merica a target o6 ( 5as customar4. =n Britain t)e game 5as - points up9 2ut it 5as usual to pla4 a ru22er 5)ic) 5as t)e 2est o6 t)ree games " t)at is9 t)e 5inners 5ere t)e 6irst si&e to 5in t5o games. T)ere 5as also C*ong .)istC in 5)ic) game 5as $ points. .)en pla4ing a tournament9 it is incon,enient to )a,e people at &i66erent ta2les pla4 ,ar4ing num2ers o6 &eals 2e6ore mo,ing. T)ere6ore it is usual to pla4 a 6i:e& num2er o6 &eals9 rat)er t)an a game. 3ac) pla4er>s score is t)e total num2er o6 o&& tric8s (tric8s a2o,e si:) t)at t)eir si&e )as ta8en o,er t)e &eals pla4e&.

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Straig"t )ridge (n 4)
"alue o# the Cards T)e ,alue o6 t)e car&s is t)e same as at s)ort 5)ist. Tric8s are ta8en in t)e same manner9 an& t)e o&& tric8s9 o,er an& a2o,e si:9 are counte& as at s)ort 5)ist. )ethod o# Playin' T)ere are 6our pla4ers as at s)ort 5)ist9 t)e cutting 6or partners9 s)u66ling an& &ealing is t)e same9 e+cept that no card is turned up for trumps. T)e &ealer9 a6ter t)e car&s )a,e 2een loo8e& at9 )as t)e option o6 &eclaring t)e suit )e elects 6or trumps9 or o6 sa4ing Cpass9C in 5)ic) latter case )is partner must &eclare a suit 6or trumps. =n eit)er case o6 t)e &ealer or )is partner &eclaring9 t)e one &eclaring ma49 instea& o6 &eclaring trumps9 sa4 Cbiritc&9C 5)ic) means t)at t)e )an&s s)all 2e pla4e& without trumps. <6ter t)e &eclaration o6 trumps9 or Cbiritc&9C eit)er o6 t)e a&,ersaries ma4 sa4 Ccontre9C in 5)ic) case t)e ,alue o6 all tric8s ta8en is dou'led9 t)e &ealer or )is partner ma4 )o5e,er t)ereupon sa4 Csur contre9C in 5)ic) latter case t)e ,alue o6 all t)e tric8s ta8en is -uadrupled9 an& so onad infinitum t)e &ou2ling o6 t)e last esta2lis)e& ,alue ma4 go on until one si&e ceases to call a CsurC to t)e pre,ious Csur contrein(.C .)en t)e &eclaration )as 2een ma&e9 an& t)e Ccontrein(C an& Csur contrein(C (i6 an4) )a,e cease&9 t)e person to t)e le6t o6 t)e &ealer lea&s a car&. T)en t)e partner o6 t)e &ealer e:poses all )is car&s9 on t)e ta2le9 5)ic) are pla4e& 24 t)e &ealer as at /umm".)ist. ;o suggestions as to pla4 ma4 2e ma&e 24 t)e one stan&ing out (7umm4) to t)e &ealer. < re#oke counts t)e same as at S)ort .)ist9 2ut t)e e:pose& )an& cannot re,o8e. < misdeal &oes not c)ange t)e &eal9 2ut in suc) cases t)e car&s must 2e re"s)u66le&9 re"cut9 an& re"&ealt. <6ter eac) ru22er t)ere is a 6res) cut 6or partners. $ames and *ubbers < game is 5on 24 t)e 6irst si&e 5)ic) scores in pla" 30 points. T)e )onours &o not score to5ar&s t)e game. T)e 1u''er consists9 as at S)ort .)ist9 o6 t5o games out o6 t)ree.

Contents (1n) Scorin' T)e odd tricks count as 6ollo5s@ =6 CBiritc)C is &eclare&9 10 points eac). =6 Bearts are ma&e trumps9 1 points eac). =6 7iamon&s are ma&e trumps9 / points eac). =6 Clu2s are ma&e trumps9 4 points eac). =6 Spa&es are ma&e trumps9 2 points eac).

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=6 all t)e tric8s are ta8en 24 one si&e t)e4 a&& 40 e:tra points. T)is is calle& C2rand ,lamm.C =6 all t)e tric8s 'ut one are ta8en 24 one si&e t)e4 a&& 20 e:tra points. T)is is calle& CPetit ,lamm.C T)e winners o6 eac) ru22er a&& 40 points to t)eir score. T)is is calle& CConsolation.C T)ere are four honours i6 C/iritc&C is &eclare&9 5)ic) are t)e four aces. 30ualit4 in aces counts not)ing. 3 aces ' 3 tric8s. 4 aces ' 4 tric8s. 4 aces in one )an& ' 1 tric8s T)ere are fi#e honours9 ,iK@ <ce9 #ing9 %ueen9 #na,e an& Ten9 i6 trumps are &eclare&. Simple )onours (3) ' 2 tric8s. 4 )onours ' 4 tric8s. 4 )onours (in one )an&) ' 1 tric8s - )onours ' 1 tric8 in a&&ition to t)e score 6or 6our )onours. T)e )onour points are o6 e0ual ,alue to t)e ot)er points9 e:cept t)at t)e4 &o not a66ect t)e games or ru22ers9 an& are not &ou2le& 24 a Ccontre.C =6 one )an& )as no trumps (trumps )a,ing 2een &eclare&) )is si&e9 in t)e case o6 it scoring )onours9 a&&s t)e ,alue o6 simple )onours to its )onour score9 or9 in t)e case o6 t)e ot)er si&e scoring )onours9 t)e ,alue o6 simple )onours is &e&ucte& 6rom t)e latter>s score. T)is is calle& CC&icane.C

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Pi*uet (n 2)
Introduction Pi0uet is game 6or t5o pla4ers9 using a s)ortene& pac8 o6 32 car&s 5)ic) omits 2 to / in eac) suit. =n ascen&ing or&er9 t)e car&s ran8 77 $7 #7 487 J7 -7 *7 A ()ig)). < num2er o6 +renc) terms are tra&itionall4 use& 6or ,arious 6eatures o6 t)e game an& t)ese are inclu&e& 2elo5. < game consists o6 a set o6 / &eals calle& a partie9 5it) t)e &eal alternating. 3ac) pla4er is &ealt 12 car&s9 5it) 1 le6t as a talon. < &eal consists o6 t)ree parts@ &iscar&ing a num2er o6 car&s an& replacing t)em 6rom t)e talon to tr4 to impro,e t)e )an&9 &eclaring ,arious 6eatures in t)e )an&9 an& t)en pla4ing t)e car&s in tric8s. Pi0uet is a ,er4 ol& game. =t 5as 5ell esta2lis)e& 24 1/-0 5it) similar rules to t)e present ones (it &i66ere& in using a 3/ car& pac8 5it) a 12 car& talon9 el&er )an& 2eing allo5e& to c)ange ( car&s9 an& a partie 5as en&e& 24 t)e 6irst to reac) 1009 a ,ariant still sometimes pla4e&). =t 5as mentione& 24 La2elais in 1-3- alt)oug) 5)et)er t)is 5as t)e same game is unclear. =t )as retaine& its popularit4 to t)e present &a4 as one o6 t)e 2est an& most s8il6ul car& games 6or t5o pla4ers. T)e rules &escri2e& are t)ose pu2lis)e& 24 Ca,en&is) in 1112. Scorin' 7uring t)e pla4 o6 t)e )an&9 pla4ers announce t)eir running total 6or t)e )an& e,er4 time t)e4 score points. <t t)e en& o6 t)e )an& t)e 6inal totals are 5ritten &o5n an& a&&e& to t)e scores so 6ar 6or t)e partie. T)e 5inner is t)e pla4er 5)o )as a )ig)er score at t)e en& o6 partie. =6 t)e scores are e0ual a6ter / &eals9 t5o more )an&s are pla4e&. =6 t)e4 are t)en still e0ual t)e partie is a &ra5. < ma?or aim o6 t)e pla4ers9 apart 6rom scoring more t)an t)e opponent o,er t)e si: &eals9 is to Cget o,er t)e Lu2iconC 24 scoring 100 points or more in t)e partie. <t t)e en& o6 t)e partie9 i6 t)e loser )as score& at least 100 points9 t)e loser pa4s t)e 5inner t)e di''erence 2et5een t)e pla4ers> scores plus 100. =6 t)e loser )as not score& as man4 as 100 points t)en t)e loser pa4s t)e 5inner t)esum o6 t)e pla4ers> scores plus 100. =6 anot)er partie is to 2e pla4e&9 t)e scores are starte& 6rom Kero again. 12amples <t t)e en& o6 a partie t)e scores are A@$$9 /@120. Pla4er A pa4s 31$ to pla4er /. <t t)e en& o6 a partie t)e scores are A@1019 /@120. Pla4er A pa4s 11$ to pla4er /. Deal 7eal alternates 2et5een t)e pla4ers. Pla4ers cut 6or t)e )ig)est car&. T)e 5inner can c)oose 5)o &eals 6irst (2ut s)oul& al5a4s c)oose to &eal 6irst9 as t)ere is a slig)t a&,antage to 2eing non"&ealer on t)e critical si:t) )an&).

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T)e car&s s)oul& 2e s)u66le& t)oroug)l4. T5el,e car&s are &ealt to eac) pla4er9 lea,ing 1 o,er as a talon. 7ealer ma4 &eal in eit)er 3s or 2s9 2ut must &eal )er remaining t5o )an&s in t)e partie t)e same 5a4. T)e talon is put 6ace &o5n in t)e mi&&le. T)e non"&ealer is 8no5n as el&er )an&9 t)e &ealer as 4ounger )an&. =6 eit)er pla4er is &ealt a )an& 5it) no court car&s (I9 %9 #) )e ma4 announce carte 'lanche an& score 10 points. =t s)oul& 2e announce& as soon as it is notice&. T)e announcement is pro,e& 24 rapi&l4 &ealing t)e car&s 6ace up onto t)e ta2le a6ter 4our opponent )as &iscar&e& 2ut 2e6ore 4ou &iscar&. =6 3l&er )an& )as carte 2lanc)e )e announces )o5 man4 car&s )e inten&s &iscar&ing so t)at 4ounger )an& can c)oose )er &iscar&s 2e6ore seeing 3l&er )an&>s car&s. E0chan'e 3l&er )an& e:c)anges 6irst an& must &iscar& at least one an& at most 6i,e car&s 6ace &o5n (in practice9 el&er )an& 5ill almost al5a4s e:c)ange -). Be t)en pic8s up t)e same num2er o6 car&s 6rom t)e top o6 t)e talon. Dounger )an& t)en &oes t)e same9 &iscar&ing at least one car& an& at most t)e num2er o6 car&s not ta8en 24 el&er )an& (usuall4 3)9 an& ta8ing an e0ual num2er o6 car&s 6rom t)e talon. =6 eit)er pla4er e:c)anges 6e5er t)an t)e ma:imum allo5e& t)e4 must announce t)is 2e6ore pic8ing up car&s. 3ac) pla4er 8eeps )is &iscar&s 24 )im9 an& ma4 re6er to t)em &uring pla4 to remin& )imsel6 5)at )e &iscar&e&. =6 el&er e:c)anges 6e5er t)an 6i,e car&s )e can loo8 at t)e remain&er o6 t)e 6i,e. =6 4ounger e:c)anges 6e5er t)an permitte& s)e ma4 e:pose t)e remain&er (to 2ot) pla4ers) a6ter el&er )an& lea&s. Declarations T)ere are t)ree categories o6 scoring com2inations. Anl4 t)e pla4er 5it) t)e 2est com2ination in eac) categor4 scores 6or t)at categor4@ Point t)e most car&s in one suit. T)e num2er o6 car&s in t)e suit is announce& (e.g. Cpoint o6 -C) an& it scores t)is num2er. Se3uence t)e longest run o6 consecuti,e car&s in one suit (minimum 3). T)e possi2le se0uences are@ tierce (3 car&s9 scores 3)E 9uart (4 car&s " pronounce& CcartC " scores 4)E 9uint (- car&s9 scores 1-)E sixi:me (/ car&s9 scores 1/)E septi:me (( car&s9 scores 1()E &uiti:me (1 car&s9 scores 11).

Contents (1n) Set a set o6 car&s o6 t)e same ran8. T)ere are t5o t4pes@ 9uator;e is 6our <ces9 #ings9 %ueens9 Iac8s or Tens9 an& scores 14E trio is t)ree <ces9 #ings9 %ueens9 Iac8s or Tens9 an& scores 3.

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;ote t)at sets o6 $s9 1s or (s &o not count. 3l&er )an& &eclares 6irst9 announcing )is 2est com2ination in eac) categor49 usuall4 in t)e or&er gi,en. <6ter eac) announcement9 4ounger )an& sa4s Cgoo&C9 meaning el&er>s is 2etter an& can 2e score&9 Cnot goo&C i6 4ounger )as a 2etter com2ination9 or Ce0ualC in 5)ic) case el&er gi,es more in6ormation t)en 4ounger sa4s goo& or not goo&9 or e0ual i6 t)e4 are precisel4 e0ual9 in 5)ic) case neit)er pla4er scores. 30ual lengt) points are compare& 24 a&&ing t)e 6ace ,alue o6 eac) car&9 court car&s 2eing counte& as 10 an& ace as 11. 30ual lengt) se0uences are compare& accor&ing to t)e )ig)est car&9 eg A-*-- 2eats *---J. <n4 0uatorKe 2eats an4 trio9 an& 5)en comparing t5o 0uatorKes or t5o trios9 t)e one 5it) t)e )ig)er ran8e& car&s 5ins. T)e pla4er 5it) t)e 5inning se0uence can score an4 ot)er se0uences t)e4 )ol&. T)e ot)er pla4er scores not)ing 6or se0uences. Similarl49 t)e pla4er 5it) t)e 2etter trio or 0uatorKe can also score an4 ot)er trios an& 0uatorKes t)e4 )ol&9 2ut t)e ot)er pla4er scores not)ing 6or an4 trios or 0uatorKes. <6ter el&er )an& )as &eclare& )e lea&s a car&9 an& t)en 4ounger )an& announces an& scores 6or com2inations in categories 5)ere s)e )as sai& Cnot goo&C or 5)ere el&er )as not ma&e an4 &eclaration. <6ter 3l&er Ban& )as le& to t)e 6irst tric8 eit)er pla4er ma4 as8 to see an4 com2ination t)at )as 2een score& 6or or 5)ic) cause& no score 2ecause o6 e0ualit49 alt)oug) in practice t)is is rarel4 necessar4 as 4ou can normall4 &e&uce 5)at t)e car&s are. Dou mig)t9 6or e:ample9 a6ter a &eclaration o6 t)ree 0ueens as8 5)ic) one is missing. =t is not o2ligator4 to announce 4our 2est com2ination (or to announce an4t)ing in a categor4 at all) i6 4ou t)in8 4ou can o2tain some a&,antage in t)e pla4 24 concealing t)e car&s9 or i6 4ou t)in8 it is certain to 2e 2eaten. 7eli2eratel4 not announcing a com2ination is 8no5n as sinkin( a &eclaration. +or e:ample9 i6 4ou onl4 )a,e a trio o6 tens an& are sure 4our opponent )as a trio o6 aces9 t)ere is little point in announcing t)e tens. Bo5e,er9 once el&er )an& ma8es a &eclaration9 it cannot 2e re,ise& 24 &eclaring a )ig)er one i6 4ounger )an& sa4s not goo& or e0ual9 nor ma4 suc) 2etter com2inations 2e score& 24 el&er )an& i6 4ounger )an& sa4s goo&. *e%i.ue and Pi.ue < pla4er 5)o scores 30 in &eclarations 2e6ore )is opponent )as score& an4t)ing gains a repi9ue 5)ic) is 5ort) /0 points e:tra. < pla4er 5)o scores 30 in &eclarations an& pla4 2e6ore )is opponent scores an4t)ing gains a pi9ue9 5)ic) is 5ort) 30 e:tra. =n &eci&ing 5)et)er t)e 30 )as 2een reac)e& 2e6ore t)e opponent scores9 points are rec8one& strictl4 in t)is or&er@

Contents (1n) 1. Carte Blanc)e 2. Point 3. Se0uences 4. %uatorKes an& trios -. Points ma&e in pla4

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+or e:ample9 suppose el&er )an& c)ooses not to &eclare a point or se0uence 2ut announces 6our aces. =6 4ounger t)en announces t5o 0uints 6or 30 points t)is counts as a repi0ue. Similarl49 i6 el&er )an& scores 30 6or se0uences an& sets9 2ut 4ounger )an& )as t)e 2etter point9 el&er )an& &oes not score a repi0ue. Because el&er )an& al5a4s scores one 6or lea&ing to t)e 6irst tric89 onl4 el&er )an& can e,er score a pi0ue. 30ualit4 in a &eclaration &oes not pre,ent a pi0ue or repi0ue. Play o# the Cards Pla4 is in tric8s 5it) no trumps9 an& 4ou must 6ollo5 suit. < point is score& eac) time a car& is le&9 an& an e:tra point is score& 6or 5inning a car& lea& 24 t)e opponent. T)ere is one a&&itional point 6or 5inning t)e last tric8. T)e contents o6 tric8s alrea&4 pla4e& ma4 2e e:amine& 24 eit)er pla4er at an4 time. T)e pla4er 5)o 5ins more tric8s scores 10 6or t&e cards9 or 40 6or capot i6 all 12 tric8s are 5on. T)ere is no score 6or car&s i6 eac) pla4er 5ins / tric8s. T)e car&s can 2e counte& to5ar&s a pi0ue as soon as se,en tric8s )a,e 2een 5on. Capot &oes not count to5ar&s a pi0ue. -dvice on Play T)e most interesting an& &i66icult part o6 t)e game is c)oosing 5)at to &iscar&. 3l&er )an&9 5it) - car&s a,aila2le an& t)e lea& is in a muc) stronger position t)an 4ounger an& s)oul& normall4 go all"out 6or t)e 2est possi2le )an&9 ignoring an4 t)oug)t o6 &e6ence. Dounger )an& )o5e,er 5ill 5ant to tr4 an& preser,e (or pic8 up) a )ol&ing suc) as #: or %:: in 5)at loo8s li8el4 to 2e el&er )an&>s longest suit. =t is ,er4 rarel4 correct 6or el&er )an& not to ta8e - car&sE 2eginners 5ill o6ten e:c)ange onl4 4 in or&er to retain a si&e suit ace or 8ing9 2ut it is 2etter to ta8e t)e e:tra car& an& increase t)e c)ance o6 5inning one o6 t)e categories or o6 scoring pi0ue or repi0ue. <lso9 lea,ing 4 car&s gi,es 4ounger )an& an e:tra car& to e:c)ange. +or 4ounger )an& it is more 6re0uentl4 correct not to ta8e t)e ma:imum9 2ut still rare. =t is normall4 correct to retain all o6 4our longest suit. =t is ,alua2le 2ot) 6or t)e point an& to tr4 an& ta8e t)e car&s9 as 5ell as t)e possi2ilit4 o6 a se0uence. =6 t)ere are t5o o6 e0ual lengt)9 8eep t)e one 5it) t)e 2etter potential in pla49 or sometimes t)e one 5)ic) is most li8el4 to ma8e a run o6 6i,e or more. =n a&&ition 4ou 5ill normall4 8eep aces an& t)e car&s most li8el4 to 6orm a %uatorKe or trio. +or el&er )an&9 t)is 5ill o6ten &etermine all ( car&s to 8eep.

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.)en &eci&ing 5)at to e:c)ange consi&er 5)at9 6rom t)e car&s 4ou can see9 is t)e 2est possi2le com2ination 4our opponent can )a,e. +or e:ample9 i6 4ou )a,e a %uatorKe o6 10s t)en i6 4ou )a,e9 in ,arious suits9 at least one <9 #9 % an& I 4ou 8no5 it cannot 2e 2eaten (Cgoo& against t)e car&sC)9 an& s)oul& 8eep it. =6 )o5e,er 4ou )a,e neit)er an ace nor a 8ing it is unli8el4 to 5in9 particularl4 i6 4ou are 4ounger )an& an& onl4 get 3 car&s. Similarl49 ( 1 $ 10 is pro2a2l4 5ort) 8eeping as 4ounger )an& i6 4ou )a,e car&s in eac) suit 5)ic) pro,e 4our opponent cannot )a,e a run o6 49 particularl4 i6 4ou t)in8 t)ere is a &anger o6 a repi0ue or pi0ue. <s 4ounger )an&9 5)ile 4ou s)oul& still 8eep 4our longest suit 4ou s)oul& also tr4 to retain a CstopC in eac) suit (eg %::)9 or to 8eep car&s t)at mig)t )elp to5ar&s a stop. A6ten t)e 2est &iscar& is a 6rom a suit consisting o6 t)ree or 6our small car&s@ it is no use on its o5n in t)e &eclaration or pla49 an& i6 4ou pic8 more t)an 4our opponent>s suit cannot 2e long an& is not a great t)reat. Sometimes it is 2est to t)ro5 a mo&eratel4 strong 3 car& suit suc) a # I (@ 4our opponent ma4 a,oi& lea&ing it9 e:pecting t)is to set up tric8s 6or 4ou. Be alert 6or situations 5)ere a particular car& up 5oul& gi,e 4ou a repi0ue (5)ate,er else 4our opponent )ol&s) " it is al5a4s 5ort) &iscar&ing 6or t)is to )appen. ;ote t)at )a,ing a 2etter trio t)an 4our opponent is reall4 5ort) / not 39 as 4ou &epri,e 4our opponent o6 t)e score9 2ut a secon& trio is onl4 5ort) 3 points. Similarl49 5inning t)e car&s rat)er t)an 4our opponent is 5ort) 20 points not 10. T)e o&&s o6 el&er )an& pic8ing up one o6 t5o particular car&s are a2out - to 4 against9 so sa,ing an open se0uence o6 4 (ie one 5)ic) 4ou can a&& a car& at eit)er en&) is usuall4 5ort) &oing pro,i&e& it 5oul& 2e goo& against t)e car&s. +or 4ounger )an& t)e o&&s are - to 2 against9 muc) less attracti,e. Some care is nee&e& in ma8ing &eclarations. +or e:ample9 4ounger )an& s)oul& not automaticall4 sa4 e0ual to t)e point 2ecause s)e )ol&s t)e same num2er o6 car&s 5)en s)e can tell it cannot 2e goo&. Accasionall4 4ou mig)t &eclare a s)orter point t)an 4ou )ol& (pro,i&e& t)e s)orter is goo& against t)e car&s) to mislea& 4our opponent. Dou mig)t sin8 an a&&itional trio or tierce i6 t)e t)ree points gaine& 5oul& cause 4ou to 6ail to 5in t)e car&s. .it) e:perience9 t)e pla4 o6 t)e car&s can 2e near per6ect since 4ou 8no5 almost all t)e car&s in 4our opponent>s )an&. Bo5e,er9 2eginners 5ill lose man4 tric8s to an e:perience& pla4er9 an& 5it) it 10 points 6or ta8ing t)e car&s. Dou must 2e alert to t)e possi2ilities o6 a t)ro5"in9 e.g. to gi,e 4our opponent t)e lea& in a suit 5)ere 4ou )a,e no c)ance o6 a 5inner9 so t)at 4our opponent e,entuall4 )as to lea& to 4our A-- in anot)er suit9 gi,ing 4ou t5o tric8s in t)at suit. T)e 2eginner lea&s t)e ace in t)e 6aint )ope t)at t)e 8ing 5ill 6all. =t is ,er4 important to 8eep care6ul note o6 5)at car&s 4our opponent &iscar&s an& 5)at is le6t9 ta8ing into account 5)at )e )as &eclare& (an& 6aile& to &eclare). .)en pla4ing car&s9 al5a4s pla4 a car& 4ou )a,e &eclare& in pre6erence to an e0ui,alent car& 4our opponent &oes not 8no5 a2out. < common mista8e 24 2eginners is t)at 5)en 4our 2est suit pro,es to 2e 2loc8e& 24 t)e opponent to s5itc) an& tr4 eac) ot)er suit in turn. Gnless t)ere is anot)er suit 5)ic) )as a goo& c)ance o6 running9 it is normall4 2est to continue t)e 6irst suit.

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An t)e last )an&9 i6 t)e losing pla4er )as score& less t)an 100 t)is a66ects t)e game. T)e lea&ing pla4er s)oul& tr4 to &iscar& to minimise t)e loser>s score. =n t)e pla49 eac) time t)e lea& c)anges )an& t)is in a&&s one to t)e score so t)e loser mig)t tr4 to cause t)is to )appen i6 it 5ill get )is score to 100. Bo5e,er9 i6 t)e loser )as no c)ance o6 ma8ing 100 eac) time t)e lea& c)anges )an& it a&&s one t)e total score an& so it is to t)e loser>s a&,antage to a,oi& lea& c)anges. Similarl49 t)e loser 5)o cannot reac) 100 5ants to )a,e e0ual &eclarations (24 &eli2eratel4 &eclaring a s)orter se0uence t)an )el&9 6or e:ample) so t)at no points are score&9 an& to split t)e car&s i6 possi2le.

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$i%e-card Cri++age (n 2)
Players and cards T5o pla4ers using a stan&ar& -2 car& pac8. Car&s ran8 #()ig)) % I 10 $ 1 ( / - 4 3 2 <(lo5). Object o# the $ame To 2e t)e 6irst to score /1 points accumulate& o,er se,eral &eals. Points are score& mainl4 6or com2inations o6 car&s eit)er occuring &uring t)e pla4 or occuring in a pla4er>s )an& or in t)e car&s &iscar&e& 2e6ore t)e pla49 5)ic) 6orm t)e Ccri2C. Board and Pe's T)e points are recor&e& 24 means o6 a 2oar& an& pegs. T)e )oles in t)e 2oar& represent scores 6rom 1 to /1.

3ac) pla4er )as t5o pegs@ t)e 6or5ar& peg s)o5s t)e pla4er>s score to &ate9 an& t)e rear peg s)o5s t)e pre,ious score. .)en a pla4er scores points9 t)e rear peg is mo,e& in 6ront to s)o5 t)e ne5 score. T)at 5a4 t)e &istance 2et5een t)e pegs s)o5s t)e amount most recentl4 score&9 an& t)e opponent can t)ere24 c)ec8 it )as 2een score& correctl4. Deal Cut car&s to &etermine 5)o &eals 6irst. T)e pla4er cutting t)e lo5er car& &eals9 an& t)e ot)er pla4er imme&iatel4 pegs 3 points 6or ClastC as compensation. T)is is score& on t)e 6irst &eal onl4. Su2se0uentl4 t)e turn to &eal alternates. T)e &ealer s)u66les9 t)e non"&ealer cuts t)e car&s9 an& &ealer &eals - car&s to eac) pla4er one at a time. T)e un&ealt part o6 t)e pac8 is place& 6ace &o5n on t)e ta2le. Discard 3ac) pla4er must c)oose t5o car&s to &iscar& 6ace &o5n to 6orm t)e Ccri2C. T)ese 6our car&s are set asi&e until t)e en& o6 t)e )an&. <n4 car& com2inations in t)e cri2 5ill count 6or t)e &ealer9 so non"&ealer 5ill tr4 to t)ro5 car&s t)at are unli8el4 to ma8e ,alua2le com2inations. Start Card T)e non"&ealer cuts t)e pac8 o6 un&ealt car&s9 li6ting t)e upper part 5it)out s)o5ing its 2ottom car&. T)e &ealer ta8es out t)e top car& o6 t)e lo5er part9 turns it 6ace up an&9 a6ter non"&ealer

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replaces t)e upper part9 places it 6ace up on top o6 t)e pac8. T)is turne& up car& is calle& t)e CstartC car&. =6 t)e start car& is a ?ac89 t)e &ealer imme&iatel4 pegs 2 points " t)is is calle& Ct5o 6or )is )eelsC. Play o# the cards Starting 5it) t)e non"&ealer9 t)e pla4ers ta8e turns to pla4 a single car&s 6ace up in 6ront o6 t)emsel,es. =n t)is stage o6 t)e game t)e total pip ,alue o6 t)e car&s pla4e& 24 2ot) pla4ers must not e:cee& 31. T)e pip ,alues o6 t)e car&s are@ <ce ' 1E 2 to 10 ' 6ace ,alueE ?ac8 ' 10E 0ueen ' 10E 8ing ' 10. <s eac) car& is pla4e&9 t)e pla4er announces t)e running total. =6 a car& is pla4e& 5)ic) ma8es t)e pip total e:actl4 319 t)e pla4er pegs t5o points. T)is en&s t)e pla4. < pla4er 5)o cannot pla4 5it)out e:cee&ing 31 &oes not pla4 a car& 2ut sa4s CHoC. =6 4our opponent sa4s CHoC t)en 4ou ma4 continues pla4ing car&s an& scoring 6or an4 com2inations 4ou ma8e (see 2elo5). =6 4ou 2ring t)e total to e:actl4 31 4ou score 2 points as a2o,e. Pla4 ma4 en& at a total lo5er t)an 319 eit)er 2ecause 2ot) pla4ers )a,e pla4e& all t)eir car&s or 2ecause all car&s le6t in t)e pla4ers> )an&s )a,e pip ,alues so )ig) t)at t)e4 5oul& ta8e t)e total o,er 31 i6 pla4e&. =n t)ese cases 5)ic)e,er pla4er 5as t)e last to pla4 a car& pegs 1 point 6or Clast car&C. T)is en&s t)e pla4. <ote0 Pla4ers 6amiliar 5it) Si: Car& Cri22age 5ill 2e use& to carr4ing on pla4ing until all t)e car&s )a,e 2een pla4e&9 starting again at Kero eac) time 31 is reac)e& or 2ot) pla4ers sa4 CHoC. +i,e Car& Cri22age is &i66erent@ 4ou onl4 pla4 up to 31 once an& one or 2ot) pla4ers ma4 )a,e unpla4e& car&s at t)e en& o6 t)e pla4. Scorin' durin' the %lay < pla4er 5)o ma8es an4 o6 t)e 6ollo5ing scores &uring t)e pla4 pegs t)em imme&iatel4. '/+ =6 4ou pla4 a car& 5)ic) 2rings t)e total to 1- 4ou score t5o points (C+i6teen t5oC) -'+ <s mentione& a2o,e i6 4ou pla4 a car& 5)ic) 2rings t)e total to e:actl4 31 4ou score 2 points0 Pair+ =6 4ou pla4 a car& o6 t)e same ran8 as t)e pre,ious car& (e.g. a 8ing a6ter a 8ing) 4ou score 2 points 6or a pair. ;ote t)at (6or e:ample) a 10 an& a 0ueen &o ;AT ma8e a pair e,en t)oug) t)e4 are 2ot) 5ort) 10 points. Pair Ro al+ =6 imme&iatel4 a6ter a pair a t)ir& car& o6 t)e same ran8 is pla4e&9 t)e pla4er o6 t)e t)ir& car& scores / 6or Cpair ro4alC.

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Dou%le Pair Ro al+ +our car&s o6 t)e same ran89 pla4e& in imme&iate succession. T)e pla4er o6 t)e 6ourt) car& scores 12. Run+ < CrunC or Cse0uenceC is a set o6 3 or more car&s o6 consecuti,e ran8s (irrespecti,e o6 suit) " suc) as $"10"?ac8 or 2"3"4"-. ;ote t)at ace is lo5 so 6or e:ample ace"8ing"0ueen is not a run. T)e pla4er o6 a car& 5)ic) completes a run scores 6or t)e runE t)e score is e0ual to t)e num2er o6 car&s in t)e run. T)e car&s to not )a,e to 2e pla4e& in or&er9 2ut no ot)er car&s must inter,ene. Example: car&s are pla4e& in t)e 6ollo5ing or&er@ 4"2"3"-"/. T)e pla4er o6 t)e 3 scores 3 6or a run9 t)en t)e pla4er o6 t)e - scores 49 an& t)e pla4er o6 t)e / scores -. Anot&er example: 4"2"3"4"3. T)e pla4er o6 t)e 6irst 3 scores 3 6or t)e run 4"2"3. T)en t)e pla4er o6 t)e secon& 4 score 3 6or t)e run 2"3"4. T)e pla4er o6 t)e secon& 3 scores not)ing 2ecause t)e 3 &oes not complete a run. Last Card+ =6 neit)er pla4er manages to ma8e t)e total e:actl4 319 5)oe,er pla4e& t)e last car& scores 1 point. The Sho! Pla4ers no5 score 6or com2inations o6 car&s )el& in )an&. +irst t)e non"&ealer>s )an& is e:pose&9 an& score&. T)e start car& also counts as part o6 t)e )an& 5)en scoring com2inations. <ll ,ali& scores 6rom t)e 6ollo5ing list are counte&. '/+ <n4 com2ination o6 car&s a&&ing up to 1- pips scores 2 points. +or e:ample 8ing9 ?ac89 6i,e9 6i,e 5oul& count 1 points (6our 6i6teens as t)e 8ing an& t)e ?ac8 can eac) 2e paire& 5it) eit)er 6i,e). Dou 5oul& sa4 C+i6teen t5o9 6i6teen 6our9 6i6teen si:9 6i6teen eig)t). Pair+ < pair o6 car&s o6 t)e same ran8 score 2 points. T)ree car&s o6 t)e same ran8 contain 3 &i66erent pairs an& t)us score a total o6 / points 6or Cpair Lo4alC. +our o6 a 8in& contain / pairs an& so score 12 points. Run+ T)ree car&s o6 consecuti,e ran8 (irrespecti,e o6 suit)9 suc) as ace"2"39 score 3 points 6or a run. < )an& suc) as /"("("1 contains t5o runs o6 3 (as 5ell as t5o 6i6teens an& a pair) an& so 5oul& score 12 altoget)er. < run o6 6our car&s9 suc) as $"10"I"% scores 4 points. T)is is slig)tl4 illogical " 4ou mig)t e:pect it to score / 2ecause it contains t5o runs o6 39 2ut it &oesn>t. T)e runs o6 3 5it)in it &on>t count "4ou ?ust get 4. Flush+ =6 all t)ree car&s o6 t)e )an& are t)e same suit9 3 points are score& 6or 6lus). =6 t)e start car& is t)e same suit as 5ell9 t)e 6lus) is 5ort) 4 points. T)ere is no score 6or )a,ing 2 )an& car&s an&

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t)e starter all t)e same suit. ;ote also t)at t)ere is no score 6or 6lus) &uring t)e pla4 " it onl4 counts in t)e s)o5. 4ne For His 5o%+ =6 t)e )an& contains t)e ?ac8 o6 t)e same suit as t)e start car&9 score 1 e:tra point. ;ote t)at 5)en scoring a )an&9 t)e same car& ma4 2e counte& an& score& as part o6 se,eral &i66erent com2inations. +or e:ample i6 4our )an& is ( 1 1 an& t)e start car& is a $ 4ou score C6i6teen 29 6i6teen 49 an& a pair is /9 an& a run is $ an& a run is 12C " 12 points to peg9 5it) eac) o6 4our 1s 6orming part o6 a 6i6teen9 a pair an& a run. <6ter non"&ealer>s )an& )as 2een s)o5n an& t)e score pegge&9 &ealer>s )an& is s)o5n9 score& an& pegge& in t)e same 5a4. +inall4 t)e &ealer e:poses t)e 6our car&s o6 t)e cri2 an& scores t)em 5it) t)e start car&. T)e scoring is t)e same as 6or t)e pla4ers> )an&s e:cept t)at@ a 6lus) in t)e cri2 onl4 scores i6 all 6our cri2 car&s an& t)e start car& are o6 t)e same suit. =6 t)at )appens t)e 6lus) scores - points it is no5 possi2le to )a,e a run o6 6i,e car&s9 5)ic) scores ?ust - points.

1innin' the 'ame <s soon as someone reac)es /1 points9 t)at pla4er 5ins t)e game. T)is can )appen at an4 point " &uring t)e pla4 or t)e s)o59 or e,en 24 &ealer scoring Ct5o 6or )is )eelsC. ;ote t)at it is not necessar4 to reac) /1 e:actl4 " 6or e:ample i6 4ou o,ers)oot 24 scoring 2 more points 5)en 4ou )a& /0 4ou still 5in.

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Commerce (3n12)
(atherine was distur'ed and out of spirits; 'ut Isa'ella seemed to find a pool of commerce, in the fate of which she shared, '" pri#ate partnership with 0orland, a #er" good e-ui#alent for the -uiet and countr" air of an inn at (lifton Deck2 -2 car& &ec8 5it) <ces )ig). Object2 To 6inis) 5it) t)e 2est )an&. +i'hest2 3 o6 a 8in&9 calle& a Tricon. e0t2 3 Car&s o6 a suit an& se0uence. 3ast2 T)e greatest pip",alue o6 2 or 3 car&s o6 t)e same suit9 counting <ces as 119 Court Car&s as 10 an& ot)ers at numerical ,alue. =6 e0ual9 a 3 car& 6lus) 2eats a 2 car& one. =6 still e0ual9 t)e tie& pla4er nearest in turn a6ter t)e &ealer 5ins. Preliminaries2 3ac) pla4er contri2utes to t)e pot. T)e &ealer &eals 3 car&s to eac) pla4er. Play2 T)e pla4er to t)e le6t o6 t)e &ealer 2i&s to 2u4 or tra&e. To 2u49 s)e gi,es a c)ip to t)e &ealer 6or a car& 6rom t)e &ec8 an& &iscar&s a car& 5)ic) is place& at t)e 2ottom o6 t)e &ec8. To tra&e9 s)e o66ers to pass a car& to t)e pla4er on )er le6t in e:c)ange 6or one gi,en to )er. =6 t)e pla4er agrees to tra&e9 t)e e:c)ange is ma&e 5it)out loo8ing at t)e car&s 2eing recei,e&. ;o c)ip is pai&. =6 a pla4er &oes not 2u4 or tra&e on t)e 6irst opportunit49 s)e cannot &o it &uring t)e remaining pla4 o6 t)e )an&. =6 s)e 2u4s or tra&es9 s)e ma4 2u4 or tra&e on a later turn. Tra&ing can onl4 occur to t)e le6t. Pla4 continues 5it) eac) in turn )a,ing t)e opportunit4 to 2u4 or tra&e until a pla4er C8noc8s.C < pla4er 8noc8s 5)en s)e is content 5it) )er )an&. <ll )an&s must t)en 2e s)o5n an& t)e 5inner &etermine&.

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