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1. %. Schedule of T !"n"n# $ %&1%' Gu"del"ne( fo the T !"n"n# 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 ). Choice of Architectural firm. Approval from the College Change of firm Schedule of sending monthly reports.

*o + to ,e done du "n# t !"n"n# -e "od. 3.1 3.2 Work during office hrs. Building Study

.. 0.

Alloc!t"on of /! +( E1!lu!t"on of T !"n"n# *o +.

ist of Appendi! 1. 2. 3. Appendi!"# Appendi!"## Appendi!"### Approval etter $oining %eport &onthly 'rogress report.



1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 %.

Commencement of (raining) Conclusion of (raining) .uration) 'ro0a0le dates for viva"voce e!amination) GUIDELINES FOR TRAINING %.1 Cho"ce of A ch"tectu !l F" 2:

1*th &ay+ 2,12 1*th -ov. 2,12 24 /eeks 3rd /eek of -ovem0er+ 2,12

(he Architect under /hom you intend to undertake training should 0e a 1ualified architect 2%egistered With council of Architecture3 /ith a minimum professional e!perience of 1, yrs.

2,12. %.%

Students are re1uired to fi!"up their training in consultation /ith 'rincipal4 (raining #n charge /ithin laid do/n guidelines+ 0efore 1st &ay

A-- o1!l f o2 the Colle#e: After fi!ing the training+ student must apply to 'ractical (raining Coordinator on a prescri0ed 'erforma and the 'rincipal of the College /ill give the final approval.


Ch!n#e of F" 2: 'rior permission of 'rincipal 4 (raining coordinator is mandatory for any change+ /hich /ill 0e permitted only under e!ceptional circumstances.


If ! (tudent ch!n#e( the off"ce 3"thout the -e 2"(("on of P "nc"-!l of the Colle#e4 T !"n"n# coo d"n!to 5 h"(4 he (u,(e6uent t !"n"n# e-o t( 2!7 ,e c!ncelled.


Schedule fo (end"n# - o# e(( e-o t(:

Students are re1uired to send their 5oining report and the monthly progress reports 2copies enclosed as Appendi! ## 6 ###3 to the College as per the follo/ing schedule+ /hich should 0e strictly adhered to) 1. 2. 3. 4. *. 7. 9. $oining report 'rogress report" ,1 'rogress report" ,2 'rogress report" ,3 'rogress report" ,4 'rogress report",* 'rogress report",7 2*th &ay+ 2,12 2,th $une+ 2,12 2,th $uly+ 2,12 2,th August+ 2,12 2,th Septem0er+ 2,12 2,th 8cto0er 2,12 2,th -ovem0er+ 2,12

All the !,o1e e-o t( (h!ll ,e (ent on - e(c ",ed Pe fo 2! onl7 ,7 e2!"l $(c!n the f"lled Pe fo 2! then (end "t ' . ). *ORK TO 8E DONE DURING PRACTICAL TRAINING: 3.1 *o +"n# du "n# off"ce hou (.

All the Architectural /ork done during the training period assigned to you 0y your employer such as) 1. 2. 3. 4. *. 7. 9. :. ;. Working on sketch proposals. 'resentation dra/ings Su0mission4 municipal dra/ings. Working .ra/ings4 .etails 'reparing estimates 'ro5ect report &odel making Writing specification Site visit

(he students are re1uired to su0mit their selected /ork at the time of viva voce after the completion of training. (he num0er of prints to 0e su0mitted is restricted to ten to t/elve.

2<ach print /ill 0e accepted for evaluation only if signed 0y the trainee in the appropriate column+ and duly attested 0y the employer3

).% 3.2a

8u"ld"n# Stud7: 1. Cho"ce of ! ,u"ld"n#: a3 =ou may choose a 0uilding or a comple! either it 0eing a /ork of your employer or any other architect>s /ork in the same city /here you are undertaking your training. 03 (he selected 0uilding should 0e under construction or near to completion.


Fo 2!t fo 8u"ld"n# Stud7 Re-o t : a3 03 c3 Si?e of report) -o. of 'ages) &ode of 'resentation) A4 *, appro!imately @and /ritten or typed

#t should 0e in the form of a case study covering all aspects of .esign+ services+ construction etc.



(otal marks for practical training)

4.1 E9te n!l A((e((2ent: .&& 2! +( 8n completion of training+ a student has to give an open viva /ith a medium of a po/er point presentation. $ury for the viva /ill comprise of 'rincipal+ 'ractical training #n"charge and t/o e!ternal e!aminers appointed 0y the Aniversity. 4.2 /! +( ,7 E2-lo7e : 1&& 2! +(

(he <mployer /ill give the grade 0ased on the performance of students. (he employer is re1uested to give the grade along /ith he completion certificate of the students at the conclusion of training /hich should 0e sent in a sealed envelop 0y registered post directly to the practical training #n charge. 4.3 Inte n!l A((e((2ent: .istri0ution of marks as 0elo/) 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.4.4 $oining %eport) &onthly %eport) Building Study %eport) Seminar4 'resentation 2, marks :, marks 12* marks 12* marks )0& 2! +(

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