Frequent Mistakes

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#8. It de%ends on you. #9. I+ll go at 4ondon on summe . 4,. *his is ve y simila at 'hat ha%%ened to me yeste day. 41. 0ohn 'as in house. 42. *hey live fa of the unive sity. 4#. 4au a 'o !s of a teache . 44. 5avid % efe s studying than 'o !ing. 45. *his is diffe ent of that. 46. Acco ding 'ith the te.t1 the statement is false. 4). &e 'as sitting lonely in a co ne . 48. his ma !s 'e e not good so his %a ents did not let him go a'ay on holiday. 49. I 'as e.%ecting him all afte noon. 5,. /e 'ant a bette 'o !. 51. *hey should ea n some money 'o !ing. 52. 0ohn bo o'ed me a fantastic boo!. I must give it bac!. 5#. *hey did not leave me go to the %a ty. 54. &e ose his hand. 55. (he gets u%set ve y often. (he is ve y sensible. 56. 3oo child en have the same ight to be educated ho' ich child en. 5). /e couldn+t find it no'he e. 58. *hey 'ent all on the same t i%. 59. *hey all a e eady. 6,. *he e a e %eo%le 'hich thin! that child en should 'o !. 61. /hy do you study English6 62. 0ohn eads good1 isn+t it6 6#. /hy you not say the t uth6 64. /ill I go at the %ost office6 65. &o' to ma!e this % oblem1 sit6 66. Is he mo e bette f om me6 6). I have ' itten him last 'ee!. 68. I %ast too 'ell to the hotel. 69. 4et me to t y to do this. ),. I have neve seen a someone good film. )1. &e has not ate nothing these t'o days. )2. /hen I slee% I ta!e out my shoes.

1. 2. #. 4. 5. 6. ). 8. 9.

If you have a job is difficult to go to the unive sity. I thin! is bette " $ut is ve y % obable" I thin! is an advantage". &o' difficult is fo %oo %eo%le". (tudying in home it is ve y bo ing. *hey a e ag ee 'ith us. I didn+t tell him about it fo if the flies. I had th ee yea s old.

1,. It does cold. 11. &e lives in -ad id since 198) 12. Anne has gone to the cinema yeste day. 1#. *he e is a system fo solve the % oblem. 14. I+d li!e to !no' 'hen a e the e.ams. 15. *hey a e a nice %eo%le. 16. *his English child en" 1). (he had so much f iends. 18. *he e 'as so many 'o ! to do. 19. I lea nt much things at school. 2,. /e had to ead much %a%e s. 21. *he e a e much % oblems to solve. 22. I 'ould give them ve y easons. 2#. I 'ould tell they about it. 24. Anne gave 0ohn a % esent but he didn+t li!e he . 25. /hen I 'as a child1 I go to school 'ith my mothe . 26. *hey 'ill can %ass the if they study ha de . 2). 2ou 'ill must come ea lie . 28. 3oo %eo%le 'e e only inte esting in thei te ible situation. 29. *his is a ve y inte ested boo!. #,. &e is ti ed of lea n English. #1. 2ou can+t %ass the 'ithout go to classes. #2. *hey a e used to go to the cinema t'ice a 'ee!. ##. I ho%e eceive you lette soon. #4. /e+ll see you in -onday. #5. *hey a ived to -ad id. #6. *hey 'anted to e.%lain it me. #). &e 'as ve y inte ested 'ith listening to his lectu e.

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)#. &e did not obeyed to thei advices. )4. &e is going each mo ning to the ma !et. )5. &e is 'o !ing in the office since five yea s. )6. &o' you a e going 'ith you %iano lessons6 )). 7an you come fo dinne today evening6 )8. -y b othe he is in the fi st class. )9. It does not 'o th to say lies about it. 8,. I made all 'hich I could fo hel%ing him1 81. It is t'o yea s since he left f om England. 82. 3lease etu n bac! to shut the light. 8#. Avoid to ma!e these so t of mista!es. 84. -yself and my siste 'ill not be % esent. 85. &e got do'n f om his bicycle and s%o!e me. 86. &e came 'ith the t ain f om the Ale.and ia. 8). &e 'ould not ta!e less than hund ed %ounds. 88. *he t'o fi st %ages of my boo! has been lost. 89. *he !nife 'as laying on the table 'he e I lay it. 9,. *hat %unishment 'ill lea n him to do not it again. 91. 2ou neithe 'o ! at school o at you house. 92. I cannot unde stand because he don+t s%ea! clea . 9#. *he man 'hich you sa' him yeste day is ve y ich. 94. &e said that he has neve not gone at 4ondon. 95. I thin! to go to home fo to s%end the holidays. 96. *he office is only o%en on the mo ning at (atu day. 9). It is t'o yea s since I began to study the English. 98. &e told that he 'as at England befo e th ee yea s. 99. &e 'as ang y at me because I said him he has ' ong.

1,,. /hen I 'ent to home I found that the money 'as disa%%ea ed. 1,1. &e said to me that he is not satisfied f om his teache . 1,2. &e told that he cannot emembe nothing about it. 1,#. I and he intended to leave to England afte t'o 'ee!s. 1,4. I am !no'ing my lesson but cannot say it in the English. 1,5. I ang t'o times1 but anybody ans'e ed. 1,6. I %ut a ne' bell on my bicycle 'hich it cost fifty %ennies. 1,). /hen he 'ill etu n bac!1 I 'ill say him eve ything. 1,8. I am much %leased to info m you that I have a ived to this station yeste day. 1,9. $ itish Isles a e consisted f om England1 /ales1 (cotland and 8o the n I eland. 11,. *he English is not difficult to ' ite it1 but also to s%ea! it. 111. I can to %lay the guita 112. (he musts go to 'o !. 11#. *hey ta!e the bus in the night. 114. *his days1 I feel eally ti ed. 115. *he humans beings a e eally sensitive. 116. &e gave me some advices about fu nitu e. 11). I suggest you to as! fo %e mission. 118. &e 'o !s li!e an account9assistant. 119. &e is 24 yea s. 12,. I things you a en+t ight. 121. /ich of the follo'ing % esents do you li!e most6 122. 2ou can cut the ca!e 'hit that !nife.

English Academy 988 412 265

*hese sentences contain e o s 'hich a e common. / ite out the sentences co ectly. 1. &e gave me some advices about buying fu nitu es. 2. $e ca eful not to loose you money. #. $efo e to go on holiday1 'e had to %ac!. 4. I suggest you to as! fo a efund. 5. 4ast yea 'e couldn+t visited 8e' 2o !. 6. &e succeeded to 'in the ace. ). *hey % evented the man to leave. 8. &e 'o !s li!e an account cle !. 9. &is %a ents made him to ta!e the 1,. It+s no %oint 'aiting any longe . 11. It+s a t'o9hou s flight. 12. *he society should not tole ate this !ind of behaviou . 1#. I li!e to emind the good times. 14. I sat in a ed comfo table chai . 15. 3eo%le is ve y luc!y fo having a ne' hos%ital in the to'n. 16. 0ohn 'atches *: the most of the time.

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This is a list of sentences that contain at least one mistake each.

1. Im with he although he is more young that I. 2. His most hobbie is the cinema 3. I think what hes a good boy and we admire much him. 4. My brother Poli has 21 years old. 5. He not work because he is a erson retired. !. He "s short and slim because he not ate when he was young. #. $sun is my %riend better. &. Marta is my cousin. 'he is the most young o% them. (. He like eat %ast %ood and he lo)e the music hea)y. 1*. He likes s end +okes because he has a good sense o% humour. 11. He has got !3 ans. 12. I hel he in the country. 13. I think that my %ather is a erson )ery im ortant in my li%e 14. $t the night we go to the ub %or listen to music. 15. 'hes a student and we li)e near. 1!. ,e think that the li%e is wonder%ul. 1#. My %ather unish him sometimes because he is stubborn. 1&. ,hen you meet her as I meet her............. 1(. I talk with she because I can talk e)erything. 2*. 'he is cra-y when she is in the disco in the saturday night. 21. 'he wears a chothes %ashionable. 22. 'he is stubborn. too. but I like. 23. 'he has got %our daughter and two childrens. 24. /he eo le tell that she is a %riendly woman. 25. 'he is conser)ati)e because she likes kee )ery things. 2!. My cousin Israel li)es in 0a1n but he borns in Madrid. He has 2* years. 2#. I think what my cousin is )ery elegant.

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2&. My cousin is the most good%2looking a%ter o% me. 2(. /hey are the %amily ideal %or my. 3*. Her hobbies are walk %or the country and tra)el with my %ather. 31. /he eo le say about my mother who she is )ery a big woman. 32. His %amily are the Huelma. 33. He %airly o%ten talks by tele hone with their. 34. His animals %a)ourites are the birds. 35. 'he look likes a /3 resenter. 3!. 4%ten he tells a lot o% +okes. 3#. My cousin is amusing. generous woman. His hobbies are music and buy clothes. 38. 'he has a nose a bit shar and a small mouth with whites tooths.

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