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A regular look at the work of

Groundworks coastal partnerships

Real community involvement

in decision-making
Throughout the UK a recurring concerned that the interests of those Having a paid estuary officer to
problem when managing the coast is who live by, work or use the river for support the group has been essential,
a lack of trust and understanding recreation were not being adequately enabling more to be achieved. The
between the community and external represented in flood management officer delivers any actions identified
agencies responsible for decision reviews taking place in the area. by the group, brings in experience
making. This problem has been from other estuaries and expertise in
keenly felt in the case of the flood In 2002, The Suffolk Coast & Heaths coastal management, and acts as an
management strategy reviews that the Unit obtained an independent advocate for the Partnership.
Environment Agency is conducting perspective from external consultants
around the country. It’s clear that with a key recommendation to provide Value of the Estuary Planning
communication and consultation are a forum for local communities and Partnership for the Alde and Ore
vital for new planning and statutory authorities to communicate. “…a key role in improving
management but, how do we go communication and
about this? The Estuary Planning Who’s involved? understanding between all those
Partnership set up in Suffolk is an The partnership is made up of over 20 who live near, work on or enjoy
excellent example of public organisations. The steering group, led the estuary…..”.
engagement in the local issue of flood by Suffolk Coast and Heaths Unit, David Andren, The Alde and Ore Association.
management, giving real includes volunteers representing local
empowerment to individuals. Erin towns and parishes, sailing clubs and What key things have made the
Pettifer speaks to Bill Parker about this lobby groups as well as representatives partnership a success?
partnership. from government agencies, 1 External perspective sought.
landowners and conservation bodies. 2 Spent year working towards consensus
Why was this partnership Initial funding came from the Alde on group’s remit.
set up? and Ore Association, Suffolk Coast 3 Wider community endorsement and
The Alde and Ore on the Suffolk coast and Heaths Unit and Suffolk Coastal support sought through a community
is protected through a range of District Council among others. conference.
international and national 4 Meetings and the partnership in general
designations and is greatly valued by What is the value of the group? run in an open and honest manner, and
local people. The community was The group acts as a discussion forum everyone’s views heard.
and facilitates the exchange of 5 Met on neutral ground.
information about estuary issues 6 Ensured real tasks to take forward after
between the community and the meetings.
decision makers. The analogy is that 7 Interested community members used to
it acts as an old fashioned telephone drive group forward.
exchange, making connections and 8 Time spent brainstorming who ought to
managing the communication of be involved to ensure all unterests
information. represented.

The partnership has improved The Estuary Planning Partnership is a

understanding of the issues and facts model for real community
and encouraged people to see things involvement but it is not without its
from others’ viewpoints. It has also costs and it is a long-term investment.
prompted innovative thinking and If it can retain its credibility, at the
enabled a wide range of people to be local level and with the wider
involved in decision-making and agencies, it should have a future but
genuinely drive forward issues. will the commitment from the various
Shingle Street, The Alde-Ore
Estuary, Suffolk. ‘powers’ stay the course?

The edge Autumn 2006 15

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