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In the study, researchers will present related studies and supporting documents that can further support the

study on the Early Engagement of


Teenagers to Different Forms of Vices. Cigarette-smoking, drug-addiction, alcohol-abuse, and premarital


sex are four vices that most teenagers of the present generation engage to. Teenagers who are involved to the said vices cause problems, distress, and harms to the society. Cigarette-smoking is one of the most common vices most people

It is during the teenage and adolescent years that nearly everyone becomes aware or involved to vices and immoral activities such as drinking alcohol, cigarette-smoking, drug-abuse, and engagement to premarital sex. In the society that we live in today, many teenagers become more exposed to the said vices. That is why the researchers decided to gather information and write their conclusions about the topic: Early Engagement of Teenagers to Different Forms of Vices. Vices are the bad or immoral behavior or habits of a certain individual (Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Vices nowadays are in different forms. You can see people anywhere who are engaged to these vices. Some are using it for pastime, some are engaged to it as an act of rebellion to their families or specifically their parents. And some see it as an escape route to all their problems. Society today has grown unimaginably iniquitous to the point wherein teenagers are also causing major problems. This research was conceived to meet the need of the society for more comprehensive knowledge about the said topic and why & how teens of today act the way they do in the present. The researchers would like to give beneficial knowledge to the society and the people who are engaged or related about the issues of todays teenagers.

engage to nowadays. There are countless reasons why teenagers try to smoke. Some of the most common reasons are: they want to look mature, they give in to peer pressure, or sometimes it is triggered by curiosity. Most people who are engaged to the said vice start during their teenage period and are addicted by the time they reach adulthood. Some have attempted to quit but have returned to cigarettes because smoking is a strong addiction and is a habit that is difficult to break. Smoking cigarettes has no medically proven positive effects to the body nor to the environment. However, it has many negative effects to the smokers body, the environment, and to the society. Heavy smokers have the biggest chances of accumulating lung and heart diseases, as well as cancer. Despite knowing the consequences, people still continue to smoke. As of today, many non-smokers are still being persuaded to smoke by the convincing advertisements made by tobacco companies. Through the years, a series of biological discoveries has produced an array of drugs that have had a profound effect on society. It played the important role of providing comfort, curing diseases, and extension on the lifespan of mankind. Drugs can be found in nature, in our food, and in chemical compositions made by man. It was used to help human race create a modern world whereby it can cure diseases and illnesses, but the people of todays society put drugs to bad use. As the cases of drug-abuse increase, it also gave a large

impact to teenagers. Drugs are sold by prescription, over the counter, and through machines without medical advice. It can be bought in legal establishments and illegal markets on streets. Which gives an individual bigger chances of getting one easily. Drugs nowadays are improperly used and the illegal ones are the main cause of the increasing number of crimes, accidents, health problems, and deaths. When the intake of drugs become more often, the more chances of an individual to have the urge to take more or they are most likely to get addicted. One who is addicted to drugs may be referred to as a drug -addict. Drug addiction is a condition caused by an overwhelming desire to continue taking drug substance to which one has become habituated through repeated consumption. Drugs are substances that cause changes in body functions and alters the mental status of a being. Despite the countless deaths, accidents, and laws in relation to drugs, illegal drug use continues to make an uproar to society today because of the innumerous trouble they cause to the country and to the whole world. Alcoholism is a disease or a form of mental illness whereby one is being dependent to alcohol. An individual would be considered alcoholic if he has a habitual or excessive intake of alcohol in a certain amount of time. An alcoholic may be defined not in terms of how much or how often he drinks, but rather in terms of whether drinking has become a problem for him in any aspect of his life. Alcohol is a depressant which has the ability to rapidly impair motor coordination. It attacks and numbs the higher brain centers, impairing a persons judgment, vision, normal thinking, and lowers his self-control. Though socially accepted, alcohol-abuse causes major problems to society today. Driving under the influence of alcohol is one of the main reasons why vehicular accidents occur. Alcohol also triggers violence. Typically, the behavior of the drinker becomes crude and inappropriate which may cause a conflict between the drinker and his companions that eventually will result to violent fights. Lastly, drinking alcohol causes health problems. Health problems continue to arise even today. Alcohol,

along with drugs and cigarette are pinpointed by medical experts as three top causes of the increasing death rate. Drinking alcohol affects physical and mental wellness. Diseases such as anemia, cardiovascular complications, cirrhosis, and high blood pressure are only few of the many diseases an alcoholic person may pick up if intake of alcohol isnt stopped. Sex is said to be a sacred act that should only be done by a married couple, according to the Catholic church. It is also the act that should be performed for a woman to conceive an offspring. However, in a modern and liberated world that we live in today, many engage to premarital sex for pleasure. Premarital sex is considered immoral and yet, many people immerse to it. Sex is considered as a vice when one is addicted to it, to the point where he craves for it or it is the only thought that always crosses to his mind. One is defined as a sexaddict when his behavior gets out of control and starts to have a negative impact on his life. The term Sex-addiction was first emerged in the 1970s by various members of Alcoholics Anonymous (an international mutual aid fellowship that has a purpose to help other alcoholic people recover from their disorder). Sexual addiction is best described as a progressive intimacy disorder characterized by compulsive sexual thoughts and acts. This phenomenon is not newly described in the literature, but it has been referred to by many different terms: hypersexuality, erotomania, nymphomania, and, most recently, sexual addiction and compulsive sexual behavior. There are several possible reasons why an individual commit such an act. Stress, anxiety, depression, pleasure-seeking, to earn money, and many more. Hypersexuality is often associated with addictive or obsessive personalities, escapism, psychological disorders, low self-esteem, self-destructive behavior, lowered sexual inhibitions and behavioral conditioning. Drug and alcohol intake may also trigger an individuals urge to commit sexual acts. And like the three previous vices that was earlier stated, premarital sex cause several huge problems that the society face today. HIV/AIDS is a one of the sexually transmitted diseases that had killed and continues to take peoples lives. It is a disease that can be acquired by having sexual interactions with someone who is

already infected. Correspondingly, overpopulation is also one of the greatest concerns of society today. People who are not married remain to commit unprotected sex which may eventually result to unwanted pregnancy. Teenagers attachment to vices nowadays is gradually increasing. The use and consequent abuse of drug, alcohol, and cigarette cause a big problem on todays society. Regular use of the said substances may be referred to as a vice. Teenagers, who are not supposed to get involved to the said vices, are explicitly getting involved. Teenagers who engage vices cause major problems to society and is one of the main reasons for the increasing crime rate, overpopulation, broken families, and many more. We must recognize the significance of knowing the signs of a teenagers engagement to bad habits. These vices are cigarette smoking, drugs, alcohol and sex. The signs of teenagers attachment to vices are academic problems in school, getting into troubles like fights, accident and illegal activities such as theft, sudden change of attitude towards friends, tremors and slurred speech, sudden change of daily lifestyle, lack motivation to be productive, and anxiety for no apparent reason. Teenagers attachment to cigarette smoking has signs that may be distinguished by their physical appearance. Cigarette smoke immediately gets in a person hair and clothing, causing the person to smell like cigarette. Their breath usually smells bad. Also, their teeth and fingernails begin to turn yellowish to brown. Eventually, cigarette smoking causes wrinkles, a raspy voice and often, a dry cough. Finding cigarette, lighters and ashes of cigarette on their personal belongings can also mean that a person is being attached cigarette smoking. On the other hand, teenagers attachment to drugs may also be recognized by his physical aspect. They have bloodshot eyes, the pupil is larger or smaller than usual. There are gradual changes in appetite and sleeping patterns.

They suddenly gain or lose weight. They have suspicious behavior and different attitude towards family, friends, or colleagues. While teenagers attachment to alcohol can cause their face to look pale. A bloated stomach is common too. Alcohol can also be smelled from the drinkers breath. They have grayish skin, sagging, and red blotches. They may also show poor control on their temper and may also have impulses. There are changes on the behavior and he may become reckless. They may vomit due to gastro intestinal irritation. Meanwhile, teenagers attachment to sex may show no signs on the ir physical appearances. But early maturity of physical body may be noticed. They have changes on their personality and emotional aspect. They become very vocal on terminologies relating to sex. Chances of becoming sex perverts are big. These are the signs that may show that a teenager is getting attached to vices. It can be found on their physical, behavioral, and psychological. Teenagers like to appear grown-ups by assuming that engaging into vices such as cigarette smoking, drugs, alcohol, and sex is the solution. It must be kept in mind the signs of teenagers attachment in order for us to recognize them. These signs can help us to know if teenagers are being attached to the said vices. There are several factors to be considered when a teen starts to engage to bad habits like drug-addiction, drinking alcohol, cigarette-smoking and engagement to sex which are known for causing huge problems on todays society. Peer pressure, escapism, and rebellion are three factors to be considered why teenagers engage to vices. Peer pressure is all about group of people daring its peers to follow the rules set by their leader or their superiors. It is about a group of people which can be seen in coercion with certain beliefs or behaviors. Teens try to follow the rules established by the group in order to avoid rejection by their peers. One of

the common practices of peer pressure is drinking at different occasions. For an instance, teens who attend parties are expected to drink and may be expected to drink heavily. In some instances, the group rejects the people who are unwilling to follow the rules that might be a cause of embarrassment and shame for them. In addition, peer pressure also causes teens to smoke, engage to premarital sex, drug use and many more. Peers have to prove themselves not only by agreeing or applying by the groups rules or standards but they also have to prove themselves by backing their words with actions. This is the stage where its peers learn to try and explore many things. Generally the leaders are existing from the group. They have an authority to set rules to be followed by their peers. Since they are seen as authority figures, their peers may be unwilling to speak up to express their feelings towards them. Losing friendship with their peers and their status in the group are what they are afraid of. Some of the main causes of peer pressure are related to age-related behavior. It is something whereby adolescents develop a strong desire to fit in with their peers and be accepted by them. This makes peer pressure hard to even harder to resist. The most important thing is, the parents or their guardian must be aware of how to equip their children with the skills needed to be able to deal with peer pressure. A teen who has undeveloped selfconfidence and decision-making skills during childhood are most likely, possible to engage with illegal behavior. They have higher risks on having depression and other emotional issues that can make them degrade their self-worth. Most of the teenagers who seem reliant to illegal substances are the teens that have problems they couldnt cope up with. Family, friends and academics are the main factors to be considered when a teenager engages to a vice. When teenagers couldnt find a way to solve their problems in life, they may see bad habits as a way for them to somehow relieve the pain or forget the unpleasant reality. Which may lead them to Escapism. Escapism is defined as a habitual diversion of an individual to addictive habits to escape from reality or to forget the negative emotions one can feel. The sensation of being high that is felt after the intake causes the impairment of body and mental coordination. This

in turn leads to a temporary state of bliss. Some teenagers have to deal with parents or teachers who have unrealistically high expectations for them. Sometimes, teens want to escape from these expectations that might make them turn to vices. There has been a general education policy to encourage young people to strive to stay at school to have a high educational attainment. In some cases, when teenagers fail to attain their goal to succeed in life, they may feel frustration as an outcome of their failure, that may result to escapism turning them to engagement to bad habits or vices. Some teenagers get involved to vices to show their act of rebellion against their parents or families. Adolescence or teenage period is a critical stage in a persons life whereby teenagers are trying to be independent and may distance themselves from their parents or their families. An important role of an adult is making personal decisions alone, that is why teenagers tend to disobey their parents orders or rules and decide for themselves. But sometimes, without the proper guidance or the strictness of their parents, rebellion may lead teenagers astray towards becoming a responsible adult. Others want to gain freedom, and others want to show that the can make it through life alone. Some also lack the attention of their parents thats why they do things that would make their parents notice them. Wanting too much freedom may lead them to trying and exploring new things. They may experiment on drugs, alcohol, cigarettes and even sex. Rebellion may also show the teenagers craving for their familys acceptance and support. Teenagers who engage in risky behaviors to rebel might face repercussions from the law or problems with health later in life. To ensure a teen develops in healthy ways, professionals like counselors and psychologists must provide guidance when a teenager seems to face heavy problems. Teenagers with strong parental support are less likely to engage in rebellious behavior, even if their friends are considered rebellious. That is why parents play an important role of guiding their own child in becoming a fine adult.

drug use. Second are the long-term health consequences which are reinforced by

Physical Health Problems Alcohol Abuse

According to alcohol advisory of New Zealand, Alcohol is classed as a sedative hypnotic drug, which means it acts to depress the central nervous system at high doses .At lower doses, alcohol can act as a stimulant, inducing feelings of euphoria and talkativeness ,but drinking too much alcohol at one session can lead to drowsiness, respiratory depression (where breathing becomes slow, shallow or stops entirely),coma, or even death. Side effects can be experienced by adolescents including appetite changes, weight loss, eczema, headaches and sleep disturbance. Once an individual gone through alcohol intoxication, most common effects are vomiting and worst is coma. They say that at younger ages today, a lot were suffering to death from liver diseases because of vulnerability of young people to chronic diseases and situations related with excess alcohol consumption with older ones. Alcohol abuse of adolescents, during developmentally sensitive period, poses a particular danger to the emerging brain faculties of executive functioning and long-term memory. They are more prone to slight brain damage and long-lasting cognitive deficits following alcohol exposure in other words they became addicted.

the fact that most young people who smoke regularly continue to smoke throughout adulthood. Smoking reduces the rate of lung growth that lowers the level of lung function. It includes shortness of breath almost three times; produce phlegm more than twice as often as teens who don't smoke, and is also associated to the resting heart rates to have an abnormal rate of two to three beats per minute faster than nonsmokers. In terms of young people's physical fitness of both performance and endurance are affected, even among young people trained in competitive running. In adults, cigarette smoking causes heart disease, stroke, and lung cancer. Studies have shown that early signs of these diseases can be found in adolescents who smoke, most smokers understand the long-term effects of smoking, especially when they notice shortness of breath, coughing and other health hazards caused by their habit. They realize it can lead to lung disorders, cancer and heart disease. Smokers might become more worried when they think of the consequences of smoking. In some cases, they might smoke more because of this worry. Worrying might also lead them to finally quit, however means that the younger you start smoking, the more you are prone to these diseases.

Drug Abuse
Drug abuse greatly affects ones body. Malnutrition is one of its direct effects. Because of being addicted they lose appetite and miss even their regular meals that is why they eventually develop malnutrition. They suffer from severe gastro-intestinal disturbance or severe dehydration. One indication of malnutrition is poor dentures. Another effect is skin infections and skin rashes because the drug abuser neglects his personal hygiene, use of unsterile needles that result to this or even ulcerations caused by needle puncture. Skin rashes occur as a side reaction or as a sensitivity reaction to certain drugs. Worst to this is the Infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, viral hepatitis, may either be predisposing or accompanying sequels of drug abuse.

Cigarette Smoking
Cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health, as stated on every cigarettes packaging which serves as a warning to everyone that the health is at high risk, especially to teenagers who became addicted to it. Because of this, teenagers who are engaged to smoking cigarettes may suffer to a lot of consequences. First are the short-term health consequences including respiratory and non-respiratory effects, addiction to nicotine, and the associated risk of other

Marijuana smoking can produce physical ailments like chronic bronchitis and asthma. Physically- ill persons, like a tubercular individual who has suffered so much from his illness, may resort to drug-taking as temporary means of escape. A drug abuser, because of malnutrition, who has poor personal hygiene carelessness in the use of unsterile paraphernalia tends to develop low resistance and becomes susceptible to various infections, among them is viral hepatitis. Individuals suffering from arthritis or terminal cancer who experience acute, unbearable pains and insomnia are likely to become dependent on opiates or sedatives. There are striking differences in the way nicotine affects adolescent and adult smokers. Nicotine results in cell damage and loss throughout the brain at any age, but in teenagers the damage is worse in the hippocampus, which is the minds memory bank. Compared to adults, teen smokers experience more episodes of depression and cardiac irregularities, and are more apt to become quickly and persistently nicotine-dependent. It also has this immediate effect on the brain once taken up. A person could experience increase in stress which is contrary to popular belief that it can relieve stress. Studies have shown that on

Pre-Marital Sex
Beginning sexual activity at a young age greatly increases the probability of becoming infected with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Girls who began sexual activity at age 13 are twice as likely to become infected by an STD as girls who started sexual activity at age 21.Also they are far more likely to become pregnant and give birth out-of-wedlock. Nearly 40 percent of girls who commence sexual activity at ages 13 or 14 will give birth outside marriage. By contrast, 9 percent of women who begin sexual activity at ages 21 or 22 will give birth outside marriage.

average, smokers have higher levels of stress than non-smokers. The feelings of relaxation that smokers experience while they are smoking are actually a return to the normal unstressed state that non-smokers experience all of the time.

Drug Abuse
An individual who is living under drug addiction for an extended period of time may begin to experience a number of serious psychological problems as a result on their dependence on drugs. Among these are, depression caused by developed tolerance to drugs in which when the individual is unable to achieve their desired state of euphoria, they become depressed. Next is paranoia and lastly is the anxiety. Taking a recreational drug causes a surge in levels of

Psychological and Emotional Health Problems Alcohol Abuse

The psychological effects of alcohol intoxication include lack of inhibitions, increase in aggression and violence, uninhibited sexual behavior/lack of interest in sex, mood swings, depression, impaired memory and sensory-motor coordination.

dopamine in your brain, which triggers feelings of pleasure. Your brain remembers these feelings and wants them repeated or being addicted to it. You might think that using certain drugs will help you relax and forget about the issues that cause stress. But long-term drug use can have a big impact on the way your brain works, and lead to increased anxiety and stress. Feeling low after using some drugs including alcohol is common. You might feel depressed because of the drug itself, or because of something that happened while you were using. Sometimes people use drugs as a way to cope with their depression, but

Cigarette Smoking

drug use can often worsen these feelings.

Pre-marital sex
As a teenager was engaged to pre-marital sex, he or she becomes anxious and worry about pregnancy and AIDS, especially to teenage girls. Loss of self-respect and self-esteem are another thing. Shaken trust and fear of commitment in which young people who feel used or betrayed after the break-up of a sexual relationship may experience difficulty in future relationships. Some develop a low self-esteem and they seek any type of attention, no matter how short-lived and demeaning; others withdraw and have trouble trusting any more. Worst for

some of the most commonly abused. The abuse of these drugs alone has a devastating effect on society. The widespread manufacturing and distribution of these drugs presents major problems because teenagers. Resulting to increased crime rate of our nation. These drugs have the ability to produce mood and behavior changes. Street children, who are the common victim of these drugs, dont have the ability to handle the effects of these drugs to their bodies. And because their decisions are based on false information, they later become trapped and hooked in a situation of drug abuse with which they cannot cope with. In this case, they do things out of their own decision decisions and fight for what they think is right, oftentimes ending up to violence. Street fighting, fraternity wars, stealing, hold up accidents and rape are some of the drug related violence among

this is the depression that could lead to suicide. The consequences of premarital sexual involvement are damaging on many levels. On an emotional level they often include a profound sense of guilt, shame and regret.

teenagers. As they are under the influence of drug they have no control of their selves. They unconsciously do illegal things that for them are just normal.

Alcohol Abuse
It can cause or mask emotional problems such as anxiety or depression. It can also increase the severity of these emotional problems. Studies show that eighth-grade girls who drink heavily are three times more likely to attempt suicide than girls in their grade who dont drink, and teenage girls aged 12 -16 who drink are four times more likely than their non-drinking peers to suffer from depression.. Premarital Sex is the act of committing sex before ones marriage. In this generation, committing premarital sex is common. In movies, endorsements, commendation and even in songs, sex is casually being involved. These are

Over population occurs not only because of a familys lack of planning. Prostitution and premarital sex are also factors that can be considered for over population.

Sociological Problems
Drug Related Violence
Nowadays, drugs are widely marketed on a legal basis without prescription and are socially accepted today. Ironically, these same drugs are

mediums that give a big impact to teenagers of the society today. Gender, family background, and the community play a vital role in engagement of premarital sexual activities by young people. A teenager who engages in premarital sex may have been influenced of one of these factors: Poverty, wherein a teenager tries to escape her or his situation by looking for a partner that has the capacity to

financially support him/her. Early marriage is also a common factor for overpopulation. This is where a teenager marries his /her significant other by at an early age. Early pregnancy is a big factor for this. And the last factor is peer pressure. Peer pressure is a situation whereby a teenager wants to cope up or do the same thing his/her friend does. These are the factors that are causing overpopulation not only in the Philippines, but in the other nations as well. Prostitution may simply be defined as committing sexual act with another individual for the cause of money. Prostitution is a problem which is more serious than many of the more sociological problems that the our nation faces today. This mostly happens in urban areas of our country today. One who engages in prostitution considers selling sex as means of livelihood. Poverty and great financial need oftentimes pushes an individual to be a prostitute. It's either he/she wants to support his/her family or just simply to tolerate his/her vices. And because prostitution and poverty has a close correlation to each other, prostitution rate in our country is increasing. Incidents like unwanted pregnancy is a major effect of this act that statistically contributing to the expanding number of our population.

development and growth. Being a child, they look up to their parents and do as what their parents told them to do. The parents should teach their children whats right from wrong. If a child was raised by effective parents, then the child is less likely to engage to bad habits. It is critical for parents to teach their child about different aspects of life such as decision-making and trust which is to be applied for when they grow up. A strong and stable bond between family members reduces the big chances of the child to get addicted to vices. Children who lack guidance of parents or guardian may be mislead to engagement to bad habits. That is why children from broken families who lack proper guidance are often prone to involvement to vices. When they have troubles in life, they have no one to turn to. This is where involvement to bad habits are being considered by a teen. They turn to vices to somehow forget their problems. When parents are present to support during the time their child faces troubles in life, the child will not feel alone and he will have the strength to face the problems that has and will come his way.

Campaigns Against Drug Addiction, Alcoholism, Cigarette Smoking, & Premarital Sex

Preventive Measures Against Engagement to Vices
There are countless organizations and community agencies that exist and share the same purpose of protecting the citizens against illegal and unwise involvements to vices. Alcoholics Anonymous is one of the first organizations that was formed to help alcoholic people recover from the disorder

Proper Guidance of Parents

Parents play a very important to a childs life. They influence their children in many ways. Including how they act, walk, talk, and the way they act around other people. Parents have the biggest influence in their childs behavior. That is why parental guidance is considered as the key concept to a childs proper

they acquired. It was founded in 1935 by Bill Watson and Dr. Bob Smith in Akron, Ohio. From being a small organization, it is now todays biggest and renowned organization that had helped several alcoholic people. Governments of different nations today have set out plans and strategies to reduce the widespread use of illegal drugs, alcohol, and substances that may cause harm to an individual. In every advertisements, as well as on the package of the substance itself, they

place warnings that say that taking the said substance may account to various health problems. Our countrys government is also taking drastic measures about this alarming matter. In November 19, 1972 Republic Act 6425 took effect by Presidential Decree No.44 that adopted to combat more effectively the evils of drug dependency especially among the youth. And recently, President Aquino signed the Sin Tax Reform Bill into law. This paved the way for higher cigarette and liquor cost. This way, many Filipinos wouldnt be able to afford the said substances and may eventually make them quit or lessen their smoking or drinking habits. Also, various organizations form sports leagues and many different activities that is exclusively made for the youth of today. They have the goal to make teens physically and mentally fit. In this manner, the young participants would also find friends and they would learn the meaning of the word camaraderie. Joining in these kind of activities will keep them from involvement to illegal substances and other bad habits.

there are countless negative effects of involvement to these vices. Negative effects were generally classified into health and sociological problems. The negative effects of involvement to these vices are obviously visible in the society that we live in today. There are accidents, fights, and deaths everywhere in this world. And finally, preventive measures were also stated in the study. Proper guidance of parents and guardians were proven very crucial to a growing and maturing child. Another preventive measure that was stated in the study was the numerous campaigns against drug, alcohol, cigarette, and premarital sex. Counselings importance was also shown in the study.

Vices are the bad or immoral habits of a certain individual. Individuals who are most vulnerable to vices are teenagers. Teens tend to explore and experiment new things that can mislead them to involvement to vices and other immoral activities. Teens who are addicted to vices continue to cause problems all around the globe. When under the influence of drug or alcohol, they feel invincible and superior that it becomes the very reason why they commit crimes and several other violent acts. The negative effects of teenagers engagement to vices are currently being witnessed by the world. This research was conceived to help reduce the vice-related cases that is widespread in this country, and in different nations. The researchers believe that when the signs of

This chapter presents the summary of the research, the conclusions drawn, and the recommendations made as an outgrowth of the study.

Summary of Findings
It is during the teenage and adolescent years that nearly everyone becomes involved or exposed to vices and immoral activities. Vices that most teenagers today engage to were pinpointed as: Cigarette-smoking, drug addiction, alcohol abuse, and premarital sex. There are several signs of addiction to the said vices. Most common signs are: sudden changes in the addicts behavior and attitude, academic problems in school arises, lack of motivation to be productive, changes in physical aspect, and may appear anxious for no apparent reason. Also,

attachment to vices occur on a teenager, proper guidance of parents and acquisition of comprehensive knowledge about vices may still save them from getting more addicted to a vice. The best way to reduce the number of people of todays society in getting involved to vices is prevention. The preventive measures stated in the study would be beneficial to parents who want to play the role of a responsible guardian towards a child whos assumed to be affected or involved to any kind of vices. Finally, this study will be beneficial to anyone who make vices as part of their daily living and would make them aware of the disadvantages and consequences vices could bring to one.

In order to avoid engagement to vices, teenagers are advised to choose the right friends who can bring positive outcome from their friendship. Proper guidance of parents is necessary for a growing and maturing child, it is critical for the parents to be by their childs side when they face problems in life. The child would find the strength to face his problems when he knows that his parents are there to support him.

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