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Topic 1. Introduction 2. The history of development of education in Malaysia 3. The objectives of the study 4. Limitation encountered during my research . !efinition of the subject ". Methodology #. $esults and discussion %. &onclusion '. (ibliography " " ' 12 Page number 2 2 4 4

Introduction Malaysia as a Tourism Destination for Education Malaysia is a federation that consists of thirteen states and three federal territories in )outheast *sia. +ith a total landmar,s of 32'-%4# s.uare ,ilometres and a population at over 2# million. Malaysia/s comprises of three major ethnic groups- 0hich is Malays&hinese and Indian- lives in harmony for so many years. The politics in Malaysia is stable and the government al0ays stressing in racial harmony. 1ven though there is a fe0 instances involving a dispute bet0een the ruling party and the opposition this 0as only a minor glitch and did not affect the harmony of multi racial in Malaysia. Malaysia has many natural places of interest to visit for e2ample (a,o 3ational 4ar,- (atang *i 3ational 4ar,- &roc,er $ange 3ational 4ar,- 1ndau $ompin 3ational 4ar,- 5unung Mulu 3ational 4ar,- 6inabalu 3ational 4ar,- Maludam 3ational 4ar,3ational 4ar,s and 7orest $eserves- 4ulau Tiga 3ational 4ar,- Taman 3egara 3ational 4ar,- Ta0au 8ills 3ational 4ar,- Tun,u *bdul $ahman 3ational 4ar, and Turtle Islands 3ational 4ar,. This is only the 3ational 4ar,s mentioned- ho0ever Malaysia has a lot to offer in terms of places to visit and rela2. Malaysia has so many types of places suits the lifestyle and budget of every traveller. The History of Development of Education in Malaysia )ecular schools in Malaysia 0ere largely an innovation of the (ritish colonial government. There 0ere four initial proposals for developing the national education system9 the (arnes $eport- $a:a,/s $eport- ;rdinan $eport and the 7enn<+u $eport. The former proposal 0as implemented through the 1' 2 1ducation ;rdinance. Many of the earliest schools in Malaysia 0ere started in the )traits )ettlements of 4enang- mela,aand )ingapore. The oldest 1nglish school in Malaya is the 4enang 7ree )chool- founded in 1%1"- follo0ed by Malacca 8igh )chool- and *nglo &hinese )chool- 6lang. Many of these schools still carry 0ith them an air of prestige although there is no formal 2

difference bet0een these schools and other schools.

(ritish historian $ichard ;.

+instedt 0as concerned 0ith the education of the Malays and he 0as instrumental in establishing )ultan Idris Training &ollege. The college 0as established 0ith the purpose of producing Malay teachers. $ = +il,inson- +intedt predecessor on the other hand helped established the Malay &ollege 6uala ,angsar in 1'> 0hich aimed to educate the Malay elite. Initially- the (ritish colonial government did not provide for any Malay< medium secondary schools- forcing those 0ho had studied in Malay during primary school to adjust to an 1nglish<medium secondary school. Many Malays opted to drop out instead. !espite complaints about this policy- the (ritish !irector of 1ducation stated 9 ? It 0ould be contrary to the considered policy of government to afford to a communitythe great majoirity of 0hose members find congenial livelihood and independence in agricultural pursuits- more e2tended facilities for the learning of 1nglish 0hich 0ould be li,ely to have the effect of inducing them to abandon those pursuits.@ Malay representatives in the 7ederal &ouncil as 0ell as the Legislative &ouncil of )ingapore resonded vehemently- 0ith one calling the (ritish policy ?a policy that trains the Malay boy ho0 not to get employment@ by e2cluding the Malays from learning in the ?bread< earning language of Malaya@. 8e remar,ed9 ?In the fe0est possible 0ords- the Malay boy is told ABou have been trained to remain at the bottom- and there you must al0ays remainC/ +hy- I as,- 0aste so much money to attain this end 0hen 0ithout any vernacular school- and 0ithout any special effort- the Malay boy could himself accomplish this featD 1ventually- to remedy this problem- the (ritish established the Malay &ollege 6uala 6angsar. 8o0ever- it 0as mainly intended as a 0ay to educate future lo0<level civil servants- and not as a means to opening the doors of commerce to the Malays E the school 0as never intended to prepare for entrance to higher institutions of education. This is a brief history of education in Malaysia- and 0e can see that Malaysia had faced many challenges in developing the education system in Malaysia. 8o0everno0adays 0e can be proud and promote to the 0orld that Malaysia is among the best destination to obtain higher education. )ince Malaysia is a common0ealth country- the education system is .uite similar 0ith (ritish 1ducation )ystem. 8o0ever- the Malaysian 5overnment had tailored the education system to suitable the Malaysia 0or, 3

force mar,et needs. This to provide .uality manpo0er for the nation and 0orld needs. +e have seen so many changes made in the past and one of the latest changes is the teaching of Mathematics and )cience in 1nglish language. This is sho0n ho0 determine the Malaysian government to further improve the .uality of education. The Objectives of The tudy The purpose of the study is to train myself and fello0 students in 1nglish for +ritten &ommunication. Fia this research- I learn ho0 to do research and using the appropriate tools on ho0 to gain data. *nother objective that I learned from this assignment is ho0 data from different sources can be combined and presented in a proper manner. The tools that are very useful to me are such as internet- boo,s- maga:ines and ne0spapers. !imitation Encountered During My "esearch There are so many limitations I have encountered during my research. ;ne of the major limitations that I have encountered is time management. I/m having problem in managing my time in order to achieve my goal. This is due to my commitment to family and other subjects. I have to learn to manage my time effectively in order to finish my research. There are a lot of distractions I have to cope 0ith for e2ample distraction from my family- friends- and my commitment to 0or, and to my society. There are times that I have to e2plain to myself that I really need to focus on my study and complete my assignments. My second major limitation is the lac, of internet connection facility. This is due to I did not have any internet connection at my house 0hich I can use any time. I have to go to the library to use the internet connection facility. 8o0ever at the library I have to 0ait for my turn to use the internet connection due to such facility is limited and there are others 0ho need to use the same. *s another alternative I have to go the restaurant since most of the restaurant in to0n providing a free ?0ifi@ services. 3evertheless- there is still limitation 0hen trying to do internet connection such as slo0 during surfing the ?+orld +ide +eb@ and fre.uent disconnection. Time spend at the 4

restaurant have to be limited since the po0er supply of my laptop can only last for around one and half hours only. The electricity connection is not accessible since the o0ner of the restaurant did no0 allo0 me to ma,e the electricity connection. I have to stop accessing the internet and 0ent home to recharge my laptop and find another suitable time to access to the internet. My third major limitation is the lac, of suitable reading materials. There is .uite a number of reading materials in the internet- library and other reading materialsho0ever most of them is not suitable. I have to really read and understand in order to pic, the suitable materials for my research. *nd yet of course more time is allocated to search for a suitable material in order to prepare this research. Definition of The ubject +hat is educationD 1ducation is the teaching or training of people- especially in schools9 primary- secondary- higher- adult education. +ebster defines education as the process of educating or teaching. 1ducate is further defined as ?to develop the ,no0ledge- s,ill- or character of..@ Thus- from these definitions- 0e might assume that the purpose of education to developed the ,no0ledge- s,ill- or character of students. +hat is tourismD Tourism defines as travel for recreational- leisure or business purpose. The +orld Tourism ;rganisation defines tourists as people 0ho ?travel to and stay in places outside their usual environment for more than t0enty four hours and not more than one consecutive year for leisure- business and other purposes not related to the e2ercise of an activity remunerated from 0ithin the place visited. Tourism has become a popular global leisure activity. +hat is Malaysia as a tourism destination for educationD 1ducational tourism developed because of the gro0ing popularity of teaching and learning of ,no0ledge and enhancing of technical competency outside of the classroom environment. In educational tourism- the main forms of the tour or leisure activity includes visiting another country to learn about the culture- such as student e2change program and study tours or to 0or, and apply s,ills learned inside the classroom ina different environmentsuch as the International 4racticum Training 4rogram. Malaysia is increasingly recognised by students from around the 0orld as the preferred choice for tertiary and

continuing education. Today- great number of bright young individuals from around the 0orld contribute to the medley of cultures and languages in Malaysia. +hy MalaysiaD There must a very good reason 0hy Malaysia 0as chosen as a destination for education tourism. Methodology 8o0 do I conducted my studyD I conducted my study by compyling the information from the internet and chec, if the information is suitable to the subject or not. * large number of data can be retreived from the internet- ho0ever proper reading and understanding is crutial to get the appropriate and relevant information. ;ther source of information I get is from boo,s. *nd same 0ith information from the internet- reading the boo,s is also important to get the relevant information for this research. +hat tools did I use to get the dataD The tools I use to get the data are namely internet and visiting library. I realise that the internet is a very good tolls in finding information on any subject. 4articularly for this research- there are so many 0eb sites provided by the gorvenment and public sector 0hich I can use the information to complete my assignment. The second tools 0hich I use to get data are from boo,s and ne0spapers. 8o0 many samples did I useD 7or this assignment I/m using around three to four samples. "esults and Discussion I can say that Malaysia is the best place to further education for both locals and foreigner. +hy MalaysiaD This is because Malaysia had provide better facility for education and al0ays finds 0ays to improve the education standard to ensure 0orld0ide recognisition. 7urthermore Malaysia had a .ualified lecturer either local or foreigner to teach a 0ide range of subject to student 0ho pursue their further studies in Malaysia. +hy Malaysian gorvenment promoting Malaysia as a location for education trourismD ;ne of the reason is to improve Malaysia economy. 7rom education tourism the Malaysian gorvenment can gain a lot of income due to education is highly needed by all people. +hen a foreign student decided to study in Malaysia- they 0ill spend a lot of "

money for study fees- accomodation- foods- leisure and travelling. The amount spend per student a year in Malaysia is .uite substantial and this can resulting a better economic gro0th. Malaysia can provide better education services because Malaysia is having a top notch facility in education. In Malaysia there are t0enty one public universities- fifty private universities and collages- and e2patriate communities have established a number o finternational schools 0ith a 0ide variety of curriculum available. +e able to find (ritish- *merican- *ustralian- 5erman- 7rench- =apanese- 6orean- &hinese and Indonesian internatiol schools. *ll of this information easily accessable via the internet. * number of prestigious Malaysian universities have also made their mar, as centres of scholastic e2cellence- such as the International Islamic Gniversity and the Multimedia Gniversity. There are also the more established and prestigious institutions li,e Gniversity Malaya in 6uala Lumpur and Malaysian Gniversity of )cience in 4enang. In addition- a number of international colleges and universities have established t0inning programmes 0ith Malaysian institutions and today names such as Monash- 3ottingham and others offer students the choice of completing their entire course in Malaysia or in countries such as *ustralia- 3e0 Healand or Gnited 6ingdom. *nother reason 0hy Malaysia is a perfect choice for obtaining higher education is- lo0 cost of living. 6uala Lumpur the capital city of Malaysia at 1>" th positionremains one of the lo0est cost cities in the 0orld- according to the latest 2>>% cost of living I&;LJ surver by Mercer- a consulting- outsourcing and investment services company. 6uala Lumpur &ost of Living Inde2 scores as at March 2>>% 0as # against #2.% a year earlier. 7or e2ample the total cost of e2penditure for student in Malaysia either staying in campus or off campus is reasonable and 0ithin the student budget. !epending on the location- average room rental for t0in sharing per student is bet0een $M2>> to $M3>> IG)! 3 E G)!#'J. ;ther e2penses based on ordinary life style such as foodtransportation and other essentials estimated bet0een $M >> to $M">> IG)!132 E G)!1 %J. +hen 0e calculate the total cost estimated per year is only around $M1>->>> to $M11->>> IG)!2"32 E G)!2%' J. This is affordable if 0e compare 0ith the cost of living in Gnited )tates of *merica. *mong the obvious benefits of underta,ing the bul, #

of any course in Malaysia are substantial savings 0ithout having to sacrifice the .uality of education received. Malaysia has a broad range of high<.uality yet affordable educational options and courses that are recogni:ed internationally. This has resulted in over several thousands foreign students from appro2imately 1>> countries studying in Malaysian educational institutions. )tudying at G.). institution is an e2pensive investment. type of institution9 1. T0o<year- 4ublic &ommunity &olleges9 K2-2#2 2. 7our<year- 4ublic Institutions9 K -%3" 3. 7our<year- 4rivate Institutions9 K22-21% These costs represent the cost of studies aloneL 0hen lodging- personal e2pensestransportation- and other e2penses are ta,en into account- The &ollege (oard suggests the follo0ing annual student budgets9 1. T0o<year- 4ublic &ommunity &olleges Icommuter studentsJ9 K12-2'4 2. 7our<year- 4ublic Institutions Icommuter studentsJ9 K1"-'"# 3. 7our<year- 4ublic Institutions Istate residentsJ9 K1"-3 # 4. 7our<year- 4ublic Institutions Iout<of<state studentsJ9 K2"-3>4 . 7our<year- 4rivate Institutions Icommuter studentsJ9 K33->% ". 7our<year- 4rivate Institutions IresidentsJ9 K33-3>1 *s 0e can see from this comparison- studying in G)* is very costly and this 0ill ma,e a big hole into the students poc,ets. In term of innovative teaching methods and ,no0ledge s,ills- Malaysia is among the best countries in the 0orld. Malaysia al0ays ensure the teaching methods is at par 0ith the latest technology. )tudents can gain various s,ills through innovative teaching methods- practical trainings- industrial interships and state<of<the<art facilities that are offered by Malaysian colleges and universities. 7acilities of education in Malaysia is in high standard. Malaysia offers e2cellent facilities to meet the diverse needs of students in line 0ith the 0orld standard. 1ach universities in Malaysia offers both academic and recretional facilities to their students. (oth academic and recretional activities are e.ually important to ensure high .uality of % 7or the 2>>"<2>># academic year- The &ollege (oard reported the follo0ing average annual tuition costs by

students being produce. 7or academic facilities such as computer laboratory- library 0ith a large number of reference boo,s- a comfortable study hall available for the student comfort. 1ven though facilities of education in Gnited )tates of *merica is high- ho0ever Malaysia is able to compete. +ith the high cost of living in Gnited )tates of *merica it is not cost effective to choose Gnited )tates of *merica as the place to further studies. (esides the high cost of living- it is not easy to enter and study in that country since the so called students need to apply for a visa and provide a proof of income that they can afford to study in that country. * visa allo0s a foreign citi:en to travel to a G.). port<of entry and re.uest permission from the G.). immigration officer to enter the Gnited )tates. It does not guarantee entry into the G.). 7or more information about the definition of a visa- as 0ell as policies and procedures regarding visas- please visit !estination G)*. In order to apply for a visa at a G.). embassy or consulate- you must first have a )1FI) I)tudent and 12change Fisitor Information )ystemJ<generated document Ieither an I<2> or !)<2>1'J issued by a G.). college or university or !epartment of )tate<designated sponsor organi:ation. Bou 0ill be re.uired to submit this form 0hen you apply for a visa. The G.). academic institution or program sponsor 0ill provide you 0ith the appropriate )1FI)<generated form only 0hen you have been academically admitted to the institution or accepted as a participant in an e2change program. The institution or program sponsor 0ill also send you additional information about applying for the appropriate visa- as 0ell as other guidance about beginning your academic program in the Gnited )tates. It is not easy to apply for a visa to further studies in G)* since the incidence of )eptember 11. #O$#!% IO$ Through my research- I strongly believe that Malaysia is the ideal location for further studies. Malaysia has the right pac,age to offer to the students to further their studies. My believe bac,ed 0ith the fact that Malaysia is among the cheapest place to stay in the 0orld and have a high .uality facility in education. Malaysia currently having a large number of universities to choose from and each of them is 0ell ,no0n and highly reputable.


"ecommendation My recommendation for future studies is more guidance from the lecturer. )ince it is been a 0hile I have left school- it is very hard to get used to the fact that no0 I am bac, to become a student. My second recommendation is for the lecturer can provide a sample that related to any assignment given. +ith the sample this can give a better understanding on the tas, given and faster completion of the tas, given. #ontribution *long the 0ay during the time used in completing this assignment- there are a lot of benefits I get 0hich can be devided into three categories. The first benefit is to myselfthe second is to my profession and the third is to the society. +hat are the benefit I get for myself from this assignmentD Through this assignment I have learned on ho0 to search for data via the internet. *s 0e all ,no0- there are a lot of information in the internet- ho0ever to choose the correct information that is suitable to our needs is very important. information. Through this assignment I/m able to learn ho0 loo, for the correct 7rom this assignment also I realise the importance of information

technology in completing my assignment. Information technology play a crutial and a very important role in our daily life. The ability to master the ,no0ledge in information technology is a must to ensure a brighter future. *nother benefit that I can get for myself is that a critical thin,ing is very important in any tas, given. *l0ays thin, outside the bo2 and create more discussion 0ith fello0 students regarding the topics. (y discussionmore and more ideas can be shared and this 0ill ma,e it easier to complete any tas,. The second benefit 0hich I get is the benefit to0ards my profession as a teacher. *s a teacher- I can use my ,no0ledge 0hich I get to teach to my students and encourage them to achieve better results in their studies. ;nly 0ith ,no0ledge I believe my students can improve their 0ay of life for a better. *long the 0ay- my students 0ill face challanges and difficulties- ho0ever for any problems faced 0e cannot run or hide. +e have to face it and dealt 0ith it. This is the problems that I have faced in the course of 1>

completing this assignment- until I feel discourage- ho0ever I have to faced it and dealt 0ith it. This are the things that I 0ill encourage my students is to face any problems and do not run a0ay. +ith the help of my students parents- other teachers and myself- I strongly believe that they 0ill manage to become a better person. ;ne day my students 0ill be able to contribute more to the society if 0e provide them proper guidance and encouragement during their studies. The third contribution I get to0ards society is I feel encourage to give more to my society. I believe that 0hat I contribute to my students 0ill be bring bac, good things to the society. My students is parf of the society and they are our future leader. I 0ill promote to the society the beneficial of information technology and encourage them to invest a little in this area. 7or e2ample- the investment is li,e purchasing a personal computer for their children used. $eading is also the most important habit that 0e need to enculcate into the society start from the young age. This is one of the important area that I realise during completing my assignment. I/m hoping that I manage to flourish the need to read to my society.


(ibliography 9< http9MM000.educationusa.state.govM http9MMen.0i,ipedia.orgM0i,iM1ducationNinNMalaysia http9MMen.0i,ipedia.orgM0i,iMMalaysia


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