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Instructor: David Rangel Course: Math 146, Introduction to Statistics Document: Introduction to Hypothesis Testing Homework Introduction to Hypothesis Testing: Assignment Part I: Web-based component Please run through the tutorial found on the Introduction to Hypothesis Testing Tutorial found at the Web Interface for Statistics Education (WISE) hosted by Claremont University ( Download and print out the worksheet associated with the tutorial to complete and hand in with this written assignment. The handout can be found via the links in the tutorial, or directly at We will discuss some aspects and you will be asked questions pertaining to the concepts presented in the lesson. Part II: Conceptual Short Answer Problems1 The following problems are based directly on the textbook examples and problems, MyMathLab practice problems, and worked in-class practice. Take time to carefully write out solutions since these are representative of the problems you will be asked to solve during in-class quizzes and exams. Please write your solutions out clearly on separate paper and staple together with this assignment sheet for submission. (1) The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of vitamin C for women is 75 milligrams per day. A hypothesis test is to be performed to decide whether adult women are, on average, getting less than the RDA of 75 milligrams per day. Determine the null and alternative hypotheses. (2) The mean credit card debt among households in one state is $8400. A hypothesis test is to be performed to decide whether the mean credit card debt for households in the formerly affluent town of Rich-No-More differs from the mean credit card debt for the state. Classify the hypothesis test as two-tailed, left-tailed, or right-tailed. (3) A health insurer has determined that the "reasonable and customary" fee for a certain medical procedure is $1200. They suspect that the mean fee charged by one particular clinic for this procedure is higher than $1200. The insurer wants to perform a hypothesis test to determine whether their suspicion is correct. The hypotheses are: H0 : ! = $1200 and H1 : ! > $1200 where ! is the mean amount charged by the clinic for this procedure. Select the best explanation of a correct decision from the following: A) A correct decision would occur if, in fact, ! > $1200 and the results of the sampling do not lead to rejection of the null hypothesis that ! = $1200. B) A correct decision would occur if, in fact, ! = $1200, and the results of the sampling lead to rejection of the null hypothesis; or if, in fact, ! > $1200 and the results of the sampling lead to that conclusion. C) A correct decision would occur if, in fact, ! = $1200, and the results of the sampling do not lead to rejection of that fact; or if, in fact, ! > $1200 and the results of the sampling do not lead to rejection of the null hypothesis that ! = $1200. D) A correct decision would occur if, in fact, ! = $1200, and the results of the sampling do not lead to rejection of that fact; or if, in fact, ! > $1200 and the results of the sampling lead to that conclusion. (4) Give an example of a hypothesis test for which it is important to have a small " probability. Explain why it is important to have a small value for "? 5) Give an example of a hypothesis test for which it is important to have a small # probability. Explain why it is important to have a small value for #? 6) Explain the difference between a Type I error and a Type II error.

Weiss, Introductory Statistics, 9th Edition

David Rangel: Hypothesis Testing Homework

7) For a fixed sample size, how will increasing the significance level of a hypothesis test affect the probability of a Type I error? How will it affect the probability of a Type II error? Part III: Quantitative Problems Make sure to carefully write out solutions since these are representative of the problems you will be asked to solve during inclass quizzes and exams. Please write your solutions out clearly on separate paper and staple together with this assignment sheet for submission. (1) The maximum acceptable level of a certain toxic chemical in vegetables has been set at 0.4 parts per million (ppm). A consumer health group measured the level of the chemical in a random sample of tomatoes obtained from one producer. The levels, in ppm, are: 0.31 0.47 0.19 0.72 0.56 0.91 0.29 0.83 0.49 0.28 0.31 0.46 0.25 0.34 0.17 0.58 0.19 0.26 0.47 0.81 At the 5% significance level, do the data provide sufficient evidence to conclude that the mean level of the chemical in tomatoes from this producer is greater than the recommended level of 0.4 ppm? Assume that the population standard deviation of levels of the chemical in these tomatoes is 0.21 ppm. In answering the question, perform a one-sample z-test for a population mean using the P-Value approach. Assess the strength of the evidence against the null hypothesis. (2) A sheet-metal press stamps out bolt washers with a nominal inner diameter of 0.25 inches. Measurement of the inner diameters of a random sample of 14 washers produced the following results (in inches): 0.253 0.251 0.253 0.251 0.264 0.252 0.259 0.252 0.264 0.263 0.253 0.268 0.266 0.268 The normal scores of the data are summarized below:

Should you perform a z-test or a t-test to test the null hypothesis? Do the data meet the requirements for the use of the test? Using StatCruch, perform the following hypothesis test: at the 1% significance level, determine whether the mean washer diameter for this machine exceeds the nominal value. Comment on the appropriateness of the test.

David Rangel: Hypothesis Testing Homework

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