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What dose of truth can a man endure?

Friedrich Nietzsche

1. TRANSLATOR'S PREFACE .................................................................................................... 5 2. PROLOGUE ............................................................................................................................. 6 3. WHAT IS MEDIUMSHIP? ........................................................................................................ 7 4. SESSION - 13/May/1997 Entities that came to talk: Tar; Rah; Master Jesus .................................................................. 8 5. SESSION - 21/May/1997 Entities that came to talk: Rah; Ron Hubbard ......................................................................... 20 6. SESSION - 28/May/1997 Entities that came to talk: Tar, from Orion 4; Johnakan Ur-el ................................................. 28 7. SESSION - 01/Jun/1997 Entity that came to talk: Johnakan Ur-el ............................................................................... 34 8. SESSION - 04/Jun/1997 Entities that came to talk: Master Jesus; Johnakan Ur-el ....................................................... 35 9. SESSION - 14/Jun/1997 Entity that came to talk: Johnakan Ur-el ............................................................................... 38 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. GROUP SESSION - 21/Jun/1997 Entity that came to talk: Johnakan Ur-el ............................................................................... 47 SESSION - 30/Jun/1997 Entities that came to talk: Kumi Ann; Mia Anel, Master Jesus, Archangel Gabriel, Tar .......... 54 GROUP SESSION - 05/Jul/1997 Entities that came to talk: Kether, Johnakan Ur-el .................................................................. 65 RADIAL SESSION - 28/Jul/1997 Entity that came to talk: Tar .................................................................................................. 75 TV SESSION - 06/Jul/1999 Entity that came to talk: Rah ................................................................................................. 77

Heaven Responds


1. PROLOGUE ............................................................................................................................. 85 2. HUMOR OF THE ABSOLUTE ................................................................................................. 86 3. WHAT MATTERS IS THE MESSAGE ..................................................................................... 87 4. COMMENTS ABOUT THIS WORK .......................................................................................... 88 5. SESSION - 30/Aug/2001 6. SESSION - 21/Feb/2003 7. SESSION - 04/Mar/2003 8. SESSION - 08/Mar/2003 9. SESSION - 09/May/2003 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. SESSION - 27/Jun/2003 SESSION - 01/Jul/2003 SESSION - 09/Sep/2003 SESSION - 11/Nov/2003 SESSION - 27/Jan/2004 SESSION - 13/May/2004 SESSION - 10/Nov/2006 Part One Part Two
(The Universe) ................................................................................ 91 (The Essence of the Universe) ......................................................... 95 (Nothing is Everything. Alternative Universes. Other Topics) ............. 97 (The Brain or Decoder. Other Topics) .............................................. 106 (Spiritual & Physical Evolution. Other Topics) ................................... 112 (Servicing Others. The Free Will. Other Topics) ............................... 120 (Big Bang - Big Crunch. Other Topics) ............................................. 127 (The Human Being. The Space-Time. Other Topics) ........................ 135 (The Human Evolution. Conceptual Spirits. Other Topics) ................. 143 (Time Travels. Alternative Universes. Other Topics) ......................... 154 (Life Mysteries. Sexuality. Other Topics) ......................................... 165

(Devine Energies. The Evolution of the Universe. Other Topics) ........ 171 (Life and the Universe. Various Topics) ............................................ 179


BIBLIOGRAPHY The AUTHOR ........................................................................................................................... 186

Heaven Responds

Part 1


Heaven Responds

Wisdom is the possession of no man, yet it can be had by all men. Validivar

There are many preconceptions that prevent us from impartially and without any prejudice seeing our reality as truly is. They are preconceptions that have been gathered since our childhood and that over the years they are part of us. Then, how difficult is to open up ourselves to new concepts, new ideas, new learning, that somehow could change our way of seeing life. This book fell into my hands some years ago while I was searching through the Web about the entity called Ramtha the "enlightened one" that is channeled by the American medium JZ Knight. My intention was to gather other antecedents about that medium and the entity, which could give me a different view, and perhaps a more complete one, from what is shown on its Web site. This is a book that changes the way we see our reality, as it incorporates new ideas, not only metaphysical and spiritual concepts, but also about the essence of the universe, the Big Bang and Big Crunch, Parallel and Alternative Universes, other worlds, the Space-Time Line, the Wholeness, etc., that even for me, being an engineer with an analytical and mathematical mindset, have not been easy to conceptualize. This book presents some new concepts on human and spiritual evolution emphasizing the importance of Service to our fellow man. Some messages in this book say so: "The love for oneself is sterile if its not then turned towards another". Man has to realize that, only by giving, he will receive. You must be aware of the feeling of happiness and joy it means to live for giving. That is blessing. Some will say: "Indifference is a lesser evil". And I reply: Not so. Because when an incarnated being ceases to be concerned about his brother, he begins to worry about himself. And there begins suffering, his own and his fellow mans, which he ignores. Its not enough going to temples to pray, because prayer is sterile if not accompanied with Service. Everything that emotionally unbalances man, is because his ego is involved. When referring to the moment of the Big Bang, 13.7 billion years ago, this phrase says it all: "In the beginning there was Nothing and Nothing was Everything". You have the privilege of being among the first to know this material. It must be a reason and perhaps you have earned that right. I must admit that it has been a privilege for me to have been given the opportunity to translate this book (with the invaluable help of my dear sister Elena) and being able to conceptualize in-depth messages, from EON, the Masters of Light, and others, presented here, and clarify some of our great unknowns that humankind has always had... Who are we? Where do we come from? Where are we going? Jorge A. Dixon

Heaven Responds

This book was written because our universe works on the basis of the need to know and when we ask, we get an answer. And this is just what we did: asking. Asking is always a search, is opening ourselves, and when we open ourselves, we prepare to receive. The real question comes from the strong desire to learn, a willingness to listen and to receive. Being with spiritual entities is not to be seated in the dark room, with mysterious music, a crystal ball and blinking candles. Its just a conversation. This is the whole mystery: conversation, as we do it every day with our good friends or relatives. When speaking with spiritual entities, with our own soul or those of others, incarnated or not, we expand our capacity for growth and transformation and we move closer to our destiny. Linking to them, through our own or others mediumship, is the next step in our evolution as conscious beings. Mediumship is the manifestation of the immortal spirit and not the result of sensitivities or abnormalities of the nervous system. Its a means where the psychic perception enlarges, in the same way in which the spirit of man evolves. The highest expression was when Master Jesus gave his body to accommodate the Christic Energy. Mediumship is a mean that allows the exchange of messages between the alive of this world and the non alive of the other side, serving as a bridge, so that high spiritual entities, like Master Jesus Johnakan Ur-el (John, the beloved disciple and soul mate of Jesus), Buddha, Saint Germain, Kahlil Gibran, Confucius, Socrates, Allan Kardec, etc., can give a valuable service with their messages to humanity. This argument dismisses the common misconception that spiritual leaders, after leaving his physical body, totally ignore the plight of those disciples or followers who were guided on Earth. Mediumship is a phenomenon resulting from the psychic hypersensitivity presently being manifested among men, in conjunction with the end of the Era of Matter and the dawn of the Era of the Spirit, stage in which the human beings will be driven towards the study of Eternal Life. It should be noted that although many philosophical or spiritual movements do not use the word medium (to distinguish them, perhaps, from the so questioned spiritism), their mediators are still framed in the old technique of the medium when they catch direct messages from the masters, or by intuition, as Jesus did two thousand years ago, or more recently Ron Hubbard, founder of Dianetics and Scientology. The founder of the Theosophical Society Helena P. Blavatsky and many of his affiliated, such as the Anglican Bishop Leadbeater and Geoffrey Hodson, were also mediums. The prophets were powerful mediums (Jonah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and many others). In the catholic world, effective mediums were also Saint Teresa, Antonio de Padua, Don Bosco and Vincent of Paul, to name some. Beside names or interpretation given to this kind of manifestations by philosophical or spiritualist institutions (grace, miracle, prophetic gift, etc.), all are essentially, mediumistic phenomena. In Alice A. Baileys book A Treatise on the Seven Rays - Esoteric Psychology I, published in 1936, she said: Through the use of the radio by those who have passed over will communication be eventually set up, and reduced to a true science. Then, she said: The next few decades science will penetrate deeper into the realm of the intangible, and work in mediums and with apparatus hitherto unknown. The spiritualists will make a discovery whereby the means of contact with those who function out of the physical body will be greatly facilitated, and a group of mediums will begin to act as intermediaries for a number of scientists on the inner side of life and those who are still in physical bodies. This prophesied time is now. THE AUTHOR
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Mediumship is the communication between human beings and entities of the spiritual plane. There are many historical references to this type of communications between men and entities of the spiritual planes. All great millenarian religions keep, and thus we can state it in books that they have bequeathed to us, concrete references to this fact. The Bible, the sacred book of the Judaism-Christian religion, relates an episode that happened more than one thousand years before the birth of Jesus. In those days, King Saul exiled all fortune tellers and necromancers from Israel, because the Law of Moses formally prohibited evoking the dead. And nevertheless, Saul himself, frightened by the power that they were unfolding, looked for a clandestine clairvoyance, because he wanted to get some advice from Prophet Samuel, who had just passed away. He managed to locate a clairvoyant, a magician from Endor. He quickly went to the house of that woman using some old clothes for not being recognized. He was able to get a mediumistic communication. It was there when Samuel said to Saul: - Why do you disturb me evoking me? In mythological stories, Ulysses used to consult the fortune teller Tiresias (10th song of the Odyssey) and Atossa summoned to King Darius (Persians, Aeschylus). We also read from the poems of Gilgamesh, the hero Assyrian, when he communicates with his friend Endiku, who had died long ago. From many centuries there have always been Christian asking for favors to their saints, in the belief that they could listen to them and take care of their requirements. This was endorsed by the Catholic Church itself that, however, later it banned attempts to communicate with the spirits which showed that it considered possible because they decided to proscribe the ancient Hebrew laws. In the New Testament it is said that God grants diverse spiritual gifts. These include the gift of discernment of spirits (1 Cor, 12, 10), but the church authorities decided at the time that this gift of communication, who spoke St. Paul, had not been granted to the whole world and they agreed to preserve parishioners of possible contacts with evil spirits. The real thing, however, is the belief that is possible to communicate with entities that inhabit the spiritual world and that is acknowledged for thousands of years by all religions. Unfortunately, in the West, because of religious prohibition and for fears of being burned at the stake, the vast majority of parishioners refrained from attempting any communication with the spirits. On this subject there is the greed of mediumship communication for consulting loved ones who have gone from the physical plane or to find out future subjects by means of the spiritual precognition. They leave aside the most important thing: the messages of the Masters of Light which they can guide the evolutionary pathway of man. That's why the first part of this treaty consists of dialogues with various spiritual entities of Light, that through mediumship contacts, give different messages for guidance of people wishing to access the pathway towards the Divine Essence. The important thing is to realize that we are spirits in evolution and that the only way we raise is by giving Love. Jorge Raul Olguin

Heaven Responds

4. SESSION - 13/May/1997
Medium: Jorge R. Olguin Interlocutor: Horacio Velmont Entities that came to talk: Tar; Rah; Master Jesus, Interlocutor: Is here present some entity that will initiate the session? Tar: My name is Tar, and I am joyful of being able to communicate with you, since the messages that I am going to transmit can be useful for future life. Throughout different eons I have seen bloom different civilizations, not only in this world, but in other worlds of this vast universe. Also I have been present at the fall of many empires, learning that the earth power is ephemeral. Only the Light of the Cosmic Essence is eternal. I know that many are eager to know what is going to happen in your planet. No spirit has the gift of divination and we can only predict a certain event, using common sense. In this world great changes, not as much geologic, but changes of consciousness are approaching. I practically know the beginning of this planet, when everything was a single continent. Interlocutor: Where is your origin? Tar: I come from Orion. My spirit was created thousands of million years ago. I was witness of the end of many planetary systems and also of the creation of others more recent. I was in the formation of the Solar System, also in the formation of the Pleiades. These stars are of third generation, whereas your sun is a star of second generation. [1] Your planet had in its beginnings a lethal atmosphere for present life. There were great changes. At the end life was developed, although they only were unicellular animals. As time went by, life began to be more complex. After the extinction of the dinosaurs, there was a humanoid race that inhabited this world. They were gigantic beings that came from another stellar system. There was much erroneous information on that matter. Even in your Bible those beings are mentioned and also in other old writings. It was thought that those gigantic beings were children of spiritual and terrestrial entities, which is not correct. The truth is that immense interstellar cruises came and were visiting the Earth. Since it was a very hostile climate, the expeditionary could not be used as habitat. However, one of the ships remained, creating an artificial climate in a region, where those beings could stay. But they did not survive the volcanic eruptions and the earthquakes, which were many more than at present time. Later discoveries of bony rest revealed that there were beings which measured approximately between 3 and 4 meters high. Interlocutor: Perhaps, you are talking about the time of Lemuria (the lost continent)? Tar: Much more back in time Soon new forms of life were developed, until a new race was formed, but directly terrestrial. They were very basic beings, with primary instincts. Interlocutor: Are we speaking about the two first human races?

[1] The present universe was created about 14 billion years ago and our sun has only 5 billion years. It was formed with the gaseous rest of stars of first generation, already extinguished.

Heaven Responds

Tar: Long before the first one known and after those giants. They had lived 500,000 years ago. The air was still not breathable for your present physiology. It was a 98% of carbon dioxide. Oxygen almost did not exist. The average temperature was in the 40 Celsius (104 F), according to present measurements. Soon that Era started changing. The species were perfected. It has been verified that other ships came in other times to experiment. Interlocutor: Did those races have a reactive mind? [2] Tar: The reactive mind has been since the beginning of the spiritual evolution. Interlocutor: I didnt have that data. Tar: Spirits were created with a reactive mind, channeler of ego, because we only evolve from the imperfection. Interlocutor: I know that many spirits have managed to overcome their ego and already are in the planes of Light. Tar: Thats right, although spirits who are dominated by ego are much more numerous that those which surpassed their ego. There are 4 spiritual planes or levels, from 2 to 5, plus level 1, the physical plane. They are 5 planes altogether, with different vibratory levels. The most known are those that they communicate periodically with the incarnated beings of the physical plane. These are the spirits of Error, who dwell in planes 2 and 3. The fourth and fifth planes are levels of Mastery. The beings that inhabit those planes are very much evolved into the pathway of Light. Interlocutor: In an occasion, we communicated with Master Jesus. In what vibratory level is he? Tar: Master Jesus is in the 5th plane. Interlocutor: I have understood that he only projects a particle of his being. Does he? Tar: Nearly less than a particle. There are very few earthly entities that can communicate with a master of Solar Hierarchy. I say of Solar Hierarchy and non Planetary because Master Jesus has ascended in the last two thousand years. As well as Jesus ascended from Planetary hierarchy to Solar hierarchy, the previous Solar Logo, the Christ, ascended to Dimensional Logo category. At this moment the Christ is in the maximum spiritual hierarchy. But he is not the only one. There are other Divine Energies that act, as the Buddha, who is the present Galactic Logo. Interlocutor: Could we know which your function is? Tar: My function is being a messenger throughout time. Speaking in human terms, it would be what you call a mail I was incarnated centuries back in your world to bring wisdom. I lived millenniums ago in the Egyptian civilization under the name of Thot. Previously, I was in which you call the Age of Stone, coexisting with beings in wild state, similar to your primates. Many civilizations have disappeared in this planet.
[2] Reactive mind is that function of the mind that keeps and retains physical pain and painful emotion and looks for to direct under the stimulus-answer principle. It thinks only about identities. Analytical mind, however, is the function of the mind that it perceives and retains information to raise and to solve problems. It thinks about differences and similarities. Reactive mind is a survival mechanism that enters to work when the analytical mind becomes disconnected. Its the one that handles impulses. Finally, as reactive mind is instinctive tries to prevent that a person gets in danger.

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Interlocutor: You said before that beings from other planetary systems have also come to Earth to experiment. Is that so? Tar: Correct. This planet was used as a test field. Interlocutor: For example? Tar: For example, your contemporary Darwin spoke about the evolution of the species; it was undergone five thousand years back by extraterrestrial beings. Many of these foreign races have left different developing species in dangerous places of your world, and returned to look for them after one thousand years of your calendar. Those entities had mutated, they had experienced biological changes for the better, to protect themselves from the climate or the aggressions of other natural species of the planet. These entities had got in one terrestrial millennium what in a normal passage it would take ten or twenty thousand years. Those expeditionaries proved that the process could be accelerated demonstrating then that this is possible. Interlocutor: How has the Homo sapiens evolved? Tar: The Homo sapiens has evolved too slow, but by his own engrams. [3] There is a planetary engram that at this moment is delaying it. The human being tends to lose his teeth and to enlarge his skull and encephalic mass. If this race is not extinguished, the day will come when he is not going to need to feed, since he is going to nourish from his star, the Sun. He is practically going to get energy through the dermis, by the epidermis. Interlocutor: Something like photosynthesis? Tar: Not like photosynthesis. He is going to feed himself from the energy of his central star, also from etheric vibration. The human being will be so evolved in the future that hes practically going to be free of diseases, it happens in some advanced planetary systems. That is if before he does not destroy his habitat. Scientific advance is so large with global cooperation, that is so sad to see how in the planet Earth too many discoveries are delayed or others are not getting known by stingy economic interests. There are some travelers of galactic cruises that directly manage to mute their physical vibration to change it when they have a health problem. As far as their technology, they have advanced so much that they put on their ships a power field that makes them invisible to any detector. Other travelers use holes of worm, that are like tunnels in the emptiness, which they connect thousands of light years of distance. For that reason they can cross great distances in seconds, leaving the physical universe from one sector of the galaxy and entering another in a short time. They have 7 civilizations in your planetary system. There is a civilization that arrived from a distant star and it was based in Ganymede (the largest moon of Jupiter). They are very advanced beings, but before they were not. Interlocutor: They live inside Ganymede? Tar: Yes, inside the satellite. Their technology allowed them to get a habitat where they can isolate themselves from the atmospheric frosts conditions of the surface.
[3] Engram can be defined as a mental image of a past experience that contains pain which is a real or imaginary threat against survival. Engram is an unconscious registry of the reactive mind.

Heaven Responds


At the present time, they have directly taken to Ganymede inhabitants of your planet to approach them into the spiritual pathway. Their philosophy is based on material detachment, but it was not always so. In passed times, they had great fights. They had a great technology but they lacked of love consciousness. Their spiritual advance was done in these two last centuries. In previous centuries the beings from Ganymede were devoid of an altruistic vocation. Interlocutor: Were their fights only internal? Tar: There were great fights with inhabitants from a planet of the Syrian Galaxy. This one was a community of entities that lived exclusively for Service and towards the pathway of Light. These beings wanted to convince the inhabitants of Ganymede to demote their militant attitude, but they full of pride did not accept it. On the contrary, they watched at neighboring worlds with greed. The only way those beings from Syrian had to restrain that situation was to impose a change in attitude of the others. In fact, a superior being cannot overrun by force another one because good sets out. But, really, one is always avoiding a greater evil. Since Ganymede was about to put under the planetary system of Syrian, which was not so advanced technologically, as they believed, they had to be overrun by force. Those evolved beings from Syrian got with different apparatuses to change the mind of the inhabitants of Ganymede. They had to do it, because they did not have another alternative. Interlocutor: For doing that Do they need some special permission? Tar: Yes, they had to request permission from the Planetary Logo and the Solar Logo. They communicated in telepathic form. Once permission was granted, just then, they acted and directly changed the metamorphosis of those beings. Its not that they wiped out their mind, but they changed their militant part. With time, descendants of that militant race from Ganymede evolved in knowledge, philosophy and Love, using scientific knowledge for the good. Aeons back there were also Mars beings and at that time they were not prepared either for a warlike fight. The Mars beings had dedicated to agriculture. They were pacific beings and they lived in harmony altogether. But they had a tremendous epidemic. There was one plague, very great, it was a disease like in Earth you call chicken pox that has decimated people by thousands. They were forced to take refuge inside the planet. In Venus something similar happened. Many millennia back there had been a flourishing life in that planet. The atmospheric climate was very different, as much in pressure as in temperature. There was no comparison with this present time, where temperature and atmospheric pressure are so elevated making life impossible. Like the stellar travelers who were based in Ganymede, the inhabitants of Venus were also very arrogant; they thought that could dominate the entire solar system. They have also been decimated. Venus has changed much since then. There were great wars, great later cataclysms that have changed their atmosphere. Interlocutor: Could you confirm that at this time Venus atmosphere for the terrestrial man is not accessible? Tar: No, its not accessible for you. You could not support its atmospheric pressure, 90 times the one of your world, neither its temperature. Interlocutor: In this planet (Earth), are we going to continue advancing spiritually or its going to back down?

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Tar: These advances are going to follow, but this planetary engram, reinforced by engrams of countries, relatives and individual, had caused that it is very difficult to overcome it at this time. Consequently, this race is approximately five thousand years back in their spiritual pathway. There had been very few changes, with the exception of some people who have become aware of how their world is being deteriorated and try to change the way of thinking of others. Interlocutor: Here changes are taking place thanks to Dianetics and Scientology, sciences whose founder was Ronald Hubbard. At least, Scientologists are releasing engrams, and that is important. Tar: Yes, but in a very slow proportion. Often we have communicated with different entities that use Dianetics and they are powerless, because for each one that they can take to the Light, there are ten which directly enter the shade cone, folded by their emotional field. Many people harm, many people hurt, many people implant engrams to other people by the single act to put under. This civilization is so much behind spiritually that they think if put people under, they can rise more fluidly. Therefore, doing engrams to close ones, putting them under to rise, without realizing that they are not progressing, but backing down also they make back down all their family, all their work surroundings and their friendships surrounding. So, they start falling one after another like pieces of a terrestrial didactic game. It is very difficult to reach the pathway we expected. But anyway, it must be acknowledged that Dianetics is one of the valid ways to release engrams from this planet. Interlocutor: There is also another therapy called Psycho-integration, created by Professor Jorge Olguin, which helps to overcome the ego. Tar: Soon there will be contacts with assistant beings. There will be entities that will approach every human being and they are going to subconsciously dictate how to overcome certain engrams, but because time is closer, we already need to begin raising this race. Interlocutor: How do you see the mission of our spiritual group? How can we be helpful? Tar: There are many beings from the shadows that have been hampering the mission and they will continue. But your mission is to disseminate messages of Light and must continue. As you say in your world, without lowering your arms. However, there is a way where you cannot fall and cannot be attacked by anybody: - Silence. Silence is the tool best suited not to offend anyone with offensive words and thus avoid hurting anyone with grievances. Silence does not offend so nobody will offend you. Silence does not disturb, and thus no one will disturb you. [4] - Keep your mind elevated. This is even more important because in keeping your mind elevated, any negative vibrations will not hurt you. On the contrary, you will be more willing to help others who might need it. - Do not attack the surroundings. It is important to be always calm, because when we lose control, we can reflect in the other that loss of control. Bear in mind that at any level, from the material plane to the spiritual one, both are a mirror. If a spirit loses control, the other spirit reflects like a mirror that

[4] A Light being, named Juan Damasceno said, "Silence is the appropriate expression of man's relationship with God, because of the Divine significance. Silence, therefore, should not be an excuse for failing to do theology, but rather a path to bring us close to knowledge.

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lack of control and between the two there will be a power struggle. Aggression brings more aggression. It is wrong to think, in human terms, that all spiritual beings are Masters. There is a lot of misunderstanding on this. There are religious centers on the planet Earth that constantly communicate with spiritual beings, as some schools, as some yoga meditation centers, or directly spiritualist centers. But they only communicate with the second level. They dont communicate with the highest levels, except when some great Master or a great Guide comes. Interlocutor: Now, I would like to ask you if this receptacle, which you are using at this moment, is transmitting your thoughts well. I ask you because this is the first session that we are going to record. Tar: This receptacle gets me without any interference. As time goes by, with practice, he will channel more. With regard to the validity of my messages, all that I bring are messages of guidance, information and service. Interlocutor: Is it our job to disseminate these messages? Tar: The mission of any spiritual group is to spread words of Light for the benefit of their fellow human beings. That is not an imposed task, but a task that is performed with joy. In the same way, you should not impose any idea, but transferring knowledge to those who require it. At this time, I have at my side another entity, from another system that wants to communicate with you. Interlocutor: Thank you Tar for your presence here and your messages. Tar: There is still much you should know, especially about how the Earth was unfolding. I humbly tell you that I am who has more knowledge of the subject, not only for having studied your habits, but for having embodied twice on this soil. Interlocutor: Some of what you are conveying is in The Secret Doctrine, Madame Blavatsky... Tar: Yes, I understand that all the spiritual words point to the Light. But also, in my case, I seek to convey new revelations that clear many mysteries of your past. I leave you with another brother of Light. Interlocutor: Until then, Tar, and again thank you ... Who is going to communicate now? Rah: My name is Rah. I traveled astrally twice to this planet. I come from a system where the atmosphere is green, where harmony prevails among all beings, and where we live to serve others. Our houses are built with bark, what you call wood and shrunken paper. Our world is very similar in their habitat to your country called Japan. Interlocutor: Do you come from somewhere in our solar system? Rah: No, I come from Antares 4. The soul or thetan of this medium in which I am incorporated right now, had visited my planet in astral travel and therefore is not a coincidence that I am here now. There were major changes in the place where I come from. The gravity is 0.8 terrestrial and our civilization is completely different from yours. We stand out in philosophy and our analytical thinking has prevailed over reactive impulse. There have been no industrial changes. Virtually we are living from seed and food from the sea. Interlocutor: In Technology, are you behind time? Rah: Technologically, it could be said that we are behind many centuries with respect to the Earth. Interlocutor: Really?

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Rah: Yes. For example, we do not have equipment to handle the sound waves. Directly we do not handle with what you call electricity. Interlocutor: And morally? Rah: Morally, we are looking to be at a very advanced level. We believe that there is no a goal, because we always try to correct our mistakes. We have worldwide mediumistic contacts and now we can communicate regularly with Light entities from the 4th and 5th level. Interlocutor: Have the inhabitants of Antares 4 reactive mind? Rah: The reactive mind, although it is a universal mechanism, we have it at a very low level, the lowest. The reactive mind is inherent to the spirit, is the seed of ego and the way that the various I develop. Just from the 4th level onwards, when the personality and all his I or self have been integrated, resulting a union with the Higher Self no longer more engrams grow. The reactive mind leads to the analytical mind, where the ego has no roots to grow. Interlocutor: Then, are we all affected by the reactive mind in the levels that we call dense? Rah: You have to understand that not only there is reactive mind in the physical plane, but also in the spiritual planes. Interlocutor: Are the spirits of Error the most affected by the reactive mind? Rah: That's right, in the spiritual planes 2 and 3, the reactive mind generates more ego because these entities have many accumulated resentments. Even there are spirits that might have a stronger ego that incarnated beings, because they believe that in their immaterial state can do everything. There are spirits of plane 2 entering and leaving plane 1 - the physical world - to tempt the incarnated human being and, since they are not being perceived, they believe to be omnipotent. They do not realize that they have the 3rd, 4th and 5th plane, which they can not access. Some spirits of the 2nd plane feel a sense of superiority with regard to the physical world, because their ego creates a tremendous role. There are also entities of the 3rd plane that are invaded by arrogance, and they try to guide human being by a path they believe as correct, with catastrophic results for this last one. That is why I say that, as a precaution, not always believe that a message from a spiritual entity can guide you. The spirits of Error almost always communicate to stun you or to back you down from the evolutionary path. And what I see at this moment, as my predecessor Tar said, is that the spirits of the 2nd and 3rd plane might confuse you. They can give you messages that transgress the Light. Interlocutor: And are they not evidence for us that we must learn to discern? Rah: Sometimes no, and for one simple reason: yes messages are wrong, but said in a subtle form and perhaps your understanding is so limited that you take them as truth... And they can use different mediums from diverse spiritualist centers so that they promote chaos. Remember that ignorance fed by ego creates pedantry. Interlocutor: This receptacle, Professor Jorge Olguin, told us that once he went to a well-known spiritist center and a young director told the followers that "he was anxious to pass away to enjoy the spiritual world." Then Olguin told us that those words were harmful and might even lead to suicide. He added that in this physical world much has to be done. Rah: What my brother of Light said is very correct. The case of that director is a right example of ignorance, because many incarnated beings see the physical world as a plane where he comes to repair the errors, when in fact he is incarnated for completing the lessons that were not finished
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learning in last lives, and those tests are given in the physical plane of matter. Therefore, to encourage "the good that would be to leave the physical plane without completing the life cycle" is very serious, since many do not have the proper judgment and can literally interpret it as a wishful thinking. Interlocutor: Can God prevent such injustice? Rah: Remember that the Maker gives free will. The creation is made so that nobody renders accounts to the Absolute of their actions. One could raise or low the spiritual level according to his own behavior. So, every spirit is his own judge and jury. The sentence or salvation depends on the individuals attitude. Interlocutor: But often the negative attitude of an individual hurts others who are not guilty. Rah: True. We are always exposed to the cruelty of others and that is a consequence of free will that the Supreme Maker has given for Love. Interlocutor: But... Is that not an injustice? Rah: As well as there are lessons to learn there are also compensations. Only the Supreme knows how everything fits. Interlocutor: I want to clear a doubt that is who are called "Spirits of Error"? Rah: The name of Spirits of Error is given to those who inhabit the 2nd and 3rd plane of vibration. They have a grudge so big, spawned by their own ego, that seek masquerading as Masters of Light and, through telepathic contacts, arrive to guide the wrong way intentionally. Its not so easy to discern that. Interlocutor: I think I can realize if the message is positive. As I come to discern that you are a being of light and so Tar, because you do not say anything that hurts my susceptibility, nor my common sense, nor my spiritual beliefs... Rah: The spirits of Error are not necessarily easy to detect. Sometimes there are entities that, without hurting the sensibilities of people can come to mislead giving wrong messages. Very many times this has happened, delaying the evolutionary learning. If we add to this that there is an enormous disinterest of the incarnated being for the spiritual world, the situation is worrying. Interlocutor: Its a shame that there are so few medium to transmit messages. Rah: Its not so simple to telepathically channel from the spiritual world. It should be kept in mind that if the receptacle has psychological disorders, it would be fertile ground for the spirits of Error to end up being transformed. The medium has to have a balanced mind. Interlocutor: Here we have a saying: "Eyes in the sky and feet on the ground." Rah: Most of us have the gift of telepathy. From centuries we practice meditation and then we were exercising in telepathic channeling. From there, one can perceive the ideas in the mind of another, provided that he is ready. Interlocutor: Are you not permitted to read the mind of another person if he does not want to? Rah: It is not forbidden, but the person simply closes himself" instinctively and his ideas are out of reach. The same is true in the spiritual world. Communication is achieved when both wish it. If one of the two spirits does not want to talk, the other can not receive anything. This is also part of free will. Interlocutor: Can you tell us something more about your planet?

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Rah: Before I told you that we wanted to grow spiritually, and this is achieved by stop thinking about yourself as a protagonist. One who is not a focus of attention is not susceptible; its difficult to offend him and does not respond to aggression with more aggression. Consider that all spirits who are susceptible souls have not yet overcome their ego. On our planet, Antares 4, we avoid the limelight. We think that the important thing is the other one and we carry these ideas into practice. For example, when families have ruined their crops, other families give them shelter. The secret of all this is to be able to overcome selfishness and transform it into altruism, to achieve the great mission which is the Service. First thing is to help another. Unfortunately, most of the beings I contact with have material needs and they look for an excuse for failing to provide service. They forget that giving to others is first. Interlocutor: Here, we say "Charity well understood, begins at home." Rah: Yes. This receptacle also said: "If you are down you cannot lift others. But in this issue we should also seek a balance. Many look for the slightest excuse for failing to render aid. Interlocutor: In this physical plane we all have many obligations that sometimes do not allow us to do other things. Rah: I go back to two thousand years ago on your planet. When Master Jesus became flesh, he clearly said: "Leave everything and come to me." I must say, however, that at this moment not everyone is prepared to do that because, as you said, there are different obligations. If someone were to leave his family that needs him, he would certainly be a selfish one. As you commonly say, the cure would be worse than the disease. Then, the mission into the Light does not mean to leave all loved ones, but having a communion with them and encourage this Path of Light. Because if some dear being or someone of your surroundings is delayed because he had restlessness and you misestimated him, you are going to be responsible for that delay, in the same way that long ago man was responsible for the bread and the sustenance of his family. Today, those who seek the path of Light are responsible for their surroundings. Unless those people who are close to you do not wish to be helped. That ends your task, because the good cannot be imposed. Interlocutor: Why is it so difficult to form a spiritual group? Rah: There are many negative forces, transmitted by the spirits of Error, who directly disturb the way or cut it. They take advantage of free will that the Supreme Maker gives all creatures. Interlocutor: But ... Why do they want to cut us the way? Rah: They do not only do it with you. They look for obstructing anyone who is a tool of good and likely to help removing engrams in the globe. I am going to repeat something that I consider very important. Human beings must try to lead the path of light to anyone who is in the search. Our planet, Antares 4, is a big family and that is why I give so much importance to this. So, the way of thinking is that fellowman is the first concern. You must give the right importance to your fellowman. You, the vast majority, are not yet evolved to that level. You are given much more importance to technology and set aside the philosophical aspect of life.
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Nor do I see many spiritual communities. And there is another contrast: you form small families, some of three members, others of six members. In our community, there are families of more than a hundred members. Interlocutor: Are there any beings from Antares here on Earth? Rah: We are not of the same physical constitution. We are beings a little smaller. We would weigh no more than 40 kilograms on Earth. But we have the same genetic constitution. Yes, we have come as visitors, because of our gravity is 0.8 Earth, we were able to adapt. Interlocutor: And how come if you dont have spaceships? Rah: We have been brought by ships of other systems. We trade with other races where we derive all benefits. Interlocutor: For example? Rah: In many planets the rocky surface prevails and there are few areas where to seed. Their inhabitants provide us technology in exchange for crops. Thanks to the Absolute we have a huge barn. Here is Master Jesus. I leave you, Greetings. Interlocutor: Thank you Rah, for your words ... I listen to your message, Master... Master Jesus: I have come specially to try to correct some versions on my incarnation in Galilee. I visualize centuries ago my beloved disciple John Zebedee, whose spiritual name is Johnakan Ur-el, who is now incarnated in this receptacle. I see him in Patmos, Greece Island, keeping manuscripts of the Essene community. They are manuscripts that were never found and have as much information as the Dead Sea scrolls. These manuscripts are genuine and reveal that I was living almost two years with the Essene. The one who was my cousin was never my teacher, as some writings of the time said. He was simply my precursor, although we were not in agreement on some things, as he used to isolate himself and I commented him that the true vocation of service when one is incarnated is not isolation, but providing. I was hurt to see the stubbornness and intransigence of the two teachers of justice, the one who disincarnated soon after I came to the community and the one who followed him. They gave more importance to the penance that to the Service. I said to them: "That is not the way to serve our Father", and they responded to me: "Let us continue on our path, because very soon it will reach the end of this world." I told them: "No, you are wrong; its not yet the time." Because when it was said: "It will not get through this generation," it was thought that they were talking about of 70 years and it was not so. It alluded to the zodiacal generation, which is about 2,160 years. Currently, the shift to a New Era must bring changes that will affect all incarnated beings on this planet. I am not talking about planetary catastrophes, but changes of consciousness. Disbelieve of those who give you alarming messages. Human beings need words of encouragement for incentives on Love. Unfortunately, human beings live conditioned by the society in which they live in. People are looking for escaping from different troubles, but are not looking for the Light. And those who go to spiritual places do it for their own benefit, to get help and not to rise spiritually. They are looking to calm their needs and not looking at their fellowman. Interlocutor: What happens Master, is so that there is so much pain in this world...

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Master Jesus: Pain always teaches. We know that there are discussions at family level that bring suffering, but the fights take place by the ego the parts have. Also, there are conflicts at work, in political communities and religious groups. And it should be the other way around. It should have support, altruism and a great vocation of service. Interlocutor: Can Religion help the spiritual Salvation? Master Jesus: All roads that lead to the Father are ways of Salvation, but the important thing is Enlightenment and not doctrine. I want to give you a message of who was my mother when I was incarnated in Galilee. Mary said: "There are many flaws in the spiritual teachings that are provided, because they create fear in those who seek the path of the Lord." And I add: "Today we continue committing exactly the same mistakes. They are missing the Way of Faith, giving the wrong messages. They have cut my words of this book so beautiful that is the Bible." Interlocutor: Why did they not understand it? Master Jesus: No. They shattered words which had spoken on reincarnation. The correct interpretations were cut during an ecumenical council held at Constantinople in 325, called Council of Nicaea. I have taught that every human being is responsible for his fate, but in that year it was voted the removal of those teachings, in order to consolidate the control of the Church, which wanted to be the sole authority on the issue concerning the destiny of man. The concordat Church-State of that time, frightened to see that a doctrine that makes individuals responsible for their own spiritual salvation could confront their authority, banned it. Truly, I say that those who said represented me, was not in their convenience that people knew that did not need dogmas or rituals to attain the Kingdom of the Father. Those leaders were not interested in people knowing about karma and the law of cause and effect. They removed the words from the Bible where it talked about reincarnation and that the wrong behavior could generate increasingly larger responsibilities in the incarnated spirit. They cut paragraphs explaining that to come to the Father, it was just enough to have an altruistic behavior. Nobody had then the need for a Savior who led them as a herd. Obviously, religious leadership of the fourth century needed the Scourge of the resurrection of the dead to force reliance on the masses. That doctrine was reinforced by promises of eternal glory to those who submitted and by eternal fire in hell to those who rebelled. They manipulated the guilty feeling and domesticated consciousness, inducing to delegate the personal power to the curia, which had joined forces with the Emperor Justinian I and among them, wove the biggest conspiracy against the spiritual path, decreeing an alleged resurrection of the body and a subsequent ascension to heaven. As if we could go to the spiritual world with a physical body! The true resurrection is the resurrection to the Light. That is what they do not understand. [5] The Father, the Supreme Maker, has plans for this planet. The Earth is a chosen planet. The mistake of many spiritualist centers is to think that this is a punishment planet, a planet of the Error. They distort the Truth. We come to learn in this planet... Even I have passed tests, being isolated forty days in the desert, eating roots... I have received temptations of the flesh; I suffered terrible temptations of my ego.
[5] As religions were dogmatized, which started to show in the Scholastic, and then very explicitly, in the Council of Trent, the cold, dogmatic and insensitive administrators who dealt with and manipulated ideas, in their fanatic religiousness, very often made it believe that they could see when the ardent religious fervor of the mystics would deflect. The inquisitions, mainly the Spanish and the Vatican, outside this fervor examined them meticulously, believing to be deflections when in fact it was devotion. They tried what is mystically impossible: to think and express themselves so inhumanely logical so as to turn off any psychic expansion. (Louis Fabr).

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Interlocutor: Were you tempted by dark entities? Master Jesus: They tempted my own selfishness, which drilled my mind. It was my own selfishness which told me: "You have the power of the Father... Why not use it to your benefit? If you can bring them under Why dont you do it? Its very hard to understand that those tests served to evolve. So many times I had been tempted and I have no hesitation in saying it, because the Father knows. The last temptation happened when I was in the Garden of Gethsemane, where I told the Father: "Become your Will and not mine." And I managed to get out of the last test successfully. Interlocutor: How does the Father communicate with you, Master? Master Jesus: The Father does not communicate with words. The Father communicates with ideas, looking for "awakening" the consciousness of each of his children, as much in the physical plane as in the different spiritual planes. Know that each vibration level is unable to communicate with the more subtle vibrations. As well as you, at the first level, must use receptacles to communicate with entities of levels of higher vibration, those of the second level cannot communicate with the third level, or the third level to the fourth, and so on. Now, I do not want to overlook a very important issue. We need to know that there were other Christian communities in centuries I, II and III that were fought and then exterminated, independent of the Gnostics. Those communities continued their spiritual advance secretly. Perhaps there are people who do not agree with some spiritual path. Truly, I say to you that all pathways leading to the Father are good, but in some cases, the fault lies in the Teachers who teach that path, because they do not care to praise the Father, but to be praised themselves. Unfortunately, ego always prevails, wanting to excel. I insist on this because humility is important. With humility you can never be angry. With humility control can never be lost. Anger and loss of control in human being delay in a second what it can be advanced in one year. We need to understand it. All incarnated beings can be folded by different emotions. Remember when I lost control against the vile merchants of the Temple. Defeat temptations are part of education. Suffering can also be a way of learning. But not everyone uses that learning. Sometimes a badly understood attachment makes human beings behave like a fool and I know that its not possible to change those who dont want to do it. Man has to realize that, only by giving, he will receive. You must be aware of the feeling of happiness and joy it means to live for giving. That is blessing. I go, leaving you with all my love. Interlocutor: So long Master, and thanks.

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5. SESSION - 21/May/1997
Medium: Jorge R. Olguin Interlocutor: Horacio Velmont Entities that came to talk: Rah; Ron Hubbard. Interlocutor: We are ready to receive the messages. We are listening. Rah: I am Rah and I am again with you to complete the message of the last session. Interlocutor: Is in this moment your thetan here or the thetan of this receptacle travels astrally to your world? Rah: The telepathic channeling can be made of two ways. But its easier that I travel astrally up to here and the medium takes me. Interlocutor: Is there any interference, which may opaque the fluidity of the messages? Rah: There are a lot of interferences. Remember that we are in conflict. It is a very broad spiritual struggle. Most of the beings of your world are not even closer to the image that represents the face of power struggle. There are entities of planes 2 and 3 living twisted in rancor, seeking to transfer blame for their failures in life to others. And they, as well, divert their alleged blame to others. Other spirits of Error, instead of transferring blame, assume the role of victims locking in themselves in total silence and losing interest in everything. Others create more engrams and fortify their rebellion. Its a conflict that includes all planes, as there are even spirits of Light who return to back down by ambitions for power, because their ego was tempted and bowed to pressure. In the spiritual world, the appetite for power is the most pernicious of all. It is the appetite for power that makes people who have reached very high spiritual levels to back down. No one is immune to that temptation. There are spirits who touch the limit of cruelty and descended to plane -2, called the eighth sphere. Interlocutor: Can you give us more information on the so-called "Eighth Sphere," on which there is much mystery? Rah: It is the densest plane, where each spirit can "feel" the suffering of other spirits. His agony is intolerable; he does not tolerate adding the sorrow of others to himself... until he learns that others suffer as much or more than him. Just then begins his upward path, when he becomes aware that he is not the center. Interlocutor: I believed the Eighth Sphere was the end of the black magician... Was it really so? Rah: There is no such end, because the Divine Mercy does not end life, but provides opportunities permanently. Nor nobody is doomed forever. Even those dark entities of maximum cruelty are not sent to a so-called "eternal fire". They can return to lift their spiritual wealth, because the Absolute also has a place for them. Unfortunately there are spirits who missed the opportunities to grow into the Light and by temptations of power and other processes may fall back to lower levels. Interlocutor: Why is there so much secrecy in this? Why is there so much disinformation? Rah: This is not accurate. There are many messages that have been transmitted by high spiritual Masters to your world referring to the role of the ego and the suffering caused by ignorance... most of those messages have been rejected. Human beings incarnated of your world have a habit of reading books with spiritual guidance, but generally do not apply what they learn. Interlocutor: A question on the sidelines... Is our spiritual group ready to receive all types of messages? I speak of revelations that have not yet been released.

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Rah: The group is suitable for channeling messages with various revelations. We know that your mission is to spread the Word of Light in a pure state, without distorting it. This receptacle, which gives me his voice to communicate, has in the material scale, a level 14. You, in Scientology, call this high level: OT 14. [6] Interlocutor: What is the mission of this receptacle in this incarnation? Rah: To spread the Words of Light for an accelerated shift of consciousness in your new millennium. This is to correct errors, where protagonism covers the Service. The idea is to raise a lot of people and bring them to the Light. This receptacle has a mission to transmit the Word without error, without interference. Obviously, the messages may be "corrected" because when the medium dumps ideas to a spoken language they may have syntax errors. Interlocutor: Are there any incarnated beings of Light on Earth? Rah: Yes, I confirm so. In vibration 1, the so-called material plane, there are beings of Light that are in mission and their thetan could be in plane 5. Interlocutor: I understand that the illusion of being separated is the result of the lower levels and as we lift up, we approach the Unity until finish melted in the Whole ... Is that correct? Rah: We will not lose identity until the end of this universe, because the Supreme Maker gives free will. If we, at the end of the Spiritual Path, were to melt in the Absolute and lose our identity, we would stop being ourselves to become Him. The Absolute is part of us and we are part of Him, but allowing our freethinking. To this receptacle it has been dictated that there will not be a trial, but a great communion. The day within eons that get this great communion, in which we all melt in the Absolute, our identities will continue independently, in love, but independently. Our Minds are not going to be canceled. On the contrary, they will grow in love and communion, in order to enjoy this Divine Energy that offers the Absolute. Not until the end of times, all current spirits are going to be part of the Divine Essence. In a new creation, subsequent to the present one, we will happen to be Elohim or minor Gods, and we are going to create new spirits, so that a new cycle of evolution begins. But there is still a great deal to that goal. There is still a lot of pride and much selfishness in most of the spirits. Everyone wants, somehow, from the physical plane to plane 3, subjecting to manipulate, to distort, to confuse. Manipulate to absorb energy. Distort for their benefit. They confuse and thus dominate situations. As well as in the physical plane there are beings in planes 2 and 3, who play roles of victim, roles of control and susceptibilities, they can suck energy to other beings, like vampires I use that expression for better understanding it also happens and it is very, but very high. There are entities that did not learn to absorb energy from the Divine Essence. The Supreme is an "opened tap," where his seminal fluid soaks us constantly, and from there we must drink without bleeding dry our fellows with different roles. Interlocutor: Is there anything else, Rah that you may want to say? Rah: Yes, the thetan of this receptacle and yours have made astral travel to Antares 4, my world, where the sky is green, where it was prevented that technology misused ruin the ecosystem and where everything vibrates in total harmony.
[6] OT refers to Operating Thetan.

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Interlocutor: Do you have a good relationship with all neighboring planetary systems? Rah: Despite the fact that our world is an idyllic place, we always keep ourselves alert. We know that other worlds are watching us with thoughts of conquest. There is a planet in the system of Vega and another one in the system of Orion that are permanently thinking of controlling other worlds. Interlocutor: Can they really try something against you? Rah: They can do it because, on the one hand we have a very high spiritual level, on the other we lack the technology needed to avoid being invaded. Interlocutor: When you talk about invasion, is always in reference to the physical world? Rah: Yes, we are talking about the physical world. That would be catastrophic, because if hypothetically they attack Antares 4, as we have cooperation treaties with other planets, it would begin a war of proportions that would involve many systems. Interlocutor: Could that invasion affect even our solar system? Rah: Yes, it could affect it. But let's stop relying on assumptions, since at this moment peace now reigns in the sector of Antares. We have treaties of friendship and exchanges with many worlds and they supervise close systems so peace is not disrupted. I wish to emphasize on the previous subject. Our goal as spirits is the Light, where ego has no place. This spiritual group will receive diverse messages. Do not judge whether some are more important than others, because all will be important if they help each soul to rise. Here I finish my message. Greetings and I leave you with the spirit of Ron Hubbard. [7] Interlocutor: Thank you, Rah... How are you Master? I listen to you. Ron Hubbard: I am here with you, I am Ron Hubbard. Well, as you know my way of thinking is different from other brothers of Light. Perhaps I am a little more direct and less formal. I can tell you that I have learned many things in the spiritual plane, although I have a lot of sadness for people who have shown indifference to grow and others that have undermined some lessons. Interlocutor: Are you talking about some Scientologists? Ron Hubbard: Both Scientologists and people of the group that you are developing. And it also gives us so much pain the desertion of some who had much to give. Sadness invades my whole being, because I expected more from many people. There are people who have stopped providing service; they have sidelined themselves due to selfishness or disinterest seized their spirit. Others have got away because of close relatives or friends have implanted in their minds different ideas, misconceptions to separate them from the way towards the Light. Interlocutor: And to this group How do you see it, Master? Ron Hubbard: I see a lot of future. This group has a great condition; its a group of guidance and service. Its a group that if I say, it is destroying engrams, because our mission is to eradicate, firstly personal engrams, that almost all human beings have, and secondly, ending the family engrams, which most accounts. Interlocutor: What level are you, Master?
[7] Ron Hubbard published in 1950, at the age of 39 years, the book, "Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health" and in 1954 he founded in Washington DC, the first organization of Dianetics and Scientology.

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Ron Hubbard: In the 5th, its a level of Light, which gives priority in sharing, where we see the power struggles of the lower levels with a lot of grief and with much pain, because their own ignorance creates unhappiness. I use a common expression: we embrace them with our spiritual wings, so that they become aware of true love, where there is no submission. But reality is another. Today I am in a lot of pain because there are people who move away from an altruistic vocation, there are people who do not understand the messages. Interlocutor: Why Scientologists dont accept Mediumship? I say it, Master, because it doesnt seem reasonable to postulate on one hand to the existence of a spiritual world and on the other to deny that there might be communication between the two levels, when it has always being done in the history of mankind. Ron Hubbard: What happens is that they have a way of looking at things only from an analytical point of view and this is a mistake. I have always said, and I hold it now, it there has to be a balance. If the mind is not supported by that intuitive spirit it becomes a machine. Interlocutor: Have you left any clear message on Mediumship or just left something for those who have "eyes to see?" Ron Hubbard: Not all minds are prepared to capture what they dont want. There is a phrase that comes to the case and which is not mine: "The one who has ears to hear, listens to it and the one who has eyes to see, looks at it." Interlocutor: I think that its sometimes difficult to "see" or "hear" when there is so much attachment, which is the origin of suffering in this physical world... Ron Hubbard: Its true that there is a lot of pain and a lot of misunderstanding, produced by attachment, but we must insist on integration. We never got tired trying to awake up man from his state of ignorance, because we are always ready to work to ensure that every human being achieves self realization. In the plane where I dwell there is a tremendous fellowship. But sometimes we look at those levels where there are so many fights and we worry. The concern is that currently levels 2 and 3 have entities with so many engrams as in the physical world. If the material plane, which is the one of yours, cannot be guided by the spiritual planes surrounding, the question must be: what do we do then? Because of communication with those planes of Error, they used it for destabilizing human being and not for supporting it. Its as if a student cannot be taught by his teacher. In order to repair this situation all spirits of levels 4 and 5 look for directly orient people of plane 1. That is because in planes 2 and 3 there is chaos. Interlocutor: At what plane is my thetan? [8] Ron Hubbard: Your thetan is at plane 4 and is very helpful comforting spirits who dont bear their suffering. Most of the Spirits and Thetans of incarnated beings are at plane 2 and 3, because those are the levels at which go all spirits who disincarnate with some karmic debt. Those are the levels of more frequent communication with the physical plane. There may be Masters Spirits from plane 4 who lower down by vocation of Service to plane 2, as a mission, to be able to communicate with those spirits tormented by their power struggles. [9] Also,
[8] It is called Thetan the spirit of the incarnated person. When disincarnates is just called Spirit. [9] As well as most of us cannot perceive spiritual entities, the densest planes do not perceive the subtlest planes; they just intuitively perceive their ideas and receive their Light.

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there are spirits of Light from plane 5 who, as a gift of Love, guide mistaken entities to find their way. That is so. Interlocutor: Is this what my thetan is doing? Ron Hubbard: That is correct. Your thetan also descends to plane 2 to orient different groups of spirits who are in a state of confusion. Interlocutor: What can I do to help those who refuse to understand what Mediumship is? Ron Hubbard: I would say that you should never hide great ideas, but perhaps this is not the time to help those who dont want to be helped. For now, we should canalize our energies at another level and give the right importance to those who approaches you. Interlocutor: Anyway, when people come to us, I tell them about engrams and how they can be eradicated with the Dianetics technique... Ron Hubbard: That is not bad, but do not forget Psycho-integration therapy [10] that helps people to unify the various roles assumed by ego achieve self realization. Interlocutor: I am intrigued by the fact that there are always individuals, apparently very interested, that approach our spiritual group and after a few meetings they vanish. Ron Hubbard: Certainly, there are people who come to receive counseling, but after their disinterest outweigh their curiosity Interlocutor: Master... Do you say that there are people who come to satisfy their curiosity, and not to elevate their spiritual condition? Ron Hubbard: In general this is the case. They find out that there is a new proposal, come to see what this is all about, satisfy their curiosity and withdraw. Interlocutor: And their aspirations? Ron Hubbard: Most people are approaching a group to get something more meaningful than a teaching - I say it ironically. I am not talking about material things but, for example, many are approaching a priest healer to be cured of a particular ailment. Others request for their family or for work. Or come to address a particular loving problem. Interlocutor: So, most people approach a particular spiritual path to ask for... Ron Hubbard: And so they forget to give... That also is ego. There are other cases: people who are quite high, spiritually speaking, and want to cooperate with a certain spiritual group, but then they compete with others to see who is more important within that spiritual flow. It ends up invading their pride and at the end they move away. It is another form of ego. This causes me much distress. I feel so hurt, because I am concerned that people who can help in the mission end up failing because ego dominates them. Interlocutor: Should I try to convince those who are invaded by arrogance and leave? Ron Hubbard: No, it would not make sense because the good is not imposed, it is proposed. Otherwise, those people who put themselves in front appearing when giving, they would end up harming the group. It is a pity, because this is a key moment and transcendental to humanity, since the occasion of the turn of the millennium, conditions are given for a spiritual change. But in order to make that change, it is necessary that man becomes aware of his evolutionary path. Interlocutor: I visualize a future where different Guidance and Service groups grow increasingly, and the aid extends.
[10] Advanced Technique of Transpersonal Psychology, created by Jorge Olguin.

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Ron Hubbard: My vision goes beyond that. Logically, this will take time, but it would be important at some future date you have the means to visit energetic places such as, for example, the Uritorco Hill. In Cuzco there is a center of energy that is perhaps the highest in the world. It is a very high energetic center, where people can meditate and canalize to the Divine Energies of plane 7. Then, they have a sense of total harmony and realize they are one with the Cosmos. Interlocutor: Is there such canalization in the Uritorco Hill? Ron Hubbard: Yes, but to a lesser extent, since many people take the site as tourism and not as Illumination. Remember that people has not become aware of that path of evolution yet. The work will be hard; there will be rewards and also much pain, when noticing how many misestimate the messages. Moreover, its necessary that personal and family engrams disappear, until ultimate defeat the planetary engram, because this planet must raise tonal scale. This is that all its inhabitants turn by altruism. Interlocutor: Returning to the subject of Scientologists... Would it not be appropriate to inform them that they can take contact with you through Mediumship? Ron Hubbard: You must respect their free will; you cannot influence anyone and try to impose some ideas. I notice that many are tied to a mental structure, and this is indeed one of the things that cause me so much pain. Interlocutor: I was convinced that in the spiritual planes there was no pain, and even less at the highest levels. Ron Hubbard: Yes, there is pain. Its spiritual pain that has nothing to do with the earthly anguish and physical pain. Its sublime spiritual pain, because in the Light we are not suffering for ourselves, because that would be ego. At higher levels we suffer for others, to see that ignorance leads them pain. The spirits of Error suffer for their own protagonism and we share that grief. But we share it with love and try to alleviate the load of each spirit. The same happens with incarnated human beings. The more needs have generated more suffering. We sent Light to their causal body, [11] trying to mitigate their protagonism, but they commit further errors and, in turn, suffer new sorrows. The pain felt in subtle vibration is supported because we know that some soul is always going to be rescued from his mistake. Opposite happens other times. There is a spirit who tries to raise, at some point a certain engram afloat and that spirit twists in resentment. All this can be transferred to the physical plane. Some people spoil in some instant years of internal growth and it has nothing to do with little or much spiritual preparation that person has. Perhaps at a certain time that person had a doubt, he was invaded by ego, a temptation assaulted him, he was dragged into confusion and that led him to deviate from the path of service. To give you an example, spiritual elevation is like climbing a very steep mountain. You climb meters by meters, suffer cuts and bruises. And if you give a false step, you fall and lose everything you have done.

[11] The causal body receives feelings of forgiveness and reconciliation. The mental body receives ideas and suggestions. And the body of desires is receptacle of temptations, which usually makes the ego to grow.

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Interlocutor: Its a good example. Ron Hubbard: You can even drag one of your partners if you are tied to them. Just as in the spiritual way. Its easier to fall than to ascend. Then, the rows of the Error are enlarged. So can you understand the pain that it generates? Interlocutor: I understand, Master, because something similar happens to me when I see that indifference prevails over compromise. But I know that we must continue in spite of everything... Now, I have a question: Did your teachers suggest not leaving anything written down on Mediumship? Ron Hubbard: It was something that at that time was not going to prosper. Then I received in my causal body that I should continue writing about Dianetics. However, and I say this almost certain you yourselves will be responsible for spreading what exactly is Mediumship and how the spirit world is channeled, because there are many things still ignored on this matter. There are many wrong bases about Mediumship. Let me give you an example: It is not true that if a medium of a certain region or country "takes" the spirit of a person who lived in a different place, he speaks in the language of that place or either he expresses in the language of the medium but with accent. It is not true because the spirit communicates with ideas that the mind of the medium processes them and then translates into words. Therefore, the one who channels telepathically will express in his language and with his own accent. Interlocutor: It was a necessary clarification. Ron Hubbard: You may not be the only one who know what I have said but your group will share the responsibility for disseminating the true techniques of Mediumship channeling, thus not to give wrong messages. Interlocutor: Master, I wanted to know if I should deepen my knowledge in Scientology, and then transmit it. Ron Hubbard: Scientology can be one of the walls of the spiritual structure. Mediumship and Spirituality can be other walls along with knowledge. But the therapy of Psycho-integration is the roof of the building, because it seeks to integrate all selves, so that protagonism disappears. If I may use the expression, everything is going to be like a very high building where the tip will almost touch the level of Light. But that work probably will not be completed in this generation, because the task is too much. One of the things that we need to achieve, and sometimes we dont do it, because human being is selfish and tries to get everything for his own glory, is to find in the future people who will continue the work of Guidance and Service. There are many people who try to rise spiritually, but they are not yet ready for changes, because they have to learn to live in the earthly plane, without bitterness or jealousy. It is the will of the Supreme Maker that everything should work on time. We will always find someone eager for inner growth. Otherwise it would be like planting in a sterile field. Meanwhile, we must continue tirelessly in the search. Interlocutor: Now I am interested to know if you are present because I invoked you or it was scheduled your presence here. Ron Hubbard: My presence was scheduled. Usually invoking entities of subtle levels is impossible if he is in a particular mission. Know that many entities of Light help different towns to withstand feel marginalized, so that resentment or a revengeful feeling does not arise in them.
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Interlocutor: Are you talking about countries with limited resources? Ron Hubbard: Yes, but at all times there were submissive towns and often by their own rulers. It happened thousands of years ago in Sumer, also in Egypt and in other towns that were arising. Interlocutor: Also, there have been flourishing civilizations. Ron Hubbard: There were great civilizations, like Atlantis. Another one of extraterrestrial origin called Eum that did not leave tracks. They were beings of Light and lived in the Earth entrails. His peers, meanwhile, were looking for a world without people to be able to populate it, because their planet of origin was dying. And they did not want to interfere too much with the land. They eventually left the planet, going in search of their own. But they left bases, with apparatuses which could produce food continuously... Interlocutor: Why dont you give us now the manufacturing system? Ron Hubbard: Because it is necessary that man still fights for his survival, for his food. Man is not prepared for this facility yet and those opportunities achieving goals would be lost, Interlocutor: How many years behind is the Earth evolutionarily speaking? Ron Hubbard: Earth is behind schedule in its spiritual evolution with regards to its technological advancement. In the scientific side, progress was made even more than expected. Interlocutor: I dont understand... Ron Hubbard: It was estimated, for example, that just by 2100 of the Christian era, the atomic fission and the nuclear weapons would be discovered. And this, as everyone knows, was made earlier. In 1938 the nuclear fission was discovered, there were atomic bombings in 1945, but it was not their time yet. Interlocutor: And how could that be, Master? Ron Hubbard: It was the greed of power of the human being. That led him to major wars and researchers devoted all their time to create destruction devices. Do you have another question to make? Interlocutor: Yes, from your point of view... Which is, in particular, the purpose of our spiritual mission? Ron Hubbard: Trying to attract the largest possible number of people to teach them all the knowledge you have and you are gradually gaining. The important thing is that we do not fall into a crude proselytism, but offer what you know to those who wish to grow. In conclusion, I wish to convey that as well as I have come to this plane with a lot of pain for people who have disappointed us with their disinterest. I must also highlight the work of many who work with dedication and selflessness. Interlocutor: How do you channel that feeling of pain? Ron Hubbard: It is enough to us that a soul "opens his heart" and starts walking the path toward the Light. That is enough to transform our grief into joy. The pathway is not easy. Master Jesus spoke of "separating the wheat from the tares." We know that wheat is growing, but there are still a lot of weeds... Anyway, spiritual evolution is not going to stop its march... Greetings... Interlocutor: Thank you Master for your message. Until soon.

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6. SESSION - 28/May/1997
Medium: Jorge R. Olguin Interlocutor: Horacio Velmont Entities that came to talk: Tar; Johnakan Ur-el (John Zebedee) Interlocutor: Who is going to communicate today? Tar: I am Tar again, and I convey you all my Light. I have come to tell you that in our habitat, the 4th planet of Orion, although we assume that the spiritual way is first, we are not at odds with technology, which we use for peace. Not so in Orion 3, where there are some very cruel beings that are trying to invade neighboring planetary systems. The same is true in Vega, where in the 4th planet there are beings living for peace and in the 3rd planet there is a race who wants to expand to dominate other worlds, to dominate other races. Both Orion 3 and Vega 3 are unaware of the spiritual path. They are warrior planets. They have a planetary engram that makes them even more bellicose. That planetary engram is very difficult to transmute. Ego is what handles the actions of those people. The same is true in dense spiritual planes. Entities who live in rancor mistakenly think they can download their resentments bringing down other weaker spirits. Observing the planes of vibration 2 and 3, we see how they try to subdue each other to gain more power. The physical plane is modeled on those vibrations. Interlocutor: Tar, I am going to ask a question with regard to the different planes... What extent do they have? Tar: The vibrational planes have the same range than the material plane. If the galaxy has an area of 100,000 light-years, each spiritual plane belonging to the Milky Way will also have 100,000 light-years. But every spirit will be in his vibration. On the other hand, as a matter of connection, each spiritual essence will always be closer to the physical location of his latest incarnation. That almost always happens. It is possible that a disincarnated entity from earth may incarnate in Vega, a few light-years away, but it is very rare that he incarnates 10,000 light-years of this solar system. Interlocutor: That is to say, they are going to incarnate again in neighboring systems, so to speak? Tar: Usually, that its... Interlocutor: Are the spiritual planes equal in all planets? Tar: Yes. In Antares 4, where I have great empathy with a being who also approaches you, Rah, its people are dedicated to love. The lower spiritual planes have engrams but are very weak and almost surpassed. A bellicose race as Vega 3 has their planes 2 and 3 completely contaminated. Its vibration is denser. This means that the vibrational planes are different at each planet. There may be various categories of engrams. Interlocutor: I dont understand... Tar: I will try to be clearer. A vibration 2 of Antares 4 may have overcome 80% of engrams, while a vibration 2 of your planet has barely overcame 20%. Both are level 2 in the spiritual scale, but the

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chances that spirits from this plane go up to level 3, are vastly superior in Antares 4, because the whole plane has better vibration. Interlocutor: The reactive mind... Is it exclusive to the lower planes? Tar: The reactive mind is inherent to the spirit, but engrams develop in plane -2, plane -1, in the physical plane 1, vibrational plane 2 and in the vibrational plane 3. Interlocutor: But... Who created the reactive mind? Tar: I would say that the Absolute gave to each of us free will, but created the reactive mind so that ego has a fertile field to grow. Remember that you can only evolve surpassing the egos and living for others. If there were not reactive mind there would not be pain, there would be no passions and we would not have the incentive to do better, seeking out into the Light. The reactive mind increases the ego, but it uses different ways to achieve it. One is deteriorating self-esteem. Another, it is creating arrogance, the opposites. Some engrams determine the person to such an extent that he becomes an impulsive and unreasonable being, who is not going to listen to any other argument but his own. Interlocutor: But those engrams... Can they not be eliminated with Dianetics? Tar: Yes, you can remove an engram using your science call Dianetics. The person may get clear [12] and, in doing so, being able to control his impulses. It so happens that there are several selves hiding in the unconscious mind which may arise at the slightest possibility, destabilizing the person discernment. In other words, it is almost impossible to predict the ego and the different selves are like tentacles of him. They cause the person to fall into an internal struggle and even, as if they were independent beings, each I blame the other for the frustrations to which the subject is dragged. Psycho-integration makes the person aware of his limitations and seeks unification with The Whole. But he must integrate his selves through this therapy. Interlocutor: Is it impossible to remove engrams without this therapy of Psycho-integration? Tar: There are evolved spirits who overcome their engrams becoming aware that they are not important, but those who they serve are. Interlocutor: Like Master Jesus, for example? Tar: Not only Jesus. Most of the Masters have overcome their temptations with the Gift of Service. Interlocutor: But... Whats the real source of the reactive mind? Tar: The reactive mind is inherent to the spirit and, metaphorically speaking, is the fertile ground where ego originates. This encourages the different selves that turn a human being into an eternal protagonist as well. This is accomplished because they take advantage of their own spiritual weakness that drives the spirit of wanting to govern other spirits to scale positions, without realizing that to the Absolute we are all at the same level. The fact that many are in planes 2 and 3 and some, in planes 4 and 5, does not mean a difference to Him. We all have the opportunity to reach the Light and if many are dominated by indifference and spiritual apathy, does not mean that they are not being taken into account. They are only going to arrive later at the Great Communion, but nobody is going to be left out.
[12] Clear: Free of engrams, where the analytical mind has control. A Clear person does not suffer the negative effects that may cause the reactive mind and he is free in regards to his emotions.

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We will be enjoying all alike, as if it were a great spiritual plunge within The Highest one. There will be no differences; there will be no categories [13] Although we will be within Him, for a while, we will not lose our individuality. Interlocutor: I think it was clarified, but tell me why we will not lose our spiritual identity. Tar: Because its the only way to enjoy that wealth of Love. At this moment that wealth of love can only be accomplished by identifying yourself with another spirit in need and sharing the suffering of that spirit, in the Great Communion we can only enjoy the love of the Absolute, becoming aware of ourselves. Anyway, at the end of the life cycle of the universe, the fusion with the Absolute will be total and we will return to be individual beings in a new expansion or Big Bang, as you call it. Interlocutor: At this time Are there more people who have become aware of the pathway to follow or more people seeking to bring others under? Tar: Giving a percentage can be a subtle way to prejudge, but the figures are roughly the following: there is a 15% of spirits on the path of Light, another 15% with extreme cruelty and a band of 70% in total disinterest. [14] We know that there is a very advanced group in Cuzco, in the mountainous region. They are natives who before the eyes of pedantic and arrogant ones will appear like ignorant, but they have a spiritual culture so broad that is considered one of the greatest in the world. Interlocutor: Is that culture related to Nazca? Tar: There are many tribes of Native Americans who had a common origin. They call the Absolute Inti, whose visible part would be the Sun, according to their culture. They have great wisdom. Obviously, when not having "the culture of civilization" and only having wisdom, there will always be flaws in the interpretation. This culture involves being able to communicate by writing (perhaps many of those natives cannot read). It also means being aware of whats happening in the world, in legal matters, in technology, etc. But do not pride yourself of having that knowledge, because wisdom is the only key that unlocks the door towards the Light. Interlocutor: How is that wisdom reached? Tar: By leaving aside the meanness, the appetites of power and prejudice. But you should know that you will never have access to wisdom, if you are not looking into your inner self. Its also important to respect other cultures. The lovers of Inti have found wisdom, but not having full knowledge, as other scientists of the planet, perhaps unaware that there are other suns in the galaxy and that Inti is really one of the many visible parts of the Absolute, metaphorically speaking. On the other hand, they know that Inti gives them the strength to service others. They do not ignore that Inti can guide the spirit to overcome their pending karmas and evolves into the Light. Interlocutor: Does the Absolute provide aid to facilitate the path of evolution?

[13] God created us equal in opportunities and, over the eons, the spirit has marked the differences, because his ego pushed him to the cruelest of the struggles: the struggle for power. [14] This does not mean they have conscientious apathy or lack of interest in everything. There could be someone who is affected by a painful act, but many lack of that necessary desire to engage in Service. They lack that dedication to think about the other, since they are "suffocated" on their own needs.

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Tar: Somehow it is the case. Free will is part of Creation, but there is a "spark of conscience" housed in each spirit, which makes it easier to integrate the ego and find the path. If the spirit becomes aware from that aid, it will be easier for him to raise vibration. Interlocutor: Is there always help from the Absolute? Tar: There's always help. The Father helps without your knowledge. He respects the free will He granted you He touches each son with His rays of love so that they could handle the ego. When modifying conduct and achieving an altruistic behavior, reverting karmas is eventually achieved, because if you have pending balances of karma from previous lives, your free will is going to be conditioned. Sometimes, our own blindness of understanding, not physically but spiritually, prevents us from perceiving that aid from the Father, which is always on spiritual shoulders of the helpless. Supraphysical planes 2 and 3 are fighting for power and they do not realize that the true fight is try to overcome resentments and protagonism that engrams provoke. Spirits, who already learned to integrate their ego and to dedicate their time helping others, ascend to plane 4, where for some time was Master Jesus. We know that at this moment he is in plane 5. Interlocutor: Do you know Master Jesus? Tar: Yes. The beloved brother has contacted several times our planet. He has told us that he is the Logo of your stellar system and that he communicates with the Christic Energy through an "energy bind." Its like if there were a golden cord from the Christic Energy to the current Solar Logo, Master Jesus. In the same way, Master of Light Siddhartha, who was for a long time in plane 4, has risen to plane 5 and is connected to the Buddhic Energy of plane 7. Interlocutor: Is Master Ron Hubbard on the same plane as Master Jesus? Tar: Yes. He has risen to such high vibration by the great help he has given to mankind through the therapy that he has developed and currently, under the guidance of Johnakan Ur-el, [15] he is perfecting it. Master Ron lives for service and continues growing in knowledge, through different communications, giving understanding to all beings in the physical plane. Interlocutor: On another matter, Tar... Do you ratify that each plane can see the lower plane? Tar: Yes, because the Supraphysical universe of each plane involves the lower level. But you can not see planes -1 and -2, because by means of a dimensional trick, its invisible to your eye and is undetectable to your devices. It is a plane so dense that is obviously undetectable. Interlocutor: I understand that the negative plane -2 is a plane of lot of pain... Tar: Yes. Plane -2 is a plane of much suffering. It is a vibration where each entity "feels" the pain of the other. Interlocutor: My understanding is that the Absolute is the creator of all planes, but each spirit is responsible for being in each one of them. In other words, each spirit at those planes of Error suffers as a consequence of his conduct.

[15] Johnakan Ur-el had the privilege of being the spiritual support of two great Masters of Light. When he incarnated as Ananda, he had countless conversations with his cousin Siddhartha and when he arrived at the physical plane as John Zebedee, he accompanied the pain of his Master Jesus, when noticing that most did not understand him.

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Tar: Yes. Those beings who have done excesses and been possessed by an extreme cruelty, automatically dropped to negative plane -2, to share suffering and thus learn from the pain of others. Now I have to leave you and give way to another entity who wants to transmit a message. Interlocutor: Ok, Tar. Thank you for everything, and so long Who is going to communicate now? Johnakan: My name is Johnakan Ur-el and I am the thetan of this receptacle. This is the first time that I communicate through a Mediumship contact, but many times my physical part, Jorge Olguin, gave messages sent by me, his spiritual part. Messages for guidance to incarnated beings and to make them understand that we come to the physical plane to evolve and that the only guarantees for spiritual evolution are Love and Service. I see much interference from spirits of Error who dont want us to orient the human being with messages. Interlocutor: At what plane are you, Master Johnakan? Johnakan: I am in plane 5, along with Master Jesus and Masters Siddhartha, Ron Hubbard and others. I come to clarify some issues. In the Creation of the Father, there are diverse spiritual levels. Our vibrations are very similar to those of other planetary systems. In every system there is a Solar Logos and diverse Planetary Logos, one for each planet of that system. Think that only in our galaxy are billions of suns that will be the number of Solar Logos in this galaxy. The same is true in neighboring galaxies, as Magellan and Andromeda. Andromeda is a great spiraling galaxy, which is 200,000 light-years in length and we have had the honor to go on a mission with my soul mate, Master Jesus, to one of its stellar systems, thanks to the initiative of Divine Energies of level 7. We get to know very high technological worlds that, by using similar equipment to the Earth radio transmitters, they could communicate with the spiritual levels. But their arrogance is such that despite technological advances, they live almost always in internal struggles. In the spiritual levels 2 and 3 of that world, beings have so much confusion, or more than in their physical level 1. And it is very difficult for those entities to learn to integrate their egos because, although the physical level 1 has its material needs, the other levels compete for power, seeking domination of one over the other. The lust for power in their spiritual planes is absolutely sickening. Their engrams grow almost continuously. In those vibrations (2 and 3) there is no hunger or physical desire, but they channel the ego into needs of power. For that reason, we were very sad to note that little attention was paid to our messages; they were blinded by an enormous ego. I am not saying that our mission failed, because we were able to see a large number of entities, sunk in confusion, thinking over their attitude, but the vast majority continued the same way. Here on Earth the task is also arduous. Good is subject to free will, and sometimes we find it difficult that a spirit of Error assumes that his way is wrong. Master Ron Hubbard has worked on countless occasions with the mission of Love and he is sorry for the little echo that messages of brotherhood have. Ron Hubbard sadness is understandable to see that deadlines are shortened and entities are not rising, since arrogance and appetites for power are becoming larger. In the physical plane the gap between rich and poor is widening and technological advances are only accessible to those who can afford them.

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Major Corporate interests are causing great wars and when the war is over thousands of people sunk in the greatest neglect. Then is when indifference from those who can help is noticed. As a spiritual entity and incarnated being in the physical plane, my mission is to bring Words of Light to smooth the way for many who are in the search. I am aware of the great spiritual disinterest affecting mankind, and I know that many do not believe that this is happening. Its not enough going to temples to pray, because prayer is sterile if not accompanied with Service. Interlocutor: Let me ask you a question... Why are publishing spiritual guidance books so hard, while other mediocre works come to light so easily? Johnakan: Because the spirits of Error interfere with the publishers decision, influencing telepathically on the people who do the review of the originals. Their interest is that mediocre books are published and, in doing so, continue confusing the human being so that he is delayed in the Evolutionary Plan. Those spirits of Error cannot defy the free will of people, but they make them yield to temptations and so, they are able to take wrong decisions. The important thing is not to lose faith and keep in mind that the path of good is a narrow path with many obstacles. Know that with Love obstacles are vincible. Interlocutor: How can we prepare favorably when the spiritual crisis shakes us up? Johnakan: Then is when you should have temperance. Its a matter of will and faith. Faith is not bought. The Absolute provides the vibrational capacity called Faith and another high capacity called Hope. But it depends on the entity that seeks to absorb those vibrations. Both Faith and Hope can be assimilated, if the spirit is guided by positivism. In some spiritual centers faith is represented as a 4-point star and Hope is painted as a rainbow Faith and Hope together are the mainstays for spiritual change, but at this point, each person, each incarnated entity seeking notorious changes, must have his intuition as a guide and high spiritual mind for not taking wrong decisions. But you and everyone who wants to assimilate this message must be aware that any material wealth, substantial or not, will always give spiritual fruits if its canalized based on others, otherwise each one will generate a karmic responsibility so high that it could even destabilize his thetan and make him to descent of level. Take this message literally. In the same way that an incarnated altruistic spirit might break the wheel of karma, if he makes a bad use of material availability, it may lead him to a setback that will generate engrams. Thus, that human being could "contaminate" his thetan until making him lose his brightness. Then, not being compatible with his level any longer, this thetan would descend from vibration automatically. Summing up: To greater service, with or without economic possibilities, the greater chances of spiritual growth of each member of the physical plane. If ignoring Service by personal desires, there may be important setbacks in the person, even in his thetan that, as I said, could descend from the level at which he stood. I leave with the joy of having been able to make a modest guidance. Goodbye. Interlocutor: Thank you Johnakan and until the next session.

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7. SESSION - 01/Jun/1997
Medium: Jorge R. Olguin Interlocutor: Horacio Velmont Entity that came to talk: Johnakan Ur-el (John Zebedee) Interlocutor: Who is coming to talk? Johnakan: I am Johnakan Ur-el. I wish to add some concepts to our previous communication. Its important that every person becomes aware of his mission to be fulfilled. The service to others is the most direct way to find the evolutionary path, but dont try to look for your own benefit, because it will get you negative karmas. Anyone who thinks only of himself, the only thing he gets is to cut the ties that bind him to the sought goal. And then he moves away from the path of light, the path of truth. One major shortcoming of some groups, supposedly spiritual, is that some of their members only seek their welfare, both economic and informative. Leaving aside collaboration and emphasizing criticism to those who try to bolster the mission, because they disagree with the way things are explained or because they dont coincide on how to proceed. The spiritual mission has to be seen as a big boat, where all crew members must row in the same direction. Anyone having more knowledge is the one who will take more responsibility, for the benefit of who want to learn. Goodbye, with all my love.

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8. SESSION - 04/Jun/1997
Medium: Jorge R. Olguin Interlocutor: Horacio Velmont Entities that came to talk: Master Jesus, Johnakan Ur-el Interlocutor: We are ready to receive messages... Master Jesus: Joyful to be again with you. I am Yeshua ben Yosef. For you, I am Master Jesus. Interlocutor: I welcome you, Master, and Im listening to your message. Master Jesus: I came specifically to clarify some needed points about vibrational levels. There are six positive planes of spiritual vibration, starting with level 1, which is the one of incarnated beings, that is to say, the physical level. Follow spiritual levels 2 and 3, which are planes of Error, plane 4, which is a master's level, and plane 5, where spirits dwell of most light. Plane 6 belongs to the angelical world. This plane, in fact, is not above plane 5, but giving you an earthly example: a dolphin and an elephant coexist in the same plane, but in different habitats. In addition, there are two negative planes: level - 1, that is a vibration where the spirit is completely isolated and level - 2, where each spirit shares the pain of all the other spirits who live in that plane. That so dense vibration is also called the Eighth sphere. [16] Besides, there is a vibrational level 7, inhabited by Divine Energies and vibrational level 8, of the Elohim or minor gods. While still alive, being incarnated, almost two thousand years ago, the Divine Energy that communicated to me with the Father was The Christ, at that time he was the Solar Logo. There is a lot of misinformation when its said that The Christ was Planetary Logo, because that position was held then by Eloah Jehovah. The Christ was Solar Logo and was then in charge of the entire planetary system. The Dimensional Logo was the Divine Energy Abraxas. The Eloah Jehovah, whose level of vibration was 8, sent part of him to plane 4 in order to facilitate his communication with incarnated beings. That was how he could communicate telepathically with Moses. Unfortunately, human beings had no other form of spiritual communication and confused this Eloah with the Father. To make things worse, Jehovah had very many conduct deviations incurring in despotic attitudes with incarnated beings, sometimes touching the limits of cruelty. Interlocutor: Was he lowered from level? Master Jesus: No, in the spiritual planes there is nobody in charge to raise or lower level of vibration to those who behaved well or badly. The entities themselves can ascend or descend, according to their behavior, because that behavior makes them to become subtler or denser. Further, in the case of an Eloah, they belong to plane 8 and cannot lower from level. But when not helping humanity to raise spiritually in two thousand years, this single fact is already a backward in an entity such as Jehovah... Or not? Interlocutor: Master... What happened when you disincarnated? Master Jesus: When I disincarnated I asked the Father with all my love to allow me to descend to the Eighth sphere to share the pain of the entities that inhabited that level and alleviate their

[16] The spiritual world consists of a physical plane, five positive spiritual planes and two negative planes. They are represented in the form of encircling spheres, where the greater one (the subtler) contains the next one and so forth.

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suffering. Immediately after, I went to level 4 of Masters and I was appointed as a new Planetary Logo. One thousand years after disincarnating, I had the joy to ascend to level 5, and I was appointed Solar Logo. In turn, the Divine Energy, the Christ, became the new Dimensional Logo instead of Abraxas. Interlocutor: What is the role of a Dimensional Logo? Master Jesus: The Dimensional Logo not only guides the destiny of all the stellar system of this galaxy, but also of star systems of all the galaxies in the physical universe. And you can also communicate with other Dimensional Logo inhabiting the 22 parallel universes. The dimensional Logos are also direct messengers of the Absolute. Another misinformation is that some part of Orthodox Christianity, called Catholicism, says that Im a member of the Trinity. Nothing could be more wrong! I am a son of the Absolute, as all who dwell in any world. [17] Interlocutor: Master, Why is it said that you descended to hell when disincarnating? Master Jesus: It said that I descended to that invented hell because, as I said before, I requested lo lower down to the Eighth Sphere, vibration -2. This plane is the densest of the Creation, where spirits who have extreme cruelty dwell. There, they can feel the pain of other spirits where each one lives it like his own. Its a state of great oppression, until each entity understands that all suffer equally and learn to share pain. Know that no spirit is equal to another one. Because of free will given by the Father, each spirit may choose to serve, love, share or live for their fellow man. He can also choose to submit, dominate, absorb, confuse, hurt or live on other spirits. Anyone who lives on the other, who submits to another, who submerges in permanent mistakes, error, evil, can go down to the Eighth Sphere. But there is also a mistake on this. It was thought that the Eighth Sphere was a very negative dimensional energy center that the cruel spirit, who came there, disintegrated itself with the cosmic energy. Its not true, because the spirit is immortal, does not die. And besides, the Father would never allow that any lives were destroyed. Evil is transmuted, not destroyed Interlocutor: So... Is not the Eighth Sphere Area the end of the black magician? Master Jesus: Its the transmutation of the black magician. No destruction or eternal fire. When I asked to go to the Eighth sphere it was because I needed to live experiences of those who suffered. Interlocutor: I understand What was your activity there, Master? Master Jesus: I calmed sorrows, closed wounds, I gave consolation, but they were so blind not from sight, but spiritually that they did not listen or became aware of what it was transmitted. I tempted myself and I tried to provide those pearls, contradicting from what I had said to my followers, when seeing so much pain. Later I reflected and I thought that only the Divine Mercy of the Father might induce them to rise slowly and stop squirming in agony.
[17] Different religions saw in their prophets genuine Divine-human expression, but unlike Judaism and Islam, Christianity raises Jesus to partner with Divinity, with the Father and the Holy Spirit (Louis Fabre).

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Interlocutor: Its crystal clear, Master. Master Jesus: Another misconception is the belief that the higher the level of vibration, the lesser the suffering. Its quite the opposite. But obviously, in the Light planes we dont suffer for our mistakes, but for mistakes of others, for wrong doings of beings that are in dense vibrations, trying to manipulate other beings of their same vibration for personal gain. At level 5 of spiritual vibration, we have much task. We live to serve with many other entities, who feel that the goal is to share, who enjoy seeing others happy, who enjoy their happiness, but not all is joy. We also suffer the pain of those who are dominated by ego. We suffer for those who only think about dominating. We know that suffering is not forever. It was already dictated to this receptacle that it will be a great communion with the Father, without losing our individuality, to be able to enjoy in Him, in the Father. And it will be. I leave you and I am with you, always. Interlocutor: So long, Master, and thanks for the messages. Does any other entity wish to give guidance? Johnakan: Im Johnakan Ur-el. I confirm the words of my beloved Master and add: When we suffer at the Light planes we suffer by empathy. We surround with our Ray the spirit of Error who is in crisis and try to console him. We dont always succeed, as there are spirits who rebel by arrogance and dont allow to be helped. The same happens on the physical plane. There are many people who believe to have the absolute truth and dont listen to any guidance. Others have malice and, guided by ego, make a destructive criticism against those who only seek to serve. There is still much to do, but not just passing the word, but through work. Because the word without action is sterile, it's like the flower without scent. Its necessary that everything that is planned is carried out later. Nothing can be achieved without sacrifice, but we know that the path of good is a path with thorns. Never evade a commitment; never cease to respond to a request for help, nor ignore the given word, because honor is fundamental. Dont ever cease to get knowledge, because the more knowledge you have, the more you can transmit to others. And never hold back what you know, because knowledge that is not given rot within the stingy person. Sharing is also Service. With all my love saying goodbye to you, Johnakan Ur-el.

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9. SESSION - 14/Jun/1997
Medium: Jorge R. Olguin Interlocutor: Horacio Velmont Entity that came to talk: Johnakan Ur-el Interlocutor: We are ready to begin Johnakan: Im Johnakan Ur-el and Im again with you to answer some of the questions left over from the last session. Interlocutor: I prepared a series of questions. Can you use telepathy to know? Johnakan: Telepathy is limited to communication and can only be carried out if the parties "open their minds" and allow the exchange of ideas. We are aware of things you do on your plane, but we dont get in the way that does not matter to us. Assisting does not mean interfering. Interlocutor: Are the Light entities always close to us? Johnakan: Not always. We can be on mission in various places and not always arrive on time to a particular spiritual emergency. You should know that there are many more spirits of Error than entities of Light and its impossible to guide all those who are desperate. You are important to us, everybody is important to us and we pay the same attention to them than to you. But in the case of choosing between two people who need help, we choose the case that we consider more serious. Interlocutor: Its a huge responsibility. Johnakan: Yes, but we take it as a bonus. Remember that in our plane, the only enjoyment is Service. You can ask the questions. Interlocutor: Well, I start. My personal guide, when I was with another medium, was Urgeron... Johnakan: There is a new entity that will serve as your guide. Hes currently being instructed along with your thetan. Interlocutor: Why is this change? Johnakan: You are about to embark on a new mission. And your new guide is in the best position to guide you in this new spiritual endeavor. Keep in mind that, if you succeed on the road ahead (which is hard), your thetan can ascend level. In contrast, the person who acts with selfishness "turns pale" his thetan and makes him fall. Interlocutor: Can we do that? Can we influence our thetan? Johnakan: Yes, because that thetan and you are one. The thetan is the soul: 10% is in your incarnated part and the other 90% is in his spiritual plane. But both are one. You can contaminate him with lust for power, arrogance and, although hes in a high level of vibration, can descend to a lower level, contaminated by the conduct of his incarnated part. Its important to clarify that if a spirit descends from level, is not doing it because of being expelled from the same, but because his vibration is denser and that automatically makes him incompatible to that plane.
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Interlocutor: If a thetan descends from level, while his 10% is incarnated... What happened to that person? Johnakan: If a thetan descends from level by selfish behavior of the incarnated person, the physical part generates an enormous karma and its practically very difficult for the person in this life time to reverse his destiny. Interlocutor: So, he would take karma to another incarnation. Johnakan: Yes. Interlocutor: And when a thetan raises from level because the person made altruistic works... What happens to the incarnated part? Johnakan: If he raises his vibration by works in the physical plane, the reward comes in addition, because when lacking ego, he lives to provide service and the road of that person improves remarkably. Interlocutor: I would like to ask you some questions with respect to different therapies. Johnakan: Okay, go ahead. Interlocutor: In Scientology, we have a grade or maximum level called OT 15, that is to say Operating Thetan 15. [18] Your receptacle or your incarnated part, what grade has he? Johnakan: He is Operating Thetan 14. Interlocutor: Its close to the maximum level. Johnakan: Yes, but as you say on the physical plane: he still has a long way to go. Let us suppose that from OT 1 to OT 14, each grade has 10 sub levels, or a total of 140 sub levels. Well, from OT 14 to OT 15 there are 20 sub levels. That is to say, the leap to reach from grade 14 to 15 is greater than any of the previous OT grades. The guideline of how high is grade 15 is given by the fact that Master Jesus himself, when he was incarnated, and still having the Christic Energy illuminating him, he was OT 14. Interlocutor: I was wrong on that, because I believed that Master Jesus was OT 15. Johnakan: No, he was OT 14 for nearly all his incarnation. He reached the maximum degree of Operating Thetan between the Last Supper and his Prayer in the garden of Olive trees, in Gethsemane. Interlocutor: This has been clarified. The next question is: What relation has Parapsychology with all this we are doing? Johnakan: True Parapsychology studies apparently paranormal phenomena. We know that paranormal phenomena have a concrete explanation. Then, a well applied Parapsychology, covering many subjects, must necessarily include the study of various supraphysical universes. Parapsychology should be in a position to explain, in some way, the spiritual and angelical world. Thanks to the new knowledge that mediumship is given, you could provide guidance to every person who wants to be helped.
[18] When a person is free of engrams and achieves a state of Clear, hes capable of reacquainting with his innate abilities. Upon gaining complete spiritual freedom in a stable level of consciousness, he achieves the level of Operating Thetan. As he rises in OT levels, the dominion of the analytical mind is greater and prevents the reactive mind to be a fertile ground to create new engrams. OT level also refers to the level of communication between the incarnated being (or 10% of the spirit) and his thetan (or 90%). The higher the OT level, the better will be the communication between both parts of the spirit.

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Interlocutor: Do I understand, then, that the path following this receptacle regarding internalized mediumship is correct? Johnakan: Any pathway whose goal is Service is 100% correct. Wisdom is important because man is wise when recognizes that the true pathway to Light only is traveled when giving Love. But knowledge is also important because it can give a person a greater overview of the topics to play, both in the art of philosophy as in any of the modern psychological branches. With study, you can exercise in dialectics, you can exercise rationality, logic, and also discuss on issues that you might have ignored before. Interlocutor: That is to say, that wisdom and knowledge are complementary? Johnakan: Exactly. Knowledge is acquired from external factors. Wisdom is taken from the spirit and teaches to be better human beings. There are countless people who have great knowledge, but they have a huge dose of arrogance and pedantry. There are others, however, who can be called ignorant by those pseudo-literates and yet have tremendous altruism. We know that there are people who boast themselves of what they know and dont realize that all knowledge that is not used for service is sterile. Interlocutor: Should I read something about Parapsychology? I ask because its an area in which I have raided little and nothing, mainly in the study of the spiritual world. Johnakan: You can solve it yourself, by reasoning that all knowledge must be applied for the good. Interlocutor: Another thing that I wanted to point out is that most of the things that are said with respect to the role of the ego and the various engrams it causes, I find the scientific plinth in Scientology. Are the discoveries of Ron Hubbard the basis of the spiritual mission shaped in Dianetics and Scientology? Johnakan: No, if you are taking them as the only way out. But these therapies can support and underpin the very foundation of the mission, which is the therapy based on transpersonal psychology, called Psycho-integration. Interlocutor: What is the main reason for giving it so much importance? Johnakan: The reason is that this new therapy helps to integrate the different egos that human being has and are, along with ignorance, the reason for suffering. This therapy is being developed by my receptacle and was approved by Higher Masters, as Master Jesus, Master Siddhartha Gautama and others, whose knowledge of the human soul guarantees this initiative. Interlocutor: Here... Can we offer courses about this ego integration therapy? Johnakan: Yes, my receptacle has the beautiful responsibility to spread the subject. Interlocutor: Should we broadcast some books that we believe important to the development of spirituality, such as those issued by Alice A. Bailey? Johnakan: There are some literary works to consider, but most dont know about the different spiritual categories and can only confuse those who seek the path of Light. Some books place Master Jesus in a category well below other masters who, with all due respect, have not done onehundredth of merit than the "Master of Love." Interlocutor: Is there any value we should discuss among ourselves about the books we should read? Johnakan: Yes, and not only talking about books. Its advisable that you talk about all the spiritual issues; you can even make criticism if its constructive. Your time is worth it and it should be well used.
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For example, if someone is reading a book about Dianetics, who ever is more prepared on the subject can indicate him what items he should place greater emphasis to maximize the reading and the time available. Interlocutor: Going back to the subject of the ego integration therapy, I want to say that Dianetics and Scientology are sciences that explain what an engram is. Johnakan: Dianetics and Scientology can solve conflicts removing engrams that modify the behavior and that is fine, because engrams cause people being dominated by impulses. But that technique failed to integrate the different selves that produce the ego. And the person in question is going to generate other feelings such as resentment, anger and others subtler as susceptibility. He will be governed by different moods and he will be transformed into a cyclothymiacs being, sometimes affectionate, sometimes aggressive. The selves tend to cause damage on the state of mind of the individual, making him at times being communicative, other times introverted. Psychointegration orders different selves, achieving that Higher Self have control of his acts. Interlocutor: So, solving engrams is only part of the therapy. Johnakan: There are people who dont have many engrams and may suffer more than others who are full of engrams. Why is that? The integration therapy explains it: a person can be clear, that is to say, free from engrams, yet have internal conflicts. Conflicts would be generated by the various selves or egos that try to compete with each other, making the person to enter into a complete crisis. The egos assume different roles: the selfish role is the main one; the role of poor me, where blame is transferred to the other; the role of inquisitor, which seeks to manipulate the other, and so on. Then, even though an incarnated being may have more engrams than another, he may have evolved more than one who has less engrams. True intelligence is such that integrates the various egos and does not allow the reactive mind to create more engrams. We know that the neuronal tissue is a receptacle of the true intelligence, the intelligence of the spirit. None of these explanations is fully given by a specific therapy, but rather a sum of different therapies. Interlocutor: I agree with the explanation. Johnakan: It's very important that you know, not a little bit, but in depth about engrams, and that everybody, somehow in the future, could revert their own engrams. And that each one could be his own auditor or the auditor of his fellow. Until this happens, human beings will always drag diverse conflicts with him and others. Remember this: Everything that emotionally unbalances man, is because his ego is involved. Interlocutor: Okay. Now I want to convey a concern. Our group plays a key role in Guidance and Service, and many people are coming to find out the various items we seek. But other people come, more than anything else, not to find out how to Serve, but simply to look for help. Johnakan: That happens in most of the spiritual movements. People are very confused and look for momentary solutions. Very few people seek to serve others. Others drown in their own needs, and some want to learn something fast for their personal benefit. They come to see what advantage can get from the knowledge that is given. Interlocutor: Its a shame that is happening.

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Johnakan: Regarding to those seeking help, it must be acknowledged that many people still have not resolved their needs and is a task for you to try to resolve the emotional and material needs of those people who require a hand of solidarity. On the other hand, although I feel uncomfortable touching a material subject, I must tell you that if you give lectures in a place where you have to pay for using it, those lectures must have a cost. In addition, many people usually give value to things only when they have to pay for them. Interlocutor: Another question that I have "on the shelf" is: Are we getting some help from you? And if so, up to what extent? Johnakan: From the higher planes we help you a lot more than it can be assumed. Being incarnated is like climbing a hill with a great weight on your shoulders. Its not easy "depersonalize" because, at times, the surroundings surpass you and its hard not to be biased, susceptible or jealous. Besides, the problems you have, work or family, personal or emotional, result in psychosomatic disorders and the different egos come to take a leading role, making that the negative emotional states take control of you. Our role from the Light planes is to support you with Love, so you never lose faith in God nor weaken your will. Its very important that you know this. But also reciprocity is very important. You should also act accordingly, repaying our help. The pay we expect is not for us but for serving your fellow with love. From the subtle spiritual levels we communicate with your causal body, sending ideas of conciliation on a permanent basis to weaken the habit of prejudice that exists in the physical plane. I say this to let you know that we are always there. You must do the rest. You cannot expect to get everything from the spiritual world, or believe that your prayers are going to solve your problems. Prayer strengthens the spirit, but its incomplete without the work. If you just support yourself from prayers, you would enter into a state of neglect. The work is Service and this is evolution, but its very useful to understand that each person has to evolve by himself. The Absolute is always with each of you, but the free will that you have must serve to grow in perseverance, determination and, above all, initiative. Interlocutor: This has also been clarified. I continue with the questions. My way of life is not what might be called "devotional", so I dont know if Im fair to judge this, but I see that the transmissions of your receptacle have a lot of praise to the Absolute. The question is whether its inherent of your physical part or really many praises also come from you, as thetan of this receptacle. The question has its meaning because with other mediums that I worked, they were not impregnated with "religiosity" so to speak. Johnakan: In my case, I fully agree with my receptacle. In a previous life I was John Zebedee, the brother of James. I had (and still have) a great love and a tremendous devotion to my Master Jesus. He taught me to reverence to the Absolute. With respect to other entities that are also incorporated to give messages, they may relate to the Creator a thousand of different ways. The way that each spirit refers to God is their way. Interlocutor: My question was because the medium is not a radio or a telephone, which only transmit automatically, without changing the message. A medium can also add something of him when giving the messages, no matter how hard he tries to be a literal transmitter. Johnakan: There may be a bit of interference. Anyway, my vibration as the others, would not allow the medium distorts the context. Yes, he may adorn it, but not false it.

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Perhaps many of the praises to the Father might be part of the medium rather than the entity, but this is not my case in this communication. Interlocutor: Why so much praise? Johnakan: Because hes the Creator and from Him love gushes every second. Because the universe is a mirror, when receiving love, we can only give praises to that sentiment. Let's say that He is within us, making us to become aware of the good for our benefit. The incarnated being does not understand it, because he lives complaining about his deficiencies every second. For some, it may seem to be an incredible paradox that pain is a way of learning, because we learn by suffering. In the physical plane, there is an author who said: "Each one comes with a right amount of liters of tears for each incarnation. Pain, then, gives off those drops from human being, until he runs out of anything to empty. When eventually he dries out of tears, it doesnt mean he has fallen lowered, but he has already learned the lesson that has been incarnated for. Once he learned that spiritual path, for an automatic function of awareness, no longer brings him more personal pain. Only the pain is left resulting from his spiritual evolution, the pain for the suffering of his kind. Interlocutor: Okay, being specific on the matter. In you, as high vibration being, its normal a degree of religiosity... Johnakan: Praise is not religiosity. Interlocutor: But is not such praise a little emotional? Johnakan: Love is emotional. But dont confuse that sublime emotion with the common negative emotions of the physical plane, where passionate is. Those negative emotions such as anger, jealousy, hatred and other wrong feelings just let ego grow. But its also emotional what you call impersonal love and that is a positive emotion, such as mercy, charity, compassion, etc. I give you an example from my previous life, as John Zebedee. I was marching with my beloved Master and the other apostles. A crowd wad following us. At one point, someone approached Jesus from behind and touched the edge of his robe. It was a helpless woman, who had suffered from blood flow for some twelve years and no doctor had been able to cure her despite having spent all her money on them. Then, my Master asked: "Who is the one that touched me?" And then Peter replied: "Master, in a big crowd its impossible to know if someone touched you or it was incidental." My beloved Master looked at Peter and exclaimed: "I know that someone has touched me because I felt energy coming out of me." It was then when the woman approached him trembling and, fell to his feet, she confessed that she had touched his robe in the hope of being healed. She had immediately been healed! The Master said, smiling: "Woman, your faith has healed you. You can go in peace", and added so that the people could listen: "To all the people that somehow pull our robes we must give them help. This answer of my Teacher is a totally emotional answer and it does not detract at all his spiritual height. Interlocutor: But, I ask myself, why dont I have the same emotional reaction of praise to the Father?

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Johnakan: Because you are very scientific. You confuse analytical mind with a mind without emotions. It might be thought that a being with an analytical mind could not smile, because that emotion is linked to the reactive mind. It would be painful to reach that conclusion. Interlocutor: So, is the lack of emotional reaction related to my Ray? Johnakan: No. The Rays start from different Divine Energies and they could never prejudice the incarnated being. Rather, I believe that yours is a blockade produced by engrams. The more praise, more recognition of faith. That leads to greater recognition of love for the Father. Moreover, there will be a greater recognition of love to everyone surrounding us. Interlocutor: What happens, in fact, is that I would not like the spiritual mission of the group tending towards religion. Johnakan: There must be a balance. And if we have to talk about what can unbalance the spiritual mission of the group, the answer would be to turn exclusively to a particular therapy. Interlocutor: As Dianetics? Johnakan: That therapy is predominantly scientific. It must be complemented with therapies containing compassion. Therefore, there must be a balance, and falls that each therapy is addressed accordingly the physical therapist, along with all other spiritual therapies. Your spiritual mission has a core composed of a group that will be conveying different messages of love. Those words of Light will be useful for humanity to meet the new Millennium with faith and hope. The important thing is not to give merely scientific messages or religious orientation messages. Not giving them a purely spiritual cut or a purely monetary cut, but giving them the normal balance that all things must have. Any excess saturates and makes it lose interest in what is transmitted. There must be a balance. Interlocutor: Are these Light messages for a few? Johnakan: They are never for a few; it would be mean to think that. We would not conduct a communication from my spiritual plane just to illustrate a few. Nobody has the monopoly on knowledge. Those souls, who wish to discover the Divine pathway, should only yearn for it. The path to the Light is open to everyone. Interlocutor: Another point clarified. Among the questions that we have written down is this one: How could Nostradamus predict, 400 years ago, for example, the Kennedy assassination? How this prediction relates to the free will? Was it karmic and therefore unchangeable? Johnakan: What its predicted, at times, has nothing to do with reality; it often "fit" for various predictions that have the same meaning. There is free will and, therefore, each person can modify his fate as many times as he wishes to. Therefore, there is no destiny that can be predicted. Interlocutor: How do you see Hitler in the context of free will? Or in his latest incarnation, did he come to pay a planetary karma? Johnakan: The man named Hitler is another spirit created to evolve in love, like everyone else. And because of being exceeded the bounds of cruelty in different lives, he has had many incarnations. But instead of learning the lesson he exacerbated his behavior. To such an extent that in his last incarnation, he led that aggressive behavior of power and submission to unsuspected limits. But the overwhelming tragedy that caused such behavior was not planned to pay any karma, either individually or globally. It was not the instrument of God as some apparently spiritual groups say in
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absurd messages. According to that twisted way of thinking, we would justify by karma from rape to murder. You must take care from some spiritual movements that justify everything by karma. Interlocutor: What spiritual level is currently Hitler? Johnakan: At first he was at level 4. Not only he failed in his mission, which was guidance to conflicting spirits, but he tried to subjugate them. He was losing his "brilliance" and descended from level. His vibration became denser, increasingly turning pale. Now, he's in level -1. His conduct being incarnated made descend his thetan four levels of vibration. Interlocutor: Is Hitler going to appear in some incarnation as a great preacher, for example, to repair the damage done? Johnakan: The spirit has free will to redeem him or to generate him more karma. Interlocutor: Will he end up in the negative level -2, or at the Eighth Sphere, if he generates more karma? Johnakan: If he doesnt learn the lesson of Love, its a possibility that he descends to the Eighth Sphere, so that, through the various sufferings, he understands that he has to give and not take. Interlocutor: In short, is Hitler a creature of God, temporarily lost, that he will finally end up evolving towards the Absolute? Johnakan: Thats a logical thing! Evil disappears when the spirit becomes aware that only evolves in Love. Interlocutor: Can we say, then, as a corollary, that Hitler is God, as all of us? Johnakan: Thats an enormous mistake of some metaphysical books that freely trade for confusion of many. We are not God, we are part of Him. This should be well understood. When you provide explanations, dont say "we are God," but say "we are a cell of God," because we dont have the power of God, we have the gift of God. To be well understood that I am. We are a particle of the Creator. Are we Him? We need his Essence, but we are not omnipotent. When finish evolving, we will be part of him, but as individual beings. Individuality is not going to disappear, because if it could disappear we could not enjoy the love of the Absolute. It would be selfishness from "unselfishness." Can you understand that? The Absolute is unselfish! So, the Absolute can not make selfish acts. Taking away the identity of each spiritual being would be an act of selfishness, improper of the Absolute. Let me be more specific. God is within each of us. We are God in Love, but we dont have the power of God in the Creation. I want to confirm that when the Great Union becomes, when the Great Communion happens, we are not going to lose our identity, because we will all be submerged in the sea of Love. And although in practice not be ONE, yes we will be figuratively, because we are going to be all "within". At this time, the Father is within us, but most dont feel God within. This happens because they dont know how to find Him, because of their petty actions, selfishness, proud, which they have not yet learned to overcome. [19]

[19] "Now we are children of God and it has yet to be manifested what we will be. We know that when it occurs we will be like Him, because we will see Him the way He is "(1st Epistle of John, Chap. III v. 2).

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The times will coincide in all the planes, both physical and supraphysical universes. After the Great Spiritual Communion and having enjoyed the union with the Father, only then we will be fused with Him in a single Entity. That will coincide with the end of those universes. There will be a "Big Crunch". There will be a concentration of matter, energy, power, and then there will be a new "Big Bang" and it will create a new universe. But its not going to be created by the current Elohims. There will be new Elohims designated by the Absolute among those who were outstanding spirits in the previous Creation. New spirits will be created. There will be new mistakes, new incarnations... The wheel will start spinning again. Interlocutor: Whats the purpose of one creation after another? Johnakan: The energy that each spirit releases as evolving raises the universe vibration and each Creation is 1/8 higher than the previous one. Thats the real explanation of why the spirit is created with the imperfection of the reactive mind and he has to evolve from the imperfection. When growing in Love, each spirit emanates an inner Light that affects for better the vibration of the cosmos. Visualize billions and billions of spirits emanating light to the ether, until matter begins to vibrate more subtly. Imagine a new Creation with a more subtle vibration, and another and another... The Spirit has planted the seeds of love, but the ego is sterile land. It will not be an easy task to integrate the ego, but I believe in the Spirit. I believe in you. Interlocutor: Thank you very much for everything Johnakan and until the next session.

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10. GROUP SESSION - 21/Jun/1997

Medium: Jorge R. Olguin Interlocutor: Horacio Velmont Entities that came to talk: Johnakan Ur-el Interlocutor: We are ready to receive the messages. Who is going to communicate? Johnakan: I am Johnakan Ur-el, thetan of this receptacle. I perceive here many entities of low levels that, as always, are trying to disturb these small dialogues. To defend yourself against those spirits of Error, each one of you should wrap in love, projecting a protective bell around your body. The arrogance of these entities does not bear the radiation of Love. They relate this positive emotion to stupid innocence. For those who dont know me, it has already been transmitted that in my previous incarnation I was called John Zebedee, and I was the beloved disciple of Master Jesus. My beloved Master used to send me with two more disciples to give his messages in different places, both in Samaria and Judea. We were not always welcome. We were attacked with stones, fists, sticks and sometimes we had to run an enraged mob. But also in many places we were housed with different delicacies. We received many gifts for transmitting the word of the Master, which was not understood by everyone, and even today is being questioned. Today, many controversial writers wonder why Jesus did not incarnate in the centre of Rome, it would have been a different story. The story is another! Or is it not? The story changed. When my Master said, "I have not come to bring peace, there will be fights between families," people of short understanding misunderstood. He didnt come to divide, but religious interpretations can create schism, in countries and in families; they all want their interpretation to be the valid one. Where do I want to reach? For some, Jesus could be the Messiah; for others the only begotten. What was my Master in that incarnation? He was a Light spirit who incarnated to transmit the greatest Love message of all time. At that time, when I met him, I was a boy of fifteen and a half years old. I began to admire his way of speaking and thinking. I started realizing that he was an extraordinary man. It was brewing in my mind a pure and sublime feeling, until I realized that I loved that being with all my soul. He was a being who offered himself without reserve, an unselfish being. When the Master was crucified I felt a huge emptiness that I am unable to explain with words. There were so many things I didnt understand! But I grew up, knowing that the spirit of Jesus was always there when I needed it. He guided me when I had to write some epistle. He guided me when I had to make a trip to spread his word. I was aware of the true teaching and I knew that when I disincarnate, I would be with him again. Currently, we are both on level 5th of spiritual vibration and our mission is to try to resolve human conflicts, where passions, selfishness and disharmony prevail... There are aggressions, scorns, gestures that could hurt more than just a word, doubt, jealousy, mistrust... All these things are a tremendous ordeal for my master, because they are signs that everyone thinks only about himself.
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Even some who claim to be spiritual masters fall prey of the ego, overtaken by their surroundings. There are incarnated beings in this physical plane that still lack a lot to reach the true degree of master, because they are always going to yield to temptation, giving way to indifference rather than to love, meanness and not giving. Suddenly, each entity, individually, thinks: "I want such thing, I need another". The famous "I", the inferior I, manipulated by the ego, makes the person be the author and protagonist of the play. The irony is that such arrogance makes man believe to be closer to God. But where does man believe to reach God? In the mountaintop? Of course, one would say, because there one rises! In a previous incarnation to the one of John Zebedee, when I was incarnated as Ananda, my cousin, Siddhartha, said a transcendental phrase: "Ignorance is the mother of suffering." My beloved cousin was not wrong. Ignorance makes human beings to confuse the terms because if you are going uphill, you rise. You only elevate yourself if you look into your inner self, because to raise its different. Its ascending inside of you. The important thing is to put aside the "I want you", "I need you, because that is a feeling that makes suffering by creating a dependency. How to leave aside the "I want you"? Isnt that love? No, that is "necessity". Not to be confused with "I love you". Almost all of you say, in a relationship, "Come, I need you," "Hurry, I need you". How much I need you? What do you mean, I need you? Its always on the basis of oneself, to feed the ego. When do you provide? When do you give? Thats because true love is giving. Love is feeling the same vibration of the other. This is called "vibrating in syntony": What a coincidence, we are both thinking the same thing! "I dont believe it, I was about to call you. You won me by two seconds." "If you have not called me, I would have called you!" "You took the words out of my mouth; I was going to tell you the same thing." Doesnt it happen to you? This is vibrating in syntony. But, why dont we do it more often? Because ego transforms a person into an absolute protagonist and nobody else has a place. The lower self prevents connecting us with the Superior I. Ego is the lower self, the susceptible one, the one who seeks to excel, who offends, doubting everything, who wants to grow "even at the expense of..." If the human being becomes aware of his greatness he would be humbler. The afoul thing happens when the one that becomes aware is the ego and then, the one that takes control is pride. I remember the Last Supper that I shared with my beloved Master, where several of the apostles were discussing at a particular time about who was the most important for the spiritual mission. Jesus interrupted, enquiring: "Who do you think is more important? Who sits at the table or the one who serves you? Dont you think that is the one that sits at the table? However, I am among you as the one who serves". After saying these words, the Master rose from the table, took off his mantle and taking a towel, he fitted it to his waist. Then turned water into a small bowl and began to wash our feet. I was paralyzed by the shock and I could not react. When it was the turn of Peter, he said: "Lord, are you washing my feet?

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Jesus replied: "It's difficult for you to understand what I am doing now, but you will understand it later." I cannot allow you to wash my feet. I will never humiliate you. If you dont let me wash them, you will not be at my side. Then, Lord, not only you can wash my feet, but also my hands and my head. When my beloved Master completed his task, he explained: "If I, who you consider Master and call me Lord, have washed your feet, you should also wash the feet of each other. This example gives you an understanding about true humility. There is not need to compete to take control of a group, but to serve your neighbor. Dont let pride to guide you, because it would be impossible to convey the word sincerely". He looked at me in the eyes and then looking at all the others, he added: "You know that I love you, and in the same way, I ask you to love each other". Then he closed his eyes and murmured: "Father, I ask you that the love you have given me remains in them." This memory is valid for teaching you to be aware of how important its in every human being not to be invaded with arrogance. Its not easy to live impersonalized, without the ego taking part. You should know that everything that emotionally unbalances you happens because your ego is involved. Jorge B.: At this time, are negative entities attempting to interfere with the message? Johnakan: Yes. They dont bother me, but they can disturb those present, making you disperse, creating some confusing ideas or letting them be seen like fleeting dark bursts. You should not worry, because no spirit of Error has power over you. If you elevate your thinking, nothing can disturb you. [20] I also want to clarify the wrong idea of people who believe that a spirit can take possession of an incarnated being against his will. Thats a dangerous and completely false belief. No spirit or any demon has any power to try to put under a human being. No entity can transgress the free will of another one. Spirit possessions that are publicized in some spiritual centers or in some temples can be explained: 1. Perhaps they are psychologically disturbed people. 2. The person in question lends himself to be "taken", because he was previously conditioned to it. I must also clarify that there is no "divine spirit" who, as he enters the person destabilizes him, creating convulsions to him. That may fit into one of the above two examples, with the aggravating factor that makes the church member believe that the person is being possessed by a spirit of salvation when, in fact, that so serious picture is caused by a demon or a rebellious spirit. Know that the true access to the "Holy Spirit" is being illuminated with a Divine Energy. And that would never lead to an adverse effect in the person, but a state of ecstasy and total harmony. Patricia: Regarding the state of ecstasy, many times I was meditating and, being mired in an intense calm, I have seen some lights that have surprised me...

[20] There are spirits of Error who disincarnated in a violent manner, suicide, murder or accident. Some of those entities might rebel against their fate and tend to offload their resentment, trying to harass people. Generally, they choose the night to do it, so because, psychologically, people are more inclined to view things or perceive sounds. If you are wrapped in Love and overcome fear, no entity may cause you disturbance.

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Johnakan: The lights can be visualizations of superior entities that might try to communicate, leaving in your mind an idea or a concept. You dont have to fear. In other cases, there are spirits of darkness who seek to confuse the person so that he trusts and open himself for a wrong message. Its not so with you. You could receive a very important message that is going to serve for a future activity. And if you ever doubt about the intent of the entity that you view, all you need to say: "In the name of Jesus, if these are Light entities, continue at my side. If you have to communicate a message, Im at your disposition. But if you are entities of Error, in the name of Jesus, disappear". And they will automatically disappear. Karina: Was the language of Master Jesus, when he was incarnated, derogatory or insulting to the people, seemingly crude and ignorant, to whose he spoke? Is it true that on some occasions he ordered his disciples to steal chickens to feed the crowd that followed him? My question is justified because with a previous medium, this is what the entity claiming to be the Master Jesus said. Johnakan: When my beloved Master was incarnated, he spoke in a sweet and sympathetic way. I only saw him lose control before the hypocrites who pretended worship God, while trading with the coming people to the temple. He said to them: - Race of vipers! - And indeed they were. It causes me a deep sadness noticing how many things have been distorted. Are you saying that Jesus sent us to steal chickens? That is totally false. Its a lack of truth. Think if my Master said: "Dont strive as much for your life, worrying about what you eat or drink... The Heavenly Father provides for the birds of the sky, which dont sow seed, neither harvest, nor gather into barns! Are you not worth much more than they? Seek first the kingdom of God and all those things shall be given in addition". So, how could he send us to steal? We could eat roots before taking someones food. Karina: Clearly. Were there moments of grief and joy? Johnakan: Misunderstanding of many caused us grief. Jesus was much afflicted with people for their lack of interest in the spiritual world. What we did joyfully was conveying his word. Although at times, we were not well received. In some places we received sticks and fists. But in most cases, we got vegetables... and yes birds, and yes lambs and we shared wine with our hosts. There were people who were very thankful of the message and we enjoyed talking with them and, by all means, the food. Interlocutor: What can we know about Transfiguration? Johnakan: Its a very sensitive issue. Know that the Transfiguration chapter may be one of the most controversial issues, because the story has two key points. Being incarnated as John Zebedee, my beloved Master had led us to Peter, my brother James and me to a mountain top, in a remote area, with the pretext that we were going to pray. We climbed a steep hill for several hours and, upon reaching the top, we sat back to rest. Jesus was standing and slowly walked towards some bushes. I raised my sight and I noticed that his face began to change, projecting a slight gleam. The brightness was increasing its volume until showing a glowing tone. Then, it expanded all over his body. At one point, Jesus vibrated with such intensity, that in the middle of the night, that radiance caused that our dresses looked white. Almost instantly, from one side, two figures appeared shining just like the Master. They approached him and began to talk. They are Moses and Elijah - Peter whispered in a low voice. I was paralyzed by the shock. I didnt respond to him. They seem men from another world - I thought, not knowing how close I was from the truth, because my beloved Master was at that time communicating with beings from another stellar

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system, which they had come to exchange philosophical ideas. It was clear that my Master was known by that alien culture. With a special ray, they had changed the vibration of Jesus physical body, making it subtler and consistent with the vibration of those aliens. The Transfiguration had been a transmutation in the Master body in order to efficiently carry out such communication. Dominating his fear, Peter approached them. Breathing deeply, he talked to Jesus saying: Lord, since we are here, perhaps we can be of some help. We can make three tents so that these prophets and you can spend the night. My beloved Master made him a gesture, preventing Peter from approaching any farther. It was logical, as the three figures were glowing, with a shine so strong that they could not be touched. The radiation emanating from them might have burnt our skin. Then, a light came from above. I saw it there and I noticed that the light emanated from a flying object. A cloud covered the three silhouettes and a voice said: This is my beloved Son, my chosen one. Listen to him and do what he tells you. We fell down to our knees, closing our eyes. A minute later I heard my beloved Master, saying: Stand up, dont be afraid. When I looked up, the light had gone and Jesus was alone. He approached us and said, "Dont be afraid. When we descended the hill, he asked us not to tell anyone about the vision we had had. Master, I asked him with curiosity. Peter said you talked to Moses and Elijah that have resurrected from the dead. Thats not so, said Jesus: I say to you: Elijah came incarnated just short ago, before I was born, but they didnt recognize him and have done with him whatever they wanted. We realized that Jesus referred to John the Baptist. Let us return to the two key points of the story: The first, which refers to the presence of aliens who already knew my beloved Master. The second, it shows that Jesus speaks of reincarnation. Thats one of the few points that the Council of Nicaea in the year 325 forgot to delete. Interlocutor: Had ever Master Jesus, a so high entity, questioned himself about the fact of wasting time with those people, so ignorant, which probably didnt understand anything of what he was saying? Johnakan: Master Jesus questioned other things, but he never questioned teaching the ignorant. Those people deserved all his love and all his respect The opposite would have been discriminating and Jesus was opposed to any discrimination. He never questioned any follower, or anyone who would like to learn from him. Because, Master Jesus was Love and he is Love. And where there is Love, there are no questions. Yes, there can be censorship to try to correct someone who raises something wrong. How many times do you think he censored Peter? How many times appears in the writings? And if I say that he was censured at least six times? Peter was fearful. Once, in the Garden of Olives, he told Jesus with distressed voice: Lord, you have said that the one who is going to give you away is close. Lets cross the Jordan and get away from here.

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Stay away from me! Dont you tempt me! - Jesus replied at the time. Why did he respond with that phrase? Because the Master was incarnated and had doubts. Again, Jesus had said to us that his days were going to end up in Jerusalem, but first he was going to undergo much in the hands of the elders, the priests and scribes. Peter called him aside and tried to reprimand him: Keep them away from you, Lord! None will make you suffer! Stay away from my sight, Satan! - The Master shouted him - Those who want to save his life, will lose it... But those who lose his life for me will find it. Jesus was doing two things simultaneously: he censured Peter and gave a message in parable form, giving the right importance to material and spiritual life. Interlocutor: Did Master Jesus call Peter "stone" to suggest that he considered him a strong and solid man? Johnakan: In fact, often that expression was a loving irony of the Master. Because Peter, although fearful, was very stubborn! Florencia: Did at any moment Jesus announce the return of Mohammed? Johnakan: No, that is absolutely false. There are many things that the Master had not said that have been written. There are other messages that Jesus has communicated and have been deliberately concealed. There are very controversial gospels. In one of them the infant Jesus is portrayed as a little perverse that took lives by whim. That is a shame and a treacherous attack to our beloved Master. Obviously, there are many false stories. But also, there are many others that are true. Are there only four gospels? No, there are many more and they give unknown references on the life of Jesus. Of course, not all are truthful. Interlocutor: How do you recognize which are true? Johnakan: Let yourself guide by your heart, by your common sense. I am not going to tell you. You will deduce if you are guided by your consistency. If you see a message of infant Jesus who by whim kills another child because he takes his marbles, dont believe in that. Dont believe in a capricious Jesus because Jesus is Love. Dont believe that Joseph censured him. Believe in a Joseph who taught love to a young Jesus, eager for knowledge and that, later, he learned from a teenager Jesus, already experienced in talks with several teachers and doctors of the Law. Interlocutor: Lets take another topic. Materialization and dematerialization that some illusionists do at present time are they similar to those Master Jesus did, for example, when materializing bread and fish? Johnakan: In the case of illusionists, all their acts are based on truncated assemblies and the only role that fulfills that spectacle is to reward the ego of the players. Multiplying bread and fish was necessary because there was a crowd of people who had followed us to Bethsaida and they had nothing to eat. You cannot compare an altruistic episode with a lavish entertainment. Those unfortunate episodes can also be seen in parts of the East. With certain effects, some "masters" who claim to be sent", the only thing they do is to attract people to achieve their personal ego. A true spiritual master gives no importance to the transubstantiation gift, but to the gift of the message. Because, the one is the message that can make them become aware of the spiritual pathway and not the miraculous spectacle.

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Other masters say they are sent. All of us are sent! We all have a mission to accomplish, either through a lesson to learn or serving our neighbor. Karina T.: Returning to a previous topic, Could it be a spirit of Error, the entity who through the other medium said to be Master Jesus? Johnakan: Sometimes some mediums interfere with the messages, adding things that are of their own. Other mediums, for various conflicts of ego, modify the communication to please the entity, without realizing that, in reality, they are spoiling the message. Interlocutor: Does everyone have a "Guide" or, as some call it, a guardian Angel"? Johnakan: All incarnated beings have an Angel that guards him and a spirit guide, as orientation but not all hear that inner voice. Interlocutor: Do they have any authority over us? Johnakan: I already said before. No entity has spiritual authority over man. This must be very clear. The Absolute gives free will to all their children as a show of love. Alfredo L.: Its being spoken of great changes with the arrival of the Third Millennium, of what nature will they be? Johnakan: Changes will be important but they refer to the field of consciousness. Some incarnated people are too fatalistic. They talk about changes in the planetary orbit, geological changes, massive destruction, and so on. This is not true. But I do want to make you a humble warning: Think of how necessary is to realize that you dont have unlimited resources because, eventually, you will manage to destroy the planet with such depredations in the forest and so many toxic wastes. Alfredo L.: Our political regimes are also prone to create poverty... Johnakan: Its very difficult to achieve a balanced regime. Poverty is an issue that transcends this session. Alfredo L.: Will there be poverty even in the Third Millennium? Johnakan: Even in the Third Millennium. And the powerful ones, every time are going to try to put under the weak ones. The planet is not yet prepared for some changes... Jorge B.: What about the changing of consciousness? Johnakan: It must be achieved! Each one has to achieve it and has to transmit it. Because if love prevails over selfishness, I can assure you that the fate of mankind will change. We are playing the destiny of the species and you dont realize it. You believe that the reserves of the world are endless. Bear in mind that the only immortal thing is the spirit. May the Absolute bless each and every one of you. Interlocutor: Thank you very much for the messages. Until the next session.

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11. SESSION - 30/Jun/1997

Medium: Jorge R. Olguin Interlocutor: Horacio Velmont Entities that came to talk: Kumi Ann, Mia Anel, Master Jesus, Archangel Gabriel and Tar Interlocutor: Who is going to talk first? Kumi Ann: My name is Kumi Ann and I am the thetan [21] of E. K. My physical part tries to move forward and looks forward to be on the right track, although she drags many personal conflicts. I am a female in my incarnated part; perhaps I am trying to cover various topics though risking personalizing some of them. I also know that I give more priority to some topics than others, without evaluating them first. Interlocutor: What does that mean? Kumi Ann: It means that perhaps things that have less value, my physical part gives them greater importance than others, perhaps more importance in the spiritual level. And it must not be so. Somehow she is looking for her convenience, she aims to achieve a physical and mental wellbeing, but she puts in front her deficiencies to what had already been achieved (which she is dragging), and she is unable to discern her personal advancement that she already had. Sometimes, her ego that she unconsciously drags, handles all her actions. She assumes the role of a victim of circumstances and does not realize the progress she has achieved, both in material and in family aspects. Her reactive mind only lets her "see" her apparent failures, and so, she is locked up in herself. Interlocutor: Can you intercede in your incarnated part making her notice that she is making progress? Kumi Ann: We, in our level of vibration, although we are the Higher Self of the incarnated part, this one not always listens to our voice. So, sometimes E. K. detracts from her surroundings and tends to marginalize, ignoring the whole issue. The thetan, even having a broader picture than the incarnated person, can not impose his approach, since he must respect the laws of free will. Interlocutor: Do you communicate with your physical part? Kumi Ann: Yes, on a continuing basis. [22] But do not imagine a voice that vibrates in the minds of everyone, saying timely messages. Communication with E. K. takes place in the form of ideas in her mental and causal field. In the first case, the person gets a "light on" and captures the idea. In the second case, the person "becomes aware" and realizes the true significance of life.
[21] Thetan is the soul or spirit when is incarnated. In the physical plane, only 10% of our spirit animates our bodies and our minds. The other 90%, or Thetan, is in the spiritual plane. When disincarnating we exist 100% as spirit. [22] Each Thetan communicates on an ongoing basis with his incarnated part, "suggesting" unconsciously a certain idea to the person. It depends on him to capture that idea. The guidance is received both in the mental field, through an "idea" as in the causal field, where a man can "feel the awakening of consciousness."

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Interlocutor: In her case, does she accept your communication? Kumi Ann: Unfortunately, not all the time. Sometimes she is very concentrated on problems of the physical plane, and somehow she discards my orientation. Interlocutor: Let's say she ignores it. Kumi Ann: Let's say yes... but that happens to most of the incarnated spirits. They are so "programmed" to capture only things in the physical world that is not easy to communicate with their spiritual side. Interlocutor: As we say: Very few listen to the voice of conscience. Kumi Ann: That's right, although many are in the search, most do not know "what" to look for. The spiritual message is something that is engraved in the unconscious, but its difficult to "look inside". Interlocutor: I would like to inform you that your physical part suffers greatly, which causes not to be at her full mental capacity... Kumi Ann: One must be able to discern from where the physical sufferings are coming. In many cases, the affected emotional area creates psychosomatic problems and in others, the physical problem is real. In both cases, it would be extremely important that the person is assisted by the most suitable therapist. Almost everyone gives full priority to their physical life, leaving aside the "spiritual nonsense", because these are not going to cover an economic problem, for example. But if those people could contact their Higher Self, perhaps they could take better choices and, although not resolving all their conflicts, would narrow much of them. Anyway, the problems should not be taken as obstacles intended to destabilize. They do not have to let the ego take control of their lives, making everyone feel a victim of circumstances. Not all are barriers to obstruct. Also there are rocks in the path so that man learns to see" and not stumble on a permanent basis. All learning takes place in terms of spiritual advance because, in spite of everything, that advance must continue. That way, when every man becomes aware of its significance, many things in his life begin to change automatically. But not everything is so simple. It's as if people had a bandage and could not visualize that importance. For example, my physical part has a great skepticism for everything that is spiritual communication, often doubt that there are such communications with the spiritual group. She misestimates messages or feels that they are set to impose a predetermined idea. That produces psychic bumps, more skepticism and a deep unconscious resentment with her surroundings. That is not all. As sometimes she feels bad, clings desperately to her depression, looking for whom to blame for that unbearable suffering. But she neither wants to get rid of it because is comfortable (although does not believe it) in the role of victim, and forgets everything that is spiritual. Obviously, its as if there was more than one personality in my incarnated part and is in crisis between her identities. [23]

[23] In Psycho-integration this situation is called "war of selves." Each one of them wants to take control of the conduct of the person. The ego is fed by the different roles that each lower self interprets but, as well, every time is increasingly dependent on them.

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My physical part not only lives blaming people in her surroundings, because she considers that the others are responsible for her misfortune, but she pushes to get involved in a discussion to feedback her role of victim. And so, she gets into a tunnel that has no end. Obviously, all of that is apparent because, at some point, is going to come the "awakening". I go and I leave you in the company of another spiritual brother. Interlocutor: Thank you for your message, Kumi An. Who is going to communicate now? Mia Anel: I am Mia Anel, thetan of N. A. Let me talk to my physical part, which is present at this meeting, and explain that she is on the right track, although it is difficult to achieve much of the advances that she yearns for. I know that sometimes she despairs because has economic ups and downs and wonders: "How can I take care of my spiritual growth if I can not pay my basic material needs?" As my brother spirit Kumi Ann said: "If a person communicates with his Higher Self, could have a better orientation to solve his problems." Nobody said that the spiritual path is easy to journey. On the contrary, imagine a steep upward slope and a winding path. This will be your spiritual elevation. For my incarnated part, is very difficult climbing along the trail, but she has the merit of not relaxing. In the past year she was one of the people who have advanced more in terms of knowledge and wisdom. But every human being can be pushed to the cliff by his ego. And he will fall in a depression, he will strike at the edges of momentum, the wind of uneasiness will blow him and he will crash on the rocks of despair. We know that creates a demoralizing situation and may greatly push the person back, making him even lose control of his actions. The ego will continue feeding from the uncontrolled actions and will gain more protagonism. And every role generates suffering. My incarnated part sometimes gets trapped by impulses and she "throws away" all progress made earlier. Her reactive mind is always ready to make her fall. An offending word, an insult that could not be stopped in time or a gesture that could not be controlled, are the weapons that the ego uses so that my incarnated part can fall again and again into the error. Its necessary to depersonalize, is essential to avoid being victims of circumstances. We must not let discourage get to us. Think that you are not the only ones who have deficiencies and, with solidarity assistance, you can prop up one another. Here, we are not speaking of material aid, since not every one is in a position to provide it, but of spiritual support, which many people are so petty in offer it. As if "to give a hand" would cost them one hand. Very few treat his partner as being on his foot, with his problems. That is why it will always be difficult to be authentic. Or is it easy to make the other person feel understood? Remember what Master Jesus said: "Service enlarges you to the eyes of the Father." Nor should insist on imposing an idea, nor should get angry if the other person does not accept your point of view. Sometimes, as you say in the physical plane, to bend the head does not mean submission, but wisdom. And this is very important. Interlocutor: Id like to ratify if your physical part is really prepared to do what we call "astral projection".

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Mia Anel: She's fully prepared and only she should make the decision. My physical part can do it. Now, I say Good Bye and until the next communication. I send you my Light and leave you with another entity that wants to talk. Interlocutor: So long, Mia. I listen... Master Jesus: Dear brothers, I am here again with all my love, love for all mankind, no matter their belief. I am also in great pain, feeling that overwhelms me every time I see injustice. Many people are misinformed thinking that in our level of spiritual vibration everything is happiness. And it was already said that in plane 5 there is more pain than in the physical plane or plane 1. Interlocutor: Why? Master, I dont understand. Master Jesus: The reason is very simple. The incarnated being generally suffers from his shortcomings. His ego does not allow him to see beyond. Instead, we live sharing the suffering of others. The pain of others is our pain and, the more human beings suffer, the more pain we feel. But dont misunderstand it. Its not a pain that bothers us that and we are uncomfortable with. On the contrary, we would take all the pain to ourselves if we could ease the suffering of others. And we know that's not possible. Because the human being generates his own pain: struggles for power, greed, speculation, indifference. Some will say: "Indifference is a lesser evil". And I reply: Not so. Because when an incarnated being ceases to be concerned about his brother, he begins to worry about himself. And there begins suffering, his own and his fellow mans, which he ignores. I feel great pain seeing so much indifference on the Earth, seeing spiritual backwardness and so little cooperation amongst you as a race. On the contrary, I see such barbarism, so many fights for material possessions, and such pettiness. And above all you dont realize how rapidly you are destroying the planet. You are causing extinction of animal species, destroying plant life, polluting waters. You dont become aware that the Earth is a world with limited surface. In this latter period, this planet has lowered its oxygen index and has raised its carbon dioxide index. You are going to produce the much dreaded "greenhouse effect". You believe that your planet is limitless and you are just a tiny point in space. You have not only to convey the Service but also caring for your world. Stop fighting for limits, when the entire planet is at risk. I place much emphasis on that. This is my message today. Interlocutor: Before you go Master, I would like to ask you how can you, being so high in the spiritual plane can communicate with us on the physical plane. Master Jesus: Why couldnt I do it? The aim is the highest. One is to offer a guide message to enable you to grow as human beings and rise as spirits. Part of my spirit communicates through this receptacle, which is the reincarnation of John, my beloved disciple. My hope is to be understood, even by a few and if so, my message will not have passed in vain. Interlocutor: Master, I understand what you say, because we, from our perspective, are not understood either. Master Jesus: Become strong in love. Do not let evil prevail, yielding to unease. Have faith in the Father, who never abandons His children.

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Interlocutor: We know, Master, but here in the physical level, there are obstacles. Sometimes, we have our ups and downs in health and our finances are not loosed. Even for meetings and transmitting messages, we dont have financial support from anybody. It costs a lot to convene people, as its out of our reach an acceptable propaganda. This is very frustrating... Master Jesus: There is something called "will"... Seek that inner strength, combine it with perseverance, mix it with faith and you will achieve the desired result. Your mission is Service; you can do it without neglecting your duties. Interlocutor: We are going to pay attention to your words, Master. On the other hand, we plan to make a book with all the spiritual messages. I hope that this work will not be lost in oblivion. Master Jesus: If you knew how many important works have been lost over the history of mankind, books, paintings, statues and many more treasures, which various "conquerors" destroyed in an act of barbarism, its so lamentable... My beloved disciple, Johnakan Ur-el, has written in his previous incarnation many treaties of philosophy that have been lost forever. Interlocutor: In the incarnation as John Zebedee? Master Jesus: That's right... There are hundreds of pages written by my beloved John that were destroyed in Greece. He had also written countless messages which I had disseminated. Those messages were burned by people out of reasoning. Those flames also burnt Johns writings and letters to various temples in remote regions. Those letters never arrived to their destination. Once again ignorance was imposed over wisdom. There are so many messages that were destroyed by savage hordes they committed so many atrocities against culture: looting temples, libraries, museums... they destroyed huge amounts of information, both scientific and philosophical humanity went back hundreds of years. And that's not the worst, because those barbarian hordes have the excuse of ignorance, but there were religious authorities, pretending a title they did not have, who destroyed the most important material for the spiritual growth of mankind... and most painful of all is that they claimed to represent me. They committed those acts of vandalism on my behalf... Interlocutor: Does that material exist, at least in the spiritual plane? Master Jesus: That material is in our memory as beings of Light and it is being known on the various sessions. I also say that, at present, there are important manuscripts that some few believing to be chosen, are hiding from all beings of the planet. Those men who claim to be spiritual are full of arrogance. They dont listen nor take any other word but theirs. They never understood my message where I speak that humility is one of the main virtues to reach that spiritual Kingdom. They dont know humility, leading their followers with pedantry and inventing a punishment to those who contradict them. Instead of conquering by love, they submit by fear... like those Pharisees which I could never convince them of the true Path. This comes from very many years ago where men belonging to religious institutions and believing that spiritual mystics were a menace, persecuted them mercilessly [24]. Dear Brothers, now I give you the pearls. Multiply them, as I multiplied breads...

[24] "When unity is the aim, all means are sanctified: deception, betrayal, violence, imprisonment, life and death. Because the order is for the good of the community, the individual must be sacrificed to the common good "(Dietrich von Nicheim, bishop of Verden, in his book of sublimitate libri III, year 1411).
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I let the way to another entity. Greetings with all my love. Interlocutor: Thank you for your message, Master, and see you soon. Who will communicate now? Archangel Gabriel: I am Archangel Gabriel... I am going to act as a messenger once again. This disclosure will talk about Maria, the humble servant of the Father. The truth has been distorted so much about my beloved Mary, the mother of Jesus! Ah, Miriam! [25] She was then a girl whom I had loved so much! When Yeshua [26] incarnated, it was a tremendous pleasure to see her having the child on her lap... She gave her son a great spiritual wisdom and also material knowledge: she taught him how to fight against injustice, she taught him to have patience to the discredit ones, she transmitted him to disdain hypocrites... When Jesus fought hand-to-hand his stepbrothers [27] in the clever art of the sword and the spear, he took it as a game, strengthening his muscles. He never inflamed because he did it with love. Jesus loved everybody. At the time at which he discussed in the temple with those doctors of law, teaching them the true interpretation of the Torah, the fool doctors were offended because they could not accept that a teenage boy could teach them. Oh, fools, fools! How patient had to be my Jesus! He bent his head and said to them: "Excuse me, gentlemen, if I have offended you." But within his spirit he said: "Idiots, stupids, they are never going to learn! Some time later he went to study with the Essenes. But he was very opposed, particularly by a teacher of justice that was very selfish and did not want anyone to dim him. He did not accept how Jesus was. That teacher of Justice said that those who taught were not to be permissive, but rigid. They neither accepted the innovative ideas of the new disciple, because they believed in an imminent end of the world, where would be only saved those who retain an ascetic life. When that teacher disincarnated, a worse one replaced him. After that, poor Jesus stopped trying to change that community so closed of ideas and left the site. Interlocutor: Did Joseph know the truth about the birth of Jesus, who he was and what his true mission was? Archangel Gabriel: Of course he knew! Interlocutor: And knew with certainty that he was not his son? Archangel Gabriel: Yes, he knew it. Interlocutor: Did he also know that Jesus was the son of Mary and a Roman Patrician? Archangel Gabriel: I will tell you the truth. Mary married, being a youngster of 15 years, with Herod Antipater, heir to the throne of Herod the Great. It was a secret wedding, where there were only a few witnesses. Mary and Herod loved each other with a love so spiritual, so great that their only desire was to give one another their whole beings. They loved with a love so exalted, that Mary, as its said today, "gave herself in body and soul".[28]
[25] Miriam is Mary in Hebrew. [26] Yeshua ben Yosef was the real name of Master Jesus. [27] Joseph was about 40 years old when married Mary. He was a widower and had children from a previous marriage. [28] It agrees with the writer and researcher Robert Graves, who speaks in his book "King Jesus" about the relationship between the young Jewish Mary and the prince Herod Antipater.
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Interlocutor: Being a virgin... Archangel Gabriel: Being a virgin. Interlocutor: Fulfilling, then, the prophecy... Archangel Gabriel: That's right... She gave herself in body and soul to Herod Antipater. Then, he had to flee from the region because his father, physically and spiritually sick, was convinced that he wanted to take over his throne. So, he ordered to prosecute him for killing. Besides, Herod Antipaters brothers fought for this kingdom. Antipater was betrayed by men who apparently were at all reliable. They found out where he was taking refuge. He was trapped, locked in a dark dungeon and, a few days later, killed by order of his cruel father. Then, his brothers fought for the part of the inheritance left by this martyr. They were like hyenas, fighting for offal. Interlocutor: Then, Herod Antipater did not commit suicide, as I read somewhere? Archangel Gabriel: No, he did not commit suicide. They murdered him. Antipater did not know what selfishness was and his feelings towards Mary were so great that he would have never committed suicide, but he had done the impossible to escape and find her, to flee and live together in an unknown place. How far Antipaters father was in understanding that his son was not interested in power, but in love! I understand that Antipater came to intuit, before his death, that his beloved was pregnant. He knew he had only little time to live, but prayed for Mary and asked for her well being. He placed in front the safety of his loved one before his own. So great was his love for her. The intrigue continued, until two years later, when Herod the Great died and the kingdom of Palestine was divided among his children, who fought among themselves to get the crown of king [29]. But the king who was in fact? It was the rightful child of Antipater, namely Jesus! He was never recognized. Anyway, my loved Yeshua did not care about this material kingdom. His mission was another and he has fulfilled it successfully. I want to emphasize the goodness of Joseph who knowing that this girl was pregnant, he accepted the child as his own. One of the directors of the Temple, Simeon, knew it. And obviously he kept silent, so it was not only a secret of Joseph and Mary. Interlocutor: To what extent did Mary know that Jesus was the long-awaited Messiah? Archangel Gabriel: Mary did not have much knowledge, but had a lot of wisdom which used with her son. She knew that Jesus was a special being. Mary knew the Torah by heart. But she was a woman, and we know that at that time women were disregarded. Jewish customs used to mistreat women in general. I give an example, a farmer who finished eating a lamb leg and had his hands full of fat, called the eldest daughter and had his hand cleaned of fat in the long hair of the girl. It seems aberrant what I say, but it was real. Moreover, when the girl had grown up, her family looked for ways to get rid off her by "trapping" the first candidate who crossed to marry her. But the father of the boy, who was no fool, requested a compensation for taking the "burden." After many discussions they agreed the price and arranged the wedding.[30]
[29] The cruel Archelaous became the Ethnarch of Judea and Samaria, the lavish Herod Antipas, tetrarch (circa 'ruler of a quarter') of Galilee and Perea; Philip received the north-east of the realm and was styled tetrarch. [30] Dowry is still used in the twenty-first century in traditional families.

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Interlocutor: Did Mary have more children? Archangel Gabriel: Yes, she had three sons with Joseph. In addition, Joseph had three sons from his previous marriage. This doesn't affect the image of Maria, the truth about how she became pregnant Mary, at no time, committed what in those days was considered "sin". She never committed adultery. She had a legitimate husband. And then she had a second husband, the good Joseph, who also was her tutor. Interlocutor: The church wants to show the birth of Jesus as a divine intervention of the Holy Spirit, which I think is nonsense, because Jesus said that he had come to enforce the law, not to violate it... Why making a miracle away from the laws of physics? Archangel Gabriel: The miracle existed, in the sense that my beloved Jesus has conveyed the greatest message of love of all time: "Love each other and love your neighbor as yourself." Jesus has given much wisdom to anyone who has wanted to listen. Unfortunately many do not listen and prefer to be in ignorance. Greeting with all my love, I will give way to another entity. Interlocutor: So long and grateful for your revelation... I listen... Tar: I am Tar, a native from Orion 4. I am again with you, joyful to convey my love and also to clarify some doubts. You may ask. Interlocutor: My first question relates to the U.S. Air Force, which they now say that the so-called "Roswell Incident" had no relationship with extraterrestrials, and that the bodies found were dolls from a military experiment. Tar: That is a childish story. The bodies found were not dolls, but extraterrestrials. Among the wreckage of the crashed spaceship there were metallic alloys unknown to the Earth. That is an irrefutable proof. The country of the north has had more contacts. They have more ships that crashed and even more bodies of which you call aliens, at least of 4 different races. Interlocutor: Were any ships captured by airplanes? Tar: No, you lack the necessary technology and you dont have proper armament to capture a spaceship from another planetary system. They were always crashed ships. Interlocutor: But why coming now with the news that those who can only believe are not in the topic? Is it a question of power? Tar: They do it just to confuse people, something that is very easy to do, because of the large disbelief that exists in the people of your world. Interlocutor: Why hiding that knowledge, which could bring a breakthrough to mankind? Tar: That is the issue. Why share this advanced technology, when they can use it to their own benefit? One of the ships keeps secret that their scientists are trying to clarify for 40 years: the energy shield. Both crew of that apparatus died when crashing and their bodies are still being studied. They cause astonishment by the anatomical difference with human beings, because they are being very similar to your insect called locusts. They have no internal skeleton, but a kind of shell. They have two eyes and two antennas, which catch irradiation of another being at a considerable distance. Interlocutor: Where does this race, type of locust, come from?

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Tar: They come from the Constellation of Arthur and are predator beings, which have a total disregard for the lives of others. Interlocutor: This point is clarified. Now I would like to know whether the following is possible. Imagine that a medium "takes" the spirit of a great mathematician... Could he transmit a determined formula to show that the communication is not a fraud? Tar: Yes, that is possible, but is not true with language. The thetan does not transmit in a specific language, because in the spiritual planes communication is done through the transmission of ideas or intentions. Therefore, the medium will speak the language he knows, even if he communicates with the spirit of a person from another region or a being from another world. Interlocutor: Changing the subject... We have talked a lot about spiritual levels. We know that they go from level 2 to level 5, then the angelical level 6, level 7 of the Divine Energies, level 8 of the Elohims. And then, does the Absolute follow? Tar: No, the Absolute is above all levels of vibration and, as well, is "inside" these levels... because nothing is outside the Creator. Interlocutor: I had misinformation on that matter. Now its clarified ... Another question that I have is regarding to what it means when it says that a Planetary Logo is an entity that manifests through a planet or when it says that a Solar Logo is an entity that manifests through a solar system? Tar: Planetary Logos and Solar Logos do not have physical manifestation in the worlds, because that would be absurd. The Logos are spiritual entities and have their limitations. If there is a manifestation, the same is in the consciousness of every incarnated being. The only physical and spiritual manifestation in all planets and all star systems of the universe is the manifestation of the Absolute. Interlocutor: Another clarified point. What powers do the Elohims have in plane 8? Tar: They have the power to create. They are creators. For that reason in the physical plane, in ancient times, Jehovah was confused with the Absolute, when not having another reference. And with respect to Jehovah, that being in plane 8, had to descend a portion of himself to plane 4, to be able to communicate regularly with the earthly entities. Otherwise, such high vibration could have never been channeled by Moses and Aaron. It was regrettable that Jehovah was invaded by the ego and became vulnerable to temptation of spiritual planes 2 and 3, and the subtlety of demons. He yielded to various pressures, making many errors, as for example the tortures to Job. He also got revenge of those who did not worship him, even punishing an entire population. He imposed by fear rather than by love. What is worrying is that today many religions "fear God" because of cultural heritages badly understood. And we know that the Absolute does not punish, He is all love and his goal is our goal: the great Communion. Interlocutor: That is clear. Now another question: Is it possible to descend to planes -1 and -2 for pending karma? Tar: No, entities only descend to those planes due to extreme cruelty. Pending karma may be the reason for which the spirit returns to incarnate as many times as may be necessary until "the lesson is learned", but he will never descend to the seventh or eighth sphere, or planes -1 and -2, by karma, but by acts that brush the limit of whats despicable.

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Interlocutor: Let me clarify something. There is an individual karma, family karma, racial karma, planetary karma... Would it be the sum of these karmas or there is some independent planetary karma? Tar: There is a planetary karma which can be the sum of all these karmas and other planetary karma that can be independent. I am going to give you a valid example: In many cases, human beings dont respect the lives of other species and even come to exterminate some, adding indiscriminate fishing, logging in large forests, decimating them. They dont consider that Earth is a living organism... and they abuse it. Thats an independent planetary karma. Interlocutor: Master Jesus already said that he is very afflicted by the pollution which this world is suffering... Tar: That is so... but you should bear in mind that there are different entities, like you or like others, caring for their habitat; obviously they are not part of the planetary karma. The Absolute does not commit injustices. Interlocutor: Now, I would like to know about a question that many would like to clarify... Tar: Ask. Interlocutor: Is Master Jesus incarnated at present? Tar: Master Jesus is not incarnated in any physical manifestation. Its not yet the time. All those who claim to have some kind of knowledge about Jesus are directly fantasizing. They might be doing well, but for lying so blatantly, they could create themselves negative karma. And some have such delirium that could even believe it. Interlocutor: When can we call an entity "thetan"? Tar: When the spirit is "divided" is called thetan, a 10% is incarnated and the other 90% is in his spiritual level. When the spirit is disincarnated, he no longer is thetan and is called by his name. Jesus is Jesus. All disincarnated spirits have a name. I prefer that you say thetan to the one who is incarnated: "The thetan of..." Interlocutor: I understand... Turning to the topic of initiations, the book of Alice A. Bailey, entitled "Human and Solar Initiation, talks about the first initiation, second initiation, and so on. The question is: What initiation, for example, does Johnakan Ur-el have? Tar: Johnakan received the fifth initiation, the same one that has masters Siddhartha, Lao Tse, Confucius and beloved Master Jesus. Interlocutor: Hermes said in a phrase that transpired: "As above, so below. This phrase has its application in the spiritual world, because each entity, when incarnated, has a percentage in the physical plane and another larger one in his spiritual plane. The question is whether the same is true with the Absolute, that is, if He has an incarnated part (the physical universe) and another part outside this one? Tar: The physical universe is the manifestation of the Absolute, but so are all the spiritual planes. The Absolute is Everything and that includes the 22 parallel universes, which are also His manifestation. I dont know whether there is anything outside the 22 parallel universes. Interlocutor: Talking about parallel universes, does this mean that if I, here, in this incarnation, have a failure in another parallel universe can I succeed in the same way where here I failed? Tar: You can have failures in 21 parallel universes and success in the number 22. There may be successes in 21 worlds and failures in only one. The parallel universes are independent of each other. In a world you may have 5 children, being single in another... Interlocutor: And everything happens at the same time?
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Tar: Of course, it happens at the same time! Interlocutor: Changing the subject, when disincarnating, do we integrate directly to our thetan? Tar: It's hard for you to understand that part. You are the thetan, but when disincarnating, you are spirit. The thetan is no longer thetan, it is spirit. Interlocutor: I understand. And the reactive mind, where is it going? Do engrams accumulate for the next incarnation? Tar: No, engrams stay in the spirit. They are not accumulated. Interlocutor: And the reactive mind? Tar: If the spirit manages to integrate his egos, can overcome his engrams, but the reactive mind is inherent to the spirit. The important thing is that the reactive mind is not fertile ground for creating more engrams. Interlocutor: It has been said that in the planes of Light, the spirits have no Ego. Tar: No, because they have managed to integrate their ego. But the physical plane is a two-edged sword, as you say in your world. For example: If your thetan is in plane 4 and you, due to selfishness, disincarnate with ego roles, your spirit automatically will lower of vibratory level, because in the planes of Light, the ego has no room, since service is all-embracing. I have to leave you now. Greetings and all my love. Interlocutor: So long, Tar, and once again, I am thankful for you being with us.

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12. GROUP SESSION - 05/Jul/1997

Medium: Jorge R. Olguin Interlocutor: Horacio Velmont Entities that came to talk: Kether, Johnakan Ur-el Interlocutor: Who is going to communicate? Kether: With great joy I find myself here. I see a place where there is harmony; where there is Light and I know that many of the people who are here are in a high plane of vibration. I know you are in the spiritual quest and must not surrender while some are trying to disturb you. I inform you that through these meetings, at telepathic level, there is a pattern. Whenever there is a group meeting, where subjects related to the spiritual world are touched, the people involved in the search evolve one step, small or large. It depends on each one. Interlocutor: What is your name? Kether: In my world they know me as "The elder of rotations," although my name is Kether. Interlocutor: Why do they call you like that? Kether: Because since I started guiding my people, I always oriented them to value every planetary rotation. In my planet rotation is called to what you, on Earth, call day. At night, we go to bed thinking high in love to our fellow men and in the morning, when waking up, we watch with joy how our sun rises. Each new rotation convenes a ceremony of love. My people learned to thank the Creator for every rotation of physical life. For that reason they call me "The elder of rotations, although on your planet I would be "The elder of the days". Interlocutor: What is the name of your planet? Kether: It's called Ani. Interlocutor: How is its lifestyle? Kether: We respect the way of thinking of others, even if we dont share it. We give emphasis to philosophy. It has not always been so, because we have had many conflicts over the eons. Those conflicts have been surpassed, although we had to overcome our greed for power first. We have grown within us and we stopped being influenced by the surroundings. We gave priority to altruism. Interlocutor: Did you leave technology aside? Kether: No. Progress in science was parallel to the spiritual. Today we have the necessary technology to dominate the matter, but we are highly eager in relation to the spiritual. To demonstrate our technological power it would be to fall as prey of our own ego. In our world, the planet Ani, we are now in total harmony, but it cost a lot to achieve it. Many centuries ago, when I incarnated in Ani for the first time, there were differences in applying diverse policies and the planet was on the verge of an internal war. I managed, eventually, to get involved in the government of my world and I was appointed Elder. This appointment is an honorary title and has nothing to do with the person's age. I was unable to avoid war but, after many rotations, I managed a truce between the two sides in conflict and so the signing of peace.
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Later on, when I disincarnated, I had the honor of being designated planetary Logo of Ani. Peace did not last longer in the planet, because centuries later a religious schism of large magnitude took place. From the spiritual levels of Light, we observed astonished and suffering, how rebellions began to take place in Ani. Revolts were on a planetary scale and riots caused thousands of deaths. After arduous deliberations in our spiritual level and by my request, it was decided that I re-incarnate to try to restrain that new conflict. It was the first time that a planetary Logo returned to the physical plane. This may seem a simple task, but remember that the person is born without the memory of previous incarnations. I could have been a simple peasant or a family man like many, and not being involved in anything. Thats in the best of cases. I know of spirits of Light who, when incarnate, were caught by material appetites. Fortunately, it was not my case. I grew up in a humble home learning through various old treaties. The religious schism continued. Upon completion of basic studies, I organized groups calling for peace, but riots did not diminish. I investigated, during several planetary rotations, on the different religions of Ani. I talked to great masters of that time. They were obstinate and their stupidity made them to rely on what they already knew. They were closed to new paradigms. They ignored new guidelines, but slowly I was imposing my views, achieving the importance of spirituality rather than religiosity. [31] I tried to disclose my word so that everybody could recover their common sense. Finally dogmas were left aside and ideas were combined bringing the end to the long-awaited peace. I was appointed Elder and I preached Love to all inhabitants of Ani, moving to a definitive union of the planet. Currently Ani is a world of love, where all cooperate with each other. Technology is combined with philosophy. Knowledge is complemented with wisdom. Will is underpinned with perseverance. Finally I taught them to give thanks to the Absolute for each rotation, because a minute more of life is a minute more of Service. Interlocutor: As you tell me, Ani reached the spiritual goal. Kether: No, but we continue evolving. We are not yet prepared to form what is called the "planetary mind". Interlocutor: What is the planetary mind? Kether: Its the merging of all thoughts, without the incarnated being losing his individuality. Everyone is aware of the shortcomings of the other. Each inhabitant of the planet could know who needs solidarity help and so provide it. This does not mean losing mental privacy, because each could "close his mind" when having something personal that he would not want to share: Having secrets is part of free will. We know another planet that is 25 light years from us, nearly 60 light years from you that managed the longed planetary mind. Interlocutor: Are you incarnated at the moment? Kether: Yes. Interlocutor: You mean that this is a telepathic transmission from your planet? Kether: Yes. My thetan communicates with the thetan of this receptacle.
[31] In a structured society, its very difficult to achieve that mystical spiritualism prevails over religious dogma. We know that any doctrine conditions the way of thinking.

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Interlocutor: How far away from Earth is your world Ani? Kether: Ani is the 4th planet from the star 47 Ursae Majoris, is 35 light years from here. Interlocutor: I understand... somebody else wants to ask you a question. Kether: Okay. Bautista B.: Do you know the planet Earth? Kether: Yes, brother, we know it. We know its customs. Bautista B.: And what do you think about us? Kether: You have so much to give! And you are holding in more and more to your ego. You dont share anything you have and, on the other hand, have eagerness for saving all material things, as if you were to take them to the other plane. Bautista B.: I think we have not yet fully evolved as to reach perfection, but I am convinced that within the next fifty years we will evolve spiritually as we have done in technology. We have advanced a lot in genetic engineering and electronics. Kether: Brother, growing spiritually depends solely on you. This is not the first time that you received the word. Once, two thousand years ago, you were shown the way. The only thing you did was to found religions for your own benefit. Did you know that most of the spiritual masters who have incarnated in mission have sent words of love and they were not understood? The current Solar Logo of your system, Master Jesus, has conveyed the message in a manner so sublime... However, the only thing he has achieved is that only a few understand him. This is because most of the people in this planet have used the message in a distorted way, to subject the masses and force their dependency. It has been said that each incarnated being is responsible for his own destiny, according to the attitude taking with his peers. It was explained that meanness would condemn you by delaying the path to the Light and that only altruism would lead you to the goal. In this present, those who believe in a Creator, only seek to communicate with Him through prayers asking for favors. Its the concept that has been distorted! [32] Instead of becoming aware that suffering is the mainstay of spiritual elevation, you take it as a divine punishment. The Absolute does not punish. You change from spiritual vibration according to your actions: The meanness is ballast for the spirit. One can only rise by means of altruism. The ignorance of the incarnated being causes him to take wrong decisions. There is much unconsciousness in your race. Interlocutor: Isnt there too much cruelty? Kether: Yes, unfortunately that negative emotion exists, because you hurt your peers. But you also hurt yourselves... That is unconsciousness. What are you doing today for your planet? Who does think of the future? Why are you not creating laws for birth control in regions where a new born does not survive for food shortages?

[32] Traditional religions put in front their dogmas to the true spiritual teaching, making parishioners to believe that the grace of God will redeem them, to the selfish as to the altruistic, and thus misrepresenting the main objective of spiritual elevation: Service.

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Bautista B.: What is the population of your planet Ani? Kether: We are few compared with the Earth population, approximately two million people. Bautista B.: I cannot understand how as a species you dont multiply. Kether: Brother, I cannot understand either why you are multiplying indiscriminately as a species. Bautista B.: I understand your subtlety... Do you have prisons? Kether: Prisons exist, but in the spirit of each being who makes a mistake. Bautista B.: And how is that translate to our knowledge? Kether: After one of our people committed a wrong action, both verbal and physical towards a similar, he locks himself up in a genuine repentance. He turns into himself and just contact others when his ego was integrated and is no longer a burden for him. Bautista B.: I am sorry to insist, but what would the suffering be? Kether: The suffering occurs when a person becomes aware of what he did and, seeing his mistake, groans for the brother assaulted. Many things are questioned, although not always the solution comes quick enough. Sometimes it takes whole rotations to realize that only love is worth and not aggression. There are spiritual conflicts that are never overcome with treatment. The very inner wisdom has to balance the inner self of that being. So that internal prison would be like a testing laboratory. The ego would send doses of arrogance and incomprehension, and the Divine Consciousness, which is in all of us, would send rays of Love. The secret is that we dont have to destroy the ego, but integrate it. Bautista B.: What religion do you practice? Kether: Ever since the religious schism was solved, we only practice to love the Absolute and, therefore, to love our resemblances. Bautista B.: You recently talked about Master Jesus. Do you know him in your world? Kether: I talked about Master Jesus because in your system he is the Solar Logo and I have communicated regularly with my brother of Light. I had contacted with the Master when I was disincarnated and was the planetary Logo of Ani. Interlocutor: How do you communicate? Kether: At telepathic level. There is no language, just ideas. Bautista B.: How long do you live in your planet? Kether: Nearly 120 planetary rotations, which are about 240 terrestrial years. Interlocutor: That is to say that you live more than two terrestrial centuries? Kether: Yes. Bautista B.: And how old are you, Master? Kether: Nearly 80 rotations. Bautista B.: Excuse my audacity but, why do they call you Elder if according to our longevity as race you are not so old? Kether: That was already clarified. Its not a qualifying adjective, but an honorary title. Interlocutor: To draw a comparison, how many years are you technologically more advanced with respect to us and what advantages do you have, to put it somehow, in the spiritual aspect?
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Kether: We have made many scientific discoveries, but they are different technologies. I would not dare to speak of a world being more advanced than the other. And with regard to the spiritual aspect, I cannot say that there is an advantage of a civilization over the other, because each civilization plays a stage and you still have to learn not to be conditioned. Bautista B.: You talked about different technologies and my question is: What subjects are more advanced? Kether: For example, in interplanetary and interstellar teleportation. We developed an apparatus that transports a physical body from one point to another in the space in fractions of a second. The only requirement is to have a terminal at each base. We also have ships to visit other worlds. Interlocutor: so, you have spaceships. Kether: Yes. Interlocutor: And morally, what would the advancement be? Kether: Moral advance depends on each race. It's funny to note your curiosity for finding out about the advances of other races, so that you could compare them with your own. If my answer were that we are 100 years more morally advanced than you, I would be judging your conduct and that is not our position. One does not advance spiritually with knowledge, but with wisdom. All races have the footpath opened towards the paths of Light and depend on the inhabitants of each planet to become aware of what is really important. There are many who appreciate the material things and sometimes they are not to blame for having that way of thinking. Because they are valued for the goods they own. Your society gives more importance to material possessions than wisdom. Only a few become aware of what is the real value of the incarnated being in the physical plane. Bautista B.: What is the surface of your planet? Kether: Its a bit smaller than Earth. Bautista B.: I will insist on a topic. Why are so few people? I ask because it seems to me that two million is a small quantity... Kether: Simply because we control the population. Bautista B.: But, why birth control? Kether: We dont control it by selfishness, but the opposite. We know that our world is limited, both in space and in food. We dont want to see our children suffering from hunger or having renewed fighting among them to conquer territories. If you allow me paying with words: I dont understand why you dont understand it. And I apology if I seem offensive. We love our world. We fully use agriculture. Much of the surface is covered by water, seas, rivers, lakes. The continental surface has quite high mountainous chains. There are mountains of 26 thousand terrestrial meters high. The plateau is planted with various crops. We dont have large cities, only small towns scattered throughout the globe. And we live in perfect harmony Bautista B.: Obviously there are women... Kether: Yes, there are women, there is sex and procreation. Bautista B.: How long is the gestation period? Kether: It lasts about three quarters of a planetary circumvallation.

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Bautista B.: Is there any special reason for which you are so few inhabitants in your planet? Kether: There is control. We dont look for the cause. Baptist B.: Who has such control? Kether: Each one of us. Please, I want to clarify that there is no central authority that makes decisions for us. This I ratify it because I glimpse the intention of the question. As a rule, every family has two children, although there are some who come to have three. There are no prohibitions of any kind, just common sense... Interlocutor: Obviously, in order to maintain the balance of population, you should have the same number of deaths than births. Kether: Yes, in general. Jorge B.: But, arent there any particular reasons for which there are so few in your world? Kether: I am baffled to hear that you give so much importance to this issue. No, there is no particular reason. We are what we are and we enjoy working with each other. We also interchange culture with other worlds, providing our knowledge. Its limitless the variety of worlds and their characteristics. There is a world saturated with volcanoes, whose atmosphere is composed of sulfurous acid. Its inhabitants adapted perfectly in that habitat and the earth's climate would be completely hostile to them. There is another planet that is 200 light years from the center of the galaxy, where there is a big black hole. [33] This planet has about 5 billion beings. Its a world entirely technocratic. To put it in your terms "living for work", where practically working never stops, like ants, your insects. And there is another planet that is nearly deserted; its a world where there are no more than 500 inhabitants. In this world, every one of its inhabitants has kilometers of land just for themselves. They respect their privacy very much and avoid personal contact. Interlocutor: And how do they communicate? Kether: They communicate among themselves through viewfinders. Virtually, those beings live more than two thousand of what you call "years". However, they do not multiply and practically their relationship between them is null. They are beings who have little personal contact with high solitude. And its not because they lock in meditating or because they are high spiritually, but because they are afraid of each other. Interlocutor: Fear? Kether: Yes, fear. It causes them terror thinking about touching among them. They dislike the idea of seeing each other personally. Therefore, they communicate through viewfinders. But those viewfinders are very sophisticated and provide a holographic image of the interlocutor. Obviously, these beings do not need to mate for procreation. You asked me earlier about birth control. There is a world, a little bit bigger than your planet, where 50 billion beings live in a crowded situation working and not worrying about the spiritual growth. They are like mechanical apparatus. Interlocutor: As if they had no soul?

[33] One year after this session, it was ratified what Kether told us. On June 12, 1998, the astronomer Andrea Ghez, of the University of California, detected a black hole in the center of the galaxy, the Milky Way, supported by the largest optical/infrared telescope of the world, located in Hawaii.
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Kether: The soul is inherent to the being... the soul is that being. But not everyone becomes aware of having an internal spirit. That planet is a clear example. Each world has its own peculiarities and its impossible to analyze the reason for the different customs. I hope that some day the galactic union could be achieved and that each world could provide others the help needed whether spiritual, moral or technical. Help to avoid conflict, to avoid wars, help so that each planet learns to live in love, so that each individual would not have internal conflicts and could find the path of Elevation. We dont need anything else to communicate with the Absolute. In addition, I want to explain something very important that you ignore: why was Master Jesus appointed Solar Logo of this system and not others who were also nominated, as Cambion, which is a high entity of the 5th spiritual vibration or Nurbion, a so altruistic spirit who always thinks of the well-being of others. They are spirits unknown to you because they never incarnated and were collaborating in the different planes of Error. Both Cambion and Nurbion are currently working in the spiritual planes 2 and 3, reversing conflicts on an ongoing basis. But Jesus, aside from being merciful with his brothers, did something else: he conveyed a message of love to all terrestrial humanity. In the spiritual planes, that message went beyond the boundaries of your world, and many teachers from other planets knew to champion of Love. I cannot emphasize enough Jesus' special charisma, which, together with a spirit of sacrifice and kindness, makes him an incomparable figure. That influenced the choice and I confirm you that the spiritual direction of the solar system is in the best possible hands. One can serve for reflection, serve for custom, serve for obligation, serve for speculation, serve for mandate, but not all serve for Love. The secret is to serve for Love. This is what, Master Jesus, the present Solar Logo of your system, taught. Do you have another question? Benji B.: How are the cities on your planet? Kether: They are small towns with low buildings, with many bushes and lots of vegetation. We love plants, we live with plants. We also have what you call "animals", beings with smaller discernment; we live with them in perfect harmony. There are two or three other ethnic groups of people who don't live with us. They are what you call "wild". They live in the mountains, but each day, they become more adapted to us. And it will come a day when all the inhabitants of Ani will live in harmony. Eduardo L.: Do you know if planet Earth has extraterrestrials coexisting with us? Kether: At least two races coexist with you and are hidden to the public knowledge. It seems hard to believe, but its true. Karina T.: I would like to know what artistic development you have in Ani. Kether: We mainly work with images. Although we are morphologically similar to you in many ways, the images we represent are completely different. On Earth you would call them "statues". We work with circles, curves, in a sort of art expression that you would catalogue as incongruous. We dont specialize in painting, but we love both the art of clay and stone.

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We carve ovoid and spherical images, with holes where you can insert images. We make very beautiful objects, always from our point of view. Perhaps you would see our artistic work as strange figures and senseless. Carlos G.: Are you giving any particular message to us at this meeting? Kether: The message should not be just for a particular group, but for all terrestrial humanity. But it depends on you whether you want to be responsible for spreading my words. I want to tell you not to take the spiritual quest as a goal. Try to enjoy the same search. Ignore religions that give sacrificial offerings, because the Absolute does not demand any sacrifice. Do not pay attention to a message that conditions or imposes dogmas. Do not pay attention to those words that hurt susceptibilities. Only transmit what it serves to become aware that we are all brothers. There should be no credo that separates us, as it should not be a competition to get first to the top of the Light. Is more valuable that person who delays his own advancement to try to help the ones left behind. Very few people have this in mind. A lot of arrogance is still seen in human beings. People continue measuring their resemblance by their economic power. There is much lack of word of honor and, even worse, they try to ridicule those who want to convey a spiritual message. You all have conflicts, but you must be honest with yourselves. You should not pretend having a nonexistent harmony or hiding the conflict in the unconscious. It must just be integrated. There are others who have an ego so big that feed it with praise to disguise themselves as altruistic. Some are dominated by envy and do not realize that a negative emotion eats their inside away. Dont let the ego take control of you. Make that envy get transformed into cooperation, but really cooperation from the heart. Doubts must be transformed into certainties. Try to find your own truth within yourselves. Thus, the internal conflict will disappear and you will achieve true harmony. You will have at your fingertips the long-awaited Light The step forward is simple... you must only stop thinking as protagonists and pay more attention to the shortcomings of others, and try to solve them. But its necessary that every one be sincere with oneself, that each recognizes their own shortcomings and makes their goal replace them with the intention of being better each time. We are here not to overcome evil, but to transmute it into service to others. Dont believe that you are infallible. Just when everyone is in communion with the Highest, we will be infallible. Think that in the meantime, even reaching the level of Master, we have weaknesses, because we are beings created by the uncreated one, who is the only infallible one. Now, I am going to transmit to you harmony to your spirit. Please, close your eyes. Imagine an incandescent sphere, shedding bluish white light on your heads. Its the Light of the Absolute, which spills over your entire body covering your internal and external parts, all your organs. Imagine now a golden light, the light of Christ, which fills with joy and plunges into ecstasy. Now, visualize a violet light, the light that sends Master Johnakan to transmute all negative that could remain. The three rays, working together, are going to connect your field of consciousness with your Higher Self, achieving a perfect harmony. Breathe deep, looking for the connection with your higher self, where is the real wisdom.

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We all have a goal. That goal is to be integrated with the Absolute. The Absolute is within us, but since we rarely look inside ourselves, we dont know how to recognize Him. Greeting with all my love and hoping you have assimilated the message. Interlocutor: Thank you Master, for your words... Who is going to communicate now? Johnakan: First of all, I want to salute my brothers of Light. For those who dont know me I am Johnakan Ur-el, I am in the 5th level of spiritual vibration and in a previous life I was John Zebedee, the beloved disciple and soul mate of Master Jesus. Let me clarify that love is mainly sacrifice that the incarnated being unfortunately learns through suffering. Most drag karmas, but please dont take those karmas as a burden but as a bonus, as they are due lessons to be learnt from past lives. Dont think that the road will be easy. Love is service. Once I said: "Serving others is to serve God". But the vision of the physical plane 1 is very limited. The higher you are, the greater will be the tests. And exams will often be paid with tears. Of course Love is Service! But the reward is often pain. And not everyone is prepared to suffer. I know many people who talk about what they would give if they had the chance, but when the time comes, they back down. And they doubt, caught in a shameful hesitation. Service is also giving love. And if the mission is helping with thoughts, dont hesitate. But dont think of giving to get a reward, because that would be speculating on the Good and would be fictitious. Neither expect a reward for good behavior. God provides, always provides. But, as we have said in previous messages, "God does not want beggars, wants generous people". Then do not beg. God wants you to give Him. Some will ask me, "How can I give to God?", and I respond: "Well, by giving to your fellow men". - But I have nothing to give! Economically, I am broken. - Dont you have anything to give? You have your time, you have your mind, you have your heart to provide guidance! There, you are serving the Absolute! Then, the secret is not to doubt, the secret is unconditionally serve the Father. It's easy to talk about Service. The challenge is to carry out that altruistic work. We need to serve until the very end. I give the example of my beloved Master Jesus, who relegated himself, physically, to make way to his Word. And his spirit transcended his time. The little wisdom I had, at that time, on my modest eighteen years, I tried to imitate his behavior serving him conveying his messages. When I saw him nailed on the cross, my heart broke in pain. And I felt honored when he, before disincarnated, said, talking to his mother: "Woman, there you have your son," and then he said to me: "There you have your mother." From there on, my mission was to take care of that sublime woman, whom I loved like my real mother. If you are in function of service, you must love more every day. No matter the doubts you have. If you live with people trying to destabilize you, dont engage in a discussion that only leads to failure. Your surroundings cannot turn you back. Try to conciliate situations. Look for harmony above all things. Avoid resentment, because that only hurts you... Just Love! Look for the truth and you will attain wisdom. Nelida A.: How do you overcome surroundings conflicts? Johnakan: Loving and not judging, avoiding the roles of the ego that always looks for starring, not assuming the role of victims of adversity, nor taking the role of judges sentencing beforehand who

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does not think like you. The ego can be integrated into the total conscience and this is accomplished by loving with all the forces of the spirit. Its not easy, but it can be done. Finally, I want to say that one of the things that shackle humans is fear of being authentic. If there is fear to be as you are, you are going to give a false image of you. Fear is the result of the ego, which compels the person to need. Its important to realize that within each one there is a higher self, which is the spirit in all his purity. Thus, you may replace fear with love. Moreover, you must be certain in love. But to be certain of love you must practice it daily and make the Service a habit. But its necessary that you know that service may bring pain. You will not receive gratification from others. The reward will come from your own conscience. That will be the payment, feeling good yourself. I think that each of you will fall into new conflicts, over and over again. But eventually you will forward because your spirit is immortal and will know to discern between the brief triumphs and the real triumph, which is communion with the Father. Greetings with all my love and remember that you have an enormous responsibility to convey messages of Light. Thats the Joy of Serving. Interlocutor: Thank you very much Johnakan and Good Bye.

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13. RADIAL SESSION - 28/Jul/1997

Interlocutor: Andrea Frigerio Program: 100% Andrea, Radio Del Plata Entity that came to talk: Tar Andrea: Let's talk with Professor Jorge Olguin, who says that he makes telepathic contacts with extraterrestrial entities and he can teach us about such contacts. Good morning, Professor Jorge Olguin. Jorge Olguin: Good morning. How are you? Andrea: Well, very well, luckily. How is this? Can we all make telepathic contacts with extraterrestrial entities? Jorge Olguin: Its a matter of being able to develop mediumship, which we all have in ourselves. There are people who by distrust or disbelief do not develop that Divine gift. Andrea: What is mediumship? Jorge Olguin: mediumship is the power which enables us to develop a psychic perception to be able to communicate telepathically, not only with extraterrestrial entities, but with any disincarnated being. Andrea: What are disincarnated beings? Jorge Olguin: The theory of reincarnation says that there is no death, but a transmutation. On death, we leave our physical plane of vibration and go to a higher vibrational plane, which is what is commonly known as "the world of the spirits". Andrea: And you keep contact with disincarnated beings and aliens? Jorge Olguin: I need to clarify that communication with extraterrestrials does not take place with their physical part, but with their spiritual part. Most of the time they give us messages of love, positive messages. Andrea: How do you do that mediumship? Jorge Olguin: There is a previous preparation, where I harmonize physically and mentally to the person to be contacted. Then, one gets into a kind of trance, projecting impersonal love and finally an inspiration is made, visualizing a radiant light. One mentally "intents" that the spirit shows up, and automatically, the entity presents and speaks using the medium's voice. Then we become to be the "receptacle". Andrea: What do they usually say? Jorge Olguin: That most popular messages lack veracity. That there is not going to be a Final Judgment, but a Great Communion with God, because if there is Divine Mercy there can be no eternal fire. They also say that most of the messages are discouraging. They predict planetary catastrophes, earthquakes, floods or total wars. But this will not be the case. There will be a big change, its true. But its going to be a change in consciousness in the human spirit. But we still have a long way to go to get there, because we dont understand that our world is finite and we are depredating it. We have to understand that the Earth is a living organism. Dont destroy that organism. Its up to us to avoid that outcome announcing those apocalyptic prophecies.

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Andrea: When was the last time that you contacted an extraterrestrial entity? Jorge Olguin: I communicate on a regular basis in the sessions that we organize with the spiritual group. The sessions consist of a first part, a conference about a subject to deal with, and a second part where the telepathic contact takes place. In the conference, I explain that we are not the only inhabited world in the universe. Andrea: Are there any other inhabited worlds in the universe? Jorge Olguin: Yes, and I dont only affirm this because it was dictated to me in the messages, but also because of common sense. Just think that only in our galaxy there are three hundred billion solar systems. Lets suppose there is life in a small percentage, of a world in a million star systems, we would have a figure of three hundred thousand inhabited planets in the galaxy. In addition, there are billions of galaxies like ours in the universe. If God is the supreme wisdom, He is not going to create an infinite universe that only has life in a tiny planet. Andrea: Could you get into trance now? How would you do it? Jorge Olguin: First, One has to be involved in Love, harmonize and mentally "intent" for the entity to communicate. Andrea: Do we do it? Jorge Olguin: Yes, you listen and the entity will transmit the message. Andrea: We listen to you then. Tar: I speak to you not only to give you all my blessings, but to also let you know that the human race has a great mission. Its the mission of twinning, the mission of staying in touch with each other and, above all things, to have a vocation of service. Do not think that service is only providing material support to a similar, because not everyone can do it. The service is to give your time, to offer you as a human being, to give that impersonal love that we all living creatures have, not only on Earth but also on all the planets in the known universe. That service is going to make daily life better, both for the people who give it as to those who receive it. Above all, what we have to offer is that impersonal love, disinterested, in order to ensure that the entire race rises in vibration. At present there is plenty of selfishness and tremendous ego. People are sensitive, take offense, and withdraw into themselves, they only think in their own grief and dont think of the others pain. As my spiritual brother, Master Jesus, said two millenniums ago "Love each other". That is achieved when there is no ego at all. That is the message. My name is Tar; I am from Orion 4, my greetings and I leave you in the company of this receptacle. Andrea: Now is Jorge Olguin communicating again? Jorge Olguin: Yes. The entity who was communicating is a millennial spirit and is not the first time that I receive him. On Earth, he was known as Thot (Hermes Trismegisto). He is an entity of another stellar system and, as you will have noticed, gives messages of love. I hope that all listeners become aware that Love is the only path towards global brotherhood. Andrea: Thank you very much, Professor Jorge Olguin. Jorge Olguin: It has been a pleasure and the main thing is to leave you a message of love from one human being to another human being. We always think about our problems and very few times on other's problems. To Love is not to need, to Love is to give. Let us begin to Love. Thanks.

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14. TV SESSION - 06/Jul/1999

Interlocutor: Horacio Embon TV Program: Zona Infinito Buenos Aires Entity that came to talk: Rah Horacio Embon: We have in this program Professor Jorge Olguin, to whom we are going to ask, what is mediumship. Jorge Olguin: Mediumship is a gift that all incarnated beings can develop. Many confuse it with telepathy... In fact, mediumship is the communication of the incarnated being with spiritual entities that are disincarnated, commonly misnamed "the dead". However, there is misinformation about it... Its believed, for example, that the whole soul incarnate, but this is not so. Only 10% incarnate. The other 90% is in the spiritual or vibratory plane. This means that at mediumship level we can communicate not only with a spirit, but also with an incarnate being, but with his spiritual part, that is to say, what is known as "Higher Self or Superior I in some philosophies. Horacio Embon: What is the difference between soul, spirit and higher self? Jorge Olguin: They are equivalent expressions designating the same essence. Horacio Embon: And why does it reincarnate only 10%? Jorge Olguin: Because that is enough energy to animate our physical body and to act on the physical plane, while the other 90% remains in his own plane... I would not say to "direct" us, but rather to guide us and somehow also "to experience in us". Let me give an example that other Masters have already given, which makes the comparison between the diver who descended to the seabed with his equipment, diving apparatus, shoes, etc. and the captain of the boat who stays above to send him oxygen and to guide him. The diver would be the incarnate being and the captain, the soul or higher self. Horacio Embon: When my heart stops beating, when clinically the doctor signs my death certificate and read, for example: "Horacio Embon is clinically dead", where do I go, because the "package" will be here on Earth and finally will be disintegrated? Jorge Olguin: You return to the spiritual world from where you came, to a plane that can be of Light or Error, according to how you lived, the positive or negative experiences you have had in this incarnation. Horacio Embon: Then does my spiritual future depend on what I have done in my present life? Jorge Olguin: Basically it depends on whether you have been selfish or altruistic. Horacio Embon: What is being selfish and what is being altruistic? Jorge Olguin: The two factors that may pull downwards or anchor us in a karma are, on one hand, the body of desires, which makes us to get into rage, anger, susceptibilities, and on the other hand that tremendous attachment, being selfish, being stingy, thinking first about us, not having any kind of service-oriented... That is being selfish. And to think of vocation of service is being altruistic. Horacio Embon: And what is the ego? Jorge Olguin: The ego is practically what impels us to be protagonists, to always think about us... There is even some confusion about this. Its common for a couple, when they talk over the phone, saying: I miss you, I need you, I want you, "I"... and always based on oneself.

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We never think - or usually never think - based on the other. That is the ego, thinking only in us. So when we sometimes suffer a loss - loss in appearance, obviously - we have the "need" for that other person... Horacio Embon: Its the absence of... Jorge Olguin: When the ego does not exist, there should not be absence, because then we stop thinking about us. There is no absence when we think of the other; there is no absence when what we do is to give. Horacio Embon: You say that when I reach my clinical end, I will be what I have reincarnated and something else that I have done in previous life times... Will I always be the result of my past lives? Jorge Olguin: In every case. Horacio Embon: and my soul, already complete, will it be able to reincarnate again? Jorge Olguin: Yes, yes. When the being disincarnates, the 10% incarnated joins the remaining 90% at the corresponding spiritual plane or vibratory level, conforming the 100%. Then, it will be again a complete spirit, and if the person, being incarnated, did not have an appropriate conduct, it will return to reincarnate to learn that unfinished lesson, according to its karma. Let me clarify and not to have any doubt, that karma is not a punishment, not a fault to pay, but rather a lesson to learn. Horacio Embon: There are high spiritual entities I am talking about Jesus, Confucius, Buddha, Moses... Did they have another level of reincarnation? Jorge Olguin: They reincarnated in a mission of service. Horacio Embon: When, for instance, Jesus says: "I am the son of God", what do these words mean? Jorge Olguin: In fact, we are all children of God. We are all brothers. Jesus is our brother, at the same time, of course, our Master. Horacio Embon: Did Jesus reincarnate to be God? Jorge Olguin: Jesus had reincarnated in mission as a human being, as any of us. Horacio Embon: So then, why are we not like him? Jorge Olguin: By attachment, by the ego that dominates us, this makes us to think more about us than the need of others. Then we suffer personality gaps, selfishness, fears... Another thing that adds to the confusion is to think that the ego is only pedantry, arrogance... The ego is also the inferiority complex, is feeling diminished, is to be afraid of going for. Everything that is protagonism is ego. Horacio Embon: Returning to mediumship, how could I contact with those superior beings or my higher self? Jorge Olguin: Through a skilled medium or having the gift of mediumship, in which case we have to involve ourselves in love, we have to be in great harmony to prevent that the entity that one takes is a spirit of Error, because the important thing in mediumship is the message. Horacio Embon: So, when you convene or invoke, does everything come around? Jorge Olguin: Of course. Horacio Embon: Do both come the Error as the Wise, the Dark as the Light?

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Jorge Olguin: That's right, and what is precisely being sought, is that one incorporates an entity of Light, so that he conveys a positive message. Horacio Embon: And how is the practice of mediumship? Jorge Olguin: The practice is to enter in a state that is called "alpha", that is to say, it directly puts the mind in "blank", and then calls the Light and the particular entity comes down. Horacio Embon: How do you do it, so that is not an entity of Error? Jorge Olguin: No, I dont classify it, "I filter it", to express it somehow, through an envelope of love. Love, practically, is a kind of filter that prevents the spirits of Error to get through, does not allow them the free pass. Horacio Embon: Are you a Master? Jorge Olguin: I consider myself a Master like everyone else. Somehow we all teach and for that reason we are all Masters. But I also consider myself a student, and I will be so until the last day of my incarnation. Horacio Embon: What is to be a Master on earth? Jorge Olguin: Somehow its to be able to teach people who want to learn the Word. Horacio Embon: Was Jesus a Master of Light? Jorge Olguin: Yes, he was, and still is in the high level where he inhabits now. Horacio Embon: Buddha and Mohammed as well? Jorge Olguin: Yes, of course, each one in their field. Horacio Embon: What does it mean: "each one in their field"? Jorge Olguin: It means that the mistake is in the incarnated human being... All Masters taught the same thing. Jesus said "Love each other". In this case hes teaching impersonal love, not the personal love of I want you, I need you. Siddhartha, the Buddha taught exactly the same thing: "Put down all ignorance"; "Head towards others." Why, then, the divisions between Christianity and Buddhism? That was the work of human beings, not of these Masters. Each Master, Mohammed, Confucius, Lao Tse, had a similar thought, which was distorted by man. Horacio Embon: Why did men get confused so much - and confused, at the best style of Babel? Jorge Olguin: By attachment, by protagonism, to find their own disciplines, to create their own dogmas. Christianity has created dogmas, and many teachings of Jesus were distorted by them, such as the reincarnation... Jesus, at one point, and this is in the Bible, speaks of reincarnation in the chapter of the Transfiguration, where he says: "Elijah already came and you have not recognized him." Horacio Embon: Who is Jesus referring to? Jorge Olguin: Jesus was referring to John the Baptist... They have removed many words from the Master... And I am convinced that there are more than 4 gospels and not all of them are true. Related to this, its necessary to use common sense. There are gospels in which Jesus was portrayed a little malicious. I leave that Gospel aside, because common sense tells me that the Master was a Master of Love, from birth until he disincarnated.

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Horacio Embon: Returning to the subject of karma, what does this word mean? What does it mean that a person upload his karma until the end of his days? Jorge Olguin: Many relate karma to a fault to pay. Karma, as I said earlier, is a "lesson to learn". One takes a matter that did not well in a previous life and the next one must return to do it. Horacio Embon: Can we leave pending matters because we didnt do them well? Jorge Olguin: Yes, even one can take more karmas than those brought to the current incarnation. There are people who are so selfish that are always thinking of themselves. They are completely self-centered and live generating a karma after another, and instead of reversing certain lesson they carry more lessons. Horacio Embon: Changing the subject, what are twin souls? Jorge Olguin: Twin souls, is one of the most important subjects... We have always been taught of the necessity of having someone, because since I was little I have heard the issue of the twin souls, which has been explained by saying that the spirit was split into two and, that upon separation, those souls were eternally living looking for each other until reunion... and then they lived the great earthly love... This conception, in addition of being totally wrong, pushes humans to be needed. "Twin" souls, on the other hand, are not necessarily two, as they can be three, ten, one hundred, one thousand... Twin souls, in fact, are souls that vibrate in resonance and the example I give is two guitars, both tuned in the same key... I play a string tone in one of the guitars and the other guitar vibrates without touching it, because they have been tuned the same. A spirit that vibrates at a certain tone and another one that vibrates in the same tone are souls who are going to be attracted automatically. Horacio Embon: Is that love? Jorge Olguin: That's love too. The attraction of twin souls is love. I, for example, consider myself a soul mate of Master Jesus, and I say this with the utmost respect, because I vibrate in tune with him. I admit that I still lack a lot to reach his height, but I love him... Horacio Embon: Was Jesus a medium? Jorge Olguin: Yes, Jesus had the gift of communicating. Horacio Embon: Are you a medium? Jorge Olguin: Yes, I am. Horacio Embon: And whom do you communicate with? Jorge Olguin: I communicate with entities of Light, both from planet Earth as other worlds inhabited in other star systems. Horacio Embon: And how is it possible to contact extraterrestrial beings? Jorge Olguin: Because distance is not an obstacle for the thought. We can contact worlds that are located hundreds of light years. Horacio Embon: Do you receive or give messages? Jorge Olguin: I receive messages. Horacio Embon: What do they tell you? Jorge Olguin: For example, that there will not be changes at the end of the Millennium, that the Earth is very much divided into fractions, but not referring to political fractions, as its very unusual for entities of other planes to get involved in that issue. They involve on topics of belief. Our planet is much divided on this issue; there are fratricidal struggles for religious matters.
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Horacio Embon: For example, this latest ethnic strife in Kosovo, not to mention World War II and other historical struggles known by everybody... Jorge Olguin: Sure, but what hurts the most are the struggles of beliefs, like those of the fundamentalists in Afghanistan, the terrorists of Ireland... I am going to mention a very brief example. A nurse was taking care of an elderly handicapped woman and only after few days that she had begun, she resigned. Her granddaughter went to find out the reason for that action and the nurse confessed that she had resigned because she belonged to a protestant branch its irrelevant to specify which one when the old woman was younger, she had been a director of a spiritualist center, so, her belief prevented her from taking care of the woman. Then the granddaughter with the purest common sense replied: How does Jesus teach the Service without looking at whom? The message that emerges from this true story is that personal love, our earthly love, is synonymous of respect and that we can not give love without respect. And human being "uses" religion to separate, not to unite. There is another love, the impersonal love that Jesus taught us. Its the love of service, which is not fixed on race or sex or religion, which is provided spontaneously to anyone who needs it. Then the only way that we have to practice love is serving, but we have only one way to do it: not discriminating. Horacio Embon: Do you know who was in a previous life Jorge Olguin, with whom I am talking to now? Jorge Olguin: The entities have revealed me that I was John Zebedee, the beloved disciple of Master Jesus. And as John Zebedee, I was with the Master until I was 18, he was 35. Jesus was born on August 6 of the year -6, and passed away on April 30 in the year 30, that is, 35 years and 9 months. Horacio Embon: And what did John Zebedee do after the death of Jesus? Jorge Olguin: As John Zebedee, I took care of the biological mother of my Master and at some point, at a certain age, I disincarnated and returned to my spiritual plane, where I was in mission until I returned to incarnate again, also on mission, and here I am. Horacio Embon: How can it be known who in a previous life Horacio Embon was? Jorge Olguin: One can learn, or by contacting the Higher self of Horacio Embon, or by making a regression to the past. Horacio Embon: And how is that? Jorge Olguin: One leads the person to a mental state known as "alpha", and in this state, the person - alert and not asleep as in the hypnotic trance - is recalling, first his childhood and then continuing going back, until arriving to previous lives. Horacio Embon: Has it been proven scientifically? Jorge Olguin: Yes, it has... Its important, to ensure that the regression is successful, that the person has confidence in the operator, thats to say, that hes certainty that the operator is not going to manipulate him, because the person returns to the past fully alert and not asleep. I reiterate that hypnotism is an inadvisable technique because, besides reducing the free determinism, its a dangerous procedure, since it can produce unpredictable psychosomatic disorders. Horacio Embon: Then, is the person conscious throughout the process?

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Jorge Olguin: Yes. This is not a technique by which one can manipulate a person like a puppet. Horacio Embon: Are there any people who can not pass that threshold to go to the past? Jorge Olguin: Yes, because at that time they may be nervous or afraid of what they will find out upon their return to past lives... The fear and doubts prevent them from crossing the threshold. Horacio Embon: Can I make contact with previous spirits whom I have known? Jorge Olguin: Possibly. Horacio Embon: And what do I have to do? Jorge Olguin: Opening to them, ask for messages. Horacio Embon: And does the message arrive? Jorge Olguin: The message always arrives. Horacio Embon: But I guess that it will not come as a voice on the phone... Jorge Olguin: With regard to the mediumship, many people believe that one hears voices... In my case, for example, I speak, simply I speak, as if it were an open faucet that instead of liquid it lets out words... Horacio Embon: Could you make a demonstration at this moment? Jorge Olguin: Of course... Just give me a few seconds to incorporate the spiritual entity... Rah: Here I am with you... My name is Rah... I am a philosopher and I am currently incarnated in Antares 4... I share the pain of all those people who need to get to the path of Light. To those people I say: Be patient, keep faith that your time will come. You are within God and God is within you. Time will come in which you will be fused in Him. There will not be a "final Judgment" but a Great Communion with the Father... There will not be major cataclysms in your planet, but great changes of consciousness. You must become aware and realize that you live in an extremely limited world... I just say to you: Take care of it! I share your pain and convey all my love... Rah spoke to you. Jorge Olguin: I am with you again... Horacio Embon: Are you aware of what is happening while the entity communicates through you? Jorge Olguin: Generally, yes. I remember most of the words that the entity pronounced. Horacio Embon: Do entities that you incorporate have any physical identity? Jorge Olguin: Yes. This entity, called Rah, which is not the first time I incorporate, is a philosopher who lives in Antares 4. Horacio Embon: What is Antares 4? Jorge Olguin: The worlds are designated by the name of their star. Thus, Antares 4 is the fourth planet of Antares. In our case, we are Sun 3. Horacio Embon: How is Rah physically? Jorge Olguin: Rah is an entity whose physical body could not live on our planet, because Antares 4 has a much lower atmospheric density, and would weigh less than 40 kilos (88 pounds) here on Earth. Rah, I mean his incarnated part, is an anthropomorphous being similar to us, a little smaller than the average human being, about 1.5 meter (5 feet) or a little less.

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Horacio Embon: Do they have sex? Jorge Olguin: Yes, of course. Rah is male. Not all beings from other worlds have sex. There are worlds where the vegetal life has dominated and there are worlds where mineral life has dominated. Horacio Embon: Do you believe in the Messiah? Jorge Olguin: I believe there are many people able of giving messages. I would be very selfish if I said that there is only one "savior message." In any case, I would say: Lets get towards the Service and we all are going to be saved. I can assure you this. Who devotes his life to Service, is saved. Horacio Embon: Thank you very much, Jorge Olguin. Best wishes. Jorge Olguin: For you too.


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Part 2


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The simplest truths are those at which man arrives later. Ludwig Feuerbach

When my Master, the Illuminated Jesus, said let the children come to me, in fact, he meant that to understand his lessons it was necessary to let aside all the preconceived ideas in order to see things as they are. For that reason, if for a moment we become children, we will be able to accept, like the most natural thing of the world, that the Creator is the one who has communicated and the dialogues that appear in this book are real. Things are much simpler, just man complicates them. Someone once had the idea that God needed intermediaries and invented the church, and so religions emerged. This was a way to manipulate mankind: "Nobody can talk to God if not through us," they said. And of course they added: "The only truth that exists is ours." Later, besides sending to the stake a lot of people who thought differently, they also invented prayers, that are nothing other than requests to God to grant us something to that we yearn for. But the silliness is not in the inability to communicate with the Creator, but on the inability to grant us everything we ask, because even the Absolute is limited by his own rules. You have the privilege of being among the first humans who know this material. It must be a reason. Perhaps you have earned that right. As the Creator said to us, nothing is casual and everything has a reason. When reading these dialogues, please take into account the following: 1) It is the medium who, through his decoder, translates the spiritual concepts into words. Therefore, it is important trying to capture the spirit behind the words. 2) No incarnated being, from this planet or any other planet of the universe, is wise in all matters. No one, except the Absolute, knows everything of everything. This means that if the medium answers giving true data to everything what is asked, he is not in fact the one responding. So, what a big mistake would be to think that a medium can be the reincarnation of God. Not even Master Jesus was Him, but because being an extraordinary medium, the greatest of all, he translated with great fidelity the teachings of the Father. This turns down any idea that the medium can be inventing all, simply because this kind of answer cannot be invented. It does not exist, I repeat, a human being who has all the answers. In all these years I have conveyed, or more accurately, translated, spiritual concepts of many spiritual entities, even of the highest levels, as Divine Energies, Elohim and Essences, and many times, they have stated not having the answer to some specific question. Those same questions were asked to EON and He immediately responded. This is very important to take into account when evaluating, according to your free will, the true origin of the messages. And here I conclude this prologue, after a brief introduction by Professor Velmont and my own daughter, because they are who ultimately have to give testimony to the truth. Jorge R. Olguin

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Its easier to break an atom than a preconception. Albert Einstein Humor, as love, is part of the Creation. EON

August 30, 2001 was for mankind a sublime milestone. For the first time in its history it was communicated, through a medium, the Absolute, that Master Jesus called the Father, and has been named in different ways, God, Creator, Supreme, the Almighty, etc.. To us, He presented himself as EON, suggestive name because it means "time", "eternity". Perhaps many were surprised that He has communicated with us, but in fact, if we think about it, strange it would be, if He had not done it so. From the Big Bang to our present time have passed nearly 15 billion years - so, its getting closer to the time when the universe will begin to shrink - and it would be quite absurd to believe that we have to wait the same amount of time or more so that when the universe collapses in the Big Crunch, the Creator will explain to us the truth about our existence. Besides, who has not ever dreamed of the opportunity to suggest to the Creator to put more attention every time He creates a universe, or next time He creates another, not to do anything without first consulting us? Well, now that the opportunity exists, and if the Creator listens to us, our experience would be useful at the end of the 40 billion years of evolution, perhaps the next Big Bang is truly a work of which He (or She maybe, who knows) can feel really proud of. Some of you may think that a preamble tinged with humor, in a work of such magnitude as this, is an irreverence, but those who think that way, forget that the Creator is the Supreme Comedian, being my little humor nothing more than a humble tribute. And if anyone doubts the great humor of the Creator, just think that only a great comedian could have created the human race or, am I mistaken? Horacio Velmont

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Taking a new step is what people fear most. Dostoyevski

As it always happens with human beings, there will be those who, displaying their inherent skepticism, will read these dialogues and reject them out of hand, claiming that it is an impossibility that the Creator could have communicated. There will also be those who accept the messages as truly being from the Supreme Maker, but those fortunate people will certainly be the less. And I say fortunate, because I assume that their belief have a certain dose of understanding that emerged from intelligence rather than ingenuousness arising from ignorance. And also it will be those who are doubtful about whether or not the Absolute has been manifested through mediumship, who in this lifetime, assumed the role of my father, and whom you know as Professor Jorge Olguin. A German writer once said that if Jesus had not existed and his messages had been invented, the end result would be the same, because what matters is the message, not who provides it. And this does not go in decline to the beloved Master, because Jesus himself always said that his teachings were not from him but from whom he was sent. Now suppose that my father has a lot of ingenuity and he "imagines" the messages. Leaving aside the impossibility of anyone, except the Absolute, having all the answers, the end result would be the same, because the only valid question should not be whether or not it is the Creator who has communicated, but if the message has or not validity. If the message has no value, is obvious that has no relevance to speculate on who had given it. And if the message has value, it doesnt matter who the author was, because the message itself is valuable. Anyhow, I humbly think that only a little common sense is enough to realize that only the Creator himself could give those answers that humanity has yearned to know since the beginning of time: who are we, where do we come from and where are we going. Jessica Olguin

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Dear Professor Olguin: I cannot explain in words what I felt when I read Heaven Responds, Part 2, because everything that is written there is a Blessing for Humanity, of which I never expected nor ever dreamed of receiving. God Bless you and that the Light of Love radiates throughout humanity. Lorena S.

Dear Professor Olguin: It is simply shocking. I must confess that at the beginning I doubted, but then I realized that only the very Absolute might have given those explanations on the creation and the infinite Big Bangs. As of now I look forward to new dialogues. Greetings. Francisco A.

Dear Professor Velmont: When I received the book I could not stop reading it until the end. My feelings were from the conviction to the most doubts that it was the Creator. The daughter of Professor Olguin cleared that uncertainty, because in fact the only thing that matters is the message. Lucy D.

Dear Professor Velmont: From a strictly rational point of view, one should have to reject the origin that you attribute to the messages. But in the history of mankind, the rationales, of each era, ended up being the laughingstock of the following ones. Those "rationales" were those who condemned Giordano Bruno to the stake to for saying that man was not the most important creation of God and that there were other inhabited worlds. They confined Galileo for life for saying that the Earth was not the center of the universe and they openly destroyed the books of Allan Kardec because they spoke of the existence of the spiritual world and the possibility of communicating with the spirits And more recently we called Newcomb undoubtedly a "rational" scientist, who while the Wright Brothers successfully flight tested a precarious artifact of cloth, wood and wire, he argued publicly that no machine heavier than air could fly. When newspapers published the feat, he only justified saying that the invention would serve no practical use (?). Oh God! thinking that is impossible that He has communicated with you! I congratulate you most sincerely for daring to publish the book. Ing. Alberto K.

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Dear Professors Jorge Olguin and Horacio Velmont: I read the book sent to me simply to reward the gesture, because my profession as astronomer does not allow me to accept this kind of stories. Anyway, I must say, on one hand, the book Heaven Responds, Part 2, exceeded any work of fiction, including Jules Verne, and on the other hand, I have now been extremely thoughtful for the assumption that there were innumerable Big Bangs and not just one, because nothing contradicts this to be true, thus the theory of Stephen Hawking would only be a half truth. If you guessed right in this, it would be a ratification of which many scientists argue, and me among them that sometimes fiction goes ahead of science. Amadeo J.

Dear Professor Velmont: I have read the dialogues with the Absolute and still dont finish believing it. Not because I think that is not true, but by the emotion that causes me and because I find it difficult to assimilate that I might have this Treasure in my hands. Professor Olguin says that for something we have earned this privilege. I dont know if I deserve it, but what I can say, and the Creator knows it, is that more than once I asked Him from my heart to give me the truth, and I have no doubt that this is His response to my requests. I will study these Dialogues in depth, since my emotions have not allowed me to assimilate them well enough. My most sincere congratulations to your group for the valor and the courage in printing this work, so some of us "do know the truth". M. Carmen

Dear Professor Velmont: I have still not finished reading the book you sent me on the Internet. I am now finishing reading "Heaven Responds, Part 2, and believe me I was very surprised for the messages. I have always tried to be objective or be very rational with what I read, but when I read this book I felt a deep attraction to continue doing so and in the bottom of my heart I believe it, although sometimes my rational mind tells me that I should not trust everything it says. However, my tendency to believe in the communication is greater. Perhaps this is because I find it incredible that we could engage in communication with evolved beings or souls who are in another plane. Its incredible to think that you have dialogued with the soul of Jesus, the Thetan of John the disciple and, further, with the Absolute. I must confess that when I read the first thing, it took me some time to digest it (structure of the matter, planes, etc.). In fact I read it little by little because there were concepts that my materialistic mind will not easily assimilate, for being a knowledge which is different from what we are accustomed to receive or learn. For some time I have sought answers to many questions I had and finding this message clarifies many of them. I always thought that everything should have a simple explanation, because the simple thing is the best thing, but finding suddenly answers so simple sometimes makes me doubt.

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What accustomed we are of seeing and doing things in the most complicated ways! What reason has the Absolute in saying that as a race we are still very childlike! I think that for some reason these texts came into my hands and I thank you very much for sharing them with me. Now I feel a deep desire to share that knowledge with others and see my fellows in a different way. I think I have a lot to do in this lifetime. I think it is time to wake up! God bless you. Agustin M. A.

Dear Professor Velmont: I have just finished reading the book Heaven Responds, which I had down loaded some time ago from your website. I think that Part 2 is the most interesting part, because the sessions are with the Creator himself, (in fact, as I have read, only a "particle" of Him). Every word I read was a new thing to me. Those are answers to many of the questions that have always intrigued me. If our world knew the truth! But that phrase you have written in the book What dose of truth can a man endure? says it all. I wonder how ready we are, six billion people on this planet, to know the truth, after centuries of only theories and lies. I imagine people so strict in their beliefs, as conservative as those who believe in the virginity of Mary and her conception by the Holy Spirit, Orthodox Jews, and many more who could know the truth. How would they react? I could cite the allegory of the cave which is discussed in the book The Republic, of Plato (you surely know it) where men who see only shadows are so accustomed to darkness that reject anyone bringing news of light Ariel C.

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5. SESSION - 30/Aug/2001
Medium: Jorge R. Olguin Interlocutor: Horacio Velmont Entity that came to talk: EON (the Absolute) Interlocutor: Who is going to communicate today? Eon: I am going to give a brief message My name does not matter, is secondary It is the second time I contacted this beautiful being and is one of the few times that I can visualize this world from so "down". Interlocutor: I would like to know at least if you are a spirit of Light, an angelical being, an Eloah, and also how we can name you. You can give me a fictitious name, to write it down on paper, since the dialogues are recorded and then written into paper. Eon: I am going to give you a name in your language: EON. Interlocutor: I think EON means "time", "eternity" Am I speaking perhaps with some divine Energy of level 7? Eon: I just want to say that everything that every little spirit, in this small world, lives, fights, transmits, gets passionate, that something causes me, conceptually, some feelings, sorrow, laughter I say conceptually because, in fact, I have no pity or laughter, but I am viewing and tasting it through this receptacle from where I am communicating. Interlocutor: Have you communicated before, somehow, with this receptacle? Eon: This is the second time that I communicate. Before, I communicated with him during his sleep. Interlocutor: Is that communication related to perceptions that this receptacle had and on which, precisely, asked me to consult with the Masters of Light before starting the session? Eon: Correct. I took his spirit to cross the universe. Its the only entity that has traveled, speaking on your measures, to 15 billion light years of your world. Interlocutor: I cannot imagine going so far. Eon: Firstly, we crossed the solar system, then continued the journey to other stellar systems and finally, we almost got to the center of the spiral galaxy which you call Milky Way, and I transmitted this concept to Johnakan: - Look, look what this is! - What is it? He asked me. - Billions of incandescent lights, in whose orbit there are billions of worlds, with billions of spirits incarnated in each of them Interlocutor: Are we always talking about this galaxy? Eon: That's right... I said to Johnakan: - Now that you see the galaxy from so far away, it seems so smaller in the distance... Do you want to go further away? So lets go further. - And I took him to different galactic clusters.

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There is a galactic accumulation which has 20 to 25 million light years, where there are about 20 to 30 galaxies like the Milky Way. Then I said: - Look at them from this far away. In each of the galaxies contained of each cluster, there are between 100 and 300 billion suns. How can a single spirit, in one of the worlds, have ego? How can he have superiority complex before this? So, what do you think of that? - Majestic, he told me. - Is this majestic? Lets go further away! - And we went to other planes, where there are clusters of clusters, in places that have 200 million light years, where there are clusters and clusters of galaxies and as a blow we went further. We entered into a black hole; we went through worm holes Interlocutor: Can the spirit go to a black hole? Eon: Absolutely, because the spirit is not affected by gravitational forces of the physical plane 1. Interlocutor: And what is there, in a black hole? Eon: It is an enormous gravitational well, where its extreme gravity creates a "singularity" spacetime, allowing "communication" with other parallel universes. Interlocutor: Do black holes have something to do with antimatter? Eon: In some black holes there is antimatter Interlocutor: I understand Eon: I said to Johnakan: - Why do you feel so agitated? - Because this is really great he answered. - Do you want to see more Creations? Then, we went to a parallel universe. He is the only spirit that without being a Logo has traveled to a parallel universe. I asked Johnakan: - What differences do you see? - None, he answered me. - Here, there are also struggles, there are also desires They dont allow the pleasure, the enjoyment... Each being thinks about his desires and does not think about his fellows. They dont enjoy giving to others... Enjoyment should be for that, for the work of giving to another, the joy should be for providing service. - Do you get angry? He asked me. - No, I answered him, because there is no anger or laughter in me Interlocutor: How do you do to conceptually capture the anger or laughter? Eon: Both concepts I take them from this receptacle. All functional things I take them from this receptacle. Interlocutor: What is your relationship with Johnakan, because somehow he has had the privilege to travel with you? Eon: Johnakan has an enormous mission on a planet as important as Earth, where there are many minds that can shine. In the Orion system there is a neighbor planet - Orion 4 - and another in the Antares System - Antares 4 - where there are philosopher beings of a tremendous mastery, but in your planet, Earth, which other spirits called Sun 3, there are also many minds with an incredible intelligence, and I will explain why. You already know, from previous sessions - sessions that I can clearly perceive from this very present time, and even repeat the words one by one that were said in each one of the sessions as if
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it were a recorder that you use, and even of what has been corrected by this receptacle - that the spirits transmit concepts and emotions that the decoder of the medium then translates to your terminology. The human being you call "homo sapiens-sapiens," that is you, has a neuronal form to read in abstract that in other worlds, even in philosophical worlds as Antares, is absent. Speaking in an understandable language, the terrestrials are diamonds in gross. I have no preference for a world over the others, and the fact that I diverted my attention on one of the people of this world to teach him things so that he, in turn, can pass them on, it does not go in impairment of other worlds. Interlocutor: I can see that. Eon: So I am teaching him, firstly, by showing him how small we are in relation to the Whole; secondly, by showing him that in parallel worlds there are the same passions; thirdly, that are billions of worlds and in each one there is as much pressure as in the others; and, finally, I gave a small power to the spiritual part of this receptacle - called Johnakan - so he would be able to perceive it is an extra-sensory perception that the incarnated part does not have because it would not fit, but his superior part does have it - and I have shown him how to perceive the Essence. I laugh - I repeat, conceptually - because the mind of Johnakan perceived the Essence, looking from above, like a smoke eel, all sinuous and gray color. Interlocutor: From what level did Johnakan receive the Essence? Was it from the same level 9? Eon: It was from beyond 9, because the Essence is at 9. Interlocutor: But who is at Level 10? Does the Absolute? Eon: There are diverse entities in level 10, which I will speak about in due course. Meanwhile, I say that I simply took Johnakan to that high level so he could have a direct perception, because this is necessary so that later he could transmit what he perceived. When the incarnated human being calms his mind and leaves it free of passions, then he is able to see. It happens that the incarnated being is so imprisoned of his physical and mental needs that he is blocked to perceive. When I take Johnakan to such a high vibration, I do it so that he is surrounded by stillness, because even in the physical space, even in the interstellar or intergalactic emptiness, the spirit, with his spiritual ear, can perceive up to explosions of Novas. But in a vibration plane above 9, that is, above the level where the Essence dwells, he does not longer perceive anything, since he perceives everything. It's a play on words. Interlocutor: But perfectly understandable. Eon: In such a high level nothing physical is perceived, it is not perceived any explosion of Novas, it is not perceived the 3% radiation left after the Big Bang, it is not perceived the voices of every inhabitant of the tiny planets, it is not perceived the neutron radiation, but nevertheless everything is perceived. Do you understand the concept? Interlocutor: I understand Did you take Johnakan to the same outbreak of the Big Bang, that is, at the beginning of this universe? Eon: Yes, I did Interlocutor: I can hardly believe it

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Eon: There are nearly one thousand different colors that were created, from which seven were selected. And there are one thousand musical notes from which seven were also selected on the physical plane. But there are one thousand different sound notes of which you call music Interlocutor: And the Big Crunch, could Johnakan perceive it? Eon: I did not take him there, but be certain that exists, and different births and deaths do exit, as you call the Big Bang and Big Crunch in your physical language. Interlocutor: Can you perceive the Big Bang and Big Crunch successively? Eon: Of course. Interlocutor: And what is the end? Or that always follows? Eon: There is an end and a new beginning. Interlocutor: Is that equivalent to the theory of steady state, where there are many Big Bangs, where there are cycles of beginning and cycles of destruction, cycles of stable states and cycles of unstable states? Eon: There are no cycles of stable state. They are all cycles of unstable state, because according to the Creation, on the physical plane there is a law that was discovered in the twentieth century of your planet, which is called the Law of Thermodynamics, where its second law refers to Entropy. Then, according to this law, there is a constant instability that it will always be worse. It's like your chemical phenomena, where the matter always goes for worse. I showed all this to Johnakan so he could transmit it, because Johnakan, although his physical part, the 10%, does not have onethousandth of everything that I showed his spiritual part, his 90% could gradually transmit it to him. Interlocutor: Did you take Johnakan to the alternative worlds? Eon: Yes, I did and as there are parallel universes, there are alternative worlds, but while those are only 22, alternative worlds are infinite. Interlocutor: Are there also in the alternative world free will? Eon: The free will is part of the Creation. Interlocutor: Could we convene you again? Eon: Just think of me and I will communicate I always am Big greetings Interlocutor: Thank you for contacting us and for your explanations.

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6. SESSION - 21/Feb/2003
Medium: Jorge R. Olguin Interlocutor: Horacio Velmont Entity that came to talk: EON (the Absolute) Interlocutor: Who is going to communicate today? Eon: I am Eon Its important to know that everything created always has a reason. It has been said in previous sessions with Masters of Light that each created universe, due to the elevation of the spirits, raises an octave. That caused that each Creation, each Big Bang, was an octave higher. Interlocutor: Can we make questions, or first, we listen to your message? Eon: You can make questions. Questions are valuable because with my answers you come to glimpse part of the truth Being in your place - obviously I am always in your place, I would make this question: Why create a universe twenty octave lowest and then create twenty successive universes of 40 billion years to reach the highest octave? Why not create a universe directly with the highest octave? Interlocutor: That would be a really important question... I wondered: Why create? Why the Creation? Perhaps the answer is, and I'm replying to myself, that is precisely the essence of the Absolute, as the "last essence" of thing it is not possible to ask, because there would be no answer, why is this way and not another? Is it something like that? Eon: Only in part. But you can ask why. The essence of life itself is the essence of the universe, and is the essence of the Whole. It would be unthinkable to say that something exists, at level of maximum energy, without in turn being life that accompanies it. Returning to the hypothetical initial question, that is, why create a universe with a low vibration that is progressing as life evolves. Because as it was stated recently that the whole cosmic is accompanied by life, this life has the mission to raise the vibration of the universe because its within its essence. The particular mission of each spirit is service and the overall mission of all the spirits is to raise the universe. That is the essence. This is a play on words for you. Interlocutor: Then at the same time, does the Absolute also raises as the spirits and the universe? Specifically, does the Absolute also evolve? Eon: The Absolute does not evolve, only accompanies. Interlocutor: Is the essence of the Absolute the Creation? Eon: The answer is no, because something that covers everything, is above, inside, outside Saying that the Absolute is the Creation is limiting Him. Interlocutor: Could the Absolute stop creating or his essence is to create and therefore cannot stop creating? Eon: The Absolute is as much creation as no creation. The essence of the Absolute is joy and the Creation is, in itself, joy, and therefore cannot split one another. Joy and Creation always go together. Interlocutor: Could we say that the percentage the Absolute uses of himself for the Creation of the universe, for example is 10%? Eon: You cannot talk about percentages Interlocutor: But the Absolute is outside of the Creation Is that correct?

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Eon: "Within", "outside" are mere words. I reiterate that there are no percentages. Please note that the Absolute is aside from any parameters that you may have on the physical plane. Interlocutor: To put it somehow, are you, EON, the Absolute or are you below him? And if so, in what plane would you be? Eon: I am in no plane. I am over the planes and within the planes Interlocutor: Then, are you the one we call God, the Creator, the Absolute? Eon: Correct. Interlocutor: Are you the end of everything? I mean that if after you, is there anything else? Eon: The words beginning and end come together permanently One more question because the receptacle is much destabilized and has difficulty transmitting the concepts Interlocutor: Okay Beyond you, what is there? Nothingness? Eon: There is no beyond. The Absolute is Everything. There is no beginning and no end. Time has no end, as the Big Crunch is not an end but a beginning. Interlocutor: I understand I dont know how to say this but when we all living beings will immerse or plunge into the Absolute, would this just be the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one? Eon: That's right greetings to all Interlocutor: So long EON, and thanks.

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7. SESSION - 04/Mar/2003
Medium: Jorge R. Olguin Interlocutor: Horacio Velmont Entity that came to talk: EON (the Absolute) Interlocutor: Who is going to communicate today? Eon: My name for you is EON There are many phrases that are important to you. One is "As above so below", said a wise spirit known to you. Another sentence is "Nothing is Everything". Above and below is not referring to heights, but vibration. Therefore, what is developing into the various spiritual worlds also has its complement in the densest planes, as the physical. With regard to the second sentence, "Nothing is Everything", refers to the fact that the Creation starts from nothing, an unlimited condensed energy, virtually with zero matter, and suddenly becomes what is called the Big Bang, where energy is spreading and forming the matter. Its very important that you know that in every Big Bang, free will goes farther than you think, and I say this because, unfortunately, most beings are basic, extremely limited in terms of discernment. But its logical, because they grow in wisdom over time. You think that free will refers only to a conduct, or a work or a doing. However, free will also refers to the race. Perhaps, and I say perhaps so that you do the guesswork for, since it would be very easy to give you all served, in some previous Creation man did not exist, there was no Solar System, there was no planet Earth. Perhaps in a future Creation it would not be either. Perhaps in a parallel universe, galaxies are dominated by beings of vegetal origin. Perhaps in another alternative universe, galaxies are dominated by beings based on silicon instead of carbon. But these things are just anecdotes, because the spiritual evolution is indistinct of how worlds are manifested. I have certain expectations placed on Earth, but these terrestrial, mischievous children, are rather delaying the general evolution, as they are advancing more slowly than in other worlds. Its so easy to find out how the race acts in their physical life just by observing how they behave when they are a few years of age. That is how they naturally behave. Thats how they are. How they are, they will be. The little ones of your world, referring to your children, are characterized by two states: bellicosity and indifference. Note that the little ones are capable of taking a toy from another one regardless of whether the other is using it or not. And they might even attack to try to seize the object, although in a short while they leave it without paying any attention to it. Here is an example of bellicosity and indifference. Regarding the indifference itself, a little one can beat up himself and bleed and another little one alongside can observe him to quench his curiosity, but then would continue engaging in his own matter. That is because the little ones are unaware of the consequences of their actions, both active and passive. What happens when these little ones grow up and are having discernment? They can change their attitudes, but only in form, not in substance... because they are still not fully aware of their hostile acts. Educational conditions are "hiding" that instinctive way of life, but the being doesnt change, and that applies to your entire race. Your race is infantile, if we take their bellicose behavior on one hand and
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indifference on the other. The continuing wars are the biggest example of bellicosity, and the lack of assistance to people living in extreme poverty and neglect, is the sign of indifference of the race for their own. Spiritual evolution will transmute such conduct. As the years go by, the race will be settling and showing how its spirit really is when acquiring more wisdom. Not all of them, obviously. There will be those crossing the path more quickly. However, I must stress that there is something delaying that spiritual path... How important is for the evolution (and I say this with some irony) that every race believe in something superior (in your so poor concept there is nothing to replace "superior") that has created you and kept you in balance! And yet, sometimes, that kind of belief is precisely what delays the race. Your dear planet is one of the most backward regarding beliefs. And this is something that perhaps the beloved Masters don't have commented, like many other things they have not commented on. In all the worlds in the universe, in all, the more beliefs there are, the more backward they are. And those skeptical worlds, that dont believe in hidden forces or in life after life, are those that are more advanced. And not all the atheistic worlds, so to call them, are cold. When saying cold, I mean emotionally and spiritually cold. There are worlds, countless of them, that have no knowledge of what you call "the Beyond", that have no knowledge of a Creator, and nevertheless are highly merciful beings. The human being on the planet Earth is weak. He supports his mercy in reverential fear. And that is a false mercy, with cracks. Most of the wars of your planet are divided into two factors: economic and religious. And both factors are highly infantile. The economic, because you must know that physical life is a blow and you cannot take anything material to "the world beyond". And the religious, because you ignore the fact that the spiritual path is on the basis of Work, and it nourishes from Service, no matter what "superior" entity you believe in. But you are so childish, so infantile, that instead of relying on what matters, which is the goal, you fight over the details. This is very important to emphasize: instead of propping up with shores to reach a goal together, you fight over the details: that Krishna, that Brahma, that Jehovah, that Allah, that Muhammad. Another thing that shows how childish you are is that in some countries, which you call East, they talk about "Holy War", which is a contradiction, because it's as if I read "cold heat" or "dry water". In other words, the concept of sanctity that you have, they don't share it, because they usually confuse sanctity with chastity. By saying "you" I am not talking about you, but the race, because some of you have some progress in understanding this. True sanctity is better explained through your philosophy. This philosophy is called Buddhism and it said that the highest spiritual step, the 10th, is Enlightenment, or the state of Buddhahood. But the step 9, the Bodhisattva, is the true sanctity, because its based on relinquishing sanctity of caste for sanctity of Service. This is what it should be noted, and is the most important thing about the planes of Light. Because the imposed sanctity is what you call the subject and the Work sanctity is what you call the verb. And the verb is the only way to do service. Again, to conclude my message, is very important to highlight that in all the planets in the universe, the more beliefs there are, the more backward they are
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Now you can ask questions. Interlocutor: One of our concerns is to know, who are the beings dwelling in plane 10? Eon: They are called Aes. They are beings who are directly to my service, but I want to make clear the true sense of what I want to express, because human beings are very susceptible when we talk about service. When man is who has to give the service, oh!, thats wonderful, but when someone above him said that "you are to my service", he confuses service with slavery. Interlocutor: For me, thats perfectly clear. Eon: To you its clear, but its also important to make it clear to those who will read this message. When someone talks about "below" or "above", is merely a way of expressing it, because your vocabulary is very poor. Someone who serves, who is useful to others, who is merciful, is a being of Light. But if someone of "above" is served, you are already thinking that is abuse, as if the others were slaves when you are "served". When I say that Aes are to my service, it doesnt mean they are at my absolute disposal. Always take into account and emphasize the free will. They do this because, as well as my task is inherently to create, their inherent task is to serve the Creator. Interlocutor: I think the concept is understood Eon: The Aes do not serve to those below them, that is, to the smaller vibrations, to call it somehow understandable for you. They do other functions and are no less meritorious. As well as the divine energies, the 7th level, are those sending all the rays of Love; as well as the Essence is overseeing, the one that observes and somehow can enter the causal body of those of below; as well as the Elohim are creators of life, both spiritually and physically (when I say physically I mean that I have created all material, thing but they have given the breath of life, obviously under my consent); the Aes are also to my service, based on taking care of the structure of all physical universes, including all multiple universes, that you call alternative universes. It had been said that alternative universes are somehow created and they only require a decision to activate them. Its not that man creates or generates them, but he activates them, because he has the gift to activate them. Therefore, the most logical question, of those who think a little more than others, is this: What happens then to the Elohim, divine Energies and spirits of those alternative universes? Were all of them disabled and available to the first one who makes a decision? That would be too blunt, because a spirit does not have as much power as to when deciding that everything is at his disposal. What the Aes do, from the 10th level, is putting together the pieces of the puzzle. There are worlds where the Elohim already fulfilled certain mission. If you reread your notes - observe one where it said that at the beginning there have been created, in this part of the universe, 72 Elohims, which at present there are only 7 active - you will notice that leave 65 Elohims inactive. These are precisely the Elohims that the Aes will accommodate in the alternative universes created. Interlocutor: Let's see if I understood. For example, I buy a toy store, I own all the toys and then I active them. Will something similar happen when activating alternative universes? Eon: In fact is not that so. It happens that there is free will, which even I, being the Absolute, I must respect. Its done precisely for that fact, to be respected. Then, the alternative universes are part of
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the free will. But they are not infinite, literally speaking, because a decision activates them and another later on deactivates them. If they were infinite, it should be infinite Elohim and not 72 in this part of the universe. However, I reiterate that when making a new decision, the universe that you activated is deactivated again. That is why there are no infinite alternative universes, because as well as they are created they vanished. Interlocutor: But the channels remain? Eon: The channels are infinite, as the amount of atoms is infinite, as the amount of worlds is infinite. The alternative universes, I reiterate, are deactivated. You make a decision and that alternative universe is formed, you make another decision, another one is formed, but that previous one is already forgotten, it was deactivated. Then, its always going to be a single original universe, and as making decisions you are creating an alternative universe... its not that you are going to activate hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of them. You will only create one. Interlocutor: But then multiple alternative universes do not exist? Eon: They exist to the extent that you are creating them, but then they are deactivated. Otherwise we would not have the necessary amount of Elohim and divine Energies for inhabiting them. Interlocutor: So this is a first hand! Eon: But is logical! How come didnt you think about it, when you are always speculating? Interlocutor: Actually, I dont know why Eon: Dispassionate yourself for a moment and look at that from above, and you will notice that is logical and coherent to be so. Because otherwise it would be roots, roots and roots, and it would never end creating Interlocutor: I understand Does it mean that there is not an alternative universe where Jesus was not crucified or I misunderstood? Eon: Yes, there is one, because certain Israelites made the decision to choose Barabbas Interlocutor: But then all the possibilities of alternative universes existed Eon: Of course, with endless choices. In a universe they have chosen to crucify Barabbas. And another alternative universe they later felt remorse and forgave Barabbas... and not condemning any one, neither Jesus nor Barabbas, and that decision formed another alternative universe. But the previous one was deactivated. Interlocutor: So, not all the alternative universes are in operation at the same time. Eon: Yes. But note that a deactivated alternative universe does not mean that has never existed before. Interlocutor: Now I understand Eon: Your mind says: "Everything is an eternal present" Interlocutor: That's right. Eon: Good. The only eternal present is the one that you're living, and a time traveler can go very far, but could not reach the deactivated alternative universes, because when they are deactivated he cannot travel through time to them. The alternative universes are momentarily formed by decisions, but other decisions deactivate them. But then there was no crucifixion, then Nero did not burn Rome, then Atlantis did not sink, then the library of Alexandria was not burned.

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Then those decisions change the space-time, activating universes and deactivating others! Perhaps the Library of Alexandria was burned one hundred years later by another tribe. But as the decisions are changing, these alternative universes are becoming inactive. They dont run all the same present moments as this one Let me make it clear that I have the absolute power to create an infinite number of alternative universes, an infinite number of Elohim, an infinite number of divine Energies. But its not in me to spend unnecessary energy if is much easier this way. As the decision is changing, those universes are being deactivated because that decision was already gone, already completed. It's like one who takes a terrestrial public transport and when arriving to his destiny, it gets off. Interlocutor: This is clear In the next universe, in the next Big Bang, will there be also Essences, Elohim, divine Energies, spirits, time travelers? Eon: Yes. Interlocutor: Will it be exactly like this Big Bang, but one octave higher and so than the previous Big Bang? Is there always the same pattern? Eon: Yes, but not with the same worlds. Perhaps in a previous Big Bang - and I say perhaps, as I explained, to let you wonder - there were no Earth, no Solar System, no human race, and the spirits incarnated in other organisms and in other worlds and they evolved differently. But if there is one more world or one less world, should not affect the spiritual evolution of the species. I emphasize "spiritual". The rest - I mean the physical plane - is purely anecdotal, merely incidental, only for certain purposes. Interlocutor: I understand that perfectly Eon: I laugh, obviously in the conceptual sense of the term, noting the vain desires of the physical plane, being that the physical is so ephemeral Interlocutor: Does everything end in a Singularity? Eon: Yes, everything ends in a Singularity, where all the spirits join with me and lose their identity Interlocutor: Thats what I wanted to ask Then, does it mean that we take the identity of the Absolute? Eon: You merge with the Creator, without actually merging with the core, because the core is the generator. You merge, I reiterate, with the Whole, but not with the center of the Whole. Interlocutor: Would there be any answer I could understand about why that privilege of the Absolute? I mean that we dont form part of the core. Eon: Because the essence of the core is a totally independent essence from the rest, and from the rest of the Whole - if that phrase is understood - have come all of you, the solar system, the planets, the parallel universes Let's say that EON, the Absolute, is everything, is part of itself, is enveloped in itself, and so all terrestrial and all non-terrestrial, stars, galaxies, are part of the Whole along with all living beings. But the Whole has a core, which is the creator core, and this core, which is part of the Whole, does not accommodate the Whole, because is part of itself. Interlocutor: I understand the concept, but my idea was that we merge with the Whole and we would be the Whole in its totality Now, I would like to know something about the powers of the Absolute. There is a classic example that says God could not do in the game of cards that the four beats the Ace Is that so?

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Eon: I'll explain in the most didactic possible way. In principle, there is nothing, absolutely nothing that the Whole cannot do. In other words, EON, the Whole, the Creator, is unlimited. I repeat: unlimited. Everything what is in your imagination, and infinitely beyond, can be done. I can make an atom larger than a solar system, if necessary. But, why has it not been done so? There was not one first creation; there was a circumference, so to call it. Perhaps the easiest illustration to understand is the Moebius strip, which has no beginning or end Let us wait a few seconds for the decoder of this receptacle to faithfully translate what I mean When a universe is created, the logical thing, the coherent thing, is to create it the easiest way, simpler. More complex physical laws could have been created but for what? A law of gravity was created that has made the stars and planets almost spherical, and where most galaxies are spiral shaped or clusters, so that when circulating, their centrifugal force and centripetal force are equivalent and thus they dont scatter. I'm explaining it, obviously, in a very basic way. By the same way, the Moon must rotate around the Earth at a certain speed, because if it turns a little faster it would escape the law of terrestrial gravity, and if it turns slower it would collapse until hitting the planet. The same is true for galaxies. If galaxies rotate slowly they would collapse by the gravity of their own stars, and if rotate faster they would scatter. So, the universe was created in the most logical way with the most logical laws, the law of gravity, the law of electromagnetism, etc etc. The universe has been created with the laws of the free will, and this is very important to emphasize. And the basic laws should be absolutely respected, because otherwise it would be incoherent with my coherence. Therefore, its impossible to make a cubic planet because it would be against the laws created. It was just because the universe was created in the simplest way. If you analyze it, you'll find that the universe has the most logical balance that is possible. There is no more logical universe than the one created. And the second law of thermodynamics, which you call the "Law of Entropy", is the most logical law, because the chemical phenomenon is irreversible. Without this law there would be no Big Crunch and then the universe would be outside the rules of this game, so to speak. This is why in your game of decks the four cannot beat the Ace, which is a superior card. Interlocutor: One might also say, talking about impossibilities that the Absolute could not be destroyed by itself. Eon: That's right, because when the gift is to Create, the gift is not to destroy. The essence of the Absolute is the Creation, not destruction. Those who think that the Big Crunch is destruction are mistaken, because the Big Crunch is not destruction, but a transmutation, a new beginning. The death is not death, but the beginning of another cycle. The power of destruction does not even exist in chemical phenomena, because what molecules do is transmuting, but the atoms are always with their intact properties. And even when atoms are removed from the physical plane, they are transformed into energy, and when they disappear from the physical plane as energy, they are transformed into supra-energy. Look then, there is no destruction. Interlocutor: Thats clear. I don't want to finish the session without asking why the Masters of Light have not convened you. Have they done it?

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Eon: Sometimes they do it, but the truth is that the mission of the Masters of Light, of planes 4 and 5, is Service. They are, to put it in an understandable way, laborious workers, and their overriding concern is Service, and therefore, perhaps, in the physical plane you question more than the Masters of Light in plane 5. Understand the meaning when I say "workers" because the readers are very susceptible to the words and when they are misused, make them "jump" as you say. What the Masters of Light do is "to roll up", I am always speaking in your language, and they get to work, relegating their knowledge in benefit of service. They are constantly working and not asking. You are the ones who ask! And its all right that this happens. Interlocutor: I thought that perhaps it was because they never considered asking Eon: No, that's not why. I reiterate that its because all their thoughts are destined to serve the suffering spirits, of planes 2, 3, -1 and -2 Interlocutor: I want to ask if at this very moment, as if it were a now, you perceive how Jesus is being crucified, how Nero is burning Rome, how the Library of Alexandria is burning The question is to know if your part, incorporated in this receptacle, is blocked, somehow, to that perception. Eon: Saying one billionth would be a lot; saying one trillionth would be also much That portion of EON that is talking to you is immeasurably small, compared with the whole EON. But even so I dont lose the perception capability that has the whole EON. The answer then is because I am permanently connected to the Whole, I do perceive in this very moment how Jesus is being crucified, how Nero burns Rome, and everything that is happening in the infinite Big Bangs. You have no idea what is the communication of this small tentacles of the Whole, despite how little, its infinitely more powerful than the communication of an Essence, which is the major communication that you have taken. For that reason, sometimes the decoder of this receptacle stays silent, because it gets disconnected by the tremendous energy it receives. At a given moment its cortex was disconnected twenty seconds. The decoder does not have to get disconnected, because its very dangerous for its physical part. Interlocutor: But in general is now Jorge better prepared to receive you? Eon: Yes, he is the practice of receiving me strengthens him. Interlocutor: Another question that I have scheduled Could you tell us about the future? Eon: I reply with a previous answer: the Creator is subject to the rules of the game, that is, planets cannot be made cubical in the same way that the game of cards, where the four does not beat the Ace. Thats why I cannot let you know about the future, because if I do so, it would be against the free will. Interlocutor: Actually, what I wanted to know is whether the Earth will fail in its mission, as the Eloah Arbillac speculated in a communication he had with us Eon: That, I can tell you. The calculation of probabilities that Eloah Arbillac did is quite accurate Interlocutor: But you know with certainty, beyond any calculation Is it? Eon: Of course, but I can only talk about probabilities, not certainties. And I can also tell you that, since the terrestrial human being is so changeable, because he has a very special decoder that is formed differently from all the beings in the universe, perhaps, and this is a speculation because I'm not going to advance you the future, in years it could be a change in humanity and that danger could disappear.
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But just as things stand now, the odds are negative. And this is not anticipating the future, but simply making a calculation. Its something like this if you throw a flowerpot from a tenth floor, you can do a mathematical calculation with a calculator that gives you the seconds in which it will take to crash on the floor. In other words, you're not guessing, but calculating. Interlocutor: But in particular, and Im asking this again to leave no doubt, do you know with certainty, beyond any speculation, whether or not the Earth failed in its mission? Eon: Of course I know. Its logical. Interlocutor: Ok The question I do have now is just to satisfy my curiosity: At this moment, in some parallel universe, is there a Horacio Velmont that also communicates with the Absolute, that is, with you? Eon: In one of the parallel universes there is also a communication, because the mission is similar and in another one the mission was aborted. In the others parallel universes there was no communication. Interlocutor: There's always a reason for everything. What is the reason for having 22 parallel universes and not 25 or 2 or one thousand? Is it random? Eon: No, no, nothing in the universe is random I have already said that the universe was created in the simplest possible way. Since there are eleven dimensional possibilities, mathematically there are 22 possible parallel universes. Otherwise, the universe in general would be unstable. That amount is the limit for not making it unstable. This is the answer. Interlocutor: We have talked about the issue of pain. You said that the Creation is enjoyment. But for whom is the enjoyment? Is it only for the core of the Creator? When I have a terrible toothache obviously there is no enjoyment. When I suffer, does the Creator also suffer, somehow? I am not questioning anything, but simply asking. Eon: We must separate things incarnated beings evolve through pain. Interlocutor: But... Why not evolving through pleasure? Eon: Because there is a limitation in the created beings. The thing goes through there. If there was only pleasure, as beings are like little ones (this was already said) who only learn by discipline, it would be as if you would always let a child play as he was permanently in kindergarten, never learning anything. Interlocutor: Its clear, but those are the rules of the game you have created. The question is whether a universe could be created in which the beings would evolve through pleasure. Eon: The answer is linked with what has already been said. It's easier to make a Creation with coherent laws, such as gravity, electromagnetism, and so on. The possible spirit must be an imperfect spirit, and within this imperfection learning is only consistent with episodes of pain. Without pain there would be no evolution, because the pain, in this created game - I reiterate "in this created game" - is the best spur to evolve. Interlocutor: Now I understand Eon: In fact, as EON, the Absolute, is unlimited, there can be not only one possible spirit, but infinite possible spirits. But I'm talking about the possible spirit with the lowest effort, which is the one that begins limited so that it evolves in time. And pain is the simplest way of teaching. But of course, that same limitation makes the spirit to evolve through pain. But do not distort the words: Creation, in itself, is joy.

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But if there are beings who suffer within the Creation, then obviously the Creator has no joy. The Creator, through its "tentacles", empathizes with each son, accompanying each one of them, and feeling for every son who suffers. Interlocutor: To understand, could we say that all our suffering is justified when we plunge into the Creator? Would it be something like that? Eon: Let me give you a very practical example. You, in the physical plane, have a grandson. Hypothetically, such grandchild must have a minor surgical operation, appendix, throat, or whatever. And then they take him to be operated. You know that its an operation that will leave no mark, no trace. This is only an example. Imagine the most negligible, like a small wart. You know at that time he will suffer, but despite that you'll be enjoying knowing that after he is going to be better. Similarly, if you suffer, obviously that I will suffer with you, but if you learn with your suffering, Im also going to enjoy later, because finally you will learn the lesson. The Creation is joy because the Evolution itself is joy. Interlocutor: This is clear Now, I would like to make another question: From your point of view, are the Big Bangs finite, that is, is there a limited amount? I mean if they are measurable. Eon: On one hand, they are limited by that circle of the example, by that Moebius strip. On the other hand are limitless, because they do not start or finish ever. The Big Bang are infinite but are contained within that strip. Interlocutor: Let's see if I understand In that Moebius strip, to express it somehow, there are all the Big Bangs, the Absolute, the core and thats all and there is nothing more. Eon: Thats partially correct. The Absolute, the core, is not contained in the Moebius strip, but it does contain the Big Bang, which are infinite and the Big Crunch as well. Even the time is contained within this strip... Interlocutor: I understand, but I need to think about it, as we say here. There is a question that was left in the dark. To what extent can a time traveler go into the past? Eon: Just before the Big Bang, because the Singularity has a power so great that it would destroy any machine. In the Singularity there are billions of degrees Celsius temperature, and a condensed energy that would be much denser than a black hole. Interlocutor: obvious, then, a time traveler could not move to a previous universe. Eon: Of course not, because the barrier of the Singularity prevents him from doing so. In the Singularity the universe ends, or the universe begins, call them as you wish, and a time traveler can continuously be in a single universe and therefore he could not go to another previous or later one. Interlocutor: Are there time travelers close to the next Big Crunch? Specifically, could a time traveler, who is close to the next Big Crunch, be in 25 billion years? Eon: Yes, of course, since there would be no physical law that would prevent him. But, as I explained, it would have to be a time traveler who is centuries before such Singularity or Big Crunch takes place... tens of centuries before, because the Singularity does not happen all at once, but it will gradually be generated. Interlocutor: I won't make any further questions because the recorder is reaching the end. Eon: Big greetings to all. Interlocutor: Thanks and so long.

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8. SESSION - 08/Mar/2003
Medium: Jorge R. Olguin Interlocutor: Horacio Velmont Entity that came to talk: EON (the Absolute) Interlocutor: Who is here? Eon: Several times, it has been said that Everything and Nothing are the same, because, in fact, from the Nothing of the Singularity I have created Everything. Within this created universe the energy exists, whether subtle or in the form of condensed matter, and this has its antithesis. As you know, the antimatter has already been detected and scientists have mathematically speculated that if it comes into contact with matter, both would tremendously collapse. They have done laboratory tests confirming that theory. What they have not gotten to detect is the antienergy, energy with negative polarity. That is what gives stability and balance to this created universe. The importance of the messages you receive is that catapult you to the forefront of many other spiritual groups that also investigate on similar topics. It was through those messages that, for example, this receptacle detected, as novelty on planet Earth, that the brain was a decoder which translates the concepts of the Masters of Light from the spiritual planes. Look that now, in your twenty-first century, science has discovered, through various drugs, how to produce changes in the brain that significantly reduce what you pejoratively call "stupidity". Manipulation of the brain is a palpable proof, for those who do not believe in the spiritual world, that these worlds exist, that there is a spiritual concept and it can be transmitted through the decoder. There have even been cases where a patient with mental retardation, as amended with certain drugs, has changed some genes and that person has significantly improved his intellectual ability and also his knowledge. If the spirit world did not exist and you would modify the intellectual capacity of that being, as his earthly learning was limited, his knowledge would remain limited. For example, if I have a small glass of what you call wine, and I transfer the liquid into a larger glass, the content will remain the same, since it wont change by the fact that the glass is larger. Interlocutor: Obvious Eon: The example may seem very basic, but gives a good idea of what I want to convey. Without the spiritual concept, modification of the decoder should not alter the knowledge of that being, because that is what he learned so far. However, there have been very illustrative cases where those patients have markedly improved their knowledge. And the only reason is precisely because they have received, through the decoder, knowledge from the spiritual planes. Interlocutor: But have investigators noticed it? Eon: They have realized that a modification in the patient has taken place, but not of what is actually indicating. They give credit to the increase of knowledge only as a consequence of the improvement in the brain capacity.

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What scientists fail to understand is that, although the brain capacity improves, if the patient had a certain dose of knowledge before treatment that knowledge would not expand. If its expanded is because, by logical consequence, the decoder is fit to receive spiritual concepts in a wider form. Interlocutor: Its crystal clear. Eon: And your group has the merit, because you were the first in giving the word "decoder" the meaning of translator of spiritual concepts. In the decoder, and this you already know, there are two receivers: one is the depositary, so to call it, of the analytical mind, the cortex, because it decodes all the concepts that the spirit sends. And the other is the amygdala, thats near the hypothalamus, the executor of the emotional or reactive impulsive mind. You are the first, on planet Earth, touching on that subject, because despite the fact that a writer from another country, named Daniel Goleman, has written about the cortex and the amygdala, he has only done it from the material point of view and not as the recipient of spiritual concepts. Interlocutor: Are you teaching us just new stuff that not even the Masters knew, or is this a review of knowledge? Eon: Some of the topics are new, some are only known by the Masters and others also known by you. The importance of providing with the new topics is, together with the advanced teaching, to amaze those disbelieving readers to a point as to make them interested in same to some extent. Interlocutor: Those two aspects of children, the bellicosity and indifference, which we talk about in the last session, for example in psychology, did anybody knew about it? Or is it totally newness? Eon: No, nobody had realized those characteristics. There is a world-renowned researcher on your planet, called Piaget, who has studied children, and he has not yet addressed the issue in the sense that I have conveyed it to you, because those two main factors, the bellicosity and indifference, are not a common denominator among children of your race, but a common denominator of the spirits of Error. And human beings, rather than diminishing their bellicosity and indifference, they strengthen them, but that does not mean that they often disguise them. Interlocutor: Does it happen in the incarnated beings of Light, as well? Eon: Usually, yes. Remember that in the physical plane incarnated beings have no reincarnated memory. Interlocutor: Then, is it a problem of the incarnation? Eon: No. Its a problem of every spiritual entity, because if the spirit has inner strength, it does not allow the ego to dominate it and, so, the spirit does not fall into temptations or become denser. Interlocutor: But entities of Light Dont they have a strong spirit? Eon: Not necessarily. You have proven that there are spirits of Light that are seduced in the physical plane and leave their mission, because what matters to them is mediocrity, with the result that they lower their vibratory level Interlocutor: I have a question... At this moment it came into my mind the case of Lazarus who was literally dead and was resurrected by Master Jesus. The question is whether there is some flexibility in the rules. Eon: That person was able to be resurrected because it was not his time to disincarnate. Generally, the question is that free will is not violated, since this also implies that each incarnated being has to fulfill his cycle.

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In the case of Lazarus, its obvious that if this beloved Master was able to resurrect him so that he could continue to be in the physical plane, it was because his time to pass to the spiritual plane had not come yet. Interlocutor: Did the Master request any authorization from the Christic energy before resurrecting Lazarus or the authorization came directly from you? Eon: Yes, there was a request, and given the circumstances the Christic Energy felt that it was already given my implicit permission. What happens is that it was within probabilities that he remains in the physical plane. There is flexibility, but its important, in general, to let things run their own course. When there is any alteration is because, basically, there is a possibility of evaluation and, therefore, modification. But everything is within free will, like for example, avoiding an accident, saving a life at medical level, or correcting certain disease so that a patient heals. They are not violating the rules in the sense that you may think, in which free will is cut when healing a person by preventing him to disincarnate. Simply, there were alternatives and one of them was chosen. Interlocutor: Its perfectly clear However, how could I take advantage of these contacts with you to be able to serve better? I am referring, for example, like asking for someone. Do I get better results if instead of asking the Masters for someone, I ask you? Eon: You can directly ask the Masters, but note that not always your request is going to be heard, because there are factors that can prevent it, such as a certain karmic lesson where the learning must be finished, and then, although you raise a request, the person will see no change. I have to make a clarification about requests. Many people believe, by misguided religious teachings, that the Absolute and the spiritual being of Light fulfill every wish of the so-called parishioners if they ask with faith, and this is a big mistake. The Mission of the beings of Light is Service and this is met through Work. But what is work? Is it conceding requests? No, work is to help each being to achieve his life path in the physical plane. My dear son, Master Jesus, already said: "The important thing is not to provide them with fishes, but to teach them to fish". And most of the parishioners in your little world continue requesting fishes... Regarding to your communication with me, you can communicate with my Energy. My Energy is in you. And here I would like to make some clarifications. Why are some people who raise their thought and try to communicate with certain cosmic energy, knowing, consciously or unconsciously, that cosmic energy already dwells on them? What you are doing, and I reiterate that you can also do it, is to communicate with what we talked about in the last session, with the nucleus, with the core of the Absolute. Returning to the basic part, if that Energy dwells in you, you're already communicated. So, why raise the thought in trying to communicate with whom you are precisely already communicated? Because what you're trying to do is to communicate with the core of the Absolute and that is just right. From there, if you raise the thought and visualize in your decoder a bluish white, you can communicate with the core and can even heal using your hands, without touching the person. But we must always take into account the free will. You will be able to alleviate a person having an irreversible physical problem, but not to cure him. Nobody is going to recover a lost limb, but you can dissolve small tumors using your hands for healing.

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There is no need to touch, being enough that the hands are inches from the person. And that does not go against free will. Simply, they are options occurring, and there are always options. Therefore, this is one of the advantages of communicating with my Energy, with the core of the Absolute. Interlocutor: This is perfectly clear But, should I have to make a distinction between what I ask you and what I ask the Masters? I mean, of course, that if I would only have to ask you what the Masters could not answer or is it a flexible matter? EON: It's important to note that if the actions of these dear children are to provide a Service, that we let them fulfill it. In that situation, it is preferable that the communication be directly with them. And you can come to me when the question is complicated, as you say it in the physical plane. Interlocutor: I perfectly understood the idea Looking at the questions that I have written down to make you, the doubt arises as to whether the questions are really coming from me Do you and the Masters suggest me, in my causal body, questions that I should ask, always, of course, respecting my free will? Eon: Always, of course, particularly because later on you will benefit from those answers. Interlocutor: Can the Masters of Light better capture the essence of your concepts? I ask this because I suppose that the Masters directly capture your concepts, while we, in the physical plane, have to rely on the translation made by the decoder of this receptacle. Specifically, and this is just hypothetically, if I ask the Masters about something you had said and that this receptacle could not accurately translate, could they explain it to me more precisely? Eon: Not necessarily, because while its true that the Masters, being disincarnated and not having a decoder, are 100% open, they are spirits and the spirits are limited, and therefore they dont entirely capture my concepts. Really, it would be the same thing in both cases. Interlocutor: The answer is perfectly clear. Now I want to ask you something from the previous session that was not clear enough. Do you, when are incorporated into this receptacle, lose notion or perception of the Whole? Eon: From a general point of view, no, but from the particular one, yes. I lose the perception when being synchronized in this space-time, but as soon as I stop being in contact with the receptacle, I instantly retrieve that notion or perception of the Whole. Interlocutor: Let's see if I understood: you, whom I am communicating with, lose the notion of the Whole? EON: Yes, I reiterate. The reason is that I concentrate on what happens here in this space-time plane. Interlocutor: So you, as a particle of the Whole, at this time have no notion of the entire Creation as being a now? Eon: That's right, but that does not limit the gifts of the Absolute. Interlocutor: Specifically, at this moment, you as a particle cannot perceive, for example, how Jesus is being crucified, how Nero burns Rome, how the library of Alexandria is burning Is that correct? Eon: That's right, because the particle is isolated, by courtesy, and contacted only with you. But as soon as its disconnected, it automatically updates itself, to explain it in an understandable way. Interlocutor: And then, how can you answer questions that supposedly only the Whole knows the answer, for example, what is Nero doing in a given moment in history? Eon: It's done by communication. The particle remains connected to the Whole. Communication is permanent, because otherwise, it would be impossible to answer.
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Interlocutor: Do you, as a particle, know absolutely everything about me, know everything that I want to ask, know all the questions I have written on the agenda? Eon: That's right, but I must listen to your questions, as a matter of respect for your free will. Its like the famous acknowledgement: if one does not acknowledge receipt, the other person may be affected psychologically. If I would answer everything that a person has in mind without let him do the questions, that person may feel invaded in his privacy. In addition, its necessary that the person downloads when making the question. When the person makes a question, he downloads. And this is something new in Psychology, because this issue was never touched. If you ask, you emotionally download. If your interlocutor answers before you make the question, because he intuited what it was going to be, then you do not download. This is why I prefer that you make the question before I answer it. Interlocutor: This is interesting to disclose Does downloading occur with the question and the resulting answer? Eon: The single question already downloads. And also downloads when the person writes down on a piece of paper some problem he had. Therefore, this download takes place even if you dont do it with another person. By overturning the problem down on paper, its like you have raised the issue. Thats why its downloaded, and if you want, you can even shelve it. Interlocutor: Dont we get affected when sending many messages without ever receiving any answer, or perhaps receiving very little? Eon: Yes, it can affect, but I reiterate that sending is like asking, and therefore you're already downloading. It would affect if you could not send any communication, because then you would be accumulating everything. Sending communication is a way of being downloaded. Clearly, it would be ideal if there was reciprocity on the other side. But, I repeat, the mere fact of sending communication it downloads. This does not mean you just have to keep on sending messages. Interlocutor: I understood perfectly Another issue is about the arts, which are not always recovered, for example by a global war, even if they are on file in the Akashic Records. If the arts are archived, why can they not be recovered? Eon: The arts are not always recovered. The inhabitants of the planets do not usually check the Akashic Records to find out about them. Interlocutor: Are these records available to every one? Eon: That's right. The records are available to everyone up to the Big Crunch. But not everyone has the initiative to try to find them. For example, this receptacle is able to search the Akashic Records, even records of other worlds and learn about how their civilization was. Interlocutor: Without your help? Eon: That's right, without my help. This receptacle can perfectly do it because he has a huge "antenna", to put it somehow. But if the inhabitants of the worlds dont look for it, obviously they are not going to find same. It's like a lost treasure. Interlocutor: I understand I have another question regarding whether orgasm I refer to sexual orgasm of the incarnated beings in all the worlds, somehow helps the spiritual elevation of the Creation.
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Eon: Yes, but whenever it goes accompanied by the spiritual part. Otherwise its purely a physiological download and nothing else. It would not fulfill anything else than to meet the discharge of that. Interlocutor: Clearly. Actually, I thought that it should be something like that Eon: Make me a couple of more questions and I will leave, freeing this receptacle Interlocutor: The question I have now is regarding the antimatter Is there, perhaps, a Big Bang negative? Eon: No, there is no one. Discard that... Interlocutor: So, is everything positive? In other words, is there, for example, a planet Earth made of antimatter? Eon: No, not even parallel universes of antimatter. Interlocutor: I have one last question about time travelers What is the reason for their existence? EON: Time travelers have the function of correcting the altered facts, so that the original history, the primary channel, does not change. Interlocutor: But, why is it altered? Eon: Because although there is a history delineated, in its course some changes occurred with the creation of alternative universes, which later, with new decisions, were deactivated. The work of the time travelers, then, is that the original layout is not modified, so to call it. To understand this, you should not forget that for the Absolute, everything is an eternal present and therefore you have already lived that story. That original story is what must be preserved. I send you greetings to everyone. Interlocutor: See you soon and thanks.

Heaven Responds


9. SESSION - 09/May/2003
Medium: Jorge R. Olguin Interlocutor: Horacio Velmont Entity that came to talk: EON (the Absolute) Interlocutor: Is this, EON? Eon: Yes, I'm EON. Greetings Interlocutor: Good, I will listen to your message and if I may, I will make some questions as you go. Eon: The age of the universe is infinitely greater than the age of each individual in each planet, and as you would say in the physical plane, everything is calculated. It's so slow, but so slow is the spiritual evolution, that sometimes the entire life of a race is not enough time for each spirit to evolve. This means that in many worlds there were many races that had been habitat of spirits and those races did not fulfill their duties Do you understand? Interlocutor: Yes, perfectly Eon: and those races are now extinct and most of the spirits, which have incarnated for millennia in each Solar System, have not reached the evolution. In other words, the entire history of that race was insufficient time for those spirits to evolve as a whole... And the Earth is going in the same direction. The race "homo sapiens-sapiens", which at present is the home to some spirits, tends to be extinguished before all the spirits arrive at the 5th plane. Its highly unlikely that the spirits that incarnate the Planet Earth would reach the 5th spiritual plane before the race is extinguished. Even if the greatest terrestrial geneticists can alter the DNA and extend the life time of the race as a whole, as a family, even then, they are not going to extend the time enough for the spirits to evolve to a level 5 in general, first because evolution itself is very slow, and secondly, because the roles, although necessary to evolve, are also huge and very heavy impediments. The question is as follows, and I will try to be as much understandable as possible in spite of the little understanding that you have of the concepts. When my dear Elohims create spirits, I am behind them, directing, marking or orienting. Those spirits are created with "defects", and they evolve precisely thanks to their learning to overcome those defects. But it turns out that each spirit has a particularity. I am not referring to a spiritual particularity, but to a "particularity of the race." One example is on you, the race of Sun 3, and I dont say that is unique, because other genetic patterns repeat in other stellar systems, but you are unique as you have a tremendous attachment to the roles, so tremendous that since the race was formed on Earth, you have come a long way in terms of technology, certainly yes, but very little spiritually, which is what really matters to Grow inside... Besides, you have a decoder so important, but so important, that you are one of the main races in the known universe whose incarnated beings decode the spirit in a very high percentage.

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I dont say it so that you puff up yourself, but you have an abstract concept so great that some terrestrial philosophers with great perception, may even come to understand my way of thinking, and the meaning of life. But at some point it invades you that role of protagonist that evolutionarily stagnate you, because protagonism eagerness constitutes an insuperable obstacle for the spiritual progress. This is what I wanted to note The other question, I know that is what interests you, and that many who visit your website have asked, is the origin of life. You must not have impairment in yourselves, thinking that in every world there was an extraterrestrial origin, because one might ask, if there were no extraterrestrials, then what? The Earth, as you call this planet, has its own beginning, as a primordial broth, a molecular crop that was forming bacteria Suddenly a string of DNA makes a kind of electric shock and somehow comes to life. The first beings formed, that were half life and half not, were the viruses. Why do I say half life and half not? Because to be life there must be reproduction and the virus does not reproduce by themselves. They need to penetrate another body, a bacterium or a unicellular animal, to reproduce. But if its understood that the viruses are animated beings, because they reproduce in another body, then they are living beings. Many chemists and many physicists of your planet take viruses as the limit of life, as being beyond life They are wrong Viruses are living beings because they reproduce. But Viruses are not living beings at the height of a bacterium because they have no nucleus and need another living entity to reproduce. Well. From the primordial broth, that molecule, with a tremendous DNA chain, forms different unicellular beings Life, by itself, tends to become more complex, because its done so. The Absolute is directly involved here, and not the Elohim, then certain type of life is formed with specific conditions given in each world. In this planet when that type of life was forming, it had a completely unbreathable atmosphere for you. It had a high density of carbon dioxide, sulfur and other minerals such as methane, poisonous to your current lungs. As life grew, aquatic unicellular animals were formed, because the water was the first center of life on the planet. Then multicellular animals... plants. The earth was hostile to current life. There were great methane marshes, sulfur, where a current aquatic animal could not breathe. As time passed, more complex animals were formed, much more complex. Animals in the Precambrian, Cambrian era were formed, before your dinosaurs. We are talking about 1600 million years before your current time. Then, that era finished and the formation of trilobites [34] started, which then became extinct the DNA chain causes races to be extinguished , and between 300 and 250 million years ago the great dinosaurs were formed extinct 60 million years ago until the anthropoids began, who already had a DNA very similar to yours and so they generated different races, until the last remaining two, the races of the Cro-Magnon and the Neanderthal, which are the ancestors of the Homo sapienssapiens.
[34] Trilobites appeared in the Middle Cambrian epoch and flourished throughout the lower Paleozoic era. The last of the trilobites disappeared in the mass extinction at the end of the Permian about 250 million years ago (Wikipedia).
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The race of Homo sapiens-sapiens does not extinguish entirely to the race of Neanderthal, because they coexist together for thousands of years. Then three things happen: Firstly, the Homo sapiens-sapiens capture the Neanderthal females, and as they dont have the same DNA they dont engender children. Secondly, there were great battles and Homo sapiens-sapiens won to Neanderthal. This also decimated this race. And thirdly, the genetic code of the Neanderthal race was ending. The combination of these three factors caused the Homo sapiens-sapiens to continue on earth, that is, they are the actual human being. The Homo sapiens-sapiens, since his first link, could have up to 500,000 years. But 30,000 years ago, he began having thoughts of fear which they did not understand, and just 10,000 years ago he began to think abstractly. And about 5,000 or 6,000 of your years, the first scriptures began. But before those years, they drew in the caverns. That is, they already had abstract thoughts, because drawing is an abstract thought. A being, which you call an animal, could not draw because they would not understand what constitutes a drawing. Interlocutor: Could you synthesize the three disappearance factors of the Neanderthal race? Eon: Firstly, they breed sterile beings, in the same way as the race horse and donkey when mating, they breed mules and the mule is sterile. Secondly, great fights for territorial powers, where Homo sapiens-sapiens, for being smarter and having more battle strategies, won the battles decimating the men of Neanderthal. They did not take their females. And thirdly, the Neanderthal own genetic code, was already coming to an end. Interlocutor: The picture is complete, I perfectly understood it. Eon: But what remains in the Homo sapiens-sapiens? Interlocutor: I fail to intuit Eon: A big ego. The ego is an abstract thought that was given by the analytical mind, because the analytical mind was formed in the last 30,000 years of the species. It was the analytical mind that channeled the engrams to the reactive mind, because what channels engrams and the ego is Interlocutor: Discernment? Eon: Exactly, discernment. You must understand that if there were no analytical mind, the reactive mind would not channel roles or engrams, because although engrams are reactive they also need an analysis. Interlocutor: Even automatic engrams? Eon: Even automatic engrams. The example you have always given, which suddenly that living being instinctively has something to fear, for example, darkness, an animal, a certain sound, even the automatic reactive mind has to reason that "something", and this reasoning starts from the analytical mind, which decodes abstract thinking. Interlocutor: But if the person is fainted, with the analytical mind disconnected, he can also record engrams. Eon: Totally. That law is not out of phase. But the person once awakened, to dramatize that, and with the proper conditions for restimulation, has to analyze it from his analytical mind. Interlocutor: I understand.

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Eon: That is, it's the analytical mind which accommodates the roles of the ego, because although the ego stays in the reactive mind, it needs the analytical mind to dominate. Interlocutor: Obvious. Eon: If you pay attention to plays, where those actors have to study their roles and make excellent plays, well, that same study has to be done by that one who has the role of victim. So, he needs the analytical mind to study that role. Feeding from the analytical mind, he tries to manipulate others, and he does it from the reactive mind with the analytical mind. I reiterate the concept: he manipulates from the reactive mind with the analytical mind, because he needs discernment to try to dominate the other. Interlocutor: What level of involvement has the analytical mind in this? Eon: In fact, the analytical mind is hardly involved at all, because everything that person does is reactive. The analytical mind is just for the mere fact, for a mere anecdote, to give him discernment, because the reactive mind has no discernment. Interlocutor: Clearly. Eon: The analytical mind has a minimal role, which can hardly be taken into account. I mention this just to understand that, somehow, the reactive mind feeds from the analytical mind. It feeds it to make decisions to manipulate the other, that is, what role will manipulate him. But the analytical mind does not meet other function than this; the analytical mind is on the sidelines, only something like giving oxygen to the reactive mind to work. Interlocutor: I interrupt to ask you two questions: The first is whether the reactive mind was created by the Elohim, and the second if it's the best mechanism that could have been created. Eon: The Creation, in itself, is perfect, because it cannot contain errors. We are talking about that a very long time is needed, from the Big Bang to the Big Crunch, so that races truly dispassionate their egos. I don't want to give a certainty, because it's necessary that you also speculate. But please understand that it's very difficult, now I am only talking about the Earth, that when this planet comes to an end, the spirits who have incarnated in this race evolve as a whole. It's very difficult... time is not going to be enough. But, since there are still more than 25 billion years for the Big Crunch, even ending life on Earth, the spirits will incarnate in other planets until really getting evolved. Interlocutor: I understand perfectly. Eon: Everything has already been calculated, so it's not going to be a lack of time. Besides, I already know it. Interlocutor: Obvious. Eon: But I reiterate that it's very difficult to achieve that raise on the Earth, very difficult. Interlocutor: Regarding the reactive mind. Could the Elohim have been wrong creating the reactive mind? I mean, if they could have made a better mechanism. Eon: Actually, the Elohim were the instructors. When saying that they created all living things, from plane 6 down, it's a truthful statement. It really was so... But I gave my consent, the OK, as you say in this physical plane. And I have actively participated in it. It's like the small of you who is in first grade and his father or mother guides his hand when he is drawing lines. Interlocutor: That is clear Perhaps, then, the reactive mind failed somehow?

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Eon: The reactive mind is perfectly fulfilling its role. And I'm going to allow myself to be ironic, imitating you: I think the reactive mind is fulfilling its role fairly well! Interlocutor: I clearly understand the irony I want to ask you, before we continue, if a virus has spirit. Eon: All living things are animated by a spirit, but as well as the virus self-awareness is almost nonexistent, because a virus handles itself rather in a mechanical way, we could say that if the human self-awareness is 1, in a virus it could represent a 0.00000, that is, a dot followed by nearly infinite zeros until you reach one. His reasoning is virtually zero. Interlocutor: Is that almost zero reaches also to the spirit? I mean if we can say that its spirit is also virtually zero. Eon: That's right But anyway, its a law that every being should have its counterpart, to put it somehow understandable for you. Interlocutor: Does this mean that a virus also has a Thetan? I ask this because it seems a bit ridiculous to talk about the soul or Higher self of a virus. Eon: And nevertheless, that is so. Every being, I repeat, must have its reciprocity in the spiritual plane. But I mention it almost as an anecdote, because its spirit is negligible. Interlocutor: Will all beings evolve? When asked this I think of cockroaches, which do not appear to evolve at all. Eon: Probably, and I say "probably" although I already know that, in order to not advance you into the future, the cockroach, at the end of the Earth as a planet, finishes being a cockroach, because there will be not enough biological time for the cockroach to evolve. The evolution of human beings depends on how life has been developed in each location. In another world, the DNA of the cockroach has been developed in a different way. Interlocutor: Can they even have evolved to the point of making space machines as the Langar, who are aliens from the Arturo Constellation, like lobsters? Eon: That's right, because there is nothing to prevent it. And in other worlds the plants will evolve. Interlocutor: What about the dinosaurs? Eon: In other planets they have evolved which you call velociraptors. They are two meters high. Interlocutor: Even making and handling spacecraft? I ask this because we always assume that to build them, they must be technologically advanced beings. Eon: Of course, but I want you to understand that they dont look like the dinosaurs as you know them. Interlocutor: Is there a transformation? Eon: Sure, in the same way as you dont have anything to do with the Australopithecus. [35] In other worlds, the dinosaurs have eliminated their tail up to having nothing but a small tail, their nose has been shorten, and they no longer have it as long as you know it, they have fewer teeth, and although they still have their own characteristics, shape, scales, skin, etc., you would almost not recognize them as dinosaurs.

[35] The Australopithecus shared several traits with modern apes and humans, and were widespread throughout Eastern and Northern Africa by a time between 3.0 and 3.9 million years ago. The earliest evidence of fundamentally bipedal hominids can be observed at the site of Laetoli in Tanzania. (Wikipedia)
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Interlocutor: Have they visited our planet? I ask this because there are many stories of people who have seen similar beings. Eon: Yes, of course. Interlocutor: Does a tiger also evolve to the point of being able to build spacecraft? Eon: All creatures evolve. What it happens is that they evolve in each planet. Here on the Earth, probably, and I reiterate that I say probably so I dont advance you into the future, the tiger is not going to be more than a tiger and the same with the cockroach, because the biological time is limited to evolve. Interlocutor: My spirit, all spirits, before the Big Crunch, in what sophisticated organism will we incarnate? Eon: The answer is that you wont necessarily be in sophisticated organisms. In Antares 4, for example, whose star is close to you, there are no sophisticated organisms, quite the contrary, if we compare them with you, they are weaker. And although there are more than 25 billion years for the Big Crunch, the majority of the beings that incarnate in Antares 4 are in the planes 4 and 5. So, if we were to be based by Antares 4, the evolution there, spiritually speaking, would have nearly finished They have a system so, but so great in, solidarity, compassion! Interlocutor: Let's see if I understood within 25 billion years, will those who get to the spiritual plane 5, have no need to incarnate? Is that correct? Eon: They would continue incarnating to work with the few remaining in the dense planes, but there would no longer be so many inhabited worlds. Interlocutor: So, then, there wont be any sophisticated organisms Eon: No, there will be none, because there will be no need for sophisticated organisms to rise to the spiritual plane 5. The evolution is spiritual and not of physical organisms, which are merely incidental to the rise of the spirit. The important thing is the spirit, not the body that temporarily nests him. For that reason I gave the example of Antares 4, where the incarnated beings are already reaching the highest spiritual plane, but their bodies are not at all sophisticated. Even you, here on Earth, would call them, pejoratively, "common" or "vulgar". Interlocutor: I think I understood the idea. But I, Horacio, within 25 billion years, as spirit, what would be my level of comprehension? Will it be almost like the Absolute? Eon: A spirit is always going to have the capacity of understanding of a spirit. The spirit evolves in compassion, abstraction. Obviously, you are going to have more understanding than now, but the understanding is not going to be a competition. The understanding is going to be an understanding of the abstract thing. And although it seems to you laughable, if you had the time to disconnect yourself from reality and be integrated into the Absolute, today, you could have that understanding that you will have within 25 billion years. Interlocutor: How can something like that be possible? Eon: Because that understanding is already within your spirit. Just as within each physical body there is a DNA chain and this is immutable, and also within each spirit there is the understanding Interlocutor: Is it since the spirit was created? Eon: That's right, its since the spirit was created. Interlocutor: Then, why do we take so long in developing it, if it already is? Why dont we click and get it now?
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Eon: Just because you dont believe you are capable of doing it, simply because of that. Interlocutor: Then, the fault is in us. Eon: Yes. I reiterate that you could achieve it today... Now you can go to the questions that you have written on paper. Interlocutor: Well, the first question that I have scheduled is a bit unusual Is the Absolute infallible? Eon: Yes. Interlocutor: Is the answer so categorical? Eon: Yes, totally. Interlocutor: Was your presence here already planned or was it a new fact? EON: It was already written, of course. It could not have been any other way. Interlocutor: You said that the Creation is like a Moebius strip. In other words, does the Moebius strip covers from Big Bang to Big Crunch or all infinite Big Bangs to Big Crunches? Eon: The Moebius strip covers each of the Big Bang to Big Crunch in an independent manner. Interlocutor: Are they completely separated from one another? Eon: Totally. Interlocutor: The question, then, is whether the Creation being like a Moebius strip let's talk about this creation is continuous, when it gets to the end, namely the Big Crunch, if the evolution starts over again from the bottom. I mean if its a continuous evolution - involution - evolution - involution. Eon: I respond: This Creation, in this universe, and at this moment in which you are living, from the Big Bang to the Big Crunch, for me, is an eternal present. Everything is happening at once. As an eternal present, the Moebius strip has no end, and those who go to a distant future may, through a dimensional hole, return again at the beginning of the past. When that "horse herd" as we call the evolution, reaches its goal and together with the Big Crunch, creates the Singularity and all the spirits become one with the Absolute, then there, everything ends. And from that Singularity, it will be a new beginning, an octave higher. And that eternal present will no longer exist. It's not that later on it could be recurring. That movie is already gone. There will be a new film with a new now. In the physical plane there are different apparatus that are suitable to go into the past, present and future, and not only in this world but in many other worlds. Interlocutor: Are travels into the future possible? I ask this because I understood that its only possible to travel into the past. Eon: The machines built here cannot go into the future, because the mechanics with which have been built prevents them from doing so. But its a mechanical failure of your technique, it's not physical. In other planets, I repeat, they have done it and they are already traveling in time, although in your world you will eventually get it, in the year 2,500. Interlocutor: I understand Eon: The decoder of this receptacle is a bit exhausted and does not translate well my concepts Interlocutor: Should we conclude the session? Eon: You can make a couple of more questions.

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Interlocutor: As we commonly say, I am going to "chew" your responses and in the next session I will ask again Was that Moebius strip, that is the Creation, done by you in an instant or there was some time. Eon: It was done in an instant, because from the point of view of the Absolute, if it were some time to do something, that delay would mean limits and there is no limit for the Absolute. Interlocutor: Regarding free will... it would be the same thing having or not having free will, because if we dont have it and everything was already written, it would be enough to have the illusion of having free will. What difference would it be? Specifically, at that precise moment in the no time Creation, did I decide it? Eon: No. You have decided what to do later. Its something like the baby in the physical plane. The baby is not asking to be born. We are speaking from the standpoint of the physical plane and not from the standpoint of the spirit who chooses. Forget about the spiritual thing at this moment. I repeat, the baby does not choose to be born, but once hes born and grows, he needs that his father gives him directives and later teachers do the same in the school. But when he grows, he chooses by himself. Well, its the same here. The spirit is created to evolve, choosing what to do in each world. Interlocutor: I dont understand this: that instant of the Creation, does it not include everything that all the beings are going to do, the crucifixion of Jesus, the burning of Rome by Nero,...? Eon: It includes it, because from the standpoint of EON the capacity exists to perceive everything. But including does not mean that the person does not choose. If one sees it from above, and one already knows what to choose, that does not mean that one cannot choose from the standpoint of your present time. What happens is that I already know. Let me give you a good example. You have on the physical plane grandsons. Then, one of them is playing on the floor with his toys and you put a gorgeous candy one meter away and make some noise so that he sees it, and from a certain distance you watch what happens. You know what will happen. Your grandson, upon hearing the noise will look at that place, will doubt for a moment but finally he will move, will take the candy and will put it into his mouth. You already knew he was going to do all that, but you did not interfere with his free will. Well, the viewpoint of EON is that I know what you are going to do, but I dont interfere. Interlocutor: The difference is that you see that future as now and I dont. Eon: Exactly. You dont see it as a future event but as a calculation of probabilities, because your grandson could suddenly hurt his stomach and then not wanting any candy Interlocutor: Could we get to know the amount of successive Big Bangs in the future, for example with a 1 followed by X zeros? Eon: Thats not possible to know, because just as there are infinite probabilities, there are also infinite Big Bangs and Big Crunches. It would be a superior Moebius strip, of maximum degree. Its futile to put zeros to it, as it is futile to try to establish with a 1 followed by zeros the amount of atoms in the universe, call them "infinity". Interlocutor: I understand Eon: Greetings Interlocutor: So long, EON, and thanks.

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10. SESSION - 27/Jun/2003

Medium: Jorge R. Olguin Interlocutor: Horacio Velmont Entity that came to talk: EON (the Absolute) Interlocutor: Who is this? Eon: I'm EON I am here Actually I'm always present, but through this receptacle I can transmit some concepts. I know that you have some questions to make, so I will be very brief. On one hand, I want to emphasize the very valuable participation of this spirit that at this moment is offering me to be my receptacle, because he is one of the few creative spirits. Creating, which many overlook, is as important as Service, because you can create words, you can create lessons, you can create parables And on the other hand, I wish to point out that many beings on this planet Im referring about this planet because it matters to you omit that part of the Service. That's what I wanted to highlight. You can go now directly to the questions. Interlocutor: Okay... There is a book written by Neale Donald Walsch titled "Conversations with God". Actually there are three volumes which are available so far and are being sold quite well. Did you dictate them? Eon: Yes. The author you quote had channeled me, and he has done it even before Johnakan did. Interlocutor: Is there any problem with that book? I mean that if its all true or just some parts. EON: The book has a problem, perhaps not serious, and is that it does not invalidate its reading for those incarnated spirits who want to internalize its content. But there are many things that have prevented the fluidity of the channeling. Interlocutor: For example? Eon: Some ego condition of that channeler that changed what it was dictated, adding messages that I have not given or directly suppressing many of them. But this does not only happen to terrestrial channelers, but also to ones in other worlds. Interlocutor: What characteristics should have a good channeler to not distort the messages? Eon: He should simply be free of constraints, because when the channeler is imbued with many preconceptions he cannot avoid putting part of himself in the messages. Interlocutor: Were the three volumes of the series dictated by you? Eon: Yes. They were received in different periods of time. Interlocutor: These alterations of which you speak, were they done somehow knowingly? I refer, for example, to that part of the message where he wrote that the father of Jesus was Joseph, when we know that his biological father was Herod Antipater. Eon: No, they were unknowingly. The author wrote what he believed in good faith he was receiving from me. His preconceptions were responsible for alterations whether religious, moral or spiritual. Interlocutor: I would like to write on our website comments about that book. The question is whether I credit or discredit it.

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Eon: It cannot be invalidated nor validated, because there are many things that without being harmful could cause idleness. Note that there are texts of an alleged command, the Asthar command, that actually are beings of Light of the 5th plane, which were badly channeled, where priority is given on being and not on doing, which really is the right thing. Interlocutor: Does the mistake of giving priority on being and not on doing come exclusively from the channeler? Eon: Not only from the channeler, but also from those spirits of Light. Dont forget that some spirits of Light may have misconceptions, and for that reason they dont descend from level. They simply have different interpretations. And this is what we have to emphasize that 99% of the beings they channel, or those teachers who dont channel but provide spiritual lessons, leave aside the Service, focusing solely on being. Doing, namely Service, is the most important thing. That being that has channeled me, Neale Donald Walsch, is not that he omits, but he does not give priority to Service. He speaks more on Being and Transcending than on Doing. And as this receptacle said and that is why his message is so valuable , "you only transcend with the Work". Interlocutor: As I understand it, this receptacle is completing the teachings that Master Jesus was unable to make because of his crucifixion Is that correct? Eon: Thats right There are new concepts, in which Johnakan is working, that are equally or more valuable than those exposed by my dear son Master Jesus, such as the concept of service, supplemented with the concept of humility that he taught, the concept of participation and empathy, that Jesus did not mention, the concept of hugging, mentioned by a being from another planet very close to you Interlocutor: Yes, Rah, from Antares 4. Eon: All of these concepts were not taught by Master Jesus and for that reason this receptacle will present them opportunely Returning to the subject of the book you asked me about and to finish my answer although you may well ask if you wish its valid on the ground that teaches love from the basis of loving yourself, but its not well explained that loving yourself is only the first step. Rather, it seems to be a book you would call self-help, where the only thing that matters to advance is to love yourself. But as Johnakan said, whom I do value a lot, "the love for oneself is sterile if its not then turned towards another." And being repetitive and I apologize for that, but why should I not apologize? I emphasize again the words of Johnakan that the most important thing is to know that doing must be based on the other, from its application to the other. Interlocutor: Now that is being mentioned, books of self-esteem speak only about oneself. Eon: Exactly, and once the person achieves self-esteem, then what? In no book there is a second step, they stop at the first step. How is this continued, then? What do I do in the future now that I love myself, now that I have self-esteem, now that I came ahead, now that I overcame my fears, my attachments, my ego? Very few books mention the second step. And this is the work that Johnakan is doing. How can I continue? By being interested in others, helping others, involved with others.

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How can it be that all the spirits of Light, level 4 and 5, when they are disincarnated live on Service, but when they incarnate, they forget Service and only seek to achieve the self-esteem of loving themselves? But on the planet Earth I apologize again for changing the subject and intrude on terrestrial problems specifically in your country, there are plenty of self-help workshops of various levels, for example people who have addiction problems, whether drugs, smoking, etc.., and there are others who have problems of loneliness There are workshops of reflection or self-help where they give a hand on how to come out ahead, but they dont teach on how to serve. And when you dont take into account others you are not growing spiritually and not evolving. There is another point that I want to touch before concluding this issue, and its that many followers withdraw when you talk to them about Service, as if you were asking them for a tough test. They take Service as a sacrifice. That has to do with the ego. That's why it's also important the note of Johnakan Service or sacrifice". All this relates to what you had asked me about the book "Conversations with God", which in general is fine, but its questionable since it doesnt make the proper emphasis on the second step, which is the most important. Interlocutor: I understood perfectly In the future, I will try to emphasize the importance of Service that is joy and not sacrifices Eon: Before the next question I want to say something very briefly, and its related on how some teachers on the physical plane weaken the teaching when mixing subjects that must be dealt separately. There are teachers of Transpersonal who teach Meditation. There are teachers of Reiki who teach Esoteric, and so on. The result is that students are left with a big mental confusion which later will be very difficult to correct. Now you can continue with the questions. Interlocutor: This is a very simple question. Whats the reason why there is so much affinity between grandparents and grandchildren and not between parents and children? Eon: Generally, grandfather and grandson belong to the same plane, or at any one time they belonged to the same plane or will belong to the same plane. They are not necessarily soul mates, although in many cases they may be, but they do have a great affinity. Let me make it clear that the difference between soul mates and compatible souls is that soul mates are spirits that vibrate in the same tune, as the strings of a guitar tuned in unison. Johnakan has already given this example on several occasions. Interlocutor: Yes, I always keep that in mind. Eon: Suddenly you play the musical note F, in certain vibration, and with one of these modern devices you can even blow up or break a bullet-proof glass. Interlocutor: I understand what you mean, because I am a musician as well as a writer Eon: The spirits who vibrate in the same tune are soul mates. There are spirits who vibrate in similar tune, not in the same tune, but similar. These are also compatible souls, although they are not soul mates. This is what sometimes happens between grandparents and grandchildren.

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Interlocutor: I understand, but this relationship is very often found Is that spirit born as a grandson compatible with his grandfather for some special reason? Eon: Its not a coincidence and neither something that happens in all cases. It only happens among those in the Master levels or in the planes of Light, not in the planes of Error. And even then, neither its a constant, because there are grandparents who dont pay attention to their grandchildren and grandchildren who dont pay attention to their grandparents. In addition, it should be noted that on the physical plane, as a matter of necessity, there is more empathy from the grandfather toward the grandson than on the contrary. Also, the little ones, men and women who are newly formed, have primary needs and therefore may cling more to their parents than to their grandparents. Moreover, it should also be noted that the little ones are more dispersed because they can visualize more spiritual things and thats why they dont center their attention on grandparents. However, sometimes there are exceptions when parents are absent for too long and those who breed them are grandparents. Then grandchildren, as a matter of necessity, cling to them. Interlocutor: Well, its certainly clarified. Now that we talked about soul mates, what is the meaning of their creation? You said that everything has a why. For example, I asked you why there are 22 parallel universes and not 20, 50 or 100 and you replied that it was for a matter of balance. EON: The existence of soul mates, which throughout the universe may be billions, is a question of causality as much as by chance. Suddenly, by chance, you have five dices, and throw them on the table and you get two 2. It's like if you asked me why I have two 2, because it could have been three, four or five 2. Why, if I have created a trillion spirits, would it be five hundred thousand that vibrate in the same tune? Why did we get two 2? Interlocutor: So, there was no specific reason the number of them created by you. Eon: That's right, the number of soul mates has no specific reason, because they could have been much more or much less and nothing would have changed. However, I have considered that soul mates help much better, because those spirits can work in communion. I repeat, in communion. Interlocutor: For curiosity, how many soul mates could be working "in communion" in the spiritual planes of Light? Eon: They could be two, one hundred or one thousand. Interlocutor: I can only think, obviously as an incarnated being, that it would have been nice that everyone here could find our soul mate of the opposite sex and get together But this apparently never occurs Eon: There are many incarnated beings who have found their soul mate of the opposite sex and by attachment, by disagreements, by ego, by roles of protagonism, by hidden fears or directly because they were in planes of Error, they have not conjugate. You could have a soul mate in plane 4 and here on Earth that person can be completely egoistic and conditioned and even he could descend from level by his erroneous behavior. Interlocutor: Does it mean that I can find a soul mate of the opposite sex and not recognize her as such? Eon: Of course! Not only you would not recognize her as a soul mate but you would say that she has nothing to do with you. Interlocutor: Could it be that something like that happened to me?
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Eon: Of course it has happened to you! Interlocutor: I can hardly believe it How is this receptacle to continue? Eon: It's somewhat destabilized, but you can make a few more questions. Interlocutor: Well The next question relates to free will that I cannot understand very well. In principle, is the Absolute immobile? Eon: It depends on what you mean by immobile. Suppose you have a one liter bottle, and you fill it up with one liter of liquid. Can that fluid move? Interlocutor: Obviously not, because it has no room to move. Eon: Thats right. If the universe is a manifestation of myself and I am contained in the universe, I cannot move physically because I am contained by the universe, in the same way that the bottle contains the liquid. In turn, the universe is contained by me, because I'm the whole manifestation. I am the stars and also the spiritual part and also the emptiness and the dark matter. I am everything and nothing. Then, seen it from this standpoint I do not have mobility, I am immobile. Interlocutor: Its clear. Eon: But in turn, since immobility would be a limitation and I am unlimited, I can move toward any direction. Its just that my focus is infinite. For example, at this moment I am acting through this receptacle and at the same time I'm in countless worlds, perhaps doing the same thing, precisely because I have infinite focus and I have no limitations. If I can do everything and I really can by definition that means that I dont have to be immobile, because the very immobility would be not to be able to. Interlocutor: Are we talking about physical mobility? Eon: Its mobility in all aspects, but I dont need to physically move because my focus is on everything. It's as if I were an insect with ten thousand eyes and each eye sees all possible sides or as if it were a subway Metro that has X stations and each station is responsible for its users. They are two different points of views: I can physically move but I dont need to because I contain the whole. Interlocutor: Its clear. However, at this moment I have raised my right hand and I am moving it. Really, am I moving it or I have the illusion of moving it? That is to say, is it my conscience that is going through the various moments in time and it gives me the illusion of the movement? The classic example would be a filmed movie whose frames are not moving, but when are running in the projector, produce the illusion that the figures are moving. Eon: You have a habit of viewing it or rather want to view it, from my point of view. But my point of view is not yours. You are in this world and within this physical world the time is not an illusion, time runs for you. When you move your arm, you're really moving it, because the muscles move. Its not, therefore, an illusion of your conscience. You are truly moving it. If someone hits you, you get hurt, or injured and even you could disincarnate if you get injured or fall. So, I reiterate, its not an illusion.

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Interlocutor: My question has its reason because Kronbus, [36] the time traveler, who comes from the future and sees that I am doing something that I have already done. Thats my trouble in understanding the free will, because both Kronbus and you already knew that I was going to make that movement, because I have done it before. It's as if I was doing it for a second time what I already did. Now, I am not speaking from the standpoint of the Absolute Eon: Yes, you're talking from my point of view You're not doing the movement for a second time. You're doing the movement for the first time. And not only for the first time, but you are doing this only once. The fact that I perceive it or I knew what you were going to do is because I am an Eternal Present. Interlocutor: But that Kronbus could also perceive it. Eon: Kronbus did not. What Kronbus directly did, was going back in time It's like you could travel to the past at the time of the assassination of Lincoln. Its not that when you see the assassination of Lincoln, you see it for a second time. It happened only once! You are not repeating it, but you're just witnessing what has already happened. The scene is not being repeated. Everything happens only once. Your recent movement of the arm happened a single and only one time. You're not repeating the movement. The assassination of Lincoln is not taking place again. You're witnessing it because you went back in time. I repeat that things happen only once. The fire of Rome happened only once. The crucifixion of Master Jesus happened only once. Then, its not that Kronbus comes from the future and that the facts become real again. Kronbus can come every day to the current day, but things happen only once. It's like if you put a video in and you see the sinking of the Titanic of 1912 again and again. The scene happened only once. You are the one who is seeing it over and over again. Interlocutor: I understand Is it possible to interpret the Creation as a movie already filmed and that one could see it countless times and is it always going to be the same scene? Eon: Sure, because the actors performed only once. Interlocutor: I clearly understood But, from your point of view there was an act of creation or the Creation always existed? I mean if the Creation has always been. Eon: In the next session we will talk about that subject, from the Beginning, from Nothingness. Interlocutor: But now? Eon: Not now, because there is no time, since the issue is extremely important and we must dedicate some time to it. Its an issue that is going to give a good blast. Interlocutor: A blast? in what sense? Eon: A blast to amaze your consultants. And now to conclude, I want to dedicate the last minute to something very important as its healing. Interlocutor: Okay Then, I wont interrupt you with questions Eon: Right The subject of healing is as follows: It was said that there are some entities that are in the highest planes, the Aes, who somehow control the balance of the universe.
[36] In a previous session, the thetan of Kronbus, a time traveler who had come from the future, talked to us. The incarnated or physical part of Kronbus was unaware of that contact.
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How do they control it? They are not incarnated beings that have a tremendous power. In this case is not a gift but power, obviously given by me. But it's like I, somehow, trying to express it in a so poor language let you deal with everything. Let's say that in this case, I, the Absolute, delegate in them the task. They have the task of keeping the balance of all the universes in manifestation, both parallel universes and alternative universes. They are the owners, to call them so, of colors, of musical notes, of the gravitational wells, of everything that is the physics, of everything that is the Entropy. They, somehow, manage everything, allowing the balance of the universe until the new Big Crunch. The Aes are so powerful that they dont mix with the Elohim or the Essences. What they do is to monitor that the balance of the universe does not break by any meaning or any circumstance. And they are almost impossible to visualize or perceive by the incarnated spirits. However, this receptacle, that is Johnakan incarnated, has come to perceive them twice. He has been the only incarnated being able to perceive them and not even Master Jesus did it. He had perceived them when being incarnated as Juan de la Cruz and he has perceived them when being incarnated as Jorge Olguin. In the last perception this receptacle had, he got to perceive Nothingness, and also sounds and colors, experience that he will have to assimilate and then implement it. There are certain sound vibrations, mixed with colors, which cannot be perceived on the physical plane. They are mental sounds, because at mental level sounds can also be perceived. It requires much silence to perceive a mental sound. It has already been said that in the spiritual plane there are more than seven musical notes. Johnakan has perceived those extra notes. They can heal physical problems and even emotional ups and downs. For that reason, it has been said that there is a technique that could be better than PsychoIntegration, which does not even need any collaboration of the person being treated. It's something like when they make you an operation with a laser beam and in which you dont participate, as you sleep, locally or totally; they make you a laparoscopy, they remove a certain tumor from you and they close the tissues with the same beam. Well, in this new therapy you will be cured by sound. It is, as I said, a mental sound. Johnakan will have to make some progress in order to perceive it and put it into practice. This technique has the problem that is difficult to teach because each one has to realize how it is. Note that on Earth some therapists practice what you call the dolphin-assisted therapy and they are healing autistic people with ultra sound of dolphins. It has even come to demonstrate that there are sounds that can modify the DNA chain, making the DNA to increase the vibration and so that autistic person can get to improve. The mental vibration that Johnakan received from the Aes, when he was Juan de la Cruz, centuries ago, is exactly the same. Its a vibration which can cure through mental vibration. This is something never seen. It's called "mental vibration". I leave you with that concern, because for the beings of Light, concern is not an obstacle but an incentive. Interlocutor: Okay, until next time EON, and thanks.

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11. SESSION - 01/Jul/2003

Medium: Jorge R. Olguin Interlocutor: Horacio Velmont Entity that came to talk: EON (the Absolute) Interlocutor: Who is this? Eon: I am here again in the physical plane connected with you through this receptacle. I am EON, a part of what you call the Absolute. I mean one part, despite being the whole, because its only a fraction that is communicating. I must emphasize the willpower of this receptacle, which is at 50% of his physical level by a neuromuscular problem, and he is giving all of himself to do this channeling. Interlocutor: Yes, we know it. Well... in the last session you said that now you would talk about the issue of whether or not there was a Creation, that is, if it has always been. Eon: I will try that the decoder of this receptacle easily translates my messages. Just as you have the concept that I am the eternal, the immeasurable, you must also know that the known worlds are a physical manifestation of myself and the spiritual worlds that is, all the supra-universes are also a spiritual manifestation of myself. Within these dimensions exist time, which is also part of me. In all your writings it has always been said that the spirit is immortal. And this is true, because when the universe ends, the spirit again melts in me, and then a new Big Bang, the creation is back again with all known universes, parallel and alternative universes, but an octave higher, and also is back again the creation of the spirits, with a new awareness, with a new essence, with a new concept, and again they start to grow. As I am eternal, the eternity from my point of view, of EON, is much broader than yours, incarnated beings, because when I speak of eternity I refer to the various eternities of different universes: Big Bang - Big Crunch - Big Bang - Big Crunch and so on. Then, there was never a beginning. The creation is eternal. As well as I have spoken of the famous Moebius strip, which it can be made by joining the ends of a strip of paper with a single half-twist, achieving a permanent continuity, the universe also has a continuous creating - ending - creating ending - creating - ending What I am giving you is not a definite view, but to have a rough idea mentally try to join, like a Moebius strip, the first Creation with the last one. But that person who is a bit clever than others, will say: "That's impossible, because EON has created the spirits - perfect in fact, but with that imperfection of the ego and reactive mind so through learning they can evolve - and as they evolve, with their lights, cause the universe to raise its vibration until completing an octave higher than it had at its beginning. Therefore, if there were a thousand Creations, that is, a thousand Big Bangs and a thousand Big Crunches, the last one would be one thousand octaves higher than the first, and then it would be impossible to connect the last Creation with the first one". Interlocutor: Thats precisely the Eon: Those who believe in impossibility have forgotten that for EON there are no limits, there is nothing impossible. They can be connected perfectly! Interlocutor: obviously, but I wonder how

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Eon: Lets assume that the first strip, which is the first universe, has a millimeter wide, the second strip, which is the second universe, has two millimeters wide, and the last strip, which is the last universe, is going to have one thousand millimeters, or one meter wide. And well, the first strip, of one millimeter, will join with the last strip of one meter wide. And back again to start. Interlocutor: But is it exactly like that Eon: That would be nothing else that an understandable position, but strictly speaking its not so, because the octaves are raising the vibrations of the different universes without affecting their operation. Thus, this universe functioning is equal to the previous universe functioning and will be equal to the functioning of the next universe. Simply this universe has an octave higher of vibration than the previous universe and an octave lower than the next universe. But they perfectly join one to the other. Interlocutor: I am thinking about a round piano, where the treble strings end, it begins the bass string And Im speaking in plural and singular because the strings of the piano have three strings tuned in unison for the treble tones and a single string for the bass tone Eon: The example is valid You have understood the idea. Im now turning to another matter You are so developed in the physical plane that you really achieve nearly impossible things, of enormous complexity, such as time travel through quantum physics. Interlocutor: We know that the time travel will be achieved in the year 2500 because thats what the thetan of Kronbus told us, a time traveler of that era that came to our present time. Obviously, I say it so whoever read these dialogues could know. Eon: Because for me all the universes are an eternal present, I am far beyond your understanding. However, you may assume imaginatively this: if there were hypothetically two thousand universes and dont take this figure as an approximate number, because its an arbitrary amount that I use for the sole purpose of this example I am in all of them, from the first universe to the last one. Interlocutor: But then was there an initial universe? Eon: No, there was not an initial universe, because this first universe was the continuation of the last one created. It's like a wheel. There is a metaphor of a philosopher who said that "time is a wheel and the wheel is eternity". Interlocutor: Could it be said that you always existed and that the Creation with all the universes always existed? Eon: That's right, I have always existed and the Creation has always been. Interlocutor: This would mean that we are within time, but not the Absolute. Eon: Of course! Time is part of the Absolute. Everything that is within the Creation is within the Creation; everything that is within the temporary spaces is within the temporary spaces, valid is the redundancy. But you have the technological capability to travel through time, which is the fourth dimension, and you have the opportunity to travel, even physically, to parallel universes. Interlocutor: With or without machines? Eon: With machines, that we could call them "teledecoder". Even Johnakan has suggested that theory.
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Interlocutor: Yes, I remember. Eon: That's why last time I said that Johnakan is a creative spirit. Interlocutor: Was it to these explanations that you referred at the end of the previous session when you said that you were going to give a blast to amaze our consultants? Eon: Of course, because the incarnated beings on the planet Earth have an incredible inferiority complex since they think that to be able to evolve they need help from beings of other planets, when you already have the evolving techniques that in other worlds don't even dream of Even, as I said, you are going to develop in the future the technique to travel to parallel universes. Interlocutor: Obviously, we are not the first ones in this universe to travel through time Eon: No, you are not the first. The technique that you developed is for traveling to the past and not toward the future, as it was achieved in other worlds. Interlocutor: Yes, I remember you said that in one of the sessions. Eon: There have been small children who have made pranks and have traveled in time. And you put this in your website, as you call it. Interlocutor: That's right. Regarding that did those children appear in Banjos, Spain, because there are other versions that locate the story elsewhere? Eon: They appeared in that place you mention. Interlocutor: Returning to the subject of the Creation From your point of view, is the Absolute immobile? I remember you gave us the example of a one liter of liquid in a one liter bottle. Eon: We must first say that there are no limits for me. Then, this has two points of view. On one hand, yes, I am immobile, because if I am the physical manifestation of Creation and I am within the Creation, I contain the Creation and the Creation contains me as well. Then, when the Creation contains me and I occupy the entire space, I am immobile. Its valid the example that I gave you before about the bottle. But on the other hand, EON is the bottle, and the universe is the fluid, and since I have no limits, I can move and watch all realities. Interlocutor: Could you even make another Creation alongside? Eon: I have the capability of doing that and multitude of unlimited things. Interlocutor: I'll make a silly question, or maybe its not so silly Could you create another EON? A companion, obviously, I'm always thinking about in human ways Eon: Your question would seem superficial, but its not. It could even get me in trouble to answer it. Obviously not, but thats only a way of expression. I am the manifestation of the whole and therefore there cannot be another whole nor can be two infinites. Interlocutor: Now, I remember a mathematician named Paul Davis, who imagined a hospital where there was one row of infinite beds. Theoretically there could not be more that one infinite, but this mathematician wondered about what would it happen if next to that endless row of beds, they would put another row of infinite beds, in which case there would be two infinites. Eon: That's nothing but math, because in reality there can only be one infinite and one Whole. Interlocutor: So, and making a joke, no one could create an EON companion Eon: No, no one can.
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Interlocutor: Also, obviously you dont need it Eon: No, of course. Interlocutor: Ok. Prior to the start of this session, I was talking to Jorge, this receptacle, about Kronbus, the time traveler, when he goes to the past to witness the assassination of Lincoln, whether he sees the filming or the filmed. Eon: He sees the filming and not the filmed, because he could intervene and prevent the assassination. You will see something filmed when you go to watch a movie. The time traveler is not going to a parallel temporary dimension, but he goes to exactly the same time and place where the events occur. A time traveler could prevent the crucifixion of loved Jesus, but as history has already been written, automatically another time traveler would have to intervene to prevent that history is being altered. Interlocutor: Could a time traveler go to see, for example, not the filming, but the filmed? Eon: No, he could not, because he's always within the same time. There is no way out of that temporary space. Interlocutor: I understood. But I'm here right now, I am speaking, gesticulating, I move, breathe, etc. Then, Kronbus comes to this time and knows exactly what I am going to do for the next ten minutes, and he sits comfortably and watches me doing everything he already knows I will do. Eon: Kronbus can know that you, at 9:59, are going to sneeze, but he cannot change anything because that sneezing is already part of the history lived by you. Interlocutor: The question is how Kronbus knows that I will sneeze before I sneeze. Eon: Simply because he comes from the future. Interlocutor: That is to say, I have already done the entire time line and its not that I'm doing it? Eon: I will try to explain it in a simple way every second you are choosing: if you scratch your nose, if you walk, if you stop, if you sit down Interlocutor: Its difficult to understand that I am deciding, second by second, when Kronbus already knows what I have decided Eon: Thousands and thousands of millions of beings in billions of planets are deciding every day, what I already know, what they will do. Interlocutor: And that Kronbus also knows Eon: Of course. And I also know what you will do in ten thousand years from now and what you will do in other worlds and what you have previously done. Interlocutor: So in this aspect, Kronbus is like you I mean that he has the viewpoint of the Absolute. Eon: In that detail, yes. Interlocutor: Despite the explanations I dont fully understand it Eon: If you realize that your actions are unique and you are choosing that happy blessed future every single moment, every day, on a continuous basis, with the free will that I give you. There is no predetermined destiny. Interlocutor: The point is that I have the impression that I am taking a path already walked. Eon: Thats just an impression. Its not real.

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Interlocutor: What brings more confusion to me is that Kronbus already knows it. Eon: He knows because he's from the future. But it's nothing more than that. You also know that forty years ago it was killed an American president. Interlocutor: Yes, John F. Kennedy. Eon: That's right. That is history and it cannot be changed. Interlocutor: Okay. Changing to another topic, a few days ago I received an e-mail where I was asked about Kryon, a spiritual entity channeled by Lee Carroll. I read some of his canalizations and I found texts of true wisdom mixed directly with nonsense. I am a bit confused. Could you clarify me about this issue? Eon: There is a parallel between the book "Conversations with God" by Neale Donald Walsch, in its three parts, with the series of books written by Lee Carroll. The first author channeled me and the second channeled an entity of Light of level 5. Interlocutor: Is Kryon a Master of the 5th level? Eon: That's right. In both authors there is an accomplishment in terms of behaviors, as guideline of conducts, in terms of spiritual growth, but they fail - the second more pronounced - when adding too much of their own nature, originated from religious and spiritual preconceptions. Interlocutor: Are we specifically talking about Lee Carroll? Eon: Both, but in the case of Lee Carroll the preconception is so, but so strong that he lacks humility, wisdom or vision to change it. Then, when mixing the wonderful teachings transmitted to him by that being of Light, with his misconceptions, he has managed to confuse the reader in his books, doing more harm than good, which is contrary to the original purpose of clarifying and raising the reader. You and I, know when the truths are mixed with falsehoods, they may be more dangerous than pure fabrications, because pure fabrications are immediately discovered, but that does not happen when they are half truth and half false. Interlocutor: On several occasions, Master Ron Hubbard has reiterated that concept, so its very present But, does the responsibility fall exclusively on the channeler or in the spirit of Light, which may have had some misunderstandings? Eon: The responsibility is solely of the channeler. Interlocutor: The author speaks of something like a "neutral implant" that would eliminate karma Eon: Thats a misconception, because if karma is eliminated, since this is a lesson to be learned and not a punishment, it would also eliminate the necessary lessons that entail it and then there would be no evolution. It has been repeatedly said that everybody has to reverse his own karma and it would be unfair to exempt some of the lessons to be learned. Interlocutor: Sometimes, it has been said that children could inherit karma from their parents or the planetary karmas Eon: The karma is not passed from father to son, and there are no planetary karmas. We could only speak of planetary karma figuratively, for example, if a planet is egoistic. You can also talk about karma of a country or family karma, but always figuratively speaking because karmas are personal, as each one is responsible for his own actions. As you say in the physical plane, everyone has to take charge of their own karma.

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Interlocutor: In one of the first session held with this receptacle, Master Jesus said that "each one will emerge by his own effort". Eon: Exactly Then, when suddenly an author speaks that karmas can be eliminated or transmuted or exchanged for other things as in recent times, about Saint Germains metaphysics, it was said that lightning could remove karma that author is transmitting misconceptions. Interlocutor: Are we always talking about errors of the channeler? Eon: Yes, errors of the channeler, because if the entity of Light gives a bad message, automatically, his own vibration makes him descend from level. Interlocutor: The question then is why Kryon continued transmitting messages through Lee Carroll if this channeler distorted so much the messages. Eon: Because that being of Light was so eager to convey messages that he always thought that the channeler would finally understand it. As the channeler was adding his own things to it, that being of plane 5, felt so sad, so ashamed, that if he were incarnated, he would literally mourn seas of tears. Interlocutor: But nevertheless, he has continued! Eon: In recent books, Kryon and its not true, as Lee Carroll said that it is an angelic entity or has never incarnated has practically not communicated and this person has invented everything. This spirit of Light was so depleted by seeing his words changed, that has lately barely communicated anything in the causal body of this author. But the channeler, eager to continue writing, added his own things and therefore his books were crazier. Interlocutor: Specifically, should this book be validated with objections or should it simply be invalidated? Eon: If we were to validate this book, I would validate its beauty, remarkability, manner and capability to being able to transmit love. But we cannot talk about of transmuting karmas or doing some implants for changing things. Its absolutely absurd because you are teaching people to be unwise and not to strive "Why will I change my karma if later some implants will modify it for me?" That means you are teaching people to be passive. Something similar happened with some protestant ideas of the mid-twentieth century of your world, where it was argued that "it doesnt matter what you do, because you will simply have to regret it at the end of your life and so you will be forgiven". This is absurd! Interlocutor: I understood, and I think I already have plenty of elements to make an honest critique of the books of Lee Carroll I'm going to ask a question that is a fact: Why is it that almost all women who come in mission fail? Eon: Simply because in the physical plane they are more emotional. I want you to understand the difference between emotion and feeling. The impersonal love is a feeling. The personal love is an emotion. The emotion is susceptible to the reactive mind. And the reactive mind is capable of doing a thousand negative things against that incarnated being. And since women are more emotional, they may be more likely to be trapped on the physical plane by the reactive mind. Interlocutor: The obvious question then is why the spirits choose to be born as a woman, if they are almost certain they are going to fail. Eon: Its a challenge. Interlocutor: A challenge for vanity? Eon: Not at all I rather call it a challenge in the sense of "commitment".

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Interlocutor: Let's see if I understood do the spirits incarnate as a woman because it implies a greater commitment, since its more likely to fail? Eon: Right, that is so. Interlocutor: Well, the point is clarified Another question: Does the Absolute intervene in Jules Verne's book "From the Earth to the Moon" which tells almost literally, the journey to our satellite that the Americans made a century after? Eon: No, a time traveler has intervened. In addition, its not much based on scientific facts, because the book talks about a giant cannon tube where the ship would need an impulse of 11.2 km/sec. to escape from the Earth gravity, and such a cannon of that magnitude, so long, would burn any ship because of the friction in the cannons wall... In this sense, the book of H. G. Wells is much more acceptable, where he talks about the antigravity, which is something much more feasible. Interlocutor: How did the time traveler suggest ideas to Jules Verne? Was it personally delivered, as in the case of Nostradamus? Im referring, of course, to the time traveler named Dominic Li who contacted that philosopher. Eon: No, it was not done personally, but through the causal body of Jules Verne. Interlocutor: Is it something the time traveler should not have done? Eon: Of course not. Interlocutor: Do we know that time traveler? Eon: No, you dont know him. Interlocutor: So, his name has no importance. Eon: Yes. Interlocutor: Do I understand that when you said that the time traveler put ideas into the casual body of Jules Verne, we were talking about the Thetan of the time traveler and not about his incarnated part? Eon: Of course. Interlocutor: Well, changing the subject In our historical facts, have you intervened in making "miracles"? Eon: There are facts that really happened, as when Master Jesus, being incarnated, made a sort of transubstantiation and gave food, breads and fishes, to countless people. Interlocutor: The Masters told us that Jesus got the food from a parallel universe Eon: Correct, but its an event in which I took part, giving Master Jesus the strength to do it, despite the fact that he was being assisted by the Christic Energy. What Jesus did is what I would call a "miracle", because even though its feasible what you would call a scientific fact taking things from a parallel universe, it's really just something out of the ordinary. Interlocutor: Did Jesus come into that parallel universe to take the breads and fishes? Eon: No, he did not enter it, he directly intentioned it. Interlocutor: And when Jesus walked on water? Eon: No, I did not take part there. The Master levitated assisted by the Christic Energy that lightened his weight.
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This receptacle is much destabilized because of his physical lumbar problem that you know Make only one or two more questions Interlocutor: Regarding dreams, which the Masters have already told us enough Do you know all the dreams, such as mine? Eon: Of course I know that! How am I not going to know them? Not to know them would be a limitation and I dont have limitations Interlocutor: Sometimes I forget who I'm talking to, but even so, my human mind, so limited, that is difficult to imagine that someone, although we call him God, could know anything of everything, with no limitation Eon: Some dreams are simply electric shocks of neurons so that the mind could rest, although strictly speaking is not for resting When thinking, there are parts of your brain, or better your decoder, which increase the electric tension more than other parts. Then, when dreaming, you harmoniously re-distribute that unbalanced electrical voltage. Interlocutor: I understand I remember when I was researching on the so-called "Monster of Loch Ness" I dreamed that I saw mechanical monsters in the River Plate like those of Disneyland And I learned later, by mouth of the Masters, that the famous "Ness" was only a holographic projection of a monster to drive away any snooper and it was made by aliens who were based at the bottom of the lake. The question is where did that dream come from? Eon: That dream was dictated by your guides through your causal body so that you associate ideas. Interlocutor: This is also clarified To conclude, I would like to ask when Im writing down on paper these dialogs, am I being assisted in some way by you? Eon: I am always present but its also present your Thetan who has a tremendous work, your guide Ron Hubbard and other Masters of Light, for example Johnakan and others, depending on the topic you're into. Interlocutor: See you later EON and thanks.

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12. SESSION - 09/SEP/2003

Medium: Jorge R. Olguin Interlocutor: Horacio Velmont Entity that came to talk: EON (the Absolute) Interlocutor: EON? Eon: Here I am again communicating with you. Interlocutor: First, is there any message? Eon: In each world there are different degrees of evolutions. On this planet, where you are living now, there are many things you could do to be better, but you dont do them. The incarnated human being in this world has a tremendous dose of selfishness, and in many cases you are so possessed by those so materialistic roles, that many times you don't realize how worthless everything is: struggles, fights, endless discussions When I started communicating through this receptacle, I said that you were as your small children in kindergarten and I reiterate that again. There are thousands and thousands of planets where there are also homo sapiens-sapiens, because having the same life conditions it can also arise what you call human beings. But despite the fact that all the spirits are fairly equal, you have something special, because you have an abstract thinking and a branch of philosophy so important that is surpassed by very few worlds, although you dont specialize in the subject as the inhabitants of Antares 4 do, despite the fact that they are pastoral people. In fact, I would like to clarify that no spirit is equal to another, but when saying fairly equal, I mean that in essence you have the same capacity of synthesis, concept, logic, and consistency. That superior abstract thinking is contradicted by your conduct. The contradiction of having such great capacity of abstract thought, scientific thought, through which you have discovered so many things, nevertheless you continue bound throughout history which for me is nothing, but for you is a long time to your irrational fears, your childish fears. And you have got to the point of which both of you, men and women, have communication problems and look at each other as if you were beings of a different kind. This lack of communication does not happen in other worlds, where they dont have your thinking capacity, and here lies the paradox. That is why I say that this world is unusual, not only because of what it was said, but because it is one of the few worlds in this galaxy in which there are 300 billion stars where many languages are spoken, where there are so many dialects, so many religions and where you even have territorial limits Its absurd! Interlocutor: Was this peculiar human way done on purpose or by chance? Eon: Actually, nothing is random. I will give a very simple example so you could understand me It's like when you prepare a salad in the physical plane and you pour the appropriate ingredients and it goes well. The next day, as you liked as it was, you prepare it in the same way but now perhaps it needs a bit more of something or it has a pinch more of something else and then the salad comes out differently. Interlocutor: Are we talking from the standpoint of the Absolute or the Elohim?

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Eon: We are talking from the standpoint of the Absolute. Interlocutor: So somehow, is there something unpredictable for the Absolute? Eon: Let me make this quite clear to avoid any misunderstanding: There are no unpredictable things for the Absolute. There is a Whole within my broad concept Its very difficult to translate This receptacle is making a superhuman effort to decode my idea and translate it into your language What I mean is there is nothing unpredictable, but somehow you pour the ingredients and then, using your language, you switch "on" the blender and mix everything. And its the blender thats mixing. And I let the blender doing its job, although in reality its not so, because I am the blender as well. Interlocutor: Are you telling me that somehow you leave something at random? Eon: Sure I leave something at random, although that chance is planned. Its not unpredictable. Interlocutor: Now I got the idea The result is within the possibilities that could happen. Eon: Yes. And indeed, the result I already know it. Then, returning to the previous question, that human being of that other planet was done differently from another human being who perhaps has the same type of genes, the same chain of ribonucleic acid, and yet is different, as two brothers are different in this physical plane. And this is why you have got abstract thinking much superior than the one in other worlds. Interlocutor: I understood Now, how is that "eternal present" of the Absolute? For example, I make this motion with my arm, from one side to the other, which you obviously perceive. I see it as a movement of my arm in time and space, as any other person will perceive it as well. But the question is how EON perceives that, since for you this full movement is an all now. Obviously, EON also perceives it as I do, but Im referring exclusively from the point of view of EON. Eon: If you could imagine it as I see it in every possible way, you will still fall short. I see it like that and so much more. But let's try to reason what I mean. Its not that everything is a now. The moment at which the physical universe exists, there is a physical universe with its four dimensions. We are talking about length, width, height and time. So, yes, that time exists. Of course, what happens is since I do not have limits, I am within the space and outside the space, and within the time and outside the time. But for you, whether you are or you are not incarnated, there is no eternal present. If you could somehow make your decoder leave that space and time and perceive things from outside, perhaps you would see it going faster, like those old films seen. Interlocutor: Then, would I not see them as something motionless? Eon: No, as something motionless, no. But up to there it will get your perception, because as your perception was born within the space-time, you cannot imagine something else, because your concept cannot grasp it. Not even as 100% spirit you would have the concept to understand it. Interlocutor: But when we plunge into the Absolute in the Big Crunch Will we? Eon: Yes, of course, but in this case you would no longer be spirit but be part of the Absolute. Interlocutor: Of course, its a way of saying that we are going to plunge into the Absolute and be part of him, because we are part of him Is it right? Eon: Yes, its correct.

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Interlocutor: After all these explanations, I wonder if there really was a creation, that is, if there was a time when it all began Or both, the Absolute and the Creation, always existed, with all the Big Bangs and Big Crunches? Eon: The universe is a manifestation of what has been created and what has not been created. What has not been created means that at any given time something was created. Interlocutor: But then, what was before? This is the crux! Eon: No, no Let's wait until the decoder of this receptacle works, because hes making a tremendous effort to translate my concept And it's not to praise him, but this concept that I am giving, he is the only person on this planet, at this moment, that can translate it What its not created could be me, but it can also be the physical manifestation, the universe. But in reality this is not the case. I existed, at any given time, as a manifestation of energy, a very but very subtle energy It was an entire energy level and there was no physical plane and not even spiritual planes. And as well as the stars have the gift, let us not say the power, of heating up until they consume their nuclear reaction and then cool down, my gift, among other things, is to create, and I say among other things because I also give love, mercy, etc. But let's say that one of my roles is to create. So at any given time I created a physical universe divided into 22 universes, with the multiple universes that began and ended, and also I created the supra-universes, also called spiritual worlds. Then, its excellent what this receptacle wrote "In the beginning there was Nothing and Nothing was Everything". Why was there Nothing? There was Nothing because EON could not be perceived by anyone... because there was no one. But as well it was whole, because inside of me there is everything. Interlocutor: It means, that something was latent. Eon: There was something latent, latent to infinity. Then, when I say Nothing, its that Nothing occupied not even a physical point. It was all energy, not tangible energy. Interlocutor: And, was it the only thing that existed? Eon: Yes, that was the only thing that existed. Interlocutor: There was nothing else. Eon: That's right, there was nothing more than that. And suddenly, only with intentions, because there is the gift of creation, everything known in the universe was originated through the first Big Bang, with its 22 parallel universes, and with supra-universes, that is to say, the spiritual or supraphysical universes with all the planes. Interlocutor: It's perfectly clear. Eon: From there on, the structure is formed, which was empty and it had to be filled. So I created the Aes, the Essences, the Elohims, the Divine Energies, and all other Energies, and I gave power to the Elohims to create the Spirits, Angels, Devas. I explain it this way to make it understandable. This is something that not even quantum physicists would understand it. Interlocutor: Obviously the Elohims created under your supervision. Eon: Of course. Outside perfection, everything else is imperfect until they evolve to perfection. Let's say that the spirits are evolving beings, but we know that the reactive mind has reached to even some Elohim.
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Interlocutor: Yes, we already have that information. Eon: There may be a hint of imperfection in an Essence, even in the Aes that are at this moment "handling" the physical-atomic structure of the universe with the aim that it does not collapse until it is the precise moment in time Interlocutor: Until reaching the Big Crunch Eon: That's right Thats the role of the Aes, to maintain the physical and spiritual structure of the universe. And when I speak of the universe, I mean the 22 parallel universes and also the supraphysical universes. Interlocutor: Its clear What is the role of the Essences? Eon: The Essences act overseeing that everything goes well, but not at the level of the Aes, which is overseeing the structure of the universe, but the structure of living things. And Essences can somehow try and pass on to me what they perceive to be abnormal. However there are very few times that I intervene for not violating the free will. Interlocutor: And the Elohim? Eon: The Elohim continue fulfilling the role of being creators There are Elohim who have been moved from this sector to other sectors in this sector there are only seven. Interlocutor: Let me ask a question and the following Big Bangs? Eon: They are going to be the same, except that one octave higher. Interlocutor: Will they be? Or, are they already? Eon: I say they will be from your point of view and from the standpoint of people who read this. Interlocutor: I understand But, are all previous Big Bangs and all subsequent Big Bangs for eternity? I mean if there is no more creation because everything has already been created. Eon: The gift of the Absolute is to create, but I do not rule improvising tomorrow. At this time there will be no changes, its expected to have continuous Big Bangs and Big Crunches, but if tomorrow Interlocutor: What do you mean when saying "tomorrow"? Eon: Tomorrow may be tens of billions of years into the future, and perhaps tens of Big Bangs and Big Crunches. Interlocutor: I understand Eon: And suddenly, when a Big Crunch comes, instead of making a new Big Bang, I pause that new explosion and say, well, let's see now what can happen if instead of the Elohim, I directly create the spirits Creations have to be always consistent, there must be balanced universes, and there cannot be multidimensional universes, with double time Interlocutor: Thats clear, but what confuses me is that for the Absolute everything is a now. If everything is a now, it should already be designed or rather made all the creations that may exist. Eon: There are two ways to describe it, and perhaps one will be easier to understand than the other. Its okay what you say, that for me everything is an eternal present, but also you can understand it as a succession of present times. Besides, although to me there are no limits, we will set a specific number lets not say eternity for example, there will be 1000 Big Bangs and Big Crunches more. I already know what will happen with the last one Interlocutor: You say "what will happen", but nevertheless you already know what happened Eon: Yes, I already know what has already happened. And we are talking about 40 billion years multiplied by 1000.
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Interlocutor: But if for the Absolute everything is a now, it also has to be the Creation 1001, whatever it will be. Eon: I will try to simplify it so that you can understand it We just talked about future changes... imagine that at some future date, after the Big Crunch number 1000, I change my mind and I create something different, a universe without Suns, with nebulas, where beings can live at 300 degrees below zero, and evolve rather than with brain decoders, with energy decoders and they communicate with rays or Interlocutor: But you already know whether you did it or not Eon: Of course I already know it! What happens is that I come into the continuum temporary space to be understood by you. So, I speak through this receptacle as if I were within the time too. Interlocutor: Now I understand its the knowledge of the Absolute seen from our point of view. Eon: Of course! That's why I said that perhaps at some future date I may change my mind, but deep down I already know if I changed it or not. And I have endless revelations to do of what it might have happened and you would say "what it has already happened" or what is happening or what will happen or what it was or what it is. Because if it is an eternal present, it can be "it was, it is or it will be". It's everything at once! And I can see it in that way. Interlocutor: Let's see if I understand When everything is an eternal present, from the standpoint of the Absolute, there is nothing to create because everything has already been created? Is that correct? Eon: Thats correct. Interlocutor: And there was not even a creation, a beginning. Everything always was. Eon: Looking at it from that absolute point of view, yes, that is the case! Even before creating the first Big Bang, when my essence, my being was an intangible energy, I questioned myself at that time if I would create the first universe, as I already had the knowledge of the last one. Interlocutor: But being everything an eternal present, for the Absolute, was it not already done? Eon: Sure, it was done as well and for that reason I had the knowledge, because one cannot have the knowledge of what has not been done. Interlocutor: But in our case... Eon: You can have that knowledge when imagining what you will be doing tomorrow and eventually you might not do it, because you decided to do something else. But in my case, having knowledge means "already done". Interlocutor: I perfectly understood it. From the standpoint of the Absolute is a circle, or rather a circumference that always existed and it does not have a beginning. Is it something like that? Eon: And so the circle can be considered as a whole or as a succession of endless points. Interlocutor: Now I understand. Eon: I don't want to say more than is needed, so you won't get confused. Do you want me to continue? Interlocutor: Yes, of course I encourage you. Eon: Well, as you would say, you're "getting into hot water". Interlocutor: I'm already in. I'm in a dancing room and I have no choice but to dance.

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Eon: Today I mean your today and not mine I can change my mind and decide that this be the last Big Crunch, meaning that there will be no more 1000 Big Bangs - Big Crunches. Would that mean that everything that was planned will no longer exist? How could that be, if it had already been planned, until the last Big Bang! Well, I could suddenly, as you say in the physical plane, improvise and say no to myself, I just got bored using the expression "bored", of course, from your standpoint, as you have the possibility of getting bored Interlocutor: You mean that what it has already been done, cannot be changed? Eon: Yes, thats right, what is done cannot be changed, but I have the gift, or power, if you want to call it that, to improvise with what I want Interlocutor: But, what happens with the events that have already happened? Lets assume that I throw this ashtray to the floor Eon: I would create, from the standpoint of EON, not from the point of view of your decision, an alternative universe Do you remember when in previous sessions you said: "If instead of taking that bus I dont take it, I am creating an alternative universe, and later that alternative universe, is rearranged and returns to its normal channel and that alternative universe disappears" Interlocutor: Yes, I remember Eon: Well, EON, with his decision, can create alternative universes. This is the crux of the matter. Thats why I said that you're getting into hot waters Interlocutor: Well, but so far I understand it perfectly The fact is done Nero burned Rome and thats it. How could be done to eliminate what was already done? Eon: The fact doesn't disappear; there are alternatives that are created. Interlocutor: Ok, but Nero Eon: I already know everything, as everything is an eternal present for me, there will be at least 1000 Big Bangs and Big Crunches more, and I could choose to wait for this Big Crunch to finish and do something else. But on the other hand, the 1000 Big Bangs - Big Crunches more have already been created. Then, what happens with that? Well, I could create a perfectly valid alternative line. On one side, there would be the 22 parallel universes with their supraphysical universes, with spirits who continue evolving and raising the universe more octaves, which is happening so far. And on the other side, there would be universes of nebulas, without stars, with beings of energy like clouds and they could not understand how it would be possible the existence of other universes with physical forms Interlocutor: That's very clear But those alternative Big Bangs, from the standpoint of the Absolute, already exist Eon: Thats correct. Interlocutor: So everything from the standpoint of the Absolute existed, exists and will exist, as the circumference, which has no beginning or end. Is that correct? Eon: Thats right, that's it The effort that has made this receptacle to translate my concepts, which were very difficult to interpret, even though on paper are so simple, is so tremendous that he has drained almost all of his energy. At the moment, he is exhausted His mind has worked hard Interlocutor: Will it be Ok to make a few more questions? Eon: You can make a few more

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Interlocutor: The first one is something that many people ask me, and its about the premonitory dreams that we know they do not exist. The second one is why are time travelers required? Eon: Let's first see the question on the premonitory dreams. Dreams, categorically, are never premonitory. Its just that, among several things, dreams are also expressions of desires and often the Thetan may interfere in them so that they are fulfilled. Moreover, and this has already been said, dreams are sometimes mixed with past life events. Thats why when a person is dreaming, he could suddenly find himself in a habitat that recognizes as his own, but after waking up, he realizes that it has nothing to do with him. Interlocutor: Then, the fact that someone fulfilled what he dreamed, its only by coincidence or because the Thetan somehow unwittingly interfered to make such a thing happen. Is that correct? Eon: Its exactly the case. Interlocutor: What about time travelers? Eon: Time travelers are not indispensable. Simply you have created a technique to travel in time through quantum physics and that's it. Interlocutor: Then, is it not for repairing alterations in the time line? I say this because Kronbus told us that the mission of time travelers was to repair those facts that have already happened and somehow have changed. So, the mission of time travelers was to make that past events remain as they happened, without alterations. Eon: There are planets where there are no time travelers and therefore they do not repair anything and history continues its course. What they are repairing is physical. The physical does not matter. We have said that the planet Earth may disappear and the terrestrial race end, and nevertheless the spirits continue their evolution incarnating in another planet. Interlocutor: As you said, it seems to have no sense that time travelers fix anything Eon: Yes, that's what I'm saying. The physical is temporary. Interlocutor: Sorry for insisting, but the Thetan of Kronbus told us that time travelers come to the past to redress historical facts that were altered. Eon: It might look fine, because it's like a toy for the incarnated being, but if we look at it from the "above", everything what they are fixing is temporary. I reiterate that the true life is in the spirit and although the life on the physical plane of this planet ends tomorrow, the spirits will continue incarnating and evolving in other worlds. Interlocutor: But let's assume that a time traveler wants to save Kennedy from being murder I understand that he cannot Eon: No, you cannot because its already done, already happened. Interlocutor: But if they did? Will another time traveler have to go to the past to fix it? Eon: Yes, he has to go to fix it. Interlocutor: And if they did not? Eon: Then, history would change. It would change all the facts, all your memories Interlocutor: I was thinking Lets suppose that in the true history, Kennedy was not killed and someone from the future come to kill him, because he wants to change history, and no time traveler might prevent it from happening. Eon: Then, it would change the memory of all human beings beyond that time and history would be as he was murdered.

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Interlocutor: But in our history Kennedy was murdered. However, what would happen if a time traveler prevents the murder? Would it form an alternative universe? Eon: No, an alternative universe is not formed. Just the history of the murder did not happen and everybody would remember Kennedy alive and that the murder was prevented. Interlocutor: So Kronbus was wrong to say that the time travelers are important. Eon: Kronbus saw it from the standpoint of the incarnated human. Interlocutor: But I telepathically communicated with his Thetan! Eon: It's the same thing. The Thetan of Kronbus is a spirit and the spirit has limitations. He is also "within" time. Interlocutor: Now I understood the last question: Was incarnated Kronbus curious to find out how was him at this present time? Eon: Yes, he was, but he did not communicate. And his thinking was that he did not recognize the person as him from the past. The same thing would happen to you if you travel to ancient Rome and see yourself there you would not recognize him as you in that previous incarnation. Interlocutor: I understand so the incarnated Kronbus didnt know that his Thetan was telepathically communicating with us. Eon: No, because the incarnated being doesnt know what his Thetan is doing I send you all my bluish white Light. Interlocutor: Until next time EON and thanks.

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13. SESSION - 11/Nov/2003

Medium: Jorge R. Olguin Interlocutor: Horacio Velmont Entity that came to talk: EON (the Absolute) Interlocutor: Are you, EON? Eon: Here I am Interlocutor: How are you? Obviously, I'm joking Speaking seriously, I will ask several questions that I have scheduled Eon: You can ask the questions. Interlocutor: The first question I have is about the origin of man on Earth. Its a subject on which I have much confusion. What we know is that the Elohim created spirits, including human spirits and then the spirits waited for physical bodies to evolve from viruses Eon: No, they did not evolve from viruses but from bacteria. In addition, the Elohim did not create "human" or "animals" or "plant" spirits, but conceptual spirits, which can incarnate in a human, a reptiloid or a plant, as long as the race has the suitable type of decoder, that is in relation to the conceptual level or discernment of the spirit. This means that a high conceptual spirit, with superior discernment, will never incarnate in an animal entity, such as a terrestrial dog, because it could not fit, since he requires a more sophisticated decoder in order to express his ideas. What would happen then if the conceptual spirit which requires a decoder of a homo sapienssapiens we are talking about the Earth incarnates in a pithecanthropus? Interlocutor: Obviously, he would be prevented from developing his thoughts. Eon: Correct. And nevertheless, despite that, high conceptual spirits incarnated in those primitive entities. Interlocutor: Why did they do something so irrational? Eon: Because the decoder in those primitive entities was developing very slowly and the spirits decided to incarnate to accelerate the evolution of that decoder and thereby generating, at the genetic level, the analytical mind. Interlocutor: Was there some kind of pressure, I dont know how to express this, for incarnating in those so primitive entities? Eon: Not at all, and this is a merit of them, because nobody forced them to incarnate. At that time, the evolution of the Australopithecus and other hominid races was very slow, almost non-existent, because they were races that did not live more than twenty-five or thirty years, and were only engaged in eating, procreating and fighting among them. Interlocutor: Then, thanks to those spirits the evolution was accelerated. Eon: Yes. The spirits voluntarily incarnated in them, so that, through successive incarnations the race evolved. Interlocutor: Does any other medium ever talked about this?

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Eon: No, no medium on the Earth has ever talked about this. This is the first time. Even the spirits of Error of planes 2 and 3 incarnated to enjoy mating with females, and thus, although indirectly, serving the race. Interlocutor: Therefore, can it be said that with many successive generations, man evolved and his mental decoder became more sophisticated? EON: That's right There was, for example, a race that lasted forty thousand years. Well, comparing it to what it was like at the beginning of those forty thousand years and how was at the end, the race progressed greatly, to such an extent that it was no longer the same, since it had evolved genetically. Let me explain what happened to the spirit with his conceptual mind, in a decoder of 800 cm3, which had a tenth of abstract thought that the homo sapiens-sapiens have at present. Interlocutor: I suppose that the spirit would feel like imprisoned Eon: Yes. Imagine if you were incarnated in an ape of today Interlocutor: I can imagine Eon: Well. But even so, those incarnated spirits did it, as I said, with the mission of helping the race to evolve. The complex conceptual spirits that incarnated at that time knew that primitive race, in the future, was going to be completely human and that they would develop in the physical plane a conceptual thought also elevated. Interlocutor: That's clear, but... Do the Elohim only create conceptual spirits? Eon: The Elohim create conceptual spirits and non-conceptual spirits, that is, more basic spirits, like the actual animals. Interlocutor: Were all the spirits of any kind, then, created by the Elohim? Eon: Yes. All spirits were created by the Elohim. Interlocutor: Summarizing what has been said to see if I understood. The Elohim create human spirits Eon: The Elohim do not create "human" spirits but conceptual spirits. They dont create "human" spirits because this designation cannot be, because today you can incarnate in a human organism and tomorrow disincarnate and then you could incarnate in a reptiloid. In that case, you're not a "human" spirit incarnated in a reptiloid, but a concept spirit who incarnated in a reptiloid organism. And you can also incarnate in any other animal or plant organism. Nothing is going to prevent it, but as long as such animals or plants have a decoder just as humans. You can even incarnate in a humanoid organism, as it did that philosopher you always name, Rah, from the planet Antares 4, who measures less than women on the planet Earth, weighs less than 40 terrestrial kilos and his DNA is not equal to DNA from here Interlocutor: Could a Langar, a reptiloid like lobster, disincarnate and incarnate in a terrestrial organism? Eon: Yes, because the mental decoder is similar. Interlocutor: That's clear, but I'm intrigued as to why could a conceptual spirit incarnate in a reptiloid or an amphibian? Eon: Let's see. Why are there different races in the universe? There are different races in the universe because each planet has different life conditions.

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And sometimes those different life conditions become more favorable for an amphibious life to grow in intelligence and his decoder to flourish. There are planets where humanoid or animal races have not flourished and it had so plant races, which initially were motionless and then began to leave their roots and through the millennia they got their own mobility and abstract thoughts. There are planets where the plants are a thinking race to the point that their decoder is similar to that of humans. This means that there is no impairment in a conceptual spirit that incarnated in this type of organism, since he may evolve just as in a human organism. Interlocutor: I understood. Since plants on our planet are of no use for a conceptual spirit that incarnates, but what type of decoder do they have? Eon: The plant race on this planet has a cellular decoder. Note that if you cut a branch with scissors, and you go out and return the next day with those scissors and something to measure its reaction, you would see that when getting closer or touching the plant, the needle would mark fear. And even though, the plant does not have a developed decoder as that of humans or animals of this planet, the plant intuits, because it has a cellular decoder, although very basic, it exists. Interlocutor: Yes, I have read about that experiment. Eon: I continue with what I was explaining In the different races of the universe there are thinking beings of all species, and thus, it can be found not only thinking humanoid but also thinking apes, thinking plants, and even thinking minerals. Interlocutor: Thinking minerals? Eon: That's right There are planets where beings are made of silicon and also selenium, not carbon as on the Earth. If you could touch them you would feel like touching a rock. They can hardly move. They handle themselves differently. They have almost a voice, since they emit a guttural sound. They communicate by signs. Nevertheless, they can host in their organism, so to call it, a conceptual spirit Interlocutor: Are we always talking about of a 10% of the conceptual spirit? Eon: Yes. It always incarnates a 10% of the spirit, nothing else. Interlocutor: So far everything is clear But if I am in the spiritual world, can I differentiate each conceptual spirit as to say, for instance, "this is the spirit of a tiger, that other is the spirit of a reptile, that one is the spirit of a plant? Eon: No, you could not, because the conceptual spirits are not human or humanoid or animals or plants, but simply conceptual spirits. Differentiation is only on the physical plane. Interlocutor: I understand As a curiosity, when I disincarnate as human, about what could I talk about with another spirit who disincarnate as a plant? Eon: You would simply exchange experiences. Actually it's easy to understand. That conceptual spirit who incarnated as a plant would ask you: "What did you feel, being incarnated as human, when having an orgasm?" And you, in turn, would ask him: "What did you feel when you scattered the female plant all the pollen on her body with caresses note that since having mobility, there are male and female plants. Interlocutor: Indeed, it would be a very interesting experience How do plants make love? Eon: When plants have mobility, and this is newness, they make love like this: They begin to caress, embrace, feeling like a kind of orgasm in all their leaves while the male is spreading pollen through the body of the female, until the female releases her seeds to grow new plants.
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Those plant seeds are buried into the ground until the new plants are born and then they begin their mobility. To give you an idea, it's like a snake or a turtle egg that is buried in the sand until the reptile or chelonians break the egg and then they go out and walk. Interlocutor: Its clear could we interchange roles? Eon: Yes, of course. You could incarnate as a plant and the other conceptual spirit could incarnate as a human. I want to clarify that if you go to another world and incarnate as a plant, you are not going to be as a terrestrial plant, but a plant of a world where the vegetables have expression and even write poetry. Interlocutor: Ok, suppose I disincarnate and it also does a spirit that incarnated in a chicken. I say chicken just to mention a kind of animal with "little lights". Could we communicate and exchange experiences? Eon: No, because they are not conceptually equal spirits. Interlocutor: But somehow, could we understand each other? Eon: Perhaps you would understand the spirit that incarnated in a chicken, but not vice-versa, because that spirit is conceptually very basic, very elementary. Interlocutor: Could I incarnate in a terrestrial chicken? Eon: No, in a terrestrial chicken no, because its mental decoder is very limited. It would be like if you were locked up without being able to communicate. Interlocutor: Being in the spiritual world, can I say, for example "This is a spirit of Light, this is a spirit of Error, this is a spirit suited to incarnate in a chicken, this one is suitable to incarnate in an amoeba. Specifically, can I distinguish the spirits in this way? Eon: Yes, you can distinguish them like that. Interlocutor: Then, there is a classification! Eon: There is a spiritual classification for what you call in the terrestrial plane "inferior animals", a bad way to call them. Interlocutor: Let's see if I understood: The Elohims create different conceptual spirits, from those who can incarnate in human or humanoid to those who can incarnate in a virus or an amoeba Is that correct? Eon: Yes. Interlocutor: Now I see that you explained it well but I misunderstood Eon: When I say that your spirit can incarnate in different races we are talking about thinking races. Interlocutor: That was clear to me But I think at some point I asked whether there were divisions in conceptual spirits and you told me there are not Eon: When I said that there are no divisions, I have done it on the basis that all conceptual spirits can incarnate in all the thinking races of the universe, being humans, humanoids, animals, plants, or minerals. But always, they could incarnate in them if they have an appropriate mental decoder to fit the concepts of discernment of the conceptual spirit. In turn, there are other lesser conceptual spirits that will incarnate in animal species that have a smaller decoder fitted to them.

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And now let me give you a newness Do you know who is responsible for maintaining the balance and knowing in which planet must incarnate each spirit? Interlocutor: I cannot imagine it Eon: The Lipikas Interlocutor: I had understood that the spirit had free will to choose his incarnation Eon: The elevated conceptual spirits can choose where, when and under what family to incarnate, and they can even choose to go through certain problems to evolve, always with the risk of involuting if they fail. But the lesser conceptual spirit of a chicken and I mention this animal because you brought it up before cannot choose where to incarnate because its concept is very basic. So the Lipikas sent the 10% of that spirit to incarnate, for example in the organism of a chicken. Interlocutor: Now I understood In animals, is there communication between the Thetan of the animal and its 10% incarnated? Eon: Of course! Look for example a horse that is going along a path, whether with a rider or dragging a cart and it happens that the path is cut off because there is a cliff, and because of that, the animal suddenly becomes nervous many meters before reaching that cliff How does the horse know about the danger? Because its 90% is telling that to it! How could nobody, on the planet Earth, having seven billion incarnated human beings, thought about it? The Thetan of the horse, although being a limited concept, is telling its 10%: "Beware that there is a cliff". And the horse stops just on the edge and saves the rider or the driver of the cart. And you attribute that to instinct! Interlocutor: I have read those facts many times, but it was never explained like that I continue reasoning to see if I understood The Elohim create conceptual spirits of various kinds. Eon: Thats correct. Interlocutor: And also create "non-conceptual" spirits? I ask this because I want to clarify the meaning of the phrase "non-conceptual." Eon: All spirits are conceptual to some extent, but the term "non-conceptual" is reserved for spirits with very small capacity of concept. Interlocutor: Now I got the idea. I had a misunderstanding. Then, the spirit of a virus would be a "non-conceptual" spirit Eon: Thats right. Obviously, the concept that has a virus is so small that it is almost nonexistent, that is why I speak of non-conceptual spirit. A virus is almost pure instinct. Interlocutor: Thats perfectly clear I now turn to another question What was the first human organism in which a conceptual spirit incarnated? Eon: The first human organism was a race that existed millions of years ago in the middle of the continent that you call Africa. It was a quadruped animal, just a little bit more conceptual than the present monkey. Interlocutor: Is that race registered in our books of anthropology? Eon: No, it is not registered. It was very pre-Australopithecus. Interlocutor: And how could we call it? Eon: It could be called Africapithecus.

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Interlocutor: I will write the term down... To conclude this matter, why could we not call the spirits apt to incarnate in human organisms "human conceptual spirits", to differentiate them, for example, from the conceptual spirits apt to incarnate in plant or animal organisms? Eon: There would be no problem in using the term, but only if you are referring to the planet Earth. You are a human conceptual spirit because you have incarnated in a human organism, but if tomorrow you decide to incarnate on another planet as a plant in an important mission, then you're not a human conceptual spirit Interlocutor: You are right, it was obvious Would it be some way to call it? Eon: You can call it "higher conceptual spirit". Interlocutor: OK Is it completed this matter about the origin of man on the Earth? Eon: Yes, with the new concepts I have given and making a joke, because I also do jokes, since the joke, like love, are part of Creation as the star and the stone - I would tell you that "they are concepts that only God could have given you." Interlocutor: Now, I wonder if it could be a classification number of the conceptual spirits from higher to lower For example having ten, twenty, one hundred classifications Eon: One million, at least! Interlocutor: Well, I think the issue is clarified. Going to another question that I think is quite interesting... Has it ever been a change in our history without us knowing it? For example, Kennedy was not killed This question relates to time travelers. Eon: The history on this planet has changed many times and the planet has involuted. Interlocutor: The specific question is what was changed and who did it. Eon: A time traveler that alters something practically creates a new alternative universe and this new alternative universe can be transformed in the original one. Interlocutor: And the previous alternative universe? Eon: It simply dries up as a root that has no water. Interlocutor: Are only time travelers who can alter the facts that have already happened? Eon: Time travelers and also decision making. Interlocutor: Could you give us some concrete example? Eon: You know about reincarnation memory, but there is another memory, which is called temporary memory. Interlocutor: What is temporary memory? Eon: You've heard or read in some history books, that Charlemagne conquered many territories. Well, if a time traveler kills Charlemagne at five years old, that history of Charlemagne as conqueror has not happened. The same could happen with Alexander the Great, if they kill him being young, the history of conqueror Alexander has not happened In these cases, you will never know about them as being conquerors. But your temporary memory has a kind of aftertaste of that. Interlocutor: Thats clear, but its a hypothetical story. Is there any real history that we could know? Eon: One true story is that Jesus was not crucified. Interlocutor: Will that be the true story? Eon: You cannot talk about true story. The true story is always the present one, the one you are experiencing. Just remember that I am above all alternatives.
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Interlocutor: How was then that story that Jesus was not crucified? Eon: That story continued in which he did not do any mission in another planet, he was not resurrected by extraterrestrial, he had a normal life, he went back to look for Miriam, the Samaritan of the Well of Jacob, who was alone because a plague had ravaged her entire family, also dying her husband and children That is why she went with him, because otherwise she would have never left them Interlocutor: Are we talking about an alternative universe? Eon: That's right I am talking about the Samaritan from the story of Eloah Arbillac Interlocutor: Yes, I remember it. Eon: Jesus and the Samaritan go to live in Kashmir, have children and he dies in this place Interlocutor: There is just a book called "Jesus died in Kashmir" Eon: Exactly. That book was written with temporary memory. Interlocutor: Remarkable! Eon: But the book is incomplete because it does not speak about the Samaritan, nor of Jesus' encounter with her at Jacob's Well or anything of those things. Interlocutor: But the original story is the one we know, namely that Jesus was crucified? Eon: Correct. Interlocutor: But who changed that story in which Jesus did not died in Kashmir and finished being crucified? Was it a time traveler? Eon: They were decision makings. I already indicated that not all cases are time travelers who change history. Interlocutor: Are you saying that it was a Jesus decision? Eon: Yes. He thought that it might better to serve humanity by being crucified Here, there is a very thin line between service and sacrifice, because somehow, we are talking about sacrifice with pain and not with joy. Jesus somehow wanted to continue conveying his messages, but he chose to make a blow effect, by calling somehow to his crucifixion, so that Christianity could come up with more force. Interlocutor: Had Jesus transcended the same without the crucifixion? Eon: Absolutely not. It would have been a story like so many others. Jesus is remembered precisely because of his martyrdom. In addition, the Apostolic Roman Catholicism is so basic that is not interested in Jesus messages and his love for humanity, they are only interested in miracles and in that alleged resurrection. Interlocutor: Obviously, religion is only interested in the phenomenological Eon: Exactly. Interlocutor: That alternative universe where Jesus died in Kashmir, did it dried up? Eon: Yes. The alternative worlds do not persist. Those that persist are parallel universes. Interlocutor: Is there any other case in history that has been modified? Eon: There are many alternative universes that have dried up. In those alternative universes the Che Guevara was still alive, Kennedy was not killed because he had been warned and instead had put a double, which is murdered, Marilyn Monroe did not die, there is a Third World War in 1989 There's even an alternative universe that dried up where this receptacle did not meet with you,
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because that day he had a consultation and could not go to the meeting that you had prepared and you never got together later Interlocutor: Thats interesting! Eon: And the Elron Group did not exist and therefore nothing came to light, because you have been an active part of all messages that Johnakan has given through this telepathic channeling. Let's say that you have emphasized the need of growing the Mediumship of this receptacle, you have encouraged him, or perhaps his competitive spirit, to see that there was another medium that said a lot of nonsense which in this case is a good thing he unconsciously thought, I mean the 10%, "and why not?", so he decided to go all the way That is to say, there were a number of factors that affected this receptacle to become a medium, whether he had been contacted by you, whether his 90% seeing that his 10% was prepared to receive the aphorisms, which he did them in a week and are now more than three hundred All these things contributed to begin his path of mediumship with the messages. Interlocutor: That is very clear another question What is the reason that a time traveler could travel to the past and to the future? Is it because the Creation is itself a present time, regardless of the point of view of the Absolute? Eon: The Creation is just a present time for me Interlocutor: So, is the time traveler in that same present of the Absolute? Eon: No, thats not the case. Time is part of the dimensions. When we talk about the physical dimensions, we are not talking about the size of the Cosmos, which many delirious confuse with spiritual planes. When we speak of time, we are talking about a dimension, and as well as you can go across the three space dimensions, why not being able to cross the space-time dimension? Interlocutor: I understand Eon: Time is another dimension and dimensions can be crossed. Dimension implies size, dimension implies length. Time is just really a length and it can be traveled as well, depending of course, on finding the appropriate coordinates. Interlocutor: The point was clarified However, the time traveler travels to the past to redress events that have been altered. We know that there is no need to repair anything on the physical plane, but time traveler believes differently And why do they travel into the future? Eon: By curiosity. Interlocutor: Curiosity? Is it nothing more than curiosity? Eon: That's right, just curiosity, for example to know the progress, because in the future they will not repair anything because it has not yet happened I mean that did not happen for the time traveler. Interlocutor: And could time traveler intervene to modify something in that future time? Eon: In that future no, but he could change the present so that future changes. Interlocutor: I dont understand Eon: If suddenly in that future, there is stunning news, for example that such disease has been defeated or that such a country seized the world Let's talk about forty more years Suddenly in the Middle East, they find the formula to defeat the West. So that this time traveler of the present travels to 2043, and when he returns inform the American president that in 2028 they have found a formula to produce, through distillation of petroleum, certain product with a lethal weapon than can decimate an entire country. Then, he gets the information from 2043, regarding the discovery made in 2028, so in 2003 it reaches the American president. If the United States takes precautions and

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makes a direct invasion of that country in the Middle East, destroys it completely, no matter what the history changes. Or directly he asks to that time traveler to go back to the future, to 2043, to bring the formula on how to distill that oil to produce a lethal weapon and so they make it in 2004 or in 2005. So going to the future can change the history of the present and therefore also the history of that future. Interlocutor: Are these examples theoretical assumptions which in practice do not occur or are occurring in some planets? Eon: There are only theoretical hypothesis, because similar events are occurring in some worlds. Interlocutor: Is there any advanced planet where all the inhabitants carry a small "trans-travel" that anyone who wishes could travel to the past or the future? I ask this because, for example, here we have a portable cellular phone that we can use to communicate with others without going to our homes or some special place. Eon: Yes, that happens in some worlds, but not all have that apparatus, just as not everyone has one of those mobile phones, since there are people of limited economic resources who do not even know what it is. Interlocutor: I was referring if somehow it was available to anyone to have them. Eon: Yes, and those who can access it, can travel through time. Interlocutor: Do those travelers make any chaos altering events? Eon: There are rules that must be respected. Interlocutor: And how do they do it so those rules are respected? Eon: There is what you would call "time police" to monitor that these rules are not violated. Interlocutor: It was almost obvious to assume something like that Are spacecraft coming from the future? I refer to the so-called UFOs. Eon: Yes, of course. Interlocutor: Are we talking about UFOs coming from the future with tourists or only with crew? Eon: With tourists Why would it not be something like that? Interlocutor: Is it toward both the past and the future? Eon: Yes. Interlocutor: I confess that I am completely amazed Eon: You could even go to the Jurassic period and film the dinosaurs in live. Interlocutor: I never really thought that something like that could be possible Although I think it would be more interesting going into the future Really, do some planets make tourist trips into the past or into the future as we can make tourism to the Niagara Falls? Eon: That's right, but you keep in mind that these technological advances do not necessarily mean that they are also spiritually advanced. Interlocutor: Yes, for sure. Eon: It's like those millionaires who are in their yacht without doing anything, enjoying the sun and helping nobody. Interlocutor: Do I have ten more minutes of session?
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Eon: This receptacle is very exhausted because my energy is too much for his decoder. Interlocutor: How do you perceive, being the Absolute, for whom everything is a present time, to all the Horacio Velmont of all moments of this Creation or Big Bang? I mean, do you perceive him in every moment as an individual or as a whole. Eon: I sense him in two ways, individually and as a continuum. Its similar to those mirrors of amusement parks where the person's image is reflected repeatedly. Interlocutor: It was said that there are 22 parallel universes as a balancing factor of the Creation. Is it also a factor in balancing the need to have in each of the 22 parallel universes the same amount of Elohim, Divine Energy, Angels, spirits, etc.? Eon: Yes. In the same way that due to gravity, planets are almost spherical. Interlocutor: Does the Absolute deal with smaller things, so to speak? Today, for example, I was going to suspend the session because it was raining very much, but suddenly the time improved and even the sun came up Was it mere coincidence? Eon: No, it was not chance. It was scheduled by me because it was extremely important that you had this message today, especially with regard to the different types of conceptual spirits, higher or lower. I use the words higher or lower only in terms of understanding, that is, without any connotation. Interlocutor: Its clear On Friday it happened to me something quite strange. I was trying to fly a kite to my grandson but the wind flow was not strong enough. Then I asked the Absolute for more wind, I was feeling quite how would I say? between silly and embarrassing, but the matter is that it began to blow a beautiful wind and I even got it flying more than two hundred meters, obviously to the delight of my grandson. Well, I wonder whether it was a coincidence o if it was the hand of EON Eon: They are small interventions that I do that do not violate any Free Will or Karma or any Service Interlocutor: Was it you, then? Eon: Yes. With the restrictive conditions mentioned, I can intervene in lifting a small kite and dealing with a world where there is a full earthquake. If I were unable to do so, it would imply that I am limited and I do not have limits. Interlocutor: Can it be said, then, that there are more interventions of the Absolute than one could imagine? Eon: Of course. But it could never be done against the Will created by me Make one more question, because the decoder of this receptacle is very tired Interlocutor: I would make two The first is how would you define yourself, the Absolute, beyond "the beginning and end of all things"? And the second is whether or not it is possible to travel from one parallel universe to another and if this has been achieved in other planets. And of course, what would happen if I travel to a parallel universe for example, could I meet with me? Eon: I answer this last question first. Yes, it is possible to go from one parallel universe to another and this has already been done in other worlds. If you go to a parallel universe you could find a person with your identical DNA Interlocutor: But, could it be some problems in that meeting? Eon: No, there would be no problem. Its not like in some fiction films where meeting with oneself produces a kind of temporary explosion.

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Interlocutor: If in a parallel universe my spirit "double", to call it somehow, who incarnated as a woman could we even become a couple? Eon: Of course. Nothing prevents it. Interlocutor: Has it ever happened in any planet something like that? Eon: No, it has not happened. Interlocutor: But at least, have they found each other? Eon: Yes, they have met but not knowing. Sometimes it is not the same DNA and not always they are twins. Interlocutor: I understand Now, the way of going into the parallel universes, is it with machines or just walking through the dimensional openings? Eon: Both ways. Interlocutor: How would you define yourself? Eon: Johnakan, a spirit that I respect a lot, said: "In the beginning there was Nothing and Nothing was Everything". Interlocutor: Is this, then, the best definition of the Absolute? Eon: Yes. Study it and you will understand it... I give all of you a huge hug Interlocutor: Thanks and see you soon Again Im joking

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14. SESSION - 27/Jan/2004

Medium: Jorge R. Olguin Interlocutor: Horacio Velmont Entity that came to talk: EON (the Absolute) Interlocutor: EON? Eon: Yes There is an author named Thomas Kempis, who said that anyone who loves my physical image despises lower things This error of concept was corrected by this receptacle saying that anyone who loves my physical image cannot despise lower things, because I'm even in the string of grass. Interlocutor: Obvious Eon: I very much admire the conceptual of the spirit of this receptacle. He has a unique creativity Just before starting the session, this receptacle raised some doubts that I want to respond before moving directly to the questions, since I know you have many and youre eager to make them. Interlocutor: Its entirely true Eon: Its very difficult, when you are sunk in mediocrity and indifference to find something unusual. There are many conceptual minds at your high, but by an issue of causality, sometimes you dont run into. Its not that there are no other people like you, there are, both women and men Interlocutor: Is it causality or coincidence? Eon: Causality. Its causality because the time has not come yet to run into. Those are minds that match yours, that have concerns, desires, wishes And they would be no obstacles for you. But you have not come across them yet. Remember that there are things that for certain are chances. I leave everything untied to this free will. Then, there are things that are chances, meaning that in 50% of the cases is not yet the time, and in the other 50% is because, perhaps, one of the two has taken a different path after crossing each other a couple of times. At times, there are people "designated" to run into really there are no people "designated", is just a way to express myself, well, simply they have not done it so and that's it. Well, I wont delay you any more; I said what I wanted to say This receptacle will understand You can begin with the questions. Interlocutor: Well, specifically the first question is this: if a time traveler goes to the future and watches that he, in his future, kills someone. What does it happen to him when he returns to his time? That is, how does he live knowing that in the future he will kill someone? Eon: In principle, that person generates a karma, because from my point of view he killed in a continuous present. I'm going to redirect the response with another question. What would happen if you go to another town, kill someone and then return to your town? Interlocutor: I got myself a karma. Eon: Of course. And automatically you descend from level, because causing someone to disincarnate is like your own suicide. In this case is exactly so. Travel to the future or travel to the past or travel at present to another place, if you kill someone you generate karma and descend from level. And according to the intensity or cruelty of the act, you can even descend to the 8th sphere.
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Interlocutor: That issue of karma is clear to me, but I am not sure what happens to the time traveler who after being in the future returns to his time knowing that in the future he will kill somebody. Eon: Clarify if you are referring to this incarnation or another incarnation. Although I already know what you mean, it is convenient to clarify it to avoid confusion when someone reads this text. Interlocutor: I am referring to the same incarnation. Eon: Okay. Its clearly explained what I said recently. Let's see an example: Suddenly, I transform myself into a human being and we call him X. This human being X, who is 50 years old, travels ten years into the future and watches this human being X, which is 60 years old, killing someone in a certain place. Return to the present time, for example 2004 and he will automatically know that within 10 years, at 60 years old, he will kill somebody. He is not going to forget it. And he will also remember it 10 years later. And of course, hes going to try to avoid the fact of not killing 10 years later. Interlocutor: It is logical to try to avoid it Eon: I'll express it differently to get a clear picture. I am X and I am in 2014. That is, I am you, but you of the future. You're X2 of 2004 and travel in a time machine into the future, to 2014. You, 10 years younger than me, want to stop me from killing, but you ignore what happened Maybe X in 2013 underwent a scam or his wife and daughter were raped, and you stopped me from killing him at that moment. Let us ignore the manner in which you did it because at the moment its not important. You just did it. Then, you return to the past, but since you dont know what really happened to me, Im still disturbed, so the next day I go back again and this time I kill him. Then, you have not really stopped me from killing but you have merely postponed the fact. Interlocutor: The idea is clear When returning to the past as time traveler, do I lose the memory of the future? Eon: No, you dont lose it. What I mean is that you, as time traveler, cannot stop me who, in this example, is you of the future because although you want to stop me by force, my passion ego through will still remain and next day I will try to murder again, because what I see, from my viewpoint, obviously, as something justified. Interlocutor: And what can be done about it, under such circumstances? Eon: What needs to be done is that X2, who is you, time traveler, when you return to the past, think that within ten years, something will happen, for which you will be prompted to kill someone and you will have to use all your means to prevent it. You also have the alternative, if you could get together with that other person X, you of the future but 10 years older, and ask him what happened, why he has killed that person. And that X of the future would tell you that because his daughter was raped in that person's house, in that town, on Feb 2, 2013. Perfect. When that date arrives, you'll be ready to act, so you will avoid such rape from happening and therefore also the subsequent murder. Interlocutor: So, knowing all that, as time traveler, I can avoid the rape of my daughter and to become a murderer. Eon: Thats right. Interlocutor: What about if instead of a murder or rape, X just killed somebody by accident? Eon: Its just easier, because you would directly avoid it. You would find out when it happened, so you would keep it in your memory. If you remember episodes of 40 years ago when you were younger, you can also remember what it will happen within 10 years. Interlocutor: So, a time traveler can avoid those negative developments.

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Eon: Yes. Interlocutor: Is a new alternative universe formed? Eon: Yes, an alternative universe is formed and its going to be the real one. Interlocutor: And the other one? Eon: The other one is going to last until it dries up. Interlocutor: Then, are all these events part of history? Eon: Yes. In fact everything is very simple. Interlocutor: I understood that perfectly. Let's see now Why does Kronbus, time traveler, go to the past to repair an alteration of history? Specifically, my doubts are: Why are the facts of the past altered? Are the facts of the past altered only by time travelers or they can be altered by themselves? Eon: The events of the past can only be altered by a time traveler. If there is a story written and this story already happened, who from the future can tell what would happen if Columbus had not arrived to America, if Archimedes had not been submerged in the bathtub which really did not happen if the one who discovered the law of gravity would have not had the apple fallen on him, if the one who discovered black holes had not made the correct astronomical calculations, if the one who discovered the Fermat theorem had not planned to work on it, and so on. We cannot say what would happen if", because it just happened. So we have to take this story as the real one. The case is different when a time traveler wants to change something because he believes it would be better, because if he does it, automatically creates an alternative universe. There can be a universe where John Kennedy I mention him as an example because hes someone widely known was not killed because they did not order his death, he continued living, giving preponderance to the space race and he placing of colonies on the Moon in 1984; there were fewer wars because he would have been reelected and since he could not be reelected for a third time, while another person had been elected, he had returned in the following period, that is four years later, to be elected president of the United States for a third time. Interlocutor: Are you telling us of the events of an alternative universe that really took place or is purely hypothetical? Eon: I am telling you the real universe that must have been. Interlocutor: But then, is this universe not the real one but an alternative one that will soon dry up? Eon: No, I'm saying that one was the real universe that must have been, but a time traveler understood that it should not be so, and he altered it creating this alternative universe, which now became the real one. Interlocutor: The idea is clear Eon: Lets remember that Kennedy, despite having magnanimous ideas he was concerned about developing countries providing to them much help he was very committed to Mafia figures. There is a singer of the time that helped him wining in the South Interlocutor: Is Frank Sinatra? Eon: Yes In the South, virtually no one wanted Kennedy. Interlocutor: Then, specifically, only time travelers can change the past, and in fact they dont change it but create an alternative universe. Is that correct?

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Eon: Thats right. We need to narrow down that the alternative universe that the time traveler creates later, becomes real. Interlocutor: Then, this is an alternative universe created by a time traveler that led to the murder of Kennedy and that finally became real? Eon: Correct. This universe that you're living now is the real one and its the one in which Kennedy was killed. Interlocutor: How do we know if the universe in which one is living is the real one or an alternative one? Why could not this be an alternative universe that ends up drying up itself? EON: This universe could become in the future an alternative one if a time traveler draws up another thing. But, while you live in, its the real universe. Interlocutor: When does an alternative universe dry up? Eon: When the other one does not prosper. If they actually decide as in fact they did that in planet Earth, Kennedy had to die - and he dies in the year 1963 of the 20th Century -, automatically that universe becomes the real universe and the others dry up. Interlocutor: For what I see is a constant real universe, alternative universe, real universe, alternative universe Eon: Actually, there are no alternative universes, but only real universes. Interlocutor: Why do you say that there are no alternative universes? Eon: Because they cannot be taken into consideration by virtue of having very short life. Interlocutor: Why do alternative universes dry up? Eon: They dry up because they are no longer important and then disappear from the existence, they simply cease to exist. Interlocutor: How do they cease to exist? Do they dissolve in the air? Eon: Yes, it's something like that. Interlocutor: How was dissolved the alternative universe where Jesus was not crucified but he died in Kashmir of natural death? Eon: I will give you an example You have a movie that you have seen; you rewind it and record over another movie. When recording over, the previous movie disappears. Its something like that. Interlocutor: Now I understand Eon: The same example can be done with CDs, where you can rewrite above the previous recording. Interlocutor: Its clear Obviously everything is in the "memory" of the Absolute. I say memory in quotes because I dont know what the correct terminology is. Eon: In me, all possibilities are latent. Interlocutor: I think this issue is perfectly clear In a previous session, it was stated that evolved spirits incarnated in mission in primitive bodies to change evolving their decoder. The specific question is how a decoder is developed in this manner. Eon: Its very simple One of the things that help to grow the decoder is the language. Most animals have poorly placed their larynx, vocal cords There are experiments in the laboratory where they were trying to teach the greatest apes, gorillas, orangutans, etc.., and although they

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have some small expression of ideas we are not talking about abstract thoughts but merely pronouncing an object they failed to talk. Unexpectedly, you put a glass in front of a gorilla and you say "glass", and then the ape tries to speak but it cannot. However, the ape pointed out the glass. The fact of indicating the glass, it already means that it is doing an abstract gesture, but when the ape wants to say "glass", an easy word to pronounce, it just cannot, because it is difficult for the ape to pronounce the G and the L. Millions of years ago, when the pithecanthropuses were developing, they were somehow altering their genetic code Interlocutor: Let's see if I understand An evolved spirit incarnate in a pithecanthropus, in a primitive organism, when he should incarnate in a homo sapiens-sapiens. Well. How does this evolved spirit modify the decoder of the pithecanthropus, so that the race could evolve? Eon: Actually, the spirit does not change the decoder, because there is no spirit having the power to change anything earthly. Besides, this transformation takes millions of years Interlocutor: Thats clear But then, what makes the decoder to improve? Eon: The decoder improves because of the abstract thinking, which each one of the incarnated beings will incorporate to the DNA of the race. And so, as time goes on this DNA is compelled to improve itself and eventually it starts changing the larynx, pharynx, vocal cords, until the incarnated being is forced by his own evolution to develop a language. The higher self of that incarnated spirit puts abstract ideas in his causal body, but the abstract thinking cannot become important until language is developed. Interlocutor: What induces the alteration the genetic code of the race? EON: As I said, its been induced by the abstract thinking that everyone of that race is incorporating to the DNA. Let's say, its like the genetic code was being shaken like a cocktail: "Hey, here there is a thought!", "hey, here there is another thought!" Then, through the eons, the genetic code starts changing Interlocutor: I think the idea is clear Do animals have memories? Eon: Most animals have no memories because they have no language Interlocutor: Is the language the only thing that produces memories? Eon: Yes. The language is very important. The disincarnated spirits have a language that is called conceptual language. If it not were for that conceptual language they could not evolve. When being incarnated, the only way to transform that conceptual language into facts is to have a spoken language. If you had no spoken language you could not do what you're doing. Interlocutor: Are you talking about the channeling? Eon: Yes. The spoken language allowed you to learn in school when you were a child, it allowed you to study in your adolescence, and it allows you to work now in what you're doing for a living, all this, because you have a spoken language. The spoken language allows you to have memory and your decoder to have memory. I am always talking about when being incarnated. For a dog or a cat everything is an eternal present, because by not having a spoken language they have no memory. Interlocutor: Do they have no memories whatsoever?

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Eon: Yes, but minimally. If a dog does not see his master for 72 hours, when he returns the dog jumps of joy, moves the tail and barks. This means that somehow it is recalling him. But they are not abstract memories, but memories of recognition. Interlocutor: I understand. Eon: The famous dolphin, which has a brain with circumvallations as important as human beings, has a rudimentary language with memory virtually minimal. That is to say, it is less intelligent than many biological researchers believe. Interlocutor: Do you say that the dolphin's intelligence has been overestimated? Eon: Totally. Its much less intelligent than what is was thought because the intelligence is based on memories. Everything is based on memories. So, most animals live in an eternal present, in an everlasting now, in a timeless today A monkey eats a banana, it throws it away, it is satisfied, but it doesn't realize that its not hungry anymore because of eating a banana. They live in an eternal present. By contrast, when the incarnated being homo sapiens-sapiens finishes eating, he is already lucubrating another thing. Interlocutor: Do animals have at least some rudimentary language? I refer, for example, if a dog is able to communicate somehow with another dog. Eon: No, they only recognize them. Interlocutor: Curious I thought that somehow they communicated with each other Eon: Yes, they have some codes, but nothing else Interlocutor: And when the wolves attack in pack, dont they agree in how to do it? Eon: The wolves can attack in pack not because they agree in how to do it, but by mere instinct. Interlocutor: I understand Eon: The bees sometimes, when they find a honeycomb, dance in the form of eight, and they do it so because such conduct falls within their genetic code, so that other bees recognize them. But it's a thought, if you can call it like that, a very basic one. It is not something scheduled: "I, bee, will find such a honeycomb and I will do that dance". Only human beings can do it: "Tomorrow I'm going to the movies to see that film and then I will go for dinner to someplace". Interlocutor: This is clear Could we turn to another subject that I consider extremely important clearing, and then, in the final minutes, I would let you respond directly to some questions raised by Ron Hubbard from a previous session? Eon: Ok. Interlocutor: Well The question is about the prayers or requests. I am not referring to rites which many people pray, because I believe that is really nonsense. The specific question is whether we have to ask to get something from the Absolute, from the Masters of Light or the angels. I am referring to implicit requests. Eon: I dont take part in every case. There are cases where energies are directly mobilized. In the case of requests, the energies are mobilized in two ways: if it is a spoken request, it mobilizes voice energy. The larynx emits by means of the vocal cords a voice, that voices vibration is a positive vibration, when someone sends to the ether" a positive vibration, it returns another positive vibration. Then, the request has that same vibration.

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The second positive vibration is mental. You are sending to the ether" a mental request through your decoder. Automatically that mental request may mobilize some mental entities of Light causing that certain wishful thinking is fulfilled. Interlocutor: Is it in every case? Eon: No, its rather the exception. The minimum of the cases are fulfilled. The obstacles are the free will and the karma that the person has to fulfill. If all requests were carried out look at the temples where the majority of parishioners, ignorant, live requesting for health, prosperity, love, and none of those requests are fulfilled. Is that clear? Interlocutor: Yes, it is perfectly clear But the question is do we have to request, just in case? Eon: Requesting could "add points" I'm using one of your sentences because you send vibrations to that "ether", and although you have a small percentage of possibility, that vibration returns to help you. Interlocutor: So everything that I intent Eon: Everything that you intent in Light can return, depending on the circumstances. Interlocutor: Let's see if I understand Last time I was trying to fly a kite to my grandson and I made a request to the Absolute to get it, since I could not do it. Finally I was able to do it. This was said in one of the sessions. Eon: They are small fulfillments of desires for cheering a creature. Those things are my direct interventions that I do when the Free Will is not interfered. Interlocutor: Well, the point is that some time later I wanted to repeat the fact, and no matter how hard I requested, I could not get it Eon: But that's logical. We're talking about something that it was not important. There is a balance in fulfilling the requests. Interlocutor: Specifically, then, if people need something, it is reasonable to request it, since in spite of being an expression of desires, some possibility of fulfillment, although tiny, may be feasible. Eon: Correct. Interlocutor: From the standpoint of the Absolute, does the Absolute have something like "free will" to grant the requests or not? If one does not ask anything to the Absolute, is nothing granted? I ask this because if I've got a toothache I dont need to ask anything to the Absolute to help me in this because my request is implicit. Do I have to request it explicitly? Eon: 99,999% of the cases, the person must help himself with the elements of the physical plane. This means that if you have a toothache you must go to a dentist. Generally, and I'm talking about almost every case, I dont take part. Interlocutor: You dont intervene, is that so categorically? Eon: It's a logical thing. Note that only on this planet there are nearly 8 billion incarnated human beings. Multiply this figure by billions of trillions of galaxies with their worlds that exist in the universe. If I had to give in each case, even the powers of the Absolute and I say this with irony would be limited. Interlocutor: I understand the point If I have a toothache and I say: "Eon, help me to find a good dentist", what would happen in this case? Eon: Well, in such a case, one billionth part of me can send you a suggestion to your causal body so that you find what you're looking for. Yes, in this case my help is more feasible.

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Interlocutor: Then, do we always have to request for help? I refer to this: "If we request it, perhaps, if we do not request it, never" Eon: Correct But you also have to bear in mind that I am not limited exclusively to help when asked. Interlocutor: Well, I think the point is clarified Could we move on to your response to questions raised by Ron Hubbard in a previous session? Eon: Ok Interlocutor: Although you obviously already know it, I am going to read it so that it is recorded Ron Hubbard: In all the stellar systems there are all kinds of races. What I want to make clear is that this is also a question for the great conceptual masters as Masters Johnakan and Jesus. The spirits incarnate and may have a reactive mind and an analytical mind, there are beings on the planet Earth who evolve faster than others, there are beings in search of the Light and there are others who are indifferent. But not every one has a common denominator. There are evolved beings like Master Krishnamurti that disincarnated in 1986, and there are beings like Hitler who had great cruelty, but we know that the race has a diversity of beings as Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa and Attila. However, my question is why a planet as Orion 4 can have 99% of beings of planes 4 and 5 of Light and why planets such as Orion 3 or Spica 3, all beings are of planes 2 and 3 of Error. So, if there is free will within those worlds, why the Langars are all cruel. I understand, and this is my assumption, that each incarnated being has certain genes that make him to be in a certain way, remember that I did not incarnate as a philosopher, I incarnated as a researcher It has been said that man is a land warrior by nature. The Langars are predators by nature. But what would it happen if suddenly a being of Orion 4, who was a philosopher in another life, wants to incarnate in a Langar to learn and his spirit is so strong that he does not want to depredate? His instinct is already to depredate; his instinct could be imposed over his other 90%. Then there would be no way that he evolves. In other words, my question is: What is the role of the Langar if the Langars will never evolve, because their instincts do not make them to evolve? Theyre like soldier ants or Marabuntas, which depredate everything in their path, the same as the terrestrial locusts. As for us, when we incarnate, if we dont breathe we die, if they dont depredate eating they die of starvation, because their digestive system requires to be constantly eating Do you see where I want to go? Interlocutor: Clearly Ron Hubbard: So Langars have no chance to evolve, unless those races are sticks in the wheel so that other races evolve This is one thing that I wondered. Just as there are demonic beings, I mean the famous "demons" that are playing a role with their erased memory, so that the spirit evolves, something that not many understand this, I must assume that races as the Langar and other predators are playing a similar earthly function. Perhaps they sacrifice I say this word because there is no other one in your terrestrial language that the decoder accepts so that other races grow. That does not mean that they are awarded, but somehow they are fulfilling that role.

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This is what I wanted to say. Because why would I, Ron, want to incarnate in the future in mission as Langar, when if I incarnate as Langar that incarnation would be lost, and I would run the risk of stepping down from plane 5 if I destroy other people? Therefore, I would have to be obtuse to incarnate as Langar and I know beings of Light who have incarnated as Langar Interlocutor: I cannot believe it! But what is the reason for such folly? Ron Hubbard: They incarnate because they want to see how they can elevate the Langars, but once they are prisoners of that body and since having no reincarnation memory, all they want is to eat, eat, eat, to depredate, depredate, depredate The child Langar, as well as the terrestrial baby wants to breastfeed, they eat, eat, eat, because they are predators. Later, they develop techniques to travel to other worlds and they depredate them. For them, thats normal. Consequently, they have no way to evolve. I suppose that the Absolute, to whom I respect and love, must consider those predatory races as sticks in the wheel and incentive so that other races grow, somehow. Interlocutor: The question is whether, from the standpoint of the Absolute, everything must have a cause, must have a reason, a motive. Ron Hubbard: I interpret that even viruses or bacteria of each world have the function of causing diseases so that the ill being learns something. I dont want to go into much philosophy, but it has to be something like that, otherwise it cannot be explained. It cannot be explained as entire worlds are all from planes 2 and 3 and they are all warriors, because on Earth there are significant philosophers who are like the beings from Orion 4, as Rah, that is, Descartes, Plato, Socrates, etc.. So, why in other worlds let's talk in child terms are all bad? In a world there are just good Greys, in another world, there are just bad Greys Why all bad Greys? What happens if a Grey within the world of the "bad ones" wants to grow? Let us leave aside the Langar because their genetic mechanism forces them to eat. But let's talk about others more appeasement than the Langar, as the bad Greys. What happens if a bad Grey questions everything, and says "I dont want to depredate other races for experiments, I want to give love". Suppose there was a world with 9 billion inhabitants, in a world of bad Greys, not all of them are going to do experiment with other beings, also there has to be architects who build houses, there must be agronomists, there must be spacecraft specialists, there be must technical in anti-gravity, because the spacecraft is handled with anti-gravity, laser technicians, molecular disintegration technicians and there must be other branches. Perhaps within those bad Greys there are good Greys that are questioning. Like us or when I was incarnated and I questioned governors, they should also question governors, but they cannot do anything because they have no decision power. Are you following me? Interlocutor: Yes

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Ron Hubbard: and within the good Greys, perhaps in Spica 2 or Aldebaran 4, there are also perverse people. I dont think there is uniformity. I dont know if in Orion 4 there will be all philosophers. Interlocutor: Its understood that only someone who has affinity with Langars, as the spirits of Error, wants to incarnate as Langar. Ron Hubbard: But also, it can be a spirit of the 4th level of Master who wants to experiment to see if he can change the race. Although he doesnt have reincarnation memory, that spirit is going to have something inherently positive, but later the instinct is going to overcome him and then he may even lower from level. These are the questions that I raised and leave you because the receptacle is tired all my Light for you. Interlocutor: So long Master, and thanks. Eon: Within the life of every being there are many things that seem unfair and so incarnated and disincarnated beings, in their eagerness to help, leave aside the fact that such entity, which they are helping, may be going through something that is karmic, that is, by lessons he has to learn. So, it is not that everything is so unfair nor that is always learned through pain. Sometimes there are karmas, I reiterate, that the person has to reverse and the lesson to learn has been dictated by the Free Will of that spirit that even I have to respect. In this sense nothing is unfair. The other implicit question is why it is necessary that the spirit when evolving raise an octave the universe, that is, why the universe has not been created with the highest octave. I will answer this with another question: and why not? Why do not create something imperfect and let the spirit enjoys incarnating, so that the spirit live the incarnation? Would not be selfish on my part to be self-sufficient and self-contained and be only myself and not let thousands and thousands of beings swarming in the universe, which is my manifestation? Many would ask why life was created, and why was I not going to create life? Many also wonder why the universe was created, and why was I not going to create the universe?, or why there are many Big Bang, and why would it not be?, or why was created the imperfect being, and why was not created perfect?, or why has to evolve, and why should not evolve?, or why the being when evolving rises one octave the universe and this was not created directly with the highest octave, And why not? Interlocutor: I think what you say is the most powerful and irrefutable response I have ever heard in my life and the specific question of Ron regarding why creating the Langer if they will never evolve... Eon: Because through them other races learn. Interlocutor: Is it similar to the "demons"? Eon: Yes. The Langars serve as an example on how not to be. Interlocutor: A so simple answer? Eon: And why would it have to be a complicated answer? Interlocutor: Well, I recognize that I was looking for a complicated why And is it not unrealistic that a being from spiritual level 4 or 5 to incarnate in a race like the Langars, when in fact it runs the risk to depredate, kill and descend from level? Eon: For sure that it will descend from level if depredate! But thats the desire of that being, to have that experience. It will later rise again.

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Interlocutor: Then, this is the answer for Ron. Eon: Yes, absolutely. There is no need to question everything actually there is no reason on why not to question everything, because otherwise it would be as if I dont allow questioning. I give free will and according to that you can question everything, but also I reserve the right to ask: and why not such thing? Interlocutor: Let's see if I understood the idea: there is absolute freedom granted by the Absolute to question, but there is no need to question everything because there are things that simply are, just because they are Is it something like that? Eon: Correct And with this I close the session because the receptacle is very exhausted after all this a hug to everyone. Interlocutor: So long EON, and thanks.

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15. SESSION - 13/May/2004

Medium: Jorge R. Olguin Interlocutor: Horacio Velmont Entity that came to talk: EON (the Absolute) Interlocutor: Who is this? Eon: I'm EON I am here The curiosity state of terrestrial human beings is innate. The problem is that 99% of that curiosity is ego, to satisfy their own necessities. Its not an altruistic curiosity. Its very difficult, without cutting that free will that has been given, to be able to teach humanity Any curiosity is useful for evolution, because as human beings are learning doing it they can evolve. But you are still so childish, as a race, withdrawing into yourselves and not trying to grow Interlocutor: I recognize that I have a tremendous curiosity and when I have a mystery in front of me, I dont stop until I solve it. But what happens is that once that curiosity is satisfied there is a need to discover another mystery It becomes something insatiable Eon: Most incarnated beings, at least on this planet (Earth), call mystery anything that vibrates beyond your perceptions, such as the spiritual planes. But you must bear in mind that mystery is also what I have given to you and that is life itself. When I speak of "life" I am referring to the life of the physical plane. Anyone who had a real concept of what is the animus, would not doubt to marvel throughout his earthly existence, because although its true that whats really important is the spiritual life, which is more than millenarian, the terrestrial life, within its short time for your concept, is extremely magical It's something akin to a child entering into a toy store and making the toys alive when touching them with what you call "magic wand". Very little importance is given to real life. Its taken for granted. I give you a very basic example, when you were little you didnt have on this planet what you call TV Interlocutor: There was only radio Eon: Exactly, but a century ago there was not even radio, and people were raised using the light of a candle, and it was fine. Then they grew up with the radio and it was also fine. And today a child grows with a color TV and is fine, because they learned to accept the wonderful things; they take it as something natural. If you had said to a person from three centuries ago that ships could travel to the moon, he would have been amazed, but not today So, what I said is that you must never lose the gift of marvel, never You will ask me, because I can read your unconscious thought: and you, who know everything, are telling me that? If you had even the slightest idea of the millions and millions of worlds to the nth power if you know something about math you would understand that exists in the universe with different ramifications of life and concepts, you could not marvel because you could not assume or digest it the differences of lives and concepts are so many!

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It would be very difficult at this time for the decoder of this receptacle to translate but I'll try I'm going to try it in full, as you say I am sending him concepts so high that only beings from the centre of the Galaxy may channel, but never before a terrestrial (a long pause). There is life in other worlds where beings do not communicate with a language but with the color of the skin, so the color of the skin represents a state of mind, it represents an approach to sexual mating, it represents sadness When exuding certain smells, they can move away a person who they dont want or bring a person who they want. Even the color of the skin personifies the social stratum of each of the inhabitants. Interlocutor: That's really incredible Eon: I'm talking about things that here on the Earth, nobody could even imagine Interlocutor: Could our spirits incarnate in such organisms if we wanted? Eon: Perfectly The spirits adapt to any type of organisms while the decoder is ready to receive the spiritual concepts. It just happens that those decoders are broader than the terrestrial and so they capture the concepts differently Interlocutor: In those worlds where the states of mind are communicated, etc., through the shades of the skin, will they also use the speech or telepathy? Eon: No, they communicate through gestures, through colors Interlocutor: Could it be said that they are mute with respect to words? Eon: They dont know the concept of sound and they are not interested on that either. Interlocutor: Its really curious There is a question that many people ask me and Ill do a comparison to explain myself I compare the Absolute with a circumference formed by infinite points that it has always been. Is that comparison valid? Eon: Yes, if you can better understand it, the comparison is valid. Interlocutor: Ok in those infinite points is the crucifixion of Jesus, the burning of Rome by Nero, the assassination of John F. Kennedy Is this correct? I mean that there has never been a moment, from the standpoint of the Absolute that these facts did not exist, that is, they always existed Eon: So far everything is correct Interlocutor: Then, how does free will connect to all this? I meant on one hand I am free to decide, but on the other, everything is already predestined Eon: There is a phrase that Einstein said when he was incarnated: "Everything is relative" An ant is a giant for a microbe, but it is a small being for an elephant. Interlocutor: Clearly. Eon: Time is relative, free will is relative this was already spoken in many sessions with other children of Light and what for me is an eternal present for you its not. And what for me is a free will, for you its a destiny that has already been planned Interlocutor: Could I say that from the moment I dont know the future Im creating it, and so thats my Free Will. I mean I have to separate, on one hand, the fact that everything is predestined, and on the other, I'm creating the future with my own free will Eon: Thats precisely the free will I know what you will do in the future, as much as now. No matter what I know, just forget about it, so as not to get into confusion, the important thing is that you dont know it... Is it understood?
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Interlocutor: Perfectly Well, I close the subject There is another issue that I dont fully understand and its about alternative universes, it was said that they last a bit But dont they last until the Big Crunch? Eon: Not necessarily you suddenly take a different decision from that you could have taken it and then you create an alternative universe. This alternative universe is going to be your new universe that's going to be the original one and the previous one is going to last minutes and then it disappears, because you have made a decision. That is, if you make a decision, the alternative universes, of decisions not taken, last only moments. Do you understand? Interlocutor: Yes, its clear Eon: Well, if you travel to the past and suddenly in the past you kill your biological grandfather, automatically, your father would not be born and neither would you Then, you have created an alternative universe Interlocutor: On where I was not born Eon: Exactly, on where you were not born, but on this one you continue being Interlocutor: And that universe where I was born, can it last until the Big Crunch? Eon: That's right; it can last up to the Big Crunch, but is not a universe of decisions but a universe of temporary travels, which is called "paradoxical universe" Then, there are two types of alternative universes, decisional alternative universes and paradoxical alternative universes. Let me make a digression At this moment this receptacle is capturing a limitation of mine and is transmitting it to me This is one of the few times that a living being created by me transmits things in which I had not noted Interlocutor: And, can I put it in writing? Eon: Yes, you can, and its a paradox This receptacle is transmitting a limitation of mine, that I can not create another Absolute. Interlocutor: and neither to destroy yourself. Eon: We already spoke about that, because I cannot stop from being: directly I am. Interlocutor: Its clear Eon: But even though I have the gift to create everything in my power, to create tetra-dimensional universes, which might be unstable but I can create them, nevertheless I cannot create another Absolute. Interlocutor: I understand that when you say that you had not noted such a limitation, its just a way of saying Is that correct? Eon: Yes, it's a way of saying and meaning that I had not given importance to that impossibility and the fact that it has been noted by a created being is indeed a great pleasure, a great pleasure I am saying it in human terms, of course, to be understood Interlocutor: Continuing with the alternative universes Eon: There are alternative universes that are formed by the decisions of each individual Only on this planet there are nearly 8 billion incarnated spirits, and each one, day after day, make a decision, there would be 8 billion alternative universes in each planet per day
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It is not that this escape from my control, because I can control all alternative universes being formed, but it makes no sense to have so many. Therefore, alternative universes that cease to be of importance automatically disappear, because their flames go off Interlocutor: When I disincarnate from an alternative universe, am I going to a spiritual alternative universe? Eon: No, not at all When an alternative physical universe is created, its always the same spirit which will act. This means that your Thetan is incarnated in you in a 10% and in the alternative universe it is incarnated in another 10%... Interlocutor: Now I understood, my Thetan no longer is 90% spirit, but is 80% ... Is that correct? Eon: Correct, you have gotten the idea perfectly. Interlocutor: Its very clear Is my Thetan aware of what the other 10% is doing? Eon: Of course. To make it clear, your Thetan has absolute knowledge of what Horacio 1 and also Horacio 2 are doing. Interlocutor: Is there a Horacio 3? Eon: No, there are only two Horacio, but it can be up to three decisions, because otherwise the spirit would be weakened. Interlocutor: Well, that was very interesting Another question, we know that there are 22 parallel universes, but is it because, as you said, for a matter of balance of the Creation? Eon: I confirm to you that it is for a question of balance, as well as the eleven dimensions. Interlocutor: If there were 23 parallel worlds and 12 dimensions in the creation, would it collapse? Eon: That's right, because there is an order involved another universe could be created with other form of lives and other parameters, but not this one. Interlocutor: In all the worlds created, even in the 22 parallel universes, are two beings needed to engender a child? I wonder if in any world, for example, three people are needed to procreate. Eon: They are always two, never three, and also only one can procreate. Interlocutor: I understand What about polygamy and monogamy, how is in other universes created? Here, for example, we have both ways. Eon: There are infinite variations where there is polygamy; sex is considered an entertainment such as the movies for you There are even parts of the universe, in the same way that many terrestrial insects, where the female eats the male Interlocutor: I suppose you are referring to animals or beings with a primitive decoder Eon: No, I'm talking about beings with an intelligent decoder. Interlocutor: I cant believe it Well, this is clarified now I want to talk about homosexuality from the standpoint of the Absolute Eon: Homosexuality has nothing to do with spirituality. Note that in the spiritual plane homosexuality does not exist because there is no gender, but only the spirit. The gender exists only on the physical plane. Homosexuality could be engramic or a matter of choice. Interlocutor: Yes, its clear. Eon: There are people who have no engramic problems, they simply had small shocks when young and they have chosen. Their homosexuality is a choice. Even if the disorder, to some extent, is engramic, it could be reverted, but they have chosen homosexuality.

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Interlocutor: I have on the web something about homosexuality in which I catalogue it as a sickness, on the grounds that anal intercourse in itself is not normal, since the anus has been designed as an orifice of exit rather than of entrance. Eon: Women have anal sex with his male partner in a much higher percentage of what you think. Interlocutor: Well, but in man-woman couples anal intercourse practice is as an alternative, to the vaginal way. Eon: But if you catalogue the homosexuality as engramic, then 95% of the human males have engrams, because 95% - and look at the figure I give you of human males, their fantasy is anal intercourse. And some human males, when they cannot satisfy their fantasy with her woman partner, they look for men couples to satisfy it. And they are not engrams, I clarify. They are options and I suggest you that you not call it sickness but rather "choices" or "psychological choices." Sickness has symptoms, and homosexuality is a disease when is engramic, not when its a choice. Interlocutor: The point that I want to mention is that homosexuals want to make heterosexuals believe that homosexuality is something normal. Eon: No, its not normal, for the simple reason that a heterosexual couple forms a family to have physical descendants, since it is the only way that the spirit incarnates to evolve. Homosexuals, unless they adopt, cannot create a family. In addition, homosexuals are emotionally very unstable, making them more unfaithful. Interlocutor: Is homosexuality a sickness? I refer only to whether homosexuality carries, somehow, physical illness Specifically, are there homosexuals completely physically healthy? Eon: Yes, when homosexuality is a choice, there are homosexuals completely healthy. Interlocutor: Should I have to correct what I have written about homosexuality? Eon: You have free will to do so, but my suggestion is that you do not call it sickness but "choice" as the cross-dressing. Interlocutor: You are talking about not calling homosexuality a sickness when its a choice, but only when its engramic Is that correct? Eon: Yes, of course, when homosexuality is engramic there is no doubt that this is an illness. Interlocutor: Specifically, then, what I wrote is Ok Eon: I reiterate that it's okay, but you have to clarify, so that there is no doubt, that homosexuality can have two origins: First, its caused by engrams, in which case is an illness, and second, its the result of a free choice, in which case is only a " psychological deviation" or "psychological choice." Interlocutor: Could a person without engrams be homosexual? Eon: Yes, perfectly. Interlocutor: Well, I think this issue was clarified Eon: The receptacle is very tired Make one or two more questions Interlocutor: I am going to make a more general question from all the data we put into the web, is there some top official who has been interested? So far the emails we receive are from ordinary people like us, and not from any public official with power to change things

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Eon: Do you know why those people have not seen it? Because most of them are so pedantic that they dont want to be either corrected or share their views, they are locked in their shells and they stay completely disinterested. Interlocutor: Are time travels possible because everything is a continuous present? Eon: Yes, time is another dimension. If time were not an eternal present, the journey through time could not exist and there would be no way to cross it. If quantum physicists could understand that, there would be mathematical formulas to make simpler machines to travel in time Interlocutor: But in the future we will get it Eon: Of course, but I mean you could get it now In other worlds, there are even much more sophisticated machines than those you will construct in the future here on Earth. Let me give an example and I conclude with this: just as you have a wrist watch, in other worlds, there are time travelers who directly put an apparatus on the wrist, press a button, they get surrounded by a power field and they travel to the past or the future In the future, some techniques will be so surprising, that today, its almost unthinkable for you. I hope you, who are on the path of the Light, never lose the ability to be astonished. Interlocutor: To conclude and taking into account the 22 parallel universes, what would be the most advanced technological invention in this Big Bang Big Crunch? Eon: Going to parallel worlds my bright light of Love for everyone. Interlocutor: Thank you and until the next time.

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16. SESSION - 10/Nov/2006

Medium: Jorge R. Olguin Interlocutor: Horacio Velmont Entity that came to talk: EON (the Absolute)

Interlocutor: EON? Eon: How are you? Interlocutor: Good, very enthusiastic for this session Eon: Let me clarify to all of you and everyone who listens to you, that when I say: "How are you?", or when I ask: "What is happening? its obvious that I know it. Any question that I make in a session is simply on the basis of getting the dialogue to become more understandable. It's like I adopt a "role", of being like you. And then, I make questions as if I ignore the answers. Interlocutor: Its clear Will you be giving any messages or do we start directly with the questions? Eon: Lets go directly to the questions. Interlocutor: Ok, we are going to divide the session into two parts, so that Jorge can rest a bit and extend the session. When you consider appropriate we suspend it and then we continue later. Eon: OK. Interlocutor: The first question comes from a gentleman named Nelson, who says: We are convinced that the design of the Zurich Project, (Asia - Latin America - Africa) whose purpose is to "eradicate poverty and restore human dignity to millions of human beings", was inspired by high spiritual entities, we want to know whether we are on the right track". Eon: Any project that aims to match up is correct. I will extend myself a little bit more on the subject. Most of the incarnated beings in this world, which you call Sun 3, are unaware that there is 2.8% of drinking water throughout the planet. Ignore that many species are disappearing. Ignore that global temperature has raised two degrees Celsius over the last century. Many read news alerting the future to come; they worry momentarily and then return to their daily tasks. Most have no idea how poorly distributed is the economy in the world, the lack of drinking water and the lack of sewers in the world It is certainly a subject that corresponds to incarnated beings, but this receptacle had to give a reply to young Nelson. Every day 1800 children may die simply because of poor hygiene, adding the side effect of infections and diseases Its valid anything tending to eradicate not only poverty but the subculture, ancestral customs badly apprehended, such as cutting the clitoris to girls, because according to the macho culture, they dont have to enjoy during sex. Its valid anything tending to eradicate the culture where mouth, tongue, nose, ears, eyelids, are deformed with objects. And as you know, that is due to engrams. Young people in cities use what you call "body piercing". In cultures of tropical countries, they use from corks to cans, rusty objects, cavities in the bottom of the ears, puncturing or cutting a part of the body with objects carrying countless bacteria
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Interlocutor: Obviously everything you say is due to engrams Eon: Its because of engrams and also because of customs of each place Interlocutor: How likely is this project to succeed? I ask about probabilities because I know, for obvious reasons, you must not advance us the future. Eon: As I said at the beginning, at this time I personify the role of being like you, and even knowing everything of whats going to happen, I will give you a picture as if I were also on the train of time. I do it so as to facilitate the session. Interlocutor: Ok Eon: I have great hopes in the project, and I know that many people are becoming aware of it. There are large groups that even in the near future will invest money in achieving a match up, in those inequalities so perverse, so to call them. We must fight not only for those children dying from malnutrition, but also from poor hygiene. The issue of malnutrition has always been touched, but almost never that of hygiene. Thousands of children die for lack of hygiene, and some dont even get to one month of life. Interlocutor: In conclusion, what could you say to this person, who has kindly written to us about his project? Eon: The Zurich project is a project of Light. The obstacles it will have are due to the fact that in some developing countries there are political cultures, so to call them, that are not in their best interest that some external people may try to change them not even for the better. Because those rulers, with certain totalitarian ideas, rather by ignorance than by evilness, will continue in that status and they will not accept any radical changes that easily. Anyhow, and as encouragement to the group, I say, not as speculation because any Service has to be given with joy, as it says the beloved son Johnakan that you are doing it with true joy, you are doing it with an absolutely altruistic idea, without asking anything in return rather than the reward of having carried out a goal every day. Remember that it is very difficult for people in this incarnation, who are responsible for all this, to come to a conclusion, but there will be many bricks underpinning the bases and many strong columns that will grow. This is the important thing. Interlocutor: Well... Can I continue with the questions? Eon: Ok. Interlocutor: How many people are currently channeling EON, the Elohim and the Christic Energy? Eon: In Sun 3, on this planet that you call Earth, there are only three people that channel me. One is this receptacle, the other is a writer and the third one is a young teenager, who was born in the region that you call Russia. Interlocutor: In what country is the writer? Eon: Hes a person who travels. Normally he can be in America or in Europe Interlocutor: Ok Eon: The only person who has channeled the Essence, which is in plane 9, so far is this receptacle. Interlocutor: And the Christic Energy? Eon: At this time there are two people who have channeled the Elohims. I say at this time because there were up to ten people who channeled them, mainly one well-known to you, who even confused

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him by me, whose name is Adonai. At this moment, I reiterate, the young Russian and also this receptacle, Jorge Olguin, channel them. Interlocutor: And the Christic Energy? Eon: At this moment, only two people channel it, this receptacle and the young Russian. Interlocutor: What is actually the Christic Energy? Eon: I will give you a brief description of it. The Christic Energy is a thinking Energy, like the Buddhic Energy and other energies. Its a conceptual Energy, and I clarify this because when we speak of energy we may get to think I include myself, because I insist that I am performing a role, to make the language easier for this medium that it is inert energy with no life and thats not the case. The Christic Energy is a thinking Energy, a conceptual Energy, as it can be a spiritual entity or an angelic entity. Interlocutor: And what would be the difference? Eon: The difference is that Christic Energy, Buddhic Energy and other divine energies, do not give any room whatsoever to the role of the ego, because they dont incarnate. Their vibration is so high that they do not give, by their characteristic, way to the ego. It's as if they had, so you understand me, antibodies for the ego, something that the Elohims, who are one step above, do not have. That is why this entity, so beloved by me and so controversial, named Jehovah or Jahve was taken by a huge role of the ego when he was Logo. Interlocutor: Its clear Eon: The Christic Energy, which in Sun 3 has been named the Christ, is a thinking energy that can send a small pseudopod to some incarnated being to improve his mission, as it was done with Master Jesus when he was incarnated. The Christic Energy radiates as your sun, as if it had rays of light, but instead of rays of light it has rays of healing. These healing rays are in a specific vibration, and what certain mediums do when channeling that energy, as this receptacle does, is to focus it, like a laser beam and then send it to someone who has problems of negative vibrations, or has his aura marked with various negative influences. Interlocutor: Up to what point can that healing energy reach from the medium to the sick person? Or, does it have no limits? Eon: In the planet Earth it has no limits at all. The planet Earth has a diameter of 40,000 km., which is insignificant for the Christic Energy. Interlocutor: I understand Eon: Whoever wanting to channel the Christic energy must have proper training to do so, otherwise he may be misled by negative entities into believing that he is channeling it. Interlocutor: Could a bad medium channel the Christic energy and distort it? Could he channel it? Eon: Yes, he could. Interlocutor: And to distort it Eon: He could not distort it, because in reality the Christic Energy is not distorted, since the purity cannot be distorted. What he can do, for worse, is to put something of its own role of ego Interlocutor: Within that energy Eon: No, not inside, because that Energy is immutable, but accompanying it. It is as if you had a vaccine for certain disease and add another product. That vaccine, then, instead of creating a shell

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against that disease and make the body immune, alters it so much that leaves the body more unprotected than before. Interlocutor: Would the medium that channel Christic Energy without being prepared create himself karma? Eon: Of course. To the assumed healed person it would create a placebo effect and after some time he would be as before or worse. We must be very careful about the promises of healing. Note that this receptacle, who I love as much as all of you, because you are all my children, is very careful when asked for healing. The first thing he does, because he is a very ethics spirit, is to send the person to the appropriate professional. Once the person goes to the appropriate professional, just then, he sends the Christic Energy in addition. Interlocutor: It is clear Eon: But even knowing that the Christic Energy is the more important divine Energy, he does not give it as the only therapy, but always as a complementary therapy of the physical therapy. Interlocutor: The point is clarified. I now turn to another topic that many wonders At the first session, you said that it was the first time that you were channeled by a medium. The controversy was because there were others who channeled you before, such as Master Jesus. Eon: In the case of the so loved Master Yeshua, he did not channel me in talking form of mediumship, as giving a message like this receptacle. He channeled me differently. There is more than one way to channel me, and this is important to emphasize, because variety, if its variety that adds, is something positive. When this receptacle said that it was the first time he channeled me, he was referring that it was the first time a medium showed things as important. For example, I have taken his spirit to different galaxies, including the Big Bang of this universe Interlocutor: Could we say then that is the first time someone channeled EON with that category, with such magnitude? Eon: Exactly In that channeling I made him raise to a plane so high that he got to see the Essence, which is in plane 9, as a dark gray fog. And he even got to surpass the plane of the Aes, plane 10. Interlocutor: Did Johnakan have what is called the Unitary Perception? Eon: No, its beyond names. I have taken Johnakan outside of the space and time and even the planes Interlocutor: Does Johnakan remember everything perfectly? Eon: No, he does not remember everything, because there were more important facts, I even took him to a previous universe, that is, behind this Big Bang, an octave lower Interlocutor: But why does he not remember everything? Eon: Because although the spirit does not lose the memory, as there are facts that theoretically a spirit cannot do, he can not remember everything. The spirit is created by me, in this universe, with those limitations. Interlocutor: To what other places did you take him? Eon: I took him to a parallel universe, to different alternative universes; I took him outside of all the planes, because the highest plane, according to your measurement, is plane 10, the plane of the Aes. Interlocutor: Did you take him beyond plane 10?
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Eon: I took him, I reiterate, outside of all the planes I took him to the lowest one, which is plane -2, the Eighth sphere, so that he could perceive how it is. I took him, within the physical plane, to another galaxy, Andromeda I took him even farther, where he could perceive the clusters of galaxies, which are the super-galaxies I took him further, to about 15 million light years He saw the clusters of galaxies as small points Interlocutor: Did Johnakan get to feel the oneness with the Absolute, as we will do all of us at the Big Crunch? Eon: Up to that point, no. He almost got it, because it was the only way to "be able" to transport him to other universes. He could not have been able to do it by himself. Interlocutor: I understand Now I remember that I'd like to ask you about what it means that every Big Bang is an octave higher than the previous one. I am referring to what extent an octave rises. Eon: Each universe is an octave higher, in the same way that the musical scale. Then, your question would be "until when". Interlocutor: As a pianist I understand about octaves, and yes, the question is that one. Eon: The answer is "until always". It is as if you ask me until when there will be Big Bangs. Interlocutor: Is there a limit? Eon: No, there is no limit. Interlocutor: Is not there a number? Eon: No, there is no number. Interlocutor: Well, we could not understand it. Eon: No, they are mathematical formulas. I could explain to you the true meaning of the Singularity of a black hole. Because there are many theories of the twentieth century that say - this is for people who know the topic - the event of things, as one is approaching a black hole - when I say "one" I am referring to a physical being - practically not even light can escape. Then, the object would be totally absorbed to its center. There is a theory that says that time will slow down, that time will stall, then theoretically it's like that it would never get to the center. And I say that this is not true. Time does not change in that extend. And yes, there are white holes. Let's say that after a black hole there is a white hole. There is dark energy and there is dark mass. At this time, it is an elastic mass that is allowing the universe to continue expanding. And the expansion of the universe is still accelerating, until such a time in which it will stop and contraction will begin. But there are billions of years for that time to come. Interlocutor: So we have to accept that Big Bangs are infinite and obviously, we cannot understand that infinity EON: But the important thing is that there are some of your physicists and astronomers of the twenty-first century on your planet who are already accepting that theory that there was another universe before this Big Bang. And it is a merit of this receptacle for having presented it many years ago. Interlocutor: Then, from our point of view, it is clear that we cannot understand how each universe continues raising one octave and there is no end to that elevation. If I ask, what is the last number or the highest number, what would be the response of EON?

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Eon: Dear son, I am going to respond you in a captious way: if I tell you that the most important thing in terms of extension is the eternity, then I could tell you that mathematically there may be 2 3 eternity or eternity . In this sense, some mathematicians speculated about a row of infinite beds and beside another row of infinite beds. What does this mean? It means that "infinity" is not a measurement, because if it were a measurement it would have a limit. Its a verbal paradox that conceptually it would mean more. "Infinite" and "eternity" are not compatible with "limits". For that reason a dirty trick can be made and 2 2 3 3 2 2 say infinite or eternity , infinite or eternity . Or multiply infinite by infinite or infinite by infinite Interlocutor: Specifically, then backward universes reduce octaves and forward universes increase octaves indefinitely Eon: If you want to play more to the paradox, you would say that in the past, it would come a moment in which the octaves are increasingly dense to the point where they would no longer be Interlocutor: Thats it, for example Eon: And you would also say that at one point in the future octaves would be so acute that they would also cease to be Interlocutor: Sure Eon: But putting myself in the role as if I dont understand this and I reiterate that I do it so to facilitate the session What do we know where, the densest octave ends and where the subtlest vibration ends? What for you it could be the densest, perhaps its not for me Interlocutor: Then, the philosopher Zeno was right with his paradox, when he said that in a race, if the hare gives one meter lead to the turtle, the hare would never reach the turtle? Eon: Mathematically, it can never reach it, because the route that makes the hare to get to the turtle, in that period, the turtle advanced... Let's start again from scratch... The hare reaches where the turtle is, but as the turtle moved, again it cannot reach it. That means that with this demonstration, mathematically the hare could never surpass the turtle. But in fact, the hare surpasses the turtle Interlocutor: Then, is the universe mathematical? Eon: The universe, for you obviously, is unpredictable. This receptacle is right when he says "do not try to understand everything; we understand what is within our grasp to be fruitful". Interlocutor: Well, I leave this on hold to give us time to mature it and I change the subject to the question of movement. EON, from the logical point of view, cannot move, because where can it go if EON is everything? This takes me to believe that EON is in a total stillness and that it does not even vibrates, reason why the Big Bangs would not happen either in the time-line. Then, how could we understand the movement that we perceive as being real? Is it an illusion? If I move my arm, does this movement have existed since eternity? Eon: No, this is not the case Dear son, I will respond with a paradox, explained as if I were like you It is as if I could unfold myself. For one thing, if I am the universe and I express throughout the universe, it is as if I were in a receptacle of a cubic meter and my physical body had a cubic meter of volume. I could not move because I would be contained in that container Are you with me? Interlocutor: Yes, I am

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Eon: Well, that would be your theory regarding the universe and myself. Interlocutor: Exactly Eon: And it's true, its like that. But there is a second part. The second part is that within that EON, I have a conceptual freedom to move myself, because if that would not be so, how could I do to move Johnakan to alternative universes, parallel universes, previous universes and other galaxies? If I were fixed and immutable I could not even be at this time communicating with you. Interlocutor: But then how Eon: I continue answering Never be so narrow minded to see me from only one viewpoint, and I say this with all my love. You have formulated the theory that for me the time does not exist because I am an Eternal Present. Interlocutor: True Eon: But I am also able to climb on the bandwagon of time, and I can see things happen, because I can do everything. I can come to the present, I can go to the past At this very moment with my concept, I communicate with you; at this very moment I am seeing with my concept, Master Jesus in Gethsemane; at this moment I am seeing with my concept, thousand years in the future; at this moment with my concept, I am in a planet of the Andromeda Galaxy; at this moment with my concept, I am in infinite places I can move conceptually to all of them Interlocutor: But I think that there would be no need to move because you are already in all those places Eon: Its a kind of conceptual movement Interlocutor: Without any movement? Eon: No, with movement, because I have to do the movement and I retake the subject for the third time: when I take Johnakan and I transfer him to other universes, of course I have to "move". I move conceptually, but I move Interlocutor: So now comes the second question: if there is a movement it is because it began at some point. And here lies the paradox: When did this movement start? The question comes to the case because, how can there be a movement that has never started? Eon: I have already given the example of the Moebius Strip, which has no beginning and no end the hypothetical example has already been given many times, that you travel into the past with an alleged machine that could travel, not billions of years but until passing the Big Bangs and Big Crunches every second: Big Bang Big Crunch Big Bang Big Crunch Big Bang it would come a time when you would be in the future. Then you would say to me captiously and securely: "No, the past and the future could never be linked because the universe in the super-future would have an octave higher in vibration, so acute, that it could never be linked with the super-past, which would be the densest octave. And my question is, being in your place, what do we know if that super-density and that super-acute are not compatible to fit? Do you understand? Interlocutor: I am elaborating it Eon: In the future it may be hundreds of universes ahead the universe will have a very high tonal scale. One thousand universes back I say one thousand as I could say one million or ten million or more the tonal scale was absolutely dense. And as I spoke of the Moebius Strip, most of you are going to interpret that the past universe is going to fit with the future universe and therefore it will be
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an eternal wheel, then the question that you would ask me is: how will it fit a so dense tonal scale with a so acute and subtle scale? And my answer is: they fit perfectly, and that is. Interlocutor: Going back to the beginning of the question, I dont know whether to ask, on one hand, since EON moves, although conceptually, when did that movement start. On the other hand, if EON incarnates, to put it somehow, with only 10% I mean the physical and the spiritual world as a whole what does the 90% do? Does it not get bored having and knowing everything? Eon: The answer the first question: I have dictated to the 10% of Johnakan, this receptacle, Jorge Olguin, to write in this book: "In the beginning there was Nothing and Nothing was Everything". Nothing and Everything means that the first universe meets with the last universe. Then there was never a beginning. That beginning is a virtual beginning, and I say this, so it is understood by those who know computers or physical Really, it is a nonexistent beginning. That link does not really mean an end and a beginning. Everything is a continuous turn. Interlocutor: That it never began, it always existed Eon: Sure And the movement does not have to stop being. And regarding the fact that if there is a 10%, which is the manifested part, and another 90%, I will explain it, as well as what happens with the remaining 90% and other universes that are above, super-universes. This is a theory that I present now, and that soon, when the mathematicians develop it, they will believe to have the scoop, but I'm giving the scoop to myself at this moment, thats in your date November 10, 2006. I repeat, then, that there are other super-universes that contain this universe where I am absolutely expressed by 100%. They are called "bubble universes". I refrain from giving you more details because I might confuse you in your understanding. Interlocutor: Although this has already been said, I would like to ratify it: it does not exist more than EON, that is, there is not another EON. Is that correct? Eon: EON is love, Eon is humor And I will finish this part of the session joking: Will I really be everything? I am going to the last bubble universe to see what lies beyond! I love you, son, and we will continue this session in the second half. Interlocutor: See you then...

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Interlocutor: First of all, I want to ask you about the powers of the Absolute, because we know that there are things you cannot do. That is that EON has limits. For example, you cannot create another EON; in a game of playing cards, you cannot get that the Four win the Ace, except of course changing the rules of the game, in which case you would not be exercising any power; you could not destroy yourself, or you cannot undo that Nero burns Rome, or that at this time Master Jesus is not being crucified Eon: They are different paradoxes, because yes, I could do it. But like you, I would also create alternative universes, changing what it has already been written by me Interlocutor: But is it not part of the essence of EON that Nero burns Rome, Kennedy is assassinated and that Jesus is crucified? Eon: Those examples you are giving here, in billions of millions of planets similar episodes happen, with martyrs, with heroes, people hated, where other channelers have made me the same or other questions, and the answer is that there are things that I cannot do. I cannot create a companion, because I cannot create an essence similar to mine. That does not mean that I am limited. There are rules that somehow I have created when manifesting myself. I manifest in a certain way, and within the vibration of that manifestation, perhaps I have set myself those limits. The other question is: Did I create myself or I have always been? Interlocutor: You have always been I suppose that it is like the circle, which has always existed and never was created Eon: And as the universe is rising in octaves, I am also going to rise in octaves and I am, as some philosophers say, evolving. That about "evolving" is relative Interlocutor: EON evolves and at the same time it does not evolve Eon: Sure, because at some point I also encounter with the previous EON The previous EON is a way of saying regarding your measurement of time... Let's say that if the last universe connects with the first universe, that higher octave fits with that lower octave, and I also fit myself, EON from the future, with me, EON from the past. Interlocutor: But there is also an EON that covers everything The core of EON Eon: That is what I mean; yes there may be movement, because if there is no movement and EON was fixed, I could not even fit the EON from the past with the EON from the future. That is, within the physical plane you call me the Almighty, I can be unmovable but move, I can be in all the places simultaneously, I can be communicated with you, I can be communicated with other entities Interlocutor: Okay, but there is a point I want to clarify: Jesus, who at this moment is suffering on the Cross, was not created by you but he is part of your essence from the eternity. Eon; He is part of what I have created, which is the free will and free will allows the creatures to choose, to have an option. Do not fall into the phrase that has often been said that everything is written, because at some point the players are the ones writing that part of history in different worlds, in different planets, in different galaxies. Although for me everything is an Eternal Present because I can live it at this moment and as well, I can look at it from the future, and as well, I can look at it from the past, as it has not happened but I have to let it happen by the principle of non-intervention, I give all my children the possibility of choosing.
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Then, as well as the paradox of the immovable EON that occupies everything, as the example I gave in the first part of this session the body that had a cubic meter enclosed in a container of a cubic meter and that cannot move even one cubic millimeter because it occupies everything in my case I am not locked in the universe that contains me. I am the universe as well. Then its not that it contains me Interlocutor: What I dont understand is how can we say that EON created, for example, a cockroach, if in Eons eternity, the cockroach always existed Will it be as Hermes said that everything its and its not, at the same time? Eon: Exactly, everything its and its not at the same time, and in each created universe, in each of the Big Bang explosion, I give new tasks to the minor gods, the Elohim, to create the various spirits and the various angelical entities, which in fact I do create them, because I am the one that gives the energy to the Elohim to create the living beings. Any power of the Elohim is my energy. Then, when you write: "The Absolute creates the Elohim, and the Elohim creates the spirits and the angelical entities", etc., etc., in fact, they create them through me. Interlocutor: Okay And how EON "weighs" the suffering of Jesus or when I have a headache? Or EON is totally alien to this suffering? I ask this because we are part of EON Eon: I cannot be outside, because you have just said so, you are part of me, but I cannot get involved in everything as you put it either, because suddenly it might be a supernova star that sweeps many planets, which sweeps two civilizations and billions of beings die. I see those things as a fact, but I dont get involved. You ask me for the suffering of Jesus. Sure, its also important, but it is in me to get involved and not to get involved. Always take me as dual, but not because I want to go off at the tangent, as you say in the physical plane, but because it is so. I will be affected by the suffering of all beings, but that suffering has to be Interlocutor: Is it because for a matter of duality? Eon: No, it is as a matter of education. Do not see it as a duality of suffering-pleasure, because one could understand that I'm enjoying this duality. It is not joy or suffering. The universe is a school of learning, and so the creatures are learning. Interlocutor: Let's see if I understand: with everything you've said so far you could also say: Well, everything is over, the physical plane and all the spiritual planes so only EONS core remains Eon: I congratulate your Thetan, I see he is very connected with me, and that is a merit, and I hope you do not swell yourself of ego, because that is what I was going to say next. One question that I did myself and answered it: What was the need to create life? I go further: What was the need to create the universe, why manifesting myself, why not being in nothingness? And my answer is: Why not? Life is beautiful, is beautiful to see the smile on human Homo sapiens, is beautiful to see a wink in a being on a distant planet where that wink is not understood by you Interlocutor: But the matter is that if I were EON I would have created only pleasure and sheer happiness So the question of the million dollars, it is why EON has not done what I would have Specifically, why is suffering necessary? Eon: Because all incarnated beings and all spiritual entities somehow are fallible, fallible is not disrespect, because I love all my children fallible in the sense that they have to learn as a baby of your world and perhaps tomorrow he will become a great wise person, but at the beginning you have to give him the meals in the mouth with a teaspoon

Heaven Responds


An eternal happiness would make you like robots. I would like you to think about it. An eternal happiness will finally create engrams to you. If you had everything at the physical level, you would debate many issues, you would come to brawl. Lets not talk about other worlds Interlocutor: Are you telling me that EON is unable to create happiness that does not produce engrams? Eon: The answer is simple. Of course I can create happiness that does not cause engrams!, But the spirit itself, the vibration that I have created it was done on purpose with that type of anxious vibration, making that happiness could produce engrams. Interlocutor: Let's see if I understand: are you, the eternal EON, with limitations? Eon: Absolutely not. I directly chose to create the spirits with that type of vibration Interlocutor: Based on "and why not?" Eon: Correct And it seemed to me an excellent choice, and within that option I reiterate that happiness can produce engrams. A person who has everything that a being in the physical plane can have, as a partner or companion, ten partners or companions, the best food, the best wines, the best aromas, the best economic position In short, snapping his fingers and having everything. Then, at certain point that person could even lose his sense of reality and his decoder could get in short circuit Interlocutor: I would leave all this on hold to give us time to study and mature it and ask you something that I consider important... I, spirit not me as 10% but Radael, as 100% spirit when the Big Crunch arrives and finally I plunge with everyone else in EON, where do we do it, within its core, outside the core, or where? The question is whether we will absolutely understand the Absolute, along with all the infinite Big Bangs. Before you respond there is this other question: Does Radael continue with its individuality or its like a drop in the sea that returns to it? Eon: First, when the Big Crunch takes place, the universe is no longer as such and everything gets transformed. According to physicists its transformed into a Singularity. The universe ceases to exist until is Nothing. Interlocutor: Not EON, but the universe Eon: Exactly, the universe EON adapts, and within the physical plane, which then would be compressed into an atom, EON would be as small as an atom in the physical and spiritual planes, because the spiritual plane would also accompany the physical plane in the Singularity. This has never been said. But I am also beyond the planes and then along with that Big Crunch, what you call my core, that immovable part, merges with the movable part. And all my children melt with me, and somehow, as it has been said a few years ago, yes they lose their identity. Interlocutor: Is it like a drop that falls into the sea? Eon: That's right. Its like a drop that falls into the sea. Interlocutor: Then, one tiny part and everything would be the same Eon: Yes, at an exact moment. When there is a new explosion and a new universe is formed, I return again to create the entire structure: Aes, Essence, Elohim, to whom I give the task of creating new spirits, which are not going to remember the previous universe. That is why I said that I had to do what you would call a "trick" to take Johnakan to a previous universe, because in that previous universe Johnakan did not exist.

Heaven Responds


Interlocutor: But we are always speaking from the standpoint that you are within the time frame along with us, because everything is already done in that eternal present that is EON Eon: Exactly, but I say that so I can be understood. I am outside all times and all spaces. Interlocutor: So, when Radael merges with the Absolute, he disappears and is the Absolute? Eon: That's right, Radael is part of the Absolute and is the Absolute, in the same way as the drop is the sea. Interlocutor: Let's see if I can concretize the idea: This part of mine, which at this time, with my limitations as a spirit, I cannot understand EON, I will understand perfectly when I melt with Him because I am also going to be Him Is it so? Will I be everything as EON? Eon: You will be everything as EON at that moment. When the great explosion takes place, I again return to create the structure, and in that structure there are new spirits, new angelical entities Interlocutor: But, is the part that incarnates always the same 10%? Eon: Not necessarily. Just like you when incarnate as roles, it does not always incarnate the same 10%; the 10% of this receptacle, Jorge Olguin, perhaps is not the same 10% who incarnated as Juan de la Cruz or as John Zebedee or as Ananda. But the essence of the spirit is all the same. Interlocutor: But the core never incarnates Is that correct? Or everything is core or nucleus. Eon: Actually there is no core or nucleus Core is just a way of saying. See me as a spirit of another magnitude, and the spirit does not have a nucleus. You, as spirit, do not have a nucleus. You are a 100% pure spirit that incarnates, in which case your 90% is in the spiritual plane and 10% on the physical plane. You are a conceptual thinking energy. Interlocutor: Thats perfectly clear Eon: Well, you can define me as an absolute conceptual thinking energy. Interlocutor: It cannot be more clearly stated Eon: Perhaps the word "absolute" might give you a clearer idea because it is deeper than "eternity" or "infinite", because infinite could be multiplied by itself, and you could also add eternity plus eternity. The word absolute covers everything and that's why to talk about of absolute plus absolute does not make sense, even for the greatest mathematicians. If you wish, call me an absolute conceptual thinking energy. Interlocutor: Then, is there any core? Eon: Would you like to find a core? Interlocutor: Well, yes Eon: Call it love, because love is creation, but also love is diversity That's what people on this planet do not understand The diversity bothers the people of this world. You will find racist people; you will find people who discriminate on money, race, religion They do not understand that diversity is also love Interlocutor: I understand Before concluding the meeting, may I ask you some short questions? Eon: Sure, do them Interlocutor: What is the happiness of EON? Eon: The diversity of my children. Interlocutor: Is that the answer?

Heaven Responds


Eon: That's right, and to see how little by little my children understand that. Then many will ask me: How sad, EON, that in the end, when we will get to understand everything, when we will have our fellow beings because every being of this Creation will attain enlightenment immediately after, we will merge with the Absolute to start again a new thing Is it not a pity a fresh start? It is a pity for you that you look at it from your attachments. Let's see if you understand me. You look from the attachment, from the attachment to say: Now that we learned the lesson you close the school. Is it understood? Interlocutor: Yes, its very clear Eon: If I were to refer to an attachment, it would be my attachment to happiness and love. Interlocutor: Specifically, then, EON moves, creates and can do almost everything. Is that correct? Eon: I cannot be destroyed, I cannot be duplicated, I cannot change the laws of the physical plane, because they are laws that were made with certain vibration. If I create a vibration, that vibration is going to fulfill a mission Interlocutor: OK, but when we talk about creation, in fact there was never a creation because everything always existed. Is that correct? EON always existed and everything else. Its something similar to the circle, which has always existed with all its points and there was never a time when it was created Eon: Somehow it does, and somehow no, because if I at a certain time, look for to manifest myself in the physical universe, it means that even at a moment, and think about it of what I am saying to you, I was before the universe because I manifested myself, and to manifest myself was an action, and that action took time. Please, try to understand it. Interlocutor: Its clear Were there moments where EON was no creation? Or EON is part of the creation and cannot be separated? Eon: There was a moment that was before the creation. For that reason I manifested myself. The simple fact to manifest myself then, even for a thousandth of a second, or less, was an action, and that action took time. Therefore, there was something before. Because, let's see, and this is work for physicists, if I said before that the universe is like a Moebius Strip, and the last universe, that one in the distant future, and that one of the distant past, are embedded, theoretically the universe always existed . Interlocutor: Obvious. Eon: So, how could I have manifested myself before, if the universe was always there? Always, in this dimension, but remember that I said in the first part that there are other super-universes, and it would be very difficult to understand for those who listen to me, because the universes are like bubbles and there are also other super-universes involved in my creation. At this moment, this receptacle has on Earth a transmit fidelity in his decoder nearly 99%, but it is very hard for him to translate what I mean. So, before his decoder explodes, we better let this issue pending for the next session. Interlocutor: OK There are some questions that people ask me repeatedly, and also interest me, as for example, when will the Earth be contacted openly, in public, with extraterrestrials. I ask this because so far the extraterrestrials are hidden, as in the famous Area 51 in USA, where there is an extraterrestrial-terrestrial settlement land, so I see a lot of misinformation in order to hide the truth. Eon: I will answer in three words and do not ask me for more: the possibilities are. Interlocutor: Is that all? How long will it take centuries, perhaps millennia?
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Eon: I want you to make that expectation, because the expectation brings intention. A healthy expectation brings intention, and I want that the beings on this planet work with that intention. Interlocutor: Well How tall are the smallest and the highest extraterrestrial? Eon: In some worlds, there are beings so small that come to measure a tenth of a millimeter Interlocutor: Nothing more than a tenth of a millimeter? Eon: Yes. Interlocutor: And, do they build spacecraft as well? Eon: Yes, but obviously in their scale. And there are beings that measure up to 100 meters of your measures. Interlocutor: And, have they reached our planet? Eon: No, not at all. Interlocutor: Up to what extent can we create artificial intelligence? The question seeks to know if somehow the 10% could incarnate in a machine that has been built in some planet, obviously very sophisticated. I refer to a machine that is almost as a body that was born from a being. Eon: Although everything is part of me, both the spiritual as the physical part, what I do value as my son is not your body but your spirit Interlocutor: That is clear Eon: Whenever there is a decoder that can grasp the mental concept of the spirit, and that concept fits in that mental decoder as to enable the spirit to translate the spoken language, then is valid. Therefore, the same spirit that incarnates today in a homo sapiens-sapiens can also incarnate in a being from another world that may have a completely different form and be a thinking being like you. Interlocutor: The question is whether it has been built a machine like that. Eon: There is at this time, in different worlds of different galaxies, artificial "beings" that have a sufficiently advanced decoder that is able to incarnate. I clarify that the word "incarnate" is yours, not mine, because there are beings that are not organic as you, but I use it to be understood. Interlocutor: Are we talking about artificial beings made on the physical plane by other incarnated beings? Eon: That's right. They are like robots or androids, as described by writers of science fiction. Interlocutor: Do you mean that a spirit can incarnate in those tins? Eon: To call tins to those robots is very derogatory! Interlocutor: Well, you know that I said it with great humor, just to be incisive in this. Specifically, then, it is possible. Eon: The issue is quite complex, but it's possible. That biologist or physician who denies this, does not reality understand the scope of what some advanced civilizations can do. The argument that biologists could give would be that neurons are connected in parallel rather than in series as in some machines. Then, to make an artificial brain with connections in parallel, where there are millions of connections, would seem something impossible.

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But it would be pedantic to say that because this is still denied to this terrestrial civilization, it must also be denied to other civilizations, as it was pedantic of your Earth, some few centuries ago, to deny that there were other worlds. Interlocutor: In those advanced civilizations, have they reached to the point of being able to remove engrams through a machine and not for auditing? Eon: They have succeeded in eliminating the cellular engrams, but not the conceptual engrams, because no machine reaches "to touch" the spiritual part. Interlocutor: When we talk about these androids or robots, are we talking about rudimentary machines or they can perfectly compete with the creations of the Elohim? Eon: Perhaps not at this present, but the possibility is part of me. Do not disrespect what we believe is invalid, and never admire excessively what we believe is the supreme, the maximum. Let's always keep the balance, only admire love and despise hatred and indifference. Any form of life could somehow be important and everything has a reason. Until always beloved son. Interlocutor: So long EON, until the next session.

Heaven Responds


From the original book titled (Spanish) El Cielo Responde Dilogos con
Entidades Espirituales y EON El Absoluto

Diccionario Esotrico Zaniah-Morel, Edit. Kier S.A., 1987. Breve Historia de la Espiritualidad, Luis Fabre, Edit. Claridad S.A., 1988 WIKIPEDIA. The Free Encyclopedia,



Buenos Aires - Argentina Email: WEB: Dr. in Scientific Parapsychology; certified by the Enigmas Institute and endorsed by the Government of the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Qualified Therapist, non medical, recognized by the World Public Health Organization. Transpersonal Psychology Therapist. Creator of Psycho-Integration and Psycho-Auditation. Participating in broadcast TV programs: "Frente a Frente" (America), with Alejandro Rial. Buenos Aires, Argentina. "Mysteries of the Universe" (Telefe) with Anabell Ascar. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Zona Infinito" (Infinito), with Horacio Embon. Buenos Aires, Argentina. "Cristina Show" (Univision), with Cristina Saralegui. Miami, USA. Invited to the Round Table "Dialogue about Science and Religion" (Aula Magna of the Faculty of Medicine of Buenos Aires), also taking part the Dalai Lama, who received a gift book Spiritual Aphorisms from professor Jorge Olguin.

Santiago - Chile - 2009

Heaven Responds


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