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Biology HS/Science Unit: 07 Lesson: 02

Karyotyping Web Activity KEY The Karyotyping Activity at The Biology Project will help you learn about h !an "aryotyping sing #igital i!ages o$ chro!oso!es $ro! act al h !an genetic st #ies% Objective: &o!plete the 'e( activity to practice co!pleting an# analy)ing "aryotypes% Procedures:

+o to this 'e(site: http://'''%(iology%ari)ona%e# /h !an,(io/activities/"aryotyping/"aryotyping%ht!l

2% -ollo' the ta(s at the (otto! o$ each page to co!plete the steps $or each o$ the three patients. an# $ollo' this paper as a g i#e an# re!e!(er to rea# (oth this paper an# the 'e(site care$ lly% /% -or 0A&H patient. #o the $ollo'ing: a. Patient A: Read Patient As history, and record the following: i% ii% 1hat or 'ho is the patient2 The patient is an almost full term fetus from a !" year old #oman$ 1here or ho' 'ere the chro!oso!es retrieve#2 The chromosomes #ere obtained from fetal epithelial tissues through the amniocentesis process$ &lic" on 3&o!plete Patient A4s Karyotype5. an# co!plete the "aryotype $ollo'ing the pro!pts% 1hen yo have co!plete# the "aryotype. $ollo' the instr ctions to interpret the "aryotype% 1rite #o'n the notation $or Patient A4s "aryotype% 67t sho l# (e a n !(er8 the total n !(er o$ chro!oso!es an# then 99 or 9: to sho' !ale or $e!ale;$or e<a!ple. a nor!al $e!ale 'o l# (e =>99? !%& ''& ()* Using the ta(le. 'rite #o'n yo r #iagnosis $or Patient A 61hat #isor#er to they have2? an# 'hy yo give this #iagnosis% +o#n,s syndrome& because they have trisomy )* or an e-tra .)* chromosome &lic" to go to Patient B

iii% iv%



b. Patient B: Read Patient Bs history, and record the following: i% 1hat or 'ho is the patient2 The patient is a )/ year old male #ho is trying to determine #hy he is unfertile$
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Biology HS/Science Unit: 07 Lesson: 02

ii% iii% iv% v%

1here or ho' 'ere the chro!oso!es retrieve#2 0hromosomes #ere obtained from nucleated blood cells$ &lic" on 3&o!plete Patient B4s Karyotype5. an# co!plete the "aryotype $ollo'ing the pro!pts% 1hen yo have co!plete# the "aryotype. $ollo' the instr ctions to interpret the "aryotype% 1rite #o'n the notation $or Patient B4s "aryotype% !%& ''Y Using the ta(le. 'rite #o'n yo r #iagnosis $or Patient B 61hat #isor#er to they have2? an# 'hy #o yo thin" that% This patient has Klinefelter1s 2yndrome because he has an e-tra 3'4 sechromosome$ &lic" to go to Patient &%


c. Patient C Read Patient Cs history, and record the following: i% 1hat or 'ho is the patient2 Patient 0 died shortly after birth #ith many anomalies& including a cleft lip and polydactyly$ ii% iii% iv% v% 1here or ho' 'ere the chro!oso!es retrieve#2 0hromosomes #ere obtained through a tissue sample$ &lic" on 3&o!plete Patient &4s Karyotype5. an# co!plete the "aryotype $ollo'ing the pro!pts% 1hen yo have co!plete# the "aryotype. $ollo' the instr ctions to interpret the "aryotype% 1rite #o'n the notation $or Patient &4s "aryotype% !%& 'Y& (*5 Using the ta(le. 'rite #o'n yo r #iagnosis $or Patient & 61hat #isor#er to they have2? an# 'hy #o yo say that% This patient had trisomy *5 syndrome because they had an e-tra chromosome .*5$

http://'''%(iology%ari)ona%e# /h !an,(io/activities/"aryotyping/"aryotyping%ht!l

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