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Samantha Gilbert

1340 N. Freedom Blvd. Provo, UT 84604 (803)760-5245

Promotions ManagerMuseum of Peoples and CulturesProvo, UT Jan 2013-Present o Responsible for all press releases and official statements within museum o Gained approximately 200+ likes on Facebook and 50 likes on Instagram o Created and assisted with special events to increase attendance by 20% Marketing ManagerDark EnergyLas Vegas, NV Nov 2013- Jan 2014 o Designed Social Media Campaign for Consumer Electronic Show (CES) o Pitched media, over 50 prospective buyers, and distributors o Engaged with CES attendees and facilitated 3 daily unit giveaways o Sampled Dark Energys reservoir to more than 1,200 consumers, distributors and journalists, generating more than $3,500 in direct sales PR/Marketing InternSundance ResortSundance, UT May-Aug 2013 o Wrote monthly newsletter that was delivered to 40,000+ e-mail addresses o Gained approximately 50 Twitter followers and 100 Instagram followers o Responsible for particular press releases and special events held at resort Environmental ReporterThe Daily Universe NewspaperProvo, UT Jan-May 2013 o Wrote for both print and online outlets (The Digital Universe) o Used AP style writing techniques to narrate news articles o Coordinated meetings and held interviews with various people around the country

Volunteer Experience
Public Relations Team MemberHabitat for Humanity Provo, UT Sept- Dec 2013 o Created a strategic campaign to meet current goals and objectives o Created official style guide for Habitat for Humanity Utah County o Improved quality of materials including brochures, newsletters and promotions Social Media ChairRepublican National Hispanic Assembly MO May 2013 - Present o Created Facebook account and obtained 130 likes o Organized a social media strategic plan with a small team of volunteers

Brigham Young University Student Association (BYUSA) public relations clubs coordinator and planner2012 Volunteer at local church for the women's society2010-current Presidential Campaign volunteer and event coordinator2012

Brigham Young University Bachelor of Communication Arts in Public Relations Graduation: August 2014

Skills Summary
Moderate to fluent in speaking, reading and writing Spanish Innovative in social media practices Creative in messaging segmented publics Strategic thinking in short and long-term marketing plans Moderate in working with Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign

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