HIT-001 Notes1

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The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is responsible for the well-being and safety of all workers including

healthcare works. (OSHA) igital !maging and "ommunications is #edicine is a standard for handling$storing$printing and transmitting medical imaging. ( !"O#) H!%AA re&uires a backup plan to ensure access to medical records in the case of a failure of the inhouse system. An agreement with an outside firm to pro'ide ser'ice should be go'erned by a ser'icele'el agreement(S(A) that defines the scope$ rate$ and minimum standards of the ser'ice. %ro'ider type data field described the grouping of the ser'ice or occupation of the practitioner )ational "ommeitte on *ital and Health Statics standardi+es the transmission of health information. ,hich health plan type enables patients to 'isit any doctor or hospital---- Answer !ndemnity. !ndemnity plans enable patients to direct their own care by choosing any hospital or doctor and managing their own treatment.

Payment types
"ustomary "harges. /ased on what is normally charged or what is reasonable Sliding Scale fee. /ased on the patients ability to pay "apitation. A prepaid amount based in a per person or per capita amount 0ee for Ser'ices. ependent on the cost of the pro'ider to pro'ide the ser'ices.

A topography map is re&uired only when performing an outdoor site sur'ey.

,hat is the minimum penalty for willful neglect leading to e1posure of %H!,hen the information is knowingly e1posed (criminal neglect) the penalty is a minimum of 234$444 !nfrastructure !T- Applications such as 'oice recongnition and medical transcriptoon that suuport the infrastructure "linical !T Applications used for ordering lab test and medical procedure 0inancial !T. Applications used to impro'e the effciency of billing and accounting Administrati'e !T. Applications used to impro'e the effciency of patient registration and payroll. 5ou must dictate a history and physical for chronic care patients in 64 days. 5ou must dictate a history and physical for acute care patients in 78 hours )ational committee on 9uality Assurance measures and publishes information about managed care plans. A worm is the type of malware which can spread without assistance from a user.

:36;8 publication sets forth guidelines for componets and content of the patient medical record.. A #O< between two uni'ersites conducting =oint research is for >apid transfer of data.

Hierarchical ? database ob=ects ha'e subob=ects (parent-child) Obkect-oriented -database ob=ects are related by characteristics such as inheritance or encapulation )etwork #odels in which each child may ha'e multiple parents ( #any-#any) 0lat file- "ontains a single$ two-dimensional array of data elements H!%AA %ri'acy >ule re&uires an accounting of all disclosures of %H! information H!%AA Security >ule. "ontains a mandate for technical safeguads when implementing a system to log the release of %H!

@antt chart A @antt chart shows not only when acti'ities occur but also which resources perform each acti'ity in hori+ontal time lines and 'ertical line indicators *enn iagram- used in mathmetics "ritical %ath- a tool used to determine the o'erall time a pro=ect should take its not a chart

%:>T charts are used in pro=ect management to 'isually describe the relationship between e'ents or steps in a pro=ect.as circles circles connected by lines to indicate the se&uence of e'ents AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA "ritical path The critical path is that which takes all tasks relationships into consideration and determines the length of time to complete them.

Osis. "ondition$ process or disease Algia. %ain "rine ? secreting

/last. immature or forming condition otomy- to cut into itis- inflammation ology- study of The term purging is used to separte acti'e and inacti'e records in a filing system. HSS tracks all H!%AA breaches and makes the information a'ailable to the public /edside medication 'erification. The patients wristband is scanned$ the barcode on the medication lebel is scanned$ the ! of the administering personnel is scanned. "ommon causes of issues in many medical software systems. %atient demographics are formatted incorrectly or missing necessary information The communication link between systems is not working or disconnected. A>>A is commonly referred to as the Stimulus or The >eco'ery Act. The general types of :#>B:H> clients are the following. A browser-based client An application-based client A terminal or remote access client. :1amples of displaying respect during a ser'ice call 3. Ask permission before changing display settings 7. Silencing your pager or mobile phone The Coint "ommission monitor the pro'ision of safe and effecti'e treaments by health orgrani+ations Staff di'ision with HSS is O)" A specialty hospital is a type of hospital that is re&uired to pro'ide treatment for specific disorders such as cancer$ burns or womens health A public hospital can be a teaching hospital. HHS is responsible for #edicare$ #edicaid$ and Healthcare H!T:"H re&uires that all co'ered and associated third-party business associated comply with H!%AApri'acy laws.

Types of Plans
%%O- %erferred %ro'ider Organi+ation is a network of physicians or healthcare organi1ations who

pro'ide healthcare at a discounted rate in return for higher patient 'oume.....re&uires you to see certain physicians. H#O- this offers healthcare ser'ices for a prepaid fi1ed amount of reimbursement. %oint of Ser'ice- is an agreement where a patient is permitted to chose a pro'ider each time a healthcare ser'ice is re&uired. !ndemnity %lan- allows you to 'isit any doctor any hospital and direct your own care.

Work Types
%arallel work di'ision is characteri+ed by each person performing se'eral tasks. Serial ? each worker ha'ing a sewuential step in the final product. <nilateal- is not a di'ision its =ust to throw you off <nit Assembly ? which each person performs a uni&ue task$ howe'er it may not be se&uential.

Security"onfidentiality- is defined as the legal and ethical obligation of healthcare professionals to meet the e1pectations of pri'acy from patients. %ri'acy- this is the indi'iduals right to control disclosure of his or her personal information. ata Security- technical and procedural methods to control and manage confidential information "onformity- an indi'idual adaptin their beha'iors thoughts and ideas to be percei'ed as normal by society---------D this is to throw you off

Title 21 C ! Parts
%art 73- records about indi'iduals that are maintained$collected$used or discloused by the 0ood and rug administration. %art E- recalls on food$ drugs$ or cosmetics. %art 33 ? electronic records and electronic signatures are considered to be trustworthy Coint "ommission re&uires a re'iew of all delin&uent medical records atleast once e'ery F4 days.

%ower sag- is a temporary dip in the 'oltage on the supply line which only lasts a fraction of a second. %ower Spike- sudden e1tremly high o'er 'oltage e'ent in the electrical line

%ower surge ? increase on the grid like a rough wa'e. :rgonmics is the principle used to design a work en'ironment to promote safe$ healthy$in=ury free work. igital signatures from physicians are used in the following. #edicare certifications$ >emote site 'isit patient records >eferrals$"omputeri+ed %hysician Order :ntry H!%AA Titles Title !- protects health insurance co'erage for workers and their familes when they change or lose their =obs. Title !! known as the Administrati'e Simplication (AS) pro'isions$ re&uire the establisbments of nation standards. There are only two titles. T%O G Treatment$ %ayments and Operations 0ood and rug Administration appro'ed using H->ay machines on humans. Emails that #iscuss pri$acy an# security policy must %e containe# for & years

o not need a /AA for the postal carrier. 5ou are riding in an ele'ator with ser'eral physicians discussing the care of a patient. The patients name is used in the con'ersation. H!%%A =ust got 'iolated. :chocardiogram and /arium are 'ideos

#aster budget incorporates the budget of each department or business unit into one budget Statistical budget- type of budget predicts the future 'olume Organi+ational budget is incorrect as this answer choice is to distract you Operating budget- predicts labor$supplies.

8 yrs for dental records I yrs for all materials containing H!%%A 34 yrs primary medical records S"S! ! S 6- cd rom 4- dri'e with the OS E- scsi controller card <S/ 7.4 ma1 cable length is J meters S#%S swith mode power supply According to H!%%A how long must a medical practice retain medical recrods. H!%%A does not mandate how long. (aptops use ram which has 388 pins

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