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Instruct|ons for Myers-8r|ggs ersona||ty 1est

lease sLarL by Laklng Lhe LesL, and Lhen follow Lhese dlrecLlons. 1he LesL wlll Lake
approxlmaLely 30-43mlnuLes.
1. 1ake ouL Lhe answer sheeL. 8ead a quesLlon and wrlLe your answers (uslng a
checkmark for A or 8) lnLo Lhe grld box. ay aLLenLlon Lo Lhe way Lhe numbers flow
(lefL Lo rlghL, raLher Lhan Lop Lo boLLom).

2. Answer Lhe quesLlons from your base" naLure. uon'L answer whaL you wlsh you
were, or whaL you Lhlnk you should be or whaL Lhe ChrlsLlan/rlghL" Lhlng Lo do ls,
buL whaL ls your base" preference. lor example, wlLh Lhe quesLlon LhaL asks ?ou
are aL a parLy. do you lnLeracL wlLh many, even sLrangers, or lnLeracL wlLh a few

3. 1here ls no rlghL or wrong answer.

4. 1here are a couple quesLlons on Lhe LesL LhaL are worded awkwardly. here ls some
clarlflcaLlon for you:
a. #9: Are you more senslble LhaL ldeallsLlc or ldeallsLlc Lhan senslble? (Lhlnk:
senslble equals pracLlcal)
b. #33: Are you more ofLen cool headed or warm hearLed? (Lhlnk: cool headed
ls raLlonal, loglcal, prlnclpally drlven, warm hearLed ls relaLlvely drlven,
c. #39: Are you drawn more Lo fundamenLals or overLones? (lundamenLals:
deLalls, Lhe Lrees, overLones: Lhe foresL, Lhe blgger plcLure)

3. uo Lhe maLh. (Add Lhe numbers ln Lhe columns, follow Lhe rlghL arrows Lo add Lhem
a. ?our score should be clear ln leLLers: L/l, S/n, 1/l, 1/!
b. 1here wlll also be clear numbers. lor example, lf you are 11S and 9n or lf
you are 3L and 3l, LhaL ls lmporLanL for us Lo know!

6. 8rlng your compleLed LesL Lo ulscover ?our lace. We wlll need Lo see your
numbers and be able Lo check for any maLh dlscrepancles.

1he k|ersy 1emperament Sorter II 1est
ueclde on answer A or 8 and wrlLe Lhe leLLer on your numbered answer sheeL. 1here ls no rlghL or wrong,
good or bad answers slnce abouL half of Lhe populaLlon agrees wlLh whaLever answers you choose. 1ry Lo
ldenLlfy your base Lendency" or your naLural lncllnaLlon". lf you do noL undersLand a quesLlon or Lhe
meanlng of a parLlcular word, please look lL up or ask Lhe LesL faclllLaLor for greaLer clarlLy, as Lhls can affecL
Lhe ouLcome of Lhe examlnaLlon.

1. When the phone r|ngs do you:
___(a) hurry Lo geL lL flrsL ___(b) hope someone else wlll answer

2. Are you more:
___(a) observanL Lhan lnLrospecLlve ___(b) lnLrospecLlve Lhan observanL

3. Is |t worse to:
___(a) have your head ln Lhe clouds ___(b) be ln a ruL

4. W|th peop|e, are you usua||y more:
___(a) flrm Lhan genLle ___(b) genLle Lhan flrm

S. Are you more comfortab|e |n mak|ng:
___(a) crlLlcal [udgmenLs ___(b) value [udgmenLs

6. Is c|utter |n the workp|ace someth|ng you:
___(a) Lake Llme Lo sLralghLen up ___(b) LoleraLe preLLy well

7. Is |t your way to:
___(a) make up your mlnd qulckly ___(b) plck and choose aL some lengLh

8. Wa|t|ng |n ||ne, do you often:
___(a) chaL wlLh oLhers ___(b) sLlck Lo buslness

9. Are you more:
___(a) senslble Lhan ldeallsLlc ___(b) ldeallsLlc Lhan senslble

10. Are you more |nterested |n:
___(a) whaL ls acLual ___(b) whaL ls posslble

11. In mak|ng up your m|nd, are you more ||ke|y to go by:
___(a) daLa ___(b) deslres

12. In s|z|ng up others, do you tend to be:
___(a) ob[ecLlve and lmpersonal ___(b) frlendly and personal

13. Do you prefer contracts to be:
___(a) slgned, sealed and dellvered ___(b) seLLled on a handshake

14. Are you more sat|sf|ed hav|ng:
___(a) a flnlshed pro[ecL ___(b) work ln progress

1S. At a party, do you:
___(a) lnLeracL wlLh many, even sLrangers ___(b) lnLeracL wlLh a few frlends

16. Do you tend to be more:
___(a) facLual Lhan speculaLlve ___(b) speculaLlve Lhan facLual

17. Do you ||ke wr|ters who:
___(a) say whaL Lhey mean ___(b) use meLaphors and symbollsm

18. Wh|ch appea|s to you more:
___(a) conslsLency of LhoughL ___(b) harmonlous relaLlonshlps

19. If you must d|sappo|nt someone, are you usua||y:
___(a) frank and sLralghLforward ___(b) warm and conslderaLe

20. Cn the [ob, do you want your act|v|t|es to be:
___(a) scheduled ___(b) unscheduled

21. Do you more often prefer:
___(a) flnal, unalLerable sLaLemenLs ___(b) LenLaLlve, prellmlnary sLaLemenLs

22. Does |nteract|ng w|th strangers:
___(a) energlze you ___(b) Lax your reserves

23. Iacts:
___(a) speak for Lhemselves ___(b) lllusLraLe prlnclples

24. Do you f|nd v|s|onar|es and theor|sts:
___(a) somewhaL annoylng ___(b) raLher fasclnaLlng

2S. In a heated d|scuss|on, do you:
___(a) sLlck Lo your guns ___(b) look for common ground

26. Is |t better to be:
___(a) [usL ___(b) merclful

27. At work, |t |s more natura| for you to:
___(a) polnL ouL mlsLakes ___(b) Lry Lo please oLhers

28. Are you more comfortab|e:
___(a) afLer a declslon ___(b) before a declslon

29. Do you tend to:
___(a) say whaL's on your mlnd ___(b) keep your ears open

30. Common sense |s:
___(a) usually rellable ___(b) frequenLly quesLlonable
31. Ch||dren often do not:
___(a) make Lhemselves useful enough ___(b) exerclse Lhelr fanLasy enough

32. When |n charge of others, do you tend to be:
___(a) flrm and unbendlng ___(b) forglvlng and lenlenL

33. Are you more often:
___(a) a cool-headed person ___(b) a warm-hearLed person

34. Are you more prone to:
___(a) nalllng Lhlngs down ___(b) explorlng Lhe posslblllLles

3S. In most s|tuat|ons, are you more:
___(a) dellberaLe Lhan sponLaneous ___(b) sponLaneous Lhan dellberaLe

36. Do you th|nk of yourse|f as:
___(a) an ouLgolng person ___(b) a prlvaLe person

37. Are you more frequent|y:
___(a) a pracLlcal sorL of person ___(b) a fanclful sorL of person

38. Do you speak more |n:
___(a) parLlculars Lhan generallLles ___(b) generallLles Lhan parLlculars

39. Wh|ch |s more of a comp||ment:
___(a) 1here's a loglcal person" ___(b) 1here's a senLlmenLal person"

40. Wh|ch ru|es you more:
___(a) your LhoughLs ___(b) your feellngs

41. When f|n|sh|ng a [ob, do you ||ke to:
___(a) Lle up all Lhe loose ends ___(b) move on Lo someLhlng else

42. Do you prefer to work:
___(a) Lo deadllnes ___(b) [usL whenever

43. Are you the k|nd of person who:
___(a) ls raLher LalkaLlve ___(b) doesn'L mlss much

44. Are you |nc||ned to take what |s sa|d:
___(a) more llLerally ___(b) more flguraLlvely

4S. Do you more often see:
___(a) whaL ls rlghL ln fronL of you ___(b) whaL can only be lmaglned

46. Is |t worse to be:
___(a) a sofLy ___(b) hard-nosed

47. In try|ng c|rcumstances are you somet|mes:
___(a) Loo unsympaLheLlc ___(b) Loo sympaLheLlc

48. Do you tend to choose:
___(a) raLher carefully ___(b) somewhaL lmpulslvely

49. Are you |nc||ned to be more:
___(a) hurrled Lhan lelsurely ___(b) lelsurely Lhan hurrled

S0. At work, do you tend to:
___(a) be soclable wlLh your colleagues ___(b) keep more Lo yourself

S1. Are you more ||ke|y to trust:
___(a) your experlences ___(b) your concepLlons

S2. Are you more |nc||ned to fee|:
___(a) down Lo earLh ___(b) somewhaL removed

S3. Do you th|nk of yourse|f as a:
___(a) Lough-mlnded person ___(b) Lender-hearLed person

S4. Do you va|ue |n yourse|f more that you are:
___(a) reasonable ___(b) devoLed

SS. Do you usua||y want th|ngs:
___(a) seLLled and declded ___(b) [usL penclled ln

S6. Wou|d you say you are more:
___(a) serlous and deLermlned ___(b) easy golng

S7. Do you cons|der yourse|f:
___(a) a good conversaLlonallsL ___(b) a good llsLener

S8. Do you pr|ze |n yourse|f:
___(a) a sLrong hold on reallLy ___(b) a vlvld lmaglnaLlon

S9. Are you drawn more to:
___(a) fundamenLals ___(b) overLones

60. Wh|ch seems the greater fau|t:
___(a) Lo be Loo compasslonaLe ___(b) Lo be Loo dlspasslonaLe

61. Are you swayed more by:
___(a) convlnclng evldence ___(b) a Louchlng appeal

62. Do you fee| better about:
___(a) comlng Lo closure ___(b) keeplng your opLlons open

63. Is |t preferab|e most|y to:
___(a) make sure Lhlngs are arranged ___(b) [usL leL Lhlngs happen naLurally

64. Are you |nc||ned to be:
___(a) easy Lo approach ___(b) somewhaL reserved

6S. In stor|es, do you prefer:
___(a) acLlon and advenLure ___(b) fanLasy and herolsm

66. Is |t eas|er for you to:
___(a) puL oLhers Lo good use ___(b) ldenLlfy wlLh oLhers

67. Wh|ch do you w|sh more for yourse|f:
___(a) sLrengLh of wlll ___(b) sLrengLh of emoLlon

68. Do you see yourse|f as bas|ca||y:
___(a) Lhlck-sklnned ___(b) Lhln-sklnned

69. Do you tend to not|ce:
___(a) dlsorderllness ___(b) opporLunlLles for change

70. Are you more:
___(a) rouLlnlzed Lhan whlmslcal ___(b) whlmslcal Lhan rouLlnlzed

Answer Sheet
LnLer a check for each answer ln Lhe column for A or 8

A 8 A 8 A 8 A 8 A 8 A 8 A 8
1 2 3 4 3 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
13 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 23 26 27 28
29 30 31 32 33 34 33
36 37 38 39 40 41 42
43 44 43 46 47 48 49
30 31 32 33 34 33 36
37 38 39 60 61 62 63
64 63 66 67 68 69 70


2 3

4 3

4 3

6 3

6 7

8 7










L l

S n

1 l


D|rect|ons for scor|ng:
1. Add down so LhaL Lhe LoLal number of A" answers ls wrlLLen ln Lhe box aL Lhe boLLom of each
column. uo Lhe same for Lhe 8" answers LhaL you have checked. Lach of Lhe 14 boxes should have
a number ln lL.

2. 1ransfer Lhe number ln box #1 Lo Lhe answer sheeL box #1 below Lhe answer sheeL. uo Lhls for box
#2 as well. noLe, however, LhaL you have Lwo numbers for boxes 3 Lhrough 8. 8rlng down Lhe flrsL
number for each box beneaLh Lhe second, as lndlcaLed by Lhe arrows. now add all Lhe palrs of
numbers and enLer Lhe LoLal ln Lhe boxes below Lhe answer sheeL, so each box has only one

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