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Media Contact Mario Diaz Howard R. Miller Communications mdiaz@gohrmc.

com 305-573-088


Living Color Aquariums Builds Ma or Educational E!"i#it in Colom#ia
-Stars of Fish Tank Kings spread marine education to Latin AmericaMIAMI $ %an& '() *(+' $ !i"ing Color #$uariums"' star o( )at *eo +,!D-s hit realit. /0 show' 12ish /an3 4ings5 and the glo6al industr. leader in the design and manu(acturing o( iconic custom a$uariums and themed e7hi6its' is 8roud to announce its latest stri"e (or international a$uatic education with its new e7hi6it at La Fundaci,n -laneta A.ul Cari#e /F0-AC1 in 9arran$uilla' Colom6ia. La Fundaci,n -laneta A.ul Cari#e' which translates to 1/he 9lue :lanet Cari66ean 2oundation'5 is a leading (orce in marine li(e conser"ation and education o( Colom6ia-s Cari66ean ;ea. 2<:#C reached out to !i"ing Color #$uariums to design and 6uild an authentic re8lica o( Colom6ia-s 6eauti(ul marine ecos.stem' a(ter watching ;eason = and o( 12ish /an3 4ings'5 which airs internationall. in 7 countries' including Colom6ia. 1/he team at !a 2undaci>n :laneta #zul Cari6e came to us with the challenge o( creating something that will not onl. educate the 8eo8le o( Colom6ia a6out their uni$ue local marine li(e' 6ut ins8ire them to 6e more conscious o( the delicate ecos.stem o( Colom6ia-s mangro"es and ri"ers'5 said Mat Ro.' 8resident o( !i"ing Color and star o( 12ish /an3 4ings.5 1,-m 8roud o( our (inished 8roduct and am eager to (inalize the installation and share it with "isitors (rom across ;outh #merica?5 /his international a$uatic e7hi6it was designed 6. !i"ing Color-s renowned team o( engineers and marine 6iologists. /he design (eatures a ='000-gallon custom-6uilt s8lit-window e7hi6it' se8arating two uni$ue en"ironments@ the Cari66ean ;ea-s mangro"es and (reshwater ri"ers. /he dis8la. includes a custom mangro"e root installation with 6rac3ish water and ri"er roc3s (or an authentic loo3 and (eel. /he e7hi6it will 6e dis8la.ed in 2<:#C-s Colom6ian (acilit.' located at 9arrio Cana8ote Calle A7 )B =3-C0. 2or more in(ormation' 8lease "isit !i"ing Color-s we6site at" or call %800& 878D5==E or "isit !a 2undaci>n :laneta #zul Cari6e we6site at@ A#out Living Color Aquariums !i"ing Color #$uariums' ,nc."' head$uartered in 2ort !auderdale' 2lorida is renowned (or creating iconic' award-winning a$uariums and themed e7hi6its. Recognized (or creating a$uariums that are stunningl. ela6orate wor3s o( art' !i"ing Color designs and 6uilds custom a$uarium e7hi6its (or high 8ro(ile clients li3e Disne.' ;ea+orld' <ni"ersal ;tudios' MaFor !eague 9ase6all-s Miami Marlins 9all8ar3' !oews Hotels' Rain(orest Ca(G' 9ass :ro ;ho8s' )ordstrom and
==75 )H = 5th ;/RHH/' ;<,/H A=8' )IR/H M,#M,' 2! 33=A= J /el. 305.573.088 J 2#K. 305.8D5. C= in( J Follo2 0s On: htt8@LL6it.l.LHRMC(ace6oo3 htt8@LLtwitter.comL*ItoHRMC htt8@LLwww..outu6e.comL*IHRMC

man. distinguished cele6rities and indi"iduals. Cele6rating its 5th anni"ersar.' no other a$uarium manu(acturing (acilit. in the world has the turn3e. ca8a6ilities to e7ecute com8le7' customized 8roFects li3e !i"ing Color Hnter8rises. !i"ing Color is also currentl. (eatured on the smash-hit realit. series 12ish /an3 4ings'5 airing on the /0 networ3 )at *eo +,!D. A#out 3Fis" Tan4 5ings6 /he team mem6ers o( !i"ing Color #$uariums star in the hit ca6le /0 series 12ish /an3 4ings5 and is 6roadcast in the <;# 6. )at *eo +,!D and worldwide 6. )ational *eogra8hic Channel ,nternational. 12ish /an3 4ings5 is one o( the onl. internationall. distri6uted shows (ilmed 8rimaril. in ;outh 2lorida where the actors also li"e and wor3 in ;outh 2lorida. /he series showcases !i"ing Color #$uariums' as it uses its un8aralleled s3ills' creati"it. and teamwor3 to 8ull o(( the most e7treme custom a$uariums imagina6le. A#out 7at 8eo 9ILD 2or more than 30 .ears' )ational *eogra8hic has 6een the leader in wildli(e 8rogramming. /he networ3s 7at 8eo 9ILD and 7at 8eo 9ILD :D' launched in 0=0' o((er intimate encounters with nature-s (erocious (ighters and gentle creatures o( land' sea and air that draw u8on the cutting-edge wor3 o( the man. e78lorers' (ilmma3ers and scientists o( the )ational *eogra8hic ;ociet.. :art o( the )ational *eogra8hic Channels <;' 6ased in +ashington' D.C.' the networ3s are a Foint "enture 6etween )ational *eogra8hic and 2o7 Ca6le )etwor3s. ,n 00=' )ational *eogra8hic Channel %)*C& de6uted' and =0 .ears later' ;8anish-language networ3 )at *eo Mundo was un"eiled. /he Channels ha"e carriage with all o( the nation-s maFor ca6le' telco and satellite tele"ision 8ro"iders' with )at *eo +,!D currentl. a"aila6le in 5A million <.;. homes. *lo6all.' )at *eo +ild is a"aila6le to million su6scri6ers in 7 countries. 2or more in(ormation' "isit A#out La Fundaci,n -laneta A.ul Cari#e !a 2undaci>n :laneta #zul Cari6e %2<:#C& is a 8ri"ate organization (ormed 6. a team o( 8eo8le whose main goal is to research' educate and 6uild culture (or the sea. /he organization was esta6lished in 00A in the cit. o( Cartagena de ,ndias' Colom6ia. /hrough its 8rograms and 8roFects' 2<:#C-s main goal is to encourage marine culture through research' education' science' technolog. and inno"ation in 8eo8le o( all ages who "isit or li"e in the Cari66ean Region %college students' uni"ersit. 8ro(essors' "illagers in coastal areas' industrial wor3ers and tourists&. 2or more in(ormation' "isit MM

==75 )H = 5th ;/RHH/' ;<,/H A=8' )IR/H M,#M,' 2! 33=A= J /el. 305.573.088 J 2#K. 305.8D5. C= in( J Follo2 0s On: htt8@LL6it.l.LHRMC(ace6oo3 htt8@LLtwitter.comL*ItoHRMC htt8@LLwww..outu6e.comL*IHRMC

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