CH 23 & 24 AP US History Essay

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Seth Taylor Rollins

Chapter 23 & 24 Essay

AP US History

From 1870 to 1900, the economic growth and development of the young United States inflated. Captains of industry, development of the Populist Party, and growth of industrial production all of which impacted the economic growth of the U.S. significantly. There were three main captains of industry, also known as Robber Barons, who all had a part in impacting the U.S.s economic growth. The most complex was Cornelius Vanderbilt. He previously made his millions in steam boating but later turned to a new career in railroading in the 1860s. He was ruthless yet ill-educated. Later on, Vanderbilt impacted the U.S.s economic growth the most when he helped popularize a replacement to the old iron tracks of the New York Central with tougher metal. The new metal was safer, and the standard gauge of track width likewise came into a wide use after the Civil war. More than any other single factor, the railroad network spurred the amazing industrialization of the post-Civil war years. Clusters of farm settlements paralleled the railroads; just as earlier they had followed the rivers. Time itself was bent to the railroads needs. The establishments of time zones were designed to limit wrecks and mishaps and to coincide with the railroad schedules. Not only was this profitable to Vanderbilt, it helped revolutionize travel across the country. This was a huge effective step in promoting the economic growth of the United States. The development of the Populist Party helped the USs economy grow and develop exponentially. The Populist Party formed in 1892 and was composed mostly of poor farmers who denounced the governmental injustice. They wanted inflation and also unlimited coinage of silver. Populists wanted many things, such as: a graduated income tax, telephone and telegraph, the direct election of senators, a one-term limit for presidency, the adoption of the initiative and referendum to allow citizens to shape legislation more directly, a shorter workday and immigration restriction. Populists believed they could organize strikes and earn appeasement, but soon found out that it wasnt successful. They popped up in the 1892 presidential election and sung. The Populist Party became one of the few third parties in U.S. history to break into the electoral column. They did, however, fall short of an electoral majority. This was exceptionally effective in showing an impact on the growth and development of the United States economy. There were no signs of embezzling attitudes about the growth of industrial production throughout the 1870s to 1900s. Textile mills were a huge blessing upon the South, and in return, it graced the communities that it served. Even though the workers in the mills were subjected to unfortunate conditions, they valued their job. Economic miracles emerged later on. The standard of living rose exponentially, causing an influx of economic growth. New immigrants and jobs were to be expected. Americans overall enjoyed more physical comforts than their counterparts in any other industrial nation. The rise of industrial production did significantly inflate the United States economic growth and development.

Seth Taylor Rollins

Chapter 23 & 24 Essay

AP US History

From 1870 to 1900, captains of industry, the development of the Populist Party and the growth of industrial production helped impact the economic growth and overall development of the United States.

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