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Gift of mercy Behavior characteristics 1. rarely have enemies easy to get along with people in any context 2.

many people admire and respect them for all they do Ruth David John dam! the crown "ewel of God#s creation $. safe people for those who are wounded people can share their hurts and %now they are safe! even if they are a stranger people &are their soul to them without &eing as%ed '. can ta%e initiative toward the wounded ones "ust (%now( who is feeling re"ected or wounded ). huge num&er of ac*uaintances and people who en"oy them &ut only a few who are close intimate friends share everything with that friend. +. intimacy that mercy craves transcends soul contact and goes to physical contact needs! desires touch! hugs! and physical contact need touch many with gift of mercy do not come into marriage with moral purity separate out the sin from the God,designed reality mercy is made for intimacy &ody! soul! and spirit -. gift of mercy tends to &e slow to ma%e transitions slowness &ased on emotional processing .. when mercy hears from God! will have difficulty explaining the why dramatic contrast &etween prophet and mercy prophet tends to %now the mind of God! mercy %nows the heart of God prophet can explain things analytically! mercy %nows and operates on su&"ective intuitive feeling &asis.. that is God,given appropriate language of gift of mercyfeel the heart of God and ma%e significant decisions &ased on their heart /. mercy hates to confront some&ody else mercy#s D0 is to %eep people from hurting! to protect people from pain can &e a downfall David never reproved his children avoided one third of his "o& description! operating in the "udicial realm as the %ing of 1srael 12. does not li%e to choose &etween two people saying you are right and you are wrong 11. mercy prone to &e indecisive! &ased on not hurting some&ody can &e paraly3ed God#s cure for that4 completely a&sor&ed in the heart of the 5ather! in tune with the heart of God. 6o the degree that mercy is wrapped up in other people#s opinion! to that degree they will &e ineffective always trying not to hurt some&ody

12. mercy can &ecome people,pleaser and ena&ler they have significant victim spirit and attract a&use and exploitation &ecause of their %indness and niceness and willingness to allow in"ustice to happen 7ercies put up with a&use and exploitation &y predators &ecause they don#t want to inflict pain on the person they are serving. 8nless the mercy %nows her God! the default position seems to &e exploitation and for the mind to "ustify it in ways that God did not intend. 1$. deep strain of anger flows in a mercy! &ut appears rarely and usually in the context of loyalty to someone else famous for ta%ing up an offense for a third party 1'. in general! they do not li%e warfare they avoid warfare li%e the plague they don#t choose sides they can ignore demons! &ut when they see the pain others suffer from demonic control! mercy will &e drawn in to spiritual warfare. 1). drawn to prophet. opposites attract decisiveness of prophet &alances the indecisiveness of mercy. 9rophet needs the softening influence of mercy to clean up woundedness he creates. 1+. most important characteristic is pre,disposition to worship. 7ature mercy can enter into the presence of God more easily than the other gifts. mercy draws from all the other gifts and contri&utes to the richness of all seven :eart and soul of mercy is to &e! not to do! to en"oy the presence of God. 1-. God has called the mercy to wal% in &eing most holy. 6he &lessing that mercy imparts is not that of affirming design and releasing it! or having authority to impart authority. 1t is the &lessing to &e a&le to sanctify the environment where they go. ;anctify time! &uildings! land! people for holiness to go out of them into the defilement and turn the defilement into holiness. God intended for mercy to a&sor& the holiness and glory of God and they can sanctify the realm around them. 6hey release a &lessing of holiness. 6o ma%e holy those things that are unholy. 6his is the calling of the gift of mercy. 1.. 0ot every&ody with this gifting possesses their &irthright. 6o dam God gave the command to use his God,given authority to ma%e holy the whole world! to ta%e the holiness and presence of God in the Garden and extend it to the whole world. 1/. 6he gift of mercy fre*uently does not wal% in their &irthright &ecause they have not resolved the fathering issues in their life. Basic emotional wholeness and a solid identity ena&les a person to move to dominion that is life,giving to around him. <ur identity comes from the way we were fathered. 6he way the father responds to the children &uilds the identity into the children. 6he dominant role is the father#s opinion. =hen the father is diligent in esta&lishing any child! &ut especially the one with the gift of mercy! there is freedom! wholeness! willingness to ris%. 6his is &elongingness. :e loo%s at the world as a positive and good place! where he can ris% and accomplish things. =here the child has not &een fathered! not experienced the provision and relationship with father! there is fear factor! insecurity! and root of a&andonment and they cannot wal% freely in their dominion.

22. 7ercy that has not &een properly fathered is so apt to &e a people,pleaser! not stand on values! &ut do whatever to ma%e people around them happy with them! &ecause they are trying to fill up the lac% of fathering in their spirits. 21. >etter to the church at >aodicea 6his letter has harsh words. ?ou are lu%ewarm and 1 will spit you out of my mouth. 6he hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in times of crisis maintain their neutrality. 6his is God#s attitude toward the carnal! sinful! immature mercies anywhere. ?ou need to have values and stand up and not &e people,pleasers. s% God for the gold of good character! the clothing of righteous acts! and most of all for salve to put on their eyes so they can see. 5or the mercy with no perspective! they will see all pain as &ad. 6hey will flee pain! and the discipline of God is wasted! as God intends to &uild maturity and wholeness through discipline. (:ere 1 am. 1 stand at the door and %noc%.( 6his is not a doing verse. 1t is a &eing verse. :e will come in and have relationship! have intimacy! do family! &e father! and heal the woundedness. 0one of our parents have parented properly. =e all have deficiencies that are rooted in the fact that we do not %now the 5ather and he has not &een a&le to reparent us properly. 22. 1t is God#s strategic time in history to release the gift of mercy. 6here is a craving for the manifest presence of God. 6here is a cry for revival of the church! an outpouring of the fire and holiness and presence of God. =e are see%ing the face of God! with intimacy. 6he gift of mercy has the anointing to go into the presence of God and &ring the manifest presence of God to the rest of the people. =e wal% seeing in part! %nowing in part! and having deep within us a %nowledge that there is more. 1n the Garden! man%ind had his finest moments. 6here were no worship &oo%s! or no worship music! no worship ceremonies! no worship days and times! no worship leadership. 1t was man and woman en"oying God. 7an en"oying God. God and man en"oying each other#s presence. 6his was the highpoint of humanity. @verything we have done from the Garden of @den on has &een man#s desperate attempt to get &ac% to that %ind of simplicity and anointing! to penetrate all the &arriers that separate us from God and come to the point of en"oying God. 6he mature mercy can come into the presence of God easily. 6here in the presence of God they don#t need to do anything. 6hey don#t need to worship! or tal%! or as% *uestions! or get prophetic words! or intercede! or travail! or any props. they "ust want to &e there and stand in the glory of God and fill their spirits with the contagious glory of God that ma%es their spirit glow with the holiness of God. nd then to &ring that manifest presence of God &ac% to the rest of the &ody. 6hat is where the church is poised now. =e did not hear the words (manifest presence of God( twenty years ago. God has stirred up that ancient desire that has &een there across the centuries. =e are still &usy doing the &ig churches! &ig evangelistic programs! reaching our cities! &usy doing the (;tuff(! &ut the heart cry of the church is for intimacy. ;o 1 appeal to the &ody of Ahrist to ta%e up this word! and to &egin to cry out to the 5ather to teach us the things we don#t %now! to &ring us into an understanding of his message of spiritual fathering! so that the mercies can &e released to &e at the front of the crowd and lead us into the manifest glory of God to &ring the glory of heaven down to earth. 6hat is God#s ultimate

o&"ective. 6he earth will &e filled with the %nowledge of the glory of God as the waters cover the sea. 1t is the gift of mercy that will step into the place that will lead the &ody of Ahrist into the release of the glory of God in our midst. >et it &e! and let it &e soon.

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