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Redemptive Spiritual gift of prophet redemptive gift of prophet does not necessarily "prophesy" Behavioral characteristics (core values

in the DNA or personality) You don't have to have all of these !ut a strong ma"ority esta!lishes enough characteristics to delineate this gift# $# tend to see things in !lac% and &hite right and &rong good and !ad in and out# very simplistic &orld vie&' can assess a situation in a!out ( seconds )# ta%e initiative and en"oy things that are ne& does terri!le "o! of maintaining something that is &ell*running &ill improve it change or enlarge it or +uit# ,hey do not maintain they ma%e ne& can restore order from chaos (# ver!ally e-pressive' almost o!sessive*compulsive ver!ally e-presser .# processes +uic%ly and has an opinion on everything all the time and shares it /# he "udges others not "ust for himself' evaluates everything compulsion to pass "udgment on everything 0# %no&s no fear' !asic !oldness in dealing &ith other people and situations 1# ina!ility to tolerate !ondage' do not li%e to !e loc%ed up set in a closed situation 2eranimo' prophet !y redemptive gift' rather !e on the run than to !e loc%ed up 3# e-traordinarily generous' sometimes outgives givers' gives impulsively no fear attitude &ill give his last dollar &ithout hestitation !ut may give un&isely 4# 5uic%ly shift gears from "oyously giving ma"or sacrificial gift to instantly sitting in "udgment against the recipient for s+uandering the 6ord's money and misusing it $7# ,hey shift gears very +uic%ly' change lanes &ithout signal here*there this idea and that idea $$# 8f you put a visionary implementer and a maintainer on a ship &ith everything necessary for the good life in t&o days the prophets &ould see% out the captain to find out &here are they going# 9rophet cannot not go some&here' &here are &e going &hy are &e going: Need to have a reason even a !ad reason' a deadline a point an o!"ective# 8f the captain says "No&here !ut rela- all your creature comforts &ill !e met " the prophet &ill "ump off the !ac% of the !oat and s&im to shore# ;here there's no reason to live hopelessness no future &here prophet feels trapped# it destroys his soul $)# fiercely competitive' cutthroat in playing games' &inning is everything

$(# re+uires full disclosure' compulsion for honesty and integrity $.# hard on himself' !eats up other people for their sin !ut hardest on himself $/# important to ma%e sense out of everything !ecomes a trap in a theological sense &hen they have to apply logic to situations desperate attempts to !ring reason to unreasona!le situations mar% of maturity in prophet &hen he can em!race "8 have to let 2od !e 2od#" $0# holds truth more tightly than relationships not sentimental a!out previous relationships' out of sight out of mind live &ith t&o toes in today and the rest in tomorro& $1# passion for e-cellence in himself and others $3# largest range of emotions of any of the gifts' 2od has designed a prophet to !e intense passionate e-treme in most emotional settings# piano is 33 notes' deepest compassion most mercy fiercest "udgmental spirit deepest depression most profound hopelessness most capacity to cele!rate 2od e-travagantly# A &ounded prophet can pull in his emotions and play on $7 notes or so# 9eople in Scripture &ith prophet redemptive gift Naomi <iriam =>e%iel ?onathan @ale! $4# 9rophet is the research and development scientist in the !ody of @hrist# ne& com!inations of principles and resources and applications in ne& situations does not li%e to do maintenance !ecause there is no application of principles no !lan% piece of paper on &hich to assem!le principles no "oy in standing &atching principles that are already assem!led &or% )7# !oldness and faith of the prophet prophet understands the po&er of truth' prophet's faith is !ased on principles' these things &ill &or% using principles he can e-tends the truth into the future )$# can !uild not "ust critici>e em!race the pro!lem and apply the principle so as to effectively repair the pro!lem ))# first*fruits to 2od'much more critical for the prophet to give 2od first*fruits of his time' 2od seems to re+uire of the prophet that he sanctify the first*fruits of time other&ise the rest &ill !e devoured#

)(# 9rophet is all a!out holiness and righteous 2od satisfying the demands of a holy 2od ).# drivenness in prophet to e-cel that the prophet can try to !uy 2od's favor# if &e "ust e-cel enough' it &ill !e enough for 2od 2od does not need anything from the prophet' not e-cellence or sacrifice )/# prophet sees the evil of sin and the restorative po&er of 2od prophet has a violent o!"ection to cheap grace carnal prophet is first in line to stone the sinner# <ature prophet sees the deep damage done to the !ody of @hrist &hen sin is dealt &ith lightly# 5uic%est to say this is &rong !ut &isely handles the principles and %no&s ho& to re!uild a !ro%en life' any!ody can !e a finger*pointer !ut 2od commissions the prophet to %no& the principles that &ill re!uild' not "ust the evil of sin !ut the fullness of 2od's grace to !e a!le to restore# 5uic% to restore after there has !een genuine repentance' !ut they understand the damage that has !een done !y sin )0# prophet is dra&n to !ro%enness' usually find the prophet &or%ing on t&o e-tremes' very little use for the "average" that fills the pe& !ut he spends his time &ith the leadership and those &ho are !ro%en !ut &ant to !e restored'no matter ho& hopeless ho& !ro%en' holy rage rises up in the prophet that the devil &ould dare to destroy the &or% of 2od a human !eing a city that 2od has created' )1# prophet has a passion for cele!ration first in line &ith glory stories +uic% to cele!rate &hat 2od has done see the fingerprints of 2od on the !ro%en and come alongside to partner &ith him in restoration and the prophets cele!rates &ho he can !ecome &hen li!erating principles are applied to li!erate him from his !ondage )3# prophet en"oys po&er encounter (&ith lac% of fear and great faith)'for restorative purposes )4# 1 letters to the churchesA=phesus is a classic description of inner &or%ings of redemptive gift of prophet# "You have lost your first love" (7# a prophet can &al% into a room of strangers and shortly spots &ho the re!els are' intuitive reaction to overt re!ellion' can tolerate !ro%enness ignorance !ut the re!el sets the alarms going prophet can spot a hypocrite in a position of leadership' ($# 2od re+uires a higher price of the prophet than any other gift in his personal disciplines prophet has to live out in his o&n life is faith and his commitment' ()# D=N8A6 DR8B=S ,C= 9RD9C=, NE,S ((# 2od deals &ith the prophet differently than he does &ith the other si-#

there are seasons in the prophet's life &hen 2od is silent &hen 2od is !uilding a deeper root system# repeated seasons &hen 2od prunes an effective ministry' for root systems far greater than the !ranches# 2od calls the prophet to a higher price than any other gift 2od stresses the root system (.# 2od has !uilt &ithin the prophet a deep terror of !eing sidelined fear of !eing un&orthy of !eing a!le to pursue his !irthright latent resident fear of godly prophet &ill cause him to !e sidelined and never possess his !irthright (/# prophet gets irritated &ith having to earn the right to spea% !ecause of relationship' "truth is truth" and people should receive it as truth not !ecause 8 said it 9rophet needs to learn ho& to &al% in authority and to &al% in relationship esta!lish appropriate !ridges &ithout prostituting truth ,o the degree that the prophet is un&illing to em!race the principles of relationship to that degree his ministry &ill !e crippled and limited# (0# 9rimary call on his life is intimacy &ith 2od 2od &ill remove him if he resists studying principles of intimacy &ith 2od (1# Bitterness !ecomes the enduring !attlefield for the prophet# 9rophet is more horrified !y the evil of sin than the other gifts 9rophet is more prone to step into the role of 2od and !e "udge and "ury' unforgiving spirit that is so destructive 2reatest !attle for prophet is to forgive himself &hen he has sinned# (3# ;hat is the !irthright of the prophet: 9rophet's passion is to ta%e themselves and others to the point of e-cellence in e-periencing the outer limits of &hat 2od's principles can do# American cult of comfort' from minus /7 to plus )7 feels li%e paradise and people +uit !efore they strive for plus $77 9rophet does vision*casting to get people to do &hat is unnatural to themF voluntarily em!race pain# 8t is necessary to em!race pain to em!race your !irthright# 9rophet casts that vision' see the call of 2od on your life and the price you have to pay to get there' (4# 9rophet is not content to arrive at e-cellence alone' his life fulfillment is in sho&ing a picture of 2od so real that it &ill move people out of the complacency of plus )7 to &here they possess their !irthright 8n the "oy of others finding the fulfillment of their !irthright the prophet finds his o&n greatest fulfillment# @ale!' &al%ed !y faith' tried to !ring the entire nation &ith him' &ent through .7 years of &aiting !ore fruit later in life

"2ive me this mountain &here the giants are'" Ce!ron' 2od honored the faith and passion of @ale! Ce possessed his inheritance ,he call of the prophet' to move !eyond comfort to provide the vision and the principles to !ring a group of people to possess their individual !irthright#

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