February 2014 News

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12 Week Challenge
Good luck to all 12 week participants! Initial Assessment Winners
Most push-ups: Kathryn Laethem
Wins 1 Personal Training Session

Longest plank time: Kathryn Laethem & Karen VanDamme

Wins 1 Personal Training Session

Best Mile Time: Kara Auernhamer

Wins 1 Personal Training Session

Best Sit & Reach: Kathryn Laethem

Wins 1 Personal Training Session

Midway Assessments week of March 3rd

Give the Gift Of Love 1 Hour Massage $39.

(regular $60.00)

Great gift ideas For your Valentine


Give the Gift Of Tanning $28. A month unlimited

Trainers Corner: Jean Turner

Abraham, Doris Ackerman, Lyle Allen, Scott Apley, Michell Benson, John Bierlein, Sue Anne Bierlein, Travis Biskupski, Susannah Blasius, Carol Braeutigam, Cyndy Brewer, Abby Britton, Robert Brookins, Ellen Cabello, Matthew Chapman, Frances Chapman, Matt Colling, Jennifer Conzelmann, Judith Coombs, Janice Coon, Julie Diffin, Gary Dodak, Rebecca Dohrmahn, Jane Eischer, Roy Elnick, Alaina Elnick, Bailey Evans, Kathleen Fischer, Orville Frank, Phyllis Haake, Peter Hall, Harlow Hamood, Joey Harns, Laurie Harry, Corey Haubenstricker, Floyd Hecht, Cheryl Henry, Brende Histed, Sherman Hoffman, Ben Hornfeld, James Howe, Gale Hudson, Peggy Irish, Katherine Isken, Sue Jacob, Eric Jammer, Todd Keller, Martha Kellom, Jim Klich, Rhonda Knieper, Wayne LaFave, Renee Lauer, Blake Lauman, Jeff Lee, Mary Jacqueline Lemcke, Douglas Lemcke, Gregg List, Larry List, Mike Manial, Karen Mayer, Brianna McCain, Brenda Meyer, Ann Miller, Carrie Miller, Gail Miller, Tyler Murlick, Ethan Myers, Kathleen Nuechterlein, Alan Orourke, Sean Palm, Shawn Parlberg, Laura Pavlicek, Anthony Pigott, Tim Polomsky, John Prenzler, Eric Putnam, Joe Reinert, Elmer Reno, Mitchell Rittenberg, Beth Roggenbeck, Charles Roth, Leslie Rowley, Taryn Santoviz, Frank Schmidt, Tyson Schocker, Jeffrey Sebold, William Selves, Caleb Sheppard, Bailey Simpkins, John Snyder, Betty Stolz, Donna Tanner, Janet Thomas, Fran Van Develde, James Volz, Karen Voorheis, Craig Walderzak, Valerie Walker, Michael Watkins, Megan Weber, Tracy Wenzel, Tim Winiarski, Nicholas Woodard, Andrew Zehnder, Katie Zwerk, Charles

Certified ACE Personal Trainer Certified Yoga Instructor

I recently reviewed how yoga has improved my health and life. I started thinking about the benefits I have gained throughout my yoga practice and would like to share them with you. The following are some of the more important benefits that I noticed within the first few months of a twice a week practice. *Flexibility is the most obvious. I didnt realize how tight I had become through the shoulder, hips and lower back areas. With gently stretching I noticed less shoulder and back pain. *Better muscle strength and endurance. By holding some of the poses longer and isolating muscle contractions I was able to improve overall muscle, joint and bone strength. *My posture and balance improved almost immediately. I hadnt realized how much I was slouching until I started paying attention to my posture. Yoga helped me strengthen my core and straighten out my spine. I now measure 2-1/4 taller!!! My doctor was amazed at this and also with my lower blood pressure and pulse, sometimes too low. My cholesterol levels were improved as well. *Deeper breathing capacity. We are born as belly breathers, but as we age, stress infiltrates our lives and we have a tendency to become shallow chest breathers. Yoga helped me return to using my full breath capacity. *Peace of mind and being able to handle stress and emotions much better. Some people turn to alcohol, drugs or food to deal with stress and negative emotions. Yoga helps me bring my issues to the surface and deal with them rather than covering them up. If you are a regular practitioner, you have probably noticed that you have more energy and sounder sleep. Let me know what else you have noticed. If you have been thinking of trying yoga, I hope this article helps lead you to a healthier lifestyle. Namaste

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