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Delete between //---// if not applicable to p o!ect. "l#o $elete an% ot&e ite' o pa a( ap& not applicable in t&e #ection an$ en)'be t&e pa a( ap&#. *. Refe ence# to p e##) e in t&i# #ection a e (a(e p e##) e )nle## ot&e wi#e note$. PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION ". Te#tin(+ a$!)#tin(+ an$ balancin( ,T"-. of &eatin(+ /entilatin( an$ ai con$itionin( ,01"C. #%#te'#. T"- incl)$e# t&e followin(: 1. Plannin( #%#te'atic T"- p oce$) e#. *. De#i(n Re/iew Repo t. 2. S%#te'# In#pection 3. D)ct "i epo t. epo t. $i#t ib)tion #%#te'#7 a$!)#t'ent of total 4ea5a(e te#t an$ wate

5. S%#te'# Rea$ine## Repo t. 6. -alancin( ai #%#te' to p o/i$e $e#i(n pe fo 'ance7 an$ te#tin( pe fo 'ance of e8)ip'ent an$ a)to'atic cont ol#. 9. 1ib ation an$ #o)n$ 'ea#) e'ent#. :. Reco $in( an$ -. Definition#: 1. -a#ic T"- )#e$ in t&i# Section: C&apte 29+ ;Te#tin(+ "$!)#tin( an$ -alancin(; of *009 "S0R"E 0an$boo5+ ;01"C "pplication#;. *. T"-: Te#tin(+ "$!)#tin( an$ -alancin(7 t&e p oce## of c&ec5in( an$ a$!)#tin( 01"C #%#te'# to 'eet $e#i(n ob!ecti/e#. 2. ""-C: "##ociate$ "i -alance Co)ncil. wate + // 3. NE--: National En/i on'ental -alancin( -) ea). 5. 0%$ onic S%#te'#: Incl)$e# // c&ille$ wate + // con$en#e &eatin( &ot wate 6. "i 9. =low e<&a)#t ai an$ // an$ (l%col-wate elief ai #%#te'#. #%#te'#. // et) n ai + S%#te'#: Incl)$e# all o)t#i$e ai + #)ppl% ai + epo tin( e#)lt#.

ate tole ance: T&e allowable pe centa(e /a iation+ 'in)# to ate f o' /al)e# ,$e#i(n. in t&e cont act

pl)#+ of act)al flow $oc)'ent#.

*2 05 >2 - 1

05-11 1.2 RELATED WORK ". Section *2 05 10+ CO??ON WOR@ RESA4TS =OR -OI4ER P4"NTS an$ STE"? BENER"TION: Bene al ?ec&anical Re8)i e'ent#. -. Section *2 05 11+ CO??ON WOR@ RESA4TS =OR 01"C: Bene al ?ec&anical Re8)i e'ent#. C. Section *2 05 31+ NOISE "ND 1I-R"TION CONTRO4 =OR 01"C PIPINB "ND ECAIP?ENT: Noi#e an$ 1ib ation Re8)i e'ent#. D. Section *2 09 11+ 01"C+ P4A?-INB+ "ND -OI4ER P4"NT INSA4"TION: Pipin( an$ E8)ip'ent In#)lation. E. Section *2 63 00+ P"C@"BED W"TER C0I44ERS: Te#tin( Ref i(e ation E8)ip'ent. =. Section *2 65 00+ COO4INB TOWERS: Coolin( Towe Pe fo 'ance Te#tin(. B. Section *2 26 00+ "IR TER?IN"4 ANITS: Te 'inal Anit# Pe fo 'ance. 0. Section *2 21 00+ 01"C DACTS "ND C"SINBS: D)ct 4ea5a(e. I. Section *2 0> *2+ DIRECT-DIBIT"4 CONTRO4 SDSTE? =OR 01"C: Cont ol# an$ In#t )'entation Settin(#. E. Section *2 :* 16+ "IR COI4S @. Section *2 :* 00+ CON1ECTION 0E"TINB "ND COO4INB ANITS 4. Section *2 92 00+ INDOOR CENTR"4-ST"TION "IR-0"ND4INB ANITS ?. Section *2 93 12+ P"C@"BED+ OATDOOR+ CENTR"4-ST"TION "IR-0"ND4INB ANITS N. Section *2 23 00+ 01"C ="NS O. Section *2 *1 *2+ 0DDRONIC PA?PS P. Section *2 ** *2+ STE"? CONDENS"TE PA?PS C. Section *2 29 00+ "IR OAT4ETS "ND IN4ETS R. Section *2 :1 32+ "IR-SOARCE ANIT"RD 0E"T PA?PS S. Section *2 :1 36+ W"TER-SOARCE ANIT"RD 0E"T PA?PS T. Section *2 *1 12+ 0DDRONIC PIPINB A. Section *2 5* 22+ W"TER-TA-E -OI4ERS 1. Section *2 5* 2>+ =IRE-TA-E -OI4ERS W. Section *2 0: 00+ CO??ISSIONINB O= 01"C SDSTE?S. Re8)i e'ent# fo co''i##ionin(+ #%#te'# BENER"TION ECAIP?ENT 1.3 UALIT! ASSURANCE ". Refe to " ticle#+ C)alit% "##) ance an$ S)b'ittal#+ in Section *2 05 11+ CO??ON WOR@ RESA4TS =OR 01"C+ Section *2 05 10+ CO??ON WOR@ RESA4TS =OR -OI4ER P4"NTS an$ STE"? BENER"TION+ an$ Section *2 0: 00+ CO??ISSIONINB O= 01"C SDSTE?S. ea$ine## c&ec5li#t#+ an$ t ainin( F. Section *2 05 1* BENER"4 ?OTOR RECAIRE?ENTS =OR 01"C "ND STE"?

*2 05 >2 - *

05-11 -. C)alification#: 1. T"- "(enc%: T&e T"- a(enc% #&all be a #)bcont acto Cont acto an$ #&all *. T&e T"- a(enc% #&all be eit&e a ce tifie$ 'e'be of t&e Bene al of ""-C o 01"C+ wate epo t to an$ be pai$ b% t&e Bene al Cont acto .

ce tifie$ b% t&e NE-- to pe fo ' T"- #e /ice fo ce tification #&all be 'aintaine$ fo #pecifie$ &e ein. If+ fo an%

balancin( an$ /ib ation# an$ #o)n$ te#tin( of e8)ip'ent. T&e t&e enti e $) ation of $)tie# #&all T"- fi ' ea#on+ t&e a(enc% lo#e# #)b!ect an$ #)b'it anot&e

ce tification $) in( t&i# pe io$+ t&e Bene al Cont acto i''e$iatel% notif% t&e Re#i$ent En(inee fo action b% eit&e t&e ""-C o

app o/al. "n% a(enc% t&at &a# been t&e #)b!ect of $i#ciplina % t&e NE-- wit&in t&e fi/e %ea #

p ece$in( Cont act "wa $ #&all not be eli(ible to pe fo ' an% wo 5 elate$ to t&e T"-. "ll wo 5 pe fo 'e$ in t&i# Section an$ in ot&e elate$ Section# b% t&e T"- a(enc% #&all be con#i$e e$ in/ali$ if t&e T"- a(enc% lo#e# it# ce tification p io an$ t&e #)cce##o a(enc%G# pe fo 'e$ b% t&e p e$ece##o o a(enc%. a 'e'be of ""-C to Cont act co'pletion+ e/iew #&ow# )n#ati#facto % wo 5

2. T"- Speciali#t: T&e T"- #peciali#t #&all be eit&e ce tification #&all be 'aintaine$ fo #pecifie$ &e ein. If+ fo an%

an e<pe ience$ tec&nician of t&e "(enc% ce tifie$ b% NE--. T&e t&e enti e $) ation of $)tie# #&all T"ea#on+ t&e Speciali#t lo#e# #)b!ect an$ #)b'it anot&e

ce tification $) in( t&i# pe io$+ t&e Bene al Cont acto i''e$iatel% notif% t&e Re#i$ent En(inee Speciali#t fo $i#ciplina % action b% eit&e $)tie# t&e ""-C o

app o/al. "n% in$i/i$)al t&at &a# been t&e #)b!ect of t&e NE-- wit&in t&e fi/e

%ea # p ece$in( Cont act "wa $ #&all not be eli(ible to pe fo ' an% elate$ to t&e 01"C #%#te'#+ incl)$in( T"-. "ll wo 5 elate$ Section# pe fo 'e$ b% #pecifie$ in t&i# Section an$ in ot&e lo#e# it# ce tification p io

t&e T"- #peciali#t #&all be con#i$e e$ in/ali$ if t&e T"- Speciali#t to Cont act co'pletion an$ ')#t be wit&in pe fo 'e$ b% an app o/e$ #)cce##o . 3. T"- Speciali#t #&all be i$entifie$ b% t&e Bene al Cont acto 60 $a%# afte coo $inatin(+ #c&e$)lin( an$ Re#i$ent En(inee . T&e epo tin( all T"- wo 5 an$ t&e notice to p ocee$. T&e T"- #peciali#t will be elate$ e8)i e$ b% t&e

acti/itie# an$ will p o/i$e nece##a % info 'ation a# a. S&all $i ectl% #)pe /i#e all T"- wo 5.

e#pon#ibilitie# wo)l$ #pecificall% incl)$e:

*2 05 >2 - 2

05-11 b. S&all #i(n t&e T"#tan$a $. T&e #c&e'atic $ awin(# epo t# t&at bea t&e #eal of t&e T"epo t fo '# an$ NE--.

epo t# #&all be acco'panie$ b%

e8)i e$ b% t&e T"- #tan$a $+ ""-C o

c. Wo)l$ follow all T"- wo 5 t& o)(& it# #ati#facto % co'pletion. $. S&all p o/i$e final 'a 5in(# of #ettin(# of all 01"C a$!)#t'ent $e/ice#. e. Pe 'anentl% 'a 5 location of $)ct te#t po t#. 5. "ll T"- tec&nician# pe fo 'in( act)al T"- wo 5 #&all be e<pe ience$ an$ ')#t &a/e $one #ati#facto % wo 5 on a 'ini')' of 2 p o!ect# co'pa able in #iHe an$ co'ple<it% to t&i# p o!ect. C)alification# ')#t be ce tifie$ b% t&e T"- a(enc% in w itin(. T&e lea$ tec&nician #&all be ce tifie$ b% ""-C o acc) ac%/calib ation Stan$a $# o NE-C. Te#t E8)ip'ent C ite ia: T&e in#t )'entation #&all 'eet t&e e8)i e'ent# e#tabli#&e$ b% ""-C National Te#tin(+ "$!)#tin( an$ te#t an$ balance b% NE-- P oce$) al Stan$a $# fo

-alancin( of En/i on'ental S%#te'# an$ in#t )'ent 'an)fact) e . P o/i$e calib ation &i#to % of t&e in#t )'ent# to be )#e$ fo p) po#e. D. Tab C ite ia: 1. One o 'o e of t&e applicable ""-C+ NE-- o S?"CN" p)blication#+ 26+ an$ plannin(+ #)pple'ente$ b% "S0R"E 0an$boo5 ;01"C "pplication#; C&apte e8)i e'ent# #tate$ &e ein #&all be t&e ba#i# fo p oce$) e#+ an$ *. =low epo t#.

ate tole ance: =ollowin( tole ance# a e allowe$. =o 26+ a# a ()i$eline. "i =ilte e#i#tance p e##) e $ op

tole ance# not 'entione$ &e ein follow "S0R"E 0an$boo5 ;01"C "pplication#;+ C&apte $) in( te#t#+ a tificiall% i'po#e$ if nece##a %+ #&all be at lea#t 100 pe cent of 'an)fact) e /al)e# fo a. "i b. "i feet pe pe cent. c. E<&a)#t &oo$#/cabinet#: 0 pe cent to pl)# l0 pe cent. $. ?ini')' o)t#i$e ai : 0 pe cent to pl)# 10 pe cent. e. In$i/i$)al oo' ai o)tlet# an$ inlet#+ an$ ai flow ate# not 'entione$ abo/e: ?in)# 5 pe cent to pl)# l0 pe cent e<cept if t&e eco''en$e$ c&an(e o/e p e-filte # an$ afte -filte #. fan#+ c)bic 'ete #/'in ,c)bic 'in)te.: ?in)# 0 pe cent to pl)# l0 pe cent.

&an$lin( )nit an$ all ot&e

te 'inal )nit# ,'a<i')' /al)e#.: ?in)# * pe cent to pl)# l0

*2 05 >2 - 3

05-11 ai to a #pace i# 100 C=? o le## t&e tole ance wo)l$ be 'in)# 5 coil#: ?in)# 5 pe cent to

to pl)# 5 pe cent. f. 0eatin( &ot wate pl)# 5 pe cent. (. C&ille$ wate 5 pe cent. &. C&ille$ wate coil#: ?in)# 0 pe cent to pl)# 5 pe cent. ene (% efficient ope ation a# e#)lt# #&all be $e'on#t ate$ to t&e $i#t ib)tion #%#te' ,incl)$in( all oo'# an$o'l% #electe$ b% t&e 2. S%#te'# #&all be a$!)#te$ fo $e#c ibe$ in P"RT 2. 3. T%pical T"- p oce$) e# an$ Re#i$ent En(inee fo one ai an$ con$en#e wate p)'p#: ?in)# 0 pe cent to pl)# p)'p# an$ &ot wate

fan#+ t& ee te 'inal )nit#+ t& ee a# follow#: a. W&en fiel$ T"- wo 5 be(in#.

Re#i$ent En(inee . an$ one &%$ onic #%#te' ,p)'p# an$ t& ee coil#.

b. D) in( eac& pa tial final in#pection an$ t&e final in#pection fo t&e p o!ect if 1." SUB#ITTALS ". S)b'it in acco $ance wit& Section 01 22 *2+ S0OP DR"WINBS+ PRODACT D"T"+ an$ S"?P4ES. -. S)b'it na'e# an$ 8)alification# of T"- a(enc% an$ T"- #peciali#t# wit&in 60 $a%# afte C. =o t&e notice to p ocee$. S)b'it info 'ation on t& ee #taff+ #)b'it one co'plete #et of ecentl% co'plete$ p o!ect# an$ a li#t of p opo#e$ te#t e8)ip'ent. )#e b% t&e Re#i$ent En(inee applicable ""-C o D. S)b'it =ollowin( fo NE-- p)blication# t&at will be t&e ba#i# of T"- wo 5. Re/iew an$ "pp o/al: con/entional $e#i(n $e#i(n-b)il$ p o!ect# // afte #i$e i# co'plete$ b% t&e e8)e#te$ b% 1".

1. De#i(n Re/iew Repo t // wit&in >0 $a%# fo p o!ect# // an$ wit&in 60 $a%# fo t&e #%#te' la%o)t on ai Cont acto . *. S%#te'# in#pection 2. D)ct "i an$ wate

epo t on e8)ip'ent an$ in#tallation fo

confo 'ance wit& $e#i(n. 4ea5a(e Te#t Repo t. epo t# co/e in( flow balance an$ 3. S%#te'# Rea$ine## Repo t. 5. Inte 'e$iate an$ =inal T"a$!)#t'ent#+ pe fo 'ance te#t#+ /ib ation te#t# an$ #o)n$ te#t#.

*2 05 >2 - 5

05-11 6. Incl)$e in final $iffe E. P io to f o' $e#i(n e8)e#t fo epo t# )nco ecte$ in#tallation $eficiencie# note$ e#)lt# t&at

$) in( T"- an$ applicable e<planato % co''ent# on te#t e8)i e'ent#. =inal o

Pa tial =inal in#pection+ #)b'it epo t fo t&e a ea.

co'plete$ Te#t an$ -alance 1.5 APPLICABLE PUBLICATIONS

". T&e followin( p)blication# fo ' a pa t of t&i# #pecification to t&e e<tent in$icate$ b% t&e efe ence t&e eto. In te<t t&e p)blication# a e Con$itionin( 29+ efe ence$ to b% t&e ac on%' of t&e o (aniHation. -. "'e ican Societ% of 0eatin(+ Ref i(e atin( an$ "i En(inee #+ Inc. ,"S0R"E.: *009 ...................01"C "pplication# "S0R"E 0an$boo5+ C&apte 39+ So)n$ an$ 1ib ation Cont ol C. "##ociate$ "i -alance Co)ncil ,""-C.: Total S%#te' -alance *00*....................""-C National Stan$a $# fo D. National En/i on'ental -alancin( -) ea) ,NE--.: 9t& E$ition *005........P oce$) al Stan$a $# fo *n$ E$ition *006 .......P oce$) al Stan$a $# fo So)n$ an$ 1ib ation 2

Te#tin(+ "$!)#tin(+ an$ -alancin( an$ C&apte

Te#tin(+ "$!)#tin(+ t&e ?ea#) e'ent of W&ole -)il$in( S%#te'#

-alancin( of En/i on'ental S%#te'#

E$ition *00> ........P oce$) al Stan$a $# fo

Co''i##ionin( of New Con#t )ction E. S&eet ?etal an$ "i ,S?"CN".: 2


Con$itionin( Cont acto # National "##ociation

E$ition *00*........01"C SDSTE?S Te#tin(+ "$!)#tin( an$ -alancin(

PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PLUGS P o/i$e pla#tic pl)(# to #eal &ole# $ ille$ in $)ctwo 5 fo p) po#e#. 2.2 INSULATION REPAIR #ATERIAL See Section *2 09 11+ 01"C an$ -OI4ER P4"NT INSA4"TION P o/i$e fo epai 3.1 GENERAL ". Refe fo to T"- C ite ia in " ticle+ C)alit% "##) ance. 01"C e8)ip'ent an$ a)to'atic cont ol #%#te'#. -. Obtain applicable cont act $oc)'ent# an$ copie# of app o/e$ #)b'ittal# of in#)lation e'o/e$ o $a'a(e$ fo T"- wo 5. PART 3 - E$ECUTION te#t

*2 05 >2 - 6

05-11 3.2 DESIGN REVIEW REPORT T&e T"- Speciali#t #&all e/iew t&e Cont act Plan# an$ #pecification# of an% $e#i(n $eficiencie# t&at wo)l$ p e/ent t&e effecti/e an$ epo t e#pon$in( p opo#e$ an$ a$/i#e t&e Re#i$ent En(inee

p e/ent t&e 01"C #%#te'# f o' effecti/el% ope atin( in acco $ance wit& t&e #e8)ence of ope ation #pecifie$ o acc) ate T"- of t&e #%#te'. T&e T"- Speciali#t #&all p o/i$e a in$i/i$)all% li#tin( eac& $eficienc% an$ t&e co co ecti/e action nece##a % fo p ope 3.3 S!STE#S INSPECTION REPORT ". In#pect e8)ip'ent an$ in#tallation fo -. T&e in#pection an$ confo 'ance wit& $e#i(n. ai $i#t ib)tion epo t i# to be $one afte #%#te' ope ation.

e8)ip'ent i# on #ite an$ $)ct in#tallation &a# be()n+ b)t well in a$/ance of pe fo 'ance te#tin( an$ balancin( wo 5. T&e p) po#e of t&e in#pection i# to i$entif% an$ t&at #%#te'# will be #)pple'ente$ b% na an$ fan#. C&ec5 fo an$ e(i#te incl)$in( t&ei ea$% fo epo t $e/iation# f o' $e#i(n an$ en#) e T"- at t&e app op iate ti'e. S?"CN"+ &an$lin( )nit#

C. Repo t#: =ollow c&ec5 li#t fo 'at $e/elope$ b% ""-C+ NE-- o ati/e co''ent#+ wit& e'p&a#i# on ai ect. C&ec5 ai o)tin(.

confo 'ance wit& #)b'ittal#. 1e if% t&at $iff)#e te 'inal )nit in#tallation

#iHe# a e co

$)ct #iHe# an$

3." DUCT AIR LEAKAGE TEST REPORT T"- "(enc% #&all pe fo ' t&e lea5a(e te#t a# o)tline$ in ;D)ct lea5a(e Te#t# an$ Repai #; in Section *2 21 00+ 01"C DACTS an$ C"SINBS fo a(enc%G# ole an$ e#pon#ibilitie# in witne##in(+ eco $in( an$ epo tin( of $eficiencie#. 3.5 S!STE# READINESS REPORT //". T&e T"- Cont acto #&all 'ea#) e e<i#tin( ai S)b'it an$ wate flow e#i$ent ate# a##ociate$ wit& e<i#tin( #%#te'# )tiliHe$ to #e /e in$icate$ on $ awin(#. en(inee .// -. In#pect eac& S%#te' to en#) e t&at it i# co'plete incl)$in( in#tallation an$ ope ation of cont ol#. #tan$a $ fo 'at an$ fo '# p epa e$ an$ o "(ent. C. 1e if% t&at all ite'# #)c& a# $)ctwo 5 pipin(+ po t#+ te 'inal#+ connecto #+ etc.+ t&at i# e8)i e$ fo T"- a e in#talle$. P o/i$e a epo t to t&e Re#i$ent En(inee . S)b'it epo t to RE in app o/e$ b% t&e Co''i##ionin( epo t of fin$in(# to eno/ate$ a ea# a# T"-

*2 05 >2 - 9

05-11 DESIBNER NOTE: W&en p o!ect in/ol/e# connectin( new wo 5 to e<i#tin( #%#te'#+ $e#i(ne ')#t e/al)ate i'pact on e<i#tin( #%#te'. If balancin( wo 5 i# $ee'e$ nece##a % on t&e e<i#tin( #%#te'+ p o/i$e a $e#c iption of t&e wo 5 in/ol/e$ in t&e Specification an$ in$icate a ea# in/ol/e$ on t&e D awin(#. 3.% TAB REPORTS ". S)b'it an inte 'e$iate te#t e#)lt#. #&all p o/i$e epo t. epo t fall o)t#i$e app o/al epo t i# epo t #&all be con#i$e e$ in/ali$ an$ epeate$ an$ e-#)b'itte$ fo aw $ata i''e$iatel% in w itin( to t&e e#)lt# if t&e e i# a p oble' in ac&ie/in( inten$e$ ea$in(# in t&e inte 'e$iate epo t fo // *5 pe cent // 50 pe cent // of #%#te'# an$ e8)ip'ent te#te$ an$ balance$ to e#tabli#& #ati#facto % -. T&e T"- cont acto Re#i$ent En(inee C. If o/e

befo e #)b'ittin( a fo 'al *0 pe cent of t&e acceptable

an(e+ t&e T"-

all cont act T"- wo 5 #&all be D. Do not p ocee$ wit& t&e 3.& TAB PROCEDURES

at no a$$itional co#t to t&e owne . e'ainin( #%#te'# )ntil inte 'e$iate app o/e$ b% t&e Re#i$ent En(inee . ". Tab #&all be pe fo 'e$ in acco $ance wit& t&e Stan$a $ )n$e -. Bene al: D) in( T"- all ope ation. =an an$ p)'p #&all be c&ec5e$ an$ co Set cont ol# an$/o balance wo 5. C. Coo $inate T"- p oce$) e# wit& e<i#tin( #%#te'# an$ an% p&a#e$ con#t )ction co'pletion epo t# fo p&a#e of t&e p o!ect p io of t&e p o!ect. con#t )cte$ con$ition#.// D. "llow III $a%# ti'e in con#t )ction #c&e$)le fo all epo t# fo an o (aniHe$ an$ ti'el% co T"- an$ #)b'i##ion of ection of $eficiencie#. e8)i e'ent# fo t&e p o!ect. P o/i$e T"flow ate an$ fo // eac& //p e con#t )ction ai an$ wate e8)i e'ent of t&e ""-C o NE--.

w&ic& T"- a(enc% i# ce tifie$ b% eit&e otation+ 'oto

elate$ #%#te' co'ponent# #&all be in f)ll loa$# an$ e8)ip'ent /ib ation ecte$ a# nece##a % befo e p ocee$in( wit& T"-. o wate #%#te'# fo te#t an$

bloc5 off pa t# of $i#t ib)tion #%#te'# to #i')late

$e#i(n ope ation of /a iable /ol)'e ai

to pa tial final in#pection# of eac& p&a#e

//Ret) n e<i#tin( a ea# o)t#i$e t&e wo 5 a ea to p e

SPEC WRITER NOTE: E$it t&e followin( li#t to incl)$e all ai $e/ice# on p o!ect w&ic& e8)i e balancin(.

*2 05 >2 - :

05-11 E. "i -alance an$ E8)ip'ent Te#t: Incl)$e ai &an$lin( )nit#+ fan#+

te 'inal )nit#+ fan coil )nit#+ cabinet#. 1. " tificiall% loa$ ai

oo' $iff)#e #/o)tlet#/inlet#+ co'p)te

oo' "C )nit#+ an$ labo ato % f)'e &oo$# an$ biolo(ical #afet% filte # b% pa tial blan5in( to p o$)ce ai eco''en$e$ p e##) e $ op. flow. 1-belt $ i/e#+

p e##) e $ op of 'an)fact) e G# incl)$in( fi<e$ pitc& p)lle%

*. "$!)#t fan #pee$# to p o/i$e $e#i(n ai

e8)i e'ent#+ a e #pecifie$ in

Section //*2 05 11+ CO??ON WOR@ RESA4TS =OR 01"C // Section *2 05 10+ CO??ON WOR@ RESA4TS =OR -OI4ER P4"NTS an$ STE"? BENER"TION//. 2. Te#t an$ balance #%#te'# in all #pecifie$ 'o$e# of ope ation+ incl)$in( /a iable /ol)'e+ econo'iHe + an$ fi e e'e (enc% 'o$e#. 1e if% t&at $a'pe # an$ ot&e 3. 1a iable ai cont ol# f)nction p ope l%. /ol)'e ,1"1. #%#te'#:

a. Coo $inate T"-+ incl)$in( #%#te' /ol)'et ic cont ol#+ wit& Section *2 0> *2+ DIRECT-DIBIT"4 CONTRO4 SDSTE? =OR 01"C. b. Section *2 26 00+ "IR TER?IN"4 ANITS+ #pecifie# t&at 'a<i')' an$ 'ini')' flow C&ec5 an$ 'ete # pe ate# fo ai te 'inal )nit# ,"TA. be facto % #et. ate# if nece##a %. -alance ai 'in)te.. Re#et oo' t&e 'o#tat# ea$!)#t "TA flow

$i#t ib)tion f o' "TA on f)ll coolin( 'a<i')' #c&e$)le$ c)bic 'in)te ,c)bic feet pe an$ c&ec5 "TA ope ation f o' 'a<i')' to 'ini')' coolin(+ to t&e &eatin( 'o$e+ an$ bac5 to coolin(. Reco $ an$ coil lea/in( ai &eatin( 'o$e. o)t$oo ai Reco $ an$ epo t o)t$oo ate #&all ai epo t t&e &eatin( flow ate# )n$e al all te'pe at) e w&en t&e "TA i# in t&e 'a<i')'

ope atin( con$ition# ,T&e te#t #&all $e'on#t ate t&at t&e 'ini')' /entilation e'ain con#tant )n$e ope atin( con$ition#.. c. "$!)#t ope atin( p e##) e cont ol #etpoint to 'aintain t&e $e#i(n flow to eac& #pace wit& t&e lowe#t #etpoint. 5. Reco $ final 'ea#) e'ent# fo $ata #&eet#. SPEC WRITER NOTE: E$it t&e followin( li#t to incl)$e all &%$ onic $e/ice# on p o!ect w&ic& e8)i e balancin(. =. Wate -alance an$ E8)ip'ent Te#t: Incl)$e ci c)latin( p)'p#+ c&ille flow balancin( wit& Section *2 63 00+ con/e to #+ coil#+ coole # an$ con$en#e #: 1. Coo $inate wate P"C@"BED W"TER C0I44ERS. ai &an$lin( e8)ip'ent pe fo 'ance

*2 05 >2 - >

05-11 *. "$!)#t flow $ awin(#. 2. P i'a %-#econ$a % ,/a iable /ol)'e. #%#te'#: Coo $inate T"- wit& Section *2 0> *2+ DIRECT-DIBIT"4 CONTRO4 SDSTE? =OR 01"C. -alance #%#te'# at $e#i(n wate flow an$ t&en /e if% t&at /a iable flow &%$ onic e8)ip'ent on pe fo 'ance $ata te'pe at) e# fo ai &eatin( cont ol# f)nction a# $e#i(ne$. 3. Reco $ final 'ea#) e'ent# fo an$ coolin( coil#+ an$ fo ai an$ te'pe at) e# ,D-/W- fo e&eat coil#. ?a5e ai #&eet#. Incl)$e ente in( an$ lea/in( wate ate# fo e8)ip'ent. Set coil# an$ e/apo ato to /al)e#

on e8)ip'ent #)b'ittal#+ if $iffe ent f o' /al)e# on cont act

con/e to #. Incl)$e ente in( an$ lea/in( coolin( coil#. fo an$ wate &an$lin( )nit# te'pe at) e 'ea#) e'ent# at t&e

#a'e ti'e. 3.' VIBRATION TESTING ". =) ni#& in#t )'ent# an$ pe fo ' /ib ation 'ea#) e'ent# a# #pecifie$ in Section *2 05 31+ NOISE an$ 1I-R"TION CONTRO4 =OR 01"C PIPINB an$ ECAIP?ENT. =iel$ /ib ation balancin( i# #pecifie$ in //Section *2 05 11+ CO??ON WOR@ RESA4TS =OR 01"C // Section *2 05 10+ CO??ON WOR@ RESA4TS =OR -OI4ER P4"NTS an$ STE"? BENER"TION//. P o/i$e 'ea#) e'ent# fo all otatin( 01"C e8)ip'ent of 292 watt# ,1/* &o #epowe . an$ la (e + incl)$in( cent if)(al/#c ew co'p e##o #+ coolin( towe #+ p)'p#+ fan# an$ 'oto #. -. Reco $ initial 'ea#) e'ent# fo an$ #)b'it a eac& )nit of e8)ip'ent on te#t fo '# ea$in(# ect #&all be $i ecte$ to co epo t to t&e Re#i$ent En(inee . W&e e /ib ation

e<cee$ t&e allowable tole ance Cont acto an$ #)b'it a final 3.9 SOUND TESTING ". Pe fo ' an$ eco $

t&e p oble'. T&e T"- a(enc% #&all /e if% t&at t&e co epo t to t&e Re#i$ent En(inee .

ection# a e $one

e8)i e$ #o)n$ 'ea#) e'ent# in acco $ance wit&

Pa a( ap&+ CA"4ITD "SSAR"NCE in Section *2 05 31+ NOISE an$ 1I-R"TION CONTRO4 =OR 01"C PIPINB an$ ECAIP?ENT. 1. Ta5e ea$in(# in oo'#+ app o<i'atel% // t& ee // fi/e // ten // oo'#. T&e Re#i$ent En(inee 'a% oo'# to be te#te$. #o)n$ 'ea#) e'ent#. Refe to Section *2 65 00+ an$ octa/e ban$ fifteen ,15. // pe cent of all $e#i(nate t&e #pecific *. P o/i$e coolin( towe COO4INB TOWERS. -. Ta5e 'ea#) e'ent# wit& a calib ate$ #o)n$ le/el 'ete anal%He of t&e acc) ac% e8)i e$ b% ""-C o NE--.

*2 05 >2 - 10

05-11 C. So)n$ efe ence le/el#+ fo ')la# an$ coefficient# #&all be acco $in( to 36+ SOAND "ND 1I-R"TION

"S0R"E 0an$boo5+ ;01"C "pplication#;+ C&apte CONTRO4.

D. Dete 'ine co'pliance wit& #pecification# a# follow#: 1. W&en #o)n$ p e##) e le/el# a e #pecifie$+ incl)$in( t&e NC C ite ia in Section *2 05 31+ NOISE an$ 1I-R"TION CONTRO4 =OR 01"C PIPINB an$ ECAIP?ENT: a. Re$)ce t&e bac5( o)n$ noi#e a# ')c& a# po##ible b% #&)ttin( off )n elate$ a)$ible e8)ip'ent. b. ?ea#) e octa/e ban$ #o)n$ p e##) e le/el# wit& #pecifie$ e8)ip'ent ;off.; c. ?ea#) e octa/e ban$ #o)n$ p e##) e le/el# wit& #pecifie$ e8)ip'ent ;on.; $. A#e t&e DI==ERENCE in co e#pon$in( ea$in(# to $ete 'ine t&e #o)n$ p e##) e $)e to e8)ip'ent. DI==ERENCE: ="CTOR: 0 10 1 9 * 3 2 2 3 * 5 to > 1 10 o 0 ?o e

So)n$ p e##) e le/el $)e to e8)ip'ent e8)al# #o)n$ p e##) e le/el wit& e8)ip'ent ;on; 'in)# ="CTOR. e. Plot octa/e ban$# of #o)n$ p e##) e le/el $)e to e8)ip'ent fo t%pical c) /e#. *. W&en #o)n$ powe b. =o in$oo le/el# a e #pecifie$: oo' atten)atin( effect+ i.e.+ le/el an$ #o)n$ p e##) e le/el. oo' atten)atin( effect. an$ $i#tance f o' a. Pe fo ' #tep# 1.a. t& ) 1.$.+ a# abo/e. e8)ip'ent: Dete 'ine $iffe ence between #o)n$ powe Dete 'ine$ #o)n$ powe c. =o o)t$oo le/el $)e to e8)ip'ent pl)# t&e oo'# on a ( ap& w&ic& al#o #&ow# noi#e c ite ia ,NC.

le/el will be t&e #)' of #o)n$ p e##) e

e8)ip'ent: A#e $i ecti/it% facto

noi#e #o) ce to $ete 'ine $i#tance facto + i.e.+ $iffe ence between #o)n$ powe #o)n$ powe le/el an$ #o)n$ p e##) e le/el. ?ea#) e$ le/el will be t&e #)' of #o)n$ p e##) e le/el $)e to #o)n$ le/el

e8)ip'ent pl)# t&e $i#tance facto . A#e // 10 'ete # ,20 feet. // 12 'ete # ,30 feet. // 16 'ete # ,50 feet. // fo location.

*2 05 >2 - 11

05-11 2. W&e e #o)n$ p e##) e le/el# a e #pecifie$ in te '# of $-,".+ a# in Section *2 65 00+ COO4INB TOWERS+ 'ea#) e #o)n$ le/el# )#in( t&e ;"; #cale of 'ete . Sin(le /al)e ban$ anal%#i#. E. W&e e 'ea#) e$ #o)n$ le/el# e<cee$ #pecifie$ le/el+ t&e in#tallin( cont acto be =. Te#t o e8)ip'ent 'an)fact) e #&all ta5e e'e$ial action app o/e$ b% t&e Re#i$ent En(inee epeate$. ea$in(# fo #o)n$ te#tin( co)l$ (o &i(&e t&an 15 pe cent if ba#e$ on t&e eco $e$ an$ t&e nece##a % #o)n$ te#t# #&all ea$in(# will be )#e$ in#tea$ of octa/e

$ete 'ination i# 'a$e b% t&e Re#i$ent En(inee #o)n$ $ata. 3.10 #ARKING OF SETTINGS

=ollowin( app o/al of Tab final Repo t+ t&e #ettin( of all 01"C a$!)#t'ent $e/ice# incl)$in( /al/e#+ #plitte # an$ $a'pe # #&all be pe 'anentl% 'a 5e$ b% t&e T"- Speciali#t #o t&at a$!)#t'ent can be e#to e$ if $i#t) be$ at an% ti'e. St%le an$ colo # )#e$ fo #&all be coo $inate$ wit& t&e Re#i$ent En(inee . 3.11 IDENTIFICATION OF TEST PORTS T&e T"- Speciali#t #&all pe 'anentl% an$ le(ibl% i$entif% t&e location point# of $)ct te#t po t#. If t&e $)ctwo 5 &a# e<te io i$entification #&all be 'a$e on t&e e<te io #eale$ to p e/ent ai 3.12 PHASING ". P&a#e$ P o!ect#: Te#tin( an$ -alancin( Wo 5 to follow p o!ect wit& a ea# #&all be co'plete$ pe cont act $oc)'ent#. -. E<i#tin( " ea#: S%#te'# t&at #e /e a ea# o)t#i$e of t&e p o!ect #cope #&all not be a$/e #el% affecte$. ?ea#) e e<i#tin( pa a'ete # w&e e #&own to $oc)'ent #%#te' capacit%. 3.13 CO##ISSIONING ". P o/i$e co''i##ionin( $oc)'entation in acco $ance wit& t&e of Section *2 0: 00 J CO??ISSIONINB O= 01"C SDSTE?S fo #ta t )p+ an$ cont acto -. Co'ponent# p o/i$e$ )n$e te#te$ a# pa t of a la (e te#tin( e8)i e$ abo/e an$ e8)i e'ent# all in#pection+ t&e p o!ect p&a#in(. Apon co'pletion of t&e t&e p o!ect all a ea# #&all &a/e been te#te$ an$ balance$ pe in#)lation+ t&e #i$e of t&e in#)lation. ba ie . 'a 5in(#

"ll penet ation# t& o)(& $)ctwo 5 an$ $)ctwo 5 in#)lation #&all be lea5# an$ 'aintain inte( it% of /apo

e8)i e$ b% t&e

S%#te' Rea$ine## C&ec5li#t p o/i$e$ b% t&e Co''i##ionin( "(ent. t&i# #ection of t&e #pecification will be #%#te'. Refe to Section *2 0: 00 J

*2 05 >2 - 1*

05-11 CO??ISSIONINB O= 01"C SDSTE?S an$ e#pon#ibilitie# fo elate$ #ection# fo cont acto

#%#te' co''i##ionin(. - - E N D - - -

*2 05 >2 - 12

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