LI884XI: Educational Portfolio Metadata Scheme

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Local Scheme Title


Description The name given to the resource. The person or entity responsible for writing or creating the content of the resource.


Group Member

Date Due

Date Submitted

A person or entity responsible for contributing to the resource. The date set by the instructor when the resource is officially due. W3CDTF The date the resource was submitted by the Author or a Contributor. W3CDTF A list of units and subunits of content within the resource. The number of points possible; the number of points assigned to the resource by the instructor. The number of points received for completion of the resource. The numerical or alphanumerical grade received upon completion of the assignment. The name of the instructor of the course. Feedback received from the instructor of the course. A summary of the content within the resource. The topic of the content within the resource. LCSH A list of words that can be used for information retrieval purposes. The name given to the project the resource is associated with.

Table of Contents

Possible Points

Points Received

Grade Received Instructor

Instructor Comments Abstract Subject


Project Title

Course Title Course Number

The name given to the course. The identifing number given to the course. Information about the rights held in and over the resource. The genre of the content within the resource. The digital or physical manifestation of the resource itself. The physical or digital location of the resource. The language of the content within the resource. A reference to the resource.

Copyright Resource Type


Digital Format Location


Language Identifer




Group Member

Date Due

The effects of the internet and open access on the usage of grey literature: Magnifico, Christina a review of the literature

Mackey, Dawn Tyler, Kathryn

(for the sake of the assignment this was inputed as a single value)


Collection management policy analysis report: A.R. Dykes Health Sciences Magnifico, Christina Library


Annotated list of themes: medical information retrieval systems

Magnifico, Christina


The use of medical information retrieval systems

Magnifico, Christina


Intellectual freedom newsletter: information ethics case 2.15

Magnifico, Christina

Bing, Meghan Hilton, Karinne

(for the sake of the assignment this was inputed as a single value)


Date Submitted

Table of Contents

Possible Points

Points Received

Grade Received


400 371/400


="List of Figures; Executive Summary; H8Introduction; Policy analysis overview; Purpose, description, and statement; Selection tools and evaluation criteria; Collection management issues; Conclusion; References; Appendix A: Collectiing levels chart"

10 010/010


5 005/005


15 15/15


30 30/30


Tuai, Cameron

Instructor Comments A good paper. Your selection of research materials and its use to support your research question was string. The paper's question were clearly stated, though better selection of terms and increased precision in stating questions would have improved clarity. Greater discussion of the methods used in the research was needed. Marginal issues in formatting. Word count could have been better managed if summaries of the research was used instead of direct quotes. Do contact me if you wish to talk further about your paper. See rubric and attached paper for additional comments.

You did a good job addressing all of the learning objectives associated with the assignment. Best Executive Summary Award! 010/010 Define the characteristics of a written collection development policy relevant to the policy you assess. 010/010 Assess the value of the policy to the information collection 010/010 Discuss the challenges to implementation of the policy 010/010 Report is written clearly and succinctly using correct grammar, spelling, and puntuation 05/05 Report is presented in the appropriate format. 05/05 Overall quality of performance on the assignment 50/05= 10

Capps, Janet

Sutton, Sarah

Yes, that's exactly what I was looking for. Good job.

Sutton, Sarah

Outstanding work Christina, you can be very proud of this piece. I've made a few comments in the rubric (attached). I didn't take off any points for being late since you missed midnight by 13 seconds!

Dow, Mirah

Again, very good work for this complicated assignment! Mirah

Abstract This paper looks at the validity, usability, and reliability of grey literature in light of increased access due to digital technologies. Many researchers have evaluated usage of grey literature using webometrics, citation analysis, and bibliometrics. This paper also briefly defines grey literature and provides examples of types of grey literature archives within the academic community. The studies in this paper show that the usage of grey literature in academic publishing has remained stagnant even though access to it has increased. It also discusses the perceived validity of grey literature within the acadmic community and the reliability of grey literature repositories.



Grey literature; Printed ephemera

gray literature; grey literature; printed ephemera; open access; digital ephemera

This report provides an in-depth analysis of the A.R. Dykes Health Sciences Library collection development and management policy. Based on an exhaustive review of the collection management policy, this report concludes that the A.R. Dykes Health Sciences Library needs to include the mission statement of th eLibrary along with the mission statement of the University of Kansas Medical Center. The collection management polict also needs to include the disaster recovery plan, the Library schedule for policy review and a more in-depth statement regarding collaboration between the Library collection development team and the faculty of the University of Kansas Medical Center. Overall, this report shows that while the policy is quite comprehensive there is room for improvement.

Collection development (Libraries); Collection development (Libraries)-Evaluation; Collection development (Libraries)--Policy statements

collection development; collection management; library policy; health sciences library; medical library

This annotated list of themes includes the evaluation of medical information retrieval systems, health professionals use of medical information retrieval systems, and performing search queries in medical information retrieval systems.

Medical Information Systems; Information Retrieval

medical information retrieval systems; health professions; queries

This paper contains a review of the medical and information science literature with a focus on the evaluation, usage, and search techniques within medical information retrieval systems. The review provides a detailed methodology of the search process used for the collection of the articles, so that the results can be replicated. This review shows that, although there are not currently set standards by which medical information retrieval systems are evaluated; the usage of electronic systems is on the rise, showing a need for query instruction. It also identifies several current trends within information retrieval system research and areas to be improved upon.

Medical Information Systems; Information Retrieval

medical information retrieval systems; health professions; queries

This newsletter was created as part of a larger Information Ethics Case assignment. It contains articles written from the point-of-view of fake library patrons, editors and concerned citizens regarding intellectual freedom.

Intellectual freedom; Intellectual freedom Law and legislation

information ethics; intellectual freedom; newsletter; case studies

Project Title

Course Title

Course Number


Research in Library Review of the and Information Literature Assignment Science

LI810XS us/

Policy Analysis

Collection Development and Management

LI855XS us/

Literature Review

Organization of Information

LI804XS us/

Literature Review

Organization of Information

LI804XS us/

Information Ethics Case

Foundations of Library and Information LI801XS Science us/

Resource Type

Digital Format


















Identifier ction-Management-Policy-Analysis-ReportLI855XS tated-List-of-Themes-Medical-InformationRetrieval-Systems ectual-Freedom-Newsletter

Local Scheme

Dublin Core

Implementation Notes Only capitalize the first letter of the title (ex: Random research assignment). Last name first, first name last (Magnifico, Christina). Identify each contributor with a new field. YYYY-MM-DD YYYY-MM-DD Capitalize each subunit within the table of contents (ex: tableOfContents="Chapter one; Chapter 2; Chapter 3). Use format --/-- (ex, 10/10; 9/10). Use format --/-- (ex, 10/10; 9/10). Use alphanumeric format (ex: 10, A, C). Last name first, first name last (Magnifico, Christina). Copy comments exactly as received. Use abstract from document. If not available, create description. Utilize LCSH Subject Keywords Utilize keyword tags to aid in information retrieval. Only capitalize the first letter of the title (ex: Random research assignment). Only capitalize the first letter of the title (ex: Introduction to libraries). Use format: LI000X- (ex: LI884XI, LI802XS) Creative Commons License unless otheriwse noted. Utilize DCMIType encoding. Utilize IMT encoding.

Title Author Group Member Date Due Date Submitted

Title Creator Contributor Date Date

Table of Contents Possible Points Points Received Grade Received Instructor Instructor Comments


Abstract Subject Keywords

Description Subject Description

Project Title


Course Title Course Number Copyright Resource Type Digital Format

Identifier Identifier Rights Type Format

Location Language

Description Language

Use location of final project (ex: Blackboard, Emporia State University, Scribd) Utilize ISO 639 (ex: en) If available via URI, include URI (ex: 31421891/Roles-ofInformation-Professionals)



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