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Stefan Czarnieckis Division in Denmark (1657-1659)

Micha Kadrinazi Paradowski, Rafa Szwelicki

n the autumn of 1657, as a result of the outbreak of the Swedish-Danish war, at the Polish court came into being an idea of sending a division to Denmark in order to support the new ally. Stefan Czarniecki, the voivode of Rus, was appointed as its commander. His units included mainly veteran regular troops, supported by the provincial forces of the Wielkopolskie voivodeship. The Poles entered the Swedish Pomerania which, practically defenseless, quickly succumbed to the forces under Czarniecki. However soldiers of the voivode were unable to reach the Danish Holstein, and lighting fast operation of the Swedes was concluded in February 1658 with a humiliating defeat of Denmark. The only success of Czarnieckis operation was the plundering of lands under Swedish rule, especially in the area of Stettin. In November 1658 there was another Swedish attack on Denmark and the idea of sending a Polish division into Holstein was revived. Czarniecki marched to Denmark, crossing the lands of the elector of Brandenburg, leading a strong force of about 4500 men. Cooperation with allies Imperial, Brandenburg and Danish forces did not go smoothly, soldiers of the voivode also were a burden for the civilian population whom they treated as Lutherans, Germans and Swedes. However the division participated in taking Alsen island, where Polish soldiers gained renown for their quick crossing of the strait. On 23th of December 1658 Czarnieckis units took, after a bloody assault, the fortress of Kolding. The division stayed in Denmark throughout winter of 1658/1659. This led to more conicts with the allies and pillaging of local population. In spring and summer of 1659 Poles took part in further ghting, however in September Czarniecki took most of his forces back to Poland. He left with his allies only a mixed regiment of about 1000 men, led by Kazimierz Piaseczyski. This unit played an important role in retaking Nyborg from the Swedes, unfortunately colonel Piaseczyski paid for this success with his life. At the end of October 1659 Czarnieckis division returned to Poland and spent the winter in Warmia and Wielkopolska. Provincial units were sent home and disbanded and several regular banners were sent to Ukraine. In February 1660 the division was sent to the Belarusian theatre of operations in order to support Lithuanian forces. But this is a whole new story that will be told in the future

Stefan Czarniecki
Formation Move Armor Morale Skill Close Combat Shooting Weapon Effectiveness Range Special Rules

Stefan Czarniecki


Hand weapon Pistols

2. Cost: 8


Commander Scarce Ammunition

1. Command Points:

Stefan Czarniecki (1599-1665) - one of the most famous Polish officers of the 17th century, spent 40 years in the royal army, passing through various steps of military career from a cossack style cavalry companion to the Crown (Polish) eld hetman. Fierce enemy of the Cossacks, he became famous for his mastery of the hit-and-run tactics during the Swedish Deluge. He commanded the Polish division in Denmark and later led the same force against the Muscovites from 1660. Royalist, supporter of strong discipline, which not always won him favor among his soldiers.

Special rules
As long as Czarniecki is alive all regiments in his army have their Motivation Level higher by 1 point than normally. If he is killed or runs away (outside the table) their Motivation Level is 1 point lower than normally. He is hard to surprise. If he is the Commander in Chief then he may choose who has the initiative in the rst turn. If two or more Commanders in Chief have this ability then it does not work at all. When calculating the number of Reconnaissance Points he may add +2 to this value for every Command Point spent. In such case he starts the game with appropriately less Command Points. Even considering the 17th century norms he was an exceptionally cruel man. Many allies disliked him but enemies often feared him. If the commander with this ability is the Commander in Chief roll a die before the battle: 1-5: The Terror of his Enemies As long as Czarniecki is alive all enemy regiments have 1 additional Breaking Point. If he is killed or ees they count as having 1 Breaking Point less. 6-9: Disliked Randomly choose one regiment. Czarniecki treats units from this regiment as Insubordinate. In order to transfer 1 Command Point to the Commander of this regiment he must spend 1 additional Command Point. 0: Hated Two randomly chosen regiments are regarded as Insubordinate towards Czarniecki. In order to transfer 1 Command Point to the Commander of this regiment he must spend 1 additional Command Point.



Excellent Reconnaissance


Special Rules of the Division:

Financial Problems (does not apply to allied units)
When ghting against Swedes and Muscovites all units have the Robbers rule. Allies have this rule only when ghting against Swedes. The following formations in this division have the Swimming rule: pancerni, cossack style cavalry, light banners (Tatars and Wallachians), dragoons Apart from winged hussars no banner under Czarniecki had any lances or spears. Pancerni and cossack style cavalry in this division cannot be equipped with spears. NOTE: The division is NOT subject to On Their Own Land Special Rule

Once Caught They Were Robbed on the Spot

The Horses Were Already Trained for Swimming

With Carbine and Saber

Stefan Czarnieckis Division in Denmark (1657-1659)

Special Rules: Financial Problems (does not apply to allied units), Once Caught They Were Robbed on the Spot, The Horses Were Already Trained for Swimming, With Carbine and Saber

This regiment must have the maximum number of winged hussar bases available at the given FSP level (historically there were the following banners: royal, Czarnieckis and Myszkowskis)

Cannot eld winged hussars.

Regiment can be, without additional point cost, upgraded to Elite.

May be elded as a Polish cavalry regiment (no winged hussars) or light cavalry regiment (up to 2 Wallachian and 2 Tatar banners)

* you may eld light banners only if egockis regiment is not elded as a light regiment

Kazimierz Piaseczyskis cavalry regiment in Denmark autumn 1659

n September 1659 the Polish division under Stefan Czarniecki was ordered to return from Denmark to Poland. All that was left behind to support Danish, Imperial and Brandenburg allies was an improvised cavalry regiment of about 1000 soldiers, led by colonel Kazimierz Piaseczyski. On the 14th of November 1659 the allied army of 10000 men landed on the Funen Island. Near Nyborg the allies were engaged in a battle with 7000 Swedish soldiers. The allied army was victorious and the Polish cavalry was crucial in ensuring victory by successfully charging the Swedes. Colonel Piaseczyski was killed while leading his force and the Polish troops, infuriated by this loss, mercilessly pursued retreating the Swedes, no prisoners were taken. Once the campaign against Sweden was over, the Polish troops returned to their country and took part in the 1660 campaign again the Muscovites, as part of Czarnieckis division.

Special rules
When ghting against Swedes all Units in the regiment count as having the Robbers Special Rule. All formations in the regiment: the officers, cossack style cavalry, Wallachian light cavalry and dragoons are counted as having the Swimming Special Rules Note: the regiment DOES NOT USE On Their Own Land Special Rule

Once Caught They Were Robbed on the Spot

The Horses Were Already Trained for Swimming

How to use Piaseczyskis regiment

The regiment can be used in two ways. You can eld it as a Skirmish Force at the Skirmish Level. If so do not use the Motivation level and Colonel Piaseczyski has Command that can be upgraded to for +1FSP You may also use the regiment as an additional regiment in a Danish division for the 1658+ period. Treat the regiment as Allies.

Kazimierz Piaseczyski's cavalry regiment - 1659


Special rules: Once Caught They Were Robbed on the Spot, The Horses Were Already Trained for Swimming

+1 FSP for Colonel instead of +1 FSP for Rotamaster +1 FSP for 2 bases of cossack style cavalry From FSP:7 onwards you can eld free dragoons' banner, that can have maximum 3 bases If regiment is used as Skirmish than Colonel Piaseczyski have initially Command that for +1FSP can be changed to


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