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Process flowchart for MHP Schemes under E & P Deptt

Identification and Prioritization by community

Submission of MHP Resolution by the Community uTechnical and Social Feasibility Survey by Field /District Engineers

u Feasibility not established

uPreparation of Project digest based on survey u Scheme Proposal Rejected uApproval of the Project by head office Engineer

uSupplies and Services to be provided by Contractors

u Signing agreement between SRSP & Community for MHP .

uEstablishment of Project, Audit and Operation & Maintenance Committees uSRSP & CommunityBased Monitoring. Establishment of Operation & Maintenance company uOn -Job Training to the Committees uHanding over of MHP to Community

uImplementation of the Scheme

uScheme Completion

Classification of Hydropower Plant

Challenges in Construction of Rural Electrification projects

The challenge is to electrification rural area to achieve basic development objectives such as combating poverty and climate changes, while promoting gender equality, economic growth, environment protection and private sector development. Off-grid systems should be considered when grid extension is not feasible.

Objectives of constructing M ini & M icro Hydel P roject

The Chief Minister Government of KP is interested to provide power-generation addition through Micro Hydel power plants (MHPP) with a maximum capacity up to 500 KW. To tap each and every indigenous hydel resources watt through utilizing

To develop micro power projects within shortest possible time. To reduce the burden on national grid. To generate employment opportunities.

Factors to be considered for setting up micro hydro systems include:

Topography (Mountainous or plan) The viability of each potential project is very site specific. Power output depends on the flow of water and the height of the drop of available water Power Generation Capacity Environmental impact Proximity to a load Land ownership issues Size of Population Household to be Served Ownership of the Project Participation by community in shape of Cash or Kind

Districts Included in first Phase

Construction of mini & Micro Hydel ( The Numbers in districts may vary as we are finalizing the list with MPAs from these districts)
S. N o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 District Abbot Abad Manasehra Batagram Kala Dhaka Kohistan Malakand Buneer Swat Shangla Lower Dir Upper Dir Chitral Total Capacity M W
4 3 2 2 4 2 1.5 2 3 4 4 4

50 26 39 20 35 9 13 45 25 11 44 39



What do Mini & Micro hydro systems provide? Electricity for Isolated-grids Remote power supplies but also Reliability Very low operating costs Reduced exposure to energy price volatility

Detail of MHPs (Capacity wise):

S.No. Plant Capacity Total No of Units Total capacity

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

5 to 15 kW 20kW 30 kW 40 kW 50 kW 75kW 100 kW 150 kW 200 kW 250 kW 300 kW 400 kW 500 kW Total

80 35 35 25 40 30 20 25 15 15 10 08 18 356

1.08 MW 0.60 MW 0.90 MW 0.60 MW 1.75 MW 1.87 MW 1.50 MW 2.70 MW 3.00 MW 3.75 MW 3.00 MW 3.20 MW 3.00 MW 35.5 MW

Estimated Cost of the Project:

S.No 1 2 3 4 Total Cost Management cost 2% Maintenance Cost 1.5% Grand Total Cost of MHPs PMU Administrative Cost Training Cost 0.5% Items Estimated cost in Pak Rupees (Million) 3952.5 84.84 592.88 19.76 4220.80 79.05 69.75 4719.73

Quantifiable Output of the Project:

Installation of 356 MHP plants. Provision of electricity to 300 villages. Electrification of 120,833 rural households. Provision of electricity / shaft power for small/medium scale industrial activities.

Tim elines for Distributed/ Off-grid M icro and M ini Hydro P ow er P rojects
Meeting with PCRET Dialogue with SRSP uCompleted uCompleted

Dialogue with AKRSP

Identification of Sites
uAll by 31 Dec


uBy JAN 2014

Feb 2014 uFeasibility Study uCSO Agreement

Placement of Order of E&M Equipment Civil work on site

uJuly 2014
Installation of Turbine and generators etc


uBy Mar 2014

uAug 2014

P roposals im plem entation and operation of M icro and M ini Hydro P ow er P rojects
PHYDO may be allowed to award/execute the mini /micro Hydel through NGOs( like SRSP/ AKRSP etc.) as a special case; Funds be considered as grant and the revenue generated be spent on O&M of respective projects PHYDO may disburse the funds to concerned NGO as per following schedule

10% on mobilization. 20% on completion of 25% of work. 20% on completion of 50% of work. 30% on completion of 75% of work. 20% on completion of 100% of work.

Payment to NGO after verification of work by Management Consultant The hydel stations after its completion will be handed over to the concerned NGO and Community for O&M through concern district administration

Employment generation:
Direct: A total of 300 personnel will be provided with jobs on contractual basis. Indirect: (a) A total of 1,800 local inhabitants will be imparted training on post installation O&M of MHP plants. Thus 1,800 local people will be provided jobs on these plants. A total of 30,000 labor jobs during construction period. (b) About 3,500 local inhabitants is envisaged to get jobs in small scale industrial/commercial units running on MHP plants.

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