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APR 21-26



Sign Up By Feb 1st

Deposit Due Feb 15th


Grace Student Ministries will be taking a group of High School students to San Vicente, Mexico for Spring Break. We have had a partnership with the ministry in the area for years, including previous youth and adult mission trips to this region. We are passionate about missions and look forward to teaching your son or daughter these same values. Here are some of the details regarding the event:



Details! Who? This trip is for High School aged youth. Other members of our church will be joining us as well. When? We will be leaving at 4:30am on Monday the 21st of April and arriving home late night (10pm) on the 26th.! Where? The location of the ministry is in San Vicente, Mexico. It is 120 miles from the California border.! How Much? The total cost of the trip will be $200.

Projected Daily Schedule!

! 7am- Wake Up 8am- Breakfast 9am- Morning Devotion 10am- Morning Ministry Sites 12noon- Lunch 1pm- Afternoon Ministry Sites 4pm- Return for Showers 5pm- Dinner 6pm- Evening Worship 7pm- Group Debrief 8pm- Relax/Evening Activity 10pm- Lights Out

MEXICOMISSION2014 Shirts (no Tanks) Pants (No shorts) Work shoes Evening shoes Bible, Pen, Notebook

PACKING LIST Toiletries Little Flashlight Sleeping Bag & Fitted Sheet Bug spray Pillow Dryer Sheets One set of church clothes Hat and Sunglasses Bathing suit/ Towel Water Bottle IMPORTANT FAQS

What type of paperwork will we need to have completed to travel out of the country?

Students will need to apply for and receive a US Passport or Passport Card if they intend on coming. This is a 6-8 week process that should be started no later than Feb 17th. More information on the best way to achieve a US Passport will be given during our rst informational meeting with our team.

What will the sleeping arrangements be like?

We will be bunking up like summer camp. Rooms will be separated by gender, of course.

Is the area they are traveling to dangerous at all?

We will be in a place called San Vicente, Mexico. This is located just below Ensenada, on the tranquil Baja Peninsula about 120 miles away from the California border. In terms of danger, our trip organizer and Outreach Pastor Dave Vallotton writes this: Is there poverty there? Yes! Is it a drug-lord-war-zone? No! The little town of San Vicente is the Mexican equivalent to Mayberry, on the Andy Grifth Show. It is no more dangerous than doing missions in San Francisco, San Diego, or other places that you may be more familiar with. No matter where we travel, there is always some element of risk but this is not a high risk location.

Is there any financial assistance that may be avialable to help fund the trip?

Yes! We will have a large fundraiser in March in which your student will be encouraged to participate. Also, your student will have the option to send out missionary support letters to family and friends. We nd that students who really want to go are never hindered by nances.

What is the organization we will be partnering with?

We will be partnering with a local ministry center called the Remnant Ranch, doing numerous activities in the community including VBS, skit/drama presentations, and manual labor. Remnant Ranch was established to be a training center for missionaries and pastors, provide a local youth ministry, and to act as a launching pad to bring the Gospel to migrants throughout the region. Pastor Dave Vallotton has been connected with this organization for over a decade.

Will there be any form of communication while my student is down there?

Most communication will be channeled through Pastor Dave and Pastor John. You will be able to contact us via email that will be checked regularly during the day. For any emergencies, we will be able to call you immediately. We will also be posting regular updates on the Grace Student Ministries Facebook Page. We encourage you to like us for all our updates!

Who will be supervising my student?

In addition to other members from our church who attend, we will also have sufcient youth staff who will be background checked and would have attended a required Standards Of Conduct training at the church. The Student Ministries Pastor will be the main contact for all emergencies and will report any important information to parents immediately.

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