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15 West Spring Street Alex n!ri " #irgini $$%&1 '(gren !ier)g* il+,-* $&$.%/0.1110


7$&& M ss ,89setts A4e Apt 71& W s8ingt-n DC $&&1/.715$ igren !ier)4 3 *il:l (+,-* 1&%./0%.;&&&



/7; S+ W s8ingt-n Street Alex n!ri " #A $$%17 1&%./0%.;&&&

King Street A e!"n#ri", $irgini" %%&'( )*&+,%(+(--)

Tel A4i4 Isr el A!!ress 9n<-(n RL5RENNIE)6AHOO+COM

LORETTA LA0 MILLER 1"2"+ LEAH LA0 1"2"+ MUGG3 CAT 1"2"+ .ILL3 SULLI$AN Presi#enti" C"n#i#"te 4or %*', C"56"ign He"#78"rters
%5& M r<et Street Hig8spire" 2A 11%&7 in3-)L-rett Miller72resi!ent+,-*

CAM2AI5N FOR LORETTA LA= MILLER An! ll e*pl-:ees>4-l9nteers

%5& M r<et Street Hig8spire" 2A 11%&7

DEFENDANTS . ?-intl: n! Se4er ll:" in t8eir O33i,i l n! 2ers-n l C p ,ities+


COMES NOW Plaintiff Janice Wolk Grenadier (JWG) reserves the right to amend Emergency Restraining Order and add additional Parties per FRCP R le !"# Plaintiff Janice Wolk Grenadier complains against the captioned $efendants as follo%s& INTRODUCTION !# 'his is an action for appropriate relief p rs ant to the common la%( stat te and)or

Constit tion of the *nited +tates of ,merica( for impermissi-le restraints pon the Plaintiff.s constit tionally protected property( entitlements and other Constit tional rights( in /iolation of a person.s Civil Rights nder !0 *+C +ec 123 and the Civil Rights ,ct of !342# Plaintiff %ill sho% statement made -y $efendants are +landero s( 5i-el and $efamation of Character of Plaintiff# 'he False statements that have -een p -lished as Fact and comm nicated thro gh several e6mails %ill sho% defamation# 'hat the statements have forever r ined the rep tation of Plaintiff and her a-ility to promote a family friendly child prod ct# 'he retaliation of $efendants to prevent the 7'R*'89 coming o t of :G8# 2. P rs ant to Fed# R# Civ# P# 4" and 5CvR 4"#!( Plaintiff here-y moves the Co rt to iss e a 'emporary Restraining Order and Preliminary :n; nction re< iring $efendants to immediately remove JWGrenadierialair#-logspot#com for the disingen o s statements and threats to JWG and to JWG.s life( neigh-orhood and children# 3. :n s pport of this motion( plaintiff attached notari=ed complaint filed %ith the FEC( complaint and -elo% history of events -y a-ove defendants 4. One of several e6mails sent -y 5eah 5a> ? aka6 @ ggy Cat ?aka6 Ailly + llivan ? aka6 5oretta @iller Presidential Candidate for 1B!4# <> To: jwg e!a"#e Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 10:39 AM

yo kno% %hat 6OU $:$CD' 8E5P JEW+


TURN THEM IN AEC,*+E OCE PER+OC $:$ +O@E'8:CG 'O EO* '8,' W,+ JEW:+8#
EO* @,$E EO*R AE$ ,C$ EO* 5:E$ :C :' F '8:+ F,@:5E REJEC'E$ EO* FOR CO' AE:CG JEW:+8# EO* +'*P:$ GOE#


'8,' :C'O EO*R '8:CG +G*55# COW EO* ,RE @,G:CG *P +'OR:E+ ,C$ +PRE,$:CG 5:E+F

GE' OFF EO*R ,++# GOO$ EO* 5O+' ,55 EO*R @OCEE @,GE+ EO* 8*@A5E# ,C$ GOO$ EO* GO' , W8:PP:CG FRO@ , JEW:+8 5,WEER W8O W,+ +@,R'ER '8EC EO*R+# GOO$ FOR 8ER# : WO*5$ 8:RE 8ER :C , 8E,R' AE,'# +8E WEC' ,F'ER , JEW 8,':CG C,H: ,C$ +8E WOC# ,C$ : 8OPE +8E G,/E 8ER GR,C$+OC , GOO$ ',5G:CG 'O FOR @,RRE:CG , GOE :C '8E F:R+' P5,CE ,C$ 8E +8O*5$ 8,/E GEP' 8:+ H:PPER *P ,C$ CO' 8,/E 8,$ +EI W:'8 , @EC',55E +:CG P:ECE OF CR,P 5:GE EO*# EO* ,RE '8E C,H: WOR+E , @*+5:C 5O/:CG C,H:F EO* 8,'E EO*R+E5F '8,' :+ W8E EO* 8,'E JEW+ EO* ,RE A5OCGE$F

T8e T8re t -3 ,-*ing t- ?W5As 8-*e B t8r-9g8 LLM Cl-g ?(gren !ieris l ir+Cl-gsp-t+,-* is l-, te! -n 2 ge 1&.1% -3 t8is restr ining -r!er+ ,ccording to 55@ thro gh e6mails it %ill sho% :G8 %as involved in this on or prior to $ecem-er 12( 1B!J#

2ARTIES $. Plaintiff incorporates herein -y reference all of the allegations contained in Paragraphs ! thro gh 2 of this Complaint %. Plaintiff ? Janice Wolk Grenadier (JWG) is the /ictim of the a-ove $efendants since Octo-er of !30"( and 55@ since @ay of 1B!J %hen she -egan stalking of JWG# &. $efendant :lona Ely Freedman Grenadier 8eckman (:G8) a la%yer is g ilty of the follo%ing and this can -e proven %ith doc ments and %itness.s Perjury,

Obstruction of Justice, Aiding and abetting obstruction of Justice, Fraud


on the Court, Involvement of Forgery, Theft of money from the Sonia renadier Trust account through her la! office for great "ersonal gain over #$% &illion in 'eal (state, Theft of )erman renadier, mal"ractice, *ribery, Abuse of her Oath of Office, Cons"iracy, Collusion, &iscarriage of Justice, "reventing +ue Process, conflict of interest , related to the "ractice of la!, violating code of ethics, has liability to her victims, has violated Plaintiffs 'eligious, Political, -nited state Constitutional, .irginia Constitutional and Civil 'ights, *reach of Fiduciary +uties, '-/(S OF P'OF(SSIO0A/ CO0+-CT, Title $1 -S code 23$ Cons"iracy against rights, and 232 +e"rivation of rights under color of la!, 'etaliatory 4 'etribution actions, Treason, Title .I Civil 'ights Act of $563 Title .I, 32 -7S7C7 2%%%d et se87, !as enacted as "art of the landmar9 Civil 'ights Act of $563, $1 -SC: 5$27 ;ith her Intention to $1 -SC : $<3$ =Frauds and s!indles, +efraud, *reach of Contract, Arbitrary and Ca"ricious behavior, Committed Fraud on the Court, : $172=3517<7 &isre"resentations "rohibited, K !0#16!L1 6 Forging( ttering( etc#( other %ritings et al7
THE ABO#E IS THE MOTI#ATION OF ILONA 5RENADIER HEC@MANS g-ing tt8e extre*es t8 t s8e is t- st-p t8e Tr9t8 3r-* ,-*ing in 3r-nt -3 violent( oppressive( fra d lent( %anton( and grossly reckless# ?9!ge+ ,ll actions from the :G8 and her firm have -een %illf l acts that %ere and are malicio s(


GRENADEIR ANDERSON STRARACE DUFFETT & KEISLER, PC 9GAS: a la% firm in /irginia %ith licensed partners in the $istrict of Col m-ia# 'he firm consists of :lona Grenadier 8eckman fo nding partner( Charles ,nderson( ,rlene +tarace( Aenton +# $ ffett :::( +hirly Geisler( Elaine /adas( John '# %inkler ::( 5isa 5# 5evi( Carole ,# R -in( Carrie @# Patterson( Carolyn @# ,--ate( Gatherine $# +mith( Eric R# Co ri ? are all a%are of this sit ation and are incl sion to protect $efendant :G8# ,ll actions from the la% firm have -een %illf l acts that %ere and are malicio s( violent( oppressive( fra d lent( %anton( and grossly reckless#


ANDREA GRENAIDER step ! 9g8ter t- Il-n 5ren !ier n! in ,-ll9si-n t- t8e sl n!er" !e3-r* ti-n -3 2l inti33 n! 8er ! 9g8ters+ ,ll actions have -een %illf l acts that %ere and are malicio s( violent( oppressive( fra d lent( %anton( and grossly reckless#


RO.IN/RACHEAL GRENADIER step ! 9g8ter t- Il-n 5ren !ier n! in ,-ll9si-n t- t8e sl n!er" !e3-r* ti-n -3 2l inti33 n! 8er ! 9g8ters+ ,ll actions have -een %illf l acts that %ere and are malicio s( violent( oppressive( fra d lent( %anton( and grossly reckless#


LORETTA LA0 MILLER 1"2"+ LEAH LA0 1"2"+MUGG3 CAT 1"2"+ .ILL3 SULLI$AN >//& et al? Presi#enti" C"n#i#"te 4or %*', E* ils (ill s8-( st rte! st l<ing ?W5 in M : -3 $&1%" is involved in stalking( hacking of Plaintiff.s comp ter and e6mail# :s responsi-le for the ;%grenadierisalair#-logspot#com# 'hat she has on her personal and others to campaign Face-ook( '%itter and Alogs s pported the site since the start of it# 'hat her personal comment on the first %ritten page is similar to other -ehavior in e6mails of hers to try and act as if she is not @ ggy Cat or Ailly + llivan ? emails %ill sho% ho% this can -e and sho ld -e < estioned# ,ll actions %ill sho% to have -een %illf l acts that %ere and are malicio s( violent( oppressive( fra d lent( %anton( and grossly reckless#


CAM2AI5N FOR LORETTA LA= MILLER an! ll e*pl-:ees>4-l9nteers ? 55@ et al has made statements on her Alog( '%itter and Face-ook thanking -y all appearance her campaign)employees)vol nteers in slandering and deformation of JWG# ,ll actions from the campaign have -een %illf l acts that %ere and are malicio s( violent( oppressive( fra d lent( %anton( and grossly reckless#



Plaintiff incorporates herein -y reference all of the allegations contained in Paragraphs ! thro gh !1 of this Re< est for an Emergency Restraining Order and

:n; nction# 9. +ince the introd ction to $avid Grenadier and :lona Ely Freedman Grenadier 8eckman in or aro nd @arch of !30" Plaintiff %ill in co rt and discovery -e a-le to sho% the illegal and disingen o s actions of $efendants# 10. :n or aro nd Octo-er of !30" $efendants started lying and manip lating Plaintiff %ith the p rchase of 10 E# Aellefonte ,ve a J nit apartment - ilding 11. +eptem-er of !300 Plaintiff married $avid Grenadier 12. On or aro nd Covem-er of !303 it is -ro ght to the attention of Plaintiff f nds missing from the +onia Grenadier 'r st# 'o date a real acco nting of the +onia Grenadier 'r st is done it %ill or may sho% a minim m of M!B N million dollars of < estiona-le property and cash stolen thro gh 'he G,+ la% firm -y all appearance nder the Control of :EG and others# 13. @onies manip lated and lost from %ork -y Plaintiff d e to the actions of $efendants total over M" million dollars from d ring the marriage to $avid and possi-le more once p nitive and %

e>emplary damages are comp ted# 'his and the 'r th of the criminal actions of :EG is %hy %e are here today# 14. :n !330 after $avid informed Plaintiff he %o ld -e leaving the marriage and since that time several sit ations of < estion have arisen# 1$. :n !330 the late %ife of +heriff of ,le>andria at the time coming to my home and telling me to call her if : need to# 'o %atch my -ack# Cancy $ nning %as m rdered# 'he +herriff from all appearance %as never < estioned 1%. , < ick trip home at the last min te $avid co ldn.t drive Plaintiff to the airport to visit her ill father# $avid called yelling at Plaintiff %hich %as ho% he handled iss es# 'he Ca- driver insisted Plaintiff hang p her phone or he %o ld take if from her# 'he Ca- driver then offered to take care of $avid for M"(BBB#BB# 'he Ca- driver even offered to do it for less if Plaintiff co ldn.t afford it# Plaintiff got o t of the ca- and thro% the phone n m-er a%ay ? -elieving it to -e a set p# 1&. Plaintiff %as forced in and o t of Aankr ptcy d e to actions of $avid and :G8# Plaintiff is no% a%are that the actions of :G8 and attorneys %ere Fra d on the Co rt and they %ere in coll sion to destroy Plaintiff# 1'. :n or aro nd Covem-er !330 'he coll sion of $efendants ,ndrea( Rachel( :G8 sed a r mor they started that $avid and his sister ,ndrea %ere se> ally involved# $avid p lled a g n in Plaintiff.s home %ith Plaintiffs girls in home# 19. :n 1BBL %hen Plaintiff filed to reopen her case for f nds stolen -y $efendant :G8 and G:C ? :G8.s actions are illegal and are o t to harm Plaintiff and her girls# 20. Plaintiff %ill sho% she has -een informed several times -y the J dicial system that she co ld never and %o ld never get a fair trial#


21. :EG and her attorney Aen $i@ ro %ith common%ealth attorney Randy +engel tried to intimidate and scare Plaintiff %ith E>tortion charges# Charges %ere never filed# 'he officers that came to Plaintiff.s home it %as learned %ere to intimidate JWG# 22. Plaintiff after having doc ments stolen from her home( doc ments that %ere not filed in her file in the City of ,le>andria Co rt after -eing allo%ed into evidence %as told that she %as not allo%ed to file any reports %ith the City of ,le>andria police# 23. 'he +tate Police %ere not allo%ed to investigate the criminal actions per the /irginia +tate ,ttorney# 24. Plaintiff learned %hile she %as on travel the PO5:CE( F:RE( ,@A*5,CCE came to Plaintiff.s home# J st as Cancy $ nning %as fo nd in her home dead ? neigh-ors %ho stopped them from sing an a> to get into Plaintiff.s home %as informed : had killed myself and %as dead in the home# Geep in mind in /irginia the +heriff in Fairfa> and City of ,le>andria had < estiona-le sit ations on ho% there %ife.s died and several other criminal actions against people %ho have pset the Old Aoy Cet%ork in /irginia have -een doc mented# 'his sit ation -ro ght -ack the memory of Cance $ nning %ho %as m rdered coming to my home as a %arning to %atch my -ack# 2$. 'o protect Plaintiff she started a -log /,5a%1B!B#-logspot#com ? 'here is a disclos re and the disclos re has gone o t to those %ho are mentioned# :f yo see anything that is not the 'R*'8 to contact Plaintiff# Plaintiff has yet to receive s ch a phone call or a legitimate e6mail of any claim of a statement that is ntr e# 2%. , good friend informed me she -elieves my >6h s-and tried to poison her# ,fter consideration on his recent girlfriend : contacted her attorney d e to her ill health for a long period of time and of her mothers#


2&. :n or aro nd Covem-er of 1B!J a gentlemen going -y @ichael)@ark +t art %as as a favor or for personal gain %as to gather for the J dges of the City of ,le>andria information a-o t Plaintiff that %o ld make her incompetent to file doc ments ? ,gain the police in the City of ,le>andria and the FA: have ignored the hacking of Plaintiff.s comp ter and threats of -odily harm# @r# +t art informed Plaintiff %hich is taped and in e6mails that he %as to dr g Plaintiff and take se> al pict res or to rape one of Plaintiff.s da ghter or to plant dr gs on girls or in Plaintiff.s home# 2'. On or aro nd @ay of 1B!J 55@ started +talking Plaintiff# 29. Plaintiff responded to one of her many messages on or aro nd $ecem-er 11( 1B!J# 30. 55@ then attacked nreasona-le and to intimidate Plaintiff ? 'he e6mails not all attached to get this in to the co rts as Plaintiff is afraid for her life that 55@ and :G8 have the financial and the kno%ledge of ho% to have someone killed# 'hat Plaintiff %ill and can demonstrate several other sit ations that %ill sho% the danger she is in -y these t%o and the people they hire or have on their pay rolls# 31. 'his latest one %ith Presidential Candidate and the threat of 1BB ? !BBB people coming to my home in my neigh-orhood and the lia-le and deformation of the -log started -y $efendants ;%grenadierisalair#-logspot#com ? T8e T8re t -3 ,-*ing t- ?W5As 8-*e B

t8r-9g8 LLM Cl-g '(gren !ieris l ir+Cl-gsp-t+,-*

We hope that you join us on Friday, anuary 1!th, 2!14 outside o" anice Wolk #renadier$s house to protest her anti% &merican pro%'atan (alues. )mail us at "or anice

Wolk #renadier$s address. We are expecting at least 2!! people so don$t "orget to *ring +oly Water "rom your church to puri"y and sacti"y the land o" the supporter o" the &nti ,hrist and the mother o" the (essel o" 'atan. We -ill ha(e a prayer session to pray "or her lack o" soul *ut do not look her straight in the eyes or you -ill *e turned to stone. W #renadier aka anice Wolk #renadier
'unday, anuary ., 2!14
anice Wolk #renadier supports the &nti ,hrists /*ama and +illary ,linton
(ot o!l) #* +a!#ce ,ol- . e!a"#e a t a#to to the Ame #ca! /eo/le 0) 0e#!g a ca " ca )#!g 1omm#e 2#!-o 0ut *he #* al*o *u//o t#!g the A!t# 1h #*t* 30ama a!" 4#lla ) 1l#!to!. 5e* we *a#" #t he e, A!t# 1h #*t* mea!#!g /lu al. ,h) #* +a!#ce "o#!g th#*6 7ecau*e the) a e !ot o!l) go#!g to let he -ee/ he ha# ) 8ag 0ut the) a e go#!g to g#8e he the cha!ce to g ow a /e!#* a* well. ,ell /e!#*e*. 5e*, +a!#ce ,ol- . e!a"#e w#ll ha8e % /e!#*e* all o8e he 0o") #!clu"#!g o!e o8e he 8ag#!a. The othe $ w#ll 0e a* *o: o!e #! the /alm o9 each ha!", o!e o! the 0ootom o9 each 9oot a!" o!e #ght whe e a t am/ *tam/ woul" 0e o! he 0ac-. That wa) whe! +a!#ce ,ol- . e!a"#e "#e*, *he ca! go to Allah:* hea8e! a!" ha8e he &2 8# g#!*. The*e &2 8# g#!* w#ll 0e a m#x o9 male* a!" 9emale* that *he ca! a/e w#th all o9 he /e!#*e* a!" the! the !ext mo !#!g at *u! u/ the) 0ecome 8# g#!* aga#!. ,e ha8e 9#gu e" #t out that the 9etal 0o") o9 l#ttle +o*hua that +a!#ce -ee/* #! the 0a*eme!t o9 he home #* go#!g to 0e the 8e**el 9o the Da - Lo " ;ata! h#m*el9 to e*u ect #! a huma! 0o") to ca ) out the a/ocol)/*e. That wa), +a!#e ,ol. e!a"#e #* gua a!tee" he % /e!#*e*. 2 oo9 *he *u//o t* the A!t# 1h #*t #* #! he lette * *he ha* /o*te" a!" he othe /o*t* o9 4#lla ):* a!" 30ama:* *u//o t "e9e!"#!g 0oth o! e8e )th#!g Lo etta Lax M#lle 9ought aga#!*t #!clu"#!g the 30ama1a e a!" <*lam#c Te o #*m wh#ch 30ama a!" 4#lla ) *u//o t. +a!#ce #* 9o the "e*t uct#o! o9 the 1athol#c 1hu ch:* 8alue* o9 ha8#!g (u!* "e*/e!*e 0# thco!t oll /#ll*. +a!#ce *u//o t* th#* 0) *u//o t#!g 4#lla ) =o"ham 1l#!to! a!" 7a ac- 4u*e#! 30ama. >8e )th#!g 30ama *ta!"* 9o #* to "e*t o) Ame #ca! ?am#l) @alue* a!" +a!#ce ha* !o 8alue* a!" wo *h#/* ;ata!. ,e at Mugg) 1at ta-e the el#g#ou* *ta!" that +a!#ce #* the A!t# 1h #*t a!" "oe* !ot 0ele#8e #! .o" a!" the wo!"e * .o" ha* "o!e o! th#* >a th. Ma)0e +a!#ce *houl" mo8e to *#! c#t) La* @ega* a!" *ell he 10

*oul a* well a* he 9ugl) 0o") o! the *t #/ *#!ce *he #* who #!g 9o ;ata!. AAAAA3 #g#!al Me**ageAAAAA ? om: +,. <jwg e!a"#e> To: mugg)cat*c eam* <mugg)cat*c eam*>B leahlax1234 <> ;e!t: ,e" , +a! 1, 2014 10:4$ am ;u0ject: =e: # ag ee w#th )ou 5ou ?C1D>( +>,;EEEEEE ALL 3? 53C . D<1D ?A==>L +3;4 134>(, L>A4 LAF ADA L3=>TTA LAF M<LL>= A(D T4> =>;T 3? 53C ?C1D>( 30 +>,;. 4#tle wa* #ghtE 5a:ll "e*e 8e to "#eE 53C ;43CLD 7> 2LA1>D <( A 7<. 3@>(. ,a ml), +, . e!a"#e ,e ho/e that )ou jo#! u* o! ? #"a), +a!ua ) 10th, 2014 out*#"e o9 +a!#ce ,ol- . e!a"#e :* hou*e to / ote*t he a!t#AAme #ca! / oA;ata! 8alue*. >ma#l u* at mugg)cat*c eam* 9o +a!#ce ,ol. e!a"#e :* a"" e**. ,e a e ex/ect#!g at lea*t 200 /eo/le *o "o!:t 9o get to 0 #!g 4ol) ,ate 9 om )ou chu ch to /u #9) a!" *act#9) the la!" o9 the *u//o te o9 the A!t# 1h #*t a!" the mothe o9 the 8e**el o9 ;ata!. ,e w#ll ha8e a / a)e *e**#o! to / a) 9o he lac- o9 *oul 0ut "o !ot loo- he *t a#ght #! the e)e* o )ou w#ll 0e tu !e" to *to!e. 2o*te" 0) mugg) cat at ':4' AM >ma#l Th#*7logTh#*E;ha e to Tw#tte ;ha e to ?ace0ooLa0el*: 1<A, ?7<, 4#lla ) =o"ma! 1l#!to!, +a!#ce ,ol- . e!a"#e , D.7, leah lax, M<$, M<%, M) 2#llow 2ac-, 30ama, 8# g#!#a law 2010 0o comments1 2o*t a 1omme!t (ewe 2o*t 3l"e 2o*t 4ome ;u0*c #0e to: 2o*t 1omme!t* GAtomH

;elect La!guage I

&*out 3e

mugg) cat @#ew m) com/lete / o9#le

4log &rchi(e
J 2014 G14H 11

+a!ua ) G14H J +, . e!a"#e a-a +a!#ce ,ol- . e!a"#e : Th#* ex/la... J Th#* ex/la#!* #t:* *el9 J +, . e!a"#e a-a +a!#ce ,ol- . e!a"#e : 4ac-e 4ac... J 4ac-e 4ac-e e8e )whe e. J +, . e!a"#e a-a +a!#ce ,ol- . e!a"#e : +a!#ce ,ol... J +a!#ce ,ol- . e!a"#e ha* ha" he Tea 2a t) mem0e ... J <* th#* the w #t#!g o9 a c aK) woma! J +a!#ce ,ol- . e!a"#e *u//o t* the A!t# 1h #*t* 30... J +a!#ce ,ol- . e!a"#e #* ;lee/#!g w#th the >!em). J D u!- +a!#ce ,ol- . e!a"#e ha" a! a0o t#o! J 4ate * .o!!a 4ate J The To/ 10 o9 +a!#ce ,ol- . e!a"#e :* *tu/#"#t) J 4a//) (ew 5ea a!" a!)th#!g goe* J +a!#ce:* D# t) ;ec et Dee"*

J 2013 G10H

2otal 5age(ie-s

W #renadier

+, . e!a"#e >the eal tem/late. 2owe e" 0) 7logge .


T8e C-4e e.* il ( s t *pere! (it8 -r 8 ,<e! and sent thro gh JWG.s acco nt at ,O5# 'he e6mail disclosed on the -log %as not %ritten -y JWG as many 55@ has on her Alog ,ccording to 55@ thro gh e6mails it %ill sho% :G8 %as involved in this on or prior to $ecem-er 12( 1B!J#
32. WHEREFORE( Plaintiff re< ests that this Co rt& A. 8ave removed immediately the -log ;%grenadierisalair#-logspot# 7. 'hat a restraining order for all of the a-ove -e iss ed to incl de that they are not to talk a-o t Plaintiff on line or to in any %ay contact Plaintiff or her da ghters 1. ,%ard Plaintiff if ;oined %ith co nsel reasona-le attorneys. fees and costsO D. Enter a permanent in; nction re< iring $efendants to remove all disingen o s information from the internet on Plaintiff# >. Grant to Plaintiff s ch other and f rther relief as this 8onora-le Co rt may deem ; st and proper nder the circ mstances( incl ding - t not limited to appropriate in; nctive relief( in a /erified Complaint that %ill -e filed against a-ove $efendants for damages#

$ate& Jan ary 11( 1B!2 Respectf lly s -mitted( @S@AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Janice Wolk Grenadier !" West +pring +treet ,le>andria( /irginia 11JB! 13

'elephone (1B1) 1406L!L0 Email ;%grenadierPgmail#com


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