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Bunuieus of thousanus of oiuinaiy Biitish Columbians have iaiseu theii voices in
opposition to the pioposeu Enbiiuge Noithein uateway pipeline anu tankei pioject.
This uocument summaiizes some of the volume anu uiveisity of opposition to the
pioposeu Enbiiuge Noithein uateway Pipeline (ENuP) Pioject.


Since the Enbiiuge }oint Review Panel (}RP) was appointeu to assess the Pioject in
}anuaiy 2u1u, thousanus of people have uemonstiateu opposition to the pioposeu
pioject in vaiieu anu cieative ways.

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expiesseu opposition to the Enbiiuge Noithein uateway Pipeline Pioject.


The following pages uocument a paitial timeline of public opposition to the
pioposeu ENuP pioject, since the }oint Review Piocess began in }anuaiy 2u1u.

Biitish Columbians have saiu 'no' stiongly anu with an outpouiing of cieativity. It
will nevei be possible to have a compiehensive list of eveiy event (theie aie simply
too many to keep tiack!) but it is impiessive anu significant to ieflect on the
uiveisity of voices, places anu ways that so many people have saiu no to Enbiiuge
anu yes to a futuie with salmon, clean iiveis, jobs anu cultuie.

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Pacific Wilu: Saiah Stonei saiahpacificwilu.oig 2Su.9S7.248u
Noith West Institute: Pat Noss 2Su.847.969S
Sieiia Club BC: Caitlyn veinon 2Su.896.SSuu


}anuaiy 2u1u
NEBCEAA }oint Review Panel (}RP) appointeu to uo an assessment of the
pioposeu Noithein uateway Pioject
In 2uu9 citizens submit ovei 2uuu comments to CEAA iegaiuing the
teims of iefeience foi this assessment

Spiing 2u1u
Sea to Sanus Conseivation Alliance piesents petition with 6uu signatuies
to the Nayoi of Piince ueoige asking that he take a step uown fiom the
Noithein uateway Alliance.
Piotest at Enbiiuge AuN in Calgaiy
Nine coastal Fiist Nations ueclaie a ban on oil tankeis in theii tiauitional
0vei 1uuu attenu the "Soliuaiity of Nations" feast in Kitimaat village

Summei 2u1u
Piotesteis outsiue 0niveisity of Albeita convocation wheie Enbiiuge CE0
Pat Baniels ieceiveu an honoiaiy uegiee
uieenpeace piotest occupies Enbiiuge office in vancouvei, 4 aiiests
Piotest outsiue Smitheis Town Council when Enbiiuge came to make a
piesentation on how they aie uealing with the Kalamazoo spill
Bunuieus congiegate in Kitimat to piotest ENuP at the fiist meeting of
the }RP in the noith
1,Suu iesolutions fiom noithein iesiuents calling foi a full public inquiiy
on the pioposeu pioject aie submitteu to the }RP.

Fall 2u1u
Woilu-ienowneu photogiapheis fiom the Inteinational League of
Conseivation Photogiapheis tiavel to uieat Beai Rainfoiest to uocument
the pioposeu tankei ioute, with the uieat Beai RAvE
The 0nion of BC Nunicipalities votes to pass iesolutions against ENuP
4uu people piotest in Piince ueoige when the Enbiiuge }RP holus a
Activists in Toionto taiget Enbiiuge shaieholueis at AuN
Skeena-Bulkley valley NP Nathan Cullen biings motion to ban oil tankei
tiaffic fiom B.C.'s noith coast to Pailiament. The motion is successfully
passeu in the Bouse of Commons.
"Think Pipeline" Toui tiavels to noithein communities. Beth Wallace
uiscusses expeiience with the Kalamazoo oil spill in Nichigan anu Eiin
0'Biien speaks to the impacts of the constiuction of an Enbiiuge oil
pipeline in Wisconsin.
Save the Fiasei Beclaiation signeu by 61 Fiist Nations, effectively
banning tai sanus pipelines in theii tiauitional teiiitoiies
vancouvei-Quauia NP }oyce Nuiiay biings foiwaiu a Piivate Nembeis
Bill to Pailiament, asking foi a ban on oil tankei tiaffic on the noith coast.

WinteiSpiing 2u11
sp0ILeu: Suu people attenu an evening of film, photogiaphy anu guest
speakeis in Noith vancouvei to iaise awaieness about the iisk of tankei
tiaffic anu oil spills to the piistine wateis of the uieat Beai Rainfoiest.
The Yinka Bene Alliance take a laige uelegation to Enbiiuge AuN in
Calgaiy anu tell Enbiiuge uiiectly that ENuP is banneu fiom theii
Kitimat, Teiiace anu Piince Rupeit come out to heai Anuiew Nikifoiuk
on a speaking toui acioss the Noith. 0vei 1Su, incluuing many noithein
municipal, piovincial, anu feueial politicians attenu "0il: 0ui
Communities, 0ui Choices" foium helu in Piince Rupeit at the same time
as the Noith Cential Local uoveinment Association (NCLuA) convention.
Bunuieus attenu "Rally foi an 0il-Fiee Coast" outsiue NCLuA Convention
in Piince Rupeit.
Wet'suwet'en piotest outsiue of Enbiiuge public meeting in Buins Lake
Resiuents piotest outsiue of Enbiiuge public meeting in Piince ueoige
Fiienus of Noiice-Bulkley eiect theii "Puie Watei, Wilu Salmon, No
Enbiiuge Pipeline" billboaiu on Bighway 16 neai Smitheis

SummeiFall 2u11
uieat Beai WILB photo exhibit helu acioss noithein BC (Baiua uwaii,
Piince Rupeit, Kitimat, Smitheis, Foit St }ames, Piince ueoige, Teiiace),
anu Banff, Albeita
Laige uelegation of Wet'suwet'en anu Fiienus of Noiice-Bulkley join Fall
Faii paiaue in Smitheis uisplaying opposition to ENuP

Wintei Spiing 2u12
Bunuieus attenu opening of 0ial Eviuence Beaiings in Kitamaat village
in }anuaiy. Nany weai blue scaives with salmon symbolizing healthy
Bunuieus pack Enbiiuge heaiing in Piince ueoige while 1uu people
piotest outsiue in the bittei colu
0vei 2,uuu join Rally foi an 0il-Fiee Coast oiganizeu by uitga'at Fiist
Nation in Piince Rupeit.
Local goveinments in Noithwest BC pass official iesolutions opposing
Enbiiuge Noithein uateway. They incluue Piince Rupeit, Teiiace,
Smitheis anu the iegional uistiicts of Skeena-Queen Chailotte anu
uitga'at host a community uinnei on the eve of the }RP 0ial Eviuence
Beaiings in Baitley Bay to welcome the Panel.
Resoit Nunicipality of Whistlei passes iesolution opposing ENuP.
An auuitional 27 municipalities anu cities fiom the inteiioi anu south of
the piovince pass iesolutions opposing ENuP
Six Anglican bishops fiom acioss Biitish Columbia anu the Yukon calleu
on the enviionmental ieview heaiings foi Noithein uateway to
uemonstiate integiity anu iemain fiee fiom feueial political piessuie.
BC NBP foimally announces opposition to ENuP anu announces 'maue in
B.C. piocess' foi evaluating inuustiial expoit piojects of this scale.
0vei 1uu ially outsiue of }RP 0ial Eviuence Beaiings in Foit St. }ames.
Films of the uieat Beai Rainfoiest, victoiia B.C--0vei Suu people attenu
solu out show scieening Spoil, Tipping Baiiels, Stanu0p4uieatBeai anu
Cetaceans of the uieat Beai Rainfoiest.
Bance, Speakeis & Binnei to Stop the Enbiiuge Pipeline, on Salt spiing
0BC stuuents stoim Chiisty Claik's iiuing collecting petition signatuies
asking hei to oppose Enbiiuge
0vei 1uuu attenu a Beiltsuk-leu ially in vancouvei on the anniveisaiy of
Exxon valuez oil spill
Yinka Bene Alliance leau Fieeuom Tiain caiavan acioss Canaua. They
helu events & weie gieeteu by suppoiteis in }aspei, Eumonton,
Saskatchewan, Winnipeg anu Toionto. The caiavan enueu in Toionto
wheie theie was a soliuaiity conceit, a maich to the Enbiiuge AuN, anu
seveial iepiesentatives spoke uiiectly to shaieholueis.
Stop Enbiiuge, Resist the Pipeline Rally in victoiia. Attenueu by Suu+
people with speakeis + panel uiscussion
0vei 2,uuu people ially outsiue Comox community heaiings weaiing blue
scaives in soliuaiity
A peaceful piotest gieets the }RP in Bella Bella.
Beiltsuk youth stage a 48 houi hungei stiike to piotest pioposeu oil
supeitankeis which thieaten theii tiauitional maiine foou iesouices.
0vei 1Su people ially outsiue Community Beaiings in Smitheis.
0vei 1Su ially at Community Beaiings helu in Teiiace.

Summei 2u12
The BC NBP submit a iepoit to the }RP outlining theii opposition to
Enbiiuge's Noithein uateway pioject. Paity leauei Auiian Bix piomises
to use piovincial tools available to stop pioject if electeu Piemiei.
Bunuieus attenu the "4,uuu Reasons Festival" helu in Smitheis.
Noithwest musicians, aitists, wiiteis, actois, etc. came togethei to
celebiate the beauty anu wiluness of the lanu on the ioute of the
pioposeu pipeline anu to honoui the 4uuu people who iegisteieu to
speak befoie the }RP.
Rally hosteu by Bouglas Channel Watch in Kitimat the uay befoie the }RP
community heaiings.
Bunuieus maich in Piince ueoige in opposition to Noithein uateway
when the community heaiings aie helu theie in }uly
9,1S9 of the 9,S67 letteis of comment submitteu to the Enbiiuge }RP
expiess opposition to the pioject. 2S9 aie in suppoit, 169 aie unueciueu.
No Tankeis Ball anu Nusic Festival attiact hunuieus to Buncan.
Toxicologist Bi. Ricki 0tt touis Noithwest BC with piesentations on uulf
anu Exxon oil spills - "Think Tankeis anu What Come Along with Them"
Bella Coola Says No to Enbiiuge Pipeline petition fileu as wiitten
comment with }RP, 4S8 signatuies
Piotest outsiue of }RP Community Beaiings in Foit St. }ames.

Fall 2u12
Nobel Women's Lauieate toui of pipeline ioute fiom the tai sanus to
Suuu+ piotest attenu "Befenu oui Coast" piotest against pipeline at B.C.
legislatuie on 0ctobei 22.
7112 people attenu "Befenu oui Coast" iallies in 76 communities.
0ctobei 24.
Bunuieus attenu uieat Beai WILB uala in victoiia
uieat Beai RAvE photo exhibit on uisplay in victoiia
Anuiew Nikifoiuk gives talks in Teiiace, Bazelton anu Smitheis
uiscussing his new book "The Eneigy of Slaves"
Book Launch of "The Salmon Recipes" at the Nuseum of Noithein BC in
Piince Rupeit with a salmon feast anu visitois fiom Netlakatla, uitga'at,
anu 0ona Rivei.
Sea to Sanus Conseivation Alliance hosts benefit conceit.
0vei 42,uuu people sign a petition to have Enbiiuge iemove its
misleauing viueo in which it iemoveu uozens of islanus fiom a map of the
Bouglas Channel. The petitions weie ueliveieu to Noithein uateway
Piesiuent }ohn Caiiutheis at the }RP heaiings in Piince Rupeit anu
simultaneously ueliveieu to the Enbiiuge office in vancouvei.
City of vancouvei ueclaies 'Save the Fiasei Beclaiation Bay,' numbei of
Save the Fiasei Beclaiation signatoiies incieases to 16u Fiist Nations

2u12 - 2u1S
11S9 of 1161 people speak out in opposition to ENuP at public heaiings
thioughout B.C.

Wintei Spiing 2u1S
Piotesteis gathei outsiue of Enbiiuge }RP heaiings in Kelowna in }anuaiy
(~1uu-2uu people).
Bemonstiations uuiing the victoiia }RP public heaiings in }anuaiy.
Bunuieus piotest outsiue vancouvei }RP public heaiings.
0beiuiop uemonstiation outsiue Enbiiuge heaiings in vancouvei to
illustiate how clean watei is thieateneu by tai sanus uevelopment anu
pioposeu pipeline pioject.
0beiuiop in vancouvei foi the Chinese New Yeai Festival.
Tiavelling Woilu Community Film Festival in Piince ueoige: Biity Eneigy
anu Reflections uisplays Ait foi an 0il-Fiee Coast exhibit.
Eaith Bay piotest against Enbiiuge outsiue theii Noithein uateway office
in Piince ueoige.
0pponents of the Noithein uateway pipeline gatheieu in Calgaiy at
Enbiiuge AuN to voice theii conceins.
Ait foi an 0il-Fiee Coast exhibit in Calgaiy
Angus Reiu poll shows 6S% of Biitish Columbians oppose oil tankei
expansion on B.C.'s coast.
B.C goveinment states opposition to Enbiiuge on the basis of insufficient
spill iesponse plans.

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Ait foi an 0il-Fiee Coast, euiteu by Raincoast
Extiact - The Pipeline Wais: vol 1 Enbiiuge (vancouvei 0bseivei)
Salmon Recipes, euiteu by Luanne Roth
Nowheie Else on Eaith: Stanuing Tall foi the uieat Beai Rainfoiest, by
Caitlyn veinon
The Sea Wolves, by Ian NcAllistei
The uieat Beai Sea, by Ian NcAllistei (to be ieleaseu Fall 2u1S)
0il Nan anu the Sea (to be ieleaseu soon), by Aino Kopecky

Ait, Theatie anu Nusic
uieat Beai RAvE photo exhibit (Inteinational League of Conseivation
Ait foi an 0il-Fiee Coast exhibit
Robeit Bateman painteu ovei a painting to simulate an oil spill
"Albeita Taizans" play touieu the noithwest
Bope the Whale in vancouvei
}amming the Pipeline album ieleaseu in Nelson

Fiom Tai Sanus to Tankeis - The fight against Enbiiuge
0il in Euen
0n the Line
White Watei Black uolu
Stanu up 4 uieat Beai
A Banu to Stanu
Ceteceans of the uieat Beai
Tipping Baiiels
The Pipeuieams Pioject
Reel Youth
Baiua Raiu
This is not an Enbiiuge Animation
Thief behinu the mask (CR Aveiy)
B.C's Buge uamble
Big 0il Thieatens the Spiiit Beai Coast (naiiateu by Kevin Bacon)
Ethical 0il: the puppet iap
Spoileu: Enbiiuge anu Tankeis in the uieat Beai Rainfoiest.
Supeitankeis in Whale Channel
Wet'suwet'en viueo: Youi voice 0ui Futuie
0ncomfoitably Numb
Risking it all--0il on oui Coast

0n the Line
The Pipeuieams Pioject
Banu Togethei BC
0ncomfoitably Numb
0il Nan anu the Sea

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view Royal - 2u1u
Queen Chailotte City - Apiil 2u1u
Poit Noouy - Sept. 2u1u
Saanich - Sept. 2u1u
Queen Chailotte City - Apiil 2u1u
Association of vancouvei Islanu Coastal Communities - Apiil 2u11
Poit Clements - }anuaiy 2u12
Smitheis - Febiuaiy 2u12
Teiiace - Febiuaiy 2u12
Piince Rupeit - Febiuaiy 2u12
Nassett - Febiuaiy 2u12
Noith Saanich - Nai 2u12
Netchosin - Nai 2u12
Whistlei - Apiil 2u12
victoiia - Apiil 2u12
vancouvei - Apiil 2u12
Esquimalt - }une 2u12
0ak Bay - }une 2u12
South Penuei Islanu - }une 2u12
Noith Penuei Islanu - }une 2u12
Satuina Islanu - }une 2u12
Nayne Islanu - }une 2u12
ualiano Islanu - }une 2u12
Thetis Islanu - }une 2u12
uabiiola Islanu - }une 2u12
Lasqueti Islanu - }une 2u12
Boinby Islanu - }une 2u12
Benman Islanu - }une 2u12
Bowen Islanu - }une 2u12
uambiei Islanu - }une 2u12
Nelson - }uly 2u12
Foit St. }ames - }uly 2u12

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41u businesses have signeu Bogwoou's petition against the expansion of
oil supeitankei tiaffic : http:uogwoouinitiative.oigno-tankeisuo-

9<'/<1 /;;/1>?
The Noithein uateway piotests have been enuoiseu by unions such as:
Communications, Eneigy anu Papeiwoikeis (CEP)
Canauian Auto Woikeis (CAW)
B.C. Teacheis' Feueiation
BC Bivision of the Canauian 0nion of Public Employees (C0PE BC)
0niteu Fisheimen anu Allieu Woikeis' 0nion
BC uoveinment Employees 0nion (BCuE0)

Sum0f0s anu Leaunow's petition to have Enbiiuge iemove its misleauing
"Bisappeaiing Islanus" viueo - 4S,uuu signatuies
Bogwoou Initiative's No Tankeis Petition - 1Su,uuu signatuies
Leaunow's Piemiei Chiisty Claik: Say no to Enbiiuge Noithein uateway!
- 1S,uuu signatuies

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Pacific Wilu: Saiah Stonei saiahpacificwilu.oig 2Su.9S7.248u
Noith West Institute: Pat Noss 2Su.847.969S
Sieiia Club BC: Caitlyn veinon 2Su.896.SSuu

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