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Candidate Informational

Troy Police
Cadet Post
Post # 4102
- Advisor Contact Information
- Cadet Post By-Laws
- Cadet Post Membership Application
- NERLEEA Membership Application
- Ride-Along Release Form (Minor & Adult)
- Cadet Emergency Contact Form
Troy Police
Cadet Post
Post # 4102
Recruitment & Retention Committee

Ptlm. Brian Strock (
Ptlm. Steven Barker (
CRJ Inst. Amy Gillett (


Ci ty of Troy, NY Pol i ce Department Ci ty of Troy, NY Pol i ce Department
Cadet Post #4102 Membershi p Appl i cat i on Cadet Post #4102 Membershi p Appl i cat i on
Name: DOB: ___/___/____ Age: ____
Date: ___/___/____
Address: ___________________________ Phone: _____________________

___________________________ Email: ___________________________

School/Employer (if applicable): _______________________ Grade: _____ Last GPA:_____
Must submit 3 references. Cannot be family members. Must include contact info for interviews.

1)___________________________ Email:_____________________
Phone:_______________________ Relationship: ________________

2)___________________________ Email:_____________________
Phone:_______________________ Relationship: ________________

3)___________________________ Email:_____________________
Phone:_______________________ Relationship: ________________

Parent/Guardian Information
Father: _____________________ Phone:________________

Mother:_____________________ Phone:________________

Other Guardian (if applicable): _________________ Phone:_____________

At least one parental/guardian signature is required for applicants under the age of 18.

X______________________________________ Date:___/___/_____

! Continued from Page 1 !
Please tell us how you heard about the TPD Cadet Post:
Please tell us why you are interested in joining the TPD Cadet Post:
Please tell us about your interests and hobbies:
Applicant signature: ___________________________Date: ___/___/___
I certified that I have read the above information contained within this application and
understand that any false statements made herein are punishable as a Class A
misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the Penal Law.

Completed applications can be submitted by either mailing them to the following;
Troy Police Cadet Post, Attn: Membership Committee, 55 State Street, Troy, NY
12180 or by dropping it off to the Troy Police Desk in a sealed enveloped labeled
Troy Police Cadet Post Application. The applicant will be contacted by an Advisor
to schedule an interview when a position within the Cadet Post becomes available. It
is the applicants responsibility to ensure his contact information on file is up to date.
Any questions, contact one of the Membership Advisors via email;
Police Officer Brian Strock
Police Officer Steven Barker:
Criminal Justice Instructor Mrs. Amy Gillett:

For Membershi p Commi ttee Use onl y For Membershi p Commi ttee Use onl y- - DO NOT FILL OUT DO NOT FILL OUT

Date Application Received: ___/___/_____ Advisor:_____________

Date on Waiting List (if applicable): ___/___/______ Advisor:_____________

Interview Date: ___/___/_____ Time:_______ Location:________________

Date references contacted: ___/____/______

Date Accepted/Rejected into Post: ___/___/_____
Troy Police Cadet Post
Troy Police Department
55 State Street
Troy, NY 12180


Section 1: The name of the post shall be the Troy Police Law Enforcement
Cadet Post.

Section: 2 The Post shall be sponsored by the Troy Police Department and
shall be under the control of the Troy Police Department.

Section 3: The purpose of the Post:

a. To bring together the youth of the community in an effort to
further their knowledge and understanding of law enforcement.

b. To improve relations between the youth of the community and
the Police Department.

c. To create and further interest in law enforcement.

d. To assist the police department in carrying out special assigned
duties and functions.


Section 1: a. The membership shall be composed of persons between the age
fourteen (14) and twenty-one (21).

b. Members shall have not yet reached their twenty-first (21

c. Members must have reached the ninth grade.

Section 2: Prospective members shall complete a membership application.
Parents signature of consent is required on application.

Section 3: Any member missing three (3) or more consecutive meetings
without good reason may be dropped from membership in the Post.

Section 4: Any ruling by the Executive Boards mentioned in section 3 of this
article, which would drop any member from membership shall
need final approval from the Advisory Board. The Executive
Board shall consist of (1) Cadet Captain and (4) Cadet Sergeants.
The Advisory Board shall consist of (1) Troy Police Sergeant and
(4) Troy Police Officers.


Section 1: Cadets attending official Post activities, whether they are on duty
or not, shall be governed by the Post rules and regulations.

Section 2: Conduct of the Cadets at all Post activities shall be kept with the
highest of standards. This includes meetings and breaks.
Horseplay, while in uniform, will not be tolerated and violators
will be disciplined.

Section 3: Cadets will not be insubordinate. Insubordination is being
disrespectful or disobedient to a superior officer according to the
designated chain of command.

Section 4: Cadets must report to duty at all mandatory activities unless
previously excused for good cause.

Section 5: Cadets volunteering to work at an activity must report for the
activity. If unable to attend, they must seek the approval of the
officer in charge of that detail at least one day before the activity.

Section 6: Cadets will be courteous and respectful at all times to fellow
Cadets, the advisors, and other police officers and the general

Section 7: Cadets must address advisors, post officers and members of the
Troy Police Department with proper title and surname while in
view of anyone other than a fellow Cadet.

Section 8: Any Cadet using profanity, in or out of uniform, may be subject to
disciplinary action.

Section 9: When a member at a meeting has the floor, there will be complete
silence at once, unless otherwise recognized by the captain or

Section 10: There will never be any recognition or pictures of the post or
advisors on any website. If said occurs, disciplinary action will be
handled immediately.

Section 11: No electronic devices are to be used on a Cadet function unless
directed to do so by an advisor or officer.

Section 12: All members must be in possession of a binder/folder specifically
dedicated to the post and must have said material(s) at every
meeting unless otherwise stated.

Section 13: Any police contact outside of the Post, must be reported to a post
advisor immediately after said contact.


Section 1: Cadets will not smoke, chew tobacco, or chew gum while in
uniform at Cadet functions, or at/in Troy Police Department

Section 2: Hair length may not touch the collar. All members will be cleanly
shaven and neatly combed when reporting for duty. Female
members shall place hair into a neat bun or short pony tail using a
dark colored hair tie.

Section 3: No facial hair, other than a neat moustache and neatly trimmed
sideburns may be worn by members. Sideburns may not need
exceed the bottom of the ear lobe.


Section 1: Cadets will keep confidential all information they receive or come
into contact with through working with the Troy Police
Department. If any Cadet releases information that may endanger
a police investigation, he/she may be liable for prosecution by the
law and dismissal from the post. If a Cadet releases any
information that could embarrass the good name of the Post or the
Troy Police Department, the Cadet could be dismissed from the

Section 2: No Cadet will loiter, or visit the police department unless on
official business requiring their presence. All visits must be
reported through the chain of command for the post.

Section 3: Any Cadet utilizing or borrowing police or post equipment, or
property, will obtain permission prior to its use from and advisor
and will be responsible for the care and return of such property.

Section 4: Any Cadet working at the police department will be responsible for
the tidiness and removal of any debris they may cause.

Section 5: Cadets that have achieved permanent membership may perform a
ride-a-long. See Ride-a-Long guidelines.


Section 1: Any member unable to attend three (3) or more post meetings may
request a leave of absence in writing.


Section 1: Members may be expelled from the post for disciplinary actions
involving serious infraction(s) of the post by-laws. Members may
be expelled for any civil misconduct or arrest, which is detrimental
to the betterment of the community, the post, or the police

Section 2: A recommendation for disciplinary action may be initiated by any
member of the post through the proper chain of command or by the
Advisory Board. Disciplinary action shall be brought before the
Executive Board.

Section 3: The Advisory Board or Executive Board may, at any time, suspend
a member for good cause.

Section 4: Any member failing to maintain a C average or above in high
school shall not be allowed to attend any post functions, including
meetings, until their average is brought up. Post members will
offer help and guidance to deficient members.

Section 1: All new members will be placed on probation for a period of six
(6) months. If after this time the member does not meet the posts
qualifications, the member shall receive from the Executive Board
the reason(s) and may have their probation period extended not to
exceed three (3) months.

Section 2: Probationary members shall not have the right to vote.

Section 3: Upon completion of probation, the member will have their name
placed before the Executive and Advisory boards for a vote of full

Section 4: Probationary members will not have the opportunity to do a ride-a-
long until said probationary period is up.


Section 1: The Boards shall have power to make all rules which shall be
necessary and proper for carrying into the moral and correct
direction of the post.

2012 Youth Application for New Membership
Date _____________
Department ____________________________________________________________________________
Name _________________________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________
City __________________________________________ State ____________________ Zip ____________
Phone # ______________________ E-mail ___________________________________________________
Date of Birth ________________ Are you a Post officer ? __ Yes __ No If yes whats your rank? _________
If you are a post officer would you like to be added to the E-mail distribution list for post officers? __ Yes __No
NOTE: There is a $4.00 per year membership fee that needs to be paid either by you our your unit. ALL memberships expire on
December 31, 2011 regardless of when you join throughout the year. Please check with your advisor to determine if you need to
make a payment to the association.
P.O. Box 185
Hartford, CT 06141
(860) 573-3069
I _________________________ hereby agrees to release, indemnify and hold harmless the Northeast Regional
Law Enforcement Educational Association, Inc. (NERLEEA), Its Officers and Directors, the Cadet Police Academy
Executive staff and all other agents, locations and vendors contracted both public and private along with their
employees and staff including but not limited to the Connecticut National Guard, Department of the Army, Camp
Niantic in Niantic CT, the Federal Government, State Employees, the University of Hartford and its employees,
and agents the City of Hartford, CT and its employees including the Hartford CT Police Department and their
Police Range located at 50 Jennings Rd in Hartford, CT, all other volunteer staff both sworn and civilian, including
instructors from Federal, State and Local Law Enforcement agencies, from and against claims, suits, proceedings,
actions, cause of actions, responsibility, liability, demands, judgments and executions, which arise from or are in
connection with events and programs sponsored by NERLEEA and its registered units for the calendar year of
Our Agents shall give written notice to NERLEEA of any act or occurrence involving any claim, demand, or item of
cost of, indemnified against herein, within ten (10) days of knowledge of such occurrence or act. A lapse in
notification by our agents and/or their Agents, shall not abrogate the obligations of NERLEEA as agreed to herein.
____________________________ ________________
Cadet Signature Date
If the Cadet is under 18 Parental/Legal Guardian Permission is also required
I __________________________ give permission for my son/daughter to participate in functions sponsored by
NERLEEA and its registered units and understand the inherent risks involved in the training programs being
conducted. I understand that any and all precautions will be taken to help ensure my childs safety but that the
training is such that not every event may be planned for or prevented. I agree to all stipulations stated in both par-
agraphs above and hereby give permission to _________________________________ to participate. I do not know
of any reason, medical or otherwise which would prevent my child from participating fully and safely. I also give
permission for my child to be treated either by medical personnel on scene or at a hospital shall the need arise. I un-
derstand that all efforts to contact me will be made.
_____________________________ __________________________________
Name Relationship
_____________________________ ______________
Signature Date
_____________________________ _________________________________
Emergency Phone Contact Alternate Number

Ride-Along for a Minor Child

John F. Tedesco
Chief of Police

Richard J. McAvoy
Deputy Chief of Police

George VanBramer
Asst. Chief of Police
(518) 270-4525
(518) 270-4443
FAX (518) 270-4452
Revised 4/20/07
Date: __________________________
To: The City of Troy,

I, ______________________________residing at __________________________in the_____________
of _____________________________ and the State of New York, do hereby request that the City of Troy grant to
____________________, _____, __________________, my minor child, permission to participate in the Citizens
Ride Along program as part of his/her schoolwork and to accompany members of the Troy Bureau of Police as
they perform their usual duties and to ride as a passenger in motor vehicles owned and operated by said city.
In consideration of the granting of such permission, I do hereby assume all risks of personal injuries and
all loss of or damage to property from whatever causes arise and I do further hereby release the said City of Troy,
its officers, agents, servants and/or employees of any and all responsibility or liability of any nature whatsoever for
any personal injuries or damage to property sustained by my child while he/she is participating in said program
and/or in the company of any police officer employed by the said city in connection therewith and/or while present
in any motor vehicle owned by said city.
In order to induce the City of Troy to grant such permission to my child, I do hereby represent that I am
the parent or guardian of said child.
I recognize and intend that this release shall be binding upon myself and upon my executors,
administrators, heirs and assigns.
Signature of Parent/Guardian
Print Name
Date of Ride-Along: _______________________

School/Organization Requesting Ride Along: ____________________________________

Requesting Officer: ____________________ / Officer Assigned: ____________________

______________________________ Approved :_______________________________
Notary Public Approving authority


John F. Tedesco
Chief of Police

Richard J. McAvoy
Deputy Chief of Police

George VanBramer
Asst. Chief of Police
(518) 270-4525
(518) 270-4443
FAX (518) 270-4452
Revised 4/20/07

Date: __________________________


I, ______________________________residing at __________________________in the__________________
of _____________________________ and the State of New York, do hereby request that the City of Troy grant
me permission to participate in the Citizens Ride Along Program with the Troy Bureau of Police as they perform their
usual duties and to ride as a passenger in motor vehicles owned and operated by said city.
In consideration of the granting of such permission, I do hereby assume all risks of personal injuries and all loss of
or damage to property from whatever causes arise and I do further hereby release the said City of Troy, its officers, agents,
servants and/or employees of any and all responsibility or liability of any nature whatsoever for any personal injuries or
damage to property sustained by me while participating in said program and/or in the company of any police officer
employed by the said city in connection therewith and/or while present in any motor vehicle owned by said city.
I agree that I shall at all times while I am participating with the police department in this function, act only as an
observer, as a media representative, and that I shall stay in company with any police officer to whom I am directed to
accompany; and that I shall not touch or remove any items related to the police function. I also agree that I shall not relate
any information that may jeopardize any further police investigation or result in any possible danger to anyone. I understand
that in the course of my participation in this police operation, I may become aware of the identity of police informants,
juveniles and/or police officers operating in an undercover capacity. I agree that I shall not relate the identity of these
individuals to ANYONE.
I recognize and intend that this release shall be binding upon myself and upon my executors, administrators, heirs
and assigns.
Signature of Participant

Date of Birth: _______________________ Print Name

Date of Ride-Along: __________________
School/Organization Requesting Ride Along: ____________________________________________________

Requesting Officer: _______________________ / Officer Assigned: _______________________________

______________________________ Approved: _______________________________
Notary Public Approving Authority

**It is the Cadets responsibility to notify the Advisory Board of any changes to the below information""
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