Women With Fly

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Women With wing

I have a special place in my heart for lady pilots. The best news is they are no longer a rare commodity. These days, there are women flying every type of aircraft. Most airlines around the world now have female pilots. The senior ones are captains assigned to many different aircraft types. Shes an Air Asia captain pilot flying airbuses. Thats a great achievement in itself; she was Malaysias first airline captain. This lady looks very attractive in her pilot uniform, a white shirt with three stripes of gold shoulder boards, black pants and beautifully hair that compliment her looks . In 1998, she made international headlines, becoming the first woman in Malaysia to obtain the Airline Transport Pilot License. She said her childhood ambition was to be an astronaut. I was fascinated by the uniform, she said, adding that although she never made it to the moon, her job still required her to be thousands of feet high up in the air Captain Norashikin has a university degree in music, which she obtained in Boston in the United States and it was during those studies that she learned to fly, and earned her pilots license at the age of 22. She is a trained pianist and plays the drums, saxophone and flute. Among her accomplishments, she co-founded the 4B Youth Flying Club in Malacca and shes been flying for commercial airlines since 1996. She was the first woman in Malaysia to obtain the Airline Transport Pilot License. "I'm very happy that the Government is recognising women's achievement," Captain Norashikin said. This weekend as she was awarded the Anugerah Kesatria Puteri at the National Young Women's Gathering 2012 in Kuala Lumpur. This lady is a wonderful role model for Malaysian youth but the captain says her role model is American aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart. Malaysias Womens Weekly magazine listed her in 1998 as one of the ten most respected women in Malaysia and in 2007made her a finalist in Great Women of our Time Awards. At the moment she is completing a PhD in Management in Malaysia. And her advice to young women seeking to move outside of the traditional roles associated with women in Malaysia. Nothing is impossible. Reach for the skies. Captain Norashikin certainly did, she said. There had been any negative feedback on her success, she said a male passenger once remarked: a woman shouldnt be flying. But Norashikin said the reaction had been more positive than negative with many people adding her on Facebook to say they were proud of her. An inspirational figure, she is a role model for many young Malaysian women, ranked up there with the likes of Bank Negara Governor Zeti Akhtar Aziz and diving champion Pandalela Rinong. Indeed, her rise to the top acts as a clarion call to all Malaysian women, stating clearly that no dreams should be out of reach just because of their gender. Given the opportunity, women have proven themselves worthy and entirely competent in their work as aviators. The lady is only 42 years old but already she is planning to sail around the world when she retires.

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