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Abstraction and Modeling Abstraction

The first step in abstraction is to break the problem into as many functional parts, subproblems, or meaningful units as possible. Next, one should try to classify these functional aspects of the problems into more general categories in accordance with their distinctive characteristics. Generate as many different alternative designs as possible. Example: Developing a transportation system
Objective - Design a method for transporting people from one location to another Rather than attempt to generate some specific design for accomplishing this Through abstraction, focus on several general methods of location change

GE1103 - Fall 2002

Methods Propel - fluid motion, catapult motion, engine trust Carry - by water current (raft), air current (kites, gliders), motorized vehicles, animals Attract/repel - magnetism Sink/drop - using weight or gravity Lift - using the buoyancy of gases Slide - reducing friction Pull - with ropes Abstraction provides us with a perspective of the building blocks than can be used to develop a set of design solutions Through abstraction, we view the problem and its possible solution paths from a higher level of conceptual understanding.
GE1103 - Fall 2002

Modeling is part of abstraction process Models allow us to organize data, structure our thoughts, describe relationships, and analyze proposed designs. A model is used to obtain greater insight and understanding about that which is being represented. Models can be abstract or concrete Abstract models - mathematical/symbolic, graphical, and computer based (e.g. simulation, finite element, CAD). Concrete (physical) models - composed of clay, cardboard, rubber bands, glue, and other materials that are easily available.

GE1103 - Fall 2002

Three Types Iconic - Equivalent but incomplete 2D or 3D representations - maps and world
globes, 3D physical models of proposed bridges, highways, buildings and 3D models generated via CAD. Example: The statue of liberty - 151 ft Plaster model - 38 ft

Analogic - Functionally equivalent but incomplete representations

Example: Miniature airplanes dynamically tested in wind tunnels

GE1103 - Fall 2002

Symbolic - Higher-level abstractions of reality - equations, physics laws (e,g.

energy conservation, Newtons laws) Example: The orbital behavior of planet and its moon, satellites Projectile motion of a cannon ball, rocket motion

GE1103 - Fall 2002

Finite Element Models A system is described as a collection of interdependent discrete parts. The extent of decomposition depends upon the level of detail that one seeks in the analysis. More elements of smaller size will generally provide a more precise description of the system and its dynamic behavior. Finite elements models are used to describe:
fluid flow heat transfer dynamic mechanical responses phenomena in systems that would be difficult to analyze in any other way

GE1103 - Fall 2002

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