Lord of in House Amp Dasa Results 11 P

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Analysis of Lord of a house in another house (from satyajatakam), and results.

The Panchasiddhanta criterions should be

applied carefully and the effects of the planets should be predicted paying due consideration to the strength of the planets involved. , position of the planets in the rasis, navamsa and trimsamsa charts should be duly considered, Mutual exchange of planets, yogas, planetary significance (karakatwa) and other factors should be very carefully udged . Subha yoga ! " planet is said to have subha yoga when it is placed in the rasi, navamsa or star of a benefic planet or hemmed between benefics or is aspected by benefics. #t should not be taken to mean combination with a benefic alone. Ashubha yoga ! " planet is said to have "shubha yoga (malefic yoga) if it is posited in the rasi or navamsa of a malefic planet, or is hemmed in between malefics or is aspected by malefics or is placed in the $rd, %th or &th stars counted from the 'anmanakshatra of the native. BPHS; any planet assoc ated ! th the lord of the "th, h s #asa ! ll be fa$ourable. %he #asa of a planet aspected by the lord of a kendra or tr kona s also fa$ourable. %he #asa of the lords of the &th, the 'th or the ()th also become fa$ourable f they get assoc ated ! th the lord of a tr kona. . %he #asa of the lord of the *rd, &th and ((th, and of the planets pos ted n them and of the planets n conjunct on ! th the abo$e, ! ll pro$e unfa$ourable. %he #asa of the planets assoc ated ! th the lords of maraka. house, namely the )nd and +th, n the )nd or +th, and of the planet pos ted n the 'th, ! ll produce unfa$ourable effects. the #asa of ,ahu and -etu f pos ted n the *rd, &th and .(th ! ll be fa$ourable. /atural Benef cs . 0.'upiter, (enus, Mercury, #asas 1or all houses2 golden rule! The significations of a house are destroyed during the dasa of it0s lord if Moon (waxing), are benefics in the decreasing order the lord is placed in the 1th, 2th or /.th houses from it0s own house , 3, if malefics are placed in 1th, 2th or of strength. Mercury and Moon of the dark half /.th house from a house, and if the lord of a dustana is in that bhava, then the matters signified by the house are ac)uire malefic property if associated with destroyed during the period of the malefic occupying the bhava. 4 when *aturn transits or trine the rasi, malefics.0 .The *un, warning Moon, *aturn, Mars navamsa or star in which the lord of the house is placed, but 'upiter in the same transit will bring prosperity to and Mercury are malefics in the decreasing the house -ord. order.0.+unctional Malefics , -ords of dustanas A planet pos ted n an ausp c ous house l ke tr kona etc., at the commencement of the #asa, produces 0 -ords of ., $ and // houses, if associated with fa$ourable results n h s #asa. %he planet pos ted to the &th, the 'th or the ()th at that t me, y elds only benefics become benefits of the third rate. #f they ad$erse results dur ng h s #asa. are associated with malefics, they become third rate 56ept ons for all cases underneath 7 3ut, if the lord of the house concerned is in dustana from it0s rasi malefics. dispositor in 45 or it0s dispositor is in dustana fom him the good effects will not happen fully, it may be in talk or dream only6 bad or even reverse effects may even occur. 7e will experience both happiness and unhappiness. #f the lord and its dispositor are in trine or kendra with each other in 45 expect better results karaka must be fr endly 4 strong for super or results +irstly some 8a ayogas are told. / #f the ascendant falls in a 9hara (movable) rasi, with the :avamsa ascendant being owned by a benefic and if the lords of the 9hara rasis are placed in angular or trine houses or beneficial signs in the 8asi as well as :avamsa diagrams the person will become a king or will become a very rich and famous person. . #f the lord of the ascendant is in a ;endra or a ;ona house, and in the sign of a benefic in the 8asi 9hakra and the :avamsa 9hakra and in a benefic star, the native will rise to a great position in life and will be a friend of kings. < #f the lord of the lagna is weak and is placed in the different houses, with ashubha yoga, the effects will be contrary to what follows. #f shubha yoga and ashubha yoga are both present, the result, too, will be mixed. #f the lord of the lagna is strong but its depositor i.e., the lord of the sign in which it is placed, is weak, he cannot produce the good efects to the full extent i.e., they will be only ordinary. #f the ascendant lord and its depositor are, both, weak the results will be very bad. #f the ascendant lord is strong and is placed in the -agna or 9handra=-agna in the birth chart or navamsa chart or is hemmed in between benefics or is aspected by benefic planets, results will be very good. #f it is placed in between benefics and malefics, results will be mixed. #f it is in between malefics only or is aspected by malefics, results will be of a very bad nature. 8ord of 9ond t ons and 9ond t ons and results for the dasa per od of the lord of house 0 (.#f the ascendant lord has the eightfold hcncfic nature, mentioned above house 0 ( general results; during the course of its dasa, it will yield good results such as fortune, royal favour, health, fame, influence and happiness. These results will n house 0 There will be gradually increase. 7e will be respected by his relatives. < #f the ascendant lord be weak, by being posited in inimical sign, or debilitation sign physical well or is setting , during its dasa. the person will lose all importance. 7e will be a very ordinary person. 7e may even become a poor servant. 7e being will be troubled by worries. 7e may become wicked. #f it be in the twelfth house in the navamsa chakra, he will he ever moving from place to place. 4uring the sub period of this planet, the native will be very unhappy and poor. / -> / strong ? subha yoga ? in kendra , the person will be very powerful, having the )ualities indicated by the lord of the lagna, and will become a famous leader of his men. . -> / strong ? subha yoga ,the native will ? ->/ c . ->.6 native will become very rich. 7e will eat delicious food in gold and silver plates. (as the second house become very rich and en oy all kinds of denotes . The vessel will be made of metal ruled by the planet in con unction with the lord of the first house. happiness. "ll the signification of the secondouse would thrive. 7is family will prosper. 7is words will be respected. 7e will have all round success. 7e will have chance to see dramas, cinemas and other shows. $ -> / strong ? subha yoga ,the person will ? ->/ c . ->$6 a brother will be born. 7e will do courageous acts. 7e may get wealth through his brother. 7e will study become famous and powerful with the help of religious works and hear musical performances. 3ut, if the lord of the ascendant be in the 1th6 2th or /.th houses from the his brother. 7e will be proficient in music or amsa occupied by the lord of the $rd house, the good effects will occur only to a small extent. 7e may even )uarrel with astrology. his brother during the period. @ -> / strong ? subha yoga, the native will ac)uire much landed ? ->/ c . ->@6 the native will ac)uire conveyances, landed property, cattle, and good dress. 7e may get a property and conveyances. 7e will inherit the property of his new house. 7e will be respected by his relatives and will derive benefits through the company of relatives, mother and en oy all kinds of happiness and comforts.? the learned people and friends. "s before, if the lord of the ascendant is placed in the 1th, 2th or /.th amsa person will be very powerful, having the )ualities indicated by from the amsa occupied by the lord of the @th house in the navamsa chart, the good effects will happen only the lord of the lagna, and will become a famous leader of his to a small extent, the native may have bad effets also as falling from vehicles, )uarrels with mother, losses men. through lands etc. % -> / in a benetic rasi, navamsa, or a benefic star, or is placed between two ? ->/ c . ->%6 , the native will be happy, get royal favour and will be respected by his benefic planets, or is aspected by benefics, the person will be a favourite of kings friends and relatives. " child may be born to him. The native will worship gods. 7e and nobles. >r he may be adopted by great people6 and will win the blessings of may hold high posts (as minister etc.). 7e will win affection of his father and grace of the deities indicated by the benefic planets. Aod. 7e may enter government service during this period. 1 -> / in subha yoga, the native= may rise to high ? ->/ c . ->16 dasa will prove to be bad. The native will suffer troubles through government, litigation with his partners, positions in the army (as commander=in=chief )uarrels with others and from cuts and wounds. 7is limbs may be affected and he may suffer poverty in this etc.), or as a great doctor.( The karaka for sixth periodBBB..The effects will be reverse if the lord of the 1th house be debilitated and the ascendant lord be exalted in house is Mars who rules army, medical the navamsa diagram. Then he will not suffer from diseases and will work in the army6 navy or air force as a chief. 7e profession) will have success in wars. & -> / strong ? subha yoga, the native will reside in ? ->/ c . ->&6 the native may have some ourney during this period. 7e will celebrate auspicious ceremonies like foreign countries or in the house of his father=in=law. marriage etc., in his house. 7e will derive pleasure from the use of sandal paste, scents, flowers and garlands. #f the 7e will be immoral and have illicit relations with seventh house falls in a movable sign, he will have ourney to distant places. 3ut if it is in a fixed sign, he will be in many women. 7e will be given to pleasures and will his own place. #f it be a dual rasi, he will go to foreign countries. #f the ascendant lord be weak, he will be merely adorn himself with sandal paste and garlands.? the wandering without any gains. person will be very powerful, having the )ualities 3ut, if ascendant lord is in dustana from the rasi lord of &th house in 45, the good effects may not occur. Then the indicated by the lord of the lagna, and will become a native may not go on any ourney. There will not be any auspicious events like marriage etc., in his house. 7is famous leader of his men. con ugal happiness may suffer. 2 #f the lord of the lagna is strong and is pl ced in the eighth house with a shubha yoga, the native ? ->/ c . ->26 the effects will be very bad. The native will suffer will have loig life but will be poor. 7e will help others and will be courteous in his behaviour. extreme poverty. 7e may have attacks of diseases. 7e will do mean and 7is speech will be sweet. 7e will be hardworking and will discharge his duties with great care. sinful acts. 7e may incur debts also. 5 -> / strong ? subha yoga, the native will do ? ->/ c . ->56 the person will get wealth from his property. 7e will worship deities and serve his father. 7e will become charitable deeds and wi/l be devoted to his very rich and famous for his large scale charitable deeds. 3ut, if ascendant lord is in dustana from the rasi lord of 5th preceptor. 7is father will be a person of great house in 45, the effects will be reverse. 7e may not get any property from his father. 7e may not be devoted to his father reputation. The native will ac)uire property and and may not do virtuous deeds. 7e will mix with sceptics. #f the lord of the lagna be exalted and is con oined with the wealth from his father lord of the 5th house, the person will earn much wealth and may renovate *hiva and (ishnu temples.

/C -> / ? subha yoga, the person will ac)uire name and fame. 7is ? ->/ c . ->/C6 the native will attain name and fame, will perform sacrifices, will have good occupation will be the one which is denoted by the lord of the tenth status and rank in life and will be religious and orthodox. 7e will hold an influential post and get house. 7e will have 8a a yoga if the planets are strong. ? the person will promotions in his service. 3ut, if ascendant lord is in dustana from the rasi lord of /Cth house in be very powerful, having the )ualities indicated by the lord of the lagna, 45 ,effects will be bad. 7e will earn a bad name in his office. 7e will not perform his duties. 7e and will become a famous leader of his men. will lose his influence and his orders may not be obeyed. 7e may commit sinful acts. // -> / strong ? subha yoga, the native will be very fortunate and will ? ->/ c . ->//6 the person will make profits in his business and will get money through his elder become very famous. 7e will have gain in all enterprises. 7e will brother and will have gains in many ways. benefit through his elder brother. 7e will ac)uire the articles 3ut, if ascendant lord is in dustana from the rasi lord of //th house in 45, there will be very little indicated by the lord of the eleventh house. gains and very little happiness. 7e may )uarrel with his elder brother. #f the ascendant lord and the lord of the //th house be enemies, there will be constant obstacles to his gains. /. -> / strong ? subha yoga, the native will be religious and will do charitable ? ->/ c . ->/.6 the person will be poor and will lose the wealth of his parents. 7e will deeds. 7e will have a happy and comfortable life. 7e wi// be calm and )uiet. 7e live in foreign countries and lead an unhappy life there, . wandering here and there. will do meritorious deeds with a view to achieve happiness in the other world. 7e *ome good effects will also be there if the lord of the lagna be in his own sign. will spend his paternal wealth in good ways. 7is wealth vyill gradually decline. :eneral cons derat ons; /DThe native will earn much wealth if the lord of the second house==(i) is placed in a benefic sign, navamsa or star (ii) or is hemmed in between benefics (iii) or is aspected by benefics (iv) or is placed in an angular house (/, @, &, /C) or a triangular house (/, %, 5) from the ascendant, ascendant=lord or the lord of the second house or (v) is placed in its own house. The gain of wealth will be through the matters signified by the lords of the angle, trine and exaltation signs and also through the signification of the planets that aspect the lord of the second house. ..D#f the lord of the second house is afflicted, the native will incur expenditure through the significations of the second house. This may happen if the lord of the second house (i) is hemmed in between malefics (ii) is aspected by malefics (iii) or if the lord of the sign. occupied by the lord of the second house is weak, then the native may not even get good food. 7e may eat the food offered in funeral ceremonies. 7e will suffer from ill=health and will be unhappy. 7e will have many family troubles and may suffer from tooth=ache also. placement of the .nd lord in "ngles, Trines and Epachayasthanas ($, 1, /C, //) is auspicious. 3ut its placement in the 2th and the /.th houses will be harmful. #f the fourth and eleventh houses are strong and auspicious through connection with benefics and a planet (in @ or // or aspecting) having downward=gaFe has 4hana yoga, the person wi// get treasure. 3ut if the houses @ and // are weak and are connected with malefics, the native will s)uander away his wealth. #ur ng the dasa of the lord of the )nd house, there ! ll be effects ,(a) of the planets in con unction with the lord of the .nd house or which aspect the lord of the .nd house 6(b) the lord of the rasi in which the lord of the second house is placed 6(c) the lords of the navamsa and trimsamsa in which the lord of the .nd house is placed 6(d) the house owned by the planet which is con oined or is aspecting the lord of the second house. i.e. the significations of these planets are also to be taken into consideration suitably combining them with the delineations of the lord of the .nd house. 8ord of house 0 9ond t ons and general results; 9ond t ons and results for the dasa per od of the lord of house 0 ). if the two lords of . and it0s dispositor are in ) n house 0 distress and possibility of death dustana in 45, the results mentioned may not actually befall or may be very feeble or even give reverse effects. / ? subha yoga, the person will get wealth through his own efforts. #f the ascendant lord is placed in the 5th house, ac)uisition of wealth will be through his father and elders. #f the .nd lord and ascendant lord have malefic yogas, his wealth will be spent away )uickly. . *ee the general the native will earn much wealth. 3ut, if the lord of the ascendant be weak, the person will not be able to en oy his wealth but will save it considerations ust above without spending. #f the lord of the ascendant be strong, the person will en oy his wealth and he will be much respected. "s the second house indicates family and education also, these also will thrive. 3ut, if the lord of the second house be in the 1th, 2th or /.th amsas from the sign in which he is placed in the rasi chart, there may be loss of wealth or he may merely have a name as a rich man and not be really rich. "s the second house happens to be the 2th from the &th house, there is the danger of death of his wife or diseases to his wife and her relatives. $ ? subha yoga, the person will ac)uire wealth through brothers. music, drama, etc. ? con unct with the lord of the third house, his wealth will continue to grow and #f it has an ashubha yoga in the third house, money will be wasted through the increase. 7is brother will also gain some wealth and will start managing the family. #f means mentioned above. the lord of the second house be strong, the native may earn wealth through music etc., but if it be weak, actual gains will be very little. @ ? subha yoga, the native ac)uires wealth through mother, lands, ? con oined with the lord of the @th house, he will have good income through lands, education and agriculture, education, friends, conveyance and vehicles. #f it has conveyances. 7e may even come across with treasure somewhere. 7e may get the property of his a malefic yoga, money will be wasted through the planets causing grandfather. #f ->.#:1,2,/. + 4#*->.#: 45 the good results mentioned above may not actually the same. happen. #f the lord of the @th house is devoid of strength, he will have very little gains. % ? subha yoga there will be ac)uisition of ? with the lord of the %, he will have gains of money during this dasa through the significations of the %th house i.e., son, wealth through children, great men, temples father, religious institutions, duty, king and his officers. #f, ->.#:1,2,/. + 4#*->.#: 45 the effects may not actually and mutts. #f there is a malefic yoga, the happen. +urther, if these two planets be weak, actual gains will be very meagre. #f the lord of the ascendant or the navamsa means indicated above will, cause lagna be con oined with the lord of the second house, gains will be very little. expenditure of money. 1 #f the lord of the .nd house is placed in the sixth house and has a shubha ? with the lord of the 1, income will be through the significations of the sixth house. "mong yoga, the native will get wealth through medical profession, enemies, the significations are uncle, loan etc. There may be expenditures due to illness etc. 7e may litigation, theft, games and races. 7e may ac)uire riches also through the ac)uire income through uncles. "s 1th is, 5th from the /Cth, there is possibility of getting items signified by the lord of the sixth house. income from profession. GThese are views held by some. 3ut all this is not favourable for the #f the lord of the second house has a malefic yoga, the effects will be bad accumulation of wealth or increase of bank balanceH. and he will lose money through these indications. & ? subha yoga, the native will ac)uire wealth from foreign countries. This ac)uisition will be through women if the ? 9on unct lord of &,the person may have gains depositor of this planet in the :atal and "msa charts or the lord of the star occupied by the .nd lord is a female planet. #f through his father=in=law. 7e may reside in a this .nd lord has Iashubha yogaJ, expenditure of money will be caused through women. foreign country and there he will get much Kxample6 #f the lord of the second house is placed in the seventh house with a shubha yoga and is hemmed in between wealth. #f "yurdaya agrees, in this period there *aturn and Mars which happen to own benefic houses and if (enus is in any rasi other than its own, his wife will be is the danger of death as the .nd and &th houses unchaste and he will earn wealth through her by immoral means. are maraka sthanas. 2 #f the lord of the second house is placed in the eighth house and has a ? with its lord, he will be involved in heavy debts. This is not a good combination and many benefic yoga, there will be ac)uisition as well as expenditure of wealth. #f evil results may happen. The native will not be happy. 7is wealth will be spent away. 7is the .nd lord is combined or aspected by yoga=karaka planet, he will earn wife may pass away or may do bad deeds #f, ->.#:1,2,/. + 4#*->.#: 45, the results may wealth through the means indicated by the yogakarakas. #f there is a malefic not happen or may be opposite. #f the lord of the eighth house be devoid of strength, he will yoga, the native will have no benefits. #f there is a mixture of the good and lead a miserable life in a far=off place and may even eat food offered in funeral ceremonies. bad indications, the results also will be of a mixed nature. (.nd house is bhukti sthana). 5 ? subha yoga, the person will get wealth from his father and other elders. 7e may ? with the lord of the 5th house, the person will earn much wealth. 7is father will be also get wealth through the means indicated by the 5th lord and the planets very fortunate. 3ut, if the lord of the 5th house be weak, gains will be very little. associated with the .nd lord. /C ? subha yoga, the person will ac)uire wealth through service, commerce, ? with its lord, he will ac)uire wealth through his occupation, government, royal favour, trade, sacrifices, performance of religious rites, and ceremonies and trade, gifts etc. The effects will be pronounced if there be a 8a a yoga in addition. 3ut, if the agriculture. lord of the .nd house be weak, actual gains may be very little. // ? subha yoga, the native will ac)uire wealth through trade, money=lending, usury ? with its lord, he will have much gains of wealth. 7e may ac)uire wealth through his and through his elder brothers. #f this .nd lord has a malefic yoga, there will be elder brother. 7e will have profits indicated by the nature of the lordship of the planets much expenditure and waste of money through the above means. con oined with the lord of the second house or by the nature of the lord of the amsa in which the lord of the .nd house is placed at birth. /. ? subha yoga, there may be some ac)uisition of wealth through religious ? con oined with its lord, the person will have large expenditures of money, in the ways means. if the said planet has a malefic yoga, money will he spent away signified by the planets con oined with the lord of the .nd and /.th houses. #f the two lords through the above means. are weak, expenditure will be small.

Aeneral Kffects of the Third 7ouse / #f the lord of the third house has shubha yoga and if its depositor and the ;araka are strong, the person will have prosperous brothers, ear=ornaments, endurance, skill and valour. 7is brothers will be long=lived and famous. ..#f the lord of the third house is a friend of the ascendant=lord and is placed in a trine hone (/st, %th or 5th) to the ascendant or its lord, the person and his brother will live together in the same house without partition. $.#f the lord of the $rd house is placed in a female rasi, navamsa and star, the native will have many sisters. 3ut if it is placed in a male rasi, navamsa or star, the native will have many brothers. @.#f the lord of the third house occupies both male and female rasi, navamsa and star, the native will have both brothers and sisters. %.#f the lord of the $rd house occupies Epachaya houses (i.e.) $rd, 1th, /Cth and //th from the ascendant and is strong, the native will have many brothers. 3ut if he is in a malefic rasi or star, he will have only few brothers. 1.#f the lord of the $rd house is placed in an Ebhaya rasi (4ual sign), the native will have twin brothers or twin sisters. &.The number of sisters and brothers of the native will be e)ual to the navamsas passed by the cusp of the third house at the time of birth. /o Brothers ; 2.#f the lord of the $rd house is placed in the rasi or navamsa owned by a malefic or is hemmed in between malefics or is aspected by malefics and if the depositor is inimical towards it, and if the karaka for third house is also very weak, the native will not have brothers. Kven if there is any younger brother, he will be inimical towards the native. 5.#f such a third house lord is with a female rasi or amsa or planet, his sister will be of low character and may even be immoral. The native may suffer from defective hearing also. /C.#f a malefic planet is placed in 1th, 2th or /.th counted from the third house and the depositorL of the malefic planet is connected with the third house, the depositor may cause death to the brother of the native in its dasa. //.#f the lord of the third house happens to be the lord of dusthana (1th, 2th and /.th), he may use destruction to the third house. /$. ; #f Mars becomes the lord of the third house, and is in his own rasi, younger brothers and sisters may be destroyed. /@.#f the *un is placed in the third house, elder brother of the native may die. #f *aturn is posited in the third house, his second or third brother may die. #f other planets are placed in the third house, they will produce effects in accordance with their lordship ("dhipatya). 8ahu, in the third house, will make his brothers prosperous. 8ord of house 0 9ond t ons and general results; unfavourable effects 9ond t ons and results for the dasa per od of the lord of house 0 * * n house 0 / the native may become an adept in music and ? with the ascendant lord, the person will be very fortunate. 7e will con)uer his enemies. 7e may earn money through acting. #n playing the role of female characters, music. 7e will be courageous and will have ear=rings set with gems. he will ac)uire fame. #f the lord of the third #f the lord of the ascendant be in a female sign in combination with female planets and is also weak, the native will house is placed in lagna, and has an ashubha perform the role of a dancing girl and earn money. yoga, the native will be abused by all and #f the ascendant=lord be con oined with malefic planets, his profession will be very bad and despisable. if the two lords of become notorious. $ and it0s dispositor are in dustana in 45, the native will struggle very hard but his rewards will be very little. . with a shubha yoga, the person will not have any younger brothers. #f any his brother may die or his mother may become ill during this period. #f the lord of the $rd younger brother, happens to survive, he will be very wealthy. #f there is an house be in its own, he might have to support and maintain his brotherJs family also. 7is ashubha yoga, his brother will be mischievous and he will cause )uarrel in brother may earn wealth decently ($rd house indicates brother. .nd house indicates wealth). #f the family. the lord of the $rd house is weak, opposite results will happen. $ Kxpect good dasa brothers will thrive well. The native will have increased wealth. 7e will do courageous acts. 7e may be having short travels also. @ ? shubha yoga, and if the lord of the navamsa, in which it is placed, is weak, ? with the lord of the @th house, his brother will be happy and become famous in this period. there may not be many younger brothers. 3ut under these conditions, if the The native may buy vehicles and conveyances. 7e will have gains through education and lord of the ninth house is strong, he may get some step=brothers. lands. 7e may manage the affairs of his village. < #f the lord of the third house occupies the fourth house and if the lord of #f the lord of the @th is weak, his mother may suffer from diseases and there may be damage the fourth house and Mars are both weak, the person will lose his lands and to his crops, his lands may be partitioned or he may construct a new house. 4uring this dasa, will liveJ as a tenant in othersJ houses. in the sub period of a weak planet, he may have a fall from his vehicles. #f ->$ M ->@ are in dustana from each other in 45, there may be no vahana yoga and he may not be happy % with a shubha yoga, the person will have many brothers. ? with its lord, he may become a great man or his brother may be helped by some noble men. The native may Kach brother will earn his living by his association with get wealth through the grace of some deity. #f the lord of the $rd is very weak, the native may live as a cook or as a temple, deity or a wealthy person. The person may a musician. #f it is very strong, he will get much wealth from the king or government. #f the lords of $rd and %th himself be a wealthy person or may be adopted by a rich houses be mutually in 1, 2 and /. amsas in the navamsa diagram, he will be very unhappy. #f the lord of the $rd man.. with ashubha yoga, his brothers will not be lucky. house be in kendra or trikona in the navamsa chart, he will be fortunate and happy. 1 with shubha yoga, his brother may be a commander=in=chief (a high position with its lord, during this period his brother may become inimical towards the native. >r his in army, navy or air force) or may become a great physician. #f under these brother may fall ill or suffer from stomach trouble. #f there is shubha yoga for the $rd, he may circumstances,, the lord of the sixth house is connected with the third house, be employed in the military or have an authoritative power post. 7e will derive help from his his brother will be an able athlete and good in gymnastics and physical uncle. #f there be connecton with the lord of the 1th and 2th lords, under these circumstances, exercisesB. with an ashubha yoga, his brother will be sickly or meet with the dasa will be auspicious and the native wi// be fortunate ((ipareeta 8a a yoga). #f the lord trouble from enemies or may himself become a thief. of the $rd house is con oined only with the lord of the 1th house, the native may suffer from with shubha yoga, the native may rise to high positions as commander etc., ear=diseases. #f the lord of the third house is placed in the 1th, 2th or /.th amsa from the amsa in army, navy or air force. >r else, he may be a successful physician and in which the lord of the 1th house is placed, the effects will be different and then his brother earn much wealth. wi// not be inimical towards him. & with a shubha yoga, his brother will be helpful to him. < #f at the same time, the ? con unction with the lord of &, his brother will go to a distant country. #f a benefic lord of the seventh house is placed in ascendant, his brother may be in foreign planet be associated with the lord of &, his brother will live happily in that country. #f countries. The person will live in his own country and his brother will help him by the lord of & is weak and be in a chara (movable) rasi, his brother wi// undergo sending money to him from the foreign country. sufferings in that country and may even die there. The native will derive help and < #f the lord of the third house is placed in a female rasi, navamsa or a female star benefits from his father=in=law. G$rd house is 5th from the &th and hence father=in=lawH. and if *aturn and Mars are placed on its either side (papakanari yoga in the natal 8elatives of his wife will thrive. 7e may have a second marriage. Placement of the lord chart) the person will have illicit relations with the wife of his brother who will of the third house in the triangular, angular or labha (//th) amsas in the navamsa reside in a foreign country. diagram is auspicious.#f the $rd lord and the &th lord are both devoid of strength, his #f the lord of the third house is placed in the seventh house in a movable sign his brother will be wandering from place to place and will lead a miserable life. 7e may brother will be living in some distant land. #f it is a fixed sign his brother will live become extremely poor and live by begging. #f the seventh house is a watery sign, the in his own country. 3ut if it is in common sign, he will not be far away. native may go on a pilgrimage to holy places. 2 with a shubha yoga, ultimately his brothers will meet with alongwith the lord of the eighth , his brother will suffer from ear diseases. 7e may have troubles through destruction. #f, however, there is an ashubha yoga, the person enemies also. The same troubles can happen to the native also. #f there is association with the lords of 1, 2, will be very extravagant and thereby become poor. "lso, he or /. , the person may amass good amount of wealth. #f the lord of the third owns the 2th also, the troubles will suffer from some dire disease. above mentioned (ear diseases, troubles through enemies) can happen to the native or his brother. There is the possibility of enmity with his brother and also the danger of death. 5 with shubha yoga, his brother will be affectionate towards his father and will get ? with the lord of the 5th , his brother will prosper well and will become rich during this paternal property. < #f at the same time, the lord of the ninth house is placed in the period. The native may do charity. 7is patrimony will increase. 3ut if the lord of the ascendant, the native will get wealth from his brother and father. 5th house is afflicted or weak, there may be disagreements with his father. #f a malefic L with an ashubha yoga, the native may be inimical towards his father or s)uander is with the lord of the third , his wealth will decrease and his father will suffer from away his paternal property through his brother. >r, his brother may destroy his diseases. #f a benefic be with the lord of the $rd , his wealth will surely increase. #f the deeds and institutons of charity. lord of the third house is in the 1th, 2th or /.th amsa from that of the lord of the 5th house, opposite results will happen. /C with a shubha yoga, his brothers will thriveJin business and will have ranks ? con oined with its lord, daily rituals may be disrupted or there may be obstacles in the and high status in the society. They will help the native in his business. #f performance of his sacrifices, (/Cth house signifies sacrifices). #f the lord of the $rd has there is an ashubha yoga, the effects will he reverse. combination with benefics, his brother may be in government service. 3ut if it is combined with a malefic, his brother will be a had person engaged in despisable activities. // with a shubha yoga, it is highly auspicious. ? with the lord of the eleven, his brothers will prosper very much during this period. 7is elder brother will be very fortunate The native will have many brothers who from his childhood. 3usiness will thrive yielding high profits and gains. 7is brothers will do well during this period. The nature will help him to ac)uire wealth. #f there is of goods in which trade will be done will depend upon the nature of the signs and the planets involved. #f the lord of the third is ashubha yoga, it indicates danger to his devoid of strength, gains will be meagre. #f the lord of the third is in the 1th, 2th and /.th amsas, his younger brother will be

poor. 3ut his elder brother will be well=off. #f the lord of the third is in a feminine rasi, and with female planets, these results have to be predicted for his sisters. /. with a shubha yoga, the person may ? with the lord of the twelve and weak, it is very evil for his younger brothers.and sisters some of whom may even die in this period. not have any younger brothers. #f The native will suffer from ear=diseases. 7e may lose or sell away his ear=rings. 7e will be ever wavering, unable to take firm there is an ashubha yoga, results will decisions. #f the rasi of /.th falls be a movable sign, his brother will stay in some foreign country. #f the rasi is fixed, he will stay in be reverse. the same place. #n each case, the planets that are associated have to be taken into account as their effects will modify the results of the lord of third house. 8ord of house 0 9ond t ons and ; n house 0 general results6 ac)uisition of house and land 9ond t ons and results for the dasa per od of the lord of house 0 ;. #n general, if the lord of the @th house be in a kendra or a kona, or in his own sign and be strong, its sgnifications i.e. happiness, education, conveyances, lands, agriculture, etc., will thrive well. The native will dig wells and construct new houses. 7e will plant trees and his agriculture will flourish. #n each case, the strength of the karaka planet be udged properly and then only the results foretold. #f the lord of the @th bhava rules evil houses also, there will be a mixture of both good and bad results. The position of the planet in the navamsa and trimsamsa charts is also to be considered. The signification of the planets which rule the benefic navamsas and trimsamsas in which the lord of the fourth house is situated should be considered and these may also occur during the period of the lord of the @th house. brothers




? subha yoga, the native will be rich and would have been born ? con oined with the lord of the ascendant, (or navamsa lagna) and if the two be friendly to each in a royal family. 7e will he highly learned in many sub ects and other, the native will have vehicles and conveyances in plenty. The fourth house denotes education. #f will en oy continuous happiness all through his life. #f the the *un is placed strongly by being in his exaltation or own sign, the person will possess knowledge ascendant falls in a watery sign, the person will live on the banks about self (i.e. "tma nana). The *un being karka for father, his father will maintain good health and of rivers and will possess lands watered by channels. 7e will live live happily. #f the Moon is placed similarly, he will get good food. #f Mars be strongly placed, he will in big palatial houses and will be brought up by his mother with purchase many lands, houses and wi// be successful in debates and literary contests. #f Mercury be care and affection. 7e will be respected by his friends. so, he will be highly educated and his maternal uncles will be prosperous. #f 'upiter is the lord of the @ #f there is an ashubha yoga instead, results will be had. They may and placed in lagna strongly, the person will be a noble person and his mind will be pure. #f (enus be be , (/) 7is education may be stopped in the muddle. (.) 7is likewise, he will be blessed with comforts, conveyances, good dress, and delicious food. #f *aturn be mother may die soon after his birth. ($) 7e will pass his days so situated the person will be bad, cunning and untruthful and will tell lies. with great difficulty by selling his fatherJs property. (@) 7is cattle #f the lords of the /st and @th houses are in the 1th, 2th and /.th amsas in the navamsa chart the and lands may bring him trouble. #f there be a misra yoga, results beneficial results will be only on a small scale. #t is necessary to consider the strength of the planets will be mixed. also. with a shubha yoga, the person may get property from his with the lord of the second house strongly by being in exaltation , own or friendly sign or so in the uncle. 7e will be rich and will get money through his lands. navamsa chart, he will get various kinds of happiness. The .nd denotes family. 7ence=his entire family 7e will possess may vehicles and will support his family will be happy during this period. 7e will derive much happiness through his wife and lead a comfortable members. 7e will eat good food and will be happy throughout life. 7is words will be respected. 3ut, if there be connection with malefic planets or if the lord of the his life. fourth house is weak, beneficial results will be less. with a shubha yoga, the person will have small amount of ? in con unction with the third lord, it is not very good. $rd house being /.th to @th house, he might lose money and land. 7e may be having a step=brother with whom his lands, buildings etc., during this period. #f the lord of the fourth house be exalted, in its own sign or he will not be on good terms. 7e might sell his house. be in arohana, or be with beneficial planets or be in the same amsa, the results regarding comforts through conveyances, education, lands etc., will be moderate. #f the lord of the fourth house is aspected by ? strongly placed , it is extremely auspicious. (#f it is any one of the % ma or planets, Mahapurusha yoga will Tiryagmukha planets (Moon, Mercury, 'upiter and be caused). "ll the significations of the @th house will thrive to a great extent. This is true even when the lord (enus), the person may ac)uire neighbouring lands and of the @th house be placed in kendras or trikonas with strength. The native will get higher education, gains and thereby come across treasure hidden under earth. 7e will happiness through his conveyances, buildings and mother. 7e will build new houses plant fruit trees and dig become very rich. #f the lord of the fourth house is wells. #f the lord of the @th house is weak, the results wi// be less or there may be loss through these aspected by urdhvamuklta planets (the *un and Mars), indications. #f the lord of the @th house be lord of an evil house also, results will be of a mixed nature. The the person may earn money through crops and lords of the amsa and trimsamsa, will produce the good results in their bhukties. cultivation. with a shubha yoga, the nativeJs mother would be very rich ? con unction with the lord of the %th house, or if these planets have interchanged their houses (%th lord and prominent in the family. *he will be religious and will in the @th and @th lord in the %th house), it is very auspicious. 7is children will prosper and be happy. possess good character. "lso the nativeJs sons will hold high The person will be a friend of nobles and lords. There will be abundance of corn, and cattle in his house. posts and will be very lucky. 7e may hold some post of authority and power in the government and wi// achieve good reputation. 7e will earn wealth through education and lands in the native place of his father. with a shubha yoga, his maternal uncle will be prominent person. +urther, if the lord of the sixth with the lord of the sixth nouse and if the significator is also strong, his house is placed in the ascendant or is associated with the ascendant=lord, his uncle may live in mother wi// be happy6 income from lands will increase6 he will have the nativeJs house or the person may be troubled by enemies and diseases. good education and comforts of good conveyances6 his maternal uncle with a shubha yoga, his mother may contact some disease or may become immoral. #f the will be well=off and his cattle will thrive. 3ut, if the planets be afflicted karaka, the Moon, is also devoid of strength, he may lose her soon. #f the lord of the fourth or weak, during this period, there will be evil results through the above house is in the sixth house, in a common sign, he may have a step=mother. sources. 7e may sustain in uries by falling from vehicles., , 7is mother L with ashubha yoga, and the karaka Mars is also devoid of strength and is aspected by the lords may suffer from ill=health. 7is cattle may be sold away. 7is education of the trikonas, the person will be very unfortunate. 7is business will not . thrive and his landed may be stopped. 7e may be involved in some cases regarding his property may decline. #f Mars is weak and does not get the aspect of the lord of the tenth house, lands. These things have to be udged carefully by considering the he may mortgage his lands for repaying debts. #f (enus is weak, he may lose his conveyances respective significators and the afflictions. and cows or he may sustain in uries by falling from his vehicles. with shubha yoga, the native will be very lucky. 7e will lead a happy life. 7e or his father=in= with the lord of the &th house, during that period, the native will live law will possess much landed property. #f at the same time, the lord of the seventh house be happily in some foreign land. 3ut, if .the karaka etc., are not strong, he placed in a chara rasi (movable sign), he will get much income from his estates, lands, may have difficulties and may even die there. #f the lords of the @th and education and other things denoted by the @th house. #f there is an ashubha yoga, he may lose &th houses be placed in 1th, 2th, or /.th amsas in the navamsa chart, there his mother early or there may be harm to his conveyances during ourneys wi// be no death. shubha yoga, he will lose a ma or portion of his along with the lord of the 2th , he will experience many difficulties and losses through his lands, cattle etc. 7is mother land and only small portion will be left for his may not keep good health, his education may be stopped or there may be many obstacles on the way. There may even upkeep. 7e will lead a poor life. #f there is an be difficulties due to litigations of his house. #f the lords of the @th and 2th are mutually placed in 1th, 2th or /.th ashubha yoga, results may be reverse. amsas the eeffects will be much less. #n each case, the strength and placement of the planets in the navamsa chart should be carefully looked into. with shubha yoga, he will get a large along with the lord of the 5th house, good results have to be predicted as follows , #f Mars be also strong in the horoscope, amount of paternal property. 7e will earn he will be fortunate through his lands etc. #f Mercury be strong, he will have a good education. #f (enus be powerful, he will money through education and will possess en oy comforts through conveyances, dress etc. #f the Moon be strong, he will get property from his mother. #f the lords of good conveyances. the @th and the /Cth are strong in their trikona or kendra amsas in the navamsa chart, the good results will be more. #f they be mutually in the 1th, 2th or /.th amsas in the navamsa chart, the results will be much less. it is extremely good. along with the lord of the /Cth house, immense good results will follow. The person will hold a high post. #f there be further association or 7e may be like a king aspects of benefic planets, he will hold a very high post. 7e may even be a king or a minister depending upon the strength of the benefic planets. possessing much 7e will be respected and held in high esteem. The good results will be prominent in the dasa and bhukti of the lord of the @th house, /Cth house wealth, provided the being the house of sacrificial rites, if 'upiter be strong, he will perform many sacrifices. 7e will get promotions and gains in his employment or karaka also is endowed his business. 7e will have large gains of wealth through trade if the lord of the fourth house be the ruler of the eleventh house also. GThis with strength. happens if karaka or maraka becomes lagna. #n the case of 9ancer ascendant, (enus is the lord of the @th and the //th houses. #n the case of 9apricorn ascendant, Mars rules the @th and the eleventh houses.H #f the planets is weak, the good results will happen only on a small scale. #f they be placed in the 1th, 2th or /.th amsas, there may not be any good results at all. the native will have much gains through along its lord, the native will have large gains of wealth without any effort. 7e will be happy and comfortable. #f under these business, lands, cattle, trade, studies, circumstances, there is an association of benefics in addition, the profits will be very enormous. The gains be through the things

mother, etc. 7e may inherit the wealth signified by the planets involved. *trength of the planets is also to be taken into consideratiion. #f they are weak, profits will be of his mother. 7e will possess good very little. #f the lords of the @th and //th houses be mutually in the 1th, 2th or /.th amsas in the navamsa chakra, or they are dress and vehicles. 7e may be having aspected by malefics, the good results mentioned above may not happen. "s the //th house signifies elder brother, he will be many step=mothers. happy and comfortable and if there is further combinations, the native may have gains of wealth through his elder brother. with ashubha yoga, he will along with the lord of the /.th, generally bad results will occur, more particularly if the karakas are also weak. Then his education may be be poor, devoid of houses interrupted. 7is mother may not keep good health. There will be damage to his lands and crops. The person may not be happy for many and landed property. 7e may reasons. There may be worries and difficulties. These things have to be decided by considering the strength, position etc., of the karaka lose his mother early and planets. if the lords of the fourth and twelfth are mutually placed in sixth, eighth, or twelfth amsas from each other in the navamsa chart, suffer hardships thereby. the evil results above=mentioned will be very little. "lso if there be connection with benefits, troubles will be reduced to a large extent but combination with malefics will aggravate the difficulties and troubles.


:eneral 5ffects . #f the lord of the fifth house is strong and placed in upachayasthanas ($, 1, /C or //th house) and if the karaka for children ('upiter) is strong the person will get many children. Nith a subha yoga, the sons of the native will be very wealthy and fortunate. They will be very powerful. The native will be rich and he will be a friend of importanr people ,7e will be intelligent and good at Mathematics. 7e will have many disciples, or he may be the head of an institution. 7e will have much power and fame. /%.9ombination for daughters , #f the lord of the fifth house is placed in a female rasi, female navamsa or female star, he will have many daughters. /1.9ombination for sons , #f the lord of the fifth house is placed in a male rasi, male navamsa or male star, he will have many sons, (provided he is endowed with strength and is free from afflictions). /&.9ombination for twins , #f the lord of the fifth house is placed in a rasi, amsa or star of a hemaphrodite nature (napunsaka), children may be born as eunuchs. #f the lord of the fifth house is in a common sign, the native may get twins. /2.#f the lord of the fifth house is placed in a bad house (1th, 2th or /.th) and in a bad star and has a shubha yoga, the native will have very few children. /5.#f the lord of the fifth house and the ptitra=karaka ('upiter) are placed within /2CO from the ascendant i.e. in the first six houses, the native may get children early in life. .C.:umber of 9hildren , Nhen 'upiter placed in the rasi, amsa and nakshatra in which the lord of the %th house is placed, aspects the %th house, conception will take place. ./.Time of conception , Nhen upiter placed in the rasi, amsa and nakshatra in which the lord of the %th house is placed, aspects the %th house, conception will take place. ...#f there is powerful aspect from malefics to the fifth house, there may be abortion. Nhile ashubha yoga is totally bad, misra yoga produces mixed results. .$.#f the lord of lagna is placed in the fifth house or if the lord of the fifth house is placed in the lagna or if the fifth house is a rasi owned by *aturn or Mercury, or if the fifth house is aspected by *aturn or Aulika, the native may have an adopted son. .@. #f the lord of the ninth house is aspected by a female planet, the native may adopt his daughterJs son. #f the same is aspected by a male planet, he may adopt his paternal uncleJs son, or his grandson. #f the lord of the 5th house is aspected by the lord of the 1th house, he may adopt the son of his dayadeens (cousins). :ote , The adopted sonJs characteristics, caste etc., can be determined with reference to the planet aspecting the fifth house. 8ord of house 0 9ond t ons and 9ond t ons and results for the dasa per od of the lord of house 0 "; /. #n general, if the lord of the %th house is strong by being " n house 0 general results; in his own sign, own navamsa or his exaltation sign, during its period, the native will get children. #f it is associated with benefic progress in planets, the native may be a very rich person or he will have a large number of children. #f the lord of the %th house is in the eighth rasi education and or amsa from the lagna navamsa or from the lagna navamsapati in the navamsa chakra, the children become his enemies during the happiness from .period. >therwise, he will have happiness through his children during the period. children. / with a shubha yoga, the person will be an officer along with the lord of the ascendant, he will become a great leader in life. 7e will be rich and possess many having power to punish. 7e will be a friend of conveyances. 7e will have a small number of children. 7e may be adopted during his youth. #f there be connection kings and will be liked by all. 7e will have with benefic planets, he will be a friend of noble men and thereby benefitted. 7e will have divine grace and success in limited progeny and will be kind to others. 7e his undertakings. 7e wi// amass wealth and his worship will yield good results. #f the lord of the %th house and that of will not have enemies. #f there is ashubha yoga, the ascendant be mutually in the 1th, 2th or /.th amsas, good results will be very feeble. 7e may not be adopted and he will be issueless. 7e will adore low deities. he may not become a great man. >r, his friend will be only an ordinary noble man. 7e may be cruel and bad by nature. . with a shubha yoga, he may have a large family. 7e will be intelligent, and will be knowing ? if there is a combination for becoming an ascetic (sanyasa yoga), he astrology. 7e will be good in the art of prediction. 7e will en oy good food. 7is wife will be will be head of a mutt, having many disciples who will obey him and affectionate. 7e will make money through AodJs grace and through his connections with please him with their presents. #f the lord of the %th house be devoid of people. #f there is ashubha yoga, he will be poor. 7e will struggle to provide for his family. strength, his many disciples will be low and ordinary and they may offer There may be )uarrels in his family. 7e may earn his livelihood through temple worship. only ordinary type of presents, that too, very few in number. $ with a shubha yoga, he will have along with the lord of the third house, during this period, his brother will become a prominent man with much fame. The native many children early in life. 7e will will get a child provided this period occurs in his early middle age. 7e will be courageous and free from mental worries. 7e might be a friend of rich people. 7is brother wear ear=ornaments. 7e will have good health and his body will be strong. 3ut, if the lord of the %th is weak, or if the lord of the will be well placed and influential. %th is in 1th, 2th or /.th amsas from the lord of the third in the navamsa chart, the above mentioned good results may not occur or they may be very feeble and the person will not en oy good health and his body will become weak. @ with a shubha yoga, he will have limited along with the lord of the @th house, it is very auspicious, %th is a trine while @th is angular . "s @th house indicates number of children and they will live by happiness and conveyances, these will thrive. ;ings will send presents to him. 3ut if the lord of the %th is afflicted or weak, agriculture. #f there is ashubha yoga, he he may lose some children, (this is because @th is /.th to %th). 7e may be a teacher to a rich man who will go to his house may be issueless. #f there is misra yoga, his for tution, (@th indicates education, %th indicates noble men and @th indicates house). >r he may receive lands or vehicles children may not live long or his daughters through a noble person. 3ut, if the lord of the %th house be weak, good results will occur only to small extent. #f the lords of only may live long. @th and %th are mutually in the 1th, 2th and /.th amsas in navamsa chart, even these good results may not occur. "ssociation of the lord of the %th with many benefics, may even make him a great king. Much depends on the strength of the lord of the %th. "ny 8a a yoga present will enhance the good results. Transits and the dasa period are also to be considered. % it is good for children. "s the fifth house indicates purva punya, intellect etc., it is highly auspicious provided it is sufficiently strong. 4uring its period, he may get these will be abundant. 7e will have divine grace. 7is children will be children and if there is association with benefics, he will come in contact with noble prosperous men and wi// have happiness through his children. 1 with a shubha yoga, his son may be inimical towards him. 7is uncle will be along with the lord of the 1th house, durng this period, his maternal uncle will live wealthy and renowned. #f the lord of the %th house is in a female star, he may happily. The native will also be happy. 3ut, if the lords of the %th and 1th are marry a girl belonging to his uncleJs family. #f there is an ashubha yoga, he may mutually in the 1th, 2th or /.th amsas in the navamsa chakra, good results will not be be issueless or may be punished by the king. < #f there is a misra yoga (mixed realised and sometimes even evil results may prevail depending on the affliction. yoga), he may be issueless or may have some incurable disease. #f there is combination for adoption, he may adopt his uncleJs son. & #f there is a misra yoga (mixed yoga), he may along with the lord of the &th , and other benefic planets, the native will get money through his son. "s seventh house be issueless or may have some incurable indicates travel, his son may go to far off countries. +ather=in=law of the native will be fortunate during its period. "s &th disease. #f there is combination for adoption, house indicates marriage, there may be celebrations of marriage in his family. 7e may feed the 3rahmins and do other he may adopt his uncleJs son. auspicious ceremonies. The native will have a pleasant time and will have divine grace. #f the lord of the %th house is devoid of strength and is in the same amsa in the navamsa chakra, there may be sickness to his children. 2 his sons will be very unfortunate. The native will not along with its lord, it is evil to children. 7is children may be short lived. There will be displeasure or enmity with be religious and his children will be very poor.L #f his elders, father, deity etc. 7is worship (upasana) may not yield the desired results or it may go vain. #f the lord there is an ashubha yoga, he may lose even his of the %th is with malefic planets, these results will not occur. #f the lords of the %th and 2th are in the 1th, 2th or adopted son. #f there is a misra yoga, he may have an /.th amsas in the navamsa chart, the evil results will be greatly reduced. adopted son. 5 it is good. #f there be a subha along with the lord of the 5th house, the period will prove very auspicious. The person will rise to a position of considerable power and yoga, his father will be a prestige. Kven his father will be very fortunate by winning the favour of kings and nobles. >r it may be that the native ac)uires wealth reputed person and through a rich and eminent person, or through his son. The good results will not be there if the lord of the 5th is powerless. #f the lords of charitable. The native will 5th and %th are mutually in the 1th, 2th or /.th amsas in the navamsa chakra, good results will be reduced to a great extent. "s the %th get wealth by divine grace. #f house indicates AodJs grace, he will have fortune by the grace of Aod. #f the lord of the %th house is the *un, or is placed in *unJs sign, he there be an ashubha yoga, he will be working as a clerk in some temple. #f it be the Moon, (or in MoonJs rasi), he will be employed as a treasurer. #f it be Mars (or in will be unfortunate. 7e may MarsJ sign) he will get money through the blessings of his village deity. #f it be Mercury, he may be employed in a court of law. #f it be incur the displeasure of 'upiter, he will be working in a charitable institution. #f it be (enus, he may be in a Fenana (women )uarters)and earn income through deities. dancing girls etc, #f it be *aturn, he may be an authority imposing punishments (magisterial powers). #n this way the details have to be

/C udged and this is only a mere indication of the method to be adopted in offering prediction with a shubha yoga, the person will with its lord, it is indicative of very auspicious results. This being a 8a a yoga, the native will become a very highly placed perform meritorious deeds like renovation officer with all amenities. /Cth house being 8a a sthana, this is surely indicated. *ame results may be predicted even when of temples, choultries and other charitable the lord of the /Cth house is placed in the ascendant or in the lagna navamsa. #f, under the circumstances, the lord of the %th institutions. >r he may conduct sacrifices, house is strong by being in its exaltation or (argottama positions, he will be a ruler of many countries. 3ut, if the lord of the poo as, etc..L #f there is an ashubha yoga, ascendant is weak, he may become a saint and may become the head of a mutt. #f the lord of the ascendant is strongly placed he will do bad deeds and he may collect in the eleventh house, the native will become a rich businessman. #f the lord of the second house be in paramochcha money for temples and religious purposes position, his profits will be immense. #f the lord of the second house be in a watery sign, or a chara rasi, the source of and utiliFe the same for personal needs. income will be sea=trade. The articles of trade will depend upon those ruled by the planets involved. *imilarly, the nature of 7is profession will be a low one. 7e may the posts held may also be determined by a careful consideration of the planets i.e. the lord of the /Cth house, the lord of %th work as a cook in a temple or in the house house and the planets in association or aspecting them. The means of livelihood, government service, trade, agriculture etc., of a rich man. maybe determined from the nature of these planets. with a shubha yoga, the person will have gains the native will have gains of wealth through his sons or his brothers or a noble person. #f the lord of the %th house be through his children. 7e will have success in his 'upiter, the noble who will be of great help to him, may be a 3rahmin. #f it is (enus, he may get help through a lady. #f undertakings and get wealth through the help of the *un, help will come from a king or government. #f Mercury, it will be from a 3aniya (#ndian caste consisting the rich people. generally of money lenders or merchants) . #f *aturn, it may be from a low=caste person like sudra etc. #f these planets own malefic houses also, they may give troubles too. "ssociation with benefits always promotes auspicious results and ameliorates evil results. 8everse will be the case by association with malefics. house with a shubha yoga, he will en oy pleasures of the indications of the %th house may suffer. The %th house indicates children, intellect, mind etc. Thus, during bed. 7e may become detached from worldly affairs this period, his mind may be disturbed. 7e may be having mental disorders, senility idiocy, etc. 7e may become and will be engaged in the meditation of 3rahman. afflicted with diseases like aundice. 7is children will become sick or have other troubles. >r his father may >ne of his sons may die due to which he will become become ill. This period will be very bad and gloomy for the native. a monk renouncing everything. Eltimately he will :obles will be displeased with him. #f there be association with benefit planets, the person may pursue attain salvation. The evil results are possible when philosophical studies. 7e will become detached from worldly pursuits. 7e will do charitable deeds and will there is an ashubha yoga and things will be mixed spend his money for good purposes. "ssociation with malefics will prompt him to waste his money in bad ways. #f the lord of the ascendant be weak, he will be wandering aimlessly in foreign lands without any benefit.



:eneral 5ffects 8ord of house 0 9ond t ons and general results; danger from enemies and ill health 9ond t ons and results for the dasa per od of the lord of house 0 & & n house 0 / the native will be brave or a commander=in=chief. 7is with the ascendant lord, during the period of the lord of the sixth house, the person may suffer from diseases, sores maternal uncle will live in his house. The native will and disorders. 7e may have troubles through the government. #f 8ahu be in con unction with the lord of the sixth have much power. 7e will be employed in the house, there may be losses and troubles through thieves. #f the *un and the Moon are weak, he will suffer from government and will have much authority. 7e may be poverty. #f the lord of the ascendant be in con unction with the lord of the 1th, 2th and the /.th houses, he will be in=charge of ails. Kffects will, however, differ afflicted with some serious disease like leprosy. #f the ascendant lord be placed very. near the ascendant or the lagna according to the nature of the yoga present. #f there is navamsa, the period will bring diseases, miseries caused by enemies, and poverty. These difficulties will go on benefit yoga, good results will follow. 3ut if there is a increasing and there will be no relief from the troubles. #f the lord of the 1th house is placed in the 1th, 2th and /.th malefic yoga, he may be troubled by disease or he amsas and if the lord of the lagna is in its own amsa, the bad effects will be greatly reduced. may become a thief. . with a shubha yoga, there may be fre)uent )uarrels in the family. 7e may along with the lord of ., significations of the second house will become bad. Puarrels in the lose his money through thieves. There may be eye troubles. 7is teeth may house, losses through the actions of enemies, eye=trouble, tooth ache, untimely food, wound not be in order. 7e may stammer or he may keep repeating what he said. #f etc., are some of the bad results which can arise. 9on unction and aspect of benefic planets there be ashubha yoga, he may lose his wife early. Then if (enus, the will certainly reduce the evil results. #f the lord of the ascendant is also with the 1th lord, kalatra karaka, is also weak, he may remain unmarried holding bachelorhood during its sub period in the ma or period of the lord of the 1th house, even death of the native as a virtue. 7e will not get timely meals and may live by begging. may take place and there will be evil results during the boyhood of the native. $ with a shubha yoga, his brother may become inimical. 7is maternal uncle will be along with its lord, his brother may become inimical towards him. The person may friendly with his brother. The native will be )uarrelsome and uncompromising. 7e suffer from severe ear=troubles and there will be losses caused by enemies. #f the karaka or his brother may be afflicted with diseases. #f there is an ashubha yoga, the for the third house is weak, his brother will become sick. #f a maraka planet oin the native may not have any younger brother lord of the 1th , the native may even die durnig this period. "ssociation with benefits will reduce the evil results. @ with a shubha yoga, the house of the native may be vcry old and dilapidated. and if 8ahu con oins the Moon, his mother will be of bad character and in her old age she There may be obstacles to continuous education. 7is mother may be afflicted will become very sick. #f Mars is very weak, enemies will take away his lands. #f Mercury with diseases. 7is uncles may live by agriculture. #f there is an ashubha yoga, is weak, his education will be interrupted. #f (enus is weak, the person will have troubles the person will be stricken with poverty. 7e may be a servant or a cook. 7is through his vehicles and conveyances. Nhen the lord of the %th is strong, if the native is a mother may be immoral. There may be legal or otherwise trouble from his lady, she may become widow. #f the lord of the 1th and the ascendant lord be enemies or if house and lands. 7is life will be miserable and may even go to ail. #f there is situated in the 1th, 2th positions, his mother may become abandoned. 9ombination with misra yoga, he may hold some low post, and may be looking after village benefics willl surely reduce the evil results. 9ombination with malefics may cause losses administration. 7e may )uarrel with his mother and may not stay permanently to his cattle. crops and agriculture. in any house. % with a shubha yoga, the native may be adopted by his maternal uncle. 7e with its lord, some nobles will become his enemies. >r his sons or his father may be inimically may have some wealth and fame. #f there is ashubha yoga, his son may be disposed towards him. 7is children may become sick. Norship and austerities performed by the afflicted with disease or may even die (depending upon the extent and native will he interrupted due to impediments. There will be unnecessary )uarrels with others. power of the malefic yoga). #f there is misra yoga, the effects are likely to 9on unction with malefic planets will cause loss of children or childlessness. 9on unction with be of a mixed nature. benefics will surely ward off much of the evil results. 1 Kxpect good dasa in general combined with henefics, results will be good. "t the beginning of the period results will be those ?if P"9 of malefic ! good harsha yoga indicated by the planets in con unction with the lord of the sixth house. The native will en oy comforts with a shubha yoga, and if the karaka planet (saturn) is strong, his and happiness during this period. 7e will overcome his enemies and there will be success in his maternal uncle will be wealthy and fortunate. 7is dayadees undertakings. #ncome from his landed property will increase. 7e will wear good dress and ac)uire (cousins) will be powerful. #f the significator (karaka) of the 1th conveyances. #f, however, the lord of the sixth house be weak, good results will he very little. #f the house be con oined with the lord of the ascendant, the native may lord of the 1th house be in con unction with the lord of the 2th or /.th houses, throughout the period, become a commander= in=chief and wi// be fortunate. #f there is the person will en oy happiness ((ipareeta 8a a yoga). #f it be posited in the kendra or trikona ashubha yoga, the native will suffer through his enemies. #f there is navamsas, enemies may give him trouble. 4uring the sub periods of the planets in combination with misra yoga, results will be of a mixed nature. the lord of the 1th house, there may be unfavourable results. & with a shubha yoga, his maternal uncle will be powerful. The combined with the lord of the &th house, significations of the &th may he bad. Thus, his wife will not native will marry his maternal uncleJs daughter. 7is uncle may maintain good health or may be sick. >r there may be )uarrels, separation, misunderstandings with his exercise to control him. >r his maternal uncle may stay in foreign wife. >r he may himself fall sick. (1th lord is aspecting the ascendant). There will be impediments to countries. (1th house indicates uncles6 &th house foreign travels). auspicious ceremonies. +urther, if the lord of the ascendant is also with malefic planets, the native will #f there is an ashubha yoga, his wife may die early or will be be troubled by sickness, activities of enemies, debts, loss of women etc. #f the lord of the 1th is in the abandoned. #f there is misra yoga, results will be mixed. #f the 1th, 2th or /.th amsas from the lord of the &th house, there will not be much troubles like lord of the sixth house is placed in the seventh house in a neutral misunderstanding with wife etc. #f the lords of the 1th and .nd houses are con unct, the period may even rasi or star or navamsa, his wife may be barren. 7is wife may be bring about the death of the native. #f the karaka of the &th house be placed in kendra or trikona amsas sick or may die during the dasa of the lord of the sixth house. #f alongwith 8ahu, his wife will be a victim of slander and scorn. #f the karaka is weak and is placed in the the ascendant lord also is in a neutral rasi, the person will also be ubhaya rasi (commonDdual), he may Marry second time due to misunderstandings with his first wife. #f sterile. 8eference should be made to the karaka planet (enus be in the rasi of Mars or *aturn and is associated or aspected by malefics, he may en oy many (venusD upiter) and yogakaraka in the horoscope. won en due to his misunderstandings with his first wife. 2 house with a shubha yoga, the native will have combined with benefic planets, there will be good results. The sub=period of these benefic planets will prove medium life. #f there be an ashubha yoga, he will have auspicious. #f the lord of the sixth house is with the lord of the ascendant in the rasi or navamsa chakra, the native

many troublesome periods (dangers) and he will be will be troubled by diseases and enemies from which there will be no relief. #f the lord of the 1th bhava occupies affected with diseases throughout his life. #f there is malefic amsas, there will he serious diseases and troubles from enemies. #f the lord is placed in the 1th, 2th or /.th misra yoga, his life may be short or he will get into amsas but the lord of the lagna occupies auspicious navamsas, there will be relief from these troubles. The planet debts. combined with the lord of the 1th house in the 2th house becomes a maraka and has the power to inflict serious ?if P"9 of malefic ! good harsha yoga diseases and even the power to kill. 5 with a shubha yoga, his father will be employed in the combined with malefic planets and the karaka of the 5th house is also afflicted, father of the native will he udiciary as a udge, magistrate etc., but wi// be inimical troubled by diseases and enemies. Property obtained from his father will be wasted away. #f the lord of the towards him. 7is maternal uncle will be rich and fortunate. sixth is with the significator of the 5th the father may pass away. #f the lord of the 5th and the 2th be The native may ac)uire wealth through his cousins. 3ut, if con oined and if the 1th lord is also associated by con unction or aspects in the 5th house, his father may die there be malefic yoga, results wi// be bad. before his birth. #f the lord of the &th is also combined in this yoga, his father will die in some foreign place. #f the lords of the 5th and the 1th are combined, there will be enmity between the father and the son. /C with a shubha yoga, the person will do had deeds or cruel deeds. 7e will pretend to be religious and orthodox, but, in nature, he will be sinful. 7e may eat food offered in *raddhas and will not fear to commit crimes. #f there is ashubha yoga, the native will have a low and bad profession. 7e may live as a cook. >r he may lose his ob and will lead a miserable life. // with a shubha yoga, his elder brother will be an officer having authority to impose fines and imprisonment. #f there is ashubha yoga, the person will be stricken with poverty. /. he will spend his money in bad ways. 7e will his enemies will be wiped out. 4uring the beginning of the lord of 1th the native may commit some bad deeds. The lord of do bad deeds. #f there is ashubha yoga. he 1th can produce illness and evil results during the sub=period of the planets with which it is combined in the /.th . #f may fall into hell after his death. combined with benefics, the period of the lord of the 1th house will produce auspicious results. #f the lord of the 1th house ?if P"9 of malefic ! good harsha yoga be in the 1th, 2th or /.th navamsas, results may not be good. 3ut, if it be in the trikona navamsas, results will be good. :eneral 5ffects; Time of wifeJs death , #f the &th house lord, (enus or up. (kalatra karaka), and their depositors are strong, his spouse will die during the third revolution of *aturn on the lord of & (in the chart of the spouse). #f these four planets are of ordinary strength, sheDhe will pass away during the second round of *aturn. #f they are weak, sheDhe will die during the first revolution of *aturn. L 9ombination for widowhood , #f Mars or 8ahu is placed in the .nd or &th or 2th house, the woman may become a widow (in female chart Q). #f they are in the @th house, her mother may become widow. L Time of Marriage ! #f the lord of the &th house is strong and (enus is placed in Epachaya rasi ($, 1, /C, or //) with full strength during the first revolution of 'upiter, marriage will take place early. #f the &th house lord and (enus are of moderate strength,, marriage may take place during the second revolution of 'upiter, (i.e. between the /.th year and .@th year of his age). #f both are devoid of strength, he may marry during the third round of 'upiter. #f they are extremely weak, he may have no marriage at all. >r even if he is married, his wife may die very early even before he en oys her. L #f there is a debilitated planet in the &th house, his wife will be sickly or he may marry a woman who has no regular periods. #f Mars be there, he may marry a widow. #f 8ahu be there, he may have relations with a very = low=born woman. #f Mars and *aturn be there and (enus happens to be between them he may en oy a bad woman. 4etails regarding colour, caste etc., of the woman can be predicted from the nature of the lord of the navamsa in which the &th house lord is placed and also the planets associated with that. L #f the lord of the &th house or (enus is placed in even rasi or even navamsa or in a female star with shubha yoga, the native will have 8a a yoga and he will derive en oyments from several wives. 8ord of house 0 9ond t ons and general results; distress to wife and the possibility of the 9ond t ons and results for the dasa per od of the lord of house 0 + ; + n house 0 death of the native / the native will be always travelling from place to with the ascendant lord, the native may go to some foreign place and live there happily. 7e will have fre)uent travels place carrying letters etc. 7e may marry a woman to distant lands and his wife will manage the household work. #f there be combination with benefit planets, the person who was brought up in his own house. 7e will be will be a sailor or a leader of a crew. #f the combination is only with malefic planets, he will be a beggar. #f there is always in the midst of ladies and hanker after combination with benefits and malefics, results will he mixed. #f the lord of the ascendant be devoid of strength, the sexual pleasures. #f there is malefic yoga, results period of the lord of the seventh house may be a maraka. #f the lord of the house is very weak or be placed in the 1th, will be opposite. 2th or /.th amsas, the foreign travel may be in vain and the good results mentioned above may not happen. . with benefic yoga, the native will get wealth through women. #f there is in combination with the lord of the .nd house, the native will have gains of wealth through ashubha yoga, he will lose his wife early, or his wife will be immoral and his wife. 7e may get money from some far off place. 4eath may occur to the native or to his earn money thus. 7e may wander for food. 7e may eat food offered in wife as the &th and .nd houses are maraka sthanas. >r he may live separated from his wife in *raddhas and funeral ceremonies. 7e may die during the a far off place. >r the native may have a second marriage during this period in a distant land. Period of the lord of the seventh house. #f there is misra yoga, he may ave #f the lord of the &th is in the 2th amsa etc., in the navamsa, his wife may not die. >ther two wives. :ote , . M & are death inflicting houses. Nhen the seventh house combinations, strength etc., of the planets have to be taken into account before venturing to lord is placed in the second house with ashubha yoga, he surely becomes give the prediction. very powerful to cause death $ with a shubha yoga, his brother will be fortunate and con oined with the lord of the $rd house, father=in=law of the native will be fortunate. " second marriage is becomes rich by going to foreign lands. #f there is a malefic possible for the native. "s the &th house is a maraka sthana, during the sub=period of the lord of the third yoga, his brother will suffer misfortunes and the native may house, death or some evil result may befall on his brother. >r the native may go to some far off=place during en oy his brotherJs wife. this period. 9ombination with benefic planets will reduce evil results but the same with evil planets will make the evil results only worse. @ with a shubha yoga, his wife will be very happy. *he will along with its lord, the person will lead a happy life with the relatives of his wife. 7e will have many travels in get many children. The native may go to foreign lands. connection with his lands. 4uring the beginning of the period of the lord of the &th there may be celebrations of 7e will have good education and good conveyances. #f marriage etc. 3ut his mother may die or fall sick at this period. 7e may ac)uire vehicles and wealth through his there is misra yoga, effects will be mixed and in the educaton in some foreign place. The good results depend upon the strength of the lord of the &th house and the presence of ashubha yoga, results will be evil. benefic influence it derives due to the combinations with benefic planets. % with a shubha yoga, the person will be married while young. 7is along with the lord of the fifth , it is very bad for his wife and children whom he may even lose. 3ut if wife will be the daughter of a rich person. *he will be a very able there be combination with benefic planets, evil results will be reduced and his children etc., will be lady. #f there is ashubha yoga, he will be issueless. >r he may get a happy. The native may receive some letters and money from some rich people residing in some child through the adultery of his wife. 7is master will be troubled distant lands. >r the native may get some money from his father or through his sons. Placement of the by enemies in a foreign land. #f there is misra yogas, the native will lord of the seventh house in the 1th, 2th or /.th navamsas or even his weakness will reduce the good have only daughters and no sons. results considerably. 1 with a shubha yoga, his wife will come from the family of his maternal along with its lord, and at the same time if there be combination with malefic planets also, uncle. >r the native may have two wives. >r he will be troubled by diseases. many evil results may be produced. 7is wife may be separated from him. >r she may fall sick #f there is ashubha yoga, he will suffer from piles. #f the kalatra karaka, , i.e., during the period or she may die depending upon the extent of evil influences. >r she may be (enus is also weak, he may abandon his wife or his wife may be carried sub ected to disgrace. 7is maternal uncle may die or meet with many troubles. Knemies may away by his enemies. cause )uarrels and troubles to the native. There may be theft in the house of the native. 9ombination with benefic planets will alleviate the troubles to a great extent. & with a shubha yoga, it is good. The person will be very con oined with benefic planets, it is very auspicious. 7e will be married early. 7is wife will come from a rich powerful. 7e will be very handsome. 7e will en oy many family and she will be devoted to her husband. *he will be beautiful and the marriage will be performed on a women. 7is wife will come from a good family. 7e may large scale with music and other celebrations. 4uring the course of this period, the native will perform many also get wealth through his wife. i.e., from her family etc. auspicious ceremonies. 7e will be much successful and fortunate during this period. 3ut if the lord of the &th (Moreover, if the planet be one of the five ma or planets, house is with malefic planets, he may become a maraka and cause death or other troubles. #f the lord of the &th i.e. Mars, Mercury, 'upiter, (enus, *aturn, it. will cause house is weak, the results will not be good. Mahapurusa yoga). 2 with a shubha yoga, the nativeJs death may take place in a foreign country. 7is wife may also meet con oined with a malefic planet and at the same time the karaka is also with early death. #f there be misra yoga, results will be mixed. The native will en oy her for very weak, the period will prove very evil. The native or his wife may sometime and then she may die. >r, he may live as a bachelor. >r else, his wife may contract some die or will have serious troubles or some severe illness. The native may disease.L #f there is malefic yoga in addition, he may remain unmarried or his wife may contract go to foreign country and there he may get into miseries and troubles. some disease and may be separated from him. 5 with a benefic yoga, he may become rich in a foreign in con unction with benefic planets, the period will prove very auspicious. #t indicates that the native will

country or his father may stay in another country. The become fortunate through his wife. Thus he may get the property of his wife and much wealth. 7e will be very native may do meritorious (dhannic) deeds in a foreign rich and remain happy throughout his life. 7e may be pious and virtuous. 7e may carry on his profession in land. 7is father=in=law may be very wealthy and prominent. some foreign place. The effect of the planets with which the lord of the &th is con oined should be carefully #f there is ashubha yoga, however, his wealth will be spent studied. #f the lord of the &th is powerless, good results will be very meagre. if it he in the 1th, 2th or /.th away and he may lose his father early in his youth. amsas, good results may not materialise at all. /C his wife will attend to his needs with care. 7e in con unction with the lord of the /Cth house the person will be very famous in some foreign country. 7e will do virtuous may be employed in a foreign country. >r he deeds there. 7e will be charitable and will do many religious deeds. 7is wife will he a noble lady. The native will be may wander from place to place. 7e may get respected and honoured everywhere. #f the lord of the /Cth is weak, results will be very poor. #f the lord of the lagna is with his living through the assistance of his wife. benefic planets and the lord of the sixth house, the person will be a commander of an army. 7e will be good at horse=riding and will travel widely. 7e will ac)uire fame by con)uering his enemies. 7e will meet with his death in some battle if there be a combination producing death. // he may have many wives or he may en oy many women. #f there is misra yoga, the results con oined with benefic , is well fortified by being in its exaltation point etc., will be mixed. #f there be a malefic yoga, he may always be walking or live by carrying he will have much gains in foreign countries. #f it is weak, the gains will be bundles on his back. 7e may lose many of his wives. +inally, one of his wives will survive very less. #f there be con unction with malefic , the results will be otherwise him after his death. #f the eleventh house lord is in the second house, he may gain wealth ! only bad results will be produced such as losses etc. from foreign countries and from women. /. with a shubha yoga, he will en oy many women for sometime. 7e may meet and con oined with its lord and if the karaka planet (enus is also very weak, it indicates with his death in a foreign country. #f there be an ashubha yoga, he will lose danger to his wife and marital happiness of the native. There is possibility of the native going his wife early or he may live as a bachelor or may be thinking about other to foreign places and if there be the combination with benefic planets, the evil results will be women lying in his bed. reduced6 but if there be only the influence of malefic planets by combination and aspect, the evil results will be more intense. :eneral 5ffects; /.#f there is a malefic planet in the eighth house, the native will die of some ma or disease or he may die unnaturally. #f there be shubha yoga, he will have a peaceful end without pain. ..#f the lord of the 1th and 2th house be in combination, certainly the disease will be the cause of his death. $.#f there be a shubha yoga in the eighth house, the native will have long life. "shubha yoga will cause short life, while misra yoga will give medium length of life. @.#f the -agna, ascendant lord and the Moon have full strength, and if the lord of the birth star, lagna, navamsa and *aturn are all very strong, the person will have long life. #f all are weak, he will be short lived. Moderate strength of these planets will give medium length of life. 9alculat on of 8ength of 8 fe<see satyajatakam p +" " malefic placed in 1th or 2th house aspected by its enemy which is not in setting, or combusted, brings death during its dasa or bhukti (sub=period). " planet which is the enemy of the ascendant lord may cause sudden death during its bhukti in the ma or period of the ascendant lord. *o length of life is to be calculated after studying such dangerous periodsB 9ause and mode of #eath 0 This is to be ascertained from the lord of the star or rasi in which the 2th house lord is placed. 0 Means of death may also be determined from the nature of the rasis and navamsas in which the lord of the ;hara drekkana i.e. twenty second decanate is placed, as also the 0 lords of the said rasis and navamsas. 0 The place where death will take place is to be decided from the rani ruled by the said planets. 0 Norlds (-okas) to which the departed soul would go, are to be ascertained by the worlds ruled over by the said planets. 0 The person will remain unconscious at the time of death for the amount of time that was to have elapsed in the ascendant at the time of his birth. (C to . hours ! C to $C degrees) 0 #f the lord of the 2th house be in upachayasthana, life will be long. 0 #f the lord of the 2th house be in a bad place, life will be of medium length. 0 #f the lord of the 2th house be in the /.th house, life will be short and the native will spend his wealth in bad ways. 0 #f *aturn and Mars be strong, the person will undergo troubles from debts, cuts and wounds. Balar shta (#eath dur ng 9h ldhood)" child is susceptible to death ,/.Nithin four years as a result of the sins of its mother...Nithin eight years as a result of the sins of its father.$.Nithin twelve years as a result of its own sins.7 7ence the life span of a child is to be mathematically calculated only if heDshe lives after twelve years. 3ther rules 6 #f the lord of the 2th house be placed in the 1th, 2th or /.th house, the indications of these houses flourish. #f there be a benefic in one of 1th or 2th house, these houses will prosper to a moderate extent. #f the lord of the 2th house be placed in the /.th house, the signification of /.th house thrive to a great extent. #f the lord of the 2th house be placed in houses other than 1th, 2th or /.th houses, the houses are destroyed. #f in addition, there be a malefic planet placed in that house, the house is completely ruined. #f there be a shubha yoga, the said house thrives moderately, and the period of the lord of the 2th house will prove to be good. 9hh dragrahas (5$ l planets) ! (/) the lord of the 2th house6 (.) the planet associated with the lord of the 2th house6 ($) the lord of the star in which the 2th house lord is placed6 (@) the lord of the navamsa in which the lord of the 2th house is placed6 and (%) the khara drekkanadhipati i.e., lord of the ..nd drekkana. These planets bring misfortunes and troubles. 8ord of house 0 9ond t ons and general results; 9ond t ons and results for the dasa per od of the lord of house 0 ' ; ' n house 0 possibility of death and financial losses / in con unction with the lord of the ascendant, the native will be very poor and be ever involved in debts. 7e will suffer miseries in his life. #nfluence of malefic planets, if present in addition, there will be diseases, worries and anger of kings and superiors during the period. #f the lord of the 2th house be weak, or is, in the 1th, 2th or /.th amsas, the evil results will be some what reduced. . in con unction with the lord of the .nd house, there will be miseries and troubles in the family, expenditure of money, losses, )uarrels in the house, etc. 7is words may not be respected. 7is wife will )uarrel with him. #f there be mrityu yoga, there is danger of death also (or some severe illness). The reason is, .nd house is itself a maraka house and combination with the 2th lord worsens the matters. Kye troubles, tooth ache, misfortunes, lack of proper food are also some of the evil results which are indicated. #f the lord of the 2th house be in the 1th, 2th or /.th amsas, the bad results will be reduced to some extent. $ along with the lord of $rd house, there maybe evil results relating to the third house. Puarrels with his brothers, ear=trouble, debts, fear, loss of courage are some of the evil results which are possible. #f the lord of the 2th house be con oined with the lords of the 1th, 2th or /.th houses, the evil results will be reduced and there will be good results and even 8a a yoga. Malefic combination, on the other hand, will make the troubles more intense. @ along with its lord, happiness will be disturbed. The significations of he @th house i.e. happiness, cattle, landed property, conveyances, education etc., will suffer. 7e may lose these or a portion of these depending upon the strength of the malefic combination. 7is mother may not keep good health and may fall ill sometimes. The infulence of benefic planets will definitely reduce the intensity of the evil results. 3ut, if there be a malefic influence, the results will be very had. 7e may incur the anger of his superiors. There will be troubles to his mother, cattle and landed property. 7e may have to live in foreign countries with strangers. There is possibility of danger from beasts also. % along with the lord of the %th house, there will be misunderstandings with his father. >r his son may do some crime. The native may incur the displeasure of some noble and thereby have some troubles. 7is son may fall ill and he may do some magical rites which may not bear the desired fruits. #f the lord of the %th is also weak, he may lose one of his children. >r the children may die as soon as they are born. #f malefic planets be in combination with the lord of the 2th 6 the native may die or have some very dangerous period. #f the lord of the 2th is in 1th, 2th or /.th amsas, the good results will be very little. 3ut, if he is placed in kendra or triangular amsas, results will be intensely bad. #f the lord of the ascendant has a combination producing illness, the native may suffer from diseases affecting mind, and intellect i.e., coma, unconsciousness, giddiness, senility loss of memory etc. 1 Aood in con unction with the lord of the 1th house, it is good. +or whenever the lord of the 2th is in the 1th, 2th or /.th houses, good results are realised. #f the 2th lord is sarala with the lord of the /.th, good results are experienced. "nd if it be placed in /,@,&,/C,%, or 5th house, it produces evil results mostly. There is, however, possibility yoga of diseases during the period of the 2th lord . 3ut it is evil to his maternal uncle who will have many troubles. "lso, there is danger from thieves and worries for the here native. #f the lord of the 1th is strong, he will have long life. "nd he will crush his enemies. & in combination with the lord of the &, it is evil to his wife. 7is wife may fall sick. #f the lord of the 2th is a malefic, the native may be affected with some disease and particularly so if there be some combination for death at the same time (mirtyu yoga). 3ut, if the lords of the ascendant and the & are both strong,, this period of the lord of the 2th mostly produces good results. 2 Aood sarala combined with benefic planets, the results will be beneficial. 4uring this period, the native will get wealth, vehicles, conveyances and gifts from kings. 7e yoga here will be happy. #f the lord of 2 is weak, effects will not be good or may be feeble. 3ut, if the lord of the 2 is with malefic , he will have serious troubles, diseases and other misfortunes. "s the 2th house is evil to the 5th house, his father may die. 7e will fail in his enterprises and will be very unhappy. 5 along with its lord and if the *un (the karaka for father) is also weak, in that period, his father may die. 7e will have misunderstandings with his father. 7e may lose the wealth obtained from his father. The con unction with benefics will reduce the evil results. #f the lord of 5 is weak, this period may produce misfortunes, hardships, worries, proverty and the anger of his superiors. >ne has to note carefully the nature of the planets associated with the lord of 2 before giving the predictions. /C along with the lord of /C, his profession will suffer set back during the period. 7e may follow a low profession or may be engaged in doing sinful deeds. 7e will be punished by the government for not obeying its orders. #f the lord of /C is weak, he will suffer from poverty. 7e may lose his mother, (the /Cth house is a

maraka sthana for the mother as it is the &th from the @th). #f Mars be connected with the lords of @or %, he may lose his landed property. >r he may be cautght in debts. "s a result, his creditors may take away his lands. #f the lord of 2 is in the 1, 2 or /.th amsas, the evil results will be moderate. // along with the lord of //, significations of the //th house will be spoiled. Thus there may be troubles to elder brother, losses in business, financial difficulties and debts. There may he disagreemeits with elder brother. 9ombination of benefic planets will alleviate the troubles while the same with malefics will make the troubles more intense. /. Aood sarala yoga along with its lord is auspicious and is capable of producing 8a a yoga. The same can happen even when the lord of 2 is placed in 1. 3ut, if benefics here are with the lord of 2, they will lose their benefic nature and had results wi// happen. :eneral 5ffects 7 The ninth house indicates fortunes, father, preceptor etc. 7ence, if the 5th house has shubha yoga, his father will be born in a rich family and will be long lived. The person will be devoted to his preceptors and will do meritorious deeds of charity. "shubha yoga produces opposite results. 8ord of house 0 9ond t ons and general results; improvement in educational sphere, 9ond t ons and results for the dasa per od of the lord of house 0 = ; = n house 0 religious mindedRness and unexpected gains of wealth / the person will with the lord of the /st house, and with benefic planets, the native will be very fortunate. 7e will be rich and lead a happy life. 7e will have many earn property conveyances. 7e will be powerful and will have high status. 7e may be a lord, minister or a king depending on the strength of benefic influences. 7e through his own will get wealth from his father (because 5th house signifies father and fortunes) and his wealth will increase through his efforts. 7e will support and efforts. maintan many people and be charitable. 7e will hold a powerful post in the administration. The results will be very feeble if the lord of 5 is weak. #f the lord of 5 is in 1, 2 or /.th amsas even these feeble results may not materialise. #f Mars be the lord of 5, the native will be commander=in=chief in the army and will possess extensive landed property. #f the lord of 5 con unct 8ahu, the native will serve under a lord or king of low caste (Mlechchha). #f the 5th lord is the Moon, the native may be an officer in charge of the treasury. #n this way results have to be guessed for other planets. . with a. shubha yoga, the native connected with the lord of ., the native wi// be very rich. 7is income will be enormous . 7e will be highly respected and will be very will ac)uire wealth from his influential. 7is family will flourish because of him. 7e will have all types of comforts. 7e will eat good food. #f matches be in father. 7e will rich. "shubha combination with the lord of the 5th house, the results will be very feeble. #f there be yoga for death by other considerations, the period yoga produces opposite results may cause the death of the native. *imilarly, if the lord of 5 is in the 1, 2 or /.th amsas, the results may not be good as mentioned above. $ with a shubha yoga, his father will be in combination with the lord of $, the significations of the $rd house should thrive. Thus his brother will be very fortunate. The moderately rich. native may have gains and happiness through music. #f the. lord of the 5 is weak or is placed in 1, 2 or /.th amsas the good results will be very little. @ with a shubha yoga, the native wi// alongwith its lord, the native will be exceedingly fortunate and be happy. #f Mars isvery strong, he will have extensive landed earn money through his lands. Mother property and thereby have wealth and be fortunate. #f Mercury is strong, the person will make money through his learning. #f will also be rich. -ands ac)uired from 'upiter is so in this combination, he will have high position and status i.e. that of a minister or a king. #f (enus is powerful, the his father will yield much wealth. native will possess many conveyances and will lead a pleasant life using garlands, scents, sandal=paste etc. #f *aturn or 8ahu are strong, the person will be patronised by lords of low castes (mlechchas and neechas) and thereby the person will be fortunate. % the father of the native will be an eminent person. alongwith the lord of the %, the person will be very happy. 7e will be greatly helped and benefitted through his father >r his son may be a lord. #f, at the same time, the or a rich lord. #f the lord of the 5 is associated with the lord of /, the native will himself become a powerful lord. lord of the fifth house be in the ascendant, the 4uring the period of the lord of the %th also, the person will be very fortunate and have much happiness. 7is son will native will also be lord. be an intelligent person and known for his wisdom who will get royal patronage and occupation of a high rank under the king with all grandeur and respect. 1 with a shubha yoga, his father will be alongwith the lord of 1, and is con oined with benefic planets also, the period will be a good one. 7is income will increase. 7e sick. #f there be ashubha yoga, enemies may get promotions. 7is profession may be in a udicial court. 7e will have many servants, (because 1th house indicates will take away the wealth of his father. servants). 7e will possess much wealth which will grow further. 3y inheritance, he may ac)uire the wealth of his da$ad ns. #f Mars is in own house, there may be gains of wealth through his landed property. #f Mercury is also in own, it will be through learning etc. #f 'upiter is strong, he will be extremely rich, for it is the karaka for wealth. #f *aturn is in own, he will be a magistrate or an officer endowed with powers to punish or en oy much authority as a senoir officer having government seals, (mudradh kar ). #f the lord of the 5th house is weak or is placed in the 1, 2 or /.th amsas, the effects will be feeble. & his father will go to foreign countries. The alongwith the lord of &, and there be combination of benefic planets also, his wealth will even be increasing. "s the & native may do meritorious deeds in foreign house denotes ourneys to foreign places, he may earn wealth in some foreign lands, ("s the &th house is an angular country. 7is perceptor may also live in foreign house, this combination produces a 8a a yoga). The native will be born in a rich family. 7e will have all sortss of country. #f there be ashubha yoga, his father will comforts and luxuries from his birth. 7e will have the pleasures of women, garlands, perfumes and other en oyments. 7is be poor and will pass away in some foreign father will be highly placed as a minister or senior official of high rank who will be a friend of the king in some foreign country. country and through royal patronage his family will get much wealth. #f Mars is also connected, he will amass much wealth. #f (enus is involved, he will get happiness through women. 2 his father will die while he is young. 7e may not be able to alongwith the lord of 2, there will be several evil results such as loss of fortune, death of father, poverty etc. #f get any wealth from his father. The institutions set up for these be placed in a movable sign, the native may be wandering in a foreign place without any benefit. #f the charity by his family will perish. #f there be shubha yoga, lord of 5 is weak, the person will suffer from poverty and will be very miserable. The lord of 5 is in he will be moderaterly wealthy. debilitation, inimical sign or heliacal setting (combust), produces much sorrow and misery. 9ombinations with benefics will definitely alleviate the troubles a good deal. 5 with a shubha yoga, the indications combined with benefic planets, in its period, the person will be happy. 7is fortunes will increase. 7is father will also be very of the 5th house will prosper very fortunate. The person may spend money for charitable purposes. #f there be combination with evil planets, his father may not keep much good health or may pass away, depending upon the intensity of the evil results. #f the lord of 5 is weak, good results will be very feeble and the person may not be able to amass much wealth. /C with a shubha yoga, he will do alongwith the lord of /C and other benefic planets also, the native will get wealth through service under the king or in the charitable deeds, sacrifices etc. 7e will government. 7is name and fame wi// spread far and wide. 7e will do meritorious deeds such as digging of wells ect., and lead a have much wealth. 7e will be famous religious life. 7e will be associated with the administration of the country. #f the lord of 5 is devoid of strength, the native will do and hold high office as that of a minister mean acts. 7e may move with low people and do bad deeds. 7e may even lose his ob in the government. 7e will be ever in fear etc. of being punished by the government and his cattle may perish. // with a shubha yoga, the native will have much wealth. alongwith its lord, the person will have gains of wealth through his father or through business. The gains will be mostly through the planet that is combined with the lord of 5. #f the planet be the *un, his father will have much power. #f 8ahu is so, his father will be very famous and the person will have gains of wealth through his father /. with a shubha yoga it is bad. alongwith its lord, it is bad for the 5 house. The native may spend his wealth on charity. 7is father will be having troubles of many kinds. The native will lose his wealth #f the lord of 5 is with a benefic, the native may earn wealth in some foreign country. >r his father may go to some distant place. #f the and become poor. karaka is also with a banefic, his father will earn name and fame and become very powerful. 9on unction with malefics, on the other hand, will produce troubles either to him or to his father. #f the lord of 5 is in 1th, 2th or /.th amsa, the results will be mixed. :eneral 5ffects 7 0 /.The *un , Medical profession, dealing in grass and straw, pearl and gold, and functions as ambassador and service under a king. 0 ..The Moon , "griculture, professions connected with water, women, lands, humourous speech, and money lending. 0 $.Mars , Professions connected with buildings, war, fire, bold deeds, murder, in uries, disputes, )uarrels, government administration, li)uids like mercury etc. @.Mercury , *culpture, philosophical research, studies, astrology, composition and recitation of poetry, trade of clothes and catching of birds and animals. %.'upiter , 9hanting of hymns, teaching of (edas, Puranas, and other scriptures, officiating as priest, and religious teachings. 1.(enus , Trade of gold and precious gems, conveyances and vehicles and professions connected with cows, curd, ghee, women and perfumes. &.*aturn , Nood=cutting, dealing in hides and skins, cutting of stones, service as the head of a village, as a postman, or as a magistrate6 ugglery and witchcraft, carrying of loads and fuels etc..2.8ahu and ;etu rule over professions ascribed to *aturn and Mars respectively. 5.The karakatva is to be given due consideration in the determination of profession. /C.4ue consideration is to be paid to the strength of the lord of the rasi and navamsa in which the lord of the /Cth house is placed, as also to the strength of the lord of the star in which the /Cth lord is placed. //.The profession will bring good fortune to the native if the lord of the /Cth house has shubha yoga. i.e. if it is placed in the sign, navamsa or star of a benefic or is placed in between benefics or is seen by benefics or if the ruler of the sign in which the lord of the /Cth house is placed is in exaltation or in moolatrikona. #f these planets are not auspicious like this, the profession wi// not be a fortunate one.

/..The profession will be of the nature indicated by the karaka planet for profession i.e., the planet placed in the /Cth house. < .f the *un is the karaka.and is strongly placed in the /Cth house, the native will be in government service. #f 'upiter aspects such *un, he will be employed in a temple. #f the *un be aspected by *aturn, he will do some lowly ob (neechavritti). #f the *un be aspected or con oined with 8ahu, he will be serving a Mlechha (a foreigner other than 7indu). #f the *un is with (enus, he will serve a )ueen. #f it be with Mars, he will be some officer in the village. #f it be with the Moon, he will be working in the salt department. #f it be with Mercury, he may be serving in the udiciary. %he pay obtained through the service is to be udged from the shubha yogas of the house of profession. 7is pay will be high or low according to the strength of the shubha yogas. :rades of Ser$ ce > < /.The *un==9lerical work. < ..The Moon==>fficer=in=charge of treasury. < $.Mars=='udiciary, work as magistrate etc. < @.Mercury==President of corporations, panchayats etc. < %.'upiter=="dviser, minister or secretary to high officers and kings etc. < 1.(enus==Ministerial service. < &.*aturn=="uthority imposing punishments. < 2.8ahu==>fficer imposing capital punishment, infprisonment etc. (like *aturn). < 5.;etu==(like that of Mars) obs connected with death etc. #f the lords of the &th and /Cth houses are in con uction, the native will be having a touring profession i.e. in the railways, postal department etc. #f the lords of the 5th and /Cth houses be con oined together, the native will follow some religious profession and will be engaged in austerities and charitable deeds (dharmic deeds). #f the lords of the /Cth and //th houses be in con unction, the native will be a businessman . #f the lords of the 1th and /Cth houses be con oined, there will be set backs in the profession. 7is profession will decline or may even be ruined. #f the *un, Moon or 8ahu be placed in the /Cth house, in a watery sign, and if the lords of the /.th and /Cth houses be also in watery signs, the native will have a dip in the Aanges and other holy rivers. 8ord of house 0 9ond t ons and general results; recognition from and 9ond t ons and results for the dasa per od of the lord of house 0 (? ; (? n house 0 awards by Aovernment / alongwith the lord of the ascendant and combined with a benefic, the person will become very famous. 7e will wield much power and influence and may hold a powerful post in the government. 7e may become a minister or a highly=placed official with much authorty and power. 7e will do charitable deeds and will be engaged in noble acts. #f the lord of /C is devoid of the strength. results will be feeble. #f he is placed in the 1th, 2th or /.th amsas, the good results will be almost nil. #f there be combination with evil planets, there wi// be bad results. The person will suffer disgrace or he may accept gifts offered in inauspicious ceremonies. #f the evil planet is *aturn, the gift may be a buffalo. #f it is the *un, the gift may be a cat. #f it is Mars, the gift may be a sheep. 3ut, if there is combination with a benefic, the gift will be a good one. . with the lord of . and benefics, the person will ac)uire much wealth and will become known as a rich man. 7e will be an important member of the family and will be held in high esteem and treated with much respect. #f there be 8a a yoga in addition, there will be ac)uisition of much wealth through service under the king or from his profession. Mostly he will be holding a government ob. 7e will have many obedient servants, who will carry out his orders. 7e will support many persons and feed them. 7e will be very helpful to others. #f the lord of /C is in the 1, 2 or /.th amsas or is weak, the good effects will be on an ordinary scale. 9ombination with malefic planets will produce the evil results. "s the second house denotes family, there may be troubles of various kinds to his family members. 7e will suffer from poverty and ill repute. 7e will not get timely meals or will become notorious as a liar. $ with its lord the significations of the third house will thrive well. 4uring this period, his fame will spread. 7e will get promotions in his post. There will be all round success for his brothers. The person may do courageous acts and thereby achieve fame. >r he may become renowned for his musical skill. 4ue consideration must be paid to the strength of the karaka involved, otherwise the results are likely to go wrong. #f the lord of /C is devoid of strenght, the results will occur only on a small scale. The results will be poor also when the lord of /C is in the 1, 2 or /.th amsas. @ alongwith its lord, the native will be happy and may achieve fame through his lands,Jetc. 7e may get a good income from his lands. #f there be combination with benefics, he will ac)uire name and fame through his agriculture. 7is family will be one of much respectability and renown. 9ombinations with malefics bring harm and troubles. #f the lord of the /C is weak, the results will be very ordinary. % in con unction with the lord of % and if there is combination with benefics also, the person will rise to a high rank during the period. 7e may become a minister or some such senior officer. 7is ob ects will be fulfilled and will become a famous person. #f the planets are in friendly signs, the gains are mostly definite to happen. 3ut, if placed in inmical signs or in the 1, 2 or /.th amsas from each other, the effects are likely to be very feeble. 1 alongwith its lord, the person will become an officer in a court. 7is maternal uncle is likely to be a powerful person wielding much authority. The person may be employed in the army or may be practising as a doctor. The good results will happen when the planets are strong. #f they are weak, the native will hold a small ob in the government or in some embassy and he may take food in the house of low caste people (sudras etc.). There may be losses in his business or he will do sraddha ceremonies. & combined with the lord of &, his wife will come from a good family. The person may get employed in some foreign country where he may become famous. 7is wife may help in his earnings. 7e may work in the transport department (as the &th house signifies the same). 7e may go on pilgrimages to holy places. #f there be malefic combinations, he will suffer from poverty. 7e may have to take food offered in obse)uies. 7is wife may be born in a low family or she may be separated from him. 2 he will be holding a lowly ob or may do bad deeds. 7e may lose his employment but if there be combination with benefics, the evil be averted and he will not lose his employment. 7is agriculture will be spoilt or he may incur losses through his lands. There will be obstacles to his education. 7e may suffer losses through his vehicles and conveyances. 9ombination with benefics will always produce good results but with malefics, evil results are produced 5 alongwith its lord, or if 'upiter is powerless, there will be obstacles in his daily duties. #f the *un is strong in his horoscope, the person will serve in the government or may be practising as a doctor. #f Mars is strong, his father will possess much landed property which may be exempted from tax. #f 'upiter is strong, his father will rise to a high position in his life. #f (enus is strong, he will get ornaments and vehicles. 3ut, if Mercury is so, he will get good education. #f Moon is strong, he may be in=charge of the treasury or may be engaged in agriculture or cultivation in gardens. #f the *un is endowed with strength, he will practise as a physician. #f *aturn is strong, he will work as a servant. /C #f the lord of the/C is in /C ,or in // combined with the benefic ? the lord of //, the person will be highly fortunate and have 8a a yoga. 7e will have a high status and position in life. 7e will be honoured and held in high esteem. 7is fame will spread. 7e will have a large retinue of army. 7e will do // charitable deeds and found institutions for charity. 3ut, if the lord of the tenth house be weak, the results will be poor. #f the lord of the tenth house be Mars, he will get wealth through taxes and lands. #f it be 'upiter, the person will rise to a high position in his profession. #f (enus be strong, he will possess many ornaments and vehicles. #f Mercury be strong, he will pass his examination meritoriously. 9on unction, aspect etc., of malefics will definitely spoil the results as before. /. alongwith its lord and be also con oins evil planets, the person will suffer disgrace. 7e may be demoted in his ob or may be removed from service. There will be losses in his business and occupation will be spoilt. #f there be combination with benefics, the person may be engaged as a priest for chanting the (edas and doing religious rites. #nfluence of malefics will make him follow some low profession as that of a sudra. #f the lord of the /C is a malefic, the person will wander aimlessly. :eneral 5ffects 7 possibility of diseases 8ord of house 0 9ond t ons and general results; #f the lord of the //th house is in $rd, %th or &th stars from the natal star 9ond t ons and results for the dasa (( n house 0 (moon ,lagna or %th fr. moon), the person may become very poor and live through begging. per od of the lord of house 0 ((; #f the eleventh house has a shubha yoga, the person will become very rich. 7is elder brother will be very powerfhl. The native may have gains of wealth through his elder brother. "lso, if a benefic be placed in the eleventh house, the native will have gains through the significations of the said planet. / with a shubha yoga, the native will earn wealth through the yogakaraka planet in alongwith the ascendant lord, the person will have much gains through out his life. #f it the horoscope. #f there be an ashubha yoga, the results will be bad. is strong, he will have promotions in his professon and business. The extent of good will depends upon the strength and nature of the planets involved. . the native will earn wealth by lending money on interest. alongwith its lord and is in exaltation navamsa, the person concerned will be very rich. #f there be a malefic yoga, the results will be bad and the person will be facing hardships. $ the native will have gains of wealth through his brothers, alongwith its lord and other benefic planets, the native will have large profits and sometimes he may have large and music. gains through his brother. #f there is a malefic combination, only bad results will be experienced. @ with a shubha yoga, the native will earn alongwith the lord of @, there will be gains through mother, lands, conveyance, education, and agriculture. The means of gains wealth through his mother, agriculture have to be inferred through the nature of the planet involved. +or example, the planets Moon, Mars, Mercury, 'upiter, (enus and lands etc. *aturn may cause gains of wealth through green vegetables, agriculture, education, sugarcane, tree bearing fruits, 8agi, ("rarot) etc., may be the source of income. 3enefic combinations with the lord of the eleventh house will cause gains through wellery etc. 3ut malefic combinations will bring in obstacles mostly and ruin the business during the period. % with a shubha yoga, the native alongwith the lord of %, the person will have gains of wealth through a rich friend who may be a great lord or through his son or through

will have gains through his son, divine grace. "lso, it may be through trading in precious stones. >r he may come across a treasure and thereby become rich. >r by some rich noble and deities. performing voyages in the seas to different countries, he may earn much wealth. >r he may tride in grains and seeds and thereby become rich. "s before the effects of benefic yogas will promote the good results while malefic yogas will spoil them. 1 with a shubha yoga, the native will have gains of wealth through wars, alongwith the lord of 1, the person will benefit through his dayadeens, law=suits and his litigation and through his partners. Malefic yogas will cause adverse results. maternal uncle. 7e will do courageous acts and overcome his enemies. The good results will be greatly reduced if the lord of // is associated with malefic planets & with a shubha yoga, the person will with the lord of //, the person will get wealth through his wife, or in a foreign country, or through some embassy or by influencing earn money through women or from people and other women and gaining their help. #f (enus be placed between *aturn and Mars, he may gain money by making his foreign countries. wife pleased the strangers. The benefits will be meagre if there be evil combinations or influence. 2 wealth of the person will decline. #f there alongwith the lord of 2, it is very bad for the eleventh house. The person may be involved in debts. 7e may earn through sinful be a shubha yoga, though there may be acts. 7e may suffer from poverty. 7e may not have peace of mind which will be ever wavering. 7e .may have some small gains in the beginning, later on he benefits through low people. 3enefic combinations will reduce the evil results. 3ut if the lord of the // is weak, losses and willSsuffcr losses. debts will only increase. 5 with a shubha yoga, the person will earn wealth through his preceptor, father, with the lord of 5, the person will have gains through his father or a rich person. #f the charitable deeds, etc. lord of the tenth house be exalted, his father will become rich through profession. /C with a shubha yoga, he will have much gains alongwith its lord, his business will improve. #f there be benefic combinations, there will be much gain of wealth. #f 'upiter in his trade. 7e may also earn money through is placed in // along with the lord of //, the gains will be through appointment, sacrifices and other religious rites. #f (enus performing religious rites, sacrifices etc. is in //, the gains will be through conveyances vehicles and other significations of (enus. #f Mercury be there, the gains may be throughclothes etc. The gains have to be determined according to the nature of the planets that are involved. // Kxpect good dasa in general #f the lord of the eleventh house is in own or in exaltation sign, the person will have much profits and wealth. 7is elder brother with a shubha yoga, the significations of will become a prominent person. #f it is Mars he will have gains through his landed property. The *un indicates profits through the //th house will flourish well and the father. Moon will make his business flourish. Mercury will enable to earn wealth through education. 'upiter indicates gains person will be very rich. through employment and teaching. (enus will bestow gains through the help of women. *aturn wi// give gains through fire= wood, stones etc. #n this way the effects are to be guessed intelligently. /. with a shubha yoga, his elder brother alongwith its lord, ob ects will not be achieved easily and there will be many obstacles in achieving the desired ob ects. Trouble is may die early and his gains will indicated for the elder brother. 3enefic combinations and aspects will alleviate the evil results. Malefic combinations also will decrease produce only similar results. :eneral 5ffects 7 #f the lord of any house be placed in the twelfth house, the significations of that house will decline. planets n the ()th house; The *un , Much expenditure through the king and government (by way of taxes, fines etc.) < The Moon , 4eprived of good food, incur wasteful expenditure, will be of angry nature, unhappy, will not be liked by others. < Mars , Kxpenditure through enemies, crimes etc. < Mercury , Kxpenditure on education. < 'upiter , The person will be saving money always. < (enus , The person will be saving money always. < *aturn or 8ahu , Kxpenditures of various kinds.0 ;etu , ;etu also helps the person to earn money, when placed in the /.th house. The native will become wealthy. $.#f the rasi of the twelfth house be movable and contains a movable planet, the person will be ever travelling. #f there be a shubha yoga in the twelfth house, he wi// live happily in a foreign land. 3ut if malefics be there, he will live by begging in a foreign country. @.#f the lord of the /.th house be posited in a bad star (moon ,lagna or %th fr. moon), and has connection with cruel planets by being associated with or aspected by or hemmed in between malefics and if there is evil connection (P"9) for the twelfth house with *aturn, Aulika or Mandi, the person will spend his wealth due to troubles and difficulties. 7e will commit crimes and sinful acts. Sal$at on , #f the lord of the /.th house and the ascendant be exalted and if the twelfth house contains benefics, he will attain salvation after death. #f there be only ashubha yoga, he will fall into hell after death. but #f there be misra yoga under the above combination, i.e., both malefics and benefics are placed in the /.th house but the lords of the first and the twelfth are in high exaltation , the native will enter heaven. 3ut if there is only malefic yoga, he will fall into hell after death. 8ord of house 0 9ond t ons and 9ond t ons and results for the dasa per od of the lord of house 0 () ; Kffects will be good or bad according as the lord of /. () n house 0 general results; happens to be a benefic or malefic by lordship. #f he owns benefic and malefic houses, the effects will be mixed. Planets owning a distress and danger kendra and a trikona house become extremely benefic, as they are yogakarkas. The nature of a planet has to be ascertained with from diseases reference to the nature of rulership of houses and also according to the eight kinds of strength. Thus there arise three kinds of yogas== benefic, malefic and of misra (mixed) nature. " benefic yoga always reduces evil results and promotes auspicious results. Malefic combinations on the other hand, tend to reduce good effects and produce evil results, such as expenditure, debts and bad deeds. #f the lord of the /. is a benefic (by rulership), he will produce good results.#f he is a malefic by rulership, he will cause bad results. / #f the lord of the /. is in own sign combined with benefics, the person will not have much expenditure and there will be gain of wealth. 3ut in the period of the planet that is combined with the lord of /. there will not be any expenditure. #f the lord of the ascendant is strong, his income will be more than his expenditure. The person will be happy and will be engaged in (edanta (ichara (i.e. philosophical pursuits) in the company of good men. #f the lord of the ascendant be weak, the results will be bad as told for ;emadruma yoga. . alongwith its lord and other evil planets, there will be )uarrels in the family of the native. 7e may not get good and timely meals. 7e may take food that is offered in shraddha ceremonies or form low people. 7e may speak harshly and be bad in his conduct. 7e may suffer from eye=diseases. #f there be benefic influence, the evil results will be mitigated. $ alongwith the lord of $, expenditure will increase. #t is very evil for his brothers who may be ruined. 3enefic combinations will reduce the evil results. 3ut, if the lord of /. is combined with the lords of 1 M 2, the period will bring happiness, conveyances and other comforts. @ alongwith its lord and also combined with benefic planets, the person wi// lead a happy life. 7e wi// possess lands etc. #f there be combination with malefics, bad results may occur. 7is mother will have difficulties. There may be troubles to his lands, agriculture and conveyaces. #f there be both benefic and malefic influences, the results will be mixed. % combined with the lord of %, a child may be born to him. 3ut there will occur bad results also. "s the %th house denotes noble persons, it is possible that he may lose the good will and favour of a noble man. "s the %th house indicates intellect, his intellectual faculties may suffer. 9ombinations with benefic planets will ward off much of the evil results. #f there be a malefic combination, children may not be born to him. >r there may be serious troubles to his children. >r his children may go astray and take to bad ways. "lso, he may lose the friendship of some rich person and incur his wrath. "lso, his father may have some difficulties and troubles. (3ecause %th house is 5th from the 5th house.) The person may have troubles due to disturbances in his country and his profession may suffer. 1 ? if ->/. in P"9 with alongwith its lord, the period will prove to be auspicious. (7ere (ipareeta 8a a yoga is caused). 4uring this period, he will perform auspicious malefic ! good vimala ceremonies and lead a happy life. 3enefic combinations will promote the good results to a great extent yoga here & it is evil to his wife. #f there is a death=producing combination in addition, she will die. *he may live for some time in a foreign country. 3enefic combinations will enable her to gain wealth. Malefic combinations, on the other hand, will cause much misery and ,roubles. The native may wander aimlessly. >r he may fall sick. >r his wife my have to suffer disgrace due to slander. 2 ? if ->/. in P"9 the native will experience happiness and unhappiness almost of e)ual amounts. 3enefic combinations cause auspicious results to happen. #f there is with malefic ! good combination with the lord of 1, the period will prove to be extremely auspicious and cause good results to happen. "lso, the effects will be modified vimala yoga here by the nature of the planet associated with the lord of /.. 5 it is evil to the profession of the person. #f the lord of the /. is combined with the lord of 5, the results will be ordinary. The person will spend money in performing good deeds in which he will take interest. There is danger to his profession. "lways benefic combinations go a long way in reducing the evil results. " planet gives its results during its ma or period or sub=periods. /C // alongwith its lord, there will be obstacles to gain. 3enefic planets will cause expenditure in auspicious ways. Malefic combinations cause expenditure in evil ways. The ways through which money is spent will depend upon the nature of the planets. Malefics cause expenditure through evil ways, enemies and thieves. There may arise misunderstandings with elder brother and thereby there may be losses. There may be both gains and losses of wealth. /. ? if ->/. in P"9 with combined with the lord of /C, there will be expenditure of wealth on charity. Nealth obtained from his parents may be wasted away. 3enefic malefic ! good vimala combinations will cause expenditure for virtuous purposes, such as giving gifts and charities to good people and building of choultries etc. yoga here

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