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Section I Short Answer

Text 1 - Image 1. What is the cartoon saying about belonging? Criteria Is able to interpret s meaning of belonging with in the text Answers could include: Reference to the text Text 1 - Image 2. How does the composer comment about segregation in society? Criteria S ilfully shows how the composer has commented about segregation in the text "escribes how the composer has commented about segregation within the text #riefly explains segregation Answers could include: Rele$ant techni%ues "efined segregation References to the text Text 2 - Image 1. What comment is the image ma ing about #elonging? Criteria S ilfully demonstrates an understanding with techni%ues and rele$ant examples "emonstrate an understanding with limited explanation Answers could include: &se of appropriate techni%ues &se of comparison 'dds personal opinion Text 2 - Image 2. Why has the composer chosen to present a depressing perception of #elonging? Criteria s ilfully explains why the composer has chosen to present a depressing perception of belonging( with reference to their own emotions and perspecti$e of the text ade%uately explains why the composer has chosen to present a depressing perception of belonging( with little reference to their emotions and perspecti$e of the text. addresses why the composer has chosen to present a depressing perception of belonging

Marks 1

Marks ! 2 1

Marks 2 1

Marks ! 2 1

Text 3 rose !xtract 1.

Criteria Answers could include:

Marks 2 1

Text 3 rose !xtract 2. )xamine how the composer con$eys a personalised experience of belonging. Criteria S ilfully examines how the composer con$eys a personalised experience of belonging with aptly chosen textual references. )xamines how the composer con$eys a personalised experience of belonging with textual references. "escribes aspects of the text with little to no textual reference. Answers could include: * &se of %uotations * &se of rele$ant techni%ues Text " oem 1. What aspect of belonging does the poem explore? How do you now? Criteria "escribes an aspect of belonging rele$ant to poem and explaining how they now with aptly chosen textual references. "escribes an aspect of belonging rele$ant to poem Answers could include: * &se of %uotation * Symbolism * +omparison of the past and present Text " oem 2. )xplain how the poet uses language to communicate a perspecti$e on belonging. Criteria 'de%uately describes the language the poet used whilst being able to compare that description with an unbiased perspecti$e on belonging. S ilfully compares the description of language with a perspecti$e on belonging. "escribes the language the poet has used. Answers could include: &se of %uotes

Marks ! 2 1

Marks 2 1

Marks ! 2 1

Techni#ues: oetic and $eneral

Text % Article 1. How does the author e$o e a sense of not belonging in the article? Criteria "emonstrates a clear understanding of how the composer e$o es a sense of not belonging including rele$ant examples from texts Identifies how the composer e$o es a sense of not belonging with some e$idence from texts. "escribes aspects of the text. Answers could include: ,echni%ues- "ialogue( .erspecti$es &se of %uotes and examples.

Marks ! 2 1

Text % Image& Image& rose !xtract& oem& Article 2. .enguin #oo s is publishing a compilation entitled /#elonging 0 ,ides of )motion1 Which two of the texts you ha$e completed throughout the boo let would you recommend to be included in this compilation? 2ustify your decision. Criteria Marks Identify two texts pro$iding rele$ant examples( which relates to belonging and tides of 3 emotions( gi$ing thorough reasoning( which explains why both texts were chosen. Identifies two texts with an example relating to belonging and tides of emotion( gi$ing !*4 reasoning why both texts were chosen. Identifies to texts with no or irrele$ant examples with a brief explanation on why both 1*2 texts were chosen. Answers could include:

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