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3. Order Management
1. Complete All Transactions for the Period Being Closed

+. )ns!re all 2nterfaces are Completed for the Period 6Optional7 3. Review Open Orders and Check the Workflow tat!s ". Review #eld Orders $.Review C!stomer Acceptances %.Review &isco!nts '.Review Back Orders 1. Change the C!rrent Oracle Pro-ects Period tat!s from (.Review and Correct Order )*ceptions Open to Pending Close +. Open the ,e*t Oracle Pro-ects Period 3. Complete All .aintenance Activities ". R!n .aintenance Processes $. Complete All Transaction )ntr5 for the Period Being Closed %. R!n the /inal Cost &istri0!tion Processes %a.R!n the 1enerate Cost Acco!nting )vents Program '.2nterface Transactions to Other Applications (.1enerate &raft Reven!e for All Pro-ects 3.Review and Release Reven!e for All Pro-ects 14.R!n 1eneration Reven!e Acco!nting )vent Process 11.R!n Create Acco!nting 1+.1enerate 2nvoices

3. Reconcile to 2nventor5 14. Create ervice Contracts 6Optional7 13.R!n /inal Pro-ect Costing and Reven!e .anagement 11. Reconcile to Receiva0les 6Optional7 Reports 1".Transfer 2nvoices to Oracle Receiva0les 1+. R!n tandard Period )nd Reports 1$.R!n Period Close )*ceptions and Tie0ack Reports 1%.Change the C!rrent Oracle Pro-ects Period tat!s from Pending Close to Closed 1'.Advance the PA Reporting Period 1(.8pdate Pro-ect !mmar5 Amo!nts 13.Restore Access to 8ser .aintenance Activities +4.Permanentl5 Close the Oracle Pro-ects Period 6Optional7 +1.Reconcile Cost &istri0!tion 9ines with 1eneral 9edger 6Optional7

4. Cash Managment
1. Complete &ail5 Cash .anagement Activities

5. Payables
1. Complete All Transactions for the Period Being Closed +. R!n the Pa5a0les A!toApproval Process for All 2nvoices < 2nvoice Batches 3. Review = Resolve Amo!nts to Post to the 1eneral 9edger ". Reconcile Pa5ments to Bank tatement Activit5 for the Period $. Transfer All Approved 2nvoices Pa5ments> Reconciled Pa5ments to the 1eneral 9edger %. Review the Pa5a0les to 1eneral 9edger Posting Process After Completion '. !0mit the 8nacco!nted Transactions weep Program (. Close the C!rrent Oracle Pa5a0les Period

+. 9oad Bank tatements 3. 1enerate weep Transactions ". 1enerate Bank tatement Cashflows $. Reconcile Bank tatements %. Create .iscellaneo!s Transactions '. Review A!to:Reconciliation )*ec!tion Report 3. Accr!e 8n:invoiced Receipts 14. Reconcile Oracle Pa5a0les Activit5 for the Period 11. R!n .ass Additions Transfer to Oracle Assets

(. Resolve )*ceptions on the A!toReconciliation )*ec!tion Report 3. R!n Bank tatement &etail Report 14. R!n Transactions Availa0le for Reconcilation Report 11. Resolve 8n:reconciled tatement 9ines 1+. Post to 1eneral 9edger 13. R!n the 19 Reconciliation Report 1". R!n the Acco!nt Anal5sis Report for the 1eneral 9edger Cash Acco!nt 1$. Review the Acco!nt Anal5sis Report 1%. Correct an5 2nvalid )ntries to the 1eneral 9edger Cash Acco!nt 6Optional7

1+. Open the ,e*t Pa5a0les Period

13. R!n Reports for Ta* Reporting P!rposes 6Optional7 1". R!n the ;e5 2ndicators Report 6Optional7

1$. P!rge Transactions 6Optional7

6. Receivables

7. P rchasing
1. Complete All Transactions for the Period Being Closed +. Review the C!rrent and /!t!re Commitments 6Optional7 3. Review the O!tstanding and Overd!e P!rchase Orders 6Optional7 ". /ollow !p Receipts:Check with !ppliers $. 2dentif5 and Review 8n:invoiced Receipts 6Period )nd Accr!als7 %. /ollow 8p O!tstanding 2nvoices '. Complete the Oracle Pa5a0les: Period )nd Process

(. R!n Receipt Accr!als : Period )nd Process 1. Complete All Transactions for the Period Being Closed +. Reconcile Transaction Activit5 for the Period 3. Reconcile O!tstanding C!stomer Balances ". Review the 8napplied Receipts Register $. Reconcile receipts. %. Reconcile Receipts to Bank tatement Activit5 for the Period '. Post to the 1eneral 9edger (. Reconcile the 1eneral 9edger Transfer Process 3. Reconcile the ?o!rnal 2mport Process 14a. Print 2nvoices 140. Print tatements 6Optional7 14c. Print &!nning 6Reminder7 9etters 6Optional7 13. R!n tandard Period )nd Reports 6Optional7 3. Reconcile Acco!nts : Perpet!al Accr!als 14. Perform Aear )nd )nc!m0rance Processing. 6Optional7 11. Close the C!rrent P!rchasing Period.

1+. Open the ,e*t P!rchasing Period.

11. Close the C!rrent Oracle Receiva0les Period 1+. Review the !0ledger Period Close )*ceptions Report 13. Third Part5 Balance@s Report 1". Reconcile Posted ?o!rnal )ntries 1$. Review 8nposted 2tems Report 1%. Review Acco!nt Anal5sis Report 1'. Open the ,e*t Oracle Receiva0les Period 1(. R!n Reports for Ta* Reporting P!rposes B e0Ta* 6Optional7

13. R!n Archive and P!rge programs 6Optional7

!. "nventory # $or% "n Progr.

1. Complete All Transactions for the Period Being Closed. +. Check 2nventor5 and Work 2n Process Transaction 2nterfaces. 3. Check Oracle Order .anagement Transaction Process. ". Review 2nventor5 Transactions. $. Balance the Perpet!al 2nventor5. %.Calidate Work 2n Process 2nventor5.

&. 'ssets

'. Transfer !mmar5 or &etail Transactions

1. Complete All Transactions for the Period Being Closed +. Assign All Assets to &istri0!tion 9ines (. Close the C!rrent Oracle Pa5a0les and Oracle P!rchasing Periods 3. Close the C!rrent 2nventor5 Period 14. Open the ,e*t 2nventor5 Period 11. R!n tandard Period )nd Reports 6Optional7 3. R!n Calc!late 1ains and 9osses 6Optional7 ". R!n &epreciation $. CreateAcco!nting %. Roll0ack &epreciation '. Create &eferred &epreciation ?o!rnal )ntries 6Optional7 (. &epreciation Pro-ections6Optional7 3. Review and Post ?o!rnal )ntries 14. Reconcile Oracle Assets to Oracle 1eneral 9edger 8sing Reports. 11. R!n Responsi0ilit5 Reports 6Optional7

1+. Archive and P!rge Transactions 6Optional7

(). *reas ry
1. Complete &ail5 Trading Activities +. Perform Reval!ation 3. 1enerate Accr!als and AmortiDation ". 1enerate ?o!rnals $. Transfer ?o!rnals to 1eneral 9edger

((. +eneral ,edger

1. )ns!re the ,e*t Acco!nting Period tat!s is et to /!t!re )ntr5

+. Complete Oracle !0:ledger 2nterfaces to Oracle 1eneral 9edger 3. 8pload ?o!rnals from A&2 6Applications &esktop 2ntegrator7 to Oracle 1eneral 9edger ". Complete ,on:Oracle !0:ledger 2nterfaces to Oracle 1eneral 9edger 6Optional7 $. 1enerate Reversal ?o!rnals 6Optional7 %. 1enerate Rec!rring ?o!rnals 6Optional7 '. 1enerate .ass Allocation ?o!rnals 6Optional7

+. Complete Oracle !0:ledger 2nterfaces to Oracle 1eneral 9edger 3. 8pload ?o!rnals from A&2 6Applications &esktop 2ntegrator7 to Oracle 1eneral 9edger ". Complete ,on:Oracle !0:ledger 2nterfaces to Oracle 1eneral 9edger 6Optional7 $. 1enerate Reversal ?o!rnals 6Optional7 %. 1enerate Rec!rring ?o!rnals 6Optional7 '. 1enerate .ass Allocation ?o!rnals 6Optional7

(. Review and Cerif5 ?o!rnal &etails of 8nposted ?o!rnal (. Review and Cerif5 ?o!rnal &etails of 8nposted ?o!rnal )ntries )ntries

3. Post All ?o!rnal Batches 14. R!n 1eneral 9edger Trial Balances and Preliminar5 /inancial tatement 1enerator Reports 6/ 1s7 11. Reval!e Balances 6Optional7 1+. Translate Balances 6Optional7 13. Consolidate 9edgers6Optional7 1". Review and Correct Balances 6Perform Reconciliations7 1$. )nter Ad-!stments and < or Accr!als and Post 1%. Perform /inal Ad-!stments 1'. Close the C!rrent Oracle 1neral 9edger Period 1(. Open the ,e*t Oracle 1eneral 9edger Period 13. R!n /inancial Reports for the Closed Period +4. R!n Reports for Ta* Reporting P!rposes 6Optional7 +1. Perform )nc!m0rance Aear )nd Proced!res 6Optional7

3. Post All ?o!rnal Batches 14. R!n 1eneral 9edger Trial Balances and Preliminar5 /inancial tatement 1enerator Reports 6/ 1s7 11. Reval!e Balances 6Optional7 1+. Translate Balances 6Optional7 13. Consolidate 9edgers6Optional7 1". Review and Correct Balances 6Perform Reconciliations7 1$. )nter Ad-!stments and < or Accr!als and Post 1%. Perform /inal Ad-!stments 1'. Close the C!rrent Oracle 1neral 9edger Period 1(. Open the ,e*t Oracle 1eneral 9edger Period 13. R!n /inancial Reports for the Closed Period +4. R!n Reports for Ta* Reporting P!rposes 6Optional7 +1. Perform )nc!m0rance Aear )nd Proced!res 6Optional7

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