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islam 21c.

co m m/islamic-law/843-o ppo sing-nude-bo dy-scanners/

Opposing Nude Body Scanners

Given the current draconian measure of implementing nude body scanners in the UK, Muslims and others are being f orced to shed the notion of decency and be exposed to strangers all in the pretext of maintaining acceptable levels of security. Indeed, the government has managed to beguile many of the public into believing these scanners are apparently f or public saf ety, a f alse claim that has been dealt with by many commentators, Muslims and non-Muslims alike. As we have recently seen, airport staf f have been involved in using the scanners f or personal gratif ication, an abhorrent phenomenon that will inevitably continue to happen. T hese scanners have now set a precedent whereby it is seemingly acceptable to view the genitalia of all, including our children. Ironically, the new Conservative government has now withdrawn ID cards out of concern f or civil liberties, yet turns its attention f rom our personal inf ormation to our naked bodies. Such measures must be seen as unacceptable to all right minded individuals, and thus, they must be withdrawn immediately. It is of f ensive to all those who stand f or decency that the government resort to such lowly tactics to deal with terrorism, so much so that they take on the vile immorality they so quickly claim these terrorists to personif y. Indeed, only a little while ago was it that the media condemningly reported that terrorists were using child pornography websites to relay messages to one another, but what f or the government who now want to see our children naked? So what to do? In the event that the government ref uses to withdraw these immoral tactics that will undoubtedly aid in the radicalisation of our youth (a term they so f ondly use), we f ind it totally unacceptable that if people who have been selected to be scanned ref use, they will not be allowed to f ly. T his idea is preposterous, and as stated by others, even the US allows individuals who ref use a scan to be patted down instead. T hus, it is obligatory upon every Muslim (who is able) to stand against these scanners, and in the event of their continued implementation, to call f or the option of a pat-down at the very least. Allah the Most High states,

And (as for) the believing men and the believing women, they are allies of one another; they enjoin good and forbid evil, they establish prayer and offer charity, they obey Allah and His Messenger. Those are the ones that Allah will show mercy to; surely Allah is Mighty and Wise.[1]

T he Prophet (peace be upon him) said,

Whoever amongst you sees anything objectionable, then let him change it with his hand, if he is not able, then with his tongue, and if he is not even able to do so, then with his heart, and the latter is the weakest form of faith.[2]

T his call can currently be made by signing the online petition which you can f ind here (10 Downing Street) whilst also objecting in the f orm of an email (or letter f or those who are unable to access a computer). Email Mike Alcock of the Department f or Transport (df t) in order to log your condemnation of the scanners and advocate that in the continued case of violating the basic right of humans not to be exposed to strangers, a pat-down should be of f ered in place of a body scan. In order to f acilitate the email, the letter below may be used as a template, but please take care to personalise your email so that every letter be

read as an individual response. Please note that the period of consultation will end on the 21st June 2010, so it is incumbent that you take action as soon as possible. To be ef f icient, please send your email (addressed to Mike Alcock) to copconsultation@df For those who would rather write a letter, please send your letter to: Mike Alcock Department f or Transport Z one 5/12 Southside Victoria Street London SW1E 6DT Please email this f atwa to all the people in your address book as well as printing it of f and hanging it on the noticeboard of your local mosque it is incumbent upon Muslims to encourage one another in this endeavour; such encouragement could be manif ested in the f orm of Friday sermons, public announcements through Muslim media, and even raising the issue at your local mosque or Muslim community centre. Indeed Allah says,

and help one another in birr (righteousness) and taqwa (piety), and do not help one another in ithm (sin) and udwan (enmity).[3]

As f or the email template, you could possibly write something like this: Dear Mr Alcock, I write to you to express my deep condemnation over the nude body airport scanners. I harshly oppose such measures since they violate the f undamental right of dignity and personal privacy. T he scanners are a clear violation of morality and decency, and will undoubtedly serve as a cause of of f ence by the leaking of nude pictures. T hey inf ringe upon the personal rights of all, and if anything, do more to endanger public security. I f ully support essential measures which increase passenger saf ety; however, I ref use to accept that passenger saf ety may be enhanced only by means of the body scanner, or that passenger security lies in passengers being seen naked. As a people who should take pride in the notion of decency, none should be put in a position where they must choose between security and dignity indeed, both principles are entwined with one another. We will never be able to ensure security by stripping the dignity of passengers. Given that other technologies and measures exist which are proven to detect the presence of questionable materials and/or weapons, I argue that passenger saf ety may be enhanced without inf ringing upon the rights of passengers. In the case that such vile measures continue to be implemented, I call f or the option of a pat-down search f or those passengers who ref use to be scanned out of a sense of modesty and dignity. Other airports around the world have implemented such procedures, a f act that clearly indicates their ef f ectiveness.

T hank you f or your time. Yours sincerely, (Your name) [1] Surah Al Tawbah 9:72 [2] Sahih Muslim

[3] Surah Al Maidah 5:2

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