SQ L Server 2008 Express Install Guide

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SQL Server 2008 Express - Installation Guide

SQL Server 2008 Express - Installation Guide Introduction Contents

Page 2

Revision table............................................................................................................................. 1 2 2. 1 3 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... .. SQL Server 2008 Express installation ...............................................................................

2 3 3

Installation................................................................................................................. . 3 Post installation steps ....................................................................................................... 2 2

Revision table
Date 2$%02%2010 0(%0)%2011 !o &'P &'P "o##ent Docu#ent created *pdated +it! lin, to R2

Pa-e 2 o. 23 "reated b/ &ans 'olind Pedersen

"reated on ) 0pril 2011

SQL Server 2008 Express - Installation Guide 1 Introduction

Page 3

1!is docu#ent s!o+s !o+ to #odi./ t!e standard settin-s in SQL Server 2008 Express or SQL Server 2008 R2 Express installation .or use +it! 2aviEdit. 0n auto#ated installation script +!ic! installs and con.i-ures t!e SQL Server 200$ Express SP) .or use +it! 2aviEdit can be .ound at t!e EI30 installation D3D. 1!e SQL Server s!ould be installed be.ore installin- 2aviEdit. I. an/ ot!er version o. t!e SQL Server is installed on t!e sa#e co#puter4 un%installation o. t!is SQL Server is reco##ended. 1!e 2aviEdit database .iles used b/ 2aviEdit are not re#oved +!en t!e SQL Server is uninstalled.

2 SQL Server 2008 Express installation

1!e SQL Server 2008 Express co#es in t+o di..erent versions5 16 SQL Server 2008 Express 26 SQL Server 2008 R2 Express SQL Server 2008 +as released 0u-ust 2008. SQL Server 2008 R2 +as released 0pril 2010. I relation to 2aviEdit t!ere is no di..erence bet+een t!e t+o versions. Lin, to t!e SQL Server 2008 Express SP2 .or bot! 32 bit and 7) bit indo+s s/ste#s. 8ou s!ould select t!e .ile +it! 9:x7) post.ix4 i. /ou are runnin- a 7) bit indo+s version 5 !ttp5;;+++.#icroso.t.co#;do+nloads;en;details.aspx<=a#il/ID>)00"=$$=%0(1$%)??0% @(3$%D02="2"80(0=

Lin, to t!e SQL Server 2008 R2 Express .or bot! 32 bit and 7) bit indo+s s/ste#s. 8ou s!ould select t!e .ile +it! 9:x7) post.ix4 i. /ou are runnin- a 7) bit indo+s version 5 !ttp5;;+++.#icroso.t.co#;do+nloads;en;details.aspx<=a#il/ID>8b37@$d@%)1$e%)1.0%a0(@% 2$ab0)12)2)b

2.1 Installation
?elo+ are screens!ot .ro# t!e installation process on indo+s (5

Pa-e 3 o. 23 "reated b/ &ans 'olind Pedersen "reated on ) 0pril 2011

SQL Server 2008 Express - Installation Guide

Run t!e installer5

Page 4

ait +!ile t!e .iles are extracted and select Installation5

Pa-e ) o. 23

"reated b/ &ans 'olind Pedersen "reated on ) 0pril 2011

SQL Server 2008 Express - Installation Guide

Select 92e+ SQL Server stand%alone installation5

Page 5

Pa-e $ o. 23 "reated b/ &ans 'olind Pedersen "reated on ) 0pril 2011

SQL Server 2008 Express - Installation Guide

0 reboot #i-!t be needed5

Page 6

Pa-e 7 o. 23 "reated b/ &ans 'olind Pedersen "reated on ) 0pril 2011

SQL Server 2008 Express - Installation Guide

I. so4 reboot4 and repeat t!e steps above5

Page 7

&it next on t!e 9Product 'e/ screen A2o product ,e/ is needed .or t!is .ree versionB5

Pa-e ( o. 23 "reated b/ &ans 'olind Pedersen "reated on ) 0pril 2011

SQL Server 2008 Express - Installation Guide

Page 8

Pa-e 8 o. 23 "reated b/ &ans 'olind Pedersen

"reated on ) 0pril 2011

SQL Server 2008 Express - Installation Guide

0ccept t!e license5

Page 9

Pa-e @ o. 23 "reated b/ &ans 'olind Pedersen "reated on ) 0pril 2011

SQL Server 2008 Express - Installation Guide Page 10

&it Install5

Pa-e 10 o. 23 "reated b/ &ans 'olind Pedersen "reated on ) 0pril 2011

SQL Server 2008 Express - Installation Guide Page 11

&it next5

Pa-e 11 o. 23 "reated b/ &ans 'olind Pedersen "reated on ) 0pril 2011

SQL Server 2008 Express - Installation Guide Page 12

Select all .eatures5

Pa-e 12 o. 23 "reated b/ &ans 'olind Pedersen "reated on ) 0pril 2011

SQL Server 2008 Express - Installation Guide Page 13

"!an-e .ro# 2a#ed Instance to t!e De.ault Instance4 +!ic! auto#aticall/ s!ould be na#ed CSSQLSER3ER5

I. /ou cannot select t!e de.ault instance4 /ou !ave alread/ installed a de.ault instance o. a SQL Server.

Pa-e 13 o. 23 "reated b/ &ans 'olind Pedersen "reated on ) 0pril 2011

SQL Server 2008 Express - Installation Guide Page 14

Press next5

Pa-e 1) o. 23 "reated b/ &ans 'olind Pedersen "reated on ) 0pril 2011

SQL Server 2008 Express - Installation Guide Page 15

Select t!e 921 0*1&DRI18E2E1 DR' SER3I"E .or SQL Server Database En-ine5

Pa-e 1$ o. 23 "reated b/ &ans 'olind Pedersen "reated on ) 0pril 2011

SQL Server 2008 Express - Installation Guide Page 16

?e sure t!at indo+s 0ut!entication Code is selected4 and !it t!e 90dd "urrent *ser button4 so /our user na#e appears in t!e 9Speci./ SQL Server ad#inistrators box5

Pa-e 17 o. 23 "reated b/ &ans 'olind Pedersen "reated on ) 0pril 2011

SQL Server 2008 Express - Installation Guide Page 17

&it next on t!e FError and *sa-e Reportin-G5

Pa-e 1( o. 23 "reated b/ &ans 'olind Pedersen "reated on ) 0pril 2011

SQL Server 2008 Express - Installation Guide Page 18

0nd next a-ain5

Pa-e 18 o. 23 "reated b/ &ans 'olind Pedersen "reated on ) 0pril 2011

SQL Server 2008 Express - Installation Guide Page 19

0nd .inall/ install5

Pa-e 1@ o. 23 "reated b/ &ans 'olind Pedersen "reated on ) 0pril 2011

SQL Server 2008 Express - Installation Guide Page 20

0nd next5

Pa-e 20 o. 23 "reated b/ &ans 'olind Pedersen "reated on ) 0pril 2011

SQL Server 2008 Express - Installation Guide Page 21

0nd close5

Pa-e 21 o. 23 "reated b/ &ans 'olind Pedersen "reated on ) 0pril 2011

SQL Server 2008 Express - Installation Guide Page 22 !ost installation steps
Select t!e Cicroso.t SQL Server 20084 SQL Server "on.i-uration Cana-er .ro# t!e Start #enu5

Disable t!e 9S!ared Ce#or/ protocol and enable t!e 1"P;IP protocol .or t!e 9SQL Server 2et+or, "on.i-uration5

Pa-e 22 o. 23 "reated b/ &ans 'olind Pedersen "reated on ) 0pril 2011

SQL Server 2008 Express - Installation Guide Page 23

0nd disable t!e 9S!ared Ce#ro/ and t!e 92a#ed Pipes protocols .or t!e 9"lient Protocols so 1"P;IP is t!e onl/ enabled protocol5

0nd .inall/ restart t!e CSSQLSER3ER5

Pa-e 23 o. 23 "reated b/ &ans 'olind Pedersen "reated on ) 0pril 2011

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