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09:00 10:00 10:00 10:15

Welcome Address (Assistant Director-General, Fisheries and Aquaculture, FAO)

Arni Mathisen

10:15 10:45

Fisheries Dependent Information for an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries: FAOs perspective Gabriella Bianchi
(FAO) Keynote Address

Opening thoughts

10:45 11:45

The need for effective fisheries stakeholder integration in fisheries science and managementidentifying opportunities and challenges through U.S. regional examples.
Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council, USA

Richard B. Robins, Jr., Chairman

11:45 12:15

Introduction to days Proceedings and Poster presentations Involving Stakeholders in Participatory Management and Data Collection
GAP2 policy brief on stakeholder participation and the challenges of developing a common understanding.
Pastoors, M.A., Mackinson, S., Stange, K.,The Netherlands


Efficiencies in Data Collection

Data, theory and services to produce a cost-benefit analysis tool for optimal fisheries enforcement practices: application to the Swedish fisheries
Dimitrios Damalas, Jenny Nord, Malin Hultgren , Jann Th. Martinsohn, JRC EC/Sweden

12:15 12:30

12:30 12:45

Participatory management and fishers ecological knowledge in Latin America

Johanne Fischer and Daniela Kalikoski, Italy

Practical implementation of statistically sound catch sampling programs in ICES to support fisheries stock assessment and evaluation of ecosystem impacts of fishing. How does variation in observer coverage influence our estimates of indicators used in Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management?
Jason E. Jannot, USA Jon Helge Vlstad and Mike Armstrong , Norway/England

12:45 13:00

Proceedings and Synthesis of the 2013 Northeast US Collaborative Research Summit

Christopher McGuire, William A. Karp, Peg Petruny-Parker, USA

13:00 14:00

LUNCH Involving Stakeholders in Participatory Management and Data Collection

Did the Dutch self-sampling programme of plaice discards deliver what was hoped for?
M.Kraan, A.Coers, A.T.M. van Helmond,D. Miller, J.J.Poos, S. Uhlmann, The Netherlands


Efficiencies in Data Collection

The bias and variance of estimates of fishing effort from Vessel Monitoring Systems data
Rui Catarino; Coby L. Needle; Rob Fryer, Scotland

14:00 14: 15

14:15 14:30

Involving fishers in data collection: Experiences from the Norwegian Reference Fleet
Maiken Bjrkan, Kjell Nedreaas, Tom Williams, Norway

Estimating impacts of the pollock fishery on selected runs of Chinook salmon from Alaska
James Ianelli and Diana Stram, USA

14:30 14:45

What is the catch with self-sampling? Comparing catch and discard estimates from co-sampled trips
Sebastian S. Uhlmann, Aloysius T. M. van Helmond, Aukje Coers, Rosemarie Nijman, and Ronald Bol, The Netherlands

Bycatch of seabirds in Norwegian coastal fisheries comparison of estimation methods with regards to bias
Kirstin Fangel, ystein Aas, Line Camilla Wold, Kjell Nedreaas, Jon Helge Vlstad, Signe ChristensenDalsgaard, Tycho Anker-Nilssen, and Modulf Overvik, Norway

14:45 15:00

Self sampling in the Northern Adriatic sea: collection and validation of electronic logbooks fishery data
Celi Igor, Mion Monica, Fortibuoni Tomaso, Franceschini Gianluca, Piras Camilla, Giovanardi Otello, Belardinelli Andrea, Martinelli Michela, Raicevich Saa, Italy

Fisheries Data: A key in monitoring resource health for sustainable exploitation

Parcey Ochuko Obatola, Ankabi Bankole Williams and Kvame Koranteng. Nigeria

15:00 15:15

Monitoring the effects of pulse trawling in the Netherlands through participatory approaches
Rasenberg, M, Pastoors, M.A., The Netherlands

Quantifying fisheries selectivity in data-limited stocks

Paraskevas Vasilakopoulos; Christos Maravelias, Greece

15:15 15:30

NEPTUNE(National Evaluation of Populations of Threatened and Uncertain Elasmobranch stocks): scientific bycatch fishery
Stuart Hetherington, Victoria Bendall, Paul Trebilcock, Jim Ellis and Sophy McCully, England

The design, implementation and performance of an observer pre-trip notification system (PTNS) for the northeast United States groundfish fishery
Michael C. Palmer, Patty Hersey, Heidi Marotta, Gina Reppucci Shield, Sarah B. Cierpich, USA

15:30 16:15



Industry Involvement in By-catch Reduction and Data Collection

Using fishermen-reported data to reduce bycatch: the US sea scallop example
Catherine E. O'Keefe, Gregory R. DeCelles and Steven X. Cadrin, USA

Improving Catch and Effort Estimates

16:15 16:30

Linking VMS and logbook data. A case study on deep sea fisheries
Fuensanta Candela Castillo Fernando Nieto jConde, EC DG MARE

Seal depredation in Irish set net fisheries

16:30 16:45

Data-poor fisheries in West Africa: Past, present and future?

Dyhia Belhabib, Duncan Copeland, Alkaly Doumbouya and Heiko Seilert, Canada

Ronan Cosgrove, Michelle Cronin, David Reid , Martha Gosch, Michael Sheridan, Nicholas Chopin and Mark Jessopp, Ireland

16:45 17:00

Developing real-time local fishery management through cooperative acoustic surveys in the Aleutian Islands
Steven J. Barbeaux, Dave Fraser, Steven J. Barbeaux, Dave Fraser, Lowell Fritz, and Elizabeth Logerwell, USA

RTI-tariffs integrate spatiotemporally resolved multiple commercial CPUEs and ecosystem information to manage mixed fisheries with one currency
Sarah B. M. Kraak, Dave G. Reid, Edward A. Codling, Emer Rogan, and Ciarn J. Kelly, Ireland

17:00 17:15

How can fishers and scientists improve the proving of effects of innovative gear?
Quirijns, F.J., Kraan, M. en Andriessen, L, The Netherlands

Evaluating the efficacy of salmon by-catch measures using fishery-dependent data

Diana L. Stram and James N. Ianelli, USA

17:15 18:00

Panel discussion Collaboration & Analyses Welcome Reception (FAO)

19:00 22:00

Keynote address

09:00 10:00

Fish sales organizations as providers of fisheries data

Norwegian Pelagic Fishermens Sales Organization , Norway

Otto Gregussen, MD

10:00 10:30 10:30 11:30 THEME

Introduction to Days Proceedings and Poster presentations COFFEE & POSTERS Information needs for Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries
Fishery Dependent Information for the Establishment and Management of Marine Protected Areas in Sierra Leone
Sheku Sei, Andrew Baio and Salieu Sankoh, Sierra Leone

Electronic Monitoring (EM) Design and Implications

Electronic Monitoring: It works in BC groundfish but only as one element of a complex package
R.D. Stanley, T. Karim, and J. Koolman, Canada

11:30 11:45

11:45 12:00

Comparative analysis of fishery socio economic data collection in the Mediterranean - Lessons learned and future prospects
Pinello, D., Bernardon, M., Ceriola, L., Dimech, M., Milone, N., Greece

EM Program Design Model: Moving from Proof of Concept to an Operational EM Program.

McElderry, H., Stanley, R. D., Pria, M. J., Canada

12:00 12:15

Data Requirements for RFMO Transition to an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management

Eric Gilman, USA

Improving Fishery Dependent Data Collection in the United States: Setting the Stage for Innovation Through Stakeholder Involvement
Dorothy Lowman, USA

12:15 12:30

Analyzing the socioeconomic impacts of fisheries management

Leyre Goti, Ralf Dring, Germany

Electronic Monitoring Implications for Industry, Stakeholders & the Public

Nicholas Rayns, Australia

12:30 12:45

Electronic Monitoring: A promising alternative to At-Sea-Monitoring in the New England Groundfish fishery
Rachel Long, Jessica Joyce, Croy Carlin, Morgan Dyas, Geoff Smith, Ben Martens and Lucy Van Hook, USA

12:45 13:45

Scottish Science Applications of Remote Electronic Monitoring

Coby L. Needle, Rui M. D. Catarino, Rosanne Dinsdale, Tanja Buch, Scotland

13:00- 14:00

LUNCH Full Catch Retention and Landings Obligations

Discard ban and data: incompatible or two faces of the same coin?
Lisa Borges, Belgium


14:00 14:15

14:15 14:30

Sampling and estimation of unreported by-catch under a discard ban

Blom, G, Dingsr, G and Nedreaas, K., Norway

14:30 14:45

Preparing for the landing obligation in the Dutch pelagic fisheries: results of a science-industry partnership
Van Balsfoort, G., Pastoors, M.A. et al, The Netherlands

14:45 15:00

Fishing Site Choice Analysis Using VMS data

Benjamin Breen, Stephen Hynes, Hugh Kelley, Ireland

15:00 15:15

How do French fishers decide what to discard?

Kevin Leleu, Marie-Jolle Rochet, Katia Frangoudes, Verena Trenkel., France

15:15 15:45



Electronic Monitoring Evaluation

Application of two approaches for electronic monitoring in the North-eastern USA
Amy Van Atten, Nichole Rossi, Glenn Chamberlain, Kelly Neville, USA

15:45 16:00

16:00 16:15

How effective is a catch quota regime in the commercial Dutch cod fishery?
Edwin van Helmond, The Netherlands

16:15 16:30

Remote Electronic Monitoring of catches - An appraisal of five years of Danish CCTV trials
Clara Ulrich, Jrgen Dalskov, Josefine Egekvist, Kirsten Birch Hkansson, Hans Jakob Olesen, Marie Storr-Paulsen

16:30 16:45

Monitoring tropical tuna purse seine fisheries using electronic monitoring

Restrepo, V., Batty, A., Chavance, P. Ruiz, J., Sharples, P., McElderry, H., Canada

16:45 17:00

Reality versus Rhetoric: A case study for electronic monitoring in the North Pacific.
Farron Wallace, USA

17:00 17:45

Panel Discussion EM technology and information needs

Keynote address

09:00 10:00

Responsive Fisheries management experiences from New Zealand

NZ Rock Lobster Industry Council, New Zealand

Daryl Sykes, CEO

10:00 10:30

Introduction to Days Proceedings and Poster presentations COFFEE EcoFishMan

The EcoFishMan project on the Ecosystem-based Responsive Fisheries Management in Europe
Sveinn Margeirsson, Iceland

10:30 11:15


Participatory Management/ Governance

Engaging stakeholders in harvest policy development: a management strategy evaluation for Lake Erie percid fisheries
Michael L Jones, Matthew J Catalano, Lisa A Peterson, USA

11:15 11:30

Time for a change? A new paradigm in fisheries management for the North Sea

11:30 11:45
Paul Fernandes, UK

Participatory data, knowledge and experience sharing on the cross-border Natura 2000 Dogger Bank
David Goldsborough, The Netherlands

11:45 12:00

Developing a GIS-based decision support system for visualizing data related to fisheries management lessons learned
Petter Olsen, Norway

The North Sea RACs making of a long term management plan for North Sea Nephrops fisheries: Stakeholder-led knowledge production in a mixed actor setting
Stange, K., The Netherlands


Adapting Data Collection to Environmental or Regulatory Change

Results based management in fisheries: Delegating responsibility to resource users
Michaela Aschan, Norway

12:00 12:15

Managing Change in Fisheries: adapting to new management strategies and environmental shifts.
Steve Eayrs, Steven Cadrin, Chris Glass, USA

12:15 12:30

European Stakeholders: insights into the Responsive Fisheries Management System

Jos Luis Santiago, Spain

Sources and flow of fishery information across EU - a snapshot.

Cristina Castro Ribeiro, EC JRC

12:30 12:45

Ecological, Economic, Social, and Governance indicators for Responsive Fisheries Management Systems
Maria Borges, Portugal

Ten years of fisheries data collection for scientific advice in the EU

Cristina Castro Ribeiro Fabrizio Natale Hendrik Doerner, EC JRC

12:45 13:00

Audit Framework for Management Plan Evaluation based on RFMS

Olavur Gregersen, Faroe Islands

New England Fishery-Shaking Shifts in Catch and Ecosystem Sustainability: Compelling Need for Cod Fishery-Dependent Data
David E. Pierce, USA

13:00 14:00


14:00 14:15

Can social dimension effectively be included into fisheries management?

Anna Karlsdottir, Iceland

14:15 14:30

The documented and tested Responsive Fisheries Management System (RFMS) in Europe, - Policy Brief
Kre Nolde Nielsen, Norway

WORKSHOP The Barefoot Ecologist

Jeremy Prince and Martin Pastoors

14:30 14:45 14:45 15:00

Fishing sustainably in a mixed fishery: a multispecies approach

Alan R. Baudron, UK

Results-based management in three Galician Goose Barnacle fisheries

Melania Borit, Norway

15:00 15:15

Development of a Responsive Fisheries Management System for the Portuguese crustacean bottom trawl fishery: lessons learnt
Cristina Silva, Portugal

15:15 15:45

Small pelagic fisheries self-management in the Adriatic sea: a case of RFMS?

15:45 16:00
Massimo Virgili, Italy

16:00 16:15

The Icelandic lumpsucker fishery lessons learnt in developing a new resultsbased management plan
Sveinn Agnarsson, Iceland

WORKSHOP Electronic Monitoring and its Role in Fully Documented Fisheries Benefits and Challenges
Norman Graham and Bill Karp

Tackling the discard problem: opening the toolbox

16:15 16:30
Paul Fernandes, UK

16:30 17:30 19:30 late

Panel Discussion: Future RFMS Implementation


Keynote Address

09:00 10:00

Imagine all the people Implications of an increasing role of stakeholders (fishers) in fisheries governance and research.
IMARES, The Netherlands

Dr. Marloes Kraan,

10:00 10:30 10:30 11:00 THEME

Introduction to Days Proceedings and Poster presentations COFFEE Participatory Management/ Governance
A comparison of lessons from GAP2 and CFRN on participatory research efforts and the links to policy development.
Rob Stephenson, Martin Pastoors, Stacey Paul, Steve Mackinson et al, Canada

Data Sampling Approaches or Improvements

A tale of two censuses: monitoring bycatch with zero tolerance for uncertainty
Craig H. Faunce, USA

11:00 11:15

11:15 11:30

How is the legitimacy of advice affected when fishers are included? An interdisciplinary study of the long term management policy of the Mediterranean red shrimp (Aristeus antennatus)
Maiken Bjrkan, Joan B. Company, Norway

Building a bridge between two Parallel Worlds: Can Fishery Genetics be integrated finally into Sustainable Fishery Management Strategies?
Jann Th. Martinsohn, EC JRC

11:30 11:45

The evolution of information needs in support of fisheries management

Evelina Carmen Sabatella, Italy

Seal bycatch in Irish set net fisheries and implications for management of bycatch of protected species at EC level
Ronan Cosgrove, Michelle Cronin, David Reid , Martha Gosch, Michael Sheridan, Nicholas Chopin and Mark Jessopp, Ireland

11:45 12:00

Using acoustic data from pelagic fishing vessels to monitor pelagic fish stocks and their ecosystem
Thomas Brunel, Sven Gastauer, Sascha Fssler and Dirk Burggraaf, The Netherlands

Does inclusivity play against accuracy in the design of onboard observer sampling schemes?
Anne-Sophie Cornou,, Marie-Jolle Rochet , Jol Dimet, Benot Dub, Laurence Fauconnet, Verena Trenkel, France


Industry-Science Collaboration
The Norwegian Reference Fleet A trustful cooperation between fishermen and scientists
Tom Williams, Asbjrn Borge, and Harald Senneseth, Norway

Small Scale or Recreational fisheries

Working with villagers to assess catch and species composition in the Lao, PDR of the lower Mekong Basin
Patricio, Harmony C., S. Ainsley, M. Peterson, S. Zipper, S. Ounboundisane, M. Pakhounthong, D. Demko.

12:00 12:15

12:15 12:30

Voluntary catch registration for monitoring coastal fish communities

Josianne G.Stttrup, Louise Kristensen and Malene Mhl, Denmark

Potential fish-community effects of recreational fishing in freshwater and marine systems.

Dustin R Martin, Christoper J. Chizinski, and Kevin L. Pope, USA

12:30 12:45

New horizons in the co-management of the octopus fishery in Galicia (NW Spain) due to the development of the European projects GAP2 and GEPETO
Pablo Pita, Duarte Fernndez-Vidal, Ramn Muo, Spain

Comparing different survey methods to estimate sea bass recreational catches in the Basque Country
L. Zarauz, J. Ruiz, E. Andonegi, A. Urtizberea, E. Mugerza, I. Artetxe, Spain

12:45 13:00

Development of a joint industry-science proposal for a management plan for North Sea horse mackerel
Aukje Coers, David Miller, Beatriz Roel, Verena Ohms, The Netherlands

The RSA of Gingoog Bay: Towards a Holistic Fisheries Management Plan from ecological Perspectives
Elvira Ynion Adan,

13:00 13:15

E. Zollett, R. J. Trumble, J. Swasey, S.Stebbins, USA

Guiding principles for design of fishery monitoring programs

Correcting miss- and under-reported marine fisheries catches for the Gaza Strip: 1950-2010
Mohammed Abudaya, Gaza

13:15 14:15



Participatory Data Collection in Small Scale fisheries

Shared management of fishery resources in Tanzania
Fatima A. Sobo, Tanzania

Use of Fisher Knowledge in Fisheries Management

Monitoring ecosystem change using fishermens knowledge: the connoisseurs of the marine environment
Steven X. Cadrin, Kevin Blinkoff and Cate OKeefe, USA

14:15 14:30

14:30 14:45

Assessment and data collection strategies in small-scale inland fisheries

Beier, U., Sandstrm, A. & Stenberg, M, Sweden

Compatibility of surveys and fishers Boois, F.Quirijns and M.Kraan, The Netherlands

14:45 15:00

Involving fishermen in the research underpinning governance of small-scale fisheries a case study from Lake Vttern, Sweden
Alfred Sandstrm, Johnny Norrgrd, Malin Setzer and Sara Bergek, Sweden

Fishery dependent data to inform killer whale-fisheries interactions research in western Alaska
Megan J. Peterson, Franz Mueter, Keith Criddle, Alan Haynie, USA

15:00 15:15

Monitoring artisanal fisheries in the Basque Country: (Skippers involvement and participation in the data collection process).
E. Mugerza, A. Murillas-Maza, J. Ruiz, L. Zarauz, L. Arregi, N. Alzorriz, I. Artetxe, Spain

Community-based monitoring of artisanal fisheries activity in Al Hoceima National Park (Morocco) under the scope of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries - PROJET SuiviCOM
Al Hoceima Mohamed Najih , Omar Kada , Yassine Zahri, Laura Leite, Pedro Barros, Morocco

15:15 15:30

A community-based data collection program for sustainable management and certification of nearshore artisanal fisheries
Steve Schroeter, Peter Halmay, Peter Kalvass, Carlos Mireles, Nicolas L. Gutierrez, Ray Hilborn, Ed Parnell, Paul Dayton - (unconfirmed)

Data exploration of gear differences in length and maturity of Northeast Arctic cod (Gadus morhua) during the multi gear Lofoten spawning fishery 1960-2009
K. Nedreaas (Norway)

15:30 16:00 16:00 17:00


Summing Up Session Where to from here?

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