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A.Internet browser issues like (version update, vendor is recommending Google Chrome and IT is recommending Internet Explorer etc.

) Access Comment: We have also recommended I.E. 9 or above. b.IIS (Internet Information Services) Policy issues. C.Holiday marking issues (Sunday and Gazetted), which affect PTP (Promise to Pay) and other actions and diaries that are core collection process needs. In last UAT system was not taking PTP due to Saturday and Sunday because of both days are marked as holidays. Access Comment: We are working for the exclusion of the Sunday and Saturday. Since in current month there are five weeks and this is the new scenario). D.Manual Search functionality not working. Access Comment: Issues resolved. New bug raised on 22-Jan-2014. E.Contact numbers added in collections system (CMS) not successfully appearing every time. F. Contact numbers already existing in CardPro and Collections System not appearing successfully every time. Access Comment: Data Issues, we have handled the exceptions if the data is not correct. G.Cycle cut data was not updated for conducting UAT every time. Even in last UAT conducted on 22nd Jan 2014 called by vendor was unsuccessful due to non-updated financial data on Collections System. We were asked to provide sample account for UAT before conducting the UAT. However we were unable to conduct UAT on those accounts as system was not allowing PTP appearing for supervisor approval Access Comment: as per Bilal there is no issue of cycle cut as above reference cases are cycle 10 cases. As per him, batch is executed on 10th Jan 2014, whereas system should have been on 21st Jan 2014 position as per mutual understanding.

H.System is not taking promise more than same date. Access Comment: Its working properly. Because the PTP was taken on Friday and system is including the sat and sun as above mentioned in point C. We have set the system date on 13-Jan-2014 and same have been executed.

I.Shared Pool and Assigned Pools is not test properly in UAT due to non-readiness of application functionality or data availability in Collections System (CMS).

Access Comment: We have checked the certain accounts on Shared Pool while for the Round Ribbon it hasnt been tested but the work is completed. Meanwhile we have opened the share pooled for all the buckets due to the constraint of the data. As soon the system is on actual testing we will apply the actual requirement.

J.PTP and long PTP not tested properly in one go Access Comment: Due to constraints and data issues. K.Account prioritization functionality is not tested as of now. Access Comment: It is done but need to be test on all parameters. L.Screen resolution issues found in each UAT. Access Comment: Monitor Resolution screens.

M.PTP (Long or Normal) cannot be taken greater than cycle cut date not test properly. Access Comment: Issues have been resolved but not tested again yesterday due to availability of data and times constraint during the testing.

N.Long PTP taken but even after payment receiving was showing pending whereas on logic provided it should be kept. Access Comment: Resolved. It is working in the last day. O.Every form/user input screens have Tabbing issues, Cursor runaway issue, Focus jumps to other part of screen issues. Access Comment: Control forms issues which have been resolved.

P.Application TREE view panel given on left side on main screen also not working properly and close TREE menu itself on clicking to a link. Access Comment: Its working properly.

Q.Other Actions or diaries (Collection activities) like Follow-up; Hold etc. are also not test properly as of now. Access Comment: Due to system back dated and Live Data Constraints.

Faisal Center requirement

I.Remote Desktop of the Test Environment from Branch Level/Regional Level. II.Access to Patch Update of the CMS to the Test Environment. III.Internet Connection/Email Address access to update the patch. (Email Id was already provided when cams were implemented. Reactivate that Email Id). IV.User Login ID access to the terminal/Remote Desktop. V.Terminal Machine Core2Duo with 4 GB RAM and 300 GB HD. Because we need separate environment to check the rectified issues before deploying on the test environment. VI.On test environment we need more hard disk space around 300 GB.

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