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Biodeterioration and Practice of Restoration

Katja Sterflinger BOKU Austrian Center of Biological Resources and Applied Mycology Muthgasse 18 A-11 ! "ienna Ksterf#ed$%&'o(u&ac&at Abstract )he potential of *icro-organis*s to alter and destroy *onu*ents and +or(s of art +as sho+n in *any studies in the last years& ,ere- the i*pact of 'iogenic +eathering on the daily practice and routine of restoration is descri'ed and illustrated +ith case studies fro* "ienna& Considering 'iogenic alterations and presence of *icro-organis*s has direct i*plications for the cleaningconsolidation and e.position of o'jects as +ell as for the safety and health of restorers and $isitors& /l poten0iale di *icroorganis*i nel ca*'ia*ento e nella distru0ione di opere d1 arte si *ostra$a in tanti studi nell1 ulti*i anni& 21 influen0a della efflorescen0a 'iologica nella pratica 3uotidiana e nelle pratica del restauro e discritto e illustrato in ese*pi ese*plare da *onu*enti di "ienna& Microorganis*i ed efflorescen0a 'iologica hanno un1 influen0a diretta nella scelta del *etodo di purifica0ione e consolida*ento nonche1 nelle disposi0ione di oggetti& Al di spora *ettano in pericolo la salute di ristoratori e $isitatori& Introduction /n the last decades nu*erous studies ha$e con$incingly sho+n that *ossalgae- 'acteria- *oulds- lichens and insects contri'ute to the esthetical spoiling and +eathering of cultural heritage 45ig&16& All types of organic and inorganic *aterial 7 paper- te.tile- leather- glass- oil colorsorganic 'inders- plastics- roc(- stuccos and *etals in indoor and outdoor en$iron*ents are concerned 4Mandrioli et al&%!!86& )he *ost i*portant 'iodeterioration *echanis*s are9 416 esthetical spoiling- 4%6 che*ical corrosion due to e.cretion of organic and inorganic acids- 486 degradation of all organic co*ponents of +or(s of art as e&g& organic 'inders- +ood- leather- can$as- glue- oiletc& and 4:6 *echanical destruction due to gro+th inside of *aterial- 'et+een and under coatings or loosened *aterial layers& Moreo$er- o'jects- e.hi'ition roo*sstudios and depots conta*inated +ith *icro-organis*s can 'e a serious health ris( for hu*ans- thus affecting restorers*useu* personnel and $isitors 4Mc;innis- %!!:6& /n $ie+ of hu*an health- fungi and their spores of special i*portance& 5or this reasons the pheno*ena and organis*s in$ol$ed in 'iodeterioration processes ha$e a concrete i*pact on the restoration and conser$ation practice concerning9

'iology and cleaning *ethods 'iology and consolidation 'iology and *aterial choice 'iology and storage conditions 'iology and e.position 'iology and occupational safety and health On the question biocide treatments of cleaning and

insert 5ig&1

/n all fields of restoration practice cleaning of o'jects including the re*o$al of patinas and crusts is the first step of conser$ation& /n *ost instances the appropriate cleaning *ethod is deter*ined 'y the che*ical co*position and strength of the *aterial itself and 'y the che*ical 3uality of other than 'iogenic patinas& ,o+e$er- if an o'ject suffers for* strong 'iogenic conta*inationthe follo+ing considerations should 'e ta(en into account for cleaning9 416 Algal and cyano'acterial layers and crusts should 'e co*pletely dry 'efore cleaning& <ry crusts often readily detach fro* the *aterial and can 'e re*o$ed *echanically using hard 'rushes& /n contrast- hu*id layers of algae are densely attached to the *aterial and trying to re*o$e the* *echanically results in a *ucilaginous s*ear that +ill 'e pressed for+ard e$en deeper into porous *aterial& 4%6 Cleaning porous *aterial +ith high pressure or superheated stea* should 'e a$oided 'ecause it pushes organis*s and +ater deep into the *aterial& As a conse3uence *icro'ial gro+th +ill not only 'e faster after+ards 'ut coloni0ation +ill also ta(e place deeper inside the *aterial& 486 Care has to 'e ta(en +ith the use of laser-cleaning on dar(ly pig*ented

lichen or fungal crusts& Melanins and carotenes are 'io-pig*ents that can 'e 'urned into the crystal *atri. 'y the heat of the laser and the resulting 'lac( stain is e$en *ore difficult to re*o$e& ,ere- sand'lasting 7 either +ith sand or +ith nutshell 7 can 'e a suita'le alternati$e& 4:6 "el$ety or po+dery surfaces of *ould colonies indicate hea$y sporulation& Because these spores are easily transferred 'y the air they are sources of conta*ination for other o'jects& Moreo$er- their allergenic potential is a health ris( for the restorer& )hereforspores should 'e re*o$ed 'y a $acuu* cleaner that *ust 'e e3uipped +ith a ,=>A filter& /n case this e3uip*ent is not a$aila'le +et cleaning using cotton s+a's soa(ed +ith ?!@ ethanol is reco**ended& <ry cleaning +ith s*all 'rushes or paint-'rush +ill disperse the spores and thus should 'e a$oided at all *eans& ,a$ing thoroughly re*o$ed all *acroscopically $isi'le *icro-flora fro* an o'ject- a 'iocide treat*ent can 'e considered& )here are follo+ing indications for the application of 'iocides in conser$ation9 416 Biogenic layers or colonies are often located inside the *aterial9 organis*s penetrate pores- fissures- gro+ under e.foliating crusts and 'et+een paint layers& )herefor *icro-organis*s can often not 'e reached *echanically and residues in for* of single $ia'le cells or +hole colonies are a source for rapid recurrence of fouling-processes& ,ere- a careful infiltration +ith 'iocide su'stances can help to a$oid intrinsic recurrence&

4%6 So*e *aterials- as certain te.tilespaintings- feathers etc& are too fragile to 'e cleaned *echanically and in those cases a treat*ent +ith 'iocidegases as ethylen-o.ide- o0one or thy*ol can 'e helpful& 486 Often conta*inated o'jects cannot 'e stored or e.posed in a +ay that *icro'ial gro+th is confined to a'solute *ini*u*& )his is the case for *ost outdoor *onu*ents 'ut also for o'jects stored in depots and for pieces *ade of organic *aterials that +ould suffer fro* lo+ relati$e hu*idity& /n such cases 'iocidal treat*ents should 'e considered 'ecause on the accident of an cli*atic e$ent 7 for e.a*ple a te*poral 'rea(do+n of the cli*ate-condition and dehu*idifiers 7 the *icro-flora present inside the *aterial in a (ind of dor*ant state can 'e acti$e +ithin a fe+ hours and can cause high da*age e$en 'efore the cli*ate change is detected& 4:6 Solutions containing 'iocides should 'e applied if any other sterili0ation *ethod 7 ethylen-o.ide or other to.ic gas- te*perature treat*ent- o0one +as considered and cannot 'e applied 'ecause it is either insufficient or not applica'le for the *aterial& /f restorers *ade the decision for a 'iocide treat*ent- the choice for the appropriate acti$e co*ponent should 'est 'e 'ased on preli*inary *icro-'iological studies that focus on the o'ject-specific *icro-flora and conditions& )his prestudies should include the analysis of the *icroorganis*s present- counts of $ia'le *icro'ial cells and analysis of *icro'ial acti$ity 'efore and after the 'iocide treat*ent& )he choice of the to.ic agent is so*eho+ restricted 'y the =uropean Biocide ;uideline& 5or this reason highly

to.ic organic-tin or -*ercury and other hea$y-*etal co*ponents +ill no longer 'e used in restoration& Al'eit a $ariety of 'iocides are a$aila'le on the *ar(ed +ith effects on different groups of organis*s 4Bagda et al&- %!!!6- in restoration practice su'stances effecti$e against a 'road spectru* of organis*s are needed& )+o su'stance groups are appro$ed to 'e effecti$e against fungi- 'acteria- algae*oss and lichen 'ecause they affect $ery general cellular processes9 416 >roducts containing for*aldehyde 7 for e.a*ple Anti*oos 'y Schicht 4"ienna6 and 4%6 products containing so called 3uaternary a**oniu*salts 4'en0alconiu* chlorideas e&g& >re$entol RA! and R8! 'y Bayer;er*any6& Also <ithiocar'a*ates 4Bira*)hira*6 ha$e a'road spectru* 'ut are only sta'le in a p, rage fro* p, ?-1!+hich can 'e pro'le*atic in co*'ination +ith highly al(aline *aterials- e&g& li*eslurries- plaster or *ortar& )ria0oles 4for e.a*ple >re$entol A86 are also in use 'ut they ha$e a selecti$e spectru* +ithin the fungi and are not effecti$e against algae& )he choice of the right 'iocide has to 'e co*ple*ented 'y the choice of the appropriate application& /n field studies carried out on stone facades and figures +e found out that 'iocides ha$e to 'e applied at least t+o ti*es in daily periods to achie$e an effecti$e (illing of the organis*s& /ncase of lichen crusts a three ti*e application on physiologically acti$e lichens is necessary& /n general- a physiologically acti$e 'iofil* is *uch *ore $ulnera'le against 'iocides than dried cells or dor*ant states are& 5or this reason +e reco**end to (eep surfaces hu*id se$eral hours 'efore the 'iocide is applied& Co*presses soa(ed +ith 'iocide are opti*al 'ut also flooding is appropriate&

/t is i*portant to (eep in *ind that none of the 'iocides currently a$aila'le on the *ar(ed has any long-ter* pre$enti$e effect against re-coloni0ation& )huscontrolling the hu*idity- te*perature- lightnutrients and co*'inations of this en$iron*ental para*eters is the only +ay to control *icro'iological conta*ination and to pre$ent re-infection& /n case those para*eters cannot 'e controlled due to conditions gi$en 'y the o'ject or 'ecause the necessary architectural *easures and changes of 'uilding physics can not 'e reali0ed*aintenance agree*ents including control and cleaning in regular ter*s should 'e concluded 'et+een authoritiesCsponsors and restorers& Restorers should (eep in *ind and put into +riting in their contacts that they cannot guarantee for the long ter* de$elop*ent of *icro'es in case the o+nerCsponsor does not agree +ith architectural- 'uilding physics and cli*atic *easures necessary to pre$ent *icro'ial gro+th& biocide case study: the fountain of Undine in Baden near Vienna insert 5igure % )he 'asin- figures and orna*ents of the fountain of Undine are 'uild of a highly porous li*estoneD the statue of Undine itself is *ade of *ar'le 45ig&%6& <ue to the current flo+ of +ater nearly the +hole surface of the figures +as co$ered +ith a thic( 'iofil* of algae and cyano'acteria 45ig&% '-c6D fungi and 'acteria +ere acco*panying& /t +as the ai* of the restoration to re*o$e those non-esthetic layers as effecti$e as possi'le- to consolidate the roc(- to apply a li*e slurry and to pre$ent rapid recurrence of algae

and cyano'acteria& At the sa*e ti*e the fountain +as planned to 'e in use during the su**er *onth and authorities decided not to add any 'iocide- su'stance to the fountains +ater& Because algae and cyano'acteria +ere located not only on the surface 'ut also in the pores of the roc( and therefor could not 'e co*pletely re*o$ed 'y 'rushing and sand-'lasting- it +as decided to carry out a 'iocide treat*ent of the +hole o'ject& Beforethree different products +ere tested on representati$e test-areas of the fountain 45ig&% c6& )he product EAnti*oosF is 'ased on for*aldehyde and 'oth ERochi*aF and EBrunnencleanF contain 3uaternary a**oniu*-salt- ERochi*aF additionally has lo+ a*ounts of for*ic acid& All products reduced the $ia'le cells of algae and cyano'acteria to nearly 0ero& 5inallythe decision +as *ade for the for*aldehyde-product 'ecause it +as *ost effecti$e also against 'acteria and fungi& /n addition a *aintenance agree*ent for the future includes the regular control of *icro'ial recurrence and of local cleaning if necessary co*'ined +ith local 'iocide applications&

)his controls can 'e carried out during the +inter *onth +hen the fountain is inacti$e and sheltered 'y a hood& Also the 'etter $entilation of the hood during the +inter *onth +as reco**ended as an i*portant *easure for the pre$ention of rapid recoloni0ation& Consolidants, coatings hydrophobic treatment and

)he fact that *ost synthetic resins 7 e&g& acrylate as >araloid B-?% or >ri*al AC88 and poly$inyl-acetates as Mo+ilith %! used for consolidation or as additi$es for filling *aterial and *ortars are degrada'le 'y fungi and 'acteria has 'een +idely discussed as an argu*ent against their use 4,eyn et al&- 1 G6& ,o+e$er- +hile using those su'stances on the o'ject their portion in total *icro'ial nutrient supply is relati$ely lo+ in *ost cases 'ecause - and this holds true especially for the outdoor e.position - organic pollutants are a$aila'le in high a*ounts and *ost of the* 7 also car'on hydro.ides- aro*ates and so*e >A,s - are *uch easier degraded 'y *icro-organis*s than synthetic poly*ers are& /n contrastorganic 'inders and consolidants as s(inglue- casein- *ethyl-cellulose- egglinseed-oil etc& are 'eneficial for *icro'es and pro$o(e rapid coloni0ation and 'iogenic degradation& )he sa*e holds true for or synthetic su'stances containing nitrogen sources 'ecause these are a (ind of fertili0er for organis*s& /rrespecti$ely of the che*ical co*position of the poly*er used for consolidation and

coating- the decisi$e factor pro*oting *icro'ial gro+th is the change of the physical and properties and the resulting *icro-cli*ate created 'y the poly*er coatings& On porous *aterial- especially on roc(- superficial consolidation or coating +ith poly*ers often leads to +ater accu*ulation inside the *aterial& )his is 'ecause fil*s of poly*ers are really i*per*ea'le only for the first yeast after application- then first fissures occur due to loss of fle.i'ility and +ater per*eates through those fissures& ,o+e$er- 'ecause the a *ajor proportion of b the surface is still coated +ith poly*er the diffusion of $apor is ha*pered and +ater accu*ulates inside the roc(& )he high and constant hu*idity fa$ors *icro'ial gro+th inside the *aterial and this leads to contour scaling and finally to loss of *aterial& c Synthetic resin case study: Pestsule am Graben in Vienna insert 5igure 8

pattern on the surface of the sculptures 45ig&:'6& )he E>estsHule a* ;ra'enF 'elongs to one of the *ost fa*ous *onu*ents in "ienna 45ig&86& Being located in the inner city it is part of the UI=SCO-+orldcultural-heritage& )he *onu*ent +as 'uilt of li*estone and *ar'le co*ing fro* the Unters'erg in Sal0'urg& 2arge parts of the *onu*ent +ere consolidated +ith silicone 4Jac(er 1 !56 and acryl 4>araloid B?%6 in the 8!th& )his produced a $ery dense coating not allo+ing any +ater diffusion through the surface& Jater- ho+e$erpenetrates through fissures and accu*ulates inside the *aterial& As a conse3uence a surface parallel algal and cyano'acterial fil* de$eloped a'out three ** under the surface and created a (ind of predeter*ined 'rea(ing line *a(ing the surfaces e.tre*ely fragile 45ig&8 '- c6& Hydrophobic treatment case study: figures in the garden of Sch nbrunn palace insert 5igure : =ffects si*ilar to those descri'ed for the synthetic resins can 'e caused 'y hydropho'ic treat*ents if their application has a sealing effect& ,o+e$er- in the garden of the SchKn'runn palace 4"ienna6 another stri(ing pheno*enon +as caused 'y the hydropho'ic treat*ent& 5igures *ade of *ar'le fro* Ster0ing 4South )yrol6 +ere treated +ith hydropho'ic coatings 45ig&:6& <ue to the strong hydropho'ic 'eha$ior of the surface repelled rain +ater collects in trac(s and drains do+n& )hose hu*id trac(s are co$ered +ith a dar( fil*s of algae and cyano'acteria fa$oring fro* the constant hu*idity here'y causing a $ery stri(ing 2i*e slurries on roc( are often applied to figures and facades *ade of stone to shelter the underlying *aterial and 'ecause of historical authenticity& )odaypure li*e-slurries 'ased on disperged +hite-li*e hydrate ha$e re$i$ed popularity in restoration 4Laegers- %!!!6& <ue to their al(aline p,- the slurries are e$en sold as Eanti-*icro'ialsF& But in fact all this products contain different organic additi$es and thic(eners as *ethylcellulose ether andCor linseed-oil +hich are 'iologically degrada'le&

!ime"slurry case study: disperged #hite" lime hydrates insert $igure % 2a'oratory e.peri*ents +ere carried out +ith three products 'ased on disperged +hite-li*e hydrate and +ith un(no+n organic additi$es& )he products +ere added to agar plates 41!@ $C$6 containing no additional sources of car'on or nitrogen and plates +ere inoculated +ith fungi typically occurring on facades in "ienna and other cities& Jhereas none of the fungal cultures +as a'le to gro+ on Eli*e-slurry 7 fineF and Eli*e-'inderF 'y CA2MIO"A- nearly all fungi +ere a'le to gro+ on Ehistoric li*e-slurryF 'y R=MM=RS 45ig&A6& )his difference in *icro'ial degrada'ility can 'e e.plained 'y different 3ualities and a*ounts of additi$es& /n practice this has serious i*plications for the dura'ility of the slurries and for their appearance 'ecause a 'iologically degrada'le product +ill ac3uire dar( 'iogenic patinas in due ti*e& Cementations, fillings, artificial material substitutes,

/n restoration of stone *onu*ents fillings in roc( are fre3uently necessary& Mud*ortars are often used for gap-fillings- for consolidating fissures and crac(s and for s*all su'stitutions& Mud *ortars *ostly consist of sand and li*e and are often 'ound +ith synthetic resins 7 e&g& acryldispersions& Micro'iological studies ha$e sho+n that the use of artificial 'inders containing nitrogen sources as e&g& >ri*al should 'e a$oided& Ie$ertheless- the physical para*eter as roughness- pore space and +ater a'sorption are far *ore i*portant for the speed of *icro'ial de$elop*ent and for the a'solute a*ount of *icro'ial 'io*ass inside and on the *aterial& &rtificial roc' case !andesgericht facade: /nsert 5igure G study: the

/n order to find the *ost dura'le *aterial 1: different types of artificial stone +ere *anufactured 'y a restorer and their sta'ility 4fle.ure and traction6 after A! cycles of free0ing and tha+ing +as *easured 'y a testing la'oratory 4)echnische >rNfanstalt ;*',6& >re-+eathered cu'es +ere inoculated +ith a *i.ture of fungi- 'acteria and algae& After three *onth of incu'ation in a hu*id cha*'er 45ig&G'6 cell counts +ere carried out and the depth of *icro'ial gro+th inside the *aterial +as *easured after staining the 'iofil*s +ith >AS staining 45ig&Gc-d6& )he results of the study sho+ed that *icro'ial gro+th +as nearly independent of the che*ical co*position of the roc(s& Also artificial *aterial *ade of sto*ped concrete plus >ri*al did not ha$e a higher 'ioadhesi$ity than the sa*e *aterial 'ut +ithout addition of poly*er& )he results indicated that the physical para*eters +ere decisi$e for the 'ioadhesi$ity and that *aterial +ith lo+est porous space- lo+est +ater upta(e and highest sta'ility also after A! free0etha+ing cycles can 'e regarded as least 'ioadhesi$e& Exposition and climate As *entioned a'o$e a 'iocide treat*ent can only reduce the 'iota to a *ini*u* 'ut it cannot pre$ent re$itali0ation of *icro'es that +ere not reached 'y the 'iocide& Moreo$er none of the 'iocides allo+ed 'y the =U-guideline is a'le to pre$ent air'orne infections& 5or this reason an appropriate cli*ate- especially concerning the relati$e hu*idity and direct +ater- is the *ost i*portant factor for pre$ention of 'iological gro+th&

According to the instructions of the 5ederal Office for Care of Monu*ents of Austria a suita'le stone-i*itate +as needed for the facade of the E2andesgerichtF in "ienna 45ig&Ga6&

Jhile for e.hi'ition-roo*s cli*ate control and condition is state of the art in *ost *useu*s- their depots are often treated as orphans& ,ere- 'ecause of a lac( of $entilation and +ater acti$ities a'o$e !&?: A+ fungi and 'acteria are often a'le to de$elop& <ue to a lac( of space- tightly pac(ed shel$es and *o$a'le +alls 'eing in close 3uarters- fungal infections are easily transferred fro* o'ject to o'ject& )hus- the regular chec( of o'jects in depots is necessary to a$oid the out'urst of single infection into a epide*ic situation& /n case conta*inated o'jects are found in a depot it is highly reco**ended to separate the* into 3uarantine roo*s until they are perfectly cleaned& case study climate museum depot insert 5igure ? A study +as carried out in a *useu* in Austria 4confidential6& /n the depot used for historic paintings it turned out that se$eral o'jects +ere infected +ith *ould& /nfections +ere located on the oil- and te*pera paintings the*sel$es- on the 'ac(side of the can$as and on the +ooden fra*es 45ig&?'-c6& Although the *useu* +as a ne+ 'uilding- the aircondition turned out to 'e inappropriate9 )he airflo+ in the depot roo* +as directed in a right angle to+ards the *o$a'le +alls 45ig&?a6& As result no air-flo+ +as created 'et+een the +alls and fungal gro+th +as the conse3uence of stagnating air and a relati$e hu*idity that +as periodically a'o$e ?!@& ,ere 'efore changing the airflo+ and cli*ate- a screening of all o'jects +as necessary and se$eral pieces had to cleaned 'efore they +ere put 'ac( into the collection& and e(position:

case study climate and e(position: $igures in the garden of Sch nbrunn palace

insert $igure ) Although for outdoor-e.position a co*plete condition of cli*ate is i*possi'le- it so*eti*es can 'e influenced to so*e e.tend& 5or e.a*ple the *ar'le figures in the garden of SchKn'runn palace suffer e.tre*ely fro* coloni0ation +ith lichen- algae and fungi 45ig&8'6&

Until spring %!!: the statues +ere encased 'y the planting as part of the 'aro3ue garden architecture 45ig&8a6& )his caused a special cli*atic situation fa$oring *icro'ial gro+th9 there +as no direct rainfall 'ut a *ilder and prolonged +ater supply fro* the plants- there +as shelter fro* +ind and fro* har*ful U"radiation- drying after a rain e$ent +as retarded and organic nutrients ca*e directly fro* the plant *aterial& As a conse3uence 7 and fortunately in accordance +ith the original gardenarchitecture 7 the plants +ere cut in spring %!!: and are no+ located 'ehind the figures 'ut no longer surrounding the*& )hus- the *icro-flora is no+ e.posed to *ore e.tre*e and hostile conditions and its de$elop*ent after cleaning and 'iocide treat*ent +ill 'e di*inished& Biodeterioration, safety and health Roo*s in +hich conta*inated o'jects are stored- e.posed or restored are often hea$ily charged +ith spores of *ould& 5re3uently- restorers are +or(ing +ith conta*inated o'jects for se$eral +ee(s and constantly inhale fungal spores& Restorers *ust 'e a+are that fungal spores- to.ines and also the $olatiles produced 'y fungi 7 the typical s*ell of *ouldy roo*s 7 can cause serious health pro'le*s& S(in tests ha$e sho+n that *ore than 1!@ of all people sho+ allergic

reactions to fungal e.tracts& )he allergic reactions are relati$ely har*less at first 'ut in the long run they can can lead to chronic asth*a- 'ronchitis- hypersensiti$e pneu*onitis- sinusitis and rhinitis& )he so called Efar*ers lungF- a infla**ation of the lung al$eols can e$en 'e lethal& So*e fungi as e&g& Stachybotrys chartarum- a fungus co**on on da*p cellulose *aterial- produce to.ins that can cause serious i*pair*ents& Allergic reactions can also 'e non-specific9 headache- fe$er or general +ea(ness ca* 'e Esic('uilding-sy*pto*sF caused 'y s*all 'ut constant doses of fungal spores& )he direct infection of s(in and nails is also possi'le if handling conta*inated o'jects& Ie$ertheless- +hile +or(ing +ith *ouldy things- the ris( to de$elop an allergy or to incur an infection can 'e reduced to a *ini*u* 'y relati$ely si*ple *easures9 Jear glo$es and o$erall& Jear a *icro-pore *as(& A$oid air strea* +hile +or(ing +ith conta*inated *aterial& Jash your hands- do not drin( and eat in the studio& /n case you are not sure if you ha$e any fungi on your o'ject 7 fungal colonies *ight loo( li(e dirt or li(e crusts of salt 7 contact a specialist& /nclude *icro'iological analysis in your offers and consult a *icro'iologist to analy0e the 'iogenic conta*ination& )hey can e$aluate the $ia'ility of the organis*s- they can identify the* and they can esti*ate the health ris(& Monitor your air 3uality regularly& Micro'iologists can *easure the a*ount of fungal spores in the air using an Eair sa*plerF& /n case you feel you de$elop an i*pair*ent that *ight 'e caused 'y a conta*inated o'ject contact a doctor

speciali0ed in *edical *icro'iology or a *ycologist& case study occupational &spergillus spores insert 5igure A restorer +as +or(ing +ith a feather cro+n of an ethnological e.ponate& )he feathers +ere conta*inated +ith &spergillus sp& and on e$ery light contact a cloud of spores raised fro* the fungal colonies 45ig& a-'6& )he restorer de$eloped sy*pto*s of serous sinusitis +hich disappeared after she started +or(ing +ith a *icro-pore *as(& health:

+eitschrift f,r -unsttechnlogie -onser.ierung- 1!- 1 G- p& 8?-1!G&


Ac no!ledgement 5or their help and good colla'oration / than( Lohann Ii**richter 4B<A6Lohannes Je'er 4,AK-"ienna6- Andreas Rohatsch 4)U-"ienna6- Susanne Beseler 4,AK-"ienna6- Lohann ;Kt0enauer 4B<A6Astrid ,u'er 4B<A6- Karl Ieu'arth 4B<A6,acer Sert 4BOKU6 and Ulri(e )auer 4BOKU6& "iterature BA;<A 4=&6& 7 Bio0ide in Bauten'eschichtungen& RenningenMal*shei*- =.pert-"erlag- %!!!- 18G p& LA=;=RS 4=&6 7 Jeiss(al(ydrat& /*hof>eters'erg- %!!!- 1:: p& MAI</O2/ 4>&6- CAI="A 4;&6- SABB/OI/ 4C&6& 7 Cultural ,eritage and Aero'iology9 Methods and Measure*ent )echni3ues for Biodeterioration Monitoring& <ordrechtKlu+er Acade*ic >u'lishers- %!!8- %:8 p& MC ;/II/S 4M&R&6& 7 >athogenesis of indoor fungal diseases& *edical *ycology- :%- %!!:- p& 1!?-11?& ,=OI 4C&6- >=)=RS=I 4K&6- KRUMB=/I 4J&=&6& 7 Untersuchungen 0u* *i(ro'iellen A''au in der <en(*alpflege eingeset0ter synthetischer >oly*ere&

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