Socio Reaction Paper

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Ma. Crizadelle J.

Gonzales BS PSY III

mass-slaughtered millions of people to prevent other countries in conquering them. We just have to understand their beliefs and practices and view them within the context of their culture. RUSSIA ANTI-GAY BILL

REACTION PAPER Moscow has created a bill that stigmatizes Russias gay community. In my own opinion, the anti-gay bill is ridiculous because we make our own choices. But sociologically, I am in a socalled ingroup who believes that people should be free in whichever path they want to take or whoever they want to be. And despite all these arguments, I still have no right to judge the Russians because I dont know their culture, their traditions and beliefs. I only know mine and I am different from them. KLU KLUX KLAN Klu Klux Klan is a secret society of white Southerners in the United States; was formed in the 19th century to resist the emancipation of slaves. They also used terrorist tactics to suppress Black people. It is in these Southerners that their culture is superior to others. With this, they have their socially constructed reality that since they are superior to others, they have the right to suppress those who think are below them. They think that they have the right to abuse, rape, and torture them. And that is what they believe in. SHARIA LAW Sharia is the body of Islamic law implemented in Muslim countries across

HOLOCAUST From the information Ive gathered, a holocaust is a sacrificial offering done by the Jews by burning a person or a mass of people in front of the altar. Centuries ago, through the Bible, weve read that the Jews are so religious that some of them can sacrifice themselves or their relatives. In their culture, it is acceptable since its only normal. Its a huge part of their lives, because since the time of their ancestors holocausts already happened. This is their socially constructed reality in which they think that they are favoring God by making these sacrifices. SPANISH INQUISTION The Spanish inquisition happened during 1478 to July 15, 1834. It has been said that it was a dark period for humanity. It is somewhat like a holocaust done to diminish the churchs enemies. The Spanish are known to be devoted Catholics, and their main goal is to not let any religion step on them. They did the inquisition to scare and suppress those religions who wanted to take over Catholicism. But this is not unique since this also happened during World War II in which the Germans

the world. Since every religious groups are devoted to their respective religions, Muslims are a die-hard religious group. And they would also do anything to protect their religion. If we put ourselves in their shoes, we may be able to understand what they are fighting for and why they implemented these rules. LEVITICUS OF THE BIBLE Leviticus rests in two crucial beliefs: the first, that the world was created "very good" and retains the capacity to achieve that state although it is vulnerable to sin and defilement; the second, that the faithful enactment of ritual makes God's presence available, while ignoring or breaching it compromises the harmony between God and the world. As a Catholic, I am loyal and I really believe in this. And this categorizes me to the ingroup because I stand firm with my faith. And I think that my religion is superior to others but this is what you call ethnocentrism. And this is not true. DOWRY VIOLENCE/ACID ATTACK Dowry-related violence is a serious problem that affects the lives of women and girls. Dowry includes gifts, money, goods or property given from the brides family to the groom or in-laws before, during or any time after the marriage. Dowry is a response to explicit or implicit demands or expectations of the groom or his family. It is more prevalent in Southeast Asia, specifically in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh. The most common forms of dowry-

related violence are battering, marital rape, acid throwing, wife burning, etc. it is in these countries socially constructed reality that men can abuse their wives because they believe that men are more powerful than women. ABU GHRAIB PRISON From late 2003 to early 2004, during the Iraq War, military police personnel of the United States Army and the Central Intelligence Agency committed human rights violations against prisoners held in the Abu Ghraib prison. They physically and sexually abused, tortured, raped, sodomized, and killed prisoners. They think like this because they think that they are above the prisoners. We all know that Americans are powerful and they know that, and that is why they think they are superior making them do nasty things to the prisoner. It is in their culture and belief, belief that they have power over everyone.

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