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Improving Lives of Young Indians through Skills Development Name Age Village/District Programme Employer Now earns Chimma

Ram whose life was transformed at the CEC works as an electrician with Tata Power Chimma Ram 20 years Lanplatla of Baytu Block Assistant Electrician Tata Power Rs. 10,000 per month

Improving Lives of Young Indians through Skills Development Name Age Village/District Programme Employer Now earns Babulal whose life was transformed at the CEC works as a mason in Barmer Babulal 24 years Malpura Assistant Mason Self Employed Rs. 12,000 per month

Babulal was working as a daily wage labourer at construction sites in and around Barmer in Rajasthan. Meager land holding, lack of education and improper guidance pushed him and his family into abject poverty. He heard about the skills development programmes at Cairn Enterprise Centre (CEC) and enrolled for the course on Assistant Mason. Mentored by Mr. Rajveer and a team of expert trainers and counselors, today Babulal no more works as a daily wage worker and is self employed. The programme taught him masonry skills which were honed by an On-Job-Training (OJT) at Sood Associates. Now he works in and around his community with known local contractors along with taking up independent assignments at his will. From a daily income of Rs. 200 to a monthly earning of Rs. 12,000, Babulals life has changed for the better. Ever thankful to Cairn Enterprise Centre, Barmer, today Babulal dreams of a good life for himself and his family.
Cairn Enterprise Centre (CEC), is a CSR initiative of Cairn India. In partnership with IL&FS Skills, the objective of this centre is to train and place locally 3,400 youth from Barmer in 3 years. The CEC has already trained and placed more than 280 candidates till date

Chimma Rams family was entirely dependent on the meager earnings generated from a small plot of farm land. With three younger siblings at home, Chimma wanted to supplement his family income and hence was on the lookout for a job. This is when he heard about the Placement Linked Skills Development Programme at Cairn Enterprise Centre (CEC) and enrolled himself for the Basic Electrician Course. Mentored by a team of expert trainers from CEC and the industry, Chimma went on to become one of the finest workers in his field. His skills were further honed during an On-The Job (OJT) training at Dhara Sansthan where he undertook field jobs relating to installation, maintenance and repair of RO plants. Today Chimma is working with Tata Power for their RO plants in Jagasar earning Rs. 10,000 per month. Ever thankful to Cairn Enterprise Centre - Barmer, today Chimma is ably supporting his family and is on his way to become one of the most highly skilled RO plant technicians of the industry. Cairn Enterprise Centre (CEC), is a CSR initiative of Cairn India. In partnership with IL&FS Education, the objective of this centre is to train and place locally 3,400 youth from Barmer in 3 years. The CEC has already trained and placed more than 280 candidates till date

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