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Report on Analysis of an Integrated Library Management System (ILMS)



Table Of Contents
1.Overview ........................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Introduction . 3 2. Requirements Analysis ..........................................................................................................4 2.1 Context .............................................................................................................................4 ....................................................................................................... 4 .....................................................................................................4

2.1.1 Problem Statement 2.1.2 Environment Domain 2.1.2 System Context.

............................................................................................................5 ............................................................................................. 6 ........................................................................................6 ......................................................................................... 7

2.1.2 Key to Diagram: Domains

2.1.2 Key to Diagram: Phenomena 2.1.3 Stakeholders and Concerns 2.1.4 Assumptions.


2.2 Specifications. ......................................................................................................................8 2.2.1 Stakeholders Interests 2.2.2 Primary Actors Goals ........................................................................................ ......... 8 ........................................................................................... ....... 8 .......................................................................................... 9

2.2.3 Load Bearing Assumptions

2.3 Use Case Analysis ............................................................................................................. 10 Use Case: 1. Searching For A Book. Use Case: 2. Authorising a request ....................................................................................10 ......................................................................................10 .........................................................................11

Use Case: 3. Requesting a hold on an item

Conclusion ................................................................................................................................12

This report is an analysis of an Integrated Library Management System (hereby referred to as ILMS) . The new ILMS system will integrate the existing Library functions into an Internet based application. This report starts with a problem statement which outlines the goals of the project. The system context is then shown diagrammatically and in a tabular format as well as with its phenomena explained. The main stakeholders of the new system and their concerns are then discussed. The specifications of the project are then explained in three sections; - The rationalized interests of the stakeholders - The primary actors goals and - The load bearing assumptions. These are displayed as lists of 5 of the most important issues for each category. Three of the primary actors goals are then shown. Finally the conclusions and recommendations are presented which include suggestions for future improvements of the system.

An integrated Library Management System, or ILMS, is an enterprises resource planning system for a library, used to track items owned,orders made, bills paid and patrons who have borrowed. An ILMS usually comprises a relation database, software to interact with that database, and two graphical user interface (one for patrons, one for staff). Most ILMSes separate software functions into discrete programs called modules, each of them integrated with a unified interface. Most popular Commercial ILMS are as follows : - Libsuite - Libsys - Soul - Alice for windows And the open source ILMS are: - Koha - Phpmylibrary - Phpmybibli - Firefly - Emilda - Weblis

2. Requirements Analysis
2.1 Context 2.1.1 Problem Statement The Campus Library wishes to introduce a new Internet-based Library Management Systems (hereby referred to as ILMS) to allow the operation of the library to be more integrated. The new system is expected to; Provide a 24 hour service Support business functions of the library such as search books, place holds (reserve) books, checkout items, check fines and view hold requests in the account Implement the existing operations of the Library and suppsort all kinds of services on the Internet The new ILMS System should adhere to the existing business rules of the Campus Library. There are currently three distinct groups of users of the Library to which these rules apply differently; the general public, staff and students. 2.1.2 Environment Domain In the case of the Integrated Library Management System there are effectively two environment domains; the technical and business environments. The technical environment domain is an Internet Web Browser such as Internet Explorer or Firefox. This is the domain within which users interact with ILMS and that ILMS will output much of its processes to. The business environment includes the local and top Government which regulate how the ILMS system will collect personal data. For example the system must adhere to the Data Protection Act which states, amongst other things, that data must be accurate, upto date, protected and not kept for longer than is necessary or for purposes which do not directly support the services that the system provides.

2.1.2 System Context Below is a diagram showing the key domains of the system. Please see overleaf for a guide to the phenomena that the domains share.

Senior librarian Publisher Other libraries





System Manager


System supplier

2.1.2 Key to Diagram: Domains


ILMS is the primary domain that handles all the internal processes. The system has data inputs from other domains and outputs information back to these domains.

2. Students

This domain inputs to ILMS in the form of searching for books, requesting holds, renewing items and other functions.

3. Staff 4.Public 5.Publisher 6.Systems Manager

Same as students Same as students The Publisher domain receives data from ILMS regarding book orders. The Systems Manager will respond to or fix any issues with the system that are sent to him. The Systems Supplier will supply the necessity. The Senior Librarian will receive information pertaining to book/ magazine/journal requests and will choose as to whether to approve these requests.

7.Systems Supplier

8.Senior Librarian

9.The Internet

ILMS is connected to the Internet so that the System can be used from outside the local area network. Book reviews and notification emails will also be sent via this domain. This domain will receive information from search queries and will respond as to whether the item is available from another library in the country.

10.Other Libraries

2.1.2 Key to Diagram: Phenomena

A. Approve recommendations from staff and students B. Requests for items not in stock sent to other libraries C. Public can login, search, renew, request holds D. Students can login, search, renew, request holds, recommend books E. Staff can login, search, renew, request holds, recommend books and journals F. Systems supplier provides upgrades and maintenance to the system G. The system manager provides technical support for the system and will be informed of changes that should be made to the system H. The Internet is used as a worldwide gateway to the system so that it can be accessed off campus. Book reviews and other data will be requested by the system and returned via this domain I. Recommendations that are approved will be sent from the Senior Librarian via the ILMS system to the publisher J. System manager will pass on system changes and updates that need to be made K. Data will be stored in the database

2.1.3 Stakeholders and Concerns Below it has been highlighted the stakeholders in the Campus Library, their roles and their concerns for the system.
Library is performing efficiently. Has the items that students want available. Business information is protected.


Simple enough for public to use



System is fast, accurate and up to date. Personal details are well protected. Ease of use. Data is protected and secure.

Ease of use. Reliability of system.


Information for item requests is accurate. Business Information is protected.


System supplier

Simplicity of ongoing maintenance and system updates.

System manager

System is easy to troubleshoot or remotely. System is documented clearly.

REGULATOR Local Government

Data Protection Act
Security/legitimacy of personal data.


2.1.4 Assumptions The following is a list of things about the system which are assumed; There is a large amount of time and funds to develop the ILMS system The security of data is high The system conforms to the data protection act and other laws Users all have a username and password to login to the system The library is operated by the university Any legacy systems will be compatible with the new ILMS system There is access control to prevent users having rights and permissions that they should not have Library fines will not be disputed - they are the same for the public/staff/students

2.2 Specifications
2.2.1 Stakeholders Interests Using the analysis of the stakeholders concerns above, I have compiled a list of rationalised stakholders interests; Sponsors System must be secure, this is constrained by integrity of security

System must be successful, constrained by popularity, efficiency of system System is easy to update and maintain, constrained by cost, system design The system is well support, constrained by cost The uptime of the system must be high, constrained by cost, time spent on testing Users System must be reliable, constrained by time for and depth of testing, amount of funds System must be easy and intuitive to use, constrained by funds, time Private data must be private and protected, constrained by integrity of security, security of physical data Providers System must be accurate in the data it sends to suppliers, constrained by depth of testing System must be easy to maintain and interface with, constrained by cost, system design Regulators System must be conform to government policies such as the data protection act, constrained by function of the system, cost and knowledge of these laws by the programmers 2.2.2 Primary Actors Goals Below are the five most important and crucial primary actors goals; Searching for a book, performed by users Requesting a hold on a book, performed by users Authorising a request for recommendations, performed by senior librarian Querying the system to return a list of books that have not been returned, performed by library staff Requesting a book/magazine/journal from a publisher.

2.2.3 Load Bearing Assumptions The legacy system (the system in use before ILMS) will remain compatible with the new ILMS system. If it is not compatible then a lot of time and effort will have to go in to either making middleware to let the two systems interface or hiring staff to input all of the data from the old system into ILMS. There is sufficient funds to support the new system. It is entirely possible that the system will go over while it is being implemented which will obviously cause the


project to stall. The old operations of the Library will be completely supported by ILMS. If ILMS does not facilitate the old operations of the Library then it is essentially defunct and has failed at integrating the Library functions. Members of the public will have an email address. Although unlikely, it is possible that members of the public will not have an email address, which is used as the primary way of uniquely identifying individuals in this system and thus would be a problem that would cause the organisation to change their practices and policies. The system will be able to cope with different items that the Library may hold such as DVDs, Magazines, Journals, Software etc. These items are all obviously very different but if ILMS doesnt handle them correctly the Library will have to change organisation practices.

2.3 Use Case Analysis

Use Case: 1. Searching For A Book Scope: System Level: Sub-function Context: Primary Actor: User. This could be either a member of staff, a student or a member of the public Guarantees (End Condition): The system returns a list of results if any are present Success: The system should return a list of items that match the primary actors specified search criteria. If there are no matches the user should be prompted to search other libraries Minimal (Failed): The search returns no results. Preconditions: None Trigger: User decides to search for an item. ---------------------------------------MAIN SUCCESS SCENARIO 1. User queries system 2. System queries database of items for the keywords specified by the user 3. Database returns a list of results 4. Search results are formatted in HTML to allow the user to read them in the browser ---------------------------------------EXTENSIONS 1.


2. a. System finds no matches so returns no items b. System finds matches returns items to user

Use Case: 2. Authorising a request Scope: Business Level: Summary Context: Primary Actor: Senior Librarian Guarantees (End Condition): The system should note that the request has been authorised and contact the publisher to request an item(s). Success: The request is fulfilled and the publisher dispatches the item Minimal (Failed): The item is not available at the publishers thus cannot be sent if requested Preconditions: None. Trigger: Staff or student has recommended a book/journal/magazine. ---------------------------------------MAIN SUCCESS SCENARIO 1. Student recommends a book or a member of staff recommends a book/journal/ magazine 2. The request is placed in a database by the ILMS system 3. When the senior librarian logs on she will see that an item or items have been requested 4. The request is authorised (or possibly denied) 5. The database is updated to reflect that the item has been authorised by the senior librarian (so that they will not see the request again) 6. The ILMS system sends a request to the publishers for the item, including the amount of copies that the library want

Use Case: 3. Requesting a hold on an item Scope: Business Level: Summary Context: Primary Actor: User. This could be either a member of staff, a student or a member of the public Guarantees (End Condition): A hold will be placed on the item if there are not already more than a certain amount of people already holding it Success: The user successfully places a hold and collects the book after a few days Minimal (Failed): The user cannot place a hold because there are already too many hold requests Preconditions: None.


Trigger: User decides to search for an item. ---------------------------------------MAIN SUCCESS SCENARIO 1. User decides to search for a book 2. User is prompted to place a hold on the item 3. User decides to place a hold on the item 4. ILMS puts the user into the queue of users who have holds on the item 5. ILMS notifies staff of the library that the book has a hold request 6. Once the book is returned, a member of staff of the library will physically hold the item and wait for the user to collect it 7. User collects item from library ---------------------EXTENSIONS 1. If the item has been taken out the user will be prompted to place a hold on the item 2. Item is not out so user is able to check it out instantly
3. If there are more than a certain amount of people already in the queue, ILMS will not let the user place a hold.

3. Conclusion
This report is an analysis of an Integrated Library Management System (hereby referred to as ILMS) which the Campus LIbrary is looking to introduce. The new ILMS system will integrate the existing Library functions into an Internet based application. This report starts with a problem statement which outlines the goals of the project. The system context is then shown diagrammatically and in a tabular format as well as with its phenomena explained. The main stakeholders of the new system and their concerns are then discussed. The specifications of the project are then explained in three sections; the rationalized interests of the stakeholders, the primary actors goals and the load bearing assumptions. These are displayed as lists of 5 of the most important issues for each category. Three of the primary actors goals are then shown.

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