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Overall Introduction of Topic

1.1 Overview 1.2 Financial Markets 1.3 Classification of Financial Markets 1.4 Market Share of Financial Markets 1.5 Risk & Rewards of Financial Markets 1.6 History of Money Markets 1.7 Who Provides Funding For Money Markets? 1.8 Money Market Rates 1.9 Safety of Money Market Accounts 1.10 Interest Rate Provided by Different Country to Investors

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 8 9

Research Methodology
2.1 Introduction of Research 2.2 Research Topic 2.3 Research Design 2.4 Exploratory Research 2.5 Descriptive Research 2.6 Sources of Data 2.7 Objective of The Project 2.8 Benefits of the Projects 2.9 Limitation of Project

11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13

Economic Analysis of Indian Money Market

3.1 Economic Analysis of Money Market 3.2 India Market Growth 3.3 Growth of Indian Money Market

15 16 17

Indian Money Market

4.1 Introduction 4.2 Scope of Indian Money Markets 4.3 Types of Money Market Instruments in India 4.4 Participants of Money Market and their Functions 4.5 Turnover of the Money Market

19 20 23 26 29 31

Call Money Market

5.1 Introduction of Call / Notice Money Market 5.2 History of Call Money Market in India 5.3 Recommendation of Committees on Call Money Market 5.4 Operation of Call Money Market 5.5 Participants of Call Money Market 5.6 Call Money Rates

32 33 34 36 38 39 43

Treasury Bills Market

6.1 Introduction 6.2 Treasury Bills India 6.3 Types of Treasury Bills in India 6.4 Trading of Indian Treasury Bills 6.5 Participant of Treasury Bills Market in India

46 47 49 50 52 57

Commercial Papers Market

7.1 Introduction 7.2 Current Scenario 7.3 Why Commercial Papers Issuance 7.4 Major Issuers of Commercial Papers 7.5 Growth of commercial papers in India 7.6 Mechanism of commercial papers 7.7 Issuing of commercial papers 7.8 Rate of interest given by commercial papers

59 60 61 62 65 66 67 68 70

Repurchase Agreement 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Eligible Instruments 8.3 Repo rates in India 8.4 Pricing 8.5 Delivery 8.6 Dealing and Settlement

72 73 75 78 79 80 80

Certificate of Deposit 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Eligibility 9.3 Issuing of certificate of deposits 9.4 Process Flow for issuance of Certificate of Deposit (CD) in demats form (NSDL) 9.5 Deposits rates

81 82 84 86 88



Comparative Analysis for Individual Investor



Relation of Money Market with Inflation

92 93 95 98

11.1 Money Market Funds and Inflation 11.2 Effect of Inflation on Indian Monetary Transmission 11.3 Comparative study of inflation rates & money market rates

Conclusion Suggestion Bibliography

99 101 102

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