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n this Document Purpose Questions and Answers 1. Basics a. What are the forms/programs? b. What tables? c.

Important Code / inding !e" file #ersions? $. What is the difference between the #arious le#els of serial uni%ueness? &. 'erial 'tatus(&a. What do the serial status numbers mean? &b. What does serial number status ) mean? &c. Wh" serial status remains *? +. ,ar! I-s / .oc!ed 'erials(+a. What is a mar! id? +b. Cannot /ransact 'erial 0umber with ,ar! I- Populated / 1rphan 'erial 0umbers *. 'erial Control Codes*a. What is the difference between serial generation 2At 3eceipt2 #s. 2At 'ales 1rder Issue2? *b. What 'erial Controls are allowed for Inter41rgani5ation /ransfers? ). Quer"ing /ransactions B" 'erial After Inter41rgani5ation /ransfers? 6.'erial and 3ecei#ing /opics 6a. What does the .17 for 'erials in 3ecei#ing .oo! for? 6b. Could "ou e8plain I07( 3estrict 3eceipt of 'erials? 9. :ow to trac! a serial number across organi5ations? ;. :ow to enter serial number descriptions <or -escripti#e le8fields / 1>. ?8periencing Performance Issues with 'erial 0umbers? 1&. -uplicate 'erials Allowed in 'ales 1rder Issue? 1+. 1nhand and 'erial ,ismatches? 1*. Correct ,ist"ped 'erials? 1). 'hipping serial error but item 01/ seriali5ed 3eferences


Applies to:
1racle In#entor" ,anagement 4 7ersion( 11.*.1> and later @3elease( 11.* and later A Information in this document applies to an" platform. /his document includes all #ersions of 1racle ?B' 11i and 31$ 13,(I07//?'3. ,B 4 ?nter 'erial 0umbers 13, .IB3A3B(I07'.?0/.pll 4 ?nter 'erial 0umbers

/his note is meant to consolidate common serial number issues.

Questions and Answers

Ceneral setups for 'erial control can also be #iewed in the In#entor" Dser2s Cuide. Another good resource is 0ote 11$>**.1. 1. Basics a. What are the forms/programs?

In#entor" E 1n4handF A#ailabilit" E 'erial 0umbers G I07I/'0D.fmb In#entor" E 1n4handF A#ailabilit" E Cenerate serial numbers G 'erial number generation <I07H'?3IA.H0D,B?3HPDB.C?0?3A/?H'?3IA.'= b. What tables? 1) MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS( 'erial numbersF this stores the serial numbers with a serial status noting if the serial is in storesF the current organi5ation and subin#entor"F as well as mar! ids that note if the serial number is loc!ed.. 2) MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS_INTERFACE: Interface serial number tableF this is the serial interface table used to note serial numbers that relate to transactions in the interface table <,/.H/3A0'AC/I10'HI0/?3 AC?=. 'ee the ,anufacturing 1pen Interface for more details. 3) MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS_TEMP: Pending serial number tableF this is the serial pendingF temporar" table used behind the scenes when transacting serial numbers. /his goes hand4in4hand with the transaction temporar" table <,/.H,A/?3IA.H/3A0'AC/I10'H/?,P=. 4) MTL_UNIT_TRANSACTIONS: Dnit transactionsF this is the table used to trac! the histor" of serial numbers. ?ach unit transaction relates to a histor" record <,/.H,A/?3IA.H/3A0'AC/I10'= that outlines the transaction. /he tables are Ioined b" transactionHid. c. mportant !ode / "inding #e$ file %ersions? /he following will wor! on 11i <I07.C / 11.*.6 and abo#e= as well as 31$. 3e#iew "our #ersions of the following files and their #ersions( 'erial0umber.Ia#a 'er/r8,anager.Ia#a JADH/1P/resource/I07'.?0/.pll inltis.ppc inumer.ppc inutsu.ppc inlmsn.ppc Bou could use a command li!e the following( strings 4a JADH/1P/resource/I07'.?0/.pll Kgrep 2J:eader2 strings 4a JI07H/1P/bin/I07.IB3 Kgrep inltis.ppc strings 4a JI07H/1P/bin/I07.IB3 Kgrep inlmsn.ppc strings 4a JI07H/1P/lib/libin#.a Kgrep inumer.ppc strings 4a JI07H/1P/lib/libin#.a Kgrep inutsu.ppc 4A0-4 Perform this in 'Q. Plus( set ser#eroutput on e8ecute fndHaolIHutil.getClass7ersionfrom-B<'er/r8,anager2=L e8ec fndHaolIHutil.getclass#ersionfromdb<!e"entities.'erial0umber2=L

&. What is the difference between the %arious le%els of serial uni'ueness? :ere is an e8planation of the uni%ueness from the In#entor" Dser2s Cuide page *41)$( Bou use the 1rgani5ation Parameters window to choose a t"pe of serial number uni%ueness for "our organi5ation. Bou can choose to enforce uni%ueness Within in#entor" itemsF Within an organi5ationF or Across organi5ations. /he three le#els for serial uni%ueness are cumulati#e the definitions are as follows( M Within In#entor" Items( 1nce "ou assign a serial number to a particular item "ou cannot assign the same serial number to the same item regardless of the organi5ation. or e8ample if "ou assign serial number '01>> to item AF "ou cannot assign serial number '01>> to an" other instance of item A in an" organi5ation. /his also

includes C/1 items derri#ed from base model A. :owe#er "ou could recei#e item B with serial number '01>> in an" organi5ation. M Within 1rgani5ations( In addition to the restrictions Within In#entor" Items controlF the same serial number cannot e8ist twice within the same organi5ation. or e8ample if "ou assign '01>> to item AF "ou will not be able to recei#e item B with the serial number '01>> in the same organi5ation. :owe#erF "ou could recei#e item B with the serial number '01>> in an" other organi5ation. M Across 1rgani5ations( In addition to the restrictions Within 1rgani5ationsF "ou cannot assign the same serial number to an" other item regardless of the organi5ation. or e8ample if "ou assign '01>> to item A "ou will not be able to recei#e item B with the serial number '01>> in an" organi5ation. If "ou assign Across 1rgani5ation uni%ueness to an" organi5ation it restricts the serial generation in all other organi5ations. If one organi5ation dictates Across 1rgani5ationsF all other organi5ations must do so. /here is a fourth option for serial generation called NWithin In#entor" ,odel and ItemsN. 'ee 0ote &;&+$1.1 for an e8planation of this option.

(. )erial )tatus: (a. What do the serial status numbers mean? When one re#iews the serial number table <,/.H'?3IA.H0D,B?3'= the column 2CD33?0/H'/A/D'2 indicates the status of a serial number. /he column is populated with a number. or e8ampleF & means resides in stores. /his means that the serial number has an associated onhand %uantit" and should be a#ailable to transact. :ere is a list of common serial number statuses and ids( 'tatus Codes <I- and -escription= 444444444444444444444 1 -efined but not used & 3esides in stores + Issued out of stores * 3esides in intransit ) Pending status <0ote.&6>&>;.1= 6 3esides in recei#ing 9 3esides in WIP Bou can get a full list of the codes with the following 'Q.( select loo!upHt"peF loo!upHcodeF meaning from mfgHloo!ups where loo!upHt"pe G 2'?3IA.H0D,H'/A/D'2 order b" loo!upHt"peF loo!upHcode /

(b. What does serial number status * mean? 'ee 0ote &6>&>;.1.

(c. Wh$ serial status remains +? When serial numbers are shipped between organi5ationsF the serial remains in status * / intransitF until the recei#ing organi5ation recei#es the serial number. /here are a few bugs around this that were fi8ed alread" if "ou ha#e 'erial0umber.Ia#a 11*.1+;.11*1>>.&) or higher. 3eferencing the bugs below. When shipping organi5ation was serial control At43eceipt or PredefinedF the serial remained in status * e#en though the recei#ing organi5ation had no serial control for the item. Bug *+)6+1$ 4 tr8n error( serialO Pto!en is defined in a different organi5ation i8ed 7ersion( 'erial0umber.Ia#a 11*.1+;.11*1>>.$9 or higher When shipping organi5ation was serial control At4'ales41rder IssueF the serial remained in status * e#en though the recei#ing organi5ation had no serial control for the item. Bug )>+*+1) 4 serial number status incorrect after internal sales order i8ed 7ersion( 'erial0umber.Ia#a 11*.1+;.11*1>>.&) or higher -atafi8 44 If this happens and "ou did not ha#e the latest #ersion with thte fi8F "ou should plan to upgradeF but will li!el" need a datafi8 to flip the status of the serial to + from *. ?8ample bug( Bug 9)>+1+6 4 C:A0C? '/A/D' * /1 '/A/D' +F W:?3? 3?C?I7I0C 13C WA' 01/ '?3IA. C10/31..?Q Indi#udal datafi8es re%uired.

,. -ar# Ds / .oc#ed )erials: ,a. What is a mar# id? /he serial number table <,/.H'?3IA.H0D,B?3'= holds a list of e8isting serial numbers in the 1racle Applications. When a serial number is being used b" a transactionF mar! ids are often populated until the transactions are complete. /hese mar! ids act as a loc! on the serial number. /his is an older note but a nice re#iew of mar! ids( 0ote 1>1*1+*.1>$. ,b. !annot /ransact )erial 0umber with -ar# D Populated / 1rphan )erial 0umbers 'ee 0ote &>;61>.1 <also see the In#entor" 'tandard -atafi8 0ote *)9>1$.1.

+. )erial !ontrol !odes +a. What is the difference between serial generation 2At 3eceipt2 %s. 2At )ales 1rder ssue2? :ere is an e8planation of the serial generation flag from the In#entor" Dser2s Cuide page *4*>( At in#entor" receipt Create and assign serial numbers when "ou recei#e the item. /hereafterF for an" material transactionF "ou must pro#ide a serial number for each unit. At sales order issue Create and assign serial numbers when "ou issue <ship= the item against a sales order. If "ou select this optionF serial numbers are re%uired at ship confirm. If "ou recei#e an item

on an 3,A <return material authori5ation=F "ou must specif" the same serial numbers "ou created at sales order issue. All other material transactions for this item b"pass serial number information. 0o control 'erial number control not established for this item. All material transactions in#ol#ing this item b"pass serial number information. Predefined Assign predefined serial numbers when "ou recei#e the item. /hereafterF for an" material transactionF "ou must pro#ide a serial number for each unit. /he serial generation of an item is also called the serial control code. 1ne can also loo! up the serial control codes for an item #ia 'Q.. /he list of items in the s"stem is maintained in the table ,/.H'B'/?,HI/?,'HB. /he column '?3IA.H0D,B?3HC10/31.HC1-? will list the current #alue of the serial generation. :ere is a list of common serial control code ids and there descriptions( Control Codes <I- and -escription= 444444444444444444444 1 0o serial number control $ Predefined serial numbers * -"namic entr" at in#entor" receipt ) -"namic entr" at sales order issue Bou can get a full list of the codes with the following 'Q.( select loo!upHt"peF loo!upHcodeF meaning from mfgHloo!ups where loo!upHt"pe G 2,/.H'?3IA.H0D,B?32 order b" loo!upHt"peF loo!upHcode /

+b. What )erial !ontrols are allowed for nter41rgani5ation /ransfers? rom Bug )++$;$&F if the serial control of the source organi5ation from which a serial is transferred is N-"namic entr" at sales order issueN then the s"stem will not allow inter4org / direct4org transfer transactions if the target transfer organi5ation has serial control for the same item as N-"namic entr" at in#entor" receiptN or NPredefined serial numbersN. /he onl" option is to change the serial control of the target transfer organi5ation to N0o serial controlN or N-"namic entr" at sales order issueN. /his would allow an I0/?313C /3A0' ?3. Another note 44 0ote $1>1$+.1 44 Also discusses serial controls for inter4organi5ation transfers <section Q6=.

*. Quer$ing /ransactions B$ )erial After nter41rgani5ation /ransfers? /here are a number of limitations around serial number %ueries. As outlined in Bug 91$1>6 and 0ote 1>9>&9.1 bac! in 1>.6F inter4organi5ation transfers of seriali5ed parts result in limitations when %uer"ing the transactions in the material transaction form. If "ou attempt to #iew an inter4org transaction from the sending organi5ation BB '?3IA. 0D,B?3 through the material transactions screen <I07/7/R0= "ou get the following error msg( 3,4+>$1$( In#alid #alue for field '?3IA.. /his wor!s from the destination organi5ation. /he cause of this is because when in the source organi5ationF the find window cannot find the serial number in the list of #alues <.17= resulting in the 3,4+>$1$ error. If "ou choose an" other serial number in the l17 listF and if there is not an" transaction related with the chosen serial numberF it gi#es 3,4+>&*>(Quer" caused no records to be retrie#ed. And this is the correct beha#ior. Dnfortunatel"F this is not a bug. It wor!s as design. 1nce we did the inter4org transferF the soure organi5ation does not ha#e the record of the serial transfered. /o see thoseF "ou ha#e to go to the destination organi5ation to %uer" up the record with transfered serial numberF if the" want to %uer" up the recorders b" the serial number. If "ou %uer" the item number onl" and clic! the 2lot/serial2 button "ou can see all the serial numbers in both the sending or recei#ing organi5ation.

6.)erial and 3ecei%ing /opics 6a. What does the .17 for )erials in 3ecei%ing .oo# for? /he .ist of 7alues <.17= when doing recei#ing/returns loo!s at the serial number statusF loc! flagsF and sometimes the histor". In a receipt where the serial control is d"namic at receiptF the s"stem has the least restrictions. /he .17 chec!s that the serial number has not been used alread". or a return transactionF the serial .17 is more comple8. 3eferencing the 'Q. from the .17 below.
select serial_number from (select distinct mut.serial_number from mtl_material_transactions mmt, mtl_unit_transactions mut, mtl_serial_numbers m sn, rcv_transactions rt where mut.transaction_id = mmt.transaction_id and mut.organization_id = :1 and msn.current_status = 3 and (msn.group_mark_id is null or msn.group_mark_id = 1! and (rt.transaction_id = :" or rt.parent_transaction_id = :3! and mmt.rcv_transaction_id = rt.transaction_id and msn.inventor#_item_id = mmt.inventor#_item_id and mmt.inventor#_item_id = mut.inventor#_item_id and msn.inventor#_item_id = :$ and msn.serial_number = mut.serial_number and nvl(msn.lpn_id, 1! = nvl(:%, 1! and not e&ists (select '(o )ot *nfo' from mtl_transaction_lot_numbers mtln where mmt.transaction_id = mtln.transaction_id! and nvl(msn.owning_tp_t#pe,"! = decode(nvl(:+,'('!,'(',",',',1! and not e&ists (select '(o -ther deliver t&n' ./-0 rcv_transactions /1", mtl_material_transactions mmt", mtl_unit_transactions mu t" 234/4 /1".transaction_id 5 rt.transaction_id 6(7 /1".transaction_t#pe = '74)*84/' 6(7 /1".transaction_id = mmt".rcv_transaction_id 6(7 001".transaction_id = mut".transaction_id 6(7 091".serial_number = mut.serial_number 6(7 091".inventor#_item_id = mut.inventor#_item_id

6(7 091".organization_id = mut.organization_id ! union select distinct mut.serial_number from mtl_material_transactions mmt, mtl_unit_transactions mut, mtl_transaction_lot_ numbers mtln, mtl_serial_numbers msn, rcv_transactions rt where mut.transaction_id = mtln.serial_transaction_id and mtln.transaction_id = mmt.transaction_id and msn.inventor#_item_id = mmt.inventor#_item_id and mmt.inventor#_item_id = mut.inventor#_item_id and msn.inventor#_item_id = :: and msn.serial_number = mut.serial_number and msn.current_status = 3 and (msn.group_mark_id is null or msn.group_mark_id = 1! and nvl(msn.lpn_id, 1! = nvl(:;, 1! and (rt.transaction_id = :< or rt.parent_transaction_id = :1=! and mmt.rcv_transaction_id = rt.transaction_id and mtln.lot_number =:11 and mtln.organization_id = :1" and nvl(msn.owning_tp_t#pe,"! = decode(nvl(:13,'('!,'(',",',',1! and not e&ists (select '(o -ther deliver t&n' ./-0 rcv_transactions /1", mtl_material_transactions mmt", mtl_unit_transactions mu t",mtl_transaction_lot_numbers mtln" 234/4 /1".transaction_id 5 rt.transaction_id 6(7 /1".transaction_t#pe = '74)*84/' 6(7 /1".transaction_id = mmt".rcv_transaction_id 6(7 mut".transaction_id = mtln".serial_transaction_id and mtln".transaction_id = mmt".transaction_id 6(7 091".serial_number = mut.serial_number 6(7 091".inventor#_item_id = mut.inventor#_item_id 6(7 mtln".organization_id = mtln.organization_id !!

6b. !ould $ou e8plain 07: 3estrict 3eceipt of )erials? /he profile NI07( 3estrict 3eceipt of 'erialsN can be set to determine if a serial number can be reused. /he In#entor" Dser2s Cuide <,a" $>>&= Page 14&+ outlines the impact of the profile option. /he guide appears to sa" that the profile onl" impacts Wor! in Process items. While this might ha#e initiall" been the intentF the profile is considered b" other modules li!e In#entor" miscellaneous transactionsF Purchase order receiptsF 1rder ,anagement return material authori5ation <3,A=F etc. Basicall"F if the profile is set to "esF once "ou issue a serial number and item out of storesF "ou cannot use the serial number and item again on a future receipt in an" organi5ation. An e8ception would be if "ou return the serial number with a NWIP Assembl" 3eturnN on the same wor! order used to pre#iousl" issue out the serial. /he application is smart enough to allow rewor! of the serial number so "ou can fi8 and send it bac! to a customer. If the profile is set to 0oF one can recei#e and issue the same serial number o#er and o#er. 3elated Bugs /here are some bugs where the profile was not wor!ing correctl". 'ee 0ote &)6;>;.1 for one e8ample. 'etting the Profile /he profile can be set at the site le#el. /he documentation is confusing on the profile setting as it appears to sa" it can be set at an" le#el so we logged -ocumentation Bug )9>**+1 as!ing for the documentation to be updated showing the profile onl" at the site le#el. 'etting the restrict serial profile at an" le#el other than the site le#el could be confusing to "our users. 1racle -e#elopment has ne#er allowed this setting in an" of the releases. If one had a strong business case to ha#e both restricted and non4restricted serialsF one could change the profile allowing it to be set at the user le#el instead. /he benefit of the user le#el is auditing as "ou could see which user could or could not reuse a serial number. /his pro#ides auditing. Bou could set this the responsibilit" le#el as well if "ou were confident that "ou onl" had one t"pe of transaction from that responsibilit". In the same wa"F "ou could pro#ide "ourself auditing because "ou could see the t"pe of transaction that allowed the reuse of the serial. AgainF an" modification of the profile could cause confusion to the user and I' 01/ recommendedF

but this is not going to cause data corruption. /his would be a QQ'DPP13/?- ,?/:1-QQ <per Bug 6+)$$$$= to update the profile so it can be controlled at other le#els than the site. AgainF be #er" careful if "ou are considering such a change but 1racle -e#elopment has stated this is supported in Bug 6+)$$$$. 1. Application -e#eloper E Profiles $. Quer" profile &. 'et the profile allow update at user Q 'uggest allowing profile to be set at user le#elF but controlled still b" s"stem adminF not b" the user themsel#es. Install Base Concerns If "ou are using install baseF "ou want to be #er" careful with this feature. If "ou set this profile to 0o <-o not restrict receipt of serials=F users ha#e the abilit" to accidentall" recei#e the same serial that was alread" shipped to a customer. /he install base <C'IHI/?,HI0'/A0C?'= will be transferred to internal ownership. /his ma" not be what a user e8pects when the" are selecting the serial numberF so be careful. Bou could end up incorrectl" owning in#entor". We logged ?3 / Bug 9$>&&9$ suggesting that regardless of the profileF one should not corrupt the install base b" allowing receipt bac! into stores #ia miscellaneous transactions. :ere is a %uer" that might help "ou loo! for serials that were recei#ed again after being shipped. Bou might add additional logic to chec! for the e8istence of a customer install base(
a. 1his one gives the list of serials shipped then received back: select mut.serial_number, mut.organization_id from mtl_unit_transactions mut, mtl_material_transactions mmt where ((mut.transaction_source_t#pe_id = 11 inventor# transaction and mmt.transaction_t#pe_id = $"! misc. receipt or (mut.transaction_source_t#pe_id = 3 account transaction and mmt.transaction_t#pe_id = $=! account receipt or (mut.transaction_source_t#pe_id = + account alias transaction and mmt.transaction_t#pe_id = $1!! account alias receipt and mut.transaction_id = mmt.transaction_id and e&ists (select 1 from mtl_unit_transactions mut" where mut".transaction_id >= mut.transaction_id and mut".transaction_date ? mut.transaction_date and mut".transaction_source_t#pe_id *( (",;! sales@internal order and mut.serial_number = mut".serial_number !A b. 1his gives a summar# count b# status and organization of serials shipped and rec eived back: select msn.current_status, msn.current_organization_id, count(B! from mtl_serial_numbers msn where msn.serial_number *( (select mut.serial_number, mut.organization_id from mtl_unit_transactions mut, mtl_material_transactions mmt where ((mut.transaction_source_t#pe_id = 11 inventor# transaction and mmt.transaction_t#pe_id = $"! misc. receipt or (mut.transaction_source_t#pe_id = 3 account transaction and mmt.transaction_t#pe_id = $=! account receipt or (mut.transaction_source_t#pe_id = + account alias transaction and mmt.transaction_t#pe_id = $1!! account alias receipt and mut.transaction_id = mmt.transaction_id and e&ists (select 1 from mtl_unit_transactions mut" where mut".transaction_id >= mut.transaction_id and mut".transaction_date ? mut.transaction_date and mut".transaction_source_t#pe_id *( (",;! sales@internal order and mut.serial_number = mut".serial_number !! group b# msn.current_status, msn.current_organization_idA

ield 'er#ice Concerns In ield 'er#iceF the technician ma" need to bring a seriali5ed part bac! into stoc! #ia the ield 'er#ice 3eco#er" in the debrief process. or e8ampleF the user ma" repair a laptop replacing the motherboard with a new seriali5ed part. /he old seriali5ed part will be reco#ered in the debrief with a t"pe of ield 'er#ice 3eco#er". It will be brought bac! b" the technician for possible repair or disposal. Dnfortunatel"F the ield 'er#ice 3eco#er" will fail if the profile NI07( 3estrict 3eceipt of 'erialsN is set to Bes. /his is because the ield 'er#ice 3eco#er" loo!s to in#entor" li!e a miscellaneous receipt. /he wor!around as discussed abo#e is to update the profile enabling it at the responsibilit" le#elF then restricting a specific responsibilit" with onl" debrief functions to ha#e the profile set to 0o. We logged Bug 6*&))9$ with the ser#ice team where the" confirmed this wor!around as well.

9. :ow to trac# a serial number across organi5ations? After transferring a serial number between organi5ationsF it onl" appears in the current organi5ation. /he 1nhand E 'erial number %uer" screen displa"s the current state of the serial number. It %ueries the serial number table <,/.H'?3IA.H0D,B?3'=. /he serial number table will onl" ha#e one record for the serial number and item combination. /he organi5ation of the serial number is maintained in a column calledF CD33?0/H13CA0ISA/I10HI-. /his maintains onl" the last organi5ation to ha#e the serial number. If the serial number changes organi5ationsF the serial number will show onl" in the new organi5ation. If a serial number is shipped to a customerF the serial is #isible with status 2issued out of stores2 in the last organi5ation that owned the serial. /o see the histor" of the serial numberF one would loo! at the transaction histor" using the /ransactions E ,aterial /ransactions form. Bou can %uer" b" item or serial number and see all related transactions. /he form %ueries an" transaction that touched the serial number. Dnli!e the serial number form that %ueried the serial2s current state from ,/.H'?3IA.H0D,B?3'F the material transaction screen %ueries against all transactions <,/.H,A/?3IA.H/3A0'AC/I10'= and loo!s at the serial number histor" table <,/.HD0I/H/3A0'AC/I10'=. ?8ample 44 /he following %uer" could be useful loo!ing for all transactions of a gi#en serial number 44 0ote that two %ueries are Ioined because the transaction histor" relates through the lot table if the item is lot controlled(
prompt accept ,ourCerial 74.69)1 'DEF1====' prompt 'Flease enter #our serial (7efault DEF1 ====!: ' prompt break on serial_number select c.serial_number, a.transaction_id, a.transaction_t#pe_id, a.transaction_Guan tit#, '(o )ot' from 01)_0614/*6)_1/6(C6H1*-(C a, 01)_9(*1_1/6(C6H1*-(C c where a.1/6(C6H1*-(_*7 = c.1/6(C6H1*-(_*7 and c.serial_number like 'I,ourCerial' 9(*-( select c.serial_number, a.transaction_id, a.transaction_t#pe_id, a.transaction_Guan tit#, b.lot_number from 01)_0614/*6)_1/6(C6H1*-(C a, 01)_1/6(C6H1*-(_)-1_(90E4/C b, 01)_9(*1_1/6(C6H1* -(C c where a.1/6(C6H1*-(_*7 = b.1/6(C6H1*-(_*7 and b.C4/*6)_1/6(C6H1*-(_*7 = c.1/6(C6H1*-(_*7 and c.serial_number like 'I,ourCerial' @

;. :ow to enter serial number descriptions <or Descripti%e "le8fields / D""=?

Bou can enter descriptions for serial numbers using descripti#e fle8fields. /here are two that would be helpful( 'erial Attributes or 'erial numbers 'erial attributes apper in the onhand E serial number screen in the 'erial Info tab with the column name of Attributes. /his is similar to the serial entr" screens that label the field attributes as well. /he 'erial numbers descripti#e fle8field is #isible upon placing the cursor in the descripti#e fle8field field usuall" labled with two brac!ets li!e @A also called mug4handles. /o maintain descripti#e fle8fields for serial numbers( 0a#igate to In#entor" E 'etup E le8field E -escripti#e E 'egments Quer" 'erial Attributes or 'erial numbers Bou could then setup descriptions for the serials 3ead more about descripti#e fle8fields <- = also called attributes in the user2s guide.

1>. ?8periencing Performance ssues with )erial 0umbers? Performance issues with serial numbers has been raised b" a number of customers. /he application is built to handle a generic configurationF but some customers ma" ha#e a great deal more than the e8pected number of serial numbersF or maintain a higher #olume of transactions than the application was configured to handle 2out of the bo82. In those casesF customers will often create custom inde8es. /hese are not supported b" 1racle 'upport and can cause issues indirectl" so "ou must be careful if "ou ta!e that approach. An enhancement re%uest Bug )9&>;*6 was logged re%uesting a standard concurrent program that would chec! #olumes on #arious serial number tables and create/modif" the inde8es as appropriate. or e8ampleF one customer found this %uer" to be especiall" slow wor!ing with serials in the /ransact ,o#e 1rder form. /he" found the %uer" b" running a trace on the process using :elp E -iagnostics E /race. 'electing one serial was ta!ing o#er a minute as there were & million a#ailable serial numbers in ,/.H'?3IA.H0D,B?3'. :ere is the 'Q. that had bad performance(
C4)4H1 0C(.C4/*6)_(90E4/ ./-0 01)_C4/*6)_(90E4/C 0C(, 01)_C4/*6)_(90E4/C_140F 0C(1 234/4 0C(1.1/6(C6H1*-(_140F_*7 = 74H-74(:E% , 1, :E$ , :E3 ! 6(7 0C(.H9//4(1_-/J6(*K61*-(_*7 = :E" 6(7 0C(.*(84(1-/,_*140_*7 = :E1 6(7 0C(.C4/*6)_(90E4/ E41244( 0C(1..0_C4/*6)_(90E4/ 6(7 (8)(0C(1.1-_C4/*6)_(90E4/, 0C(1..0_C4/*6)_(90E4/! 6(7 )4(J13(0C(.C4/*6)_(90E4/! = )4(J13(0C(1..0_C4/*6)_(90E4/!

/he customer impro#ed performance drasticall" so that the user could select a serial in a few seconds b" adding an inde8 on I07.,/.H'?3IA.H0D,B?3' <CD33?0/H13CA0ISA/I10HI-FI07?0/13BHI/?,HI-F'?3IA.H0D,B?3=. 'ince each customer has different data re%uirements and #olumesF 1racle -e#elopment is not creating an" standard solution for such an inde8 as noted in enhancement re%uest Bug )9&>;*6. 1(. Duplicate )erials Allowed in )ales 1rder ssue? An unpublished note &+*19&.1 tal!s about this issue for 11.*.; where prior to JI07H/1P/forms/D'/I07//?'3.fm8 11*.)$.11*;>.&&F users could enter the same serial number multiple times in the shipping transactions form for an item that had serial generation at 'ales 1rder Issue. /he fi8 was Patch +>&>)9;. /his could not be replicated in 11.*.1>.

1,. 1nhand and )erial -ismatches? 'ee 0ote +>$*6+.1 1nhand Quantit" ,ismatch ,/.H'?3IA.H0D,B?3' And ,/.H10:A0-HQDA0/I/I?'H-?/AI.

1+. !orrect -ist$ped )erials? /here is not a reall" eas" wa" to correct mist"ped serial numbers. We logged ?3 / Bug 6;*$;*+ suggesting that the 1racle Applications should allow a wa" to correct mis!e"ed serial numbersF li!e if "ou t"ped 'erialO1&&+ but meant 'erialO1$&+. 3ight nowF the user mus perform an 3,A 3eceiptF then reship the serial number to correct the serial and maintain trac!ing against the sales order. 1*. )hipping serial error but item 01/ seriali5ed 'ee 0ote +6>9+$.1

01/?(11$>**.1 4 .ot / 'erial Control 'etups 01/?($1>1$+.1 4 AQ( Inter41rgani5ation and Internal 'ales 1rder 3eceipts 01/?(&>;61>.1 4 Cannot /ransact 'erial 0umber with ,ar! I- Populated / 1rphan 'erial 0umbers 01/?(&+*19&.1 4 -uplicate 'erial 0umber In 'hipping /ransaction orm 01/?(&)6;>;.1 4 I07( 3estrict 3eceipt 1f 'erials Profile Is 'et /o Bes But 'till 'erial 0umbers With 'tatus 21ut 1f 'tores2 Are Allowed in WIP /ransactions 01/?(&6>&>;.1 4 Dnable /o ?nter A 'erial 0umber In 3eceipt APP4I074>**66 / -ata i8 or Current 'tatus G ) 01/?(&;&+$1.1 4 'erial 0umber Ceneration gets Prefi8 from ,odel not Configured Item 01/?(*)9>1$.1 4 AQ( In#entor" 'tandard -atafi8es In#entor" Dser2s Cuide BDC()++$;$& 4 -I3?C/ I0/?313C /3A0' ?3 1 A/1 I/?, AI.I0C BDC()9&>;*6 4 ?0C(-?.AB /1 /3A0'AC/ '?3IA.'

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