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S. V. Institute of Management Center for Excellence CMAT 2014-15 GK Today 29 !

201" Tick the right answers from the options given below:
1. Our financial system has provided for the transfer of resources from the centre to the states; the important means of resource transfer are a) Tax sharing b) grant-in-aids c) loans d) All the above


ebenture holders of a company are its a) !hareholders b) creditors c) debtors d) directors

". #xcise duty is a tax levied on the a) import of goods b) #xport of goods

c) $roduction of goods d) sale of goods %. & andia& is a popular dance of a) $un'ab b) (u'arat c) Tamil )adu d) *aharashtra

+. &,atha-ali& is a fol- dance prevalent in .hich state/ a) ,arnata-a b) Orissa c) ,erala d) *anipur

0. 1hich of the dances is a solo dance/ a) Ottan Thullal b) ,uchipudi c) 2a-shagana d) Odissi

3. ,atha- is a classical dance of a) )orth 4ndia b) Tamilnadu c) *anipur d) ,erala 5. The troops raised by the emperor but not paid directly the state and place under the charge of mansabadars .ere -no. as a) 1alashahi b) 6ara.ardi c) 78uma-i d) a-hili

9. The treaty of *angalore .as signed bet.een a) The #nglish #ast 4ndia 8ompany and :aidar Ali b) The #nglish #ast 4ndia 8ompany and Tipu !ultan c) :aidar Ali and the ;amorin of 8alicut

d) The <rench #ast 4ndia 8ompany and Tipu !ultan 1=. The victories of ,ari-ala are .ell portrayed in a) $alamoli b) Aruvanad c) $attinappalai 11. Todar *al .as associated .ith

d) $adirrupattu

a) *usic b) literature

c) land revenue reforms

d) la.

12. 2=th August is celebrated as a)#arth ay b) !adbhavana ivas c) )o Tobacco ay 1". 1hen is the 1orld $opulation ay observed/ a) *ay "1 b) October % c) ecember 1= 1%. #xcise duty is a tax levied on the

d) )one of these

d) 7uly 11

a) import of goods b) #xport of goods c) production of goods

d) !ale of goods

1+. Tipu sultan .as the ruler of a) :yderabad b) *ysore c) *adurai d) >i'ayanagar

10. The term ,halisa in *ughal administration signified the a) entire 4mperial establishment b) religious land grants c) land o.ned b the emperor himself d) land from .here revenue .as collected for the 4mperial Treasury

13. &The >edas contain all the truth .as interpreted by a) !.ami >ive-ananda b) !.ami ayananda d) )one of the above c) ?a'a ?ammohan ?oy

15. Tulsidas@ the author of Ramcharitmanas@ .as a contemporary of .hich of the rulers/ a) A-bar b) :umayun c) !hah'ahan d) !her !hah !uri

19. Astad *ansur .as a famous painter in the region of

a) !ha'ahan

b) A-bar

c) 7ahangir

d) :umayun

2=. The >i'ayanagara -ing .ho employed s-illed archers of the Tur-ish clan and raised the fighting capacity of his .as a) 6u--a 4 b) evaraya 4 c) ,rishnadevaraya d) ?amaraya


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